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Zooplankton annual cycle in a Mediterranean coastal area   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The annual cycle of the zooplankton community in the SaronikosGulf (Aegean Sea, Greece) was studied over a period of 2 years.The sampling scheme included monthly hauls at three stationsdifferentiated according to depth and neritic character. Maximumvalues of total zooplankton abundance were found in summer monthsup to early autumn and partially in spring. Copepods dominatedduring most of the year (Clausocalanus furcatus, Paracalanusparvus, Temora stylifera, Ctenocalanus vanus, Oithona similis,Oithona plumifera), while cladocerans (Penilia avirostris) wereabundant in summer months and in September. No important fluctuationswere detected between the 2 years of study, while monthly oneswere more significant in the more neritic station during thewinter–spring period. Correspondence analysis showed thatthe seasonal evolution of zooplankton is related to environmentalparameters: temperature, hydrography expressed in open sea influenceand topography.  相似文献   

Zooplankton variability in a lagoon of the Po Delta, the Sacca di Goro, was studied in relation to changes in its hydrodynamic and hydrological features. From 1987 to 1992 the lagoon was affected each summer by severe anoxia due to the decomposition of dense and widespread beds of Ulva rigida. In August 1992 a canal was opened through the sand bank closing off the lagoon from the sea in order to improve the water circulation. This hydraulic intervention led to significant environmental changes in the lagoon: during the two subsequent years the summer dystrophic crises were brief and less severe, due to a sharp decrease in the Ulva cover. At the same time a clear increase in phytoplankton biomass values was observed. Following the opening of the channel, the most remarkable change in zooplankton was a significant density increase of calanoids, particularly of Acartia tonsa.  相似文献   

We monitored the concentration of 21 trace elements in zooplankton samples collected in a Northwestern Mediterranean coastal ecosystem (Italy). In the last 20 years, this area has been the target of important anthropogenic impacts including maritime traffic and substantial industrial activities. Zooplankton contributes to the transfer of trace metals to higher trophic levels and constitute one of the recommended groups for the baseline studies of metals in the marine environment. The essential trace elements (As, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Mo, Co, Cr, Se, Ni) and the nonessential trace elements (Al, Be, Cd, Pb, Sb, Sn, V) were generally found at concentrations of no concern in the analyzed zooplankton samples, but showed important variations between seasons and different water depths. The zooplankton was found to be a significant accumulator of metals, and bioaccumulation factors were in the range of 28 (Co) to 10,9015 (Fe) in marine surficial waters, with increasing values at increasing water depth. Zooplankton is a useful bioindicator to assess metal contamination and its impact in the marine environment.  相似文献   

