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This study examined the organization of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle by metabolic engineering and high-resolution 13C NMR. The oxidation of [1,2,3-13C]propionate to glutamate via the TCA cycle was measured in wild-type (WT) and a citrate synthase mutant (CS?) strain of Escherichia coli transformed with allosteric E. coli citrate synthase (ECCS) or non-allosteric pig citrate synthase (PCS). The 13C fractional enrichment in glutamate C-2, C-3, and C-4 in ECCS and PCS were similar; although quantitative differences in total citrate synthase activity and total C-4 labeling of glutamate were observed in ECCS and PCS. Allosteric ECCS cells contained 10-fold less total enzyme activity than PCS but only 50% less total labeling in glutamate C-4 and equivalent doubling times. The observed spectra were mathematically fitted using an iterative procedure(TCACALC) and yielded an acetate/succinyl-CoA flux ratio of 10 for both ECCS and PCS, a result that is in agreement with the isotopomer analyses of the 13C spectra of cells presented with [3-13C] propionate or [2-13C]propionate. The results are consistent with the presence of an allosteric citrate synthase in ECCS and a non-allosteric citrate synthase in PCS. The former maintains TCA cycle flux via alternative propionate pathways activated by positive allosteric mechanisms and the latter via elevated enzyme levels.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase (CS) is a dimeric, mitochondrial protein, composed of two identical subunits (M(r) 48969 each). The nuclear-encoded alpha-helical protein is imported into mitochondria post-translationally where it catalyses the first step of the citric cycle. Furthermore, the pathway of thermal unfolding as well as the folding pathway was studied extensively, making CS a well-suited substrate protein for studying chaperone function. In chaperone research the quality of the substrate proteins is essential to guaranty the reproducibility of the results. In this context, we here describe the GroE-enhanced recombinant expression and purification of CS. CS was expressed in E. coli by using an arabinose regulated T7 promotor. Under standard expression conditions only insoluble, inactive CS was detected. Interestingly, the expression of soluble and active CS was possible when GroEL/GroES was co-expressed. Furthermore, a shift to lower expression temperatures increased the amount of soluble, active CS. We describe for the first time, the purification of CS in soluble and active form by following a CiPP strategy (capture, intermediate purification, polishing). After the initial capturing step on DEAE-Sephacel the protein was further purified on a Q-Sepharose column. After these two steps of anion-exchange chromatography a final size-exclusion chromatography step on a Superdex 75-pg column yields CS with a purity over 99%. Using this expression and purification strategy 1 mg CS per g E. coli wet weight were purified.  相似文献   

We describe a mutant of Escherichia coli citrate synthase, CS R319L, in which the arginine residue at position 319 of the sequence has been replaced by leucine. In this mutant, saturation by the substrate acetyl-CoA is changed from sigmoid (Hill parameter = 1.75 +/- 0.2) to hyperbolic (Hill parameter = 1.0 +/- 0.1) and dependence on the activator KCl is greatly reduced. Further mutations at this site and at position 343 (which model building predicts is close enough to allow a side-chain interaction with position 319) are also described. In the wild-type enzyme, the model suggests the possibility of a salt-bridge interaction between Arg-319 (located on the P helix in the small domain) and Glu-343 (in the Q helix in the same domain), but mutation of Glu-343 to Ala (CS E343A) produced a much smaller difference in the kinetic properties than the ARg-319 to Leu mutation did. Small changes in kinetic properties were also obtained with an Arg-319----Glu (CS R319E) mutation. In CS R319L, oxaloacetate, the first substrate to bind, induces an ultraviolet difference spectrum which is obtained with wild-type enzyme only in the presence of KCl. To account for these observations we postulate that wild-type E. coli citrate synthase exists in two conformational states, T and R, which are equilibrium; T state binds NADH, the allosteric inhibitor, while R state binds substrates and can be converted to another substrate-binding state, R', by KCl.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The citrate synthase from Escherichia coli B has been crystallized in a cubic space group with a unit cell spacing of 220 A. X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, symmetry considerations, and low resolution projection Patterson syntheses are consistent with a model proposed in which 24 tetrameric molecules of Mr = 188,000 +/- 12,000 occupy the unit cell. The space group is apparently P23, although at low resolution the observed systematic absences in reflections are consistent with the space group P43n, a space group not allowed for asymmetric molecules. Estimates of VM suggest that in the true space group, P23, two tetrameric molecules occupy the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of Escherichia coli citrate synthase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
