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The cationic amphiphilic antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) is an effective antibiotic. Its applicability is however restricted to topical infections due to its hemolytic activity. In this study, the process of GS induced hemolysis was investigated in detail for the first time. The morphological changes of red blood cells (RBCs) inflicted by GS were visualized and explained in terms of a physical model. The observed fast rupture events were further investigated with giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) as model systems for RBCs. Measurements of membrane fluctuations in GUVs revealed that the membrane surface tension was increased after incubation with GS. These findings are in agreement with the hypothesis that amphiphilic peptides induce membrane rupture by an increase in membrane tension.  相似文献   

We have tested the effects of the neutrophil/macrophage products, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and N-chloroamines, on the structural integrity and proteolytic susceptibility of collagen to determine if these agents could play a role in inflammatory joint destruction. Rates of HOCl reaction with collagen, and collagen gelation were monitored by spectrophotometric methods. Direct fragmentation, and degradation by collagenase were measured by the release of acid-soluble counts from 3H-collagen. Physiologically relevant concentrations of HOCl (5–50 μM) reacted rapidly and quantitatively at several sites in the collagen polypeptide chain, causing extensive protein fragmentation and preventing collagen gelation. In contrast, reaction with (5–50 μM) N-chloroalanine induced little direct collagen fragmentation. Oxidative damage by N-chloroamines was, however, evident because collagen displayed greatly increased proteolytic susceptibility following N-chloroamine treatment. Collagen degradation by collagenase increased as much as 3-fold after exposure to N-chloroamine treatment. Collagen degradation by collagenase increased as much as 3-fold after exposure to N-chloroalanine. N-chloroleucine caused a small increase in proteolytic susceptibility, but N-chlorotaurine had no effect. Collagen fragmentation by HOCl, inhibition of gelation by HOCl, and N-chloroalanine-induced proteolytic susceptibility, all increased with linear kinetics at oxidant concentrations of 5 μM to 1.0 mM. In synovitis, phagocytes expose collagen to HOCl, N-chloroamines, and collagenase. It is known that HOCl can activate neutrophil procollagenase. Based on our new findings, we propose a model of inflammatory joint destruction that also includes collagen fragmentation, and increased susceptibility of collagen to degradation by collagenase. It may also be possible that taurine exerts a protective effect against HOCL/OCL damage by reacting to form what appears to be essentially an inert N-chloroamine. The validity of this model must now be tested.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxin 2 (Prx2) is an abundant thiol protein that is readily oxidized in erythrocytes exposed to hydrogen peroxide. We investigated its reactivity in human erythrocytes with hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and chloramines, relevant oxidants in inflammation. Prx2 was oxidized to a disulfide-linked dimer by HOCl, glycine chloramine (GlyCl), and monochloramine (NH2Cl) in a dose-dependent manner. In the absence of added glucose, Prx2 and GSH showed similar sensitivities. Second-order rate constants for the reactions of Prx2 with NH2Cl and GlyCl were 1.5 × 104 and 8 M−1 s−1, respectively. The NH2Cl value is 10 times higher than that for GSH, whereas Prx2 is 30 times less sensitive than GSH to GlyCl. Thus, the relative sensitivity of Prx2 to GlyCl is greater in the erythrocyte. Oxidation of erythrocyte Prx2 and GSH was less in the presence of glucose, probably because of recycling. High doses of NH2Cl resulted in incomplete regeneration of reduced Prx2, suggesting impairment of the recycling mechanism. Our results show that, although HOCl and chloramines are less selective than H2O2, they nevertheless oxidize Prx2. Exposure to these inflammatory oxidants will result in Prx2 oxidation and could compromise the erythrocyte's ability to resist damaging oxidative insult.  相似文献   

N-acetylcysteine has been widely used as an antioxidant in vivo and in vitro. Its reaction with four oxidant species has therefore been examined. N-acetylcysteine is a powerful scavenger of hypochlorous acid (H---OCl); low concentrations are able to protect 1-antiproteinase against inactivation by HOCl. N-acetylcysteine also reacts with hydroxyl radical with a rate constant of 1.36 × 1010 M−1s−1, as determined by pulse radiolysis. It also reacts slowly with H2O2, but no reaction of N-acetylcysteine with superoxide (O2) could be detected within the limits of our assay procedures.  相似文献   

