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Invasive plant species can interact with native soil microbes in ways that change how they use nutrients and allocate biomass. To examine whether Microstegium vimineum form symbiotic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and whether AMF mediate nutrient acquisition and growth of the plant, we conducted a field survey in Raleigh, NC and Hangzhou, China and two experiments in growth chambers. This is the first report that M. vimineum is mycorrhizal, with colonization rates of 47 and 21 % in its native and invaded range, respectively. In the growth chamber, addition of an AMF inoculum mixture significantly promoted M. vimineum biomass accumulation in both field and sterilized soils, particularly after 64 days of growth. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi also increased plant phosphorous (P) uptake but did not consistently affect total plant nitrogen (N) acquisition, leading to decreases in plant N:P ratios. More interestingly, AMF significantly altered plant morphology, increasing the number of stolons and aerial roots per individual (59 and 723 %), aerial roots per gram aboveground biomass (374 %) and aerial roots per stolon (404 %). Our results suggest that mycorrhizal enhancement of plant growth by stimulating tillering may serve as another mechanism by which M. vimineum can quickly take over new territory. Future studies on invasive plant-microbial interactions are needed to understand the mechanisms through which microbes contribute to the competitive ability of invasive plants.  相似文献   

The invasive grass Microstegium vimineum is widely distributed in closed-canopy forests, but often is patchily distributed under uniform canopy conditions. We hypothesized that the occurrence of patches of invasion may be related to two interacting factors, the presence of dense understory shrub layers and the presence of thick litter layers on the forest floor. Seeds of M. vimineum were sown in plots located under or distant from Lindera benzoin (spicebush) shrubs, and with or without litter manipulations (none, half of natural amount, naturally occurring amount, double the natural amount) in a mature forest in central New Jersey, USA. Populations were monitored for germination and survivorship, as well as growth and fecundity of surviving plants. Neither shrub-associated shade nor litter depth affected seed germination, but both factors affected survivorship, growth and reproduction. The presence of shade from the shrubs reduced survivorship and seed set. Seeds germinating on top of the litter layer also experience higher mortality than seeds germinating under litter and in contact with soil. These results suggest that the interacting effects of shade from understory strata and deep litter layers may limit the spread of M. vimineum. The loss of shrub layers due to intense deer browse and other factors may thus accelerate the spread of this highly invasive species.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Community composition and diversity can change following exotic invasion. We tested the extent to which acid seep spring communities in southern Illinois had changed in composition...  相似文献   

Quantifying per capita impacts of invasive species on resident communities requires integrating regression analyses with experiments under natural conditions. Using multivariate and univariate approaches, I regressed the abundance of 105 resident species of groundcover plants and tree seedlings against the abundance and height of an invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum, within 117 plots in four mesic floodplain forests in Mississippi (USA). Microstegium vimineum was most productive (i.e., tallest and most abundant) in canopy gaps in floodplains, and a significant amount of variation in resident species composition was directly explained by canopy gaps and stand age. The relatively small (but statistically significant) percentage of variation in resident species composition (1.8%) explained by M. vimineum in the multivariate analysis was attributable to significant relationships with a few common species. Most of these were negative relationships with shady mesic forest indicators. Most positive relationships were with infrequent disturbance indicators and with species with growth phenologies that differed from that of M. vimineum. Results of field competition experiments with the three most common species to show significant relationships with M. vimineum revealed asymmetric competitive effects of M. vimineum on Chasmanthium laxum and positive responses of Quercus alba seedlings and Leersia virginica adults to the removal of M. vimineum in one growing season. Results of this study suggest that negative per capita community-level effects of M. vimineum are likely to be greater in shady forests than in open floodplain forests due to the relative paucity of vulnerable species in the latter.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed for the invasive plant Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae) to assess its population structure and to facilitate tracking of invasion expansion. ? Methods and Results: Using 454 sequencing, 11 polymorphic and six monomorphic microsatellite primer sets were developed for M. vimineum. The primer sets were tested on individuals sampled from six populations in the United States and China. The polymorphic primers amplified di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeats with three to 10 alleles per locus. ? Conclusions: These markers will be useful for a variety of applications including tracking of invasion dynamics and population genetics studies.  相似文献   

