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Pharaoh's ants organise their foraging system using three types of trail pheromone. All previous foraging models based on specific ant foraging systems have assumed that only a single attractive pheromone is used. Here we present an agent-based model based on trail choice at a trail bifurcation within the foraging trail network of a Pharaoh's ant colony which includes both attractive (positive) and repellent (negative) trail pheromones. Experiments have previously shown that Pharaoh's ants use both types of pheromone. We investigate how the repellent pheromone affects trail choice and foraging success in our simulated foraging system. We find that both the repellent and attractive pheromones have a role in trail choice, and that the repellent pheromone prevents random fluctuations which could otherwise lead to a positive feedback loop causing the colony to concentrate its foraging on the unrewarding trail. An emergent feature of the model is a high level of variability in the level of repellent pheromone on the unrewarding branch. This is caused by the repellent pheromone exerting negative feedback on its own deposition. We also investigate the dynamic situation where the location of the food is changed after foraging trails are established. We find that the repellent pheromone has a key role in enabling the colony to refocus the foraging effort to the new location. Our results show that having a repellent pheromone is adaptive, as it increases the robustness and flexibility of the colony's overall foraging response.  相似文献   

Several glandular sources of trail pheromones have been discovered in army ants in general. Nevertheless, at present the understanding of the highly coordinated behavior of these ants is far from complete. The importance of trail pheromone communication for the coordination of raids and emigrations in the ponerine army ant Leptogenys distinguenda was examined, and its ecological function is discussed. The secretions of at least two glands organize the swarming activities of L. distinguenda. The pygidial gland is the source of an orientation pheromone holding the group of raiding workers together. The same pheromone guides emigrations to new nest sites. In addition, the poison sac contains two further components: one with a weak orientation effect and another which produces strong, but short-term attraction and excitement. The latter component is important in prey recruitment and characterizes raid trails. This highly volatile recruitment pheromone allows the extreme swarm dynamic characteristic of this species. Emigration trails lack the poison gland secretion. Due to their different chemical compositions, the ants are thus able to distinguish between raid and emigration trails. Nest emigration is not induced chemically, but mechanically, by the jerking movements of stimulating workers.  相似文献   

Route learning is key to the survival of many central place foragers, such as bees and many ants. For ants which lay pheromone trails, the presence of a trail may act as an important source of information about whether an error has been made. The presence of trail pheromone has been demonstrated to support route learning, and the effect of pheromones on route choice have been reported to persist even after the pheromones have been removed. This could be explained in two ways: the pheromone may constrain the ants onto the correct route, thus preventing errors and aiding learning. Alternatively, the pheromones may act as a ‘reassurance’, signalling that the learner is on the right path and that learning the path is worthwhile. Here, we disentangle pheromone presence from route confinement in order to test these hypotheses, using the ant Lasius niger as a model. Unexpectedly, we did not find any evidence that pheromones support route learning. Indeed, there was no evidence that ants confined to the correct route learned at all. Thus, while we cannot support the ‘reassurance’ hypothesis, we can rule out the ‘confinement’ hypothesis. Other findings, such as a reduction in pheromone deposition in the presence of trail pheromones, are remarkably consistent with previous experiments. As previously reported, ants which make errors on their outward journey upregulate pheromone deposition on their return. Surprisingly, ants which would go on to make an error down-regulate pheromone deposition on their outward journey, hinting at a capacity for ants to gauge the quality of their own memories.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many ants use pheromone trails to organize collective foraging. This study investigated the rate at which a well‐established Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.), trail breaks down on two substrates (polycarbonate plastic, newspaper). Workers were allowed to feed on sucrose solution from a feeder 30 cm from the nest. Between the nest and the feeder, the trail had a Y‐shaped bifurcation. Initially, while recruiting to and exploiting the feeder, workers could only deposit pheromone on the branch leading to the feeder. Once the trail was established (by approximately 60 ants per min for 20 min), the ants were not allowed to reinforce the trail and were given a choice between the marked and unmarked branches. The numbers of ants choosing each branch were counted for 30 min. Initially, most went to the side on which pheromone had been deposited (80% and 70% on the plastic and paper substrates, respectively). However, this decayed to 50% within 25 min for plastic and 8 min for paper. From these data, the half‐life times of the pheromone are estimated as approximately 9 min and 3 min on plastic and paper, respectively. The results show that, for M. pharaonis, trail decay is rapid and is affected strongly by trail substrate.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour of adultHomoeusa acuminata on trails of its hostLasius fuliginosus was investigated both in the field and in the laboratory. The beetles were active from May to September, accurately following the foraging trails of their hosts up to 20 metres from the nest. Most of the time, they were ignored by the ants, but if attacked they raised their abdomen as a possible appeasement or defensive behaviour. On trails the beetles most probably act as food robbers, feeding on prey collected by ants. The following method, called stowaway behaviour, was used by the beetles: when a beetle encountered an ant carrying a prey back to the nest it jumped on the prey, probably feeding on it while being transported.Laboratory experiments on circular artificial trails demonstrated thatH. acuminata follows a water extract of hindguts of the ants, the source of the trail pheromone. Both beetles and ants responded to an artificial trail of 0.03 hindgut equivalent per cm, but the mean distance followed by the beetles was about twelve times higher than that covered by the ants themselves. In contrast, experiments with solutions of the six fatty acids reported as the active components of the trail pheromone showed that the beetles did not respond at all, and that the ants only respond to the fatty acids at a very high concentration.  相似文献   

