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Study of floral anatomy, micromorphology, palynology and onotogeny has revealed new characters for phylogenetic analysis in the genus Scleranthus . Cladistic analysis of these characters, along with those previously available, suggests that the genus consists of Eurasian/Mediterranean and Australasian sister clades. Gynoecial morphology and development are closely similar in all species, suggesting the genus is monophyletic despite its disjunct northern and southern hemisphere distribution. Variation in pollen:ovule ratios and their implications for the evolution of Scleranthus species are also discussed and it is concluded that a range of breeding strategies intermediate between autogamy and xenogamy exists in the genus. Single-stamened species of Scleranthus are likely to be obligate autogams, despite their comparatively high pollen:ovule ratios in relation to autogamic species of other genera.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 15–29.  相似文献   

As the second largest and most diverse group in the superfamily Aphidoidea, the phylogeny of drepanosiphine aphids sensu lato (s.l.) is critical for discussing the evolution of aphids. However, the taxa composition and phylogenetic relationships of drepanosiphine aphids s.l. have not been fully elucidated to date. In this study, based on total-evidence analyses combining 4 molecular genes (3 mitochondrial, COI, tRNA-Leu/COII, and CytB; 1 nuclear, EF-1ɑ) and 64 morphological and biological characteristics, the phylogeny of this group was reconstructed for the first time at the subfamily level using different datasets, parsimonies and model-based methods. All of our phylogenetic inferences clearly indicated that the drepanosiphine aphids s.l. was not a monophyletic group and seemed to support the division of the drepanosiphine aphids s.l. into different groups classified at the subfamily level. Calaphidinae was also not a monophyletic group, and Saltusaphidinae was nested within this subfamily. Drepanosiphinae was not clustered with Chaitophorinae, which was inconsistent with the previous hypothesis of a close relationship between them, illustrating that their phylogeny remains controversial. Overall, some groups of drepanosiphine aphids s.l., including Phyllaphidinae, Macropodaphidinae, Pterastheniinae, Lizeriinae, Drepanosiphinae, Spicaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae, and Calaphidinae, clustered together and might constitute the actual drepanosiphine aphids s.l. To a certain extent, our results clarified the phylogenetic relationships among drepanosiphine aphids s.l. and confirmed their taxonomic status as subfamilies.  相似文献   

We studied the phylogenetic history of opossum shrimps of the genus Mysis Latreille, 1802 (Crustacea: Mysida) using parsimony analyses of morphological characters, DNA sequence data from mitochondrial (16S, COI and CytB) and nuclear genes (ITS2, 18S), and eight allozyme loci. With these data we aimed to resolve a long‐debated question of the origin of the non‐marine (continental) taxa in the genus, i.e., “glacial relicts” in circumpolar postglacial lakes and “arctic immigrants” in the Caspian Sea. A simultaneous analysis of the data sets gave a single tree supporting monophyly of all continental species, as well as monophyly of the taxa from circumpolar lakes and from the Caspian Sea. A clade of three circumarctic marine species was sister group to the continental taxa, whereas Atlantic species had more distant relationships to the others. Small molecular differentiation among the morphologically diverse endemic species from the Caspian Sea suggested their recent speciation, while the phenotypically more uniform “glacial relict” species from circumpolar lakes (Mysis relicta group) showed deep molecular divergences. For the length‐variable ITS2 region both direct optimization and a priori alignment procedures gave similar topologies, although the former approach provided a better overall resolution. In terms of partitioned Bremer support (PBS), mitochondrial protein coding genes provided the largest contribution (83%) to the total tree resolution. This estimate however, appears to be partly spurious, due to the concerted inheritance of mitochondrial characters and probable cases of introgression or ancestral polymorphism. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

