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Base hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds in pneumococcal polysaccharides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comprehensive study of the base hydrolysis of all phosphodiester bond-containing capsular polysaccharides of the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine is described here. Capsular polysaccharides from serotypes 6B, 10A, 17F, 19A, 19F, and 20 contain a phosphodiester bond that connects the repeating units in these polysaccharides (also referred to as backbone phosphodiester bonds), and polysaccharides from serotypes 11A, 15B, 18C, and 23F contain a phosphodiester bond that links a side chain to their repeating units. Molecular weight measurements of the polysaccharides, using high performance size exclusion chromatography with tandem multiangle laser light scattering and refractive index detection, was used to evaluate the kinetics of hydrolysis. The measurement of molecular weight provides a high degree of sensitivity in the case of small extents of reaction, thus allowing reliable measurements of the kinetics over short times. Pseudo-first-order rate constants for these polysaccharides were estimated using a simple model that accounts for the polydispersity of the starting sample. It was found that the relative order of backbone phosphodiester bond instability due to base hydrolysis was 19A > 10A > 19F > 6B > 17F, 20. Degradation of side-chain phosphodiester bonds was not observed, although the high degree of sensitivity in measurements is lost in this case, due to the low contribution of the side chains to the total polysaccharide molecular weight. In comparison with literature data on pneumococcal polysaccharide 6A, 19A was found to be the more labile, and hence appears to be the most labile pneumococcal polysaccharide studied to date. The rate of hydrolysis increased at higher pH and in the presence of divalent cation, but the extent was lower than expected based on similar data on RNA. Finally, the differences in the phosphodiester bond stabilities were analyzed by considering stereochemical factors in these polysaccharides. These results also provide a framework for evaluation of molecular integrity of phosphodiester-bond-containing polysaccharides in different solution conditions.  相似文献   

目的 建立1 H-NMR波谱法检定23价肺炎球菌荚膜多糖结构的方法.方法 用1H-NMR方法分析肺炎球菌荚膜多糖,选择(5.89~4.64) ppm区作为‘指纹’鉴定区,以默克公司公布的肺炎球菌荚膜多糖波谱为参照谱图,将检定样品的波谱与其相比较.对1 H-NMR波谱进行专属性和耐用性验证.结果 实验中应用1H-NMR波谱分析法对23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗包含的所有血清型多糖的检定结果与默克公司公布的结果完全一致,该方法有很好的专属性和耐用性.结论 实验中建立的1H-NMR波谱法适用于肺炎球菌荚膜多糖的检定,与传统方法相比,该方法有检测速度快,样品易于准备的优点等.  相似文献   

We determined whether T cell-independent Ig isotype responses to isolated pneumococcal polysaccharides (PPS) required TLR signaling in vivo. IgG anti-PPS responses to PPS3, PPS14, and C-polysaccharide (C-PS) were virtually undetectable in TLR2(-/-) mice, whereas specific IgM induction was variably reduced compared with wild-type mice. All PPS-containing preparations induced IL-6 and TNF-alpha from wild-type, but not TLR2-/-, macrophages. TLR2 activity was distinct from that of PPS, in that it was phenol extractable. Immunization of wild-type mice with phenol-extracted PPS14 also resulted in a marked reduction in the IgG, although not the IgM-anti-PPS14, response compared with untreated PPS14. The commercial 23-valent PPS vaccine, Pneumovax-23 also contained TLR ligands (TLR2 and TLR4), which were absolutely critical for the IgG-inducing activity of the vaccine in mice. Finally, the commercial pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Prevnar, contained a TLR2 ligand(s) that substantially enhanced both the primary and secondary anti-PPS responses in mice, especially the type 1 IgG isotypes. These data strongly suggest the absolute need for a distinct, TLR-dependent second signal for inducing in vivo IgG T cell-independent humoral immune responses to isolated pneumococcal polysaccharide Ags and highlight the potential importance of previously unappreciated copurified and/or contaminating TLR ligands in PPS vaccine preparations.  相似文献   

