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In oyster shellstock harvested from Maryland waters Vibrio parahaemolyticus was found to be present, to survive storage for at least 3 weeks at 4 C, and to multiply after being held for 2 to 3 days at 35 C.  相似文献   

Fish homogenate inoculated with Japanese strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were either stored at 0.6 C or frozen and stored at -18 and -34 C. Greater survival of the organisms was obtained at 0.6 C than at the lower temperatures.  相似文献   

超干贮藏对芥兰种子生活力和活力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1年的监测结果显示:芥兰种子开放贮藏时的生活力和活力下降最快,超干种子(含水量为4.91%、3.25%和2.84%)具有良好的耐藏性,其种子发芽率和简化活力指数增大,抗老化能力、超氧物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶的活性增强,膜进性降低,以2.84%含水量的芥兰种子贮藏效果为最好。  相似文献   

In previous work, we demonstrated that there was an optimummoisture level for seed storage at a given temperature (Vertucciand Roos, 1990), and suggested, using thermodynamic considerations,that the optimum moisture content increased as the storage temperaturedecreased (Vertucci and Roos, 1993b). In this paper, we presentdata from a two year study of aging rates in pea (Pisum sativum)seeds supporting the hypothesis that the optimum moisture contentfor storage varies with temperature. Seed viability and vigourwere monitored during storage under dark or lighted conditionsat relative humidities between 1 and 90%, and temperatures between-5 and 65°C. The optimum moisture content varied from 0·015g H2O g-1 d.wt at 65°C to 0·101 g H2O g-1 d.wt at15°C under dark conditions and from 0·057 at 35°Cto 0·092 g H2O g-1 d.wt at -5°C under lighted conditions.Our results suggest that optimum moisture contents cannot beconsidered independently of temperature. This conclusion hasimportant implications for 'ultra-dry' and cryopreservationtechnologies.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, water content, temperature, glass, desiccation damage, ultradry, Pisum sativum L., pea, cryopreservation  相似文献   

成熟度与烘干温度对结球甘蓝种子质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以结球甘蓝品种冬升种子为材料,研究了不同成熟度和烘干温度下种子秕粒率、千粒重、发芽率、生理活性情况以及不同烘干温度下种子的含水量.结果表明,结球甘蓝冬升开花后45~55 d采收的种子,发芽率均达到了95%以上;随着种子成熟度提高,其种子质量、发芽活力及其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、脱氢酶活性显著上升,而相对电导率显著下降.与对照(自然风干)相比,30~50℃的烘干温度对种子千粒重和秕粒率无显著性影响,也仅在50℃下可使种子的发芽活力显著降低;随着烘干温度的升高,种子的SOD、POD和脱氢酶活性逐渐显著下降,相对电导率则逐渐显著上升;30~50℃烘干6 h种子的含水量由13.3%降至5.4%左右.研究发现,结球甘蓝冬升开花授粉后45 d种子已达到了采收程度,30~50℃烘干6 h种子含水量已达到储藏要求,并且愈接近自然干燥温度(30~40℃)的处理,种子发芽能力愈好;甘蓝种子活力与其SOD、POD和脱氢酶活性呈正相关,而与其相对电导率呈负相关.  相似文献   

Assay organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Sarcina lutea, when suspended in a weak buffer and stored at refrigerator temperatures, are stable for 1 year or more.  相似文献   

Differential Thermal Analysis of hydrated lettuce cv. GreatLakes achenes using a rapid cooling rate (20 °C h–1)produced two exotherms per achene. Both exotherms representedthe freezing of supercooled water. The high temperature exothermoccurred at –93 °C and was produced by freezing ofwater inside the pericarp but exterior to the endosperm. Thetemperature at which it occurred could be altered by the additionof nucleating agents. The low temperature exotherm produced by freezing of the embryooccurred at –162 °C and marked the death of the seed.Its temperature was not changed by the addition of nucleatingagents but its occurrence required the structural integrityof the endosperm. At low cooling rates (1 and 2 °C h1)low temperature exotherms were not recorded and samples removedat –25 °C had high viability. Slow cooling causeda redistribution of water within the seed whereby ice formingoutside the endosperm caused desiccation of the embryo and preventedits freezing. A mechanism is proposed, in terms of established supercoolingand nucleation theory, to explain the observed results and thevalue of freeze tolerance to the species in its natural habitatis discussed. Cooling rate, differential thermal analysis, freezing avoidance, Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, seed, supercooling, water migration  相似文献   

