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Fluorescent antibody (FA) reagents for Salmonella produced by Difco, Sylvana, and Clinical Sciences, Inc., were evaluated for physicochemical and performance characteristics. The Difco panvalent (A through 064) and the Difco polyvalent (A through S) were similar in physicochemical characteristics. They had less than 60% gamma globulin with 3% albumin and had fluorescein to protein (F/P) ratios of less than 10. The Sylvana conjugate had 81% gamma globulin with less than 1% albumin. Its F/P was 33.9. The Clinical Sciences reagent contained 75% unlabeled albumin as packaged in the Fluoro-kit. Analysis of the original conjugate showed 86.5% gamma globulin with only 0.5% albumin. The (F/P) was 32.8. The performance characteristics were determined by using a variety of Enterobacteriaceae and food and feed samples. All conjugates stained the homologous Salmonella strains. The majority of cross-reactions were limited primarily to the Arizona, Citrobacter, and Escherichia coli groups. The Difco panvalent was more reactive with heterologous organisms. It stained 89% of the Arizona compared with 42% stained by the Difco polyvalent (A through S) and 39% stained by the Sylvana and Clinical Sciences reagents. We found 90% agreement between FA and culture when the Difco polyvalent was used to examine food and feed samples and 94% agreement when the Clinical Sciences Fluoro-kit was used on another group of samples.  相似文献   

A semi-automatic system under development by Aerojet Medical and Biological Systems for the direct fluorescent antibody detection of salmonellae was evaluated with various food, feed, and environmental samples. All samples were simultaneously examined by Automated Bioassay System (ABS), manual direct fluorescent antibody procedures and cultural procedures. The ABS gave satisfactory results with the processed samples. It detected all of the culturally positive powdered egg and candy samples with no false negative results and gave only 6.6 and 5.3% false positive rates, respectively. With meatmeal samples the ABS failed to detect one culturally positive specimen that was also positive by manual fluorescent antibody and gave one (1.1%) false-positive result. A high rate of false-negative results was obtained by ABS on unprocessed samples of creek water, poultry, and sausage. Adding another enrichment step to the protocol reduced the false-negative rate considerably but severely increased the false-positive rate. The instruments worked reasonably well, but research is needed to improve enrichment procedures for samples to be processed by the system.  相似文献   

Commercial preparations of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) for immunofluorescence applications were obtained from 12 sources and examined for purity by quantitative infrared spectrophotometry and by labeling efficiency for bovine serum albumin (BSA). Quantitative photometric measurements were made of nonspecific staining (NSS) produced by conjugates prepared from the dyes. The purity of FITC from different sources was highly variable. The risk of NSS appears to increase as the purity of the dye decreases. In immunofluorescence applications it is desirable to use the purest FITC available in order to obtain conjugates with minimum NSS. It is recommended that 70% FITC, as determined by BSA labeling efficiency, be accepted as the minimum purity for immunofluorescence applications.  相似文献   

A simplified method of section cutting, dispensing with guide attachment on microtome blade, and suitable for serial sections of unfixed frozen tissue of 4μ is described. Essential features are low temperature maintenance (—13°C), critical angle of knife and moistening of slides in cold alcohol or isopentane. This method has been found suitable for fluorescence antibody studies where maintenance of low temperatures is necessary.  相似文献   

When compared with primary filters widely used for rabies diagnosis by the fluorescent antibody test, an interference filter markedly increased specific staining intensity and contrast.  相似文献   

No advantage was shown in preenriching raw meat samples for detecting salmonellae by fluorescent antibodies or culture. Trypticase soy-tryptose (Edwards and Ewing, 1972) was equal to or better than selenite-cystine as a postenrichment broth.  相似文献   

Wet blood smears are placed immediately in Helly's fluid for 24 hr, transferred directly to a saturated solution of potassium dichromate for 48 hr and washed in running water for 2-4 hr. The slides are then treated with iodine and sodium thiosulf ate and washed several hours or overnight. Excess water is removed by blotting the slide around the smear, Altmann's aniline fuchsin is placed on the smear and the slide is heated over a spirit lamp until white fumes appear. After the slide cools the stain is poured off and the excess removed by washing with distilled water. Methyl green (1% aqueous) is dropped on the smear and left for approximately 30 sec. It is then passed rapidly through 2 changes of absolute ethanol and into xylene, from which it is mounted in Permount. This stains mitochondria, red blood corpuscles and specific granules of eosinophilic granulocytes red on a green background.  相似文献   

