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The Casuarinaceae consists of the 4 genera Gymnostoma, Ceuthostoma, Casuarina and Allocasuarina. All the genera are found living today in Australia, Malaysia, Melanesia, and Southeast Asia. An abundant and widespread fossil record of the genus Gymnostoma is known from New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, and Australia. This paper provides a compilation of basic vegetative and reproductive morphological data of the 4 genera of the Casuarinaceae with special emphasis on these features in Gymnostoma. The features are presented in tabular form and the data are compared and discussed. Most of the genera can be clearly distinguished by the morphology of their vegetative and reproductive organs. Species differences within the extant genera often are difficult to distinguish; therefore, comparative systematic analysis of these fossils from fragmentary and incomplete remains ranging through time will be very difficult, and care must be taken when interpreting evolutionary trends from them.  相似文献   

布.  GI 《微体古生物学报》1996,13(2):135-142
晚三叠世台形牙形刺分子属有Paragondolella,Metapolygnathus,Ancyrogondolella和Epigondolella。这些属都源于中三叠世,可能来自同一根源──Neogondolella,但有两个不同的演化趋向。本文认为这些台形分子分类演化上最重要的形态特征仅是一些微小的变化,如齿台下方后龙脊─基部附着面,基穴和环台面的细部变化。对Metapolygnathus属台形分子的发展演化作了专门讨论,指出了晚三叠世台形牙形刺分子的演化系统。  相似文献   

下扬子区奥陶纪牙形刺多样性演变初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据前人和作者现有资料,对下扬子地区,特别是宁镇地区奥陶纪已经报道的牙形刺属种进行厘定,并按牙形刺带逐带进行多样性统计分析,初步编制出该地区奥陶纪牙形刺属种的地层延限表.研究表明;下扬子区牙形刺在奥陶纪的宏演化经历了3次较明显的辐射事件,分别发生在特马豆克期晚期-弗洛期早期(Serratognathus diversua带)、大坪期早期(Baltoniodus triangularis带)、达瑞威尔期晚期(Eoplacognathus suecicus带);此外,还经历了2次快速增长期,分别发生在达瑞威尔期早期(Lenodus antivariabilis带)、桑比期晚期至凯迪期早期(Hamarodus europaeus带),后者可能与局部环境变化有关.研究表明:华南海平面升降对下扬子区牙形刺宏演化趋势有重要影响.  相似文献   

The discovery of specimens of Calamostachys binneyana in Lower Pennsylvanan petrifaction material in North America has provided additional information about the structure of this calamitean fructification. The cones consist of regularly spaced alternating whorls of bracts and sporangiophores. Bracts are fused in a disc except at the margin where the individual units become free. Sporangiophores are inserted at right angles to the cone axis and bear four axially directed sporangia. The vascular system of the North American specimens differs from that in other reports of the taxon in the presence of twelve vascular bundles in the cone axis. Each sporangiophore is supplied by a single vascular trace that departs from one axial bundle. There appears to be no constant relationship between the number of vascular bundles and the number of bracts. Spores are spherical, thin-walled, and of the Calamospora type. Relationships with other structurally preserved members in the genus are discussed in light of the diversity in structure demonstrated by the new specimens.  相似文献   

Cridland , Arthur A. (Kansas U., Lawrence.) A new species of Arthroxylon (Calamitaceae) from the Pennsylvanian of Kansas. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(10): 709–712. Illus. 1959.—Arthroxylon resinaceum sp. nov. is described from 3 specimens found in a coal-ball collected at West Mineral, Kansas. The tracheids have 1 or 2 rows of pits on the radial walls and the pith cells adjacent to the protoxylem canals are filled with brown contents. Fungus spores are present in the tissues of 1 specimen.  相似文献   

在蒙古南部Lugiingol剖面卢金格尔(Lugiingol)组下部发现牙形刺Mesogondolell aidahoensis,该地层应归入下二叠统空谷阶,而不是像以前那样归入上二叠统。  相似文献   

Remains of the fossil Marattiales are very rare in Lower Pennsylvanian sediments. The present report describes a new species of the fertile fern foliage Scolecopteris from the Lewis Creek, Kentucky locality (Lower or lower Middle Pennsylvanian). Scolecopteris conicaulis n. sp. has radial synangia composed of a ring of 4–7 elongate, exannulate sporangia. Most features of the synangia of S. conicaulis were previously hypothesized to be primitive in Scolecopteris based on geologically younger species. Supposed primitive characters include the large synangium pedicel with fiber core, an outer-facing sporangial wall lacking differentiation or zonation, and large spores. The anatomy of the sporangium walls, pinnule morphology, and general spore type support an association with the Minor group of Scolecopteris. The new species is similar in several important features to Scolecopteris (Cyathotrachus) altus, the only other anatomically preserved fertile marattialean known from this early time, and indicates a considerably earlier origin for fertile foliage of this type.  相似文献   

本文报道了在湖北地区采集、发现的双星藻科植物的18个新种、3个新变种。    相似文献   

M.Y.GEH 《古生物学报》1964,(3):391-410
The present paper describes the following 19 species and varieties of Tetragraptusfrom the Ningkuo Shale of Zhejiang,among them 8 are new to science.1.Tetragraptus quadribrachiatus(Hall)  相似文献   

A new species of Trigonocarpus Brongniart is described from the level of the Herrin (No. 6) Coal (Carbondale Formation, Kewanee Group) at Carterville, Illinois. The seed is three dimensionally preserved by authigenic cementation and exhibits a well preserved nucellar cast, integument and micropylar region. The specimen represents the largest pteridosperm compression-impression seed collected in North America and measures 10 cm from the apex of the micropyle to the chalazal end, and at least 5 cm in breadth. Trigonocarpus leeanus sp. n. is compared to the remaining forty-three taxa within the genus, and specifically with Trigonocarpus grandis Lesquereux, the one species with dimensions approaching it. An emended diagnosis, with designation of a lectotype, is presented for Trigonocarpus grandis. Correlation of the features displayed by Trigonocarpus leeanus sp. n. and the petrified taxa within Pachytesta Brongniart is attempted.  相似文献   

若干悬钩子属植物的花粉形态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈少风  叶居新 《植物研究》1996,16(4):463-466
蔷微科悬钩子属10种植物的花粉形态进行了扫描电镜观察,描述了花粉形态的特征,探讨了植物花粉形态特征与外部形态特征的关系。  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum), a native shrub of the Chihuahuan desert, contains rubber. Guayule has been crossed with other Parthenium species in an attempt to improve its agronomic characteristics. The resulting hybrids show intermediate morphologies. Each Parthenium species has a characteristic combination of leaf trichomes. In order to recognize the contribution of each parent in future studies of hybrids, characteristics of leaf trichomes of the following Parthenium species were studied: P. tomentosum, P. fruticosum, P. Schottii and P. rollinsianum. All species studied had two or more types of trichomes, and, in some species, trichomes of upper and lower epidermal surfaces were different. The prominent trichomes on upper epidermis of P. tomentosum and P. fruticosum were simple, uniseriate, conical trichomes, which also were observed on both epidermal surfaces of P. Schottii. Extremely long, narrow, simple, whiplike, trichomes formed a dense cover on both surfaces of P. rollinsianum and on the lower surfaces of P. tomentosum and P. fruticosum. Simple, uniseriate, cylindrical trichomes, and biseriate, glandular trichomes were observed in all four species.  相似文献   

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