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Takeuchi H 《Biopolymers》2003,72(5):305-317
The Raman spectrum of a protein contains a wealth of information on the structure and interaction of the protein. To extract the structural information from the Raman spectrum, it is necessary to identify and interpret the marker bands that reflect the structure and interaction in the protein. Recently, new Raman structural markers have been proposed for the tryptophan and histidine side chains by examining the spectra-structure correlations of model compounds. Raman structural markers are now available for the conformation, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction, and cation-pi interaction of the indole ring of Trp. For His, protonation, tautomerism, and metal coordination of the imidazole ring can be studied by using Raman markers. The high-resolution X-ray crystal structures of proteins provide the basis for testing and modifying the Raman structural markers of Trp and His. The structures derived from Raman spectra are generally consistent with the X-ray crystal structures, giving support for the applicability of most Raman structural makers. Possible modifications and limitations to some marker bands are also discussed.  相似文献   

It has often been assumed that the role of aromatic side chains in the far-ultraviolet region of protein circular dichroism (CD) is negligible. However, some proteins have positive CD bands in the 220–230 nm region which are almost certainly due to aromatic side chains. The contributions to the CD of interactions between tryptophan side chains and the nearest neighbor peptide groups have been studied, focusing on the indole Bb transition which occurs near 220 nm. Calculations on idealized peptide conformations show that the CD depends strongly on both backbone and side-chain conformation. Because of the low symmetry of indole, rotation about the CC bond (dihedral angle 2) by 180° generally leads to large changes in the CD, often causing the Bb band to reverse sign. When side-chain conformational preferences are taken into account, there is no strong bias for either positive or negative Bb rotational strengths. The observation that simple tryptophan derivatives such as N-acetyl-L-tryptophan methylamide have positive CD near 220 nm implies either that these derivatives prefer the R region over the region, or that there is little preference for 2 < 180° over 2 > 180°. Nearest-neighbor-only calculations on individual tryptophans in 15 globular proteins also reveal a small bias toward positive Bb bands. Rotational strengths of the Bb transition for some conformations can be as large as 1.0 Debye-Bohr magnetons in magnitude, corresponding to maximum molar ellipticities greater than 105 degcm2/dmol. Although a substantial amount of cancellation occurs in most of the examples considered here, such CD contributions could be significant, especially in proteins of low helix content.  相似文献   

E. G. Bendit 《Biopolymers》1967,5(6):525-533
Poly-L -tyrosine absorbs strongly at 1515 cm.?1, and a band at this frequency has been found in a number of proteins and has been assigned to the tyrosine residue. The assignment was confirmed by examination of spectra of deuterated proteins, which usually exhibit a residual band at 1513 cm.?1. In proteins, this band correlates linearly with known tyrosine content, but the point corresponding to poly-L -tyrosine itself does not fall on the correlation line. The possibility and limitations of using the infrared method for tyrosine determinations is discussed.  相似文献   

George D. Rose 《Proteins》2019,87(5):357-364
The Ramachandran plot for backbone ϕ,ψ-angles in a blocked monopeptide has played a central role in understanding protein structure. Curiously, a similar analysis for side chain χ-angles has been comparatively neglected. Instead, efforts have focused on compiling various types of side chain libraries extracted from proteins of known structure. Departing from this trend, the following analysis presents backbone-based maps of side chains in blocked monopeptides. As in the original ϕ,ψ-plot, these maps are derived solely from hard-sphere steric repulsion. Remarkably, the side chain biases exhibit marked similarities to corresponding biases seen in high-resolution protein structures. Consequently, some of the entropic cost for side chain localization in proteins is prepaid prior to the onset of folding events because conformational bias is built into the chain at the covalent level. Furthermore, side chain conformations are seen to experience fewer steric restrictions for backbone conformations in either the α or β basins, those map regions where repetitive ϕ,ψ-angles result in α-helices or strands of β-sheet, respectively. Here, these α and β basins are entropically favored for steric reasons alone; a blocked monopeptide is too short to accommodate the peptide hydrogen bonds that stabilize repetitive secondary structure. Thus, despite differing energetics, α/β-basins are favored for both monopeptides and repetitive secondary structure, underpinning an energetically unfrustrated compatibility between these two levels of protein structure.  相似文献   