S ummary : The direct and indirect fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) were compared with cultural methods for detecting salmonellae in meat products, animal feedingstuffs, poultry carcase swabs, giblets and poultry plant and equipment swabs. Salmonellae were not isolated from meat products and fluorescent cells were not seen on slides prepared by either FAT. The indirect and direct FAT recorded 13% and 9% respectively, false positive results, with samples of animal feedingstuffs, but the direct FAT recorded a single false negative result. Salmonellae were not isolated from poultry carcase swabs but 3% and 4·5% respectively, of false positive results were obtained with the indirect and direct FAT. Salmonellae were isolated from both giblet samples and poultry plant swabs and both gave rise to false negative FAT results. Preliminary studies of the efficacy of the FAT for screening animal faecal material for salmonellae indicated that no single combination of enrichment broth and FAT gives unequivocal results, but the staining of smears from tetrathionate broth by either FAT gives rise to a high percentage of false negative results.  相似文献   

A procedure for staining mycoplasmata colonies directly on agar blocks for examination by fluorescent microscopy is described. Areas of the agar surface appropriate for staining were demarcated by use of Lucite cylinders. Direct fluorescent-antibody staining was superior to indirect staining. The technique was very useful for determining whether cultures were mixed and for identification of mycoplasmas in either pure or mixed cultures.  相似文献   

The indirect fluorescent-antibody technique was used to examine 422 food samples for the presence of salmonellae. A cultural phase involving a 16-hr preenrichment in buffered nutrient broth-milk medium followed by a 4- to 5-hr subculture into fresh medium of the same composition was evaluated. This procedure yielded a sufficient population of salmonellae so that no false-negative results were obtained. Of the 31 false-positives obtained, 12 samples yielded positive cultural results upon extensive subculture of the original enrichment broths. Yeast cells and both vegetative and spore forms of bacilli were observed to fluoresce when stained with anti-Salmonella serum. Efforts to ascertain the cause of these cross-reactions and several alternate explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Improvements in the equipment for the automated fluorescent treponemal antibody (AFTA) test for syphilis prompted this comparative study of the AFTA and its manual counterpart, the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test. The AFTA equipment operated satisfactorily, required only minimal monitoring, and afforded a three-to fourfold increase over the number of sera that could be tested manually by one serologist. The AFTA and FTA-ABS tests agreed well with only 2.1% of the sera yielding conflicting results. The AFTA was less precise than the FTA-ABS on sera retested because of original conflicting results and on sera retested within the same run to determine reproducibility. However, these differences were not large, and AFTA test performance was considered to be within the limits acceptable for a diagnostic serological procedure.  相似文献   

Two evaluations of the automated fluorescent treponemal antibody (AFTA) test for the serodiagnosis of syphilis are described. The results of AFTA and manually performed fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) tests were compared on serum samples from clinically defined donor groups, and the reproducibility of each procedure was studied. Significant improvement of AFTA test results was obtained in the most recent study after developmental modifications of the instrument and test technique. AFTA test agreement with both syphilis and nonsyphilis categories was considered good. With the increasing usage of the FTA-ABS test as an effective tool for the diagnosis of syphilis, successful automation of this procedure is particularly timely and significant.  相似文献   

Flow microfluorometric (FMF) analysis of stained cells has provided protein distribution histograms for large populations of cells. Spectral data and staining protocols were evaluated for six fluorescent protein dyes suggested for staining cells in liquid suspension. The requirements for dyes and/or staining protocol included minimal cell clumping and cell loss, near-optimal dye excitation at existing laser wavelengths, and tenacity of the dye/protein interaction. These criteria were best satisfied by fluoresoein isothiocyanate (FITC) and rho-damine B isothiocyanate (RITC). Both fluoreseamine and 8-aniline-1-naphthakne sulfonic acid (ANSA) showed potential applicability for use in systems where excitation wavelengths in the ultraviolet range are available. Protein staining with fluorescamine was extremely rapid. Brilliant sulfaflavine and 1-dimethyl-aminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride (DANSYL) WCR found unsatisfactory in these studies, since the former dye tended to diffuse from the all., while the latter induced excessive all clumping and cell loss. These techniques have application to immunofluoregcence analysis and can also be profitably employed in dual-parameter analysis systems in connection with double-staining techniques for simultaneous DNA and protein analysis.  相似文献   

