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An intraspecific comparison of -glycerophosphate (-GPDH: E.C. and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH: E.C. enzyme activity levels was carried out in Drosophila melanogaster. The results indicate that (1) -GPDH is a relatively conservative and ADH a relatively variable enzyme system with regard to structurally determined activity variation but that (2) the conservative nature of -GPDH activity variation does not extend to the intra-genotypic level. The results are consistent with the view that different kinds of selective pressures are being exerted on the enzyme's structural and modifier gene loci.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic evidence for a dimeric structure of dihydropteridine reductase in man and in the fish species Cheirodon axelrodi and Salmo irideus is presented. A single locus in man and two loci in the fishes examined encode this enzyme. Zymograms revealed two alleles for the locus in man and two alleles for each locus in the fish Cheirodon axelrodi. The liver homogenate of a patient with dihydropteridine reductase deficiency showed no detectable activity in the gel, while his parents showed the normal electrophoretic phenotype.  相似文献   

The correlation between the types of midgut -amylase activity and rates of preadult stages of development was studied in D. subobscura. It was found that flies having more midgut regions where activity of -amylase could be determined, develop slower than those with the activity of this enzyme expressed in only one or two out of five such regions. This relationship, however, is quite specific in relation to embryonal, larval, and pupal development, and characteristic of each particular phenotype. The adaptive meaning of such correlations is only presumed, but comparisons between the experimental and the original natural population suggest that specific types of balancing selection could affect the frequency of genes controlling the regulatory system of enzyme studied, and the frequency of genes controlling the variation of important fitness traits, such as the rate of preadult development.  相似文献   

Summary Sixteen elements were determined in 156 specimens of 47 species of New Caledonian Flacourtiaceae including the genera Casearia, Homalium, Lasiochlamys and Xylosma. The data were used to study inter-elemental relationships, particularly those involving nutrient elements, magnesium and phytotoxic elements such as chromium, cobalt and nickel. Phytotoxic chromium was not accumulated to any marked degree by any taxon. Cobalt was inversely correlated with boron and sodium, and nickel with both nutrients as well as manganese. The data seemed to indicate the overriding controlling factor of reduced nutrient uptake caused by elements present in high concentrations in serpentinic substrates. It would seem that this reduced uptake is a major factor in the serpentine problem, at least as far as the Flacourtiaceae and the New Caledonian environment is concerned. By contrast, the toxic effects of elements such as nickel, cobalt and chromium seems less important.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster Toll receptor controls embryonic dorsal-ventral axis formation and is crucial for the innate immune response. In both cases, Toll is activated by the enzymatically cleaved form of its ligand Sp?tzle (Spz). During axis formation, Spz is cleaved by the maternally provided serine protease Easter while the Sp?tzle-processing enzyme (SPE) activates Spz after infection. We confirm the role of SPE in immunity and show that it is a zygotic gene specifically expressed in immune tissues implying that the dual activation of Spz is achieved by differential spatiotemporal expression of two similar but distinct serine proteases.  相似文献   

Digestive capabilities, such as the rates nutrient hydrolysis and absorption, may affect energy intake and ultimately feeding behavior. In birds, a high diversity in gut biochemical capabilities seems to support the existence of a correlation between the morphology and physiology of the intestinal tract and chemical features of the natural diet. However, studies correlating the activity of digestive enzymes and the feeding habits at an evolutionary scale are scarce. We investigated the effect of dietary habits on the digestive physiological characteristics of eight species of passerine birds from Central Chile. The Order Passeriformes is a speciose group with a broad dietary spectrum that includes omnivorous, granivorous and insectivorous species. We measured the activity of three enzymes: maltase, sucrase and aminopeptidase-N. Using an autocorrelation analysis to remove the phylogenetic effect, we found that dietary habits had no effect on enzymatic activity. However, we found that granivorous and omnivorous species had higher levels of disaccharidase activities and insectivores had the lowest. The major difference in enzymatic activity found at the inter-specific level, compared to the reported lower magnitude of enzyme modulation owing to dietary acclimation, suggests that these differences to some extent have a genetic basis. However, the lack of a clear association between diet categories and gut physiology suggested us that dietary categorizations do not always reflect the chemical composition of the ingested food.  相似文献   

There has been a dramatic increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and its associated complications globally. The postprandial stage of DM involves prompt elevation in the levels of blood glucose and α-amylase, a carbohydrate-metabolizing enzyme is mainly involved in the regulation of postprandial hyperglycemia. This study was designed to assess the ability of a well-known flavonoid, taxifolin (TFN), against postprandial hyperglycemia and its inhibitory effects on α-amylase activity through the assessment of therapeutic potentials of TFN in an alloxan-induced diabetic animal model. The binding potential TFN with an α-amylase receptor was also investigated through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and docking of to compare the binding affinities and energies of TFN and standard drug acarbose (ACB) with target enzyme. TFN significantly improved the postprandial hyperglycemia, lipid profile, and serum levels of α-amylase, lipase, and C-reactive protein in a dose-dependent manner when compared with that of either DM-induced and ACB-treated alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Moreover, TFN also enhanced the anti-oxidant status and normal functioning of the liver in alloxan-induced diabetic rats more efficiently as compared to that of ACB-treated alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Therapeutic potentials of TFN were also verified by MD simulation and docking results, which exhibited that the binding energy and affinity of TFN to bind with receptor was significantly higher as compared to that of ACB. Hence, the results of this study signify that TFN might be a potent inhibitor of α-amylase that has the potential to regulate the postprandial hyperglycemia along with its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties during the treatment of DM.  相似文献   

