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A chemotaxis assay system that uses a modified Boyden chamber was characterized and used for measurements of chemotaxis by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus strain UKi2 toward several bacterial species. Bacteria tested included both susceptible and nonsusceptible cells (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus megaterium, and B. bacteriovorus strains UKi2 and D). None was attractive to bdellovibrios when present at densities below 10(7) cells per ml. Chemotaxis toward E. coli was studied most extensively; under conditions that minimized effects of osmotic shock to the cells, E. coli and exudates from E. coli at densities as high as 10(8) cells per ml failed to elicit a chemotactic response. Cell-free filtrates from mixed cultures of bdellovibrios and E. coli neither attracted nor repelled bdellovibrios. The data indicate that bdellovibrios do not use chemotaxis to locate prey cells.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a small, gram-negative, motile bacterium that preys upon other gram-negative bacteria, including several known human pathogens. Its predation efficiency is usually studied in pure cultures containing solely B. bacteriovorus and a suitable prey. However, in natural environments, as well as in any possible biomedical uses as an antimicrobial, Bdellovibrio is predatory in the presence of diverse decoys, including live nonsusceptible bacteria, eukaryotic cells, and cell debris. Here we gathered and mathematically modeled data from three-member cultures containing predator, prey, and nonsusceptible bacterial decoys. Specifically, we studied the rate of predation of planktonic late-log-phase Escherichia coli S17-1 prey by B. bacteriovorus HD100, both in the presence and in the absence of Bacillus subtilis nonsporulating strain 671, which acted as a live bacterial decoy. Interestingly, we found that although addition of the live Bacillus decoy did decrease the rate of Bdellovibrio predation in liquid cultures, this addition also resulted in a partially compensatory enhancement of the availability of prey for predation. This effect resulted in a higher final yield of Bdellovibrio than would be predicted for a simple inert decoy. Our mathematical model accounts for both negative and positive effects of predator-prey-decoy interactions in the closed batch environment. In addition, it informs considerations for predator dosing in any future therapeutic applications and sheds some light on considerations for modeling the massively complex interactions of real mixed bacterial populations in nature.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Visual crypsis of prey is determined by the interaction between an individual’s physical appearance to their predators and visual aspects of their environment. Physical...  相似文献   

崔鹏  许涛  张文宏  张颖 《遗传》2016,38(10):859-871
持留菌是细菌群体中一小部分具有表型耐药的细菌。自1944年被发现后,近几十年来因其在慢性持续性感染和生物膜感染中的重要作用而得到越来越多的重视。已有的研究结果表明,细菌持留的机理复杂,涉及的相关信号通路有毒素-抗毒素系统、细胞能量代谢及蛋白核酸合成等生理状态的降低、DNA保护修复系统、蛋白酶系统、反式翻译、外排泵系统等。虽然不同细菌的持留机理有一定的相似性和保守性,但不同细菌的持留机制也存在差异,如毒素-抗毒素系统在大肠埃希菌(Escherichia coli)中的过度激活可导致持留菌增加,但在金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)中却并无相同作用。本文从持留菌的研究历史出发,综述了当前对革兰氏阴性菌和阳性菌的持留机制方面的研究进展,同时探讨了在持留菌相关感染疾病方面的治疗策略,以期为更好地解决持留菌带来的问题,缩短治疗时间提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Predators impose strong selection on their prey, regulate prey populations and engage in coevolutionary interactions with their prey. The intensity of selection and the strength of coevolutionary interactions will depend on how stringent predators are in their choice of prey. We estimated susceptibility of different species of birds to predation by two common raptors, the northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis and the Eurasian sparrowhawk A. nisus, in an agricultural landscape in Denmark and boreal forests in Finland. We estimated susceptibility to predation as the deviation of the log10‐transformed observed frequency of prey of different species from the log10‐transformed expectation based on population density during the breeding season. We found a high degree of consistency in susceptibility to predation by the goshawk in two areas in Finland. More importantly, there was significant consistency in susceptibility to predation between Denmark and Finland, albeit the degree of consistency in the goshawk was higher than in the sparrowhawk. There was considerable overlap in susceptibility to predation between goshawk and sparrowhawk in Denmark, but not in Finland, implying differences in intensity of interspecific competition as reflected by a much higher extent of goshawk predation on sparrowhawks in Denmark than in Finland. Our findings suggest that hawks impose similar selection pressures on their prey populations, and that the degree of consistency has implications for intensity of interspecific killing.  相似文献   