We studied the key environmental variables shaping plant assemblages in Mediterranean abandoned ricefields with contrasting freshwater inputs over saline sediments. Plant species cover, water levels and soil variables were studied following a stratified random sampling design. Multivariate analysis identified water regime, particularly summer and autumn irrigation, as the most important environmental variable associated with vegetation composition. Distribution of annual and emergent macrophytes was not associated to salinity as found at the study site (0.57–4.1 mS/cm). Increased soil salinity, caused by summer irrigation near the soil surface did affect shallow-marsh assemblage distribution. These key environmental characteristics allowed us to identify six main assemblages. Annual macrophytes (such as Zannichellia palustris) were defined by high (over 10 cm) annual mean water level (MWL) and early successional conditions; emergent macrophytes (such as Typha spp., Scirpus lacustris) by annual MWL of 10 to − 25 cm and continuous shallow flooding in summer and autumn (MWL of 0–10 cm). The shallow-marsh group, correlated with annual MWL − 25 to − 100 cm, separated into two subgroups by salinity: grassland (including Paspalum distichum) with summer and autumn MWL below − 25 cm and brackish (with Juncus subulatus or Agrostis stolonifera) with summer and autumn MWL just below the soil surface (0 to − 25 cm). Water levels for the grassland subgroup may equate with a salinity ‘refuge’ for P. distichum. Time was a further determinant of variation in the full data set. Abundance of a large group of agricultural annuals (such as Sonchus tenerrimus) and damp ground annuals (including ricefield weeds such as Ammania robusta) decreased with time as bare ground disappeared. Maintenance of spatial vegetation heterogeneity in abandoned ricefields is contingent on continued water regime management.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a mechanistic model to relate α- and γ-diversity to area per se, moisture status and environmental variation (local and total), and explored the effects these abiotic variables have on species richness per unit area (α-diversity) for plant communities in a network of wetland habitats located in a Mediterranean mountainous region of central Spain. In this study, environmental status is measured as actual evapotranspiration (as an expression of energy), slope and soil wetness, and environmental variation refers to slope variation and soil wetness variation. Species richness per unit area was related to soil wetness, soil wetness variation, ground slope and ground slope variation. There were also positive correlations among moisture status and environmental variation variables. There is a joint effect of slope and soil wetness variation in explaining species richness per unit area of these wetland habitats, but area effects and energy are relatively unimportant. We conclude that species richness per unit area of wetland vegetation can be explained by moisture status and local environmental variation, and that habitat area may not have an important effect. Area could affect γ-diversity directly through random sampling and/or indirectly through increasing β-diversity, and energy may be important in areas with larger energy ranges. Complete surveys of environmental status, local and total environmental variation, and their associated species assemblages are needed to explain the processes that give rise to the rule that larger areas have larger species richness.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the microphytoplankton assemblages were examined in the coastal zone of Bozcaada Island with regard to some major physical and chemical variables. Samples were collected from May 2000 to December 2001 at four stations. A total of 108 dinoflagellates, 102 diatoms, 1 chrysophycean, 3 dictyochophycean, and 1 prasinophycean species were identified and quantified during the study period. Diatoms and dinoflagellates were the most important in terms of species number and abundance. The maximum values of total microphytoplankton were observed at 0.5 m depth (46.2 × 103 cells l−1 at st. 3) in May as this was the month when the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pungens bloomed. Chlorophyll (chl) a concentration ranged between 0.08 (August) and 0.78 μg l−1 (February). May was another important month in which chlorophyll a increased (0.41–0.47 μg l−1). Species diversity values (Hlog2) ranged from 1.66 bits (June, 20 m) to 4.11 bits (November, 0.5 m). The increase was attributed to a more balanced distribution of abundance among species. The amounts of nitrate + nitrite (0.6−3.7 μg-at N l−1), phosphate (0.2−0.6 μg-at P l−1) and silicate (0.7−2.5 μg-at Si l−1) were recorded on each sampling occasion. Nutrient concentrations and chl a values of the research area were found to be poorer than those of the many other coastal areas in the northeastern Mediterranean. The mean atomic ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus varied from 1.3 (June) to 12.9 (February). This ratio was lower than the Redfield ratio of 16 for ocean phytoplankton, and phytoplankton was potentially limited by nitrogen for most of the months. The result of this study confirms and emphasizes the oligotrophic nature of the eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

1. Despite wide recognition that fish assemblages are influenced by factors operating over a range of spatial scales, little effort has been devoted to quantifying large‐scale variation and the multiscale dependencies of assemblage patterns and processes. This is particularly true for Mediterranean streams, where seasonally predictable drying‐up may lead to a strong association between assemblage attributes and large‐scale factors affecting the distribution of population sources and extinction likelihood. 2. The contribution of large‐scale factors to stream fish assemblage variation was quantified across a Mediterranean landscape, in south‐west Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition were estimated at 166 sites across third‐ to sixth‐order streams, in March–July 1998. Variance partitioning by redundancy analyses was used to analyse assemblage variation against three sets of predictor variables: environmental (catchment position, and geomorphic and hydrological factors), large‐scale spatial trends and neighbourhood effects. 3. Environmental variables and spatial trends accounted for 34.6% of the assemblage variation across the entire region, and for 36.6 and 57.8% within the two largest catchments (Mira and Seixe). Neighbourhood effects were analysed at the catchment scale, increasing the explained variation to 56.1% (Mira) and 70.7% (Seixe). 4. A prevailing environmental gradient was reflected in an increase in the abundance of all species and size‐classes in relation to catchment position, with more fish present in larger streams and in downstream reaches. Variables describing geomorphic and hydrological settings were less important in explaining assemblage variation. 5. Spatial trends always accounted for the smallest fraction of assemblage variation, and they were probably associated with historical barriers to fish dispersal. The strong neighbourhood effects may be related to spatially autocorrelated habitat conditions, but they are also a likely consequence of fish emigration/extinction and colonisation processes. 6. These results emphasise that a substantial proportion of fish assemblage variation in Mediterranean streams may be explained by large‐scale factors, irrespective of microhabitats and local biotic interactions. It is suggested that this pattern results to a large extent from the seasonal drying‐up, with the summer shortage of surface water limiting fish occurrence in headwaters, and consequently the key core areas for fish concentrating in larger streams and tributaries adjacent to large streams because of neighbourhood effects.  相似文献   

