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The analysis of the virulence determinants of phytopathogenic Rhodococcus fascians has been hampered by the lack of a system for introducing exogenous DNA. We investigated the possibility of genetic transformation of R. fascians by high-voltage electroporation of intact bacterial cells in the presence of plasmid DNA. Electrotransformation in R. fascians D188 resulted in transformation frequencies ranging from 105/μg of DNA to 107/μg of DNA, depending on the DNA concentration. The effects of different electrical parameters and composition of electroporation medium on transformation efficiency are presented. By this transformation method, a cloning vector (pRF28) for R. fascians based on an indigenous 160-kilobase (chloramphenicol and cadmium resistance-encoding) plasmid pRF2 from strain NCPPB 1675 was developed. The origin of replication and the chloramphenicol resistance gene on pRF28 were used to construct cloning vectors that are capable of replication in R. fascians and Escherichia coli. The electroporation method presented was efficient enough to allow detection of the rare integration of replication-deficient pRF28 derivatives in the R. fascians D188 genome via either homologous or illegitimate recombination.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of Rhodococcus fascians cells to degrade limonin and limonin species (limonoate, limonoate-D-ring lactone and limonoate-A-ring lactone) was checked against pH. These studies showed a marked effect of pH on cell growth mainly due to substrate availability (limonin species). Evolution of limonin and its species within the medium were followed at different pH values. The best substrate for Rhodococcus fascians at pH 7.0 was limonoate whereas at pH 4.0 to 5.5 it appeared to be limonin. Results suggest that the citrus juice debittering process start only once the natural precursor of limonin (limonoate A ring lactone) has been transformed into limonin, the equilibrium displacement being governed by the citrus juice pH.  相似文献   

Plant growth, development, and morphology can be affected by several environmental stimuli and by specific interactions with phytopathogens. In many cases, plants respond to pathogenic stimuli by adapting their hormone levels. Here, the interaction between the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians and one of its host plants, tobacco, was analyzed phenotypically and molecularly. To elucidate the basis of the cell division modulation and shoot primordia initiation caused by R. fascians, tobacco plants were infected at leaf axils and shoot apices. Adventitious meristems that gave rise to multiple-shoot primordia (leafy galls) were formed. The use of a transgenic line carrying the mitotic CycB1 promoter fused to the reporter gene coding for beta-glucuronidase from Escherichia coli (uidA), revealed that stem cortical cells were stimulated to divide in an initial phase of the leafy gall ontogenesis. Local cytokinin and auxin levels throughout the infection process as well as modulation of expression of the cell cycle regulator gene Nicta;CycD3;2 are discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of a 138-kilobase plasmid (pD188) correlated with increased resistance to cadmium in Rhodococcus fascians D188. This plasmid could be transferred by a conjugation-like system in matings between R. fascians strains. Transconjugants expressed the cadmium resistance and could be used as donors in subsequent matings. Four other R. fascians strains (NCPPB 1488, NCPPB 1675, NCPPB 2551, and ATCC 12974) could also be used as donors for cadmium resistance in matings. Strain NCPPB 1675 showed a 100% cotransfer of cadmium and chloramphenicol resistance markers.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus fascians is currently the only phytopathogen of which the virulence genes occur on a linear plasmid. To get insight into the origin of this replicon and into the virulence strategy of this broad-spectrum phytopathogen, the sequence of the linear plasmid of strain D188, pFiD188, was determined. Analysis of the 198,917 bp revealed four syntenic regions with linear plasmids of R. erythropolis, R. jostii, and R. opacus, suggesting a common origin of these replicons. Mutational analysis of pFi_086 and pFi_102, similar to cutinases and type IV peptidases, respectively, showed that conserved region R2 was involved in plasmid dispersal and pointed toward a novel function for actinobacterial cutinases in conjugation. Additionally, pFiD188 had three regions that were unique for R. fascians. Functional analysis of the stk and nrp loci of regions U2 and U3, respectively, indicated that their role in symptom development was limited compared with that of the previously identified fas, att, and hyp virulence loci situated in region U1. Thus, pFiD188 is a typical rhodococcal linear plasmid with a composite structure that encodes core functions involved in plasmid maintenance and accessory functions, some possibly acquired through horizontal gene transfer, implicated in virulence and the interaction with the host.  相似文献   

