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The epidermal surface of the maize root tip   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

B. E. Juniper  Anna French 《Planta》1970,95(4):314-329
Summary Within the root cap, in maize, the cells believed to be responsible for the perception all possess large well-developed amyloplasts. They also have normal mitochondria and Golgi bodies, normal rough-surfaced ER with a very striking pattern of distribution, few free ribosomes, walls with an abnormal reticulate encrusting material, irregularly distributed plasmodesmata and an as yet unidentified fine quadruple membranous system. All of these features are discussed in relation to the role of the cells in perception.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of activating cell proliferation in the quiescent center of excised maize roots is described. The root tips were grown on wet filter paper in Petri dishes. This phenomenon was observed in 8 to 14 maize cultivars and was absent in excised Arabidopsis root tips. The distribution of mitoses in meristems greatly varied in individual seedlings roots from the same seed lot and seedlings of different cultivars. Meristem opening was observed after the removal of small root tips not longer than 3 mm and intact seminal roots. Sucrose (2%) and 10−6–10−8 M indole-3-acetic acid did not prevent meristem opening. These findings indicate that the state of quiescent center is maintained by a system of intercellular and interorgan relations, which are to be clarified.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are plant proteins induced in response to infection by pathogens. In this study, an antibody raised against the maize PRms protein was used to localize the protein in fungal-infected maize radicles. The PRms protein was found to be localized at the contact areas between parenchyma cells of the differentiating protoxylem elements. By using immunoelectron microscopy, we found that these immunoreactive regions correspond to plasmodesmal regions. This was also true for the parenchyma cells filling the central pith of the vascular cylinder, although PRms mRNA accumulation was not detected in these cells. These findings suggest that for one cell type, the parenchyma cells of the central pith, the protein is imported rather than synthesized. The localization of the PRms protein indicates the possible existence of mechanisms for sorting of plant proteins to plasmodesmata and suggests that this protein may have a specialized function in the plant defense response. These findings are discussed with respect to the structure and function of plasmodesmata in cell-to-cell communication processes in higher plants.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of activation of cell proliferation in the quiescent center of excised maize roots is described. The root tips were grown on wet filter paper in Petri dishes. This phenomenon was observed in 8 to 14 maize cultivars and was absent in excised Arabidopsis root tips. The distribution of mitoses in meristems greatly varied in roots of individual seedlings from the same seed lot and seedlings of different cultivars. Meristem opening was observed after the removal of small root tips not longer than 3 mm and intact seminal roots. Sucrose (2%) and 10(-6)-10(-8) M indole-3-acetic acid did not prevent meristem opening. These findings indicate that the state of quiescent center is maintained by a system of intercellular and interorgan relations, which are to be clarified.  相似文献   

Outer rootcap cells of maize produce large numbers of secretory vesicles that ultimately fuse with the plasma membrane to discharge their product from the cell. As a result of the fusion, these vesicles contribute large quantities of membrane to the cell surface. In the present study, this phenomenon has been investigated using sections stained with phosphotungstic acid at low pH (PACP), a procedure in plant cells that specifically stains the plasma membrane. In the maize root tip, the PACP also stains the membranes of the secretory vesicles derived from Golgi apparatus to about the same density that it stains the plasma membrane. Additionally, the membranes of the secretory vesicles acquire the staining characteristic while still attached to the Golgi apparatus. The staining progresses across the dictyosome from the forming to the maturing pole, thus confirming the marked polarity of these dictyosomes. Interestingly, the PACP staining of Golgi apparatus is confined to the membranes of the secretory vesicles. It is largely absent from the central plates or peripheral tubules and provides an unambiguous example of lateral differentiation of membranes orthogonal to the major polarity axis. In the cytoplasm we could find no vesicles other than secretory vesicles bearing polysaccharide that were PACP positive. Even the occasional coated vesicle seen in the vicinity of the Golgi apparatus did not stain. Thus, if exocytotic vesicles are present in the maize root cap cell, they are formed in a manner where the PACP-staining constituent is not retained by the internalized membrane. The findings confirm dictyosome polarity in the maize root cap, provide evidence for membrane differentiation both across and at right angles to the major polarity axis, and suggest that endocytotic vesicles, if present, exclude the PACP-staining component.  相似文献   

The distribution of lead in duckweed (Lemna minor L.) root tip   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samardakiewicz  S.  Woźny  A. 《Plant and Soil》2000,226(1):107-111
While considerable information on lead distribution in the cells of terrestrial plants has been collected, little is known about lead localization in the cells of the aquatic plant. Lemna minor L. (duckweed) roots were examined using X-ray microanalysis. After 1-h treatment with lead, its concentration was the highest in small vacuoles. After 6 and 12 h, the lead content of cell walls gradually increased. The changes of lead level between vacuoles and cell walls may result from redistribution of this metal from symplast to cell walls or it may reflect increased apoplastic transport. Lead was not found in the ground cytoplasm of any variants of the experiments. This fact and presence of lead in small vesicles suggests that endocytosis may play the role in lead uptake in Lemna.  相似文献   

Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques of analyses, it has been found that endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) becomes asymmetrically distributed in the elongation zone of horizontal Zea mays (cv. LG 11) roots which are showing a positive gravitropic response. There is a relative increase in the ABA content of the lower half and a concomitant decrease for the upper half in such roots. Asymmetric distribution of ABA is also detected in the elongation zone of half-decapped roots.Abbreviations IAA indoleacetic acid - ABA abscisic acid - GC/MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry  相似文献   

根分布是陆面过程模型中模拟根系吸水过程的重要参数,对其准确表达将可改善水热通量的模拟。利用已有研究中玉米不同发育期根生物量实测资料,对常用于现有主流陆面过程模型中分别由Schenk、Zeng和Jackson建立的3种根分布参数化方案(被定义为M1、M2、M3)的模拟精度进行比较。结果表明:M2和M3模拟精度基本一致,仅在玉米吐丝期以后模拟精度较高,而M1能够对玉米不同发育期根分布进行较高精度的模拟,是3方案中的最优方案;通过对M1方案中玉米不同发育期d50和d95(累积根比例分别为50%和95%的土层深度)2个参数拟合值分析发现,d95值随玉米生育进程逐渐增大,变异性在拔节和成熟期最大,在吐丝期最小;d50值在大喇叭口期以前随生育进程增大,在吐丝期以后趋于稳定;d50和d95值在大喇叭口期以前与现有模型设定值差异最大,可引起陆面过程模拟的误差。  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata permit solutes to move between cells nonspecifically and without having to cross a membrane. This symplastic connectivity, while straightforward to observe using fluorescent tracers, has proven difficult to quantify. We use fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, combined with a mathematical model of symplastic diffusion, to assay plasmodesmata-mediated permeability in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root meristem in wild-type and transgenic lines, and under selected chemical treatments. The permeability measured for the wild type is nearly 10-times greater than previously reported. Plamodesmal permeability remains constant in seedlings treated with auxin (30 mM indoleacetic acid for 2 and 24 h; 100 nm indoleacetic acid for 2 h); however, permeability is diminished in two lines previously reported to have impaired plasmodesmal function as well as in wild-type seedlings treated for 24 h with 0.6 mM tryptophan. Moreover, plasmodesmal permeability is strongly altered by applied hydrogen peroxide within 2 h of treatment, being approximately doubled at a low concentration (0.6 mM) and nearly eliminated at a higher one (6 mM). These results reveal that the plasmodesmata in the root meristem carry a substantial flux of small molecules and that this flux is subject to rapid regulation.  相似文献   

玉米根系形态性状和空间分布对水分利用效率的调控   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
玉米根系形态性状(总根长、根系表面积和根系干物质重)与植物整体水分利用效率间具有显著或极显著的相关性,回归曲线趋势基本相同,均呈二次曲线关系,只是相关系数不同。说明从提高水分利用效率来说,根系需要维持适宜的大小。其中根长对水分利用效率的贡献是第一位的,而根系干物质重的贡献最小,根系表面积介于二者之间。从空间分布来说,玉米每层节根数、节根长度和直径在父母本和杂交种间也具有显著或极显著的差异。与中下层根量相比,母本与不抗旱的父本处于上层干土中的根系数量明显较多,且根系直径大,吸水困难。而杂交种在干旱条件下上层根重和数量维持不变,或略高于不抗旱品种,但中层和下层根系数量和长度明显高于不抗旱品种,且根系直径小于不抗旱品种,这样从多的有效根系数量和低的吸水阻力两方面保证了水分的吸收,从而使其产量和水分利用效率均最高,说明通过根系形态特性和空间分布的优化能够调节作物整体的水分利用效率。  相似文献   

Measurements of maize (Zea mays L.) root distribution with depth in the soil for nine years in a 11-year period revealed significantly different distribution patterns. Weather variations were expected to be related to the amount of roots found in each of the five 15-cm soil layers. The objective of this study was to attempt to explain root distribution in the field on the basis of precipitation and temperature data for the nine growing seasons. Growing degree days (GDD), accumulated in daily increments from planting to silking, were used to describe temperature effects. Correlations were calculated for weekly time increments of GDD versus root length densities at silking in all soil layers. Root length density below 30 cm was correlated (P=0.05) with GDD for two weeks following planting, whereas no relation was found between GDD and root length density in the topsoil. Amount of precipitation was accumulated in weekly increments from silking to planting and correlated with root length density in the soil layers at silking. This procedure evaluated the relation between precipitation and root growth during the vegetative growth period. Root length density in the 0 to 15 cm layer was found to be related significantly (P=0.05) to precipitation. The period 3 weeks prior silking gave the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.79). Journal Paper no. 10,629. Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., W. Lafayette, IN 47907. Contribution from the Dep. of Agronomy. The research was supported in part by BARD, United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Maize calreticulin localizes preferentially to plasmodesmata in root apex   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Using a polyclonal antibody raised against calreticulin purified and sequenced from maize, we performed an immunocytological study to characterize putative domain-specific subcellular distributions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident calreticulin in meristematic cells of maize root tip. At the light microscopy level, calreticulin was immunolocalized preferentially at cellular peripheries, in addition to nuclear envelopes and cytoplasmic structures. Punctate labelling at the longitudinal walls and continuous labelling at the transverse walls was characteristic. Immunogold electron microscopy revealed plasmodesmata as the most prominently labelled cell periphery structure. In order to further probe the ER-domain-specific distribution of maize calreticulin at plasmodesmata, root apices were exposed to mannitol-induced osmotic stress. Plasmolysis was associated with prominent accumulations of calreticulin at callose-enriched plasmodesmata and pit fields while the contracting protoplasts were depleted of calreticulin. In contrast, other ER-resident proteins recognized by HDEL peptide and BiP antibodies localized exclusively to contracted protoplasts. This finding reveals that, in plasmolysed cells, calreticulin enriched ER domains at plasmodesmata and pit fields are depleted of other ER-resident proteins containing the HDEL retention peptide.  相似文献   

