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A comparative study on the biochemical parameters in hydatid cyst fluids of sheep, goats, camels, cattle and human cystic forms of Echinococcus granulosus has been made in Libya. Quantitative variations in the levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, cholesterol, glucose, urea, creatinine and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma GT) were found in the cystic fluids of different host origins although these differences were statistically insignificant compared with the hydatid fluids of sheep. However, the concentration of triglycerides and proteins were significantly elevated in the cyst fluids of sheep compared with the other fluids studied. Similarities in the biochemical composition of different hydatid cyst fluids suggest the existence of sheep strains of E. granulosus in human and other domestic animal intermediate hosts in Libya.  相似文献   

The hydatid cyst fluid (HCF) of Echinococcus granulosus is a complex biological mixture containing a wide range of proteins of both parasite and host origin. Using a combination of in- and off-gel protein fractionation techniques and tandem mass spectrometry 130 HCF proteins were identified from fertile cysts of sheep and human origin and infertile cysts from cattle. Forty-eight proteins were of parasite origin including Antigen 5 and Antigen B--the most abundant parasite proteins, thioredoxin, low-density lipoprotein receptors, cyclophilin and ferritin. Across the three host species the identified HCF proteins were broadly similar although, based on spectral counts, three proteins, including an antigen B isoform, were more abundant in sheep HCF compared with the fluids of cattle and human origin. Eighty-two host proteins were identified in HCF from the three species. Host plasma proteins were the most abundant, although approximately thirty of the host proteins that were identified are not considered constituents of plasma. The identification of parasite heat shock proteins and annexin A13 exclusively in infertile cysts, along with an increased spectral count for cathepsin B, supports the hypothesis of increased cellular stress and apoptosis as the cause of their infertility.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of Echinococcus granulosus DNA from germinal layers of hydatid cysts is described. The method includes a hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide/chloroform extraction and an adsorption to diatomaceous earth suspension. DNA suitable for polymerase chain reaction was obtained and used for parasite strain determination by mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene sequencing. Fertile and nonfertile cyst isolates from sheep, cattle, pigs, and humans were characterized. Hitherto, no direct parasite strain characterization has been made on nonfertile hydatid cysts, whereas here we report that nonfertile hydatid cysts were produced by sheep strain (G1 genotype) in sheep, cattle, and humans and by pig strain (G7 genotype) in pigs.  相似文献   

Echinococcus granulosus, the agent of hydatid disease, presents an indirect life cycle, with canines (mainly dogs) as definitive hosts, and herbivores and human as intermediary ones. In intermediary hosts fertile and infertile cysts develop, but only the first ones develop protoscoleces, the parasite form infective to definitive hosts. We report the presence of bovine IgGs in the germinal layer from infertile cysts (GLIC), in an order of magnitude greater than in the germinal layer from fertile cysts (GLFC). When extracted with salt solutions, bovine IgGs from GLIC are associated with low or with high affinity (most likely corresponding to non specific and antigen specific antibodies, respectively). Specific IgGs penetrate both the cells of the germinal layer and HeLa cultured cells and recognize parasitic proteins. These results, taken together with previous ones from our laboratory, showing induction of apoptosis in the germinal layer of infertile hydatid cysts, provide the first coherent explanation of the infertility process. They also offer the possibility of identifying the parasite antigens recognized, as possible targets for immune modulation.  相似文献   

The sheep hydatid fluid and scolex antigens of Echinococcus granulosus were precipitated by increasing ammonium sulphate concentrations. The antigenic profiles, obtained by complement fixation and indirect hemagglutination inhibition tests on the ammonium sulphate precipitates after linear sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, were different comparing the hydatid fluid and the scolex extracts. Antigenic non-identity was found between sheep hydatid fluid and scolex extracts by immunodiffusion and indirect hemagglutination inhibition tests. The ammonium sulphate precipitates of hydatid fluid and scolex extracts revealed several different bands by slab-gel examination.  相似文献   

This study reports the first known case of human hydatid disease caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus oligarthrus. The patient, a native Venezuelan female, presented a single cyst localized intraorbitally behind the left eye (retroocular), which was discovered by computed tomography. The cyst was removed by surgery, and after parasitological studies it was identified as an E. oligarthrus hydatid cyst. This is also the first case of intraorbital hydatid cyst in humans in Venezuela.  相似文献   

Healthy germinal membranes of hydatid cysts from lungs of human and bovine sources were dissected and isolated for histochemical and histoenzymatic research. These techniques were performed in frozen sections and pieces of the whole membrane. Enzymatic research showed that the germinal membrane presents highly differentiated metabolic areas. These areas were topographically related with the origin and insertion of brood capsules, having differentiated structures for metabolic interchange with scolices. Taking our data into account it may be suggested that this functional differentiation could be transitory and variable for all the membrane surface. The accumulation of lipids and enzymes such as simple estarase, lipase, beta-HDH, alpha-GDH and NADPH-reductase in those areas, suggests that lipids are not a simple excretory product. This distribution probably implies that lipid metabolism or its resultant products are important in development and growth of scolices. In that sense other authors' findings and hypothesis about the possible existence of an endocrine system of the parasite, are considered. This idea being demonstrated in further researches, the lipid metabolic pathways shall bring a good pharmacological approach to the interference with parasite development.  相似文献   