The role and metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid in gram-negative bacteria is well documented, but little is known about indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis and regulation in gram-positive bacteria. The phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians, a gram-positive organism, incites diverse developmental alterations, such as leafy galls, on a wide range of plants. Phenotypic analysis of a leafy gall suggests that auxin may play an important role in the development of the symptoms. We show here for the first time that R. fascians produces and secretes the auxin indole-3-acetic acid. Interestingly, whereas noninfected-tobacco extracts have no effect, indole-3-acetic acid synthesis is highly induced in the presence of infected-tobacco extracts when tryptophan is not limiting. Indole-3-acetic acid production by a plasmid-free strain shows that the biosynthetic genes are located on the bacterial chromosome, although plasmid-encoded genes contribute to the kinetics and regulation of indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis. The indole-3-acetic acid intermediates present in bacterial cells and secreted into the growth media show that the main biosynthetic route used by R. fascians is the indole-3-pyruvic acid pathway with a possible rate-limiting role for indole-3-ethanol. The relationship between indole-3-acetic acid production and the symptoms induced by R. fascians is discussed.  相似文献   

The role and metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid in gram-negative bacteria is well documented, but little is known about indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis and regulation in gram-positive bacteria. The phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians, a gram-positive organism, incites diverse developmental alterations, such as leafy galls, on a wide range of plants. Phenotypic analysis of a leafy gall suggests that auxin may play an important role in the development of the symptoms. We show here for the first time that R. fascians produces and secretes the auxin indole-3-acetic acid. Interestingly, whereas noninfected-tobacco extracts have no effect, indole-3-acetic acid synthesis is highly induced in the presence of infected-tobacco extracts when tryptophan is not limiting. Indole-3-acetic acid production by a plasmid-free strain shows that the biosynthetic genes are located on the bacterial chromosome, although plasmid-encoded genes contribute to the kinetics and regulation of indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis. The indole-3-acetic acid intermediates present in bacterial cells and secreted into the growth media show that the main biosynthetic route used by R. fascians is the indole-3-pyruvic acid pathway with a possible rate-limiting role for indole-3-ethanol. The relationship between indole-3-acetic acid production and the symptoms induced by R. fascians is discussed.  相似文献   

KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) genes promote stem cell activity and must be repressed to form determinate lateral organs. Stable KNOX gene silencing during organogenesis is known to involve the predicted DNA binding proteins ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 as well as the chromatin-remodeling factor HIRA. However, the mechanism of silencing is unknown. Here, we show that AS1 and AS2 form a repressor complex that binds directly to the regulatory motifs CWGTTD and KMKTTGAHW present at two sites in the promoters of the KNOX genes BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP) and KNAT2. The two binding sites act nonredundantly, and interaction between AS1-AS2 complexes at these sites is required to repress BP. Promoter deletion analysis further indicates that enhancer elements required for BP expression in the leaf are located between the AS1-AS2 complex binding sites. We propose that AS1-AS2 complexes interact to create a loop in the KNOX promoter and, likely through recruitment of HIRA, form a repressive chromatin state that blocks enhancer activity during organogenesis. Our model for AS1-AS2-mediated KNOX gene silencing is conceptually similar to the action of an insulator. This regulatory mechanism may be conserved in simple leafed species of monocot and dicot lineages and constitutes a potential key determinant in the evolution of compound leaves.  相似文献   

Abstract The possibility to obtain specific antisera to detect Rhodococcus fascians in imported lily bulbs is taken into consideration for not allowing the admission of this pathogen in Italy. For the production of specific antisera and in order to avoid the occurtence of cross-reactions between R. fascians and some of the most widespread soilborne, plant decay bacteria and with Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora a preliminary work for singling out the best immunogens, scheduleof immunization and antisera dilution for using in indirect immunofluorescence has been carried out. Living cells and heattreated cells were proved to be good immunogens and long-term immunization provided higher titers than short-term immunization. Toobtain a satisfactory specificity the dilution of the antisera is required. The 1: 800 dilution is quite effective in overcoming cross-reactions whereas undiluted antisera and antisera used at 1: 100 and 1: 200 dilution did not provide specificity.  相似文献   