The introduction of invasive alien predators often has catastrophic effects on populations of naïve native prey, but in situations where prey survive the initial impact a predator may act as a strong selective agent for prey that can discriminate and avoid it. Using two common species of Australian small mammals that have persisted in the presence of an alien predator, the European red fox Vulpes vulpes, for over a century, we hypothesised that populations of both would perform better where the activity of the predator was low than where it was high and that prey individuals would avoid signs of the predator’s presence. We found no difference in prey abundance in sites with high and low fox activity, but survival of one species—the bush rat Rattus fuscipes—was almost twofold higher where fox activity was low. Juvenile, but not adult rats, avoided fox odour on traps, as did individuals of the second prey species, the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii. Both species also showed reduced activity at foraging trays bearing fox odour in giving-up density (GUD) experiments, although GUDs and avoidance of fox odour declined over time. Young rats avoided fox odour more strongly where fox activity was high than where it was low, but neither adult R. fuscipes nor A. stuartii responded differently to different levels of fox activity. Conservation managers often attempt to eliminate alien predators or to protect predator-naïve prey in protected reserves. Our results suggest that, if predator pressure can be reduced, otherwise susceptible prey may survive the initial impact of an alien predator, and experience selection to discriminate cues to its presence and avoid it over the longer term. Although predator reduction is often feasible, identifying the level of reduction that will conserve prey and allow selection for avoidance remains an important challenge.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a famously fast, flagellate predatory bacterium, preying upon Gram-negative bacteria in liquids; how it interacts with prey on surfaces such as in medical biofilms is unknown. Here we report that Bdellovibrio bacteria "scout" for prey bacteria on solid surfaces, using slow gliding motility that is present in flagellum-negative and pilus-negative strains.  相似文献   

Understanding how predators affect prey populations is a fundamental goal for ecologists and wildlife managers. A well-known example of regulation by predators is the predator pit, where two alternative stable states exist and prey can be held at a low density equilibrium by predation if they are unable to pass the threshold needed to attain a high density equilibrium. While empirical evidence for predator pits exists, deterministic models of predator–prey dynamics with realistic parameters suggest they should not occur in these systems. Because stochasticity can fundamentally change the dynamics of deterministic models, we investigated if incorporating stochasticity in predation rates would change the dynamics of deterministic models and allow predator pits to emerge. Based on realistic parameters from an elk–wolf system, we found predator pits were predicted only when stochasticity was included in the model. Predator pits emerged in systems with highly stochastic predation and high carrying capacities, but as carrying capacity decreased, low density equilibria with a high likelihood of extinction became more prevalent. We found that incorporating stochasticity is essential to fully understand alternative stable states in ecological systems, and due to the interaction between top–down and bottom–up effects on prey populations, habitat management and predator control could help prey to be resilient to predation stochasticity.  相似文献   

We determined that paracrystalline protein surface arrays (S layers) protected gram-negative eubacteria from predation by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Aquaspirillum serpens VHA and MW5 and Aquaspirillum sinuosum were resistant to predation by B. bacteriovorus 6-5-S when fully covered by their S layers. The S layer of Aeromonas salmonicida A449 protected the cells from predication by B. bacteriovorus 109J. A predacious, plaque-forming vibrio that lysed an S-layer- variant of Caulobacter crescentus but was not predacious on the parental strain which possessed an S layer was isolated from raw sewage. Since S layers are stable components of many bacterial surfaces in nature, they can provide this protective function in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats where Bdellovibrio spp. are found.  相似文献   