The aerosol survival, recovery, and death rate of Pasteurella tularensis SCHU S5 disseminated in particle sizes of 1 to 5 mum were significantly affected by air temperature. The highest aerosol recovery of viable P. tularensis was observed within -7 and 3 C; the recovery decreased significantly below and above this temperature range. The death rate of airborne P. tularensis was not significantly influenced by an increase in temperature from -40 to 24 C. However, a progressive increase in atmospheric temperature from 24 to 35 C resulted in increased death rates; thus, a linear relationship appeared to be present between the temperature and death rates. At 49 C, the recoveries of viable airborne P. tularensis were significantly lower and the death rates were higher than at the other temperatures.  相似文献   

Cassava seed is only capable of germinating over a restrictedrange of constant temperatures. During storage the optimum constanttemperature for germination decreases from about 35 to 30 °Cor possibly less. The rate at which the optimum temperaturechanges during dry storage increases with increase in storagetemperature over the range 0 to 40 °C. Some alternating-temperatureregimes (16 h at the lower temperature; 8 h at the higher temperature)can provide conditions as favourable for germination as theoptimum constant temperatures. Furthermore, it has been shownthat temperature alternation itself is stimulatory because whenthe range of the alternation does not include the optimum constanttemperature value, percentage germination is often higher thancould be obtained at any constant temperature within the range,though this stimulatory response declines during storage. Forthese reasons it is provisionally recommended that cassava seedshould be germinated at 25/35 °C which is as stimulatorya treatment as any which has so far been investigated and hasthe advantage of encompassing the range over which the optimumconstant temperature changes during storage. Manihot esculenta Crantz, cassava, germination, dormancy, seed viability, storage of seeds, after-ripening  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium survived freeze-drying at a platen temperature of 120 F (48.9 C) and also, though to a much lesser degree, at 160 F (82.6 C). The extent of the survival at these temperatures was dependent on the composition of the model system employed. The incidence of damage immediately after freeze-drying was greater for cells dried at the higher platen temperature and was influenced by the composition of the menstruum in which the cells were dried. In model systems having protein-dominant isotherms, survival during subsequent storage depended greatly on relative humidity, with recovery highest at relative humidities below those corresponding to moisture contents at which a monomolecular layer is formed. In menstrua having a higher sugar content, survival was best at low relative humidities corresponding to a very low equilibrium moisture content in the model system used. Damage during storage tended to be a function of the composition of the gels in which the organisms were freeze-dried, and also depended greatly on the presence of air and on the relative humidity. The maximal percentage of damage usually occurred at the low relative humidities as storage time increased.  相似文献   