Bacterial strains isolated from the healthy breech mucosa and myiatic wounds of ewes were tested for their volatile production as fly attractants towards Wohlfahrtia magnifica (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Cultures were studied as fly baits in field experiments, and strains performing with the best chemotropic effect were selected for further analysis. Static and dynamic headspace samples from shaken cultures were examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Strains identified as Rhodococcus fascians and Mycobacterium aurum produced various volatile sulfur compounds and benzene, and proved to be the best fly attractants.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication delivers critical information for position-dependent specification of cell fate. In plants, a novel mechanism for cell-to-cell communication involves the intercellular trafficking of regulatory proteins and mRNAs. The maize KNOTTED1 (KN1) gene acts non cell-autonomously in the maize leaf, and KN1 was the first plant protein shown to traffic cell-to-cell, presumably through plasmodesmata. We have compared the intercellular trafficking of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions of KN1 and Arabidopsis KN1-related homeobox proteins to that of the viral movement protein from turnip vein clearing tobamovirus. We show that there is specific developmental regulation of GFP approximately KN1 trafficking. GFP -- KN1 was able to traffic from the inner layers of the leaf to the epidermis, but not in the opposite direction, from epidermis to mesophyll. However, GFP or the GFP -- movement protein fusion moved readily out of the epidermis. GFP -- KN1 was however able to traffic out of the epidermal (L1) layer in the shoot apical meristem, indicating that KN1 movement out of the L1 was developmentally regulated. GFP -- KNAT1/BREVIPEDICELLUS and GFP -- SHOOTMERISTEMLESS fusions could also traffic from the L1 to the L2/L3 layers of the meristem. In a test for the functional significance of trafficking, we showed that L1-specific expression of KN1 or of KNAT1 was able to partially complement the strong shootmeristemless-11 (stm-11) mutant. However, a cell-autonomous GUS fusion to KN1 showed neither trafficking ability nor complementation of stm-11 when expressed in the L1. These results suggest that the activity of KN1 and related homeobox proteins is maintained following intercellular trafficking, and that trafficking may be required for their normal developmental function.  相似文献   

The effect of Rhodococcus fascians, the causal agent of leafy gall disease, on the mitotic behavior of synchronized tobacco Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells was investigated. Incubation of aphidicolin-synchronized BY-2 cells with R. fascians cells specifically resulted in a broader mitotic index peak, an effect that was linked to an intact and expressed fas virulence locus. The obtained results pointed towards an effect of R. fascians on the prophase of mitosis. The relevance of these results to the virulence of the bacterium is discussed.  相似文献   

The YABBY (YAB) genes specify abaxial cell fate in lateral organs in Arabidopsis. Loss-of-function mutants in two early-expressing YAB genes, FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) and YAB3, do not exhibit vegetative phenotypes as a result of redundancy. Mutations in these genes result in the derepression of the KNOX homeobox genes SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM), BREVIPEDICELLUS, and KNAT2 in the leaves and in the partial rescue of stm mutants. Here, we show that fil yab3 double mutants exhibit ectopic meristem formation on the adaxial surfaces of cotyledons and leaf blades. We propose that in addition to abaxial specification, lateral organ development requires YAB function to downregulate KNOTTED homeobox genes so that meristem initiation and growth are restricted to the apex.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the chloramphenicol-resistance gene (cmr) of Rhodococcus fascians NCPPB 1675 (located on the conjugative plasmid pRF2) allowed the identification of two possible open reading frames (ORFs), of which ORF1 was consistent with the mutational analysis. Biochemical analysis of cmr revealed that it does not encode an antibiotic-modifying enzyme. The amino acid sequence of ORF1 predicted a hydrophobic protein, with 12 putative membrane-spanning domains, homologous to proteins involved in the efflux of tetracycline across the plasma membrane. Expression of the cmr gene was induced by addition of chloramphenicol to the growth media. The promoter of this gene was restricted to 50 bp upstream from a 200 bp 5'-untranslated mRNA region, the latter containing two inverted repeats. At the amino acid level, the cmr gene is 52% identical to a previously identified chloramphenicol-resistance determinant in Streptomyces lividans, indicating a wider dispersion of this type of cmr gene among the actinomycetes.  相似文献   

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