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Summary Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-immunoreactive (IR) perikarya, visualized by the indirect immunoperoxidase method in colchicine-pretreated cats, were localized in many discrete regions of the medulla oblongata. They were found mainly in the dorsal aspect and midline of the medulla oblongata, and more rostrally in the ventrolateral portion. Our results also demonstrated CRF-IR neurons in the rostrocaudal extent of the inferior olive, probably projecting to the cerebellar cortex via thick axons visualized along the lateral edge of the medulla. CRF-IR olivary cells were also found in the pontine cat from which the forebrain was removed, but neither in hypophysectomized nor adrenalectomized cats.  相似文献   

Embryonic morphogenesis requires the execution of complex mechanisms that regulate the local behaviour of groups of cells. The orchestration of such mechanisms has been mainly deciphered through the identification of conserved families of signalling pathways that spatially and temporally control cell behaviour. However, how this information is processed to control cell shape and cell dynamics is an open area of investigation. The framework that emerges from diverse disciplines such as cell biology, physics and developmental biology points to adhesion and cortical actin networks as regulators of cell surface mechanics. In this context, a range of developmental phenomena can be explained by the regulation of cell surface tension.  相似文献   

Cell lineage and determination of cell fate in ascidian embryos   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A detailed cell lineage of ascidian embryos has been available since the turn of the century. This cell lineage was deduced from the segregation of pigmented egg cytoplasmic regions into particular blastomeres during embryogenesis. The invariant nature of the cell lineage, the segregation of specific egg cytoplasmic regions into particular blastomeres, and the autonomous development of most embryonic cells suggests that cell fate is determined primarily by cytoplasmic determinants. Modern studies have provided strong evidence for the existence of cytoplasmic determinants, especially in the primary muscle cells, yet the molecular identity, localization, and mode of action of these factors are still a mystery. Recent revisions of the classic cell lineage and demonstrations of the lack of developmental autonomy in certain embryonic cells suggest that induction may also be an important mechanism for the determination of cell fate in ascidians. There is strong evidence for the induction of neural tissue and indirect evidence for inductive interactions in the development of the secondary muscle cells. In contrast to the long-accepted dogma, specification of cell fate in ascidians appears to be established by a combination of cytoplasmic determinants and inductive cell interactions.  相似文献   

Tadpole larvae of ascidians show the basic body plan of chordates. An ascidian larva consists of only few types of cells and has a relatively small number of cells. Cell lineages are simple and invariant among individuals and have been described in detail. The clonal restriction of developmental fate takes place considerably early in development. I review here the temporal relationship between fate restriction, determination and initiation of lineage-specific gene expression during ascidian embryogenesis. In several cases, determination and initiation of gene expression precede fate restriction and occur during the last cell cycle before fate restriction. Such a phenomenon contradicts the traditional view of fate specification and has several important implications for the understanding of the way in which cells execute the developmental pathway.  相似文献   

The role of cell size and shape in controlling local intracellular signaling reactions, and how this spatial information originates and is propagated, is not well understood. We have used partial differential equations to model the flow of spatial information from the beta-adrenergic receptor to MAPK1,2 through the cAMP/PKA/B-Raf/MAPK1,2 network in neurons using real geometries. The numerical simulations indicated that cell shape controls the dynamics of local biochemical activity of signal-modulated negative regulators, such as phosphodiesterases and protein phosphatases within regulatory loops to determine the size of microdomains of activated signaling components. The model prediction that negative regulators control the flow of spatial information to downstream components was verified experimentally in rat hippocampal slices. These results suggest a mechanism by which cellular geometry, the presence of regulatory loops with negative regulators, and key reaction rates all together control spatial information transfer and microdomain characteristics within cells.  相似文献   

Summary The iodine-concentrating cells in the endostyle were examined in four larvae of petromyzon planeri. The visceral cells (types 2c, 3, and 4) were provided with cilia and contained granules with a characteristic content of concentric lamellae. Type 3 was particularly rich in ergastoplasm. The parietal cells (type 5) were short with a polymorphous content indicating a resorptive rather than a synthetic function. Based on the ultrastructure of the cells it has not been possible to decide which group forms the follicular epithelium in the petromyzone after metamorphosis, but it is most likely type 3 with its protein-synthetizing apparatus.  相似文献   