Bark beetles in the genus Dendroctonus may attack and kill several species of coniferous trees, some of them causing major economic losses in temperate forests throughout North and Central America. For this reason, they have been widely studied. However, various aspects of the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the group remain contentious. The genus has been subdivided in species groups according to morphological, biological, karyological or molecular attributes, but the evolutionary affinities among species and species groups within the genus remain uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Dendroctonus species were reassessed through parsimony‐based cladistic analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data. Phylogenetic inference was based on 36 morphological characters and on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Analyses were carried out for each dataset, as well as for the combined data analysed simultaneously, under equal and implied weights. According to the combined analysis, the genus Dendroctonus is a monophyletic group defined by at least three synapomorphic characters and there are four main lineages of varied composition and diversity within the genus. Within these lineages, several monophyletic groups match, to some extent, species groups defined by previous authors, but certain groups proposed by those authors are polyphyletic or paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Metalasia is a genus in tribe Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae), endemic to South Africa and with its main distribution in the Cape Floristic Region. The genus comprises 57 species and, with a number of closely related genera, it constitutes the ‘Metalasia clade’. A species‐level phylogenetic analysis is presented, based on DNA sequences from two nuclear (internal and external transcribed spacer: ITS, ETS) and two plastid (psbA‐trnH, trnL‐trnF) regions together with morphological data. Analyses combining molecular and morphological data attempt not only to resolve species interrelationships, but also to detect patterns in character evolution. Phylogenetic analyses corroborate our earlier study and demonstrate that Metalasia is formed of two equally sized, well‐supported sister groups, one of which is characterized by papillose cypselas. The results differ greatly from earlier hypotheses based on morphology alone, as few morphological characters support the phylogenetic patterns obtained. The two clades of Metalasia do, however, appear to differ in distribution, corresponding to the different rainfall regimes of South Africa. Analyses show a few taxa to be problematic; one example is the widely distributed M. densa which appears to be an intricate species complex. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 173–198.  相似文献   