Grass tillers grow by addition of modular units known as phytomers. Differences in phytomer organ size produce subindividual variation with potential adaptive value. Here, patterns in organ mass along tillers in the invasive annual Microstegium vimineum are related to habitat and tiller architecture. In an earlier study, seed families were collected from two populations: one from a sunny, woodland edge and the other from a shady understory in New Jersey, USA. Plants from these seeds were grown in a greenhouse. Phytomers along primary tillers were divided into culms, leaves, and cleistogamous or chasmogamous spikelets and seeds, dried and weighed. These data were used to examine the quantitative genetics of subindividual variation among families and populations, and the relationship of tiller fitness (based on total seed mass) to the mean or subindividual variance of phytomer traits. Phytomer position along a tiller was the major determinant of organ mass. Leaf mass increased from basal to upper nodes; cleistogamous reproductive mass decreased from upper to lower nodes. Phytomer organs were heaviest in the population from the sunny habitat. Family explained < 18% of variation in organ mass. Tiller fitness was positively correlated with mean culm, and leaf mass, but negatively correlated with coefficients of variation. Field‐collected tillers showed evidence of selection for increased leaf mass. Subindividual variation in M. vimineum is mostly due to phytomer position along a tiller and the prevailing light environment. Differentiation between sunny and shady populations suggests selection favors heavier phytomer leaves and culms, especially in the shady understory where this species is most invasive.  相似文献   

Much work in ecology has focused on understanding how changes in community diversity and composition will affect the temporal stability of communities (the degree of fluctuations in community abundance or biomass over time). While theory suggests diversity and dominant species can enhance temporal stability, empirical work has tended to focus on testing the effect of diversity, often using synthetic communities created with high species evenness. We use a complementary approach by studying the temporal stability of natural plant communities invaded by a dominant exotic, Erodium cicutarium. Invasion was associated with a significant decline in community diversity and change in the identity of the dominant species allowing us to evaluate predictions about how these changes might affect temporal stability. Community temporal stability was not correlated with community richness or diversity prior to invasion. Following invasion, community stability was again not correlated with community richness but was negatively correlated with community diversity. Before and after invasion, community stability was positively correlated with the stability of the most dominant species in the community, even though the identity of the dominant species changed from a native (prior to invasion) to an exotic species. Our results demonstrate that invasion by a dominant exotic species may reduce diversity without negatively affecting the temporal stability of natural communities. These findings add support to the idea that dominant species can strongly affect temporal stability, independent of community diversity.  相似文献   

Pärtel (Ecology 83: 2361–2366, 2002) andEwald (Folia Geobot. 38: 357–366, 2003) suggest that the relationship between local species density and soil pH is determined by regional species pool size, which in turn reflects the relative abundance of soil types during the evolutionary history of the flora. Ewald observed that calcareous sites in Central Europe have higher species density and larger species pools than acidic sites, and argues that this is the consequence of a Pleistocene bottleneck for acidophiles.The flora of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains USA has always been associated with primarily acidic soils. We used vegetation and soil data from 3328 100 m2 southern Blue Ridge forest plots to examine the generality of the Pärtel-Ewald hypothesis. The Blue Ridge flora with less than 20% of species confined to sites above pH 4.7 contrasts dramatically with that of Europe. However, regional species pool size increases with pH. Genus- and family-level pools increase with pH, suggesting an ancient origin for this pattern. Mean species density is also strongly positively correlated with soil pH. Thus, both regional species pool size and plot species density of southern Blue Ridge forests fail to conform to predictions derived from the work of Pärtel and Ewald.The increase in species pool with increase in pH exhibited by southern Blue Ridge forests appears to reflect broad species distributions and tolerance for high pH conditions among species that grow predominantly under acid conditions. We conclude that richness on higher pH sites is a consequence of generally more favorable conditions for plant growth and/or establishment. Ewald may be correct in asserting that the abundance of high pH specialists in Central Europe is an historical artifact, but our data contradict the assertion of Pärtel and Ewald that evolution of a flora in a primarily low pH environment will necessarily translate into a negative correlation between pH and species density in local vegetation.  相似文献   

Understanding the biogeographic patterns of root-associated fungi and their sensitivity to temperature may improve predictions of future changes in terrestrial biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes, but data are currently limited. Anticipating change will require combining observational data, which predict how climatic factors limit current species distributions, with direct manipulations of climate, which can isolate responses to specific climate variables. Root endophytes are common symbionts of plants, particularly in arctic and alpine environments, yet their responses to climate warming are not resolved. Here, we directly cultured endophytic fungi from roots collected along altitudinal gradients in replicated mountain watersheds and from a 27 y field warming experiment in the Rocky Mountains, USA, to improve understanding of climate impacts on fungal root endophytes. Fungal taxa that were common at high elevations declined most under climate warming, whereas low elevation dominants responded neutrally or increased with experimental warming. Altitudinal gradients in fungal communities were strongly specific to the plant host species. Specifically, Poa species had 25–60% greater fungal isolate abundance and 25–38% greater fungal diversity at high elevations than at low elevation sites. In contrast, Festuca thurberi had 64% lower fungal diversity on roots at high elevation than at low elevation. Our results help to improve understanding of the potential for climate change to alter plant-fungal interactions in mountain ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the forest of the Baohua Reserve in the Baohua Mountains, eastern China, six plant communities and 11 sub‐communities were described using the Braun‐Blanquet method. These communities can be assigned to four already described Chinese vegetation types. Curtis’ Compositional Index (CI) and Shannon's diversity index were used to determine the successional stage and species diversity of the communities. The community of Brachystachyum densiflorum and Pinus massoniana and the subcommunity of Fraxinus chinensis and Quercus acutissima with Pueraria lobata had the lowest CI and would be an initial successional stage; the community of Phoebe sheareri and Cyclobalanopsis glauca had the highest CI and would be the final stage. The community of Brachystachyum densiflorum and Pinus massoniana and the sub‐community of Fraxinus chinensis and Quercus acutissima with Pueraria lobata, both pioneer successional stages, had the lowest species diversity. The climax communities had the highest diversity.  相似文献   