V Bhayana  H W Duckworth 《Biochemistry》1984,23(13):2900-2905
Detailed evidence for the amino acid sequence of allosteric citrate synthase from Escherichia coli is presented. The evidence confirms all but 11 of the residues inferred from the sequence of the gene as reported previously [Ner, S. S., Bhayana, V., Bell, A. W., Giles, I. G., Duckworth, H. W., & Bloxham, D. P. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 5243]; no information has been obtained about 10 of these (residues 101-108 and 217-218), and we find aspartic acid rather than asparagine at position 10. Substantial regions of sequence homology are noted between the E. coli enzyme and citrate synthase from pig heart, especially near residues thought to be involved in the active site. Deletions or insertions must be assumed in a number of places in order to maximize homology. Either of two lysines, at positions 355 and 356, could be formally homologous to the trimethyllysine of pig heart enzyme, but neither of these is methylated. It appears that E. coli and pig heart citrate synthases are formed of basically similar subunits but that considerable differences exist, which must explain why the E. coli enzyme is hexameric and allosterically inhibited by NADH, while the pig heart enzyme is dimeric and insensitive to that nucleotide.  相似文献   

Cloned myo-inositol-1-phpsphate synthase (INOS) of Drosophila melanogaster was expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified using a His-affinity column. The purified INOS required NAD+ for the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to inositol-1-phosphate. The optimum pH for myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase is 7.5, and the maximum activity was measured at 40 degrees C. The molecular weight of the native enzyme, as determined by gel filtration, was approximately Mr 271,000 +/- 15,000. A single subunit of approximately Mr 62,000 +/- 5,000 was detected upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The Michaelis (Km) and dissociation constants for glucose-6-phosphate were 3.5 and 3.7 mM, whereas for the cofactor NAD+ these were 0.42 and 0.4 mM, respectively.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring citrate synthases fall into distinct molecular and catalytic types. Gram-negative bacteria produce a 'large' enzyme, allosterically inhibited by NADH and, in the facultative anaerobes such as Escherichia coli, also by 2-oxoglutarate. On the other hand, Gram-positive bacteria and all eukaryotes produce a 'small' citrate synthase which is insensitive to these metabolites. As a complement to structure-function studies we have explored the possibility of genetically altering one type of citrate synthase to the other. By mutagenesis and suitable selection we have succeeded in isolating a mutant of E. coli whose citrate synthase is both 'small' and insensitive to NADH and 2-oxoglutarate. Some characteristics of the enzyme are described. Such mutant enzymes offer a novel approach to the study of citrate synthase, its regulation and its natural diversity.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering is used to improve titers, yields and generation rates for biochemical products in host microbes such as Escherichia coli. A wide range of biochemicals are derived from the central carbon metabolite acetyl-CoA, and the largest native drain of acetyl-CoA in most microbes including E. coli is entry into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle via citrate synthase (coded by the gltA gene). Since the pathway to any biochemical derived from acetyl-CoA must ultimately compete with citrate synthase, a reduction in citrate synthase activity should facilitate the increased formation of products derived from acetyl-CoA. To test this hypothesis, we integrated into E. coli C ΔpoxB twenty-eight citrate synthase variants having specific point mutations that were anticipated to reduce citrate synthase activity. These variants were assessed in shake flasks for growth and the production of acetate, a model product derived from acetyl-CoA. Mutations in citrate synthase at residues W260, A267 and V361 resulted in the greatest acetate yields (approximately 0.24 g/g glucose) compared to the native citrate synthase (0.05 g/g). These variants were further examined in controlled batch and continuous processes. The results provide important insights on improving the production of compounds derived from acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

