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Examination of blood groups, plasma proteins and red cell enzyme types (23 loci), in a sample of 145 Bhils, a tribal group of Madhya Pradesh, Central India, demonstrates their genetic uniqueness. They differ in a number of systems from the nearby nontribal groups both of Hindus and Muslims. The results suggest that the Bhil frequencies include vestiges of the ancestral genepool of a more widespread aboriginal population whose influence is detectable in the gene frequencies of some other populations in India.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of six populations of Iran (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians) was examined using data on blood groups, serum proteins and cell enzymes. Our results show conclusively that there are genetic differences among the six populations and the analysis of superimposed R and S matrices defined by Harpending & Jenkins (1973) show that the dispersion of some of the alleles correspond to the dispersion of the populations. The FST estimates are not large enough to favour selection on any of the loci studied. The FIT and FIS estimates are positive and moderately high suggesting that the genetic differentiation to some extent is influenced by inbreeding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the genetic distribution at the HLA-A, B and C loci in the Galician population (Spain). A random sample of 264 unrelated individuals from the autochtonous population were tested. The gene frequencies observed at the three loci are within the respective variability ranges found in European populations. The linkage disequilibrium value, D, was calculated using the phenotype frequencies at the A-B, A-C and B-C loci; the most frequent haplotype combinations were A1-B8 and A2-B44, A2-Cw7 and A1-Cw7, and B7-Cw7 and B35-Cw4, respectively.  相似文献   

A total of 209 persons belonging to the Koya Dora and Konda Kammara tribes in the East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, have been tested for electrophoretic variation in 9 red cell enzyme systems. The gene frequencies for the systems showing variation are, in general, within the range for other Andhra Pradesh tribal populations. There is 1 example of PHI 2-1 in the Konda Kammara, while 1 case each of PHI 3-1 and 2-1 are reported in the Koya Dora. In PGM1, there is one example of the 6-2 phenotype and one of 4-1 in the Koya Dora. The Koya Dora show a relatively lower frequency of the EsD2 allele compared to the Konda Kammara. The gene frequencies for the GLO system are reported here for the first time among Indian tribals and these are within the Indian range. LDH Calcutta 1 was not detected in either population.  相似文献   

Five select Reddi populations based on 750 males in the age range of 20 to 50 years have been studied for 15 anthropometric measurements and 10 indices. The Pokanati show higher mean value for a majority of the measurements. F-values are significant for all measurements except for bicristal breadth. All indices but nasal index show negligible variation. Mesocephalic heads predominate among Pokanati and dolicocephalic heads among the rest. the cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis, as diagrammatically represented, show the extent of variation among the five Reddi populations.  相似文献   

Endogamous populations belonging to Brahmin, Vysya, Mala, and Madiga castes of Andhra Pradesh, South India, were investigated for certain red cell enzyme and serum protein genetic markers. Frequency values were statistically analyzed to assess genetic variation among the populations. Average heterozygosity of ten loci and genetic diversity within and between the populations were calculated by using the methods of Nei. Nei's index was used to calculate genetic distances between the pairs of populations. A dendrogram was drawn adapting the modified unweighted pair group method suggested by Li, which agreed with the history of the populations.  相似文献   