Foragers of the ant Formica schaufussi recruit nestmates to large anthropod prey and cooperatively transport the prey to the nest. The size of the group of ants retrieving prey is significantly correlated with the prey mass at the point at which the retrieval group reaches the nest entrance. To understand the mechanism involved in this size matching process, the regulation of retrieval group size was investigated by examining the modulatory role of trail pheromones in recruitment communication and the behavioral processes that might adjust retrieval group size to prey mass. Laboratory studies of hindgut, poison, and Dufour's gland extracts showed that the contents of the hindgut, which was determined to be the source of trail pheromone, induced recruitment and orientation behavior in ants and regulated the recruitment response of ants in the absence of any other communication signal. However, chemical mass communication alone did not appear to explain the regulation of retrieval group size. Scout ants assess whether to collect prey individually or recruit nestmates to group-retrieve 100-, 200-, or 400-mg prey but did not vary group size in relation to either the prey mass or the presence of interspecific competitors once the decision to initiate group retrieval was made. The number of recruits leaving the nest was independent of these factors and first matched prey mass during prey transport, possibly through a process of differential individual response to immobile versus mobile prey items. Unpredictable factors such as prey resistance to movement and rapidly changing degrees of interspecific competition may preclude scouts from fine-tuning the retrieval group size before it reaches the prey.  相似文献   

Many ants use pheromone trails to organize collective foraging. Trail pheromones are produced from different glandular sources and they may be specific to a single species or shared by a number of species. I investigated the source of trail pheromones in three Monomorium ant species: Monomorium niloticum (Emery), M. najrane (Collingwood & Agosti) and M. mayri (Forel). I also examined the optimal concentration, longevity and specificity of the pheromones. M. niloticum and M. najrane secrete trail pheromone from their venom glands, whereas M. mayri secrete trail pheromone from its Dufour's gland. The optimum concentration was 1.0 and 0.1 gaster equivalent (GE)/30 cm trail in M. niloticum, 1.0 GE in M. najrane and 5.0 GE in M. mayri. Longevity of the optimal concentration was about one day for all species. There is no species specificity among the three species of Monomorium in their trail pheromone.  相似文献   

Many social insects use pheromones to communicate and coordinatetheir activities. Investigation of intraspecific differencesin pheromone use is a new area of social insect research. Forexample, interindividual variation in alarm pheromone contenthas been found in physical castes of polymorphic ants. Manyant species use multiple trail pheromones. Here we present novelresearch into trail pheromone variations between behavioralsubcastes of pharaoh ants, Monomorium pharaonis. Monomoriumpharaonis is attracted to trail pheromones found in its poisonglands (monomorines) and Dufour's glands (faranal). We showthat the most abundant monomorines, I (M1) and III (M3), canbe readily detected in pheromone trails. A behaviorally distinctsubcaste known as "pathfinder" foragers can relocate long-livedpheromone trails. Chemical analysis showed that pathfinder foragershad low M3:M1 ratios (mean 3.09 ± 1.53, range 1.03–7.10).Nonpathfinder foragers had significantly greater M3:M1 ratios(38.3 ± 60.0, range 3.54–289). We found that M3:M1ratio did not differ between foragers of different age but wascorrelated with behavioral subcaste at all ages. The relativeabundance of M3:M1 on foraging trails ranged from 3.03–41.3over time during pheromone trail build-up. M3:M1 ratio alsovaried spatially throughout trail networks, being lowest ontrail sections closest to a food source (M3:M1 = 1.9–3.61)and highest near the nest (M3:M1 = 67–267). Our resultsindicate a functional role for differences in pheromone trailcomposition, whereby pathfinder foragers might preferentiallymark sections of pheromone trail networks for future exploration.  相似文献   