Activated white cells use oxidants generated by the heme enzyme myeloperoxidase to kill invading pathogens. This enzyme utilizes H2O2 and Cl, Br, or SCN to generate the oxidants HOCl, HOBr, and HOSCN, respectively. Whereas controlled production of these species is vital in maintaining good health, their uncontrolled or inappropriate formation (as occurs at sites of inflammation) can cause host tissue damage that has been associated with multiple inflammatory pathologies including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Previous studies have reported that sulfur-containing species are major targets for HOCl but as the reactions are fast the only physiologically relevant kinetic data available have been extrapolated from data measured at high pH (>10). In this study these values have been determined at pH 7.4 using a newly developed competition kinetic approach that employs a fluorescently tagged methionine derivative as the competitive substrate (k(HOCl + Fmoc-Met), 1.5×108 M−1 s−1). This assay was validated using the known k(HOCl + NADH) value and has allowed revised k values for the reactions of HOCl with Cys, N-acetylcysteine, and glutathione to be determined as 3.6×108, 2.9×107, and 1.24×108 M−1 s−1, respectively. Similar experiments with methionine derivatives yielded k values of 3.4×107 M−1 s−1 for Met and 1.7×108 M−1 s−1 for N-acetylmethionine. The k values determined here for the reaction of HOCl with thiols are up to 10-fold higher than those previously determined and further emphasize the critical importance of reactions of HOCl with thiol targets in biological systems.  相似文献   

Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is expressed by both macrophages and neutrophils and is known to influence the inflammatory response. Upon activation, neutrophils generate hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and secrete proteases to combat invading microorganisms. This produces a hostile environment in which enzymatic activity in general is challenged. In this study, we show that EC-SOD exposed to physiologically relevant concentrations of HOCl remains enzymatically active and retains the heparin-binding capacity, although HOCl exposure established oxidative modification of the N-terminal region (Met32) and the formation of an intermolecular cross-link in a fraction of the molecules. The cross-linking was also induced by activated neutrophils. Moreover, we show that the neutrophil-derived proteases human neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G cleaved the N-terminal region of EC-SOD irrespective of HOCl oxidation. Although the cleavage by elastase did not affect the quaternary structure, the cleavage by cathepsin G dissociated the molecule to produce EC-SOD monomers. The present data suggest that EC-SOD is stable and active at the site of inflammation and that neutrophils have the capacity to modulate the biodistribution of the protein by generating EC-SOD monomers that can diffuse into tissue.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase is an important heme enzyme released by activated leukocytes that catalyzes the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with halide and pseudo-halide ions to form various hypohalous acids. Hypohalous acids are chemical oxidants that have potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties and, as such, play key roles in the human immune system. However, increasing evidence supports an alternative role for myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants in the development of disease. Excessive production of hypohalous acids, particularly during chronic inflammation, leads to the initiation and accumulation of cellular damage that has been implicated in many human pathologies including atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative disease, lung disease, arthritis, inflammatory cancers, and kidney disease. This has sparked a significant interest in developing a greater understanding of the mechanisms involved in myeloperoxidase-derived oxidant-induced mammalian cell damage. This article reviews recent developments in our understanding of the cellular reactivity of hypochlorous acid, hypobromous acid, and hypothiocyanous acid, the major oxidants produced by myeloperoxidase under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Lemeshko VV 《Peptides》2011,32(10):2010-2020
Mitochondrial and plasma membrane permeabilization by polycationic peptides BTM-P1 and retro-BTM-P1 were studied. BTM-P1 was more active than its retro-analog. In the sucrose medium, the capacity of BTM-P1 to permeabilize mitochondria was lower than in salt media. In contrast, retro-BTM-P1 showed the lowest activity in the KCl medium. The efficacy of both peptides to permeabilize red blood cells was higher in the sucrose medium and depended on the nature of salt in high ionic strength media. BTM-P1, but not retro-BTM-P1, induced biphasic change in light dispersion of red blood cells with artificially generated high transmembrane potential: the initial phase of fast cell shrinkage preceded the subsequent phase of cell swelling. The shrunken red blood cells demonstrated increased sensitivity to BTM-P1 that might be explained by the cell suicide mechanism via phosphatidylserine exposure at the cell surface. As a working hypothesis, we assume that some peptide topology characteristics, such as the orientation and values of the total and local electrical dipole moments, interacting with the membrane dipole potential, as well as the asymmetric distribution of polar and non-polar side chains are important factors affecting the membrane-permeabilizing activity of polycationic peptides.  相似文献   

