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The homeobox gene family plays a crucial role during the development of multicellular organisms. The KNOTTED-like genes from Arabidopsis thaliana (KNAT6 and KNAT2) are close relatives of the meristematic genes SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) and BREVIPEDICELLUS, but their function is not currently known. To investigate their role, we identified null alleles of KNAT6 and KNAT2. We demonstrate that KNAT6 contributes redundantly with STM to the maintenance of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and organ separation. Consistent with this role, the expression domain of KNAT6 in the SAM marks the boundaries between the SAM and cotyledons. The lack of meristematic activity in the knat6 stm-2 double mutant and the fusion of cotyledons were linked to the modulation of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON (CUC) activity. During embryogenesis, KNAT6 is expressed later than STM and CUC. In agreement with this fact, CUC1 and CUC2 were redundantly required for KNAT6 expression. These data provide the basis for a model in which KNAT6 contributes to SAM maintenance and boundary establishment in the embryo via the STM/CUC pathway. KNAT2, although the closest related member of the family to KNAT6, did not have such a function.  相似文献   

In most circumstances plant epidermal cells do not respond to surface contact with adjacent plant parts. We have identified and characterized a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, designated fiddlehead, where lateral appendages of the shoot fuse with one another. While fusion between floral organs is most frequent, leaf fusions also occur. Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, we show that adhesion takes place between epidermal cells and does not involve cytoplasmic union. We also show that the frequency of organ fusion is dictated by organ proximity. In wildtype Arabidopsis, postgenital fusion takes place exclusively in the gynoecium, whereas in the fiddlehead mutant, this program becomes expressed constitutively. The existence of such a mutant demonstrates that postgenital fusion is a genetically distinct program superimposed upon other aspects of gynoecial development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The transition to flowering is a crucial moment in a plant's life cycle of which the mechanism has only been partly revealed. In a screen for early flowering, after mutagenesis of the late-flowering fwa mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, the early flowering in short days (efs) mutant was identified. Under long-day light conditions, the recessive monogenic efs mutant flowers at the same time as wild type but, under short-day conditions, the mutant flowers much earlier. In addition to its early-flowering phenotype, efs has several pleiotropic effects such as a reduction in plant size, fertility and apical dominance. Double mutant analysis with several late-flowering mutants from the autonomous promotion (fca and fve) and the photoperiod promotion (co, fwa and gi) pathways of flowering showed that efs reduces the flowering time of all these mutants. However, efs is completely epistatic to fca and fve but additive to co, fwa and gi, indicating that EFS is an inhibitor of flowering specifically involved in the autonomous promotion pathway. A vernalisation treatment does not further reduce the flowering time of the efs mutant, suggesting that vernalisation promotes flowering through EFS. By comparing the length of the juvenile and adult phases of vegetative growth for wild-type, efs and the double mutant plants, it is apparent that efs mainly reduces the length of the adult phase.  相似文献   

R Zhong  J J Taylor    Z H Ye 《The Plant cell》1997,9(12):2159-2170
Arabidopsis develops interfascicular fibers in stems for needed support of shoots. To study the molecular mechanisms controlling fiber differentiation, we isolated an interfascicular fiber mutant (ifl1) by screening ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized Arabidopsis populations. This mutant lacks normal interfascicular fibers in stems. Interestingly, some interfascicular cells were sclerified in the upper parts but not in the basal parts of the ifl1 stems. These sclerified cells were differentiated at a position different from that of interfascicular fibers in the wild type. Lack of interfascicular fibers correlated with a dramatic change of stem strength. Stems of the mutant could not stand erect and were easily broken by bending. Quantitative measurement showed that it took approximately six times less force to break basal stems of the mutant than of the wild type. In addition, noticeable morphological changes were associated with the mutant, including long stems, dark green leaves with delayed senescence, and reduced numbers of cauline leaves and branches. Genetic analysis showed that the ifl1 mutation was monogenic and recessive. The ifl1 locus was mapped to a region between the 17C2 and 7H9L markers on chromosome 5. Isolation of the ifl1 mutant provides a novel means to study the genetic control of fiber differentiation.  相似文献   