Fern (Onoclea sensibilis) gametophytes when grown in the dark form a linear file of cells (one-dimensional) called a protonema. In the light two-dimensional growth occurs which results in a heart-shaped prothallus one cell thick. The objective of this paper is to relate the most common pattern of cell division observed in developing gametophytes to the formation of the plasmodesmatal network. Since the prothalli are only two dimensional, we can easily determine from thin sections the total number and the density (number per unit surface area) of plasmodesmata at each developmental stage. As the prothallus grows the number of plasmodesmata increases 50-fold in the apical or meristematic cell. This number eventually reaches a plateau even though the density continues to increase with each new cell division. What is particularly striking is that both the number and density of plasmodesmata between adjacent cells is precisely determined. Furthermore, the pattern of plasmodesmata distribution is predictable so that (1) we can identify the apical meristematic cells by their plasmodesmata number, or density, as well as by their size, shape and location, (2) we can predict, again from plasmodesmata number, the location of a future wall of the apical cell prior to its actual formation, (3) we can show that the density of plasmodesmata in the triangular apical cell of the prothallus (14 plasmodesmata microns-2) is comparable to those reported for secretory glands which are known to have high rates of plasmodesmatal transport and (4) we can show that once the plasmodesmata have been formed during division, no subsequent change in the number of plasmodesmata occurs following cell plate formation.  相似文献   

玉米离体根尖的多层滤纸床液体静止培养方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
设计建立了适于玉米根尖离体培养的多层滤纸床液体静止培养方法,培养的适宜体系为:1/4MS大量元素改良+1/2MS微量元素+IBA0.1-0.3mg/L,黑暗培养。该方法避免了传统液体培养通气状况不良的问题,玉米根的生长速度可达到1-2cm/d,分支和生长正常。该方法在控制条件下快速繁殖根系,成本低廉,简便易行,是根系发育和生理研究的理想实验体系。  相似文献   

Using the lumogallion staining method which we developed (Kataoka et al. 1997a), Al movement in soybean (Glycine max. (L.)Merr. cv. Tsurunoko) root tips treated for a short time was studied. We have indicated that the majority of Al accumulated in the root was found between 0 and 2 mm from the root apex within 2 h (Kataoka et al. 1997a, b). In the study presented here two-day seedlings of the soybean were treated with 50 μmol/L AlCl3 (pH 4.4), including 0.2 mmol/L CaCl2, for 1 h, and Al accumulation in the root sections at both 1 and 2 mm apart from root apex was analyzed by a confocal laser microscopy. Although the early indicators, callose induction and the decrease of growth recovery, were not observed in the root when treated for 15 min, a trace amount of Al was already incorporated into the nucleus of cells and the middle tissue of the root. The non-toxic level of Al was more rapidly absorbed than previously thought. The initial increase of callose accumulation and the reduction of the growth recovery were found after 30 min. Therefore, the difference between Al accumulation profiles of 15 and 30 min was analyzed to find out what triggered a toxic Al effect. Increase of Al accumulation in whole root tissue was observed in the root sections, at both 1 and 2 mm from the root apex, and the greatest amount of Al was found in the cytoplasm of the outer cortex, 1 mm away from the root apex. These results are consistent with the fact that Al exclusion from root tip cells is an important mechanism of Al tolerance.  相似文献   

E. de Faÿ  C. Sanier  C. Hebant 《Protoplasma》1989,149(2-3):155-162
Summary Cell to cell connections, including plasmodesmata and perforations, were examined in the non-conducting secondary phloem ofHevea brasiliensis. Samples were taken from trunks of numerous trees, from several clones, and prepared for thin sectioning and transmission or scanning electron microscopy and as optical sections for fluorescence microscopy. Numerous plasmodesmata were found clustered in primary pit-fields between the ray and axial parenchyma cells. Between the laticifers and adjacent parenchyma sheath cells, structures corresponding to functional plasmodesmata were not observed. But some unusual structural features were occasionally seen in these walls. These observations are discussed in relation to the possible function of the cell types, and to the loss of latex on the tapping ofHevea. It is suggested that the loading of the laticifer might first require a symplastic pathway for the transport of metabolites, at the end of which the assimilates must enter the apoplast. A transmembrane active transport system then transfers the metabolites in the laticifer. The presumable role of parenchyma cells in the loading of laticifers is emphasized.  相似文献   

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