Ali L  Naseem I 《Life sciences》2002,70(17):2013-2022
The effect of aminophylline on human red blood cells (RBC) has been studied. Under in vitro condition, aminophylline alone does not hemolyse RBC. However, in the presence of riboflavin and visible light, aminophylline causes hemolysis of RBC. This hemolysis depends on the concentration of both riboflavin and aminophylline. Using different free radical scavengers we show that RBC hemolysis is caused by reactive oxygen species. Studies using bovine serum albumin show that riboflavin-aminophylline combination can also cause protein degradation in vitro.  相似文献   

An extensive programme of comparative nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the membrane diffusional permeability for water (Pd) and of the activation energy (Ea,d) of this process in red blood cells (RBCs) from 21 mammalian species was carried out. On the basis of Pd, these species could be divided into three groups. First, the RBC's from humans, cow, sheep and “large” kangaroos (Macropus giganteus and Macropus rufus) had Pd values 5 × 10−3 cm/s at 25°C and 7 × 10−3 cm/s at 37°C. The RBCs from other marsupial species, mouse, rat, guinea pig and rabbit, had Pd values roughly twice higher, whereas echidna RBCs were twice lower than human RBCs. The value of Ea,d was in most cases correlated with the values of Pd. A value of Ea,d -26 kJ/mol was found for the RBCs from humans and the species having similar Pd values. Low values of Ea,d (ranging from 15 to 22 kJ/mol) appeared to be associated with relatively high values of Pd. The highest value of Ea,d (33 kJ/mol) was found in echidna RBCs. This points to specialized channels for water diffusion incorporated in membrane proteins; a relatively high water permeability of the RBC membrane could be due to a greater number of channel proteins. There are, however, situations where a very high water permeability of RBCs is associated with a high value of Ea,d (above 25 kJ/mol) as in the case of RBCs from mouse, rat and tree kangaroo. Moreover, it was found that Pd in different species was positively correlated to the RBC membrane phosphatidylcholine and negatively correlated to the sphingomyelin content. This suggests that in addition to the number of channel proteins, other factors are involved in the water permeability of the RBC membrane.  相似文献   

The binding of the heme enzyme myeloperoxidase to phosphatidylserine epitopes on the surface of non-vital polymorphonuclear leukocytes and other cells at inflammatory sites favours modifications of this phospholipid by myeloperoxidase products. As detected by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry hypochlorous acid and the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system convert 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine into 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoacetaldehyde and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphonitrile. A transient chlorimine derivative was detected using 4-chloro-α-cyanocinnamic acid as matrix in mass spectrometry only at short incubation times and supplying HOCl in two-fold excess. The decay of transient chlorinated products was followed by changes in absorbance spectra using O-phospho-l-serine to model the behavior of the serine head group in phosphatidylserine. N-Chlorimine and N-monochloramine derivatives decayed with half-life times of 1.5 and 57 min, respectively, at 22 °C and pH 7.4. N-Dichloramines decayed within few seconds under these conditions.  相似文献   

