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Abstract. 1. The polyphagous butterfly, Plebejus argus L., was found to have specialized requirements: eggs are laid along vegetation/bare ground margins, larvae specialize on tender meristematic and reproductive growth, larvae and pupae are tended by Lasius ants, and warm microclimates are favoured.
2. These requirements are met in early successional habitats within several bio topes. These habitats are locally distributed, as is P. argus.
3. Populations on limestone, heathland and mossland biotopes did not differ greatly in ecologies. Given a choice of foodplants in captivity, larvae from heathland and limestone did show slight differences in preference, selecting some of the hostplants they normally encounter in the wild. Regardless of biotope, all these larvae were plant taxa generalists (on three plant families), but specialists on plant parts.
4. The decline of P. argus in Britain is attributed to loss of biotopes and to declining traditional management of them. Fewer habitats are available, and the distances between them are greater than formerly. As some of these habitats are short lived, and P. argus rarely flies far, the butterfly's decline is a compound effect of reduced areas of habitat and inability to colonize them.  相似文献   

Péténian F  Néve G 《Hereditas》2003,138(3):179-186
Populations of Plebejus argus were sampled in southwest Finland, both on the mainland and on islands, and in and around the Do?ana National Park in southwest Spain. A total of 453 individuals coming from 14 locations were investigated using allozyme electrophoresis on a total of 10 polymorphic allozyme loci. Contrary to earlier studies, all conducted in Britain, our samples showed little differentiation between sampled locations. In Spain, the populations of the Dona?a area showed no differentiation despite being up to 36 km apart; only the population to the south of the Guadalquivir river showed a significant difference to the others. In Finland the population on one island showed marked genetic differentiation from all the others, which showed little or no difference from each other. No isolation-by-distance effect could be detected in either system. We hypothesise that emigration-immigration events are more frequent in the Spanish and Finnish populations than in the British ones. We did, however, find two isolated populations, one in Spain and one in Finland; both were small and geographically isolated and shared evident drift.  相似文献   

Of the four most diverse insect orders, Lepidoptera contains remarkably few predatory and parasitic species. Although species with these habits have evolved multiple times in moths and butterflies, they have rarely been associated with diversification. The wholly aphytophagous subfamily Miletinae (Lycaenidae) is an exception, consisting of nearly 190 species distributed primarily throughout the Old World tropics and subtropics. Most miletines eat Hemiptera, although some consume ant brood or are fed by ant trophallaxis. A well‐resolved phylogeny inferred using 4915 bp from seven markers sampled from representatives of all genera and nearly one‐third the described species was used to examine the biogeography and evolution of biotic associations in this group. Biogeographic analyses indicate that Miletinae likely diverged from an African ancestor near the start of the Eocene, and four lineages dispersed between Africa and Asia. Phylogenetic constraint in prey selection is apparent at two levels: related miletine species are more likely to feed on related Hemiptera, and related miletines are more likely to associate with related ants, either directly by eating the ants, or indirectly by eating hemipteran prey that are attended by those ants. These results suggest that adaptations for host ant location by ovipositing female miletines may have been retained from phytophagous ancestors that associated with ants mutualistically.  相似文献   

The structure of the food web including the endangered lycaenid butterfly Shijimiaeoides divinus asonis (Matsumura) was analyzed to identify species contributing most to maintaining the equilibrium of the food web. Twenty‐seven species belonging to 17 families fed on Sophora flavescens Aiton, the host‐plant of S. divinus asonis: 15 species were leaf and stem feeders, seven (including S. divinus asonis) fed on flower buds, four were flower feeders and one fed on the seeds of So. flavescens. Of these 27 species, four were omnivores. The natural enemies of S. divinus asonis comprised six insect species, 11 spider species and one entomopathogenic fungus species, including six new predator records. The linkage density, total number of trophic links, connectance, average chain length and predator–prey ratio were 1.617, 97, 0.0548, 2.267 and 0.694, respectively. Exclusion of any of the 15 species with four or more trophic links reduced the connectance of the food web. These 15 species included facultative mutualistic attendant ants and predators of S. divinus asonis, herbivores to So. flavescens, an omnivore feeding on S. divinus asonis and So. flavescens, and prey insects. Therefore, future studies should monitor these 15 species.  相似文献   

The silver‐studded blue, Plebejus subsolanus, is widely distributed in the Russian Altai mountains, northeastern China, the Korean Peninsula, and the Japanese archipelago. In Japan, the species is distributed across wide elevation ranges from the lowlands of Hokkaido to the subalpine zone of Honshu. Current subspecies classification in Japan is as follows: ssp. iburiensis, occurring in lowland grasslands in Hokkaido; ssp. yaginus in lower mountain grasslands in Honshu; and ssp. yarigadakeanus in higher mountain grasslands in Honshu. The habitat of this species has been markedly reduced due to recent habitat destruction and land‐use changes. Here, we undertook phylogeographic analyses of two subspecies, ssp. yaginus and yarigadakeanus in the central mountainous regions of Japan, based on two mitochondrial gene sequences, in order to collect information for establishing effective conservation strategies. From 57 samples from the four mountain ranges, we obtained a haplotype network comprised of 12 haplotypes. Because of the haplotype network topology, the geographic distribution of haplotypes and the correspondence of haplotype divergence to subspecies taxonomy, we provisionally divided the haplotypes into three haplogroups: YR1 and YR2, which comprised ssp. yarigadakeanus, and YG, which comprised ssp. yaginus. Mitochondrial DNA genetic differentiation generally agreed with morphological subspecies classification. The haplotype network suggested that ssp. yarigadakeanus populations had multiple origins, and the subspecies character of “bright blue of the male's wings” was assumed to have evolved independently in each subalpine meadow. We found that P. subsolanus was genetically differentiated depending upon the elevation at each mountain region, suggesting that each haplogroup should be a conservation unit.  相似文献   