Cystic echinococcosis is a chronic and complex zoonotic disease. The mechanisms underlying the parasite’s establishment, growth and persistence are not completely understood, and are thought be modulated by a crosstalk through extracellular vesicles. Here, EVs were isolated from the hydatid cyst fluid of patients with cystic echinococcosis and protoscolex culture supernatant. Proteomic analysis of these EVs revealed several parasite- and human-derived proteins. Very few studies have performed proteomic analysis of EVs isolated from HCF and PCS. Our proteomic analysis of the EVs derived from HCF and PCS facilitated identification of 1175 proteins, wherein 1026 and 38 proteins were exclusively identified in the EVs derived from HCF (HCF-EVs) and PCS (PCS-EVs), respectively, and 111 proteins were shared in both. The results of co-culture of PCS-EVs with murine peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed that PCS-EVs significantly regulated T lymphocyte functions in a dose-dependent manner. Collectively, our results provide valuable information on parasite survival strategies and new insights into the role of these EVs in the establishment and persistence of hydatid cysts.  相似文献   

A comparative biochemical study was performed on adult and cystic stages of Echinococcus granulosus. Basic quantitative differences in metabolism were apparent between the cystic forms of sheep origin from the UK and Kenya which suggest that each may represent a different geographical strain or sub-strain. The biochemistry of the human and sheep forms from Kenya was very similar, which probably reflects a certain close affinity between the two. The fact that the cattle, goat and camel forms of E. granulosus, from that country, were distinct biochemically, both from each other and from the sheep and human types, suggests the existence of an unusually complex strain picture there, and that these organisms are either non-infective or only poorly infective to man. The differences in biochemical composition and metabolism observed between adults produced experimentally and those obtained from naturally infected dogs, may have been as a result of their original hydatid source and/or their differing stage of development.  相似文献   

Much progress has been made with characterisation of the EG95 vaccine which can be used to prevent hydatid infection in animal intermediate hosts of Echinococcus granulosus. The vaccine comprises a single recombinant oncosphere antigen and the adjuvant Quil A. It induces complement-fixing antibodies that kill the invading oncosphere early in an infection. In the majority of vaccinated animals, no hydatid cysts occur following a challenge infection. However, a small number of viable cysts may occur in some vaccinated animals. The vaccine has proved effective in vaccine trials carried out in sheep in New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Chile and China as well as in goats and cattle. Investigations of the genetic diversity of the gene encoding EG95 have identified no unequivocal variation within the G1 strain parasites; however DNA sequence diversity within the EG95 family of genes has been found in G6/G7 parasites. GMP production scale-up of the vaccine has been undertaken in New Zealand and China and it is expected that the vaccine will be become available through these sources for implementation as part of hydatid control programs worldwide.  相似文献   

Using the Mongolian jird (Meriones unguiculatus) as a laboratory host for the cystic stage of the British horse strain of Echinococcus granulosus, the mode of development of brood capsules and protoscolices was studied histologically. The successive stages in development in secondary hydatid cysts are described and shown to correspond closely with previous observations on primary hydatid cysts. The usefulness of this experimental model for future ultrastructural studies is emphasized.  相似文献   

Infection with the metacestode of Echinococcus granulosus is characterized by a concomitant immunity. Survival of established and developing hydatid cysts in the intermediate host implies a mechanism to modulate its immunological reactions. In order to investigate this mechanism, secondary hydatid cysts were isolated from intraperitoneally infected laboratory white mice (strain NMRI) 12 months p.i. A number of hydatid cysts were freed from the surrounding host adventitial tissue. Monolayer cultures of non-stimulated peritoneal macrophages of NMRI mice were prepared and incubated in the presence of the hydatid cysts. By means of a trypan blue exclusion test and by measuring the incorporation of tritium labelled uridine, it was found that the presence of hydatid cysts reduced the viability of the macrophages in vitro. Toxic substances are probably secreted since the medium of cultured hydatid cysts also displayed cytotoxic activity. Hydatid cysts with adventitia, as well as culture medium of those cysts, were less toxic. When toxins, partially purified from hydatid cyst fluid, were previously incubated on a collagen coated surface, a reduced level of toxicity was found, suggesting that collagen of the host adventitia may play a role in controlling the liberation of toxins by the hydatid cyst. Virtually no toxicity was exerted by protoscoleces or by the medium of cultured protoscoleces, in contrast to in vitro vesiculated protoscoleces (so called microcysts). The results reveal a novel feature of hydatid cysts that may play a role in the survival of the parasite in the immunized host.  相似文献   

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