Picosecond dynamics of tyrosine side chains in proteins.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
To probe the details of small amplitude motions in proteins, a dynamical analysis of the orientation fluctuations of two tyrosine side chains in the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor is presented. Detailed results are given for the time history and correlation functions obtained for the ring motion from a molecular dynamics simulation of the entire protein. It is shown that even on a picosecond time scale orientational fluctuations of +/-30 degrees from the average position occur for the tyrosine rings in the interior of the protein. It is found that the Langevin equation is applicable to the ring torsional motion, which corresponds to that of an angular harmonic oscillator with near-critical damping. Two possible microscopic models for the observed damping effects are outlined. One of these, analogous to liquid behavior, is based on kinetic theory and takes account of the collisions which occur between atoms of the protein; the other, more analogous to solid behavior, involves the coupling among a large number of harmonic oscillators. The collisional model with parameters obtained from theoretical estimates leads to good agreement with the correlation functions from the dynamic simulation. However, the dephasing of harmonic oscillations can yield similar short-time results so that a distinction between the two models is difficult. The importance of damping effects on the motions involved in conformational transitions and enzymatic reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Tryptophan (Trp) is abundant in membrane proteins, preferentially residing near the lipid–water interface where it is thought to play a significant anchoring role. Using a total of 3 μs of molecular dynamics simulations for a library of hydrophobic WALP-like peptides, a long poly-Leu α-helix, and the methyl-indole analog, we explore the thermodynamics of the Trp movement in membranes that governs the stability and orientation of transmembrane protein segments. We examine the dominant hydrogen-bonding interactions between the Trp and lipid carbonyl and phosphate moieties, cation–π interactions to lipid choline moieties, and elucidate the contributions to the thermodynamics that serve to localize the Trp, by ~ 4 kcal/mol, near the membrane glycerol backbone region. We show a striking similarity between the free energy to move an isolated Trp side chain to that found from a wide range of WALP peptides, suggesting that the location of this side chain is nearly independent of the host transmembrane segment. Our calculations provide quantitative measures that explain Trp's role as a modulator of responses to hydrophobic mismatch, providing a deeper understanding of how lipid composition may control a range of membrane active peptides and proteins.  相似文献   

The correlation between dynamics and stability of icosahedral viruses was studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence approaches. We compared the environment and dynamics of tryptophan side chains of empty capsids and ribonucleoprotein particles of two icosahedral viruses from the comovirus group: cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) and bean pod mottle virus (BPMV). We found a great difference between tryptophan fluorescence emission spectra of the ribonucleoprotein particles and the empty capsids of BPMV. For CPMV, time-resolved fluorescence revealed differences in the tryptophan environments of the capsid protein. The excited-state lifetimes of tryptophan residues were significantly modified by the presence of RNA in the capsid. More than half of the emission of the tryptophans in the ribonucleoprotein particles of CPMV originates from a single exponential decay that can be explained by a similar, nonpolar environment in the local structure of most of the tryptophans, even though they are physically located in different regions of the x-ray structure. CPMV particles without RNA lost this discrete component of emission. Anisotropy decay measurements demonstrated that tryptophans rotate faster in empty particles when compared with the ribonucleoprotein particles. The increased structural breathing facilitates the denaturation of the empty particles. Our studies bring new insights into the intricate interactions between protein and RNA where part of the missing structural information on the nucleic acid molecule is compensated for by the dynamics.  相似文献   



Accurately covering the conformational space of amino acid side chains is essential for important applications such as protein design, docking and high resolution structure prediction. Today, the most common way to capture this conformational space is through rotamer libraries - discrete collections of side chain conformations derived from experimentally determined protein structures. The discretization can be exploited to efficiently search the conformational space. However, discretizing this naturally continuous space comes at the cost of losing detailed information that is crucial for certain applications. For example, rigorously combining rotamers with physical force fields is associated with numerous problems.  相似文献   

Examination of 80 alpha-helical proteins and domains demonstrates that they contain from 1 to more than 20 completely buried (water-inaccessible) polar side chains. As a rule the latter have partners for H-bonding but the resulting H-bond system is often not exhaustive. Basing on statistical analysis, we determined the optimal number of H-bonds for every type of polar side chain, and discuss the structural role of vacant donors and acceptors. About half of the H-bonds formed by buried side chains pertain to interhelix contacts of the (side chain)-(side chain) and (side chain)-(main chain) types. Such interactions appear to be a most important factor determining the mutual arrangement of alpha-helices in proteins. Analysis of the frequency of occurrence of various interacting pairs reveals that these interactions are selective.  相似文献   

