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A functional analysis was conducted to assess the antecedent and reinforcing conditions underlying aggressive behavior in a female lemur in captivity. Results showed that her aggression was primarily the result of human attention. A replacement behavior-training program was introduced, and the lemur's aggression was successfully eliminated. These results demonstrate the utility of using functional assessment and analyses in zoos with captive wild nonhuman animals.  相似文献   

A foot specialized for grasping small branches with a divergent opposable hallux (hallucal grasping) represents a key adaptive complex characterizing almost all arboreal non-human euprimates. Evolution of such grasping extremities probably allowed members of a lineage leading to the common ancestor of modern primates to access resources available in a small-branch niche, including angiosperm products and insects. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which euprimates use their feet to grasp will help clarify the functional significance of morphological differences between the euprimate grasp complex and features representing specialized grasping in other distantly related groups (e.g., marsupials and carnivorans) and in closely related fossil taxa (e.g., plesiadapiforms). In particular, among specialized graspers euprimates are uniquely characterized by a large peroneal process on the base of the first metatarsal, but the functional significance of this trait is poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that the large size of the peroneal process corresponds to the pull of the attaching peroneus longus muscle recruited to adduct the hallux during grasping. Using telemetered electromyography on three individuals of Varecia variegata and two of Eulemur rubriventer, we found that peroneus longus does not generally exhibit activity consistent with an important function in hallucal grasping. Instead, extrinsic digital flexor muscles and, sometimes, the intrinsic adductor hallucis are active in ways that indicate a function in grasping with the hallux. Peroneus longus helps evert the foot and resists its inversion. We conclude that the large peroneal tuberosity that characterizes the hallucal metatarsal of prosimian euprimates does not correlate to "powerful" grasping with a divergent hallux in general, and cannot specifically be strongly linked to vertical clinging and climbing on small-diameter supports. Thus, the functional significance of this hallmark, euprimate feature remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Cherevko  L. S. 《Biology Bulletin》2018,45(9):973-982
Biology Bulletin - Abstract—Knowledge of grooming makes it possible to characterize the intragroup social connections of lemurs and accurately form groups in captivity. The results of this...  相似文献   

Two species of lemur, Lemur macaco and Lemur coronatus, which do not hybridize in the wild, have produced a first, “definite” female hybrid in captivity. Its karyotype contains one haploid set from each parent. The analogy with the parental chromosomes is such that the pairing of the corresponding chromosomal arms leads to the formation of an open chain and a ring. The difficulty in obtaining hybrids between these two species could reflect the existence of a prezygotic barrier. The presence of multivalents, with probably a negative action on the gametogenesis, would introduce a postzygotic barrier.  相似文献   

The relationship between a mother and an adult daughter is examined in a group of free-ranging ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) at the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC). Although the two females were affiliative during the birth season, interactions during the mating season were predominantly agonistic. The maturing daughter was dominant to the mother, as has been observed in many caged social groups at the DUPC. Although both mother and daughter produced offspring in the same group, the daughter subsequently aggressively evicted the mother from the enclosure. It was not possible to maintain more than one long-term resident breeding female in the same social group. This pattern contrasts with observations of affiliation among breeding females in the wild. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mating activity was observed during four breeding seasons in two groups of black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) living in lowland rain forest on Nosy Mangabe island, Madagascar. The onset of the May-July breeding season was signalled by behavioral changes in adult males. Males made forays outside their usual home ranges, were more aggressive to other males, and performed appetitive and other sex-specific behaviors more frequently. Females showed receptive and proceptive behaviors during a 1-2 day behavioral estrus. Ruffed lemurs mated monogamously, polyandrously, and polygynously. These observations do not support previous assertions that they live only in monogamous families. Limited evidence suggests females exercised mate choice and may have preferred familiar males. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed extensive research into problem solving and innovation in primates, yet lemurs have not been subjected to the same level of attention as apes and monkeys, and the social context in which novel behavior appears has rarely been considered. We gave novel foraging puzzlebox devices to seven groups of ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata and Varecia rubra) to examine the factors affecting rates of innovation and social learning. We found, across a range of group sex ratios, that animals of the less-represented sex were more likely to contact and solve the puzzlebox sooner than those of the more-represented sex. We established that while some individuals were able to solve the puzzleboxes there was no evidence of social learning. Our findings are consistent with previously reported male deference as a sexual strategy, but we conclude that the need for male deference diminishes when, within a group, males are rare.  相似文献   