Flow microfluorometric (FMF) analysis of stained cells has provided protein distribution histograms for large populations of cells. Spectral data and staining protocols were evaluated for six fluorescent protein dyes suggested for staining cells in liquid suspension. The requirements for dyes and/or staining protocol included minimal cell clumping and cell loss, near-optimal dye excitation at existing laser wavelengths, and tenacity of the dye/protein interaction. These criteria were best satisfied by fluoresoein isothiocyanate (FITC) and rho-damine B isothiocyanate (RITC). Both fluoreseamine and 8-aniline-1-naphthakne sulfonic acid (ANSA) showed potential applicability for use in systems where excitation wavelengths in the ultraviolet range are available. Protein staining with fluorescamine was extremely rapid. Brilliant sulfaflavine and 1-dimethyl-aminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride (DANSYL) WCR found unsatisfactory in these studies, since the former dye tended to diffuse from the all., while the latter induced excessive all clumping and cell loss. These techniques have application to immunofluoregcence analysis and can also be profitably employed in dual-parameter analysis systems in connection with double-staining techniques for simultaneous DNA and protein analysis.  相似文献   

Direct smears from female patients have been considered unreliable for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by fluorescent-antibody (FA) methods because of inadequate background contrast of the fluorescent-stained smears and a scarcity of organisms on the smear. Evans blue dye employed as a counterstain eliminated the nonspecific background staining and increased the reliability of the direct FA procedure. Direct smears demonstrating positive fluorescence were obtained from 86% of a group of culturally positive named female contacts. The FA-counterstain technique is as sensitive as the presently recommended cultural procedures.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the newly developed Clinical Sciences, Inc. Salmonellae Fluoro-Kit, which attempts to standardize the various aspects of the fluorescent-antibody (FA) procedure, was performed with 120 naturally contaminated human food, animal feed, and raw material samples. The Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method for the detection of salmonellae was used as the control method. The Fluoro-Kit was found to be simple and conveniento to use. The results of this preliminary study show an industrially acceptable rate of recovery of salmonellae by using the Fluoro-Kit in comparison with the A.O.A.C. method. The Fluoro-Kit shows promise as a rapid, salmonellae FA screening method. Problems originally encountered in the application of the Fluoro-Kit are discussed. According to the manufacturer, strict adherence to the now revised procedures included in the Fluoro-Kit will control these problems.  相似文献   

Enzymatic investigations of the juxtaglomerular apparatus often creates the need for visualisation of granulated juxtaglomerular cells (JGC) in preparations subjected to histochemical procedures. In our investigations, Pitcock and Hartroft's (1958) modification of Bowie's method and the Endes et al. (1969) combined trichrome staining proved to be inadequate when applied to fresh cryostat sections, or to formol- or glutaraldehyde-fixetl, gum sucrose-impregnated frozen sections. Friedberg and Reid's (1966) crystal violet procedure for waxembedded kidneys also failed to give uniformly reproducible results. In attempting to find a satisfactory technique for both enzyme and granule staining, we noted Janigan's (1965) and Haratla's (1969) observations on paraffin-embedded JGC, and tested the following fluorochromes: thioflavine T—Fluka, C. I. 49005; auramine O—Merck, C. I. 41000; acridine orange—E. Gurr, C. I. 46005; berberine sulfate—Fluka, C. I. 75160 on 10 μ sections of albino mouse kidneys prepared in 4 different ways as follows:  相似文献   

Two variations of the indirect fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) have been utilized in the work concerning two important virus diseases of trout, viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) and infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN). A “two layer” indirect FAT allowed demonstration of the respective viruses in cell cultures and a “three layer” indirect FAT allowed demonstration of trout antibody to the viruses. Antibody, by means of the latter technique, could be demonstrated only in artificially immunized trout.  相似文献   

目的选用5种常用培养基,对沙门菌进行培养试验,比较其增菌效果。方法以5种培养基对沙门菌进行静止需氧培养和静止厌氧培养实验,观察pH对沙门菌生长的影响,并在已选定的最佳条件下进行模拟样品实验。结果得出样品中沙门菌的最低检出限。结论该研究为提高进出口食品中沙门菌的检出率奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Increased sensitivity of the fluorescent antibody procedure was achieved by modification of the method employed. Specimens collected from experimentally infected laboratory animals and naturally infected domestic and wild animals were examined by means of this method. The results compared very favorably with those obtained by other investigators who used serological, cultural, animal inoculation and silver impregnation procedures on the same specimens.  相似文献   

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