The microbial product citramalic acid (citramalate) serves as a five-carbon precursor for the chemical synthesis of methacrylic acid. This biochemical is synthesized in Escherichia coli directly by the condensation of pyruvate and acetyl-CoA via the enzyme citramalate synthase. The principal competing enzyme with citramalate synthase is citrate synthase, which mediates the condensation reaction of oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA to form citrate and begin the tricarboxylic acid cycle. A deletion in the gltA gene coding citrate synthase prevents acetyl-CoA flux into the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and thus necessitates the addition of glutamate. In this study the E. coli citrate synthase was engineered to contain point mutations intended to reduce the enzyme's affinity for acetyl-CoA, but not eliminate its activity. Cell growth, enzyme activity and citramalate production were compared in several variants in shake flasks and controlled fermenters. Citrate synthase GltA[F383M] not only facilitated cell growth without the presence of glutamate, but also improved the citramalate production by 125% compared with the control strain containing the native citrate synthase in batch fermentation. An exponential feeding strategy was employed in a fed-batch process using MEC626/pZE12-cimA harboring the GltA[F383M] variant, which generated over 60 g/L citramalate with a yield of 0.53 g citramalate/g glucose in 132 hr. These results demonstrate protein engineering can be used as an effective tool to redirect carbon flux by reducing enzyme activity and improve the microbial production of traditional commodity chemicals.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase from Escherichia coli enhances the fluorescence of its allosteric inhibitor, NADH, and shifts the peak of emission of the coenzyme from 457 to 428 nm. These effects have been used to measure the binding of NADH to this enzyme under various conditions. The dissociation constant for the NADH-citrate synthase complex is about 0.28 muM at pH 6.2, but increases toward alkaline pH as if binding depends on protonation of a group with a pKa of about 7.05. Over the pH range 6.2-8.7, the number of binding sites decreases from about 0.65 to about 0.25 per citrate synthase subunit. The midpoint of this transition is at about pH 7.7, and it may be one reflection of the partial depolymerization of the enzyme which is known to occur in this pH range. A gel filtration method has been used to verify that the fluorescence enhancement technique accurately reveals all of the NADH molecules bound to the enzyme in the concentration range of interest. NAD+ and NADP+ were weak competitive inhibitors of NADH binding at pH 7.8 (Ki values greater than 1 mM), but stronger inhibition was shown by 5'-AMP and 3'-AMP, with Ki values of 83 +/- 5 and 65 +/- 4 muM, respectively. Acetyl-CoA, one of the substrates, and KCl, an activator, also inhibit the binding in a weakly cooperative manner. All of these effects are consistent with kinetic observations on this system. We interpret our results in terms of two types of binding site for nucleotides on citrate synthase: an active site which binds acetyl-CoA, the substrate, or its analogue 3'-AMP; and an allosteric site which binds NADH or its analogue 5'-AMP and has a lesser affinity for other nicotinamide adenine dinucloetides. When the active site is occupied, we propose that NADH cannot bind to the allosteric site, but 5'-AMP can; conversely, when NADH is the in the allosteric site, the active site cannot be occupied. In addition to these two classes of sites, there must be points for interaction with KCl and other salts. Oxaloacetate, the second substrate, and alpha-ketoglutarate, an inhibitor whose mode of action is believed to be allosteric, have no effect on NADH binding to citrate synthase at pH 7.8. When NADH is bound to citrate synthase, it quenches the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the enzyme. The amount of quenching is proportional to the amount of NADH bound, at least up to a binding ratio of 0.50 NADH per enzyme subunit. This amount of binding leads to the quenching of 53 +/- 5% of the enzyme fluorescence, which means that one NADH molecule can quench all the intrinsic fluorescence of the subunit to which it binds.  相似文献   