A method of docking Ca2+ ions in proteins with flexible side chains and deformable backbones is proposed. The energy was calculated with the AMBER force field, implicit solvent, and solvent exposure-dependent and distance-dependent dielectric function. Starting structures were generated with Ca2+ coordinates and side-chain torsions sampled in 1000 Å3 cubes centered at the experimental Ca2+ positions. The energy was Monte Carlo-minimized. The method was tested on fourteen Ca2+-binding sites. For twelve Ca2+-binding sites the root mean square (RMS) deviation of the apparent global minimum from the experimental structure was below 1.3 and 1.7 Å for Ca2+ ions and side-chain heavy atoms, respectively. Energies of multiple local minima correlate with the RMS deviations from the X-ray structures. Two Ca2+-binding sites at the surface of proteinase K were not predicted, because of underestimation of Ca2+ hydration energy by the implicit-solvent method.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A graphics package has been developed to display all side chain conformation angles of the user selected residue in a given protein structure. The proposed package is incorporated with all the protein structures (solved using X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy) available in the Protein Data Bank. The package displays the multiple conformations adopted by a single amino acid residue whose structure is solved and refined at very high resolution. In addition, it shows the percentage distribution of the side chain conformation angles in different rotameric states. AVAILABILITY:  相似文献   

H Takeuchi  Y Nemoto  I Harada 《Biochemistry》1990,29(6):1572-1579
Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the hydrophobic interaction of the indole ring with the environments, the water accessibility to the N1H site, and the conformation about the C beta-C3 bond for the four tryptophan side chains of gramicidin A incorporated into phospholipid bilayers. Most of the tryptophan side chains of the head-to-head helical dimer transmembrane channel are strongly interacting with the lipid hydrocarbon chains, and the hydrophobic interactions for the rest increase with increasing hydrocarbon chain length of the lipid. One tryptophan side chain (probably Trp-15) is accessible to water molecules, another (Trp-9) is deeply buried in the bilayer and inaccessible, and the accessibilities of the remaining two (Trp-11 and Trp-13) depend on the bilayer thickness. The torsional angle about the C beta-C3 bond is found to be +/- 90 degrees for all the tryptophans irrespective of the membrane thickness. Binding of the sodium cation to the channel does not change the torsional angles but decreases the water accessibilities of two tryptophans (Trp-11 and Trp-13) considerably. In conjunction with a slight spectral change in the amide III region, it is suggested that the sodium binding causes a partial change in the main-chain conformation around Trp-11 and Trp-13, which results in the movements of these side chains toward the bilayer center. Two models consistent with the present Raman data are proposed for the tryptophan orientation in the dominant channel structure.  相似文献   

Takeuchi H  Okada A  Miura T 《FEBS letters》2003,552(1):35-38
The M2 protein form influenza A virus forms a tetrameric ion channel, which enables proton passage across biological membranes when the N-terminal side is acidified. Among the amino acid residues in the transmembrane domain of the M2 protein, His37 and Trp41 are essential for the pH-regulated proton conductance. Current knowledge about the structures and interactions of His37 and Trp41 suggests a model for the M2 ion channel, in which the channel is closed by a network of His37 hydrogen bonds at neutral pH and is opened by a His37-Trp41 cation-pi interaction at acidic pH.  相似文献   

The ability of aromatic tryptophyl and tyrosyl side-chain donors to form charge-transfer (CT) complexes with the acceptor 1-methyl-3-carbamidopyridinium chloride has been used to investigate the degree of exposure of these aromatic residues in denaturated proteins. The coplanar geometry of the CT complexes requires that virtually a full ring face of the donor be available for interaction with the acceptor, and the aromatic donor residues of lysozyme, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and the zymogens of the latter two enzymes do not appear to be wholly "exposed" in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Comparison of the CT proerties of the proteins with the corresponding properties of model complexes suggests that the incomplete exposure is due at least in part to statistical fluctuations in the continuously mobile, randomly coiled polypeptide chain which result in residues being alternately fully exposed and partly covered. Reduction and alkylation of the disulfide cross-links increase the apparent availability of the aromatic residues but the exposure is still less than that expected from a comparable mixture of tryptophan and tyrosine residues. Previous studies on the exposure of the aromatic residues of lysozyme and trypsin in aqueous salt solutions, when taken together with the present results, further suggest that there are two distinct kinds of surface environment possible on native proteins in solution. Some residues appear to be located in areas of the protein surface which are characterized by relatively fixed or stable local conformations, and have apparent CT association constants closely resembling these of comparable model complexes. Other residues may be located in a region where the protein conformation is flexible or continuously mobile, as evidenced by their smaller apparent association constants. It is probably significant that Trp-62 of lysozyme and Trp-215 of trypsin, both specificity site residues, appear to belong to the class of residues which can be considered as being in a flexible environment on the protein surface.  相似文献   