Summary In order to examine social behavior in the little-studied ponerine ant genusGnamptogenys, detailed observations were made on captive colonies ofG. horni. Compilation of a behavioral repertory gave evidence of age-based division of labor, with old ants more likely to forage and young ants more likely to tend brood. Workers were observed to line the walls of their nests with pieces of old cocoons, a behavior referred to as wallpapering and previously known from only one other ant species. Evidence was obtained for the use of trail recruitment pheromones in foraging and in nest-moving. Examination of prey remains in natural nests indicated thatG. horni feeds principally on a wide variety of ants, but also on other arthropods.  相似文献   

Summary The pygidial (anal) gland was found to be the source of trail pheromone in the antTapinoma simrothi. Bioassays conducted with fractionated pygidial gland secretion indicated that the fraction containing iridodials and iridomyrmecin is responsible for the trail pheromone activity. Thus workers ofT. simrothi may utilize the same glandular exudate for alarm and trail following. At high emission rates from a point source, the ants responded in alarm, e.g., rushed to the source with open mandibles and raised abdomen. When concentrations were low and drawn as a line, the ants followed the secretion calmly. Trails ofT. simrothi are long-lived, having a biological half-life of 10 to 19 days. Quantitative studies of the evaporation rates of the iridodials by gas chromatography resulted in a half-life of 11 days, agreeing with the biological data. The implications of the use of the same glandular secretion for alarm and food recruitments are discussed.  相似文献   

Insect societies integrate many information sources to organize collective activities such as foraging. Many ants use trail pheromones to guide foragers to food sources, but foragers can also use memories to find familiar locations of stable food sources. Route memories are often more accurate than trail pheromones in guiding ants, and are often followed in preference to trail pheromones when the two conflict. Why then does the system expend effort in producing and acquiring seemingly redundant and low-quality information, such as trail pheromones, when route memory is available? Here we show that, in the ant Lasius niger, trail pheromones and route memory act synergistically during foraging; increasing walking speed and straightness by 25 and 30 per cent, respectively, and maintaining trail pheromone deposition, but only when used together. Our results demonstrate a previously undescribed major role of trail pheromones: to complement memory by allowing higher confidence in route memory. This highlights the importance of multiple interacting information sources in the efficient running of complex adaptive systems.  相似文献   

During foraging, ant workers are known to make use of multiple information sources, such as private information (personal memory) and social information (trail pheromones). Environmental effects on foraging, and how these interact with other information sources, have, however, been little studied. One environmental effect is trail bifurcation asymmetry. Ants forage on branching trail networks and must often decide which branch to take at a junction (bifurcation). This is an important decision, as finding food sources relies on making the correct choices at bifurcations. Bifurcation angle may provide important information when making this choice. We used a Y‐maze with a pivoting 90° bifurcation to study trail choice of Lasius niger foragers at varying branch asymmetries (0°, [both branches 45° from straight ahead], 30° [branches at 30° and 60° from straight ahead], 45°, 60° and 90° [one branch straight ahead, the other at 90°]). The experiment was carried out either with equal amounts of trail pheromone on both branches of the bifurcation or with pheromone present on only one branch. Our results show that with equal pheromone, trail asymmetry has a significant effect on trail choice. Ants preferentially follow the branch deviating least from straight, and this effect increases as asymmetry increases (47% at 0°, 54% at 30°, 57% at 45°, 66% at 60° and 73% at 90°). However, when pheromone is only present on one branch, the graded effect of asymmetry disappears. Overall, however, there is an effect of asymmetry as the preference of ants for the pheromone‐marked branch over the unmarked branch is reduced from 65%, when it is the less deviating branch, to 53%, when it is the more deviating branch. These results demonstrate that trail asymmetry influences ant decision‐making at bifurcations and that this information interacts with trail pheromone presence in a non‐hierarchical manner.  相似文献   