Changes in amylase (E.C., maltase (E.C., sucrase, and PNPGase activities in relation to changes in wet weight and protein content were studied during the development of larvae and adult flies from two strains of Drosophila melanogaster, homozygous for different amylase alleles. All -glucosidase activities increase exponentially during a large part of larval development, parallel to the increase in weight, and drop at the end of the third instar. Amylase activity of the Amy 1 strain follows the same pattern. In contrast, amylase activity of the Amy 4,6 strain continues its exponential increase longer. In the third larval instar amylase activity in the Amy 4,6 strain becomes much higher than in the Amy 1 strain. During the first hours of adult life amylase activity of the two strains does not differ. Then Amy 4,6 activity starts to rise and becomes much higher (4–5 times) than Amy 1 amylase activity, which remains approximately constant. All adult enzyme activities are much higher than in larvae. Comparison of enzyme activity of amylase and -glucosidases in larvae and adults confirms that differences in amylase activities can become important only when starch is a limiting factor in the food.The investigations were supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION), which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

Polyamines such as spermine can have interaction with protein. The aim of the present study was to investigate how spermine could influence the structure, thermal stability, and the activity of α-chymotrypsin. Kinetics, thermodynamics, molecular dynamics (MD), and docking simulations studies were conducted to investigate the effect of spermine on the activity and structure of α-Chymotrypsin (α-Chy) in 50 mM Tris–HCl buffer, with the pH 8, using different spectroscopic techniques as well as molecular docking and MD simulations. The stability and activity of α-Chy were increased in the presence of spermine. The results of the kinetic study showed that the activity of spermine was increased. Enzyme activation was accompanied by changes on the α-Chy conformation. Fluorescence intensity changes showed dynamic quenching during spermine binding. The fluorescence quenching of the α-Chy suggested the more polar location of Trp residues. Near-UV and Far-UV circular dichroism studies also demonstrated the transfer of Trp, Phe, and Tyr residues to a more flexible environment. The increase in the absorption of α-Chy in the presence of spermine was as a result of the formation of spermine–α-Chy complex. Molecular docking results revealed the presence of one binding site with a negative value for the Gibbs free energy of the binding of spermine to α-Chy. Docking study also revealed that van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bonds played a major role in stabilizing the complex.  相似文献   

β-galactosylceramidase (GALC) is a lysosomal enzyme that removes β-galactose from β-galactosylceramide, leading to the formation of the oncosuppressor metabolite ceramide. Recent observations have shown that GALC may exert opposite effects on tumor growth by acting as an oncosuppressive or oncogenic enzyme depending on the different experimental approaches, in vitro versus in vivo observations, preclinical versus clinical findings, and tumor type investigated. This review will recapitulate and discuss the contrasting experimental evidence related to the impact of GALC on the biological behavior of cancer and stromal cells and its contribution to tumor progression.  相似文献   

-Mannosidase (EC is a vacuolar enzyme which occurs abundantly in the cotyledons of the jack-bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC). The mature enzyme is a tetramer with two polypeptides each of relative molecular mass (Mr) 66000 and Mr 44000. The enzyme has an interesting molecular structure because in its native form, it does not bind to concanavalin A (ConA) in spite of the presence of a high-mannose glycan. -Mannosidase is synthesized in the developing cotyledons of jack-beans at the same time as the abundant proteins canavalin and ConA. The enzyme is synthesized as a precursor which has an Mr of 110000 and is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Antibodies against the deglycosylated subunits cross-react with the Mr-110000 precursor. Processing of the precursor to the constituent polypeptides occurs posttranslationally, probably in the protein bodies. Immunocytochemical evidence shows that -mannosidase is present in the ER and the Golgi complex of developing cells, and accumulates in the protein bodies.Labeling with [3H]glucosamine shows that after processing only the Mr-66000 polypeptide has glucosamine-containing glycans. The synthesis of these glycans is inhibited by tunicamycin, indicating that they are asparagine-linked oligosaccharides. Analysis of the glycans shows that there is a large glycan that is retained by ConA and a small glycan that is not retained by ConA. The large glycan is only partially sensitive to -mannosidase because of the presence of a terminal glucose residue. Cross-reaction of the large subunit with an antiserum directed against small, complex glycans of plant glycoproteins indicates that this polypeptide probably has a xylose-containing glycan. Pulse-chase experiments carried out in the presence of tunicamycin show that the presence of glycans is not required for transport of -mannosidase out of the ER-Golgi system.Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - ER endoplasmic reticulum - H L heavy, light subunit - IgG Immunoglobulin G - Mr relative molecular mass - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The basis for the differentiation of l-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (-GPDH) into larval and adult isozymes in Drosophila melanogaster was investigated by the correlation of a lack of appearance of each isozyme during development within Drosophila bearing -GPDH null alleles and by the study of a putative conversion factor. Conversion studies indicate the presence of a heat-labile RNase-resistant conversion factor present in crude larval extracts with the ability to convert GPDH-1 to GPDH-2 and GPDH-3 but not vice versa. In addition, null mutations at the Gpdh locus obliterate all isozymatic species of -GPDH in all developmental stages. These observations suggest that all -GPDH isozymes are the product of a single structural gene and that the multiple forms of this enzyme arise during successive developmental stages through an epigenetic modification of the primary Gpdh + polypeptide. Finally, observations are reported which bear on the functional divergence of the -glycerophosphate cycle in the adult and larval stage of development.This investigation was supported in part by NIH Research Grant No. GM-15691 and Genetics Training Grant No. 2 TI GM-685 at the University of North Carolina and by NIH Research Grant No. GM-11546 at North Carolina State University.Paper No. 5054 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina.  相似文献   