We compared the products of autolytic amidase-catalyzed wall degradation in vivo (in penicillin-induced lysis) and in vitro. Pneumococci labeled in their cell wall stem peptides by radioactive lysine were treated with penicillin, and the nature of wall degradation products released to the medium during lysis of the bacteria was determined. At early times of lysis (20% loss of wall label), virtually all the radioactive peptides released (greater than 94%) were of high molecular size and were still attached to glycan and teichoic acid. At times of more extensive bacterial lysis (56%), progressively larger and larger fractions of the released peptides became free, i.e., detached from glycan and teichoic acid. Analysis of the nondegraded residual wall material by high-resolution high-pressure liquid chromatography revealed that this in vivo-triggered autolysis did not involve selective hydrolysis of some of the chemically distinct stem peptides. Parallel in vitro experiments yielded completely different results. Purified pneumococcal cell walls labeled with radioactive lysine were treated in vitro with low concentrations of pure amidase, and the nature of wall degradation products released during limited hydrolysis and after more extensive degradation was determined. In sharp contrast to the in vivo experiments, the main products of in vitro hydrolysis were free peptides. After a short treatment with amidase (resulting in a 20% loss of label), the material released was enriched for the monomeric stem peptides. At all times of hydrolysis (including the time of extensive degradation), only a relatively small fraction of the released wall peptides was covalently attached to glycan and teichoic acid components (17% as compared with 40% in the intact cell wall). We propose that the in vivo-triggered amidase activity first attacks the amide bonds in some strategically located (or unprotected) stem peptides that hold large segments of cell wall material together. The observations indicate that the in vivo activity of the pneumococcal autolysin is under topographic constraints.  相似文献   

1. When Tetrahymena were deprived of nutrients 50% of the polysomes disaggregated within 20 min and 20% of the total RNA broke down in 2 h. Ribosomal RNA accounted for 75% of the RNA breakdown. 2. RNA labelled by a long incubation with [14C]uridine was stable in growing cells and in the presence of actinomycin D, but broke down at the same rate as bulk RNA in starved cells. 3. The following substances inhibited the loss of RNA during starvation: cycloheximide (which inhibited both polysome disaggregation and protein synthesis), inhibitors of energy metabolism and puromycin (all of which caused polysome disaggregation and inhibited protein synthesis), and chloroquine and 7-amino-1-chloro-3-L-tosylamidoheptan-2-one ('TLCK') (neither of which affected polysomes or protein synthesis). 4. Starvation appears to activate a ribosome degradation mechanism that may involve lysosomal and non-lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

1. In addition to the previously identified components, d-glucose, N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and d-glucuronic acid, the immunologically specific capsular polysaccharide of pneumococcal type IX (polysaccharide S IX) is now found to contain mannosamine and galactosamine, probably as their N-acetyl derivatives. 2. Partial hydrolysis yields a complex mixture of oligosaccharides, several of which have been separated. 3. One of these is alpha-d-glucuronopyranosyl-(1-->3)-d-glucose. It is an inhibitor of the precipitation of antipneumococcal type IX serum by polysaccharide S IX. 4. Two others, d-glucuronopyranosyl-(1-->3)-d-glucosamine and d-glucuronopyranosyl-(1-->3)-d-galactosamine have been identified and a trisaccharide and pentasaccharide partially characterized.  相似文献   

Chloral hydrate produces a biphasic change in the proportion in the cell. Within 1 to 2 min after addition to cells, it inhibits protein synthesis and causes polysomes to break down. The ribosomes dissociate from mRNA by a process which requires protein synthesis but which is apparently abnormal. Released ribosomes do not appear to be bound to fragments of mRNA, but do carry a nascent polypeptide chain. Protein synthesis remains inhibited by more than 85% for over 24 hours, but the apparently normal polyteraction of the cells with chloral hydrate itself and not from its conversion of its usual metabolic products, trichloroethanol or trichloroacetic acid.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive gas chromatographic method was designed for quantitative analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides, activated polysaccharides, and polysaccharide conjugates. Pneumococcal serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, and 23F polysaccharide or conjugate were subjected to methanolysis in 3N hydrochloric acid in methanol followed by re-N-acetylation and trimethylsilylation. Derivatized samples were chromatographed and detected using gas chromatography with mass selective detector. Gas chromatographic results were compared with colorimetric values with agreement of 92 to 123% over the range of all samples tested. Monosaccharides released during methanolysis included hexoses, uronic acids, 6-deoxy-hexoses, amino sugars, and alditols. Quantitative recovery of monosaccharides was achieved for all serotypes by the use of a single methanolysis, derivatization, and chromatography procedure. Response factors generated from authentic monosaccharide standards were used for quantitation of pneumococcal polysaccharides and conjugates with confirmation of peak assignments by retention time and mass spectral analysis. This method allows saccharide quantitation in multivalent pneumococcal vaccine intermediates and final drug products with low-level detection (10 pg) and peak purity.  相似文献   