Katiki Domokou is a traditional Greek cheese, which has received the Protected Designation of Origin recognition since 1994. Its microfloras have not been studied although its structure and composition may enable (or even favor) the survival and growth of several pathogens, including Listeria monocytogenes. The persistence of L. monocytogenes during storage at different temperatures has been the subject of many studies since temperature abuse of food products is often encountered. In the present study, five strains of L. monocytogenes were aseptically inoculated individually and as a cocktail in Katiki Domokou cheese, which was then stored at 5, 10, 15, and 20°C. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to monitor strain evolution or persistence during storage at different temperatures in the case of the cocktail inoculum. The results suggested that strain survival of L. monocytogenes was temperature dependent since different strains predominated at different temperatures. Such information is of great importance in risk assessment studies, which typically consider only the presence or absence of the pathogen.Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous food-borne pathogen associated with outbreaks of listeriosis from consumption of various food commodities, especially dairy products, seafood, and meat (2, 26). The pathogen is of great health concern for the food industry because it is characterized by high mortality rates, amounting to 20 to 30% (14). Due to the severity of illness, especially for pregnant women, neonates, the elderly, and immunodeficient people, the level of the pathogen in food should remain low to ensure safe food products.The new regulation of the European Union (EU) for microbiological criteria for L. monocytogenes in foods has set maximum levels of 100 CFU g−1 at the time of consumption for soft cheeses (8). In fact, the new EC 2073/2005 regulation in annex I lists the microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, which are classified into food safety criteria and process hygiene criteria. According to the new EU regulation, food safety criteria are those which “define the acceptability of a product or a batch of foodstuff applicable to products placed on the market” (8).Legislative amendments regarding the presence of L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods are of great importance. Indeed, for the first time RTE foods are legislatively distinguished according to the target population for which they are intended, i.e., whether they are intended for consumption (i) by infants, (ii) by people with special medical conditions (immunocompromised), or (iii) by other target human subpopulations. In the most recent amendment the RTE foods other than those intended for infants or for those with special medical needs are further subdivided into foods that are able to support the growth of L. monocytogenes and those that are not. Products with pH ≤ 5.0 and water activity of ≤0.94 and products with a shelf life of less than 5 days are automatically considered to belong to the category of RTE foods that are unable to support the growth of L. monocytogenes (8). The regulation also states that “other categories of products can also belong to this category, subject to scientific justification.” Last but not least, the food safety criteria for L. monocytogenes are adjusted according to the bacteria''s temporal stage in the food chain. Thus, for RTE foods that are able to support the growth of L. monocytogenes, the new regulation demands the absence of the pathogen (in 25 g) “before the food has left the immediate control of the food business operator, who has produced it” but allows up to 100 CFU g−1 in “products placed on the market during their shelf life.” The 100-CFU g−1 limit also applies throughout the shelf life of marketed RTE foods unable to support L. monocytogenes growth (8).The pH and the water activity of Katiki Domokou (Katiki), a spreadable RTE traditional Greek cheese, are within the limits mentioned in the regulation. This product, a white cheese with a creamy structure, was traditionally produced from goat milk or from a mixture of goat and sheep milk. It has been recognized as a Protected Designation of Origin product since 1994 (www.greekcheese.gr), and its consumption has readily increased in the last few years. The milk is initially pasteurized and cooled at 27 to 28°C. Coagulation is then conducted with or without the addition of rennet, and the mixture is left to stand at 20 to 22°C. The curd is pulped and placed in cloth sacks for draining, with high final moisture (ca. 75%) and low salt content (ca. 1%) and pH (4.3 to 4.5) while it is stored at 4 to 5°C.The quantitative estimation of kinetic parameters related to growth, survival, and death of L. monocytogenes has been described previously (2, 14, 20). The kinetic parameters of L. monocytogenes during storage at different temperatures have been the subject of many studies since temperature abuse of food products is often encountered (25, 28). However, strain characteristics or viability have not been taken into account (or have not been considered) as yet (20). This may explain the variability of findings in regard to different storage conditions (7, 17). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a powerful subtyping tool, a gold standard for epidemiology, which provides repeatable results. It has the ability to generate profiles of a wide range of microorganisms and to discriminate strains with high fidelity (11, 19). PFGE has been used in several studies to type strains of epidemiological interest as well as to trace contaminants in the food chain (12, 13, 18).The purpose of the present study was to assess the survival of five strains of L. monocytogenes inoculated either individually or as a cocktail in Katiki cheese. The cheese was stored at 5, 10, 15, and 20°C over a period of 1 month. PFGE was used to monitor the strain(s) that might survive and/or grow at different temperatures in a complex ecosystem like Katiki. The strains used in the study to form the inoculum consisted of two type strains of serotype 4b and three isolates belonging to our laboratory collection that were isolated from soft cheese and the conveyor belt of RTE foods. The strains were chosen on the basis of their source of isolation since this could be crucial to the interpretation of the data. The population was monitored throughout storage with respect to its quantitative as well as its qualitative evolution.  相似文献   