We have recently isolated two Arabidopsis thaliana DNA hypomethylation mutations, identifying the DDM1 locus, that cause a 70% reduction in genomic 5-methylcytosine levels [1]. Here we describe further phenotypic and biochemical characterization of the ddm1 mutants. ddm1/ddm1 homozygotes exhibited altered leaf shape, increased cauline leaf number, and a delay in the onset of flowering when compared to non-mutant siblings in a segregating population. Our biochemical characterization investigated two possible mechanisms for DNA hypomethylation. In order to see if ddm1 mutations affect DNA methyltransferase function, we compared DNA methyltransferase activities in extracts from wild-type and ddm1 mutant tissues. The ddm1 mutant extracts had as much DNA methyltransferase activity as that of the wild-type for both the CpI and CpNpG substrates suggesting that the DDM1 locus does not encode a DNA methyltransferase. Moreover, the ddm1 mutations did not affect the intracellular level of S-adenosylmethionine, the methyl group donor for DNA methylation. The possibility that the DDM1 gene product functions as a modifier of DNA methylation is discussed.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis mutant induced by T-DNA insertion was studied with respect to its phenotype, micro-structure of shoot apical meristem (SAM) and histo-chemical localization of the GUS gene in comparison with the wild type. Phenotypical observation found that the mutant exhibited a dwarf phenotype with smaller organs (such as smaller leaves, shorter petioles), and slower development and flowering time compared to the wild type. Optical microscopic analysis of the mutant showed that it had a smaller and more flattened SAM, with reduced cell layers and a shortened distance between two leaf primordia compared with the wild type. In addi-tion, analysis of the histo-chemical localization of the GUS gene revealed that it was specifically expressed in the SAM and the vascular tissue of the mutant, which suggests that the gene trapped by T-DNA may function in the SAM, and T-DNA insertion could influence the functional activity of the related gene in the mutant, lead-ing to alterations in the SAM and a series of phenotypes in the mutant.  相似文献   

Remarkable progress has been made over the past few years in the field of hereditary deafness. To date, mutations in at least 35 genes are known to cause hearing loss. We are now beginning to understand the function of many of these genes, which affect diverse aspects of ear development and function.  相似文献   

Saether N  Iversen TH 《Planta》1991,184(4):491-497
The mutant TC 7 of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has been reported to be starch-free and still exhibit root gravitropism (T. Caspar and B. G. Pickard 1989, Planta 177, 185–197). This is not consistent with the hypothesis that plastid starch has a statolith function in gravity perception. In the present study, initial light microscopy using the same mutant showed apparently starch-free statocytes. However, ultrastructural examination detected residues of amyloplast starch grains in addition to the starch-depleted amyloplasts. Applying a point-counting morphometric method, the starch grains in the individual amyloplasts in the mutant were generally found to occupy more than 20% and in a few cases up to 60% of the amyloplast area. In the wild type (WT) the starch occupied on average 98 % of the amyloplast area and appeared as densely packed grains. The amyloplasts occupied 13.9% of the area of the statocyte in the mutant and 23.3% of the statocyte area in the WT. Sedimentation of starch-depleted amyloplasts in the mutant was not detected after 40 min of inversion while in the WT the amyloplasts sedimented at a speed of 6 m · h-1. The gravitropic reactivity and the curvature pattern were also examined in the WT and the mutant. The time-courses of root curvature in the WT and the mutant showed that when cultivated under standard conditions for 60 h in darkness, the curvatures were 83° and 44°, respectively, after 25 h of continuous stimulation in the horizontal position. The WT roots curved significantly more rapidly and with a more normal gravitropic pattern than those of the mutant. These results are discussed in relation to the results previously obtained with the mutant and with respect to the starch-statolith hypothesis.Abbreviation WT wild type This work was supported by grants from Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) which we gratefully acknowledge. We would also like to thank Dr. Timothy Caspar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, for providing us with the seeds of TC 75.  相似文献   

Biggins S  Bhalla N  Chang A  Smith DL  Murray AW 《Genetics》2001,159(2):453-470
Accurate chromosome segregation requires the precise coordination of events during the cell cycle. Replicated sister chromatids are held together while they are properly attached to and aligned by the mitotic spindle at metaphase. At anaphase, the links between sisters must be promptly dissolved to allow the mitotic spindle to rapidly separate them to opposite poles. To isolate genes involved in chromosome behavior during mitosis, we microscopically screened a temperature-sensitive collection of budding yeast mutants that contain a GFP-marked chromosome. Nine LOC (loss of cohesion) complementation groups that do not segregate sister chromatids at anaphase were identified. We cloned the corresponding genes and performed secondary tests to determine their function in chromosome behavior. We determined that three LOC genes, PDS1, ESP1, and YCS4, are required for sister chromatid separation and three other LOC genes, CSE4, IPL1, and SMT3, are required for chromosome segregation. We isolated alleles of two genes involved in splicing, PRP16 and PRP19, which impair alpha-tubulin synthesis thus preventing spindle assembly, as well as an allele of CDC7 that is defective in DNA replication. We also report an initial characterization of phenotypes associated with the SMT3/SUMO gene and the isolation of WSS1, a high-copy smt3 suppressor.  相似文献   

