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The playmate relationships of immature Japanese monkeys were analyzed with respect to age, sex, and dominance rank class of the matrilines in a larger-sized free-ranging group. One-year-old immature males showed the largest number of play partners and the highest frequency of social play. Older immature females tended to play with younger animals of both sexes, whereas immature males of all ages played with same-sexed and like-aged peers. While high-ranking immature males continued their play partnerships with other animals until 4 years of age, middle/low-ranking males did not. The large number of peers and possible play partners may intensify their selectivity of play partners in relation to dominance. The forming of playmate networks by high-ranking immature males may explain the delay in group shifting of high-ranking animals.  相似文献   

Several aspects of breeding-season relationships with mature females are described for free-ranging immature male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)on Cayo Santiago. At puberty, immature males are still groomed by mature females, as they were as infants, but no longer receive active protection from females other than their mothers. A further, potentially beneficial, aspect of their associations with females lies in the opportunities to observe closely the tactical social and sexual interactions of receptive females with adult males. However, immature males themselves rarely copulate with females. Developmental constraints may explain the finding that most females observed by immature males were relatives but that high-ranking males showed a particular preference for adolescent relatives, whereas the preference of low-ranking males was for adult relatives. A further finding was that while there was a tendency for immature males to devote a greater proportion of their total observation time to females that ranked above their mothers than to those of inferior rank, these were also the females from which males received the most aggression, while most of the females with which the males groomed or copulated were lower ranking than the males’ mothers. Of three hypotheses concerning three possible types of social constraint which might account for such a finding, the data supported only one—that particular levels of aggression within these relationships are compatible only with certain other elements (observations), and not with others (grooming, copulation).  相似文献   

Five hypotheses that related female rank and reproductive success were tested in an intact troop of free-ranging, provisioned, Japanese macaques. The hypotheses stated that high-ranking females (1) begin parturition earlier in life than low-ranking females; (2) produce more offspring than low-ranking females; (3) give birth during some optimal time during the birth season to a greater extent than low-ranking females; (4) experience less infant mortality than low-ranking females;and (5) more frequently produce male offspring, while low-ranking females more frequently produce female offspring. A statistical analysis of the data which included three birth seasons and 55 adult females and 34 pubescent females, all of known age, rank, and matrifocal membership in the Arashiyama B troop, revealed few significant results. An association was found between the rank of the matrifocal unit and the age of first birth. However, the relationship was the reverse of hypothesis 1, i.e., females of the lower-ranking matrifocal units began parturition earlier than females of higher-ranking matrifocal units. Therefore, in this troop of Japanese monkeys— where alternative feeding strategies existed— there was little association between female rank and reproductive success.  相似文献   

The affiliative interaction patterns of the immature members of a group of rhesus monkeys at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center reflected a strong bias toward matrilineal kin, although this effect was modified by age and sex variables. Association with kin decreased with age, particularly for males. Juvenile males showed less of a kin bias in their behavior than did juvenile females, especially for grooming. Juvenile males also exhibited a preference for interaction with other males. The diminished association with kin and the same-sex bias may be reinforced in adolescence as adult males begin to aggressively target adolescent males involved in agonistic encounters with females or immatures. Adolescent males did not decrease their levels of social interaction relative to those of adolescent females; however, these males preferentially associated with other males (predominantly their own age-sex class) and specifically avoided females and younger animals, both kin and nonkin. Avoidance may diminish conflicts with females or immatures which could result from association, thereby decreasing the potential for selective aggressive interference by adult males. Juvenile and adolescent females maintained strong ties with their kin and preferentially associated with other females and immatures. The breadth of interaction of females with other females may facilitate the establishment of dominance relationships as females mature. Familiarity and predictability may also decrease the necessity of more severe agonistic interaction.  相似文献   