Storage of Porcine Articular Cartilage at High Subzero Temperatures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objective: Transplantation of osteochondral allograft tissue can treat large joint defects but is limited by tissue availability, surgical timing, and infectious disease transmission. Fresh allografts perform the best but requirements for infectious disease testing delay the procedure with subsequent decrease in cell viability and function. Hypothermic storage at lower temperatures can extend tissue banking time without loss of cell viability and, therefore, increase the supply of allograft tissue. This study investigated the effects of different cryoprotectant solutions on intact AC at various subzero temperatures. Design: 10 mm porcine osteochondral dowels were immersed for 30 minutes in various combinations of solutions [(XVIVO, propylene glycol (51% w/w), sucrose (46% w/w)] cooled to various subzero temperatures (−10, −15, and −20 °C), and held for 30 min. After warming, 70 μm slices were stained with membrane integrity dyes, viewed under fluorescence microscopy and cell recovery calculated relative to fresh controls. Results: Results demonstrated excellent cell recovery (>75%) at −10°C provided ice did not form. Excellent cell recovery (>70%) occurred at −15°C in solutions containing 51% propylene glycol but formation of extra-matrix ice in other solutions resulted in significant cell loss. All groups had <6% cell recovery at −20°C and propylene glycol did not provide a protective effect even though extra-matrix ice did not form Conclusions: These results suggest that extra-matrix ice plays an important role in cell damage during cryopreservation. Excellent cell recovery can be obtained after storage at subzero temperatures if ice does not form. Hypothermic preservation at high subzero temperatures may extend AC storage time in tissue banks compared to current techniques.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of two strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated during food-borne gastroenteritis outbreaks in Japan and surface inoculated on cooked shrimp, shrimp with sauce, or cooked crab were tested at various refrigeration temperatures during a 48-h holding period. On cooked shrimp and crab, the vibrios grew well at 18.3 C, but their numbers declined gradually at 10 C and below. At 12.8 C, vibrios remained static for the most part. Thus, it appeared that 12.8 C was the borderline temperature for growth of the organism on cooked seafood. When cocktail sauce was added to surface-inoculated shrimp at a ratio of 2:1, the vibrio die-off rate was accelerated. In the shrimp and sauce few cells remained after 48 h, but in the sauce alone die-off was complete at 6 h.  相似文献   

Water and Seed Survival   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
Between about –350 and –14 MPa the rate of lossof viability in orthodox seeds is a positive function of waterpotential. The relative effect of water potential has been analysedin an oily seed (lettuce) and a non-oily seed (barley) and foundto be more or less identical. The lower limit for the relationin various species coincides with a seed moisture content (wetbasis) between about 2 and 6%. Below this level there is littleor no improvement in longevity with reduction in moisture content.The upper limit coincides with moisture contents of between15 and 28%, depending on whether the seeds are oily or non-oily.A water potential of about –14 MPa is the threshold forrespiration which increases more-or-less linearly with increasein water potential above this level. Above this threshold, andproviding oxygen is available to sustain respiration, seed longevityincreases with increase in water potential except that, unlessthe seeds are dormant, germination may be initiated at a waterpotential of about –1·5 to –0·5 MPa.In the absence of oxygen there may be a slight further declinein longevity with increase in water potential above –14MPa before longevity reaches a minimum value Since they cannot be dried very much without immediate lossof viability, recalcitrant seeds survive longest in the presenceof oxygen at maximum water potential commensurate with preventinggermination. The threshold water potential for immediate lossof viability has not been determined for most species but itis probable that it is close to the water potential typicalof the permanent wilting point in these plants, say –2MPa Lactuca saliva L., lettuce, Hordeum oulgare L., barley, seed storage, moisture content, relative humidity, water potential, temperature, oxygen  相似文献   

Sakai A 《Plant physiology》1966,41(6):1050-1054
Thin unmounted cortical tissue sections from winter twigs of the mulberry tree were held with a thin forceps and rapidly immersed in liquid nitrogen from room temperatures without prefreezing. They were rewarmed; rapidly in water at 10° to 40°, or slowly, in air at room temperatures. In those sections rapidly rewarmed, all survived. None survived in those sections rewarmed slowly in air.