1. Citrate synthase has been purified from Escherichia coli and shown to exist at an equilibrium between three forms: monomer (mol.wt. 57000), tetramer (mol.wt. 230000) and, possibly, octamer. Modification of the enzyme by photo-oxidation and by treatment with specific chemical reagents has been carried out to gain information on the amino acid residues involved in enzymic activity and in the inhibition of activity by NADH and alpha-oxoglutarate. 2. Several photo-oxidizable amino acids appear to be involved in activity. The nature of the pH-dependence of their rates of photo-oxidation with Methylene Blue suggests that these are histidines, a conclusion supported by the greater rate of photo-inactivation with Rose Bengal and the destruction of activity by diethyl pyrocarbonate. 3. The participation of histidine at the alpha-oxoglutarate effector site is indicated by photo-oxidation and the participation of cysteine at the NADH effector site suggested by photo-oxidation is confirmed by the desensitization to NADH produced by treatment with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate). Inactivation of the enzyme after modification with this reagent suggests the additional involvement of cysteine in catalytic activity. 4. Amino acid analyses of native and photo-oxidized enzyme are consistent with these conclusions. 5. Modification with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide indicates the participation of tryptophan in the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Although large amounts of wild-type human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) are easily expressed in Escherichia coli, the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated mutants have a strong propensity to aggregate into inclusion bodies. The alanine to valine mutation at the fourth codon (A4V) is responsible for a rapidly progressive disease course and is particularly prone to aggregation when expressed in E. coli. We found that A4V SOD remained soluble when expressed at 18 degrees C, but >95% A4V SOD aggregated in inclusion bodies when expressed at 23 degrees C or above. The SOD aggregates dissolved with 4 M urea, suggesting that intermolecular hydrophobic interactions were predominantly responsible for making SOD insoluble. Many of the urea-solubilized subunits were cross-linked via disulfide bridges. Fully active mutant SOD could be produced by dialyzing urea away in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol and subsequently adding copper plus zinc, providing a fast procedure for purifying hundreds of milligrams of protein. Extensive rinsing removed most contaminating E. coli proteins from A4V SOD inclusion bodies except for a 37 kDa protein identified as outer membrane protein F using MALDI ToF/ToF mass spectrometry. Our results indicate that metal-deficient ALS-mutant SOD folds into stable apo conformation able to rebind metals. At high protein concentrations, SOD forms aggregates through hydrophobic interactions between subunits that seem to act as a kinetic snare to entrap additional proteins.  相似文献   

The fluorescence of tyrosine has been used to monitor a folding process of tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from Escherichia coli, because this protein has 7 tyrosines, but not tryptophan. Here to assess the contribution of each Tyr to fluorescence properties of this protein during folding, mutant proteins in which Tyr was replaced with Phe were analyzed. The result shows that a change of Tyr fluorescence occurring during folding of this protein is contributed to approximately 40% each by Tyr(4) and Tyr(115), and to the remaining approximately 20% by Tyr(173) and Tyr(175). Y173F and Y175F mutant proteins showed an increase in their fluorescence intensity by approximately 40% and approximately 10%, respectively. These increases appear to be due to multiple effects of increased hydrophobicity, quenching effect of nearby residue Glu(49), and/or energy transfer between Tyrs. Two data for Y173F alpha-subunit of urea-induced unfolding equilibrium monitored by UV and fluorescence were different. This result, together with ANS binding and far UV CD, shows that folding intermediate(s) of Y173F alpha-subunit, contrary to that of wild-type, may contain self-inconsistent properties such as more buried hydrophobicity, highly quenched fluorescence, and different dependencies on urea of UV absorbance, suggesting an ensemble of heterogeneous structures.  相似文献   

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