We investigated longterm socio-spatial relationships between adult males and immatures in a colony of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata), housed in a 1200 m2 indoor-outdoor enclosure at Cavriglia Natural Park (Arezzo, Italy). Using focal animal observations together with scan sampling, we found that the immatures between six months and one year of age showed particularly high frequency of proximity and vicinity to the male troop leader. The immatures-actively sought proximity to this individual, even if social interaction with him was minimal compared to other males with which high frequency of play occurred. Proximity to the leader (even) caused some mild aggressive response by him, showing that this individual tolerated, rather than sought, proximity to the immatures. Their behaviour was not mediated by the mothers, who might be expected to profit from their offsprings’ proximity to the leader. The leader seemed to support the immatures during aggressive interactions with a significantly high frequency due to their spatial proximity to him. This behaviour decreased during the following year. We interpreted the immatures’ behaviour as a social strategy expressed during an early phase of individual ontogeny to manipulate the leader’s “control” role and to explore the physical and social environment from a relatively secure position.  相似文献   

Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in a free-ranging group in Jigokudani valley, Nagano prefecture, are known to bathe in a hot spring. We used scan sampling in a study aimed at elucidating the causal factors and possible social transmission of this behavior. From 1980-2003, 31% of a total 114 females in the group habitually bathed in the hot spring. The habit was more widespread in dominant matrilines than in subordinate matrilines. Infants whose mothers bathed were more likely to bathe than infants of mothers who did not bathe. The number of monkeys bathing was clearly influenced by ambient air temperature. More monkeys bathed in the hot spring in winter than in summer. The results support the thermoregulation hypothesis of hot-spring bathing. Bathing behavior varies among age and sex categories of monkeys, with adult females and juveniles bathing more often than adult males and subadults. We compared hot-spring bathing with other thermoregulatory behaviors in various primate populations.  相似文献   

During the period from June to July 1983, the Hanyama-A troop of wild non-provisioned Japanese monkeys on Yakushima Island began to show signs of troop fission. Adult females together with their infants and juveniles subdivided into two groups, the Hanyama-K group and Hanyama-M group. After the subdivision, all of the troop males were observed vacillating between these two female groups. During the mating season, non-troop males were also observed moving around the two female groups. After this mating season, one of these non-troop males was found to have entered and become the alpha male in one of the groups, while higher-ranking adult males of the original troop settled into the other group. Each fissioned group was strongly considered to be composed of either high-ranking matrilines or low-ranking matrilines as observed previously in provisioned troops. The dominance relation between the two fissioned groups indicated that dominance rank reversal between these two female kin groups must have occurred during the course of subdivision of the troop. However, different from most previous cases of troop fission, there was no indication that males ever participated in the subdivision of the original female group. This was disrupted not as a result of males' involvement, but only as a result of antagonism among females, which initiated the troop fission. The main factor which appeared to determine when and in which fission group males eventually settled was the competition between the troop males' coalition and non-troop males and their ability to monopolize females. The present process of troop fission suggests a dual strategy between males and females (Wrangham, 1979, 1980) even in the society of Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

The present study compares the behavior of old female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) with that of their full adult daughters in a free-ranging group, with respect to dominance and seasonal changes. Old mothers (21 to 25 years old) spent more time resting and alone than did their middle-aged adult daughters (10 to 17 yr old). However, the number of skin-related animals in proximity to the subject females, did not differ between mothers and their adult daughters. Mothers maintained proximity to more non-kin-related immature animals in the mating season than did their adult daughters, perhaps to avoid sexual aggression from males and to reduce the loss of body temperature in the cold. Dominance rank clearly influenced the social interactions of old mothers: high-ranking mothers interacted with more non-related adult females and immature animals than did low-ranking mothers, indicating that old age does not decrease the attractiveness of high-ranking animals.  相似文献   