Here we use in toto imaging together with computational segmentation and analysis methods to quantify the shape of every cell at multiple stages in the development of a simple organ: the notochord of the ascidian Ciona savignyi. We find that cell shape in the intercalated notochord depends strongly on anterior–posterior (AP) position, with cells in the middle of the notochord consistently wider than cells at the anterior or posterior. This morphological feature of having a tapered notochord is present in many chordates. We find that ascidian notochord taper involves three main mechanisms: Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway-independent sibling cell volume asymmetries that precede notochord cell intercalation; the developmental timing of intercalation, which proceeds from the anterior and posterior towards the middle; and the differential rates of notochord cell narrowing after intercalation. A quantitative model shows how the morphology of an entire developing organ can be controlled by this small set of cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer, one of the key determinants of cell shape in B. subtilis, has been shown by Daniel and Errington to occur in a helical pattern. This pattern is generated by the actin homolog Mbl.  相似文献   

Cell shape, cytoskeletal mechanics, and cell cycle control in angiogenesis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Capillary endothelial cells can be switched between growth and differentiation by altering cell-extracellular matrix interactions and thereby, modulating cell shape. Studies were carried out to determine when cell shape exerts its growth-regulatory influence during cell cycle progression and to explore the role of cytoskeletal structure and mechanics in this control mechanism. When G0-synchronized cells were cultured in basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-containing defined medium on dishes coated with increasing densities of fibronectin or a synthelic integrin ligand (RGD-containing peptide), cell spreading, nuclear extention, and DNA synthesis all increased in parallel. To determine the minimum time cells must be adherent and spread on extracellular matrix (ECM) to gain entry into S phase, cells were removed with trypsin or induced to retract using cytochalasin D at different times after plating. Both approaches revealed that cells must remain extended for approximately 12–15 h and hence, most of G1, in order to enter S phase. After this restriction point was passed, normally ‘anchorage-dependent’ endothelial cells turned on DNA synthesis even when round and in suspension. The importance of actin-containing microfilaments in shape-dependent growth control was confirmed by culturing cells in the presence of cytochalasin D (25–1000 ng ml−1): dose-dependent inhibition of cell spreading, nuclear extension, and DNA synthesis resulted. In contrast, induction of microtubule disassembly using nocodazole had little effect on cell or nuclear spreading and only partially inhibited DNA synthesis. Interestingly, combination of nocodazole with a suboptimal dose of cytochalasin D (100 ng ml−1) resulted in potent inhibition of both spreading and growth, suggesting that microtubules are redundant structural elements which can provide critical load-bearing functions when microfilaments are partially compromised. Similar synergism between nocodazole and cytochalasin D was observed when cytoskeletal stiffness was measured directly in living cells using magnetic twisting cytometry. These results emphasize the importance of matrix-dependent changes in cell and nuclear shape as well as higher order structural interactions between different cytoskeletal filament systems for control of capillary cell growth during angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The received view of protective coloration in animals is thatconspicuous colors and patterns have evolved because they elicitavoidance behavior in potential predators. In the present study,we examine the spontaneous response of naive predators (Gallusgallus domesticus) to artificial prey to test the hypothesisthat deviations from bilateral symmetry of signaling patternelements may negatively influence the avoidance-inducing effectof conspicuous color patterns. Chicks displayed stronger aversionsto artificial "butterfly" prey items possessing symmetric colorpattern elements than to those possessing asymmetric signalswith pattern elements of different color or shape. Althoughthey attacked signals with a size asymmetry of 5% at the samerate as symmetric signals, signals with a size asymmetry of7.5% or more were attacked more often than were symmetric signals.These results suggest that the protective value of conspicuouscolor patterns is impaired by asymmetry in color, shape, andsize of color pattern elements. Our findings also argue againstthe notion that animals have inherent preferences for symmetricover asymmetric objects, and demonstrate the existence of athreshold for asymmetry detection, beyond which further incrementsin asymmetry have no influence on signal efficacy.  相似文献   

The shape of a plant cell has long been the cornerstone of diverse areas of plant research but it is only recently that molecular-genetic and cell-biological tools have been effectively combined for dissecting plant cell morphogenesis. Increased understanding of the polar growth characteristics of model cell types, the availability of many morphological mutants and significant advances in fluorescent-protein-aided live-cell visualization have provided the major impetus for these analyses. The cytoskeleton and its regulators have emerged as essential components of the scaffold involved in fabricating plant cell shape. In this article, I collate information from recent discoveries to derive a simple cytoskeleton-based operational framework for plant cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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