Tissue sections mounted between coverglasses with water were extracellulary prefrozen at the temperatures low enough to dehydrate almost all of the freezable water in cells. These sufficiently prefrozen cells could survive immersion in liquid nitrogen, and the survival value was very little affected by the rates of cooling to and rewarming from super-low temperatures. With insufficient prefreezing at higher temperatures, however, the rewarming process seriously influenced the survival value of cells frozen at super-low temperatures. Slow rewarming in air destroyed all of the cells, while rapid rewarming in water at 30° did not affect them. An abrupt decrease in the survival value in insufficiently prefrozen cells during rewarming was also observed at temperatures above approximately −50° following immersion in liquid nitrogen. Very little decrease in the survival value was observed in any of the cells that had been sufficiently prefrozen.

These results indicate that cells which are insufficiently prefrozen may contain freezable water which nucleates during rapid cooling in liquid nitrogen and then grows during the subsequent slow rewarming into ice masses which destroy the viability of the cells. Such fatal intracellular freezing rarely occurs in sufficiently prefrozen cells, irrespective of the rate of cooling to or rewarming from super-low temperatures.


The activity of sodium hypochlorite solution in relieving thermo-inhibitionof germination of lettuce seed is shown to be due to its chlorinecontent. Results of experiments in which the pericarp, and pericarpand endosperm were removed, together with direct measurementsof penetration forces, suggest that the relief of thermo-inhibitionresults from weakening of the pericarp by the hypochlorite.Differences between the cultivars ‘Cobham Green’and ‘Grand Rapids’ in the contributions made bypericarp and endosperm to germination control at 35 °C aredemonstrated. Key words: Lactuca sativa L, Chlorine, Thermo-inhibition  相似文献   

《Annals of botany》1997,79(3):291-297
The relationship between the glassy state in seeds and storage stability was examined, using the glass transition curve and a seed viability database from previous experiments. Storage data for seeds at various water contents were studied by Williams–Landel–Ferry (WLF) kinetics, whereas the glass transition curves of seeds with different storage stability were analysed by the Gordon–Taylor equation in terms of the plasticization effect of water on seed storage stability. It was found that the critical temperatures (Tc) for long-term storage of three orthodox seeds were near or below their glass transition temperatures (Tg), indicating the requirement for the presence of the glassy state for long-term seed storage. The rate of seed viability loss was a function of T-Tgat T>Tg, which fitted the WLF equation well, suggesting that storage stability was associated with the glass transition, and that the effect of water content on seed storage was correlated with the plasticization effect of water on intracellular glasses. A preliminary examination suggested a possible link between the glass transition curve and seed storage stability. According to the determined WLF constants, intracellular glasses in seeds fell into the second class of amorphous systems as defined by Slade and Levine (Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition30: 115–360, 1991). These results support the interpretation that the glassy state plays an important role in storage stability and should be a major consideration in optimizing storage conditions.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for selecting individual seedsfor growth and vigour prior to germination. The selection isbased on the measurement of an electric current originatingduring the initial stage of seed imbibition. After selecting,seeds may be returned to the quiescent state without affectingviability. Results of both laboratory germination and fieldexperiments demonstrate that high germination rates, more extensivegrowth, higher yields, and fewer defective plants are associatedwith small currents. Seeds of low viability and high currentsmay be removed to upgrade the germination and vigour. Resultsare presented from several varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris andfrom three other plant species. Experiments are discussed whichindicate that seeds graded by current levels possess markedlydifferent respiration rates.  相似文献   

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