Adam Britt 《Zoo biology》1998,17(5):379-392
Captive breeding of endangered species is commonly proposed as a means of conserving biodiversity. The suggestion is that captive populations can be built up to provide individuals to reinforce or re-establish wild populations. However, there is evidence to suggest that captive-bred animals lack the skills necessary for survival in their natural habitat. This research was designed to assess whether a group of captive-bred Varecia variegata variegata exhibit such behavioral deficiencies in relation to feeding behavior compared to two wild groups. A further aim was to determine which of four methods of food presentation and two captive environments were most effective in encouraging the exhibition of natural feeding behavior. An identical focal animal, instantaneous time-sampling technique was used to collect data from the wild groups in the Betampona Reserve, Madagascar, and the captive group at Chester, UK. Results from Betampona confirm the highly frugivorous and arboreal nature of V. v. variegata. Under all captive conditions, except the rooftop feed in the cage environment, the captive V. v. variegata spent significantly less time feeding than their wild conspecifics. Suspensory feeding postures are an important adaptation enabling wild V. v. variegata to harvest fruit in the small-branch setting. Similar frequencies of use of such postures to those observed at Betampona were most effectively encouraged among captive V. v. variegata in the cage environment by the rooftop food presentation method and on a naturalistic island exhibit by the suspended method of food presentation. Differences in feeding behavior between the wild and captive V. v.variegata can be explained in terms of structural differences between their environments. As naturalistic captive environments allow lemurs to experience the challenges associated with feeding in the wild, it is strongly recommended that zoos endeavor to provide them with such conditions. Zoo Biol 17:379–392, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to better define the similarities and differences in gastrointestinal morphology present in lemur species. Measurements of the gastrointestinal tract of lemurs were obtained at necropsy from the captive population at Duke University Primate Center. Measurements of body length and weight, as well as gastrointestinal length, were recorded from five prosimian species: Propithecus tattersalli, Propithecus verreauxi, Varecia variegata, Hapalemur griseus, and Lemur catta. Photographs and measurements were used to obtain illustrations. Preliminary results suggest differences in gastrointestinal morphology among lemur species that coincide with differences in diet. Distinct sacculations in either the cecum or the colon were present for H. griseus, L. catta, P. verreauxi, and P. tattersalli, but not for V. variegata. The Propithecus specimens possessed a much greater ratio of gastrointestinal length to body length than the other three species. A short, blunt cecum and a shortened and sacculated colon were unique characteristics of the H. griseus specimens. These differences correlate well with a dietary shift from consumption of large amounts of structural plant cell wall (Propithecus sp.) to consumption of variable or moderate amounts (H. griseus, L. catta, and V. variegata). They also suggest that captive groups would benefit from further diet refinement in captivity.  相似文献   

A stable social group of 7 semifree-ranging black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) was studied for 4 months to catalog the behavioral repertoire of this species. Observations focussed on particular aspects of behavior were conducted before and after this 4-month period to supplement information gathered. Behavior in 11 major categories is detailed: postures, terrestrial locomotion, arboreal locomotion, feeding behavior, vocalizations, scent-marking, affinitive social behavior, agonistic social behavior, play behavior, sexual behavior, and parental behavior. Ruffed lemurs frequently used body positions and locomotor patterns unusual among lemurids, including bipedal hanging and long-descent leaps. These behaviors reinforce dental evidence that Varecia are among the most frugivorous of the Malagasy lemurs. Low intragroup cohesion, infrequent social interaction, and antiphonal use of several long-distance vocalizations suggest that ruffed lemurs naturally exhibit fission-fusion sociality. Social structure based on interindividual familiarity probably extends across foraging parties for several of the diurnally active lemurs; however, thus far only Varecia seems likely to exhibit fission-fusion sociality analogous to that seen in spider monkeys and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

The foot, perhaps more than any other region of the primate body, reflects the interaction of positional behaviors with the geometric properties of available supports. The ability to reverse the hind foot during hindlimb suspension while hanging from a horizontal support or descending a large diameter vertical trunk has been noted in many arboreal mammals, including primates. Observations of Varecia variegata in the wild and under seminatural conditions document hindlimb suspension in this lemurid primate. The kinematics and skeletal correlates of this behavior are examined. Analogy is made with the form and function exhibited by nonprimate mammalian taxa employing this behavior. Examples of carnivores and rodents display very similar adaptations of the tarsals while other mammals, such as the xenarthrans, accomplish a similar end by means of different morphologies. However, a suite of features is identified that is shared by mammals capable of hind foot reversal. Hindlimb suspension effectively increases the potential feeding space available to a foraging mammal and represents a significant, and often unrecognized, alternative adaptive strategy to forelimb suspension and prehensile-tail suspension in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:85–102, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined social learning capabilities in apes and monkeys, experiments involving prosimians remain largely absent. We investigated the potential for social learning in black-and-white ruffed lemurs using a two-action foraging task. Eight individuals were divided into two experimental groups and exposed to conspecifics using one of two techniques to access food. Subjects were then given access to the apparatus and their retrieval techniques were recorded and compared. All subjects made their first retrieval using the technique they observed being demonstrated, and there were significant differences between the two groups in their overall response patterns. These results suggest that prosimians are capable of social learning and that additional long-term field studies may reveal the presence of behavioural traditions similar to those found in other primates.  相似文献   