秦岭山地天然油松群落主要植物种群生态位特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用Levins、Hurlbert生态位宽度及Pianka生态位重叠研究方法,对秦岭山地天然油松群落内20种主要乔木及26种主要灌木的种群生态位特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)油松、锐齿槲栎、华山松、漆树为乔木层的优势种群,而榛子、卫矛、忍冬、荚蒾为灌木层的优势种群。(2)乔木层中上述优势种群具有较大的生态位宽度,构成了该群落的主体;灌木层中荚蒾、胡颓子、卫矛、榛子等种群的生态位宽度较大。(3)乔木层主要种群间生态位重叠相对较少,其中冬瓜杨-尖叶四照花、盐肤木-山杨、小叶杨-白桦、小叶杨-少脉椴等种对生态位重叠值较高;灌木层主要种群间生态位重叠较多,其中卫矛-陕西卫矛、绣线菊-忍冬、粉背黄栌-黑刺菝葜、高山杜鹃-中华柳等种对生态位重叠较高。(4)群落内优势种群生态位宽度较大,与其他种群间的生态位重叠值相对较高,但生态位重叠与生态位宽度之间没有绝对的正相关关系。  相似文献   

Bana, or Low Amazon Caatinga is an evergreen sclerophyllous woodland. It occurs on bleached quartz sands in the lowlands of SW Venezuela, where it occupies relatively small ‘islands’ amidst Tall Amazon Caatinga which is exclusively developed on tropaquods. There is an outer vegetation belt about 20 m in width in which trees over 10 m in height occur (Tall Bana); its structure and floristic composition resemble Tall Amazon Caatinga. Low Bana (maximum tree height usually below 5 m) follows next. The central part is occupied by Open Bana in which even lower trees are very widely spaced. Destructive phytomass sampling was carried out for chemical analyses in seven plots along a 150 m line across the zonation. The total dry matter of living plants including roots of Tall Bana (30–32 kg/m2) compares rather well with 41 kg/m2 in Tall Amazon Caatinga. This is only 9–14 kg/m2 in Low Bana, and 4–6 kg/m2 in Open Bana. The average root % of total phytomass increases from 41% in Tall Bana to 63% in Low Bana, and is 88% in Open Bana. Average total dry dead above-ground phytomass (including standing trees and stumps) declines from 1 kg/m2 in Tall Bana to 0.2 kg/m2 in Open Bana. An accumulation of dead matter in Low and Open Bana, relative to the above-ground phytomass of living plants, is noted and this contrasts with the general absence of raw humus in the soil. Eighty-two species of woody plants (dbh≥1 cm) were recorded on the total plot area (640 m2); 90% of the species are also known to occur in Tall Amazon Caatinga. The species number declines from 59 in Tall Bana to 18 in Open Bana. Mesophylls sensu strictu dominate in Tall Bana, while notophylls are dominant in Low and Open Bana. Herbaceous species are less numerous: most of them belong to the Araceae, Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae, Droseraceae, Eriocaulaceae and Xyridaceae.  相似文献   

Aim The greatest biodiversity impact of non‐native plant species is caused by rapid expansion of colonist populations. Unfortunately, invasion has rarely been documented in real time at a population scale, and demographic mechanisms of invasion remain unclear. Our goal is to describe real‐time expansion of populations, using channelled diffusion as a null model. Location The study examined three populations of the invasive annual grass Microstegium vimineum in mature second‐growth forests of south‐eastern Ohio and nearby West Virginia, USA. Methods Distributions were recorded in belt transects perpendicular to population edges over a period of 3 years. A second group of belt transects documented spread along five types of potential movement corridor. Observed changes in distribution were compared with predictions from a diffusion model. A seed‐sowing experiment tested seed availability, microsite quality and proximity to potential movement corridors as factors controlling population spread. Results Population boundaries showed little change over the study period. Colonization was limited by propagule availability over distances as little as 0.25 m, and to a lesser extent by litter cover. Populations did not advance along several potential movement corridors including unpaved roads, off‐road vehicle trails and footpaths. Advance was observed along deer trails and stream courses but did not conform to the wave‐form distribution predicted by diffusion theory. During the study, seeds were moved out of experimental plots by sheet flow and minor flooding events along small streams. Main conclusion At a population level, invasion is driven by processes that are episodic in time and non‐random in space – probably a common condition in non‐native plant species. Spatially realistic models are likely to be more useful than diffusive models in managing invasions at these scales.  相似文献   