In a provisioned troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in Arashiyama, Japan, greater adherence to Kawamura's rules of matrilineal rank inheritance and youngest ascendancy occurred among high-ranking females versus low-ranking females. Accordingly, high-ranking females formed more clustered hierarchies and low-ranking females had more dispersed hierarchies. A proximate explanation for this finding may be related to differences in how females maintain their social networks. To determine whether the clustering in the hierarchy was reflected in patterns of social cohesiveness, I compared network sizes of coalition and grooming partners for females in each third of the hierarchy. I calculated the proportion of available partners that were coalition and grooming partners within each category of relatedness (0.5 r 0.004 and r = 0). High-ranking females formed coalitions with a large proportion of their close relatives and a small proportion of their distant relatives; middle-ranking females supported an intermediate proportion of their close relatives and a small proportion of their distant relatives; and, low-ranking females formed coalitions with very few available close and distant relatives. High-ranking females groomed nearly all available close relatives and an intermediate proportion of distant relatives, whilst middle- and low-ranking females groomed a large proportion of available close relatives and a very small proportion of distant relatives. Thus, levels of clustering within the hierarchy appeared to reflect levels of social cohesion, in terms of grooming and coalition formation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of dominance rank in combination with kinship on age-related differences in social grooming among adult females in a free-ranging group of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Eighty-three adult females were divided into six sub-groups according to age-class (younger: 5–9 years old; middle: 10–14 years old; older: 15–22 years old) and dominance rank (high and low rank). The ratio of the number of unrelated females that each female groomed to the total number of available unrelated females and grooming bouts which she gave to unrelated females decreased with increasing age for both high- and low-ranking females, whereas age did not appear to affect corresponding values for related females. On the other hand, compared with low-ranking females, high-ranking females of all age-classes received grooming more often from a larger number of unrelated females. Moreover, older females of low rank received grooming less often from a smaller number of unrelated females than younger females of low rank. These results indicate that with increasing age females are more likely to concentrate on related females when they have grooming interactions with other females. This tendency seems to be more apparent for low-ranking females. Moreover, the present findings also indicate that older high-ranking females could maintain their social attractiveness as high as younger high-ranking females.  相似文献   

I report results of a 4-year study, which profiles grooming partners of immature blue monkeys in a Kenyan rain forest. The analysis focuses on the degree to which mothers and offspring were preferred grooming partners and on sex differences in grooming partners. Subjects ranged in age from 0 to 6 years and were members of one study group in which kinship relations were known from long-term study. Immatures often had their mothers as the top-ranked partner. Even more reliably, however, adult females had their offspring as top-ranked immature partners. As offspring grew older, they tended to fall in the rank ordering of their mothers' immature grooming partners, especially when younger siblings were born. Immature males had fewer grooming partners overall than female peers did. Thus, immature females diversified their partners more than males did, especially by establishing grooming relations with immature female partners. Immatures of both sexes had more female partners than expected by chance. Observed sex differences suggest that immature female blue monkeys may use grooming to cultivate relationships with long-term future benefits. It is less clear that the grooming of immature males functions in this way. Immatures of both sexes may also use grooming to maintain relationships of current value, to practice for future social exchange, and to keep clean, and some of their grooming may be in the primary interest of their partners, rather than themselves. In general, immature blue monkeys resemble the immatures of other catarrhine taxa in the way in which grooming is distributed among various partners.  相似文献   

As a part of growing up, immature orangutans must acquire vast repertoires of skills and knowledge, a process that takes several years of observational social learning and subsequent practice. Adult female and male orangutans show behavioral differences including sex-specific foraging patterns and male-biased dispersal. We investigated how these differing life trajectories affect social interest and emerging ecological knowledge in immatures. We analyzed 15 years of detailed observational data on social learning, associations, and diet repertoires of 50 immatures (16 females and 34 males), from 2 orangutan populations. Specific to the feeding context, we found sex differences in the development of social interest: Throughout the dependency period, immature females direct most of their social attention at their mothers, whereas immature males show an increasing attentional preference for individuals other than their mothers. When attending to non-mother individuals, males show a significant bias toward immigrant individuals and a trend for a bias toward adult males. In contrast, females preferentially attend to neighboring residents. Accordingly, by the end of the dependency period, immature females show a larger dietary overlap with their mothers than do immature males. These results suggest that immature orangutans show attentional biases through which they learn from individuals with the most relevant ecological knowledge. Diversifying their skills and knowledge likely helps males when they move to a new area. In sum, our findings underline the importance of fine-grained social inputs for the acquisition of ecological knowledge and skills in orangutans and likely in other apes as well.