Gene diversity and genetic structure of tribal populations of Andhra Pradesh, India, have been analyzed under a hierarchical model consisting of five regions of the state, tribes within the regions, and local subpopulations within the tribes. Average gene diversity has been estimated from gene frequency data for 15 polymorphic loci by using nested gene diversity analysis of GST. The intralocation coefficient of gene diversity was estimated at 96% of the total, whereas the intertribal, within—and between—regional gene diversities were found to be only 1.90, 0.95, and 1.43%, respectively. The estimate of gene diversity was higher for loci with higher degrees of polymorphism such as ABO, MN, ESD, and PTC and lower for loci with low-level polymorphism and extreme gene frequencies such as Hb, Tf, PHI, 6PGD, and Hp. The nature of selective preference or neutrality at the loci seems to be important in this respect. Tribes of the plains exhibit the least gene diversity, apparently because of higher gene flow among them. The contribution of loci with intermediate gene frequencies in intertribal and regional gene diversity was found to be higher than for loci with extreme allelic frequencies. These results suggest that the most significant component of variation is between individuals within locations and that variation between local subpopulations is negligible in the genetic structure of a population. Forces like selection, gene flow and drift also influence the diversity depending upon the nature of the locus. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of three subpopulations of the Naikpod tribe of Andhra Pradesh, India, was examined by studying three blood group, six red cell enzyme, and five protein systems and phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity. The gene frequency data of 15 loci are compared among the subpopulations as well as with those reported for other population groups from India. The analysis of gene diversity revealed that the gene differentiation among the subpopulations relative to total population is only 0.02, indicating that the genetic differentiation between subpopulations is very small compared with that within them. This is corroborated by the small genetic distances found among them. The effect of differentiation of microgeographical and breeding isolation on gene diversity and genetic differentiation among the three subpopulations is apparently low.  相似文献   

Phenotype and gene frequencies of two blood group and four red cell enzyme systems were examined in a Konda Kapu tribal sample of Coastal Andhra Pradesh, South India. The gene frequencies for these systems in Konda Kapus indicate the middle range values for Andhra Pradesh tribal populations, excepting the ADA and Rh(D) systems, where extreme range values are found. Further, gene flow is indicated between the Konda Kapus under study and Plain Kapus, a neighbouring caste population by calculation of Fi estimates.  相似文献   

Data are presented on serological and electrophoretic variants of 18 systems of red cells in 228 individuals belonging to a scheduled tribe (Kanet) and a scheduled caste (Koli) of Kinnar district in Himachal Pradesh, India. Differences in gene frequencies clearly indicate biological distinction in the local population. The possible cause of this genetic heterogeneity is discussed.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimates of familial correlations are presented for 12 cranio-facial measurements taken on 399 nuclear families from Southern India. Marital resemblance is significantly different from zero for head circumference, head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects reveals that family resemblance for head circumference, head length, bigonial breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects breadth, and sex effects in transmission were found for head breadth and nose dimensions. Sex effects in this sample may be due to the fact that different anthropometrists were used for male and female subjects.  相似文献   

Observed meteorological data demonstrates that temperature has increased by 0.74 °C in the last hundred years with the bulk of the warming occurring in the last 50 years. This paper examines the impact of climate change on five major crops in the former state of Andhra Pradesh using district level panel data for the period 1981–2010. Analysis of data shows that crop yields are significantly impacted by climate for rice, tobacco and groundnut. Crops grown in rabi are more susceptible to changes in climate than those in kharif, while drought crops like jowar are found to withstand changes in climate better than others.  相似文献   

The genomes of three potyvirus isolates from, respectively, naturally infected Colocasia esculenta, Caladium spp. and Dieffenbachia spp. in Andhra Pradesh, India, were amplified by RT‐PCR using degenerate potyvirus primers. Sequence analysis of RT‐PCR amplicons (1599 nucleotides) showed maximum identity of 97% with the KoMV‐Zan isolate of Konjac mosaic virus (KoMV) from Taiwan (A/C AF332872). The three isolates had a maximum identity of 99.4%. The length of coat protein (CP) gene of three isolates was 846 nucleotides encoding 282 amino acids with a deduced size of 32.25 kDa. The CP gene of the isolates had, respectively, 78.1–95.7% and 88.2–96.4% identity at nucleotide and amino acid levels with KoMV isolates. The CP gene of the three isolates had 93.1–100% (nucleotide) and 98.2–100% (amino acid) identity. The 3′‐UTR of the three isolates showed maximum identity of 91.1–100% identity between and with other KoMV isolates. In the CP amino acid–based phylogenetic analyses, the isolates branched as a distinct cluster along with known KoMV isolates. The three potyvirus isolates associated with mosaic, chlorotic feathery mottling, chlorotic spots, leaf deformation and chlorotic ring spots on three aroids were identified as isolates of KoMV for the first time from Andhra Pradesh, India.  相似文献   