The transport of L-proline, L-lysine and L-glutamate in rat red blood cells has been studied. L-proline and L-lysine uptake were Na+-independent. When the concentration dependence was studied both showed a non-saturable uptake assimilable to a difussion-like process, with high Kd values (0.718 and 0.191 min–1 for L-proline and L-lysine respectively). Rat red blood cells showed high impermeability to L-glutamate. No sodium dependence was observed and the Kd value was low (0.067 min–1). Our results show firstly, that rat red blood cells do not have amino acid transport systems for anionic and cationic amino acids and secondly that erythrocytes show no sodium-dependent L-proline transport, and that these cells are very permeable to this amino acid.Abbreviations MeAIB methyl aminoisobutyric acid  相似文献   

We set out to identify whether HOCl, which is generated from H(2)O(2) /MPO/Cl(-), is a proximal mediator of H(2)O(2) programmed cell death in the HL-60 human leukemia cell. We found that authentic HOCl induces apoptosis in the HL-60 cell. Both the addition of methionine, an HOCl scavenger, and the removal of Cl(-) from the medium to prevent the formation of HOCl inhibited H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis. HL-60 cells underwent apoptosis when exposed to HOCl in full medium, which gives rise to chloramines by the reaction of HOCl with amine groups, but not by HOCl in the amine-free HBSS, in which HOCl but not chloramines can be detected. Authentic chloramines induced apoptosis in this cell line in a concentration-dependent manner and at concentrations lower than HOCl. Full medium exposed to HOCl for 24 h would support methionine noninhibitable apoptosis, but did not react with 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoic acid (TNB), raising the possibility that the final inducer is a nonoxidant formed from HOCl and chloramines. We conclude that the signal for apoptosis induced by H(2)O(2) in the MPO-containing HL-60 cell involves the reaction of the diffusible oxidant HOCl with amines producing chloramines and a subsequent non-TNB-reactive product.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a new version of the dilution-filtration system for rapidly deglycerolizing a large volume of cryopreserved blood. In our earlier system, one of the major problems was the damage induced to the red blood cells (RBCs) due to high osmolality change at the dilution point. Therefore, we devised a new system to solve this problem. First, we theoretically simulated the osmolality variation in the new system and the variation of the maximum and minimum volumes of the RBCs at the dilution point to examine the effects of operating parameters/conditions. Next, we experimentally validated the effects of these operating parameters by deglycerolizing porcine blood. The results show that when the initial NaCl concentration in the hypertonic solution is 18%, the volume of the hypertonic solution is 200 mL, and the flow rate of the filtrate is 50 mL/min, the system can effectively remove glycerin from 200 mL of porcine blood in 30 min, with ∼87% RBC survival rate and ∼73% RBC recovery rate. Our results indicated that in the new system the concentration and the volume of the hypertonic solution used to dilute the blood are the important parameters that need to be adjusted to reduce osmotic damage to the RBCs. In addition, a fast filtrate flow rate is highly recommended. This work can significantly contribute to the development of a more efficient and effective system for deglycerolizing large volumes of cryopreserved blood in clinic.  相似文献   

Improved preservation of human red blood cells by lyophilization   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Han Y  Quan GB  Liu XZ  Ma EP  Liu A  Jin P  Cao W 《Cryobiology》2005,51(2):152-164
The lyophilization of human red blood cells has important implications for blood transfusion in clinical medicine. In this study, sugars, human serum albumin, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and dimethyl sulfoxide were used as protective reagents for the lyophilization of red blood cells. Freezing temperature, shelf temperature, and the rehydration conditions were optimized. The results showed that extracellular disaccharides, especially trehalose, did not increase the recovery of hemoglobin. However, when the concentration of human serum albumin was higher than 25%, it had a considerable protective effect on the recovery of lyophilized red blood cells; the cellular hemoglobin recovery was over 70%, which was significantly higher than that in the group without human serum albumin (P<0.01). As the concentration of polyvinylpyrrolidone was increased, the extent of vitrification also increased. But when the concentration of polyvinylpyrrolidone was over 40%, the resulting concentration of free hemoglobin was over 1g/L, which was significantly higher than that with 40% (P<0.01). When lyophilization was carried out after freezing at different temperatures, the recovery of cells and hemoglobin was 70-80% and there were no significant differences among the five groups. When the shelf temperature was higher than -30 degrees C, the samples were partly collapsed, but when the shelf temperature was lower than -30 degrees C, the recovery of cells in the -40 and -45 degrees C groups was significantly higher than in the -30 and -35 degrees C groups (P<0.05). The recovery of cells and hemoglobin after lyophilization and rehydration in solutions containing low concentrations of polymers was over 80%, which is significantly higher than the other groups (P<0.01). In addition, when the temperature was higher than 25 degrees C, the concentration of free hemoglobin was significantly lower than it was at 4 degrees C (P<0.01). In conclusion, our study showed the lyophilization of red blood cells is feasible. Disaccharides have no protective effect on lyophilized cells when they are only extracellular and extensive vitrification may be not beneficial. Although the recovery of cells after lyophilization and rehydration by our method was over 70%, the ultrastructure of the cells may be compromised and some hemolysis does still exist. Further research is required.  相似文献   