Recent studies have highlighted the role of coupled side‐chain fluctuations alone in the allosteric behavior of proteins. Moreover, examination of X‐ray crystallography data has recently revealed new information about the prevalence of alternate side‐chain conformations (conformational polymorphism), and attempts have been made to uncover the hidden alternate conformations from X‐ray data. Hence, new computational approaches are required that consider the polymorphic nature of the side chains, and incorporate the effects of this phenomenon in the study of information transmission and functional interactions of residues in a molecule. These studies can provide a more accurate understanding of the allosteric behavior. In this article, we first present a novel approach to generate an ensemble of conformations and an efficient computational method to extract direct couplings of side chains in allosteric proteins, and provide sparse network representations of the couplings. We take the side‐chain conformational polymorphism into account, and show that by studying the intrinsic dynamics of an inactive structure, we are able to construct a network of functionally crucial residues. Second, we show that the proposed method is capable of providing a magnified view of the coupled and conformationally polymorphic residues. This model reveals couplings between the alternate conformations of a coupled residue pair. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first computational method for extracting networks of side chains' alternate conformations. Such networks help in providing a detailed image of side‐chain dynamics in functionally important and conformationally polymorphic sites, such as binding and/or allosteric sites. Proteins 2015; 83:497–516. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel pseudo cyclic penta‐β‐peptide composed of a β‐naphthylalanine, two β‐alanines, and a sequence of ethylenediamine‐succinic acid (CP5ES) is synthesized and investigated on peptide nanotube (PNT) formation. When the PNT is formed with the maximum number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the cyclic peptides, the sequence enables the alignment of the side chains, naphthyl groups, on one side of the PNT. Microscopic and spectroscopic observations of CP5ES crystals reveal that CP5ES forms rod‐ or needle‐shaped molecular assemblies showing exciton coupling of the Cotton effect and predominant monomer emission, which are different from a reference cyclic tri‐β‐peptide composed of a β‐naphthylalanine and two β‐alanines. Insertion of a sequence of ethylenediamine‐succinic acid into β‐amino acids in the cyclic skeleton is therefore suggested to be effective to make the side chains aligning on one side of the PNT. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methodology for calculation of side-chain conformations in proteins is evaluated. The role and impact of corrections to idealized rotameric structures are considered, by incorporating methods for torsional optimization into rotamer-packing algorithms. Off-rotamer corrections given by continuum torsional optimization improve, over simpler rotamer-packing procedures, the accuracy with which the conformations of side chains of buried amino acids can be predicted. The analogy between protein side-chain calculations and spin systems is explored by adapting spin simulation methods to side-chain packing algorithms. Implementations of mean-field and heat-bath algorithms for side-chain packing are described and their performance tested. The procedures introduced here address the combinatorial problem in an efficient and reasonably effective manner, as evidenced by analysis of their convergence properties. Application of refined protocols yields overall prediction accuracies of 80% for χ1 and 68percnt; for χ1,2 pairs for a test set of 60 proteins, using a 40° cutoff to define correct placement. For buried amino acids (defined as having less than 30% relative solvent accessibility) the prediction accuracies increase to 88percnt; for χ1 and 79percnt; for χ1,2 pairs. The influence of the form of the potential energy function is studied by comparing results obtained with 12-6 and 9-6 potentials. The 9-6 form leads to more accurate results. Detailed comparison with previous work is presented, and the effect of combinatorial packing steps is shown to be important for all but the smallest proteins. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

M Iu Pavlov  B A Fedorov 《Biofizika》1984,29(3):516-523
A new method has been developed for averaging the intensity of X-ray diffuse scattering of proteins by different conformations of side groups. The method is based on the algorithm allowing to calculate statistical weights of rotation isomers of side chains. It is shown that for protein structures obtained from high resolution crystallographic data, conformations of the majority of surface groups correspond to rotation isomers with the greatest statistical weight. It has been found that for medium size proteins (with molecular weight varying from 15,000 to 30,000 dalton) whose structure has been determined at high resolution, the influence of rotation isomerization of side chains on the scattering indicatrices does not exceed 5%. The influence of side chains mobility on the scattering curves of large proteins is also small. For these two classes of proteins the rotation isomerization of side groups can be ignored when interpreting significant (exceeding 10%) divergences between experimental and theoretical scattering curves.  相似文献   

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