To understand the development and evolution of cognition of our closest relatives, we need to investigate their learning behavior during every-day life. This study finds that wild orangutan males and females differ in their social learning strategies and subsequent learning outcomes from an early age, underlining the general importance of, and the effects of sex on, social learning in non-human great apes.  相似文献   

From the late 1960s to the early 1970s, many congenitally malformed infants were born into provisioned Japanese macaque troops. Although the exact cause of this problem was not determined, the occurrence of malformations decreased thereafter. We examined possible factors such as total population size, number of adult females, birth rate, and volume of provisioned food. Agrichemicals attached to provisioned food are suspected as the main cause, as other factors were found to have no influence. Many more malformations were seen in males compared with females, in feet compared with hands, and in the fourth compared with other digits. We confirmed that the frequency of congenital malformation was high during the 1960s through to the mid-1970s when increased levels of provisioned food were given and that the incidence of congenital malformations was also elevated among wild macaques during this time.  相似文献   

In long–lived social mammals such as primates, individuals can benefit from social bonds with close kin, including their mothers. In the patrilocal chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes spp.) and bonobo (Pan paniscus), sexually mature males reside and reproduce in their natal groups and can retain post-dependency bonds with their mothers, while immatures of both sexes might also have their paternal grandmothers available. However, quantitative information on the proportion of males and immatures that co-reside with both types of these close female relatives is limited for both species. Combining genetic parentage determination and group composition data from five communities of wild chimpanzees and three communities of wild bonobos, we estimated the frequency of co-residence between (1) mature males and their mothers, and (2) immature males and females and their paternal grandmothers. We found that adult males resided twice as frequently with their mothers in bonobos than in chimpanzees, and that immature bonobos were three times more likely to possess a living paternal grandmother than were immature chimpanzees. Patterns of female and male survivorship from studbook records of captive individuals of both species suggest that mature bonobo females survive longer than their chimpanzee counterparts, possibly contributing to the differences observed in mother–son and grandmother–immature co-residency levels. Taking into account reports of bonobo mothers supporting their sons'' mating efforts and females sharing food with immatures other than their own offspring, our findings suggest that life history traits may facilitate maternal and grandmaternal support more in bonobos than in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Correlations among female age, dominance, and reproduction were investigated for a 12-year period in free-ranging, provisioned Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus), living in one-male groups near Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India. Of 2940 displacement episodes, 27% occurred over natural food, 26% over provisioned food, 8% over grooming, 23% over position and shade, and 16% for other reasons. It was possible to reconstruct a displacement hierarchy that was linear and stable over short periods but fluctuated according to the age composition of the troop, resulting in an age inversed dominance structure. Females occupied top ranks as soon as they experienced menarche (around 2.4 years of age) and gradually declined thereafter, with postmenopausal females (≥30 years) being the lowest ranking individuals. Old females tended to be peripheral, while young females were highly social and active. Fertility peaked at about 7 years and gradually decreased thereafter, but infant mortality was much higher in young females than in old ones. During years when females gave birth, their ranks, especially those of old females, were higher than the average expectation for their age class, which suggests that females compete more vigorously if they have an infant. Reproductive success (i.e., infant survival to ≥2 years) declined significantly from high-over middle-to low-ranking females but did not differ for the three age classes investigated, because the higher fecundity of young females was balanced by better rearing success of older females. These results are discussed in light of the controversy over whether the langur social system is strongly influenced by kin selection (Hrdy and Hrdy, 1976; Dolhinow et al., 1979).  相似文献   

Data on spatial relationships between eight mothers with young infants and other troop members collected during a study of free-ranging red howlers are used to examine two predictions: (a) that among immature and adult females, individuals showing the greatest interest in young infants are those who would incur the greatest benefit and lowest costs in doing so, and, (b) that since red howler infants may be killed by males, the male who spends most time near an infant is its likely father. Results indicate that females with infants spent less time near the new mother than did immature females and adult females without infants. Those dominant males who were the infant's likely father spent significantly more time near the new mother than did the subordinate males.  相似文献   

Heterosexual relationships during one mating season were examined in a wild troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island, Japan. Validation tests of putative mate choice behaviors demonstrated that female initiation and maintenance of proximity, female lookback at the male, and sexual presents to the male, were associated with increased mating. Male grooming the female was also associated with increased mating. Ten dyadic social behaviors were subject to principal components analysis to empirically define behavioral dimensions of male-female relationships. The analysis yielded four relationship dimensions: ‘Mutual Choice and Male Coercion,’ ‘Female Choice’ (two types), and ‘Mutual Choice’ Dyads tended to be characterized by more than one dimension. The results suggested that females sought matings with multiple males of various dominance ranks. Female relationships with high ranking males contained elements of male coercion and mate guarding, however, because these males attempted to inhibit females from mating with lower ranking males. The correlation between each relationship dimension and mating success depended, in part, on the dominance rank of males. Relationships involving high ranking males, which were most likely to contain elements of male coercion and mate guarding, were associated with mating success. Relationships involving low ranking males, which usually lacked such coercive elements. were less strongly correlated with mating success. These results, obtained from a wild troop, are compared to those previously obtained in captive and provisioned groups of Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