Red blood cells (RBCs) contain large amounts of iron and operate in highly oxygenated tissues. As a result, these cells encounter a continuous oxidative stress. Protective mechanisms against oxidation include prevention of formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), scavenging of various forms of ROS, and repair of oxidized cellular contents. In general, a partial defect in any of these systems can harm RBCs and promote senescence, but is without chronic hemolytic complaints. In this review we summarize the often rare inborn defects that interfere with the various protective mechanisms present in RBCs. NADPH is the main source of reduction equivalents in RBCs, used by most of the protective systems. When NADPH becomes limiting, red cells are prone to being damaged. In many of the severe RBC enzyme deficiencies, a lack of protective enzyme activity is frustrating erythropoiesis or is not restricted to RBCs. Common hereditary RBC disorders, such as thalassemia, sickle-cell trait, and unstable hemoglobins, give rise to increased oxidative stress caused by free heme and iron generated from hemoglobin. The beneficial effect of thalassemia minor, sickle-cell trait, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency on survival of malaria infection may well be due to the shared feature of enhanced oxidative stress. This may inhibit parasite growth, enhance uptake of infected RBCs by spleen macrophages, and/or cause less cytoadherence of the infected cells to capillary endothelium.  相似文献   

Loading red blood cells with trehalose: a step towards biostabilization   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A method for freeze-drying red blood cells (RBCs) while maintaining a high degree of viability has important implications in blood transfusion and clinical medicine. The disaccharide trehalose, found in animals capable of surviving dehydration can aid in this process. As a first step toward RBC preservation, we present a method for loading RBCs with trehalose. The method is based on the thermal properties of the RBC plasma membranes and provides efficient uptake of the sugar at 37 degrees C in a time span of 7 h. The data show that RBCs can be loaded with trehalose from the extracellular medium through a combination of osmotic imbalance and the phospholipid phase transition, resulting in intracellular trehalose concentrations of about 40 mM. During the loading period, the levels of ATP and 2,3-DPG are maintained close to the levels of fresh RBCs. Increasing the membrane fluidity through the use of a benzyl alcohol results in a higher concentration of intracellular trehalose, suggesting the importance of the membrane physical state for the uptake of the sugar. Osmotic fragility data show that trehalose exerts osmotic protection on RBCs. Flow cytometry data demonstrate that incubation of RBCs in a hypertonic trehalose solution results in a fraction of cells with different complexity and that it can be removed by washing and resuspending the RBCs in an iso-osmotic medium. The data provide an important first step in long-term preservation of RBCs.  相似文献   

Although most amino acids readily react with hypochlorous acid (HOCl), only the reaction involving tryptophan (Trp) produces a measurable chemiluminescence (CL). Most of this luminescence takes place after total consumption of HOCl when the process is carried out in an excess of Trp. The quantum yield of the process is relatively low (2 × 10?8 Einstein/mol HOCl reacted). The luminescence is attributed to free radical‐mediated secondary reactions of the initially produced chloramines. This is supported by experiments showing that the chloramines produced when HOCl reacts with alanine are able to induce Trp chemiluminescence, and that this luminescence is partially quenched by free radical scavengers. The spectral changes and the effect of pH upon the observed luminescence are compatible with light emission from products produced in the free radical oxidation of Trp. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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