Species Temporal Turnover (STT) is one of the most familiar metrics to assess changes in assemblage composition as a consequence of climate change. However, STT mixes two components in one metric, changes in assemblage composition caused by a process of species loss or gain (i.e. the nestedness component) and changes in assemblage composition caused by a process of species replacement (i.e. the species replacement component). Drawing on previous studies investigating spatial patterns of beta diversity, we propose measures of STT that allow analysing each component (species replacement vs. nestedness), separately. We also present a mapping strategy to simultaneously visualize changes in species richness and assemblage composition. To illustrate our approach, we used the Mediterranean coastal fish fauna as a case study. Using Bioclimatic Envelope Models (BEMs) we first projected the potential future climatic niches of 288 coastal Mediterranean fish species based on a global warming scenario. We then aggregated geographically the species‐level projections to analyse the projected changes in species richness and composition. Our results show that projected changes in assemblage composition are caused by different processes (species replacement vs. nestedness) in several areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, our mapping strategy highlights that the coastal fish fauna in several regions of the Mediterranean Sea could experience a ‘cul‐de‐sac’ effect if exposed to climate warming. Overall, the joint exploration of changes in species richness and composition coupled with the distinction between species replacement and nestedness bears important information for understanding the nature of climate change impacts on biodiversity. These methodological advances should help decision‐makers in prioritizing action in the areas facing the greatest vulnerability to climate.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses and derived population-level metrics were used to quantitatively analyse spatial and seasonal heterogeneity in the fish trophic dynamics in relation to environmental variables in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria (Tanzania). The fish community in Lake Victoria, including the top predator Nile perch, is generally omnivorous with a heavy reliance on invertebrates. This is in contrast to findings based on stomach content analyses of Nile perch, which showed a stronger reliance on fish. We tested two hypotheses: (1) during the rainy seasons multiple carbon sources influence the food-web structure inside the Gulf, leading to increased carbon ranges and trophic diversity. (2) During dry periods, the food-web structure mainly relies on pelagic primary production, reducing carbon ranges and trophic diversity. Carbon sources indeed varied seasonally and spatially, affecting the fish community at the highest trophic levels. With the onset of rains, carbon sources became spatially highly differentiated with enriched δ13C values of fish in shallow water inside the Gulf and depleted δ13C values in open waters. Metrics associated with niche size correlated significantly with seasonally varying environmental variables, while δ13C ranges correlated with spatially varying environmental variables.  相似文献   

The current interest in Mediterranean temporary wet habitats, considered to be habitats of European Community Interest, is mainly due to their characteristic flora and fauna. Several contributions characterize each of these two components separately, but considering them simultaneously could reveal possible interactions and a more complete view of the habitat that would be useful to improve conservation measures. This paper investigates crustacean and plant assemblages in six Mediterranean temporary ponds and their relationship with several environmental variables. Significant positive relationships were found between species richness and Shannon diversity index of plant and crustacean assemblages. Crustaceans had a higher similarity among ponds than plants and, consequently, each pond had a more characteristic assemblage of plants than of crustaceans. The two groups showed a different sensitivity to environmental factors and only two factors affected both: altitude and surface area of the wet system. Disturbances (e.g. grazing by cattle) and pond size were very important for plants, whereas they were irrelevant for crustaceans. On the other hand, distance to the nearest pond, hydroperiod length, and water nitrogen were only important for crustaceans. Although similar trends on richness and diversity were observed for both biotic groups, the use of only one of them for conservation programs would not be sufficient. Our results suggest that simultaneously taking into account several community components would result in a better understanding of ecosystem functionality.  相似文献   