Michael R. Heithaus 《Oikos》2001,92(3):542-554
Competition and predation have broad ecological consequences as they may influence individual behavior and community structure. In some cases, they are linked and predator and prey are also competitors (intraguild predation). I present a game theoretic model of habitat use by predators and prey under conditions of asymmetrical intraguild predation. This model predicts that when the diet of intraguild predators is restricted to intraguild prey and the resource for which predators and prey compete (the basal resource), co-occurrence is only stable when dietary overlap is low and productivity of the basal resource is not high. The addition of alternative resources for predators results in co-occurrence under all conditions. Variation in alternative resource productivity produces a continuum of intraguild prey distributions from matching relative habitat safety, to one that reflects both food and predation risk. When there is a substantial alternative resource for predators, the distribution of predators matches that of alternative resource availability while the distribution of prey is influenced by both habitat riskiness and food availability. The density and distribution of the predator's alternative resource thus influence habitat selection by the intraguild prey. This stresses the importance of indirect interactions in structuring habitat use in communities and the need to view habitat selection in a community context.  相似文献   

In positive frequency-dependent predation, predation risk of an individual prey correlates positively with the frequency of that prey type. In a number of small-scale experiments individual predators have shown frequency-dependent behaviour, often leading to the conclusion that a population of such predators could maintain prey polymorphism. Using simulations, I studied the dynamics of frequency-dependent predation and prey polymorphism. The model suggests that persistence of prey polymorphism decreases with increasing number of predators that show frequency-dependent behaviour, questioning conclusions about polymorphism based on experiments with few predators. In addition, prey population size, prey crypsis, difference in crypsis between prey morphs and the way the behaviour was adjusted affected the persistence of polymorphism. Under some circumstances prey population remained polymorphic for a shorter time under frequency-dependent than under frequency-independent predation. This suggests that although positive frequency-dependent predator behaviour may maintain prey polymorphism, it is not a sufficient condition for persistent prey polymorphism.  相似文献   

We derived a model to predict site selection by drifting prey in streams. This model considers the conflicting demands between feeding and avoiding both benthic and drift predators. Our analysis suggests a ranking of site qualities based on the ratio of food acquisition rate to benthic predation risk (termed site value). Drifting organisms should accept a given site type when its site value exceeds the expected value of drifting, which is the average site value prey are likely to encounter adjusted for the costs of drifting. These costs are represented as drift predation risk and time that is lost from foraging as prey search for a better site. We contend that prey should rank site types in descending order based on site value and sequentially add site types to the acceptable category in order of highest rank until the addition of the next lowest ranked site decreases rather than increases the expected value of drifting. The best sites should be those with high food availability and low benthic predation risk. Prey should reject a site when drift predation risk is low, the proportion of acceptable site types is high, and the rate that prey settle from the drift is high. Interestingly, prey with the greatest locomotory ability should have the greatest propensity to drift because these individuals spend less time drifting, making them less susceptible to drift predators. Our model provides a framework to simultaneously integrate the effects of food availability, benthic predation risk, and drift predation risk on site selection of actively drifting prey.  相似文献   