To address the phylogenetic relationships of the centipede order Geophilomorpha (more than 1000 species), we have reinterpreted and expanded the knowledge on their morphological disparity, and have doubled the amount of molecular data available. We performed maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses, using 195 phylogenetically informative morphological characters for 80 species, and DNA sequences of 28S, 18S, 16S rRNA and COI for up to 48 species. We found strong support for the monophyly of Geophilomorpha, the basal dichotomy between Adesmata and Placodesmata = Mecistocephalidae, and the basal dichotomy within Adesmata between two clades that are recognized here as superfamilies Himantarioidea and Geophiloidea. With respect to the families currently in use, Himantarioidea comprises three well supported clades corresponding to (i) Oryidae, (ii) Himantariidae, and (iii) Schendylidae s.l. including Ballophilidae; Geophiloidea comprises another three supported clades corresponding to (iv) a new family Zelanophilidae, (v) Gonibregmatidae s.l. including Eriphantidae and Neogeophilidae, and (vi) Geophilidae s.l. including Aphilodontidae, Dignathodontidae, Linotaeniidae, and Macronicophilidae.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of the brachyuran crab superfamily Eriphioidea, commonly known as stone or rubble crabs, are examined. Analysis of three mitochondrial (12S, 16S and COI) and two nuclear loci (18S and Histone 3) was carried out for 51 taxa representing the Carpilioidea, Dairoidea, Eriphioidea, Goneplacoidea, Parthenopoidea, Pilumnoidea, Portunoidea, Pseudozioidea and Xanthoidea. Phylogenetic analyses of molecular data used three methods of inference that recovered similar topologies with minor differences. Maximum parsimony analysis of 20 morphological characters taken from first zoeas of 11 species yielded two equally parsimonious trees and generally supported the molecular analyses. None of the analyses recovered Eriphioidea as monophyletic, and each of the eriphioid families represented by two or more taxa was shown to be polyphyletic in both molecular and larval analyses. This study indicates that the present classification based on adult morphology is incongruent with phylogenetic relationships and that the diagnostic characters the result of convergence (particularly in feeding morphology) rather than shared ancestry.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the meiofaunal polychaete family Nerillidae based on morphological, molecular and combined data is presented here. The data sets comprise nearly complete sequences of 18S rDNA and 40 morphological characters of 17 taxa. Sequences were analyzed simultaneously with the morphological data by direct optimization in the program POY, with a variety of parameter sets (costs of gaps: transversions: transitions). Three outgroups were selected from the major polychaete group Aciculata and one from Scolecida. The 13 nerillid species from 11 genera were monophyletic in all analyses with very high support, and three new apomorphies for Nerillidae are identified. The topology of the ingroup varied according to the various parameter settings. Reducing the number of outgroups to one decreased the variance among the phylogenetic hypotheses. The congruence among these was tested and a parameter set, with equal weights (222) and extension gap weighted 1, yielded minimum incongruence (ILD). Several terminal clades of the combined analysis were highly supported, as well as the position of Leptonerilla prospera as sister terminal to the other nerillids. The evolution of morphological characters such as segment numbers, chaetae, appendages and ciliation are traced and discussed. A regressive pathway within Nerillidae is indicated for several characters, however, generally implying several convergent losses. Numerous genera are shown to require revision. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Tunicata inferred from molecular and morphological characters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The phylogeny of the Tunicata was reconstructed using molecular and morphological characters. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (cox1) and 18S rDNA sequences were obtained for 14 and 4 tunicate species, respectively. 18S rDNA sequences were aligned with gene sequences obtained from GenBank of 57 tunicates, a cephalochordate, and a selachian craniate. Cox1 sequences were aligned with the sequence of two ascidians and a cephalochordate obtained from GenBank. Traditional, morphological, life history, and biochemical characters of larval and adult stages were compiled from the literature and analyzed cladistically. Separate and simultaneous parsimony analyses of molecular and morphological data were carried out. Aplousobranch ascidians from three different families were included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis for the first time. Analysis of the morphological, life history, and biochemical characters results in a highly unresolved tree. Aplousobranchiata form a strongly supported monophylum in the analysis of the 18S rDNA data, the morphological data, and the combined data set. Cionidae is not included in the Aplousobranchiata but nests within the Phlebobranchiata. Appendicularia (=Larvacea) nest within the 'Ascidiacea' as the sister taxon of Aplousobranchiata in the parsimony analysis of the 18S rDNA data and the combined analysis. A potential morphological synapomorphy of Aplousobranchiata plus Appendicularia is the horizontal orientation of the larval tail. In the 18S rDNA and the combined analysis, Thaliacea is included in the 'Ascidiacea' as the sister group to Phlebobranchiata. Pyrosomatida is found to be the sister taxon to the Salpidae in analyses of 18S rDNA and combined data, whereas the analysis of the morphological data recovers a sister group relationship between Doliolidae and Salpidae. Results of cox1 analyses are incongruent with both the 18S rDNA and the morphological phylogenies. Cox1 sequences may evolve too rapidly to resolve relationships of higher tunicate taxa. However, the cox1 data may be useful at lower taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Tordylium is a medium‐sized genus characterized by an annual habit, 1–3‐pinnate leaves, dorsally compressed mericarps, and thickened mericarp margins. Eighteen Tordylium species occur in Turkey, of which seven are endemic. Although the morphology of the genus is well known, evolutionary relationships among its species have never been evaluated. In this study, phylogenetic relationships within Tordylium are investigated using parsimony analysis based on morphological data from 17 ingroup and 15 outgroup taxa from Turkey. The results indicate that Tordylium is paraphyletic due to the inclusion of Ormosciadium. Further, it suggests that Hasselquistia, Condylocarpus and Ainsworthia are nested within Tordylium, confirming their current taxonomic treatment as synonyms. Within the paraphyletic Tordylium, two major clades are apparent, but these clades are not compatible with the current sub‐generic classification. Tordylium lanatum, T. aegyptiacum and T. elegans, which have dimorphic mericarps, form a monophyletic subclade. In addition, it is suggested that T. aegaeum should be accepted as a distinct species rather than as a synonym of T. pestalozzae.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Syrphidae (Diptera) commonly called hoverflies, includes more than 5000 species world-wide. The aim of this study was to address the systematic position of the disputed elements in the intrafamilial classification of Syrphidae, namely the monophyly of Eristalinae and the placement of Microdontini and Pipizini, as well as the position of particular genera ( Nausigaster , Alipumilio , Spheginobaccha ). Sequence data from nuclear 28S rRNA and mitochondrial COI genes in conjunction with larval and adult morphological characters of fifty-one syrphid taxa were analysed using optimization alignment to explore phylogenetic relationships among included taxa. A species of Platypezidae, Agathomyia unicolor , was used as outgroup, and also including one representative ( Jassidophaga villosa ) of the sister-group of Syrphidae, Pipunculidae. Sensitivity of the data was assessed under six different parameter values. A stability tree summarized the results. Microdontini, including Spheginobaccha , was placed basally, and Pipizini appeared as the sister-group to subfamily Syrphinae. The monophyly of subfamily Eristalinae was supported. The results support at least two independent origins of entomophagy in syrphids, and frequent shifts between larval feeding habitats within the saprophagous eristalines.  相似文献   