Using gene frequency data for the ABO locus so far available, gene differentiation and gene identity between 20 castes and 22 tribes of Andhra Pradesh were determined. The interpopulation gene diversity is 1.4 and 1.6% of total genic variation in castes and tribes, respectively. Difficulties in interpreting genetic diversity using just one genetic system is discussed.  相似文献   

Four red cell enzyme polymorphisms: Esterase-D (ESD), Glyoxalase-I (GL01), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Phosphoglucomutase (PGM1 and 2), have been studied in two endogamous populations (paidi and Valmiki) of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, South India. Inter group comparison by chisquare analysis revealed no significant differences among them. An attempt was made to compare with those available for other populations from Andhra Pradesh.  相似文献   

The highest values of consanguinity was found among “Kamma” (45.0%), “Ediga” (47.5%) and “Mala” (55.7%) who occupy different strata of Indian caste hierarchy. In the way of searchout the factors influencing consanguineous marriages, the present paper finda the negative relationship between educational levels of the spouses and consanguinity. The educational levels of men has significant effect on the frequency of consanguinious marriages among “Kamma” and “Mala”. However, further analysis deplore significant differences in the mean levels consanguinity between educational groups. It divulge low level of higher education among the populations. Only 12% of men and 1.6% of women have degree level and above education in the total sample.  相似文献   

A total of 220 persons belonging to the Kolam tribe in the Adilabad District of northwest Andhra Pradesh have been tested for 18 red cell eyzyme systems and for haemoglobin. Generally, the gene frequencies for the systems which showed electrophoretic variation were within the range for Indian populations; the gene frequency for AK1 is high by Indian standards and Hb AS is present. LDH Calcutta 1 was not detected in this population and a single example of PHI 2-1 was observed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the distribution of blood groups and ABH saliva secretion in two Andhra tribal populations: the Koya Dora and the Konda Kammara. 100 Koya Dora and nearly 110 Konda Kammara adults of both sexes were tested for A1A2BO, MN, Rh (CcDEe) blood groups and ABH saliva secretion. The gene frequencies for A1A2BO, MN and ABH and the gene as well as chromosome frequencies for Rh (CcDEe) systems were calculated. Koya Doras show a higher incidence of A gene than B gene, while the reverse trend is seen in Konda Kammaras. Both the tribes show a high M gene frequency. No Rh(D) negative individual was found in Koya Doras, while 4.59% of Konda Kammaras are Rh(D) negative. The chromosomes CDE, CdE, cDe, cdE, Cde and cde are absent in Koya Doras, while only the four chromosomes CDE, CdE, cDe and cdE are absent in Konda Kammaras. The chromosome CDe shows the highest frequency in both the tribes. The frequency of secretors is, as usual, higher than that of nonsecretors in both the tribes. The intergroup variation between the two tribes is not statistically significant for MN, Rh (CcDEe) and ABH systems, while the difference is significant for the A1A2BO blood groups. Suitable comparisons have also been made with all the other available data from Andhra Pradesh tribal populations with respect to different systems studied. Finally Fi estimates have been calculated after Harpending et al. (1973) and Workman et al. (1974) for Koya Doras and Konda Kammaras to assess their degree of endogamy, considering the codominant systems studied, which suggest that Koya Doras are relatively more isolated than Konda Kammaras.  相似文献   

Slender lorises live in forests of southern India and Sri Lanka. Little is known about their distribution patterns and relative densities. We report the results of a survey conducted in 6 forest divisions in the southern parts of the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India. Relatively high densities of lorises occurred in mixed deciduous forests and in adjoining farm lands interspersed with trees. Three distinct populations inhabit the study area. We recommend conservation measures for Loris tardigradus.  相似文献   

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