The molecular species of 1,2-diacylglycerol in control and agonist-stimulated rat hepatocytes were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Twelve species were identified which were increased nonuniformly by 100 nM vasopressin. Most species were increased 2-3-fold, but some (C16:0/C20:4 and C18:0/C20:4) were increased 3-6-fold. Selectively greater increases in the latter two species were also induced by ATP, angiotensin II, and A23187 ionophore, however, phorbol ester caused uniform increases. Calcium depletion of the cells with chelator resulted in a uniform 2-fold effect of vasopressin on 1,2-diacylglycerol species, with greater increases in C16:0/C20:4 and C18:0/C20:4 being restored by Ca2+ readdition. Comparison of the increases in 1,2-diacylglycerol species caused by the Ca2+-mediated agents with the molecular species present in rat hepatocyte phospholipids supports the concept that phosphatidylcholine is a major source of the 1,2-diacylglycerol that accumulates. In hepatocytes incubated for 5 min to 2 h with 1-O-[3H]alkyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, the label was incorporated mainly into phosphatidylcholine, and subsequent incubation with vasopressin, angiotensin II, ATP, epinephrine, A23187, and phorbol ester caused formation of [3H]alkyl-acylglycerol, but not [3H]alkyl-phosphatidic acid. The time course and concentration dependence of the vasopressin effect were similar to those reported previously for total 1,2-diacylglycerol (Bocckino, S. B., Blackmore, P. F., and Exton, J. H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14201-14207). Calcium depletion induced by chelator inhibited the effect of vasopressin, and readdition of Ca2+ largely restored the effect. In cells incubated with [14C]lyso-phosphatidylcholine, [3H]phosphatidylcholine, or [14C]phosphatidylethanolamine for 5 or 30 min to label hepatocyte phosphatidylcholine, vasopressin also induced the formation of labeled 1,2-diacylglycerol, but not phosphatidic acid. In contrast, in hepatocytes prepared from rats injected intraportally with [3H]alkyl-lyso-glycerophosphocholine 20 h previously, the hormone induced the rapid formation of both labeled 1,2-diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid. In summary, these isotopic data indicate that a rapidly labeled pool of phosphatidylcholine is hydrolyzed to 1,2-diacylglycerol and a slowly labeled pool is broken down to both 1,2-diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid in hepatocytes stimulated by Ca2+-mobilizing agents. It is concluded from both the analyses of molecular species of 1,2-diacylglycerol and the labeling experiments that phosphatidylcholine is a major source of the 1,2-diacylglycerol that accumulates in hepatocytes stimulated with Ca2+-mobilizing agonists and that the mechanisms responsible may involve both Ca2+ and protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The cross-reactivity and chemical characterization of the nongroupable streptococcal and pneumococcal group 19 polysaccharides (PS) have been studied. Extensive cross-reactions were observed between capsular PSs of streptococcal strains 14636/74, 4907, 4731 and pneumococcal type 19F and 19A antisera. Streptococcal 14636/74 PS had an identical composition to that of pneumococcal 19F PS. Type 19F and 14636/74 PS were composed of equimolar amounts of rhamnose, glucose, N-acetyl mannosamine, and phosphorus. The capsular PS of strains 4731 and 4907 contained rhamnose, glucose, ribose, N-acetyl mannosamine, and N-acetyl glucosamine in different molar ratios. Extensive immunologic reactivity was observed between the 19F and 14636/74 PS, as determined by light scattering rate nephelometry, passive immune hemolysis, and precipitin reaction. There was an identity reaction by immunodiffusion between type 19F and 14636/74 PS when reacted with rabbit antiserum against either organism. Biochemical studies showed that strain 14636/74 was not a pneumococcus, because it was optochin resistant, was bile insoluble, did not possess the C-carbohydrate antigen common to all pneumococci, and produced neither pneumolysin nor IgA protease. Furthermore, it grew in comparatively simple media in contrast to the complex nutritional requirements of pneumococci. The 13C-NMR spectra of the 19F and 14636/74 PS were identical. These two capsular PS can, therefore, be considered identical.  相似文献   

Antibody responses to pneumococcal polysaccharides are decreased in aged mice. Using a system to measure murine antibody responses to the Pnu-Imune vaccine, here we demonstrate that interleukin-10 (IL-10) has an adjuvant effect in enhancing the vaccine response in the aged. IL-10 increased the vaccine responses of B cells from aged mice in vitro only if either T cells or macrophages were also present. The need for T cells or macrophages could be substituted by cytokines such as IL-1 or IL-5, which are normally made by these accessory cells. Thus, IL-10 appeared to act on B cells directly but it worked in conjunction with other cytokines to induce an antigen specific response. In vivo studies showed that IL-10 administration enhanced antibody responses not only to thymic independent antigens but also to thymic-dependent antigens such as sheep erythrocytes. These data suggest that IL-10 may be useful in enhancing vaccine-specific responses in situations in which the host is immunocompromised.  相似文献   

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