Molossidae is a large (roughly 100 species) pantropically distributed clade of swift aerially insectivorous bats for which the phylogeny remains relatively unknown and little studied compared with other speciose groups of bats. We investigated phylogenetic relationships among 62 species, representing all extant molossid genera and most of the subgenera, using 102 morphological characters from the skull, dentition, postcrania, external morphology, tongue, and penis, based on direct observation and literature reports. Both parsimony and Bayesian analyses were used in phylogenetic reconstruction. Our analysis supports two main clades of molossids, both of which mingle Old World and New World taxa. One clade is comprised of Mormopterus,Platymops, Sauromys, Neoplatymops, Molossops, Cynomops, Cheiromeles, Molossus, and Promops. The other clade includes Tadarida, Otomops, Nyctinomops, Eumops, Chaerephon, and Mops. The position of Myopterus with respect to these two groups is unclear. As in other recent analyses, we find that several genera do not appear to be monophyletic (e.g. Tadarida, Chaerephon, and Molossops sensu lato). We recommend that the subgenera of Molossops sensu lato and Austronomus be recognized at the generic level. We conclude that much more data are needed to investigate lower level problems (generic monophyly and relationships within genera) and to resolve the higher‐level branching pattern of the family.  相似文献   

Dianthus polylepis complex consists of two already known endemic species, Dianthus polylepis and D. binaludensis, in Khorassan-Kopetdagh floristic province. The taxonomic position of these species has long been debated. The aim of the present study is to shed light on the evolutionary relationships of the members of the complex using morphological and molecular data. In morphological study, firstly, 56 vegetative and floral characters were measured on 33 specimens of the both species. Multivariate analyses were performed on 25 (out of 56) significantly discriminating morphological traits. In molecular study, we sequenced alleles obtained from a region between 2nd and 6th exons of the gene coding for the enzyme dihydroflavonol 4-reductase copy1 (DFR1). Morphological results show that most of a priori identified accessions were not grouped in a posteriori classification. It is difficult to discriminate D. polylepis from D. binaludensis in morphological continuum among the accessions. Results obtained from the molecular data indicated no monophyly for the members of the D. polylepis complex. Consistency between the morphological and molecular results shows that D. polylepis and D. binaludensis were not morphologically and molecularly well differentiated. Therefore, we propose a new combination as D. polylepis subsp. binaludensis.  相似文献   

The Menispermaceae family contains ca. 72 genera with 450 species that are almost entirely tropical. Its phylogeny at the tribal level has never been examined using molecular data. Here we used DNA sequences of the chloroplast matK gene and trnL-F regions, and the nuclear ITS region to study the delimitation and position of the tribe Menispermeae within the family and its subtribal monophyletic groups. Family-wide phylogenetic analyses of the chloroplast data produced two strongly supported clades. The first clade contains two subclades: Coscinieae including Arcangelisia and Anamirta, and Tinosporeae sensu lato including Fibraureae, supported by morphological characters, such as traits of the cotyledon, stylar scar and embryo. The second clade consists of the tribes Menispermeae sensu DC. and Tiliacoreae Miers. All our analyses surprisingly recognized that tribe Menispermeae is not monophyletic unless tribe Tiliacoreae is included, suggesting that characters of cotyledon and stylar scar are very important for the infrafamilial classification, and that endosperm presence vs. absence was over-emphasized in traditionally tribal division of the family. Our topologies indicate a secondary loss of endosperm. The monophyly of two subtribes of the tribe Menispermeae, Stephaniinae and Cissampelinae, is supported by the cpDNA and ITS data, as well as by morphological characters, including aperture types and shapes, and colpal membrane features of pollen grains, and sepal number of male flowers. The Cocculinae was recognized as a paraphyletic group containing the remaining genera of the tribe Menispermeae.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the gall-midge subtribe Baldratiina (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) was reconstructed from molecular (partial sequence of the mitochondrial 12S rDNA), morphological and ecological data sets, using 16 representative species of most of the genera. The morphological and ecological data were combined in a single character matrix and analyzed separately from the molecular data, resulting in an eco-morphological cladogram and a molecular cladogram. Attributes of galls and host associations were superimposed on the molecular cladogram in order to detect possible trends in the evolution of these traits. The cladograms resulting from the two independent analyses were statistically incongruent, although both provide evidence for the monophyly of the genera Baldratia and Careopalpis and the paraphyly of the genera Stefaniola and Izeniola. The results suggest a minor impact of the morphological characters traditionally used in the classification of the Baldratiina, whereas ecological data had a major impact on the phylogenetic inference. Mapping of gall and host attributes on the molecular cladogram suggests that multi-chambered stem galls constitute the ancestral state in the subtribe, with several subsequent shifts to leaf galls. It is concluded that in contrast to other studied groups of gall insects, related baldratiine species induce different types of galls, attesting to speciation driven by gall-type shifts at least as often as host shifts.  相似文献   