莱州湾金城海域浮游动物群落结构及与环境因子的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
于2009年和2010年3—12月在莱州湾金城海域对浮游动物群落结构及其环境因子进行了连续20个月份的综合调查,共记录到浮游动物75种,分属14个不同大类。浮游动物以桡足类和浮游幼虫居多,分别鉴定出22种、20类,占种类总数的29.3%、26.7%,其次为水螅水母类,鉴定出11种,端足类、被囊动物、腹足类和栉水母类分别鉴定出6种、4种、4种、2种,其它枝角类、毛颚动物、等足类、糠虾类、磷虾类以及钵水母类各鉴定出1种。主要优势种为强壮箭虫(优势度Y=0.24)、中华哲水蚤(Y=0.13)、墨氏胸刺水蚤(Y=0.07)、以及洪氏纺锤水蚤(Y=0.02)。2009年与2010年浮游动物群落结构的变化趋势比较稳定,同一季节群落结构相似度达到40%以上。浮游动物丰度分别在2009年及2010年的5月份达到最高值951.65个/m3、1348.14个/m3。种类数分别在2009年9月和2010年6月达到最高值48种、40种。多样性指数分别在2009年10月及2010年5月达到最高值2.6、2.7,呈现明显的季节变化特征。典范对应分析(Canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)显示,水温和盐度是影响浮游动物群落结构最主要的影响因子,水温与浮游动物种类数的相关系数达到0.87(P0.01)。盐度与浮游动物数量的相关系数为0.484(P0.05)。透明度、化学耗氧量、pH、叶绿素及总氮总磷等环境参数对浮游动物群落结构的影响较弱。  相似文献   

In the Rhone delta area the seston concentration was maximum in the plume waters where small-sized particles dominated, while marine waters were characterized by large particles. The food conditions were optimal for grazers in the interface layer, where the high chlorophyll concentration contrasted with the low values found under the plume.The mesozooplankton specific composition did not show marked difference in and outside the plume. No special pattern for particle size selection by grazers appeared in the plume, contrary to marine waters, where largest particles were the most intensively grazed. The calculations of specific ingestion and filtration rates show that the plume waters (particularly at the salinity interface) were more favourable to zooplankton feeding than the marine ones (outside and under the plume). Nevertheless, taking into account the high level of seston biomass in the whole area studied, the daily grazing pressure of mesozooplankton was very low.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(3):249-265
A study on the spatial distribution of two tenebrionids and an isopod species was conducted at a small extent. Two species of the genus Phaleria were chosen because of their sympatric distribution and apparently similar adaptations to the beach environment. These scavenger species were studied in association to Tylos europaeus. Distributions, both perpendicular and parallel to the shoreline, were studied simultaneously with a grid of 20 × 20 pitfall traps arranged at a distance of 1 m from each other. Faunal samples were collected at two different hours of the night and core samples of sand were taken next to each pitfall trap for successive laboratory analysis. An index of dispersion was applied to test for aggregation of all species and of environmental parameters on the total, across- and long-shore. Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test was used to compare the distributions between species. Regression analyse were applied to evaluate relationships between environmental parameters and species distributions. The study showed that the distribution of Phaleria species and T. europaeus was scale-dependent. The species and the values of the environmental parameters showed aggregated distributions both across- and long-shore. Aggregations of each Phaleria species differed according to their resting and foraging phases. For all species, sand moisture and salinity were the most important parameters explaining distribution. Granulometric parameters were correlated with the choice of the resting areas of both Phaleria species, whereas the spatial distribution of T. europaeus was correlated to the distribution of the organic matter.  相似文献   