Summary Workers of the giant tropical ant,Paraponera clavata, use trail pheromones for orientation and recruitment of nestmates. However, chemical markings may not always be sufficient for successful navigation in complex three-dimensional terrain, and additional orientation cues may be required. Behavioral field experiments were performed to investigate the significance of visual landmarks for homing foragers. Animals which were prevented from seeing the canopy were unable to navigate back to the nest, even though trail pheromones were still present. In contrast, foragers found their way back to the nest after their trail pheromones had been abolished but their visual scenes remained unchanged. This emphasizes the important role of visual landmarks during spatial orientation in homingP. clavata foragers. Individually foraging scouts were discovered in the understory of the forest floor up to 30 m away from their nest. They were rewarded, and displaced between 0.8 m and 13.6 m. Fifteen out of 16 animals had no difficulties in finding the nest entrance despite the altered appearance of local and distant landmarks at the release site. Apparently the scouts were able to recognize the visual scenes at the release site, and used them for reference to locate the nest entrance. In contrast, ants displaced from their nest to sites around 4 m away had more difficulties to re-find the nest.  相似文献   

Foragers of the ant Lasius nigerexploiting a 1 Msugar source were found to lay 43 %more trail marks than those exploiting a 0.05 or a 0.1 Msource. The trail laying per forager decreased during the course of individual recruitment episodes, and the mean lifetime of the trail pheromone was estimated to be 47 min. A mathematical function describing the probability that a forager chooses one of two paths in relation to the amount of trail pheromone on them closely fitted experimental data. These results were incorporated into a model describing the recruitment dynamics of L. niger.Simulations of this model showed that the observed modulation of trail laying with respect to food source quality is sufficient in itself to account for the systematic selection of the richer source seen in the experiments.  相似文献   

Animals must contend with an ever-changing environment. Social animals, especially eusocial insects such as ants and bees, rely heavily on communication for their success. However, in a changing environment, communicated information can become rapidly outdated. This is a particular problem for pheromone trail using ants, as once deposited pheromones cannot be removed. Here, we study the response of ant foragers to an environmental change. Ants were trained to one feeder location, and the feeder was then moved to a different location. We found that ants responded to an environmental change by strongly upregulating pheromone deposition immediately after experiencing the change. This may help maintain the colony''s foraging flexibility, and allow multiple food locations to be exploited simultaneously. Our treatment also caused uncertainty in the foragers, by making their memories less reliable. Ants which had made an error but eventually found the food source upregulated pheromone deposition when returning to the nest. Intriguingly, ants on their way towards the food source downregulated pheromone deposition if they were going to make an error. This may suggest that individual ants can measure the reliability of their own memories and respond appropriately.  相似文献   

Mosaics of exclusive foraging territories, produced by intra-and interspecific competition, are commonly reported from arboreal ant communities throughout the tropics and appear to represent a recurring feature of community organization. This paper documents an ant mosaic within mangrove forests of Panama and examines the behavioral mechanisms by which one of the common species, Azteca trigona, maintains its territories. Most of the mangrove canopy is occupied by mutually exclusive territories of the ants A. trigona, A. velox, A. instabilis, and Crematogaster brevispinosa. When foraging workers of A. trigona detect workers of these territorial species, they organize an alarm recruitment response using pheromonal and tactile displays. Nestmates are attracted over short distances by an alarm pheromone originating in the pygidial gland and over longer distances by a trail pheromone produced by the Pavan's gland. Recruits are simultaneously alerted by a tactile display. No evidence was found for chemical marking of the territory. Major workers are proportionally more abundant at territory borders than on foraging trails in the interior of the colony. The mechanisms of territory defense in A. trigona are remarkably similar to those of ecologically analogous ants in the Old World tropics.  相似文献   