Copper-sensitive mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A Cu-sensitive mutant, cup1-1, of Arabidopsis thaliana has a pattern of heavy-metal sensitivity different from that of the cad1 and cad2 mutants, which are deficient in phytochelatin biosynthesis. The latter are significantly sensitive to Cd and Hg and only slightly sensitive to Cu, whereas the cup1-1 mutant is significantly sensitive to Cu, slightly sensitive to Cd, and not more sensitive to Hg, compared to the wild type. Genetic analysis has shown that the sensitive phenotype is recessive to the wild type and segregates as a single Mendelian locus, which has been mapped to chromosome 1. Genetic and biochemical studies demonstrate that the cup1-1 mutant is not affected in phytochelatin biosynthesis or function. The sensitive phenotype of the cup1-1 mutant is associated with, and probably due to, increased accumulation of higher levels of Cd and Cu compared with the wild type. Consistent with this, a Cu-inducible, root-specific metallothionein gene, MT2a, is expressed in cup1-1 roots under conditions in which it is not expressed in the wild type. Undifferentiated cup1-1 callus tissue did not show the Cu-sensitive phenotype, suggesting that the mutant phenotype, in contrast to cad1 and cad2, is not expressed at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Tissue morphogenesis in plants requires the coordination of cellular behavior across clonally distinct histogenic layers. The underlying signaling mechanisms are presently being unraveled and are known to include the cell surface leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase STRUBBELIG in Arabidopsis. To understand better its mode of action an extensive structure-function analysis of STRUBBELIG was performed. The phenotypes of 20 EMS and T-DNA-induced strubbelig alleles were assessed and homology modeling was applied to rationalize their possible effects on STRUBBELIG protein structure. The analysis was complemented by phenotypic, cell biological, and pharmacological investigations of a strubbelig null allele carrying genomic rescue constructs encoding fusions between various mutated STRUBBELIG proteins and GFP. The results indicate that STRUBBELIG accepts quite some sequence variation, reveal the biological importance for the STRUBBELIG N-capping domain, and reinforce the notion that kinase activity is not essential for its function in vivo. Furthermore, individual protein domains of STRUBBELIG cannot be related to specific STRUBBELIG-dependent biological processes suggesting that process specificity is mediated by factors acting together with or downstream of STRUBBELIG. In addition, the evidence indicates that biogenesis of a functional STRUBBELIG receptor is subject to endoplasmic reticulum-mediated quality control, and that an MG132-sensitive process regulates its stability. Finally, STRUBBELIG and the receptor-like kinase gene ERECTA interact synergistically in the control of internode length. The data provide genetic and molecular insight into how STRUBBELIG regulates intercellular communication in tissue morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Genes directing flower development in Arabidopsis.   总被引:32,自引:30,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
We describe the effects of four recessive homeotic mutations that specifically disrupt the development of flowers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Each of the recessive mutations affects the outcome of organ development, but not the location of organ primordia. Homeotic transformations observed are as follows. In agamous-1, stamens to petals; in apetala2-1, sepals to leaves and petals to staminoid petals; in apetala3-1, petals to sepals and stamens to carpels; in pistillata-1, petals to sepals. In addition, two of these mutations (ap2-1 and pi-1) result in loss of organs, and ag-1 causes the cells that would ordinarily form the gynoecium to differentiate as a flower. Two of the mutations are temperature-sensitive. Temperature shift experiments indicate that the wild-type AP2 gene product acts at the time of primordium initiation; the AP3 product is active later. It seems that the wild-type alleles of these four genes allow cells to determine their place in the developing flower and thus to differentiate appropriately. We propose that these genes may be involved in setting up or responding to concentric, overlapping fields within the flower primordium.  相似文献   