A study on the spatial distribution of two tenebrionids and an isopod species was conducted at a small extent. Two species of the genus Phaleria were chosen because of their sympatric distribution and apparently similar adaptations to the beach environment. These scavenger species were studied in association to Tylos europaeus. Distributions, both perpendicular and parallel to the shoreline, were studied simultaneously with a grid of 20 × 20 pitfall traps arranged at a distance of 1 m from each other. Faunal samples were collected at two different hours of the night and core samples of sand were taken next to each pitfall trap for successive laboratory analysis. An index of dispersion was applied to test for aggregation of all species and of environmental parameters on the total, across- and long-shore. Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test was used to compare the distributions between species. Regression analyse were applied to evaluate relationships between environmental parameters and species distributions. The study showed that the distribution of Phaleria species and T. europaeus was scale-dependent. The species and the values of the environmental parameters showed aggregated distributions both across- and long-shore. Aggregations of each Phaleria species differed according to their resting and foraging phases. For all species, sand moisture and salinity were the most important parameters explaining distribution. Granulometric parameters were correlated with the choice of the resting areas of both Phaleria species, whereas the spatial distribution of T. europaeus was correlated to the distribution of the organic matter.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in biological conservation has been to understand species distribution across space and time. Over the last decades, many diversity and conservation surveys have been conducted that have revealed that habitat heterogeneity acts as a major factor that determines saproxylic assemblages. However, temporal dynamics have been poorly studied, especially in Mediterranean forests. We analyzed saproxylic beetle distribution at inter and intra-annual scales in a “dehesa” ecosystem, which is a traditional Iberian agrosilvopastoral ecosystem that is characterized by the presence of old and scattered trees that dominate the landscape. Significant differences in effective numbers of families/species and species richness were found at the inter-annual scale, but this was not the case for composition. Temperature and relative humidity did not explain these changes which were mainly due to the presence of rare species. At the intra-annual scale, significant differences in the effective numbers of families/species, species richness and composition between seasons were found, and diversity partitioning revealed that season contributed significantly to gamma-diversity. Saproxylic beetle assemblages exhibited a marked seasonality in richness but not in abundance, with two peaks of activity, the highest between May and June, and the second between September and October. This pattern is mainly driven by the seasonality of the climate in the Mediterranean region, which influences ecosystem dynamics and imposes a marked seasonality on insect assemblages. An extended sampling period over different seasons allowed an overview of saproxylic dynamics, and revealed which families/species were restricted to particular seasons. Recognizing that seasons act as a driver in modelling saproxylic beetle assemblages might be a valuable tool in monitoring and for conservation strategies in Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

Cottenie  Karl  Nuytten  Nele  Michels  Erik  De Meester  Luc 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):339-350
We studied the zooplankton community structure in a set of 33 interconnected shallow ponds that are restricted to a relatively small area (`De Maten', Genk, Belgium, 200 ha). As the ponds share the same water source, geology and history, and as the ponds are interconnected (reducing chance effects of dispersal with colonisation), differences in zooplankton community structure can be attributed to local biotic and abiotic interactions. We studied zooplankton community, biotic (phytoplankton, macrophyte cover, fish densities, macroinvertebrate densities), abiotic (turbidity, nutrient concentrations, pH, conductivity, iron concentration) and morphometric (depth, area, perimeter) characteristics of the different ponds. Our results indicate that the ponds differ substantially in their zooplankton community structure, and that these differences are strongly related to differences in trophic structure and biotic interactions, in concordance with the theory of alternative equilibria. Ponds in the clear-water state are characterised by large Daphnia species and species associated with the littoral zone, low chlorophyll-a concentrations, low fish densities and high macroinvertebrate densities. Ponds in the turbid-water state are characterised by high abundances of rotifers, cyclopoid copepods and the opposite environmental conditions. Some ponds show an intermediate pattern, with a dominance of small Daphnia species. Our results show that interconnected ponds may differ strongly in zooplankton community composition, and that these differences are related to differences in predation intensity (top-down) and habitat diversity (macrophyte cover).  相似文献   

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