Male Mediterranean fruit flies,Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), produce volatile chemicals thought to be attractive sex pheromones. We demonstrated for the first time that male odor elicits upwind flight and zigzagging upwind flight patterns in mature unmated females. Such flight patterns indicate the mechanisms involved in female location of the pheromone source and arrival at that source. Similar female oriented upwind flight responses occurred with a three component blend comprised of ethyl-(E)-octenoate, geranyl acetate, andE,E-alpha farnesene. These findings clarify the role of male sex pheromone in mate-location strategies in this species and provide new bioassay criteria for evaluating attraction responses to male pheromone and synthetic blends.  相似文献   

The female sex pheromone of Rhizoglyphus setosus Manson (Astigmata: Acaridae) was identified as S-isorobinal (4S-4-isopropenyl-3-oxo-1-cyclohexene-1-carboxyaldehyde), which stimulated males sexually and enhanced the frequency of the male’s tapping and mounting behavior. Although the female hexane extract indicated no sign of sex pheromone activity against tested males, possibly due to the presence of the alarm pheromone neryl formate, an SiO2 column fraction containing isorobinal elicited sex pheromone activity at a dose of one female equivalent. The stereochemistry of natural isorobinal was identified as S by an HPLC using a chiral column. Both S- and R-isorobinals exhibited maximum activity at the same dose of 1 and 10 ng with a convex dose–response relationship. Amounts of S-isorobinal were determined to be 11.7 ± 1.0 ng per female and 6.4 ± 1.3 ng per male by GLC. This is the second example of two pheromones (the alarm pheromone neryl formate, and the sex pheromone S-isorobinal) demonstrated to be components of the same opisthonotal gland secretion.Chemical ecology of astigmatid mites. LXXVIII  相似文献   

We present field experiments and analyses that test both the assumptions and the predictions of a model that showed how the swarm raids of the army ant Eciton burchellimight be self-organizing, i.e., based on hundreds of thousands of interactions among the foraging workers rather than a central administration or hierarchical control. We use circular mill experiments to show that the running velocity of the ants is a sigmoidal function of the strength of their trail pheromones and provide evidence that the swarm raid is structured by the interaction between outbound and inbound forager traffic mediated by the pheromones produced by both of these sets of ants. Inbound traffic is also affected by the distribution of prey, and hence, sites of prey capture alter the geometry of the raid. By manipulating the prey distributions for E. burchelliswarms, we have made them raid in a form more typical of other army ant species. Such self-organization of raids based on an interaction between the ants and their environment has profound consequences for interpretations of the evolution of army ant species.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (i.e. myrmecochory) is usually considered as a mutualism: ants feed on nutritive bodies, called elaiosomes, before rejecting and dispersing seeds in their nest surroundings. While mechanisms of plant dispersal in the field are well documented, the behaviour of the ant partner was rarely investigated in details. Here, we compared in laboratory conditions the foraging behaviour of two ant species, the omnivorous Lasius niger and the insectivorous Myrmica rubra to which seeds of two European myrmecochorous plants (Chelidonium majus and Viola odorata) were given. Ant colonies were simultaneously presented three types of items: entire seeds with elaiosome (SE), seeds without elaiosome (S) and detached elaiosomes (E). The presence of elaiosomes on seeds did not attract workers from a distance since ants first contact equally each type of items. Although ants are mass-recruiting species, we never observed any recruitment nor trail-laying behaviour towards seeds. For ants having contacted seed items, their antennation, manipulation and seed retrieval behaviour strongly varied depending on the species of each partner. Antennation behaviour, followed by a loss of contact, was the most frequent ant-seed interaction and can be considered as a “hesitation” clue. For both plant species, insectivorous Myrmica ants removed items in larger number and at higher speed than Lasius. This fits with the hypothesis of a convergence between odours of elaiosomes and insect preys. For both ant species, the small Chelidonium seeds were retrieved in higher proportion than Viola ones, confirming the hypothesis that ants prefer the higher elaiosome/diaspore-ratio. Thus, in these crossed experiments, the ant-plant pair Myrmica/Chelidonium was the most effective as ants removed quickly almost all items after a few antennations. The presence of an elaiosome body increased the seed removal by ants excepting for Myrmica which retrieved all Chelidonium seeds, even those deprived of their elaiosome. After 24 h, all the retrieved seeds were rejected out of the nest to the refuse piles. In at least half of these rejected items, the elaiosome was discarded by ants. Species-specific patterns and behavioural differences in the dynamics of myrmecochory are discussed at the light of ant ecology. Received 10 September 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 5 March 2008.  相似文献   

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