Partial 18S rRNA sequence of the nemertine Cerebratulus lacteus was obtained and compared with those of coelomate metazoans and acoelomate platyhelminths to test whether nemertines share a most recent common ancestor with the platyhelminths, as traditionally has been implied, or whether nemertines lie within a protostome coelomate clade, as suggested by more recent morphological analyses. Maximum-parsimony analysis supports the inclusion of the nemertine within a protostome-coelomate clade that falls within a more inclusive coelomate clade. Bootstrap analysis indicates strong support for a monophyletic Coelomata composed of a deuterostome and protostome-coelomate clade. Support for a monophyletic protostome Coelomata is weak. Inference by distance analysis is consistent with that of maximum parsimony. Analysis of down-weighted paired sites by maximum parsimony reveals variation in topology only within the protostome-coelomate clade. The relationships among the protostome coelomates cannot be reliably inferred from the partial sequences, suggesting that coelomate protostomes diversified rapidly. Results with evolutionary parsimony are consistent with the inclusion of the nemertine in a coelomate clade. The molecular inference corroborates recent morphological character analyses that reveal no synapomorphies of nemertines and flatworms but instead suggest that the circulatory system and rhynchocoel of nemertines are homologous to coelomic cavities of protostome coelomates, thus supporting the corresponding hypothesis that nemertines belong within a protostome-coelomate clade. The sequence data provide an independent test of morphological character homology.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships were investigated in the genus Mesocyclops, a pantropical freshwater cyclopid group. In the phylogenetic analyses that involved all 71 known species, and used 81 morphological characters (265 character states) mainly of the adult females, two different approaches were applied: global parsimony, and a new distance method based upon the recognition of sister‐groups on the basis of minimal distances iteratively corrected for unique character states (MICSEQ). In coding of the characters, half of which showed intraspecific variation, the ‘scaled’ method was employed, which assumes that any trait between its absence and fixed presence passes through a polymorphic stage. Impact of the reference points on topology of the trees generated by the parsimony method was tested in three ways where the outgroups comprised: (1) nine species representing six genera of two subfamilies; (2) three species from two genera supposedly not distant from Mesocyclops; and (3) one presumably close and one distant relative of Mesocyclops. The trees generated by the parsimony‐based and corrected distance methods agreed as to the monophyly of the following groups: reidae‐clade (M. reidae, M. chaci, M. yutsil); rarus‐clade (Mesocyclops annae, M. pseudoannae, M. splendidus, M. rarus, M. paludosus, M. darwini, M. dayakorum); annulatus‐clade (Mesocyclops intermedius, M. ellipticus, M. paranaensis, M. annulatus, M. tenuisaccus); meridianus‐clade (Mesocyclops meridionalis, M. varius, M. venezolanus, M. brasilianus, M. pseudomeridianus, M. meridianus); major‐clade (Mesocyclops major, M. pilosus, M. insulensis); dussarti‐clade (M. dussarti, M. dadayi, M. isabellae, M. thermocyclopoides); pubiventris‐clade (M. pubiventris, M. medialis, M. brooksi, M. notius). A majority of the analyses support a clade of the ‘true’Mesocyclops including all ingroup species except the reidae‐group, and point to monophyly of the Old World species lacking medial spine on P1 basipodite. There were, however, some components for which the two procedures, regardless of the outgroup choice and/or character set, suggested different relationships. Basal relationships of Mesocyclops[between M. edax (North and Central America), the Neotropical species (M. longisetus, M. araucanus, M. evadomingoi, meridianus‐ and annulatus‐clade), Old World group (P1 basipodite without medial spine) and the rarus‐clade (Old World; P1 basipodite with medial spine)] remained unresolved. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 147 , 1–70.  相似文献   

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