We assess life history from birth to death in male mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) living in a semifree-ranging colony in Gabon, using data collected for 82 males that attained at least the age of puberty, including 33 that reached adulthood and 25 that died, yielding data for their entire lifespan. We describe patterns of mortality and injuries, dominance rank, group association, growth and stature, and secondary sexual character expression across the male lifespan. We examine relationships among these variables and investigate potential influences on male life history, including differences in the social environment (maternal rank and group demography) and early development, with the aim of identifying characteristics of successful males. Sons of higher-ranking females were more likely to survive to adulthood than sons of low-ranking females. Adolescent males varied consistently in the rate at which they developed, and this variation was related to a male's own dominance rank. Males with fewer peers and sons of higher-ranking and heavier mothers also matured faster. However, maternal variables were not significantly related to dominance rank during adolescence, the age at which males attained adult dominance rank, or whether a male became alpha male. Among adult males, behavior and morphological development were related to a male's own dominance rank, and sons of high-ranking females were larger than sons of low-ranking females. Alpha males were always the most social, and the most brightly colored males, but were not necessarily the largest males present. Finally, alpha male tenure was related to group demography, with larger numbers of rival adult males and maturing adolescent males reducing the time a male spent as alpha male. Tenure did not appear to be related to characteristics of the alpha male himself.  相似文献   

There is little detailed documentation of immature behavior, especially mother-offspring interactions, for nocturnal prosimians, and few studies have examined sex differences in mother-offspring interactions. This study compares the behavior of captive-born Galago senegalensis braccatus, the Senegal galago, from 1 to 20 weeks of age for 3-5 females and 4-6 males. The subjects lived in social groups, on a reversed light cycle. Three 10-min focal samples were taken each week, for each subject, during each of the 6 most active hours of the waking cycle (night). Locally weighted regression scatterplot smoothing analysis was used to test for sex differences in behavior. There were no sex differences in most forms of mother-offspring contact, including nursing, control of proximity with the mother or grooming. Females were more active than males in the rate of solitary acrobatic play and, only after the age of weaning, in locomotion. Altogether, these observations suggest that the sexes might not present more energetic 'costs' to mothers. There were tendencies for female immatures to play with the mother more than male immatures did, and a tendency for the males to investigate the cage more than the females. Male and female immatures groomed non-mother group mates in equivalent amounts. Since males are likely the dispersing sex in galagos, these differences might be reflective of later dispersal patterns. However, comparisons are needed with a female dispersal species (e.g. chimpanzees) to test this hypothesis. Alternative hypotheses concerning the 'cost' and/or 'value' of sons versus daughters need to be explored.  相似文献   

The affiliative interactions of 11 adult female Japanese macaques that did not deliver an infant during the 1981 birth season of the Arashiyama West troop were examined. Consideration was given to the effects of kinship as a structuring element in these birth-season interactions and to the degree of association with various categories of troop members based on age, sex, and (in the case of adult females) whether or not the females were new mothers. Females without infants interacted predominantly with their yearling off-spring, although it was the behavior of the offspring that precipitated the interaction. These females were active in soliciting affiliation with nonkin new mothers, whereas female matrilineal relatives with new infants approached and remained in proximity to them more than did nonrelated new mothers. Females without newborns groomed and approached nonkin infants more than infants within their own matriline, and these infants were predominantly those of females in the highest-ranking matriline of the troop. Adult males were responsible for 40% of all grooming received from nonkin by the females without newborns, and these males approached them significantly more than did other adult females without infants. These patterns demonstrate that the structure of social relationships is influenced by the particular dynamics of troop contexts such as birth seasons, as well as by enduring, broad-based affinities which are less affected by cyclic changes in troop context.  相似文献   

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