Tsuga canadensis is often considered a foundation species because of its influence on the biological and ecological processes of upland forest systems. With hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae; HWA)-induced mortality of T. canadensis in southern Appalachian upland forests, there is a crucial need to understand the regeneration dynamics of this tree species. This research was conducted within mature T. canadensis forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) prior to widespread HWA infestation. Tsuga canadensis regeneration abundance is lower than has been reported in more northern locales, but varies widely among sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Ordination results suggest landscape-scale patterns of regeneration abundance that are influenced by gradients in understory Rhododendron maximum cover, soil sand and nutrient content. Regression models reinforce the observed gradients in regeneration abundance. Sites with abundant T. canadensis regeneration have less R. maximum cover, soil sand and litter depth, but more soil nutrient availability. Tsuga canadensis seedlings and saplings tend to be spatially aggregated at the 14 × 21 m plot scale. Sites with spatially aggregated seedlings and saplings have greater canopy openness and more species with gap affinity. This research elucidates associations between successful T. canadensis regeneration and site factors such as soil nutrient availability and canopy dynamics. More forest surveys are required to understand the conditions necessary for successful T. canadensis regeneration. Land managers involved in forest restoration efforts may have to utilize appropriate silvicultural techniques conjoined with R. maximum removal operations to regenerate T. canadensis in southern Appalachian upland forests.  相似文献   

Understanding the distribution and composition of soil microbes in bare patches is a critical step to improving ecological remediation. The effects of different vegetative restoration types on soil microbes within semi‐arid bare patches remain unclear. Here, we evaluated the distribution of soil fungi and bacteria among different ecological restoration types at the southern Taihang Mountains. Analysis of variance showed that the chemical properties of soil with vegetation cover have higher nutrient quality than those of the exposed soil. The results also suggested that vegetative restoration significantly improved the diversity and the richness of the soil fungal and bacterial communities. Sequencing results showed that Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the main soil fungal communities, whereas Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria were the main soil bacterial communities. There were significant relationships between the contents of moisture, organic matter and organic carbon and the soil fungal/bacterial communities. Venn and network diagrams indicated that the vegetative restoration types largely influenced the soil fungi and weakly influenced the soil bacteria in the bare patches. This study discusses the importance of vegetative restoration in the ecological remediation of bare patches. These findings provide effective references for soil restorative measures, water conservation, and bare‐spot reduction at the southern Taihang Mountains in future.  相似文献   

Abstract. Using the results of a total floristic survey of two veld types (Arid Sweet Bushveld and Mixed Bushveld) in the northeastern Transvaal, South Africa, we linked median annual rainfall from a surface response model to each of 139 samples. The samples had been classified floristically into 15 plant communities. These communities represent two broad divisions, corresponding with the concepts embodied in the two veld types. Using contingency tables, we defined the conditions of median annual rainfall and elevation for each of the veld types. Using a geographic analysis system we predicted the distribution of the veld types in an area of 120 000 km2 outside the study area. The predicted distribution was validated by comparison with a digitized version of the Acocks map. We conclude that the defined conditions of median annual rainfall and elevation provide confident criteria for the definition of these veld types.  相似文献   

Abstract. To determine the relationship between vegetation and environmental parameters in a desert‐savanna ecotone, vegetation in the Naukluft Mountains of Namibia (southern Africa) was described and analysed in terms of environmental parameters determining the observed patterns. 12 plant communities, largely characterized by low shrubs, were described on the basis of a classification. Through ordination altitude, clay, potassium content of the substrate and, to a lesser extent, habitats were identified as underlying environmental factors determining the composition of these plant communities. The edaphic parameters showed some correlation with subsurface geology, but microclimatic conditions, water availability and level of disturbance appeared to override the effect of nutrient composition provided by different substrate. Communities of conservation importance, such as plant communities composed of Karoo shrubs, are prevalent on the mountain plateau, presenting an isolated outpost of Nama Karoo vegetation. The transitional status between desert and savanna, remnant patches of Nama Karoo and the high habitat diversity mark the importance of this high altitude area for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

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