(p-Chlorophenoxy)isobutyric acid (PCIB) inhibited indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-induced ethylene production in etiolated mung bean hypocotyl sections. The endogenous level of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) was not significantly affected by PCIB, indicating that PCIB exerted its effect primarily by inhibiting the activity of the ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE). This conclusion was supported by the observations that PCIB inhibited the conversion of exogenously applied ACC to ethylene. The inhibitory effect of PCIB was already evident with 0.05 mM PCIB, and it increased with time after application of the inhibitor. PCIB also significantly inhibited ethylene production in apple fruit tissues, but it only slightly reduced the level of endogenous ACC. Similar to mung bean, EFE activity in apple tissue was significantly inhibited by PCIB. The possibility that PCIB also inhibits auxin-induced ACC synthase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Insulators or chromatin boundary are DNA elements that organize the genome into discrete regulatory domains by limiting the actions of enhancers and silencers through a “positional-blocking mechanism”. The role of these sequences, both in modulation of the enhancers range of action (enhancer–promoter selectivity) and in the organization of the chromatin in functional domains, is emerging strongly in these last years. There is a great interest in identifying new insulators because deeper knowledge of these elements can help understand how cis-regulatory elements coordinate the expression of the target genes. However, while insulators are critical in gene regulation and genome functioning, only a few have been reported so far. Here, we describe a new insulator sequence that is located in the 5′UTR of the Drosophila retrotransposon ZAM. We have used an “enhancer–blocking assay” to test its effects on the activity of the enhancer in transiently transfected Drosophila S2R+ cell line. Moreover, we show that the new insulator is able to affect significantly the enhancer–promoter interaction in the human cell line HEK293. These results suggest the possibility of employing the ZAM insulator in gene transfer protocols from insects to mammals in order to counteract the transgene positional and genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

α-Crystallin is reported to act like molecular chaperone by suppressing the aggregation of damaged crystallins in eye lens. In this work, it is shown that α-crystallin increases the reactivation of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl)-denatured α-amylase from porcine pancreas. 8-Anilinonaphthalene-sulphonate (ANS) binding studies reveal the involvement of hydrophobic interactions in the formation of the complex of α-crystallin and α-amylase. On the basis of our fluorescence spectroscopic and gel-filtration results, we propose that α-crystallin blocks the unfavorable pathways that lead to irreversible denaturation of α-amylase and keep it in folding-competent intermediate state.  相似文献   

The central stalk of mitochondrial ATP synthase consists of subunits γ, δ, and ε, and along with the membraneous subunit c oligomer constitutes the rotor domain of the enzyme. Our previous studies showed that mutation or deficiency of ε subunit markedly decreased the content of ATP synthase, which was otherwise functionaly and structuraly normal. Interestingly, it led to accumulation of subunit c aggregates, suggesting the role of the ε subunit in assembly of individual enzyme domains. In the present study we focused on the role of subunits γ and δ. Using shRNA knockdown in human HEK293 cells, the protein levels of γ and δ were decreased to 30% and 10% of control levels, respectively. The content of the assembled ATP synthase decreased in accordance with the levels of the silenced subunits, which was also the case for most structural subunits. In contrast, the hydrophobic c subunit was increased to 130% or 180%, respectively and most of it was detected as aggregates of 150–400?kDa by 2D PAGE. In addition the IF1 protein was upregulated to 195% and 300% of control levels. Both γ and δ subunits silenced cells displayed decreased ATP synthase function - lowered rate of ADP-stimulated respiration, a two-fold increased sensitivity of respiration to inhibitor oligomycin, and impaired utilization of mitochondrial membrane potential for ADP phosphorylation. In summary, similar phenotype of γ, δ and ε subunit deficiencies suggest uniform requirement for assembled central stalk as driver of the c-oligomer attachment in the assembly process of mammalian ATP synthase.  相似文献   

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