Bacterial Blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is a major disease of rice in tropical Asia. Since all the Basmati varieties are highly susceptible and the disease is prevalent in the entire Basmati growing region of India, BB is a severe constraint in Basmati rice production. The present study was undertaken with the objective of combining the important Basmati quality traits with resistance to BB by a combination of phenotypic and molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS). Screening of 13 near-isogenic lines of rice against four isolates of the pathogen from Basmati growing regions identified the Xa4, xa8, xa13 and Xa21 effective against all the isolates tested. Two or more of these genes in combination imparted enhanced resistance as expressed by reduced average lesion length in comparison to individual genes. The two-gene pyramid line IRBB55 carrying xa13 and Xa21 was found equally effective as three/four gene pyramid lines. The two BB resistance genes present in IRBB55 were combined with the Basmati quality traits of Pusa Basmati-1 (PB-1), the most popular high yielding Basmati rice variety used as recurrent parent. Phenotypic selection for disease resistance, agronomic and Basmati quality characteristics and marker-assisted selection for the two resistance genes were carried out in BC1F1, BC1F2 and BC1F3 generations. Background analysis using 252 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers detected 80.4 to 86.7% recurrent parent alleles in BC1F3 selections. Recombinants having enhanced resistance to BB, Basmati quality and desirable agronomic traits were identified, which can either be directly developed into commercial varieties or used as immediate donors of BB resistance in Basmati breeding programs.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the vast majority of natural prey items are dispersed in a non-random manner, few studies of frequency-dependent selective predation have explicitly examined the effect of prey dispersion on selectivity. We examined the effect of prey dispersion on the direction and strength of frequency-dependent selection by wild birds feeding on artificial prey (green or brown pastry baits). In a series of four experimental manipulations, we tested for the occurrence of frequency dependence with two different dispersion patterns (random or clumped). Manipulations were carried out at one of two absolute densities (25 prey m−2 or 100 prey m−2), and were repeated at different sites in Southampton, England and Aljarafe, Spain. Our results suggest that prey dispersion has no effect on either frequency-dependent or -independent preferences. One possible explanation for this is that the birds had virtually complete information about prey frequencies at the relatively high densities used and based their preferences on their overall perception of availability. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that dispersion may influence selectivity when prey are cryptic or available at lower absolute densities. Although there was no effect of dispersion, frequency-dependent selection was, overall, significantly anti-apostatic (i.e. rare baits were more preferred than common baits). This anti-apostatic effect was stronger in Southampton than Aljarafe and stronger at 100 prey m−2 than 25 prey m−2. The differences in the strength of selection between the two locations was interpreted in terms of (i) whether the avian predators foraged in flocks or not, and (ii) the number of different species present (and, consequently, the variation in preference among individual birds). Received: 21 December 1996 / Accepted: 26 February 1997  相似文献   

A species reproductive mode, along with its associated costs and benefits, can play a significant role in its evolution and survival. Facultative sexuality, being able to reproduce both sexually and asexually, has been deemed evolutionary favourable as the benefits of either mode may be fully realized. In fact, many studies have focused on identifying the benefits of sex and/or the forces selecting for increased rates of sex using facultative sexual species. The costs of either mode, however, can also have a profound impact on a population's evolutionary trajectory. Here, we used experimental evolution and fitness assays to investigate the consequences of facultative sexuality in prey adapting to predation. Specifically, we compared the adaptive response of algal prey populations exposed to constant rotifer predation and which had alternating cycles of asexual and sexual reproduction where sexual episodes were either facultative (sexual and asexual progeny simultaneously propagated) or obligate (only sexual progeny propagated). We found that prey populations with facultative sexual episodes reached a lower final relative fitness and suffered a greater trade‐off in traits under selection, that is defence and competitive ability, as compared to prey populations with obligate sexual episodes. Our results suggest that costs associated with sexual reproduction (germination time) and asexual reproduction (selection interference) were amplified in the facultative sexual prey populations, leading to a reduction in the net advantage of sexuality. Additionally, we found evidence that the cost of sex was reduced in the obligate sexual prey populations because increased selection for sex was observed via the spontaneous production of sexual cells. These results show that certain costs associated with facultative sexuality can affect an organism's evolutionary trajectory.  相似文献   

Prey characteristics affecting vulnerability of a number of rotifer species to the predator Acanthocyclops robustus were investigated. Body volume was the main feature affecting the probability of attack after encounter and, with the exception of Polyarthra major, capture after attack. The lorica provided protection against predation in some species and a skipping escape response reduced the likelihood of capture in Polyarthra major.  相似文献   

Nonlinearity in the predation risk of prey mobility   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Odorous waste products such as urine and faeces are unavoidable for most animals and are widely exploited by predators and their prey. Consequently, waste accumulations can be risky and prey which increase their mobility in order to disperse and dilute their waste should avoid a high predation risk until this benefit is balanced by the increasing risks of random predator encounter. This hypothesis was tested for voles (Microtus spp.) in Finland which are vulnerable to predation due to the scent and ultraviolet attractiveness of their urine. The mortality and mobility of radio-collared voles showed a U-shaped relationship, regardless of vole sex, species or population cycle phase. The low risks for prey making intermediate movements suggest that predation risk can exert strong selective pressures on prey such that they have little respite from the risk of being killed.  相似文献   

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