The galactolipids monogalactosyl and digalactosyl diacylglycerol occur in all higher plants and are the predominant lipid components of chloroplast membranes. They are thought to be of major importance to chloroplast morphology and physiology, although direct experimental evidence is still lacking. The enzymes responsible for final assembly of galactolipids are associated with the envelope membranes of plastids, and their biochemical analysis has been notoriously difficult. Therefore, we have chosen a genetic approach to study the biosynthesis and function of galactolipids in higher plants. We isolated a mutant of Arabidopsis that is deficient in digalactosyl diacylglycerol by directly screening a mutagenized M2 population for individuals with altered leaf lipid composition. This mutant carries a recessive nuclear mutation at a single locus designated dgd1. Backcrossed mutants show stunted growth, pale green leaf color, reduced photosynthetic capability, and altered thylakoid membrane ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Genes encoding calmodulin-binding proteins in the Arabidopsis genome.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Analysis of the recently completed Arabidopsis genome sequence indicates that approximately 31% of the predicted genes could not be assigned to functional categories, as they do not show any sequence similarity with proteins of known function from other organisms. Calmodulin (CaM), a ubiquitous and multifunctional Ca(2+) sensor, interacts with a wide variety of cellular proteins and modulates their activity/function in regulating diverse cellular processes. However, the primary amino acid sequence of the CaM-binding domain in different CaM-binding proteins (CBPs) is not conserved. One way to identify most of the CBPs in the Arabidopsis genome is by protein-protein interaction-based screening of expression libraries with CaM. Here, using a mixture of radiolabeled CaM isoforms from Arabidopsis, we screened several expression libraries prepared from flower meristem, seedlings, or tissues treated with hormones, an elicitor, or a pathogen. Sequence analysis of 77 positive clones that interact with CaM in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner revealed 20 CBPs, including 14 previously unknown CBPs. In addition, by searching the Arabidopsis genome sequence with the newly identified and known plant or animal CBPs, we identified a total of 27 CBPs. Among these, 16 CBPs are represented by families with 2-20 members in each family. Gene expression analysis revealed that CBPs and CBP paralogs are expressed differentially. Our data suggest that Arabidopsis has a large number of CBPs including several plant-specific ones. Although CaM is highly conserved between plants and animals, only a few CBPs are common to both plants and animals. Analysis of Arabidopsis CBPs revealed the presence of a variety of interesting domains. Our analyses identified several hypothetical proteins in the Arabidopsis genome as CaM targets, suggesting their involvement in Ca(2+)-mediated signaling networks.  相似文献   

Cotyledon expansion in response to blue light was compared for wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and the mutants blu3 and hy4, which show reduced inhibition of hypocotyl growth in blue light. White, blue, and red light stimulated cotyledon expansion in both intact and excised cotyledons of wild-type seedlings (ecotypes No-0, WS, Co-0, La-er). Cotyledons on intact blu3 and hy4 seedlings did not grow as well as those on the wild type in response to blue light, but pretreatment of blu3 seedlings with low fluence rates of red light increased their responsiveness to blue light. Excision of cotyledons alleviated the mutant phenotype so that both mutant and wild-type cotyledons grew equally well in blue light. The loss of the mutant cotyledon phenotype upon excision indicates that the blu3 and hy4 lesions affect cotyledon expansion indirectly via a whole-plant response to light. Furthermore, the ability of excised, mutant cotyledons to grow normally in blue light shows that this growth response to blue light is mediated by a photosystem other than the ones impaired by the blu3 and hy4 lesions.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis inflorescence stems develop a vascular pattern similar to that found in most dicots. The arrangement of vascular tissues within the bundle is collateral, and vascular bundles in the stele are arranged in a ring. Although auxin has been shown to be an inducer of vascular differentiation, little is known about the molecular mechanisms controlling vascular pattern formation. By screening ethyl methanesufonate-mutagenized populations of Arabidopsis, we have isolated an avb1 (amphivasal vascular bundle) mutant with a novel vascular pattern. Unlike the collateral vascular bundles seen in the wild-type stems, the vascular bundles in the avb1 stems were similar to amphivasal bundles, i.e. the xylem completely surrounded the phloem. Furthermore, branching vascular bundles in the avb1 stems abnormally penetrated into the pith, which resulted in a disruption in the ring-like arrangement of vascular bundles in the stele. The avb1 mutation did not affect leaf venation pattern and root vascular organization. Auxin polar transport assay indicated that the avb1 mutation did not disrupt the auxin polar transport activity in inflorescence stems. The avb1 mutation also exhibited pleiotropic phenotypes, including curled stems and extra cauline branches. Genetic analysis indicated that the avb1 mutation was monogenic and partially dominant. The avb1 locus was mapped to a region between markers mi69 and ASB2, which is covered by a yeast artificial chromosome clone, CIC9E2, on chromosome 5. Isolation of the avb1 mutant provides a novel means to study the evolutionary mechanisms controlling the arrangement of vascular tissues within the bundle, as well as the mechanisms controlling the arrangement of vascular bundles in the stele.  相似文献   

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