Since November 1997 the Madagascar Fauna Group has released 13 captive-bred black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) into the Betampona Reserve in eastern Madagascar. The release programme has three major aims: (1) to assess the ability of captive-bred V. v. variegata to adapt to life in their natural habitat; (2) to investigate the contribution that such a release programme can make to reinforcing the existing small wild population of V. v. variegata in Betampona; and (3) to contribute to the long-term protection and conservation of the reserve. Criteria for the selection of release candidates, veterinary screening and pre-release experience in naturalistic environments are described and discussed. Methods for post-release monitoring of health and behaviour are covered in detail. The importance of considering the social dynamics of the species involved is emphasised. The survival of five of the releasees, plus successful reproduction and integration with the wild population have led to the conclusion that the release was a success.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study was carried out of several Lemur hybrids and their progeny. The effects of Robertsonian translocations in the heterozygous state on fertility and the possibility of a preferential transmission of metacentric trivalents are debated.  相似文献   

This study presents the first detailed morphometric measurements of wild caught black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) from the eastern rainforests of Madagascar and aims to quantify the morphological variation present throughout their recognized range. One hundred and forty-four adult and juvenile individuals from 15 sites were sampled for 20 cranial, dental and postcranial morphometric and body mass measurements. Data were collected from an equal number of male and female individuals sampled across seasons over a 7-year period (1999-2002, 2004-2006). Results indicate that adult body mass and morphometric measurements varied between sexes across sites; however, the only significant intersexual difference found was that females possessed, on average, longer tails than males. Contrary to previous studies, significant seasonal variation could not be detected in either male or female body mass or testicular volume (i.e., breeding vs. nonbreeding, food-scarce vs. food-abundant seasons). Measurements did, however, vary significantly by site and subspecies, though clinal variation could not explain these differences. The introduced population from Nosy Mangabe exhibited significantly lower body mass and overall body length than all other populations; however, this distinction may not have been attributable to natural variation, and may have instead resulted from the ecologically restrictive habitat (e.g., unusually high lemur population densities, limited food resources, ecological isolation) of this introduced population. Finally, although fore-to-hindlimb, brachium-to-thigh and hindlimb indices were comparable to previous values, forelimb indices calculated here deviate significantly from previous reports, placing V. variegata within the upper range of lemurid taxa. It is currently unknown whether this is an artifact of sampling methods (i.e., live vs. skeletal specimens) or whether this is an avenue that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour and diet of the black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata variegata) was investigated in the Betampona Reserve, eastern Madagascar. The highly frugivorous diet of this subspecies was confirmed - feeding on fruits accounting for 92.0% of feeding records. Most feeding at Betampona was observed at 10-25 m above the forest floor amongst flexible, small (0.5-5.0 cm diameter) and oblique/horizontal (0-45 degrees ) supports. The Varecia spent on average 21.7% (+/- 1.5) of their daily activity budget feeding and employ a variety of postures that enable them to harvest fruits in the rain forest canopy. The suspensory postures were the most important in allowing Varecia to compete with other smaller-bodied frugivores.  相似文献   

Retrospective epidemiologic evaluation of 27 years of colony data (1966–1993) from a large breeding center for ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) was used to quantitatively assess the risk imposed by different management variables on reproductive success (littering) and infant viability (litter death). Logistic regression analysis was used, both with and without a term to account for extra-binomial variation in the data (random effects) associated with repeated assessments of individual lemur dams during the study period. Population-based littering rates are defined and shown not to fluctuate substantially over time, although the proportion of females given the opportunity to breed was drastically reduced in 1986 due to changes in the species management strategy and limited breeding center space resources. No management-related factors were found to be associated with littering success. However, young age of dam (odds ratio = 4.3, P = 0.016) and housing in natural habitat enclosures (odds ratio = 6.5, P = 0.003) significantly predicted complete litter mortality by 48 hr post-partum. Varecia females >15 years of age (8 dams, 42 observation-years) produced 18 litters and 37 infants, 31 of which survived at least 48 hr. Use of established epidemiologic methods to analyze data from existing colony records should be used to help direct the management of this endangered species toward maximally efficient goals, especially in light of current conservation resource limitations. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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