Chilades pandava peripatria Hsu and its host plant Cycas taitungensis Shen, Hill, Tsou & Chen are both endemic species to Taiwan. Ch. pandava peripatria has a specific association with buds and soft leaves of cycad plants. The introduced species, Cy. revoluta, have prolonged budding periods and extensive auxiliary buds that extensively contribute to the outbreak of Ch. pandava peripatria. An in-depth knowledge of the development, survival, and fecundity of Ch. pandava peripatria under different environmental conditions is necessary to understand the population growth of Ch. pandava peripatria. The demography of Ch. pandava peripatria was studied based on the age-stage, two-sex life table at 20, 23, 25, 28, and 31 degrees C, 70% RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h under laboratory conditions. Ch. pandava peripatria completed its development under tested temperatures but did not produce offsprings at 23 degrees C. Because of the high egg mortality at 20 degrees C, the data at this given temperature were excluded from this study. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) under these tested temperatures was 0.1846, 0.2919, and 0.1412 d(-1), respectively. The net reproductive rate (H(o)) was 165.47, 262.32, and 56.68 offsprings per individual and the mean generation time (T) was 27.72, 19.10, and 28.67 d, respectively. Our results indicated that Ch. pandava peripatria is highly adaptable to environments where temperature ranges from 25 to 31 degrees C.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the development and survival of Lycaeides argyrognomon were examined in the laboratory. The eggs, larvae and pupae were reared at temperatures of 15, 17.5, 20, 25, 30 and 33°C under a long‐day photoperiod of 16‐h light and 8‐h darkness. The survival rates of the first–third instars ranged from 40.0 to 82.4%. The mortalities of the fourth instar were lower than those of the first–third instars. The development time of the overall immature stage decreased from 78.33 days at 15°C to 21.07 days at 30°C, and then increased to 24.33 days at 33°C. The common linear model and the Ikemoto–Takai model were used to estimate the thermal constant (K) and the developmental zero (T0). The values of T0 and K for the overall immature stages were 10.50°C and 418.83 degree‐days, and 9.71°C and 451.68 degree‐days by the common model and the Ikemoto–Takai model, respectively. The upper temperature thresholds (Tmax) and the optimal temperatures (Topt) of the egg, the first–third instars and the overall immature stages were estimated by the three nonlinear models. The ranges of Topt estimated were from 30.33°C to 32.46°C in the overall immature stages and the estimates of Tmax of the overall immature stages by the Briere‐1 and the Briere‐2 models were 37.18°C and 33.00°C, respectively. The method to predict the developmental period of L. argyrognomon using the nonlinear models was discussed based on the data of the average temperature per hour.  相似文献   

Territorial activities of a lycaenid butterfly, Chrysozephyrus smaragdinus, were observed throughout its adult season to investigate the territorial dynamics. The territories occupied earlier in the season were abandoned later than later‐occupied territories, indicating that the site preference of male C. smaragdinus was largely maintained during the adult season. Three indexes of territory quality based on animal preference, occupation duration (OD), initial occupation date (IOD) and the number of contests (NOC), were highly correlated. Therefore, these preference‐based indexes are consistent and reliable, although they are indirect estimates of benefits obtained from territories. Males arriving at territory sites early in the season were more likely to hold territories of better quality when NOC was used as the index of territory quality. The positive relationship between territory quality and male arrival date is congruent with the result of a previous study showing that early comers tend to hold a territory whereas late comers do not. However, male arrival date was not related to territory quality when OD or IOD was used as an index of territory quality. One possible reason for this apparent discrepancy is that the coefficient of variation of NOC is larger than those of OD and IOD, and therefore NOC could evaluate territory quality more quantitatively than the other two indexes. To date, studies of territoriality in butterflies have not considered the quality of territories. More studies considering the quality of territories will provide new insights into butterfly territoriality.  相似文献   

Six species of insect endoparasitoids were identified from Elcysma westwoodii, which is the most damaging lepidopteran pest of Prunus yedoensis. From Hymenoptera, two species were identified: a species in Braconidae and Charops striatus in Ichneumonidae. From Diptera, there were four species in Tachinidae: Compsilura concinnata, Exorista sp., Pales sp. and Tachinidae spp. The parasitic ratio was 4.86% (45 of 926 larvae). The hymenopterans were parasitic on 31 individuals of E. westwoodii (68.9%) and the dipterans were parasitic on 14 individuals (31.1%). It was found that parasitoids from the larvae of E. westwoodii were all either endoparasitoids or larval parasitoids. However, Exorista sp. of Tachinidae was found to be either a larval parasitoid or larval-pupal parasitoid. Additionally, all the identified parasitoids were solitary parasitoids, as only one parasite occurred in a larva of E. westwoodii. Because the larva of E. westwoodii eats and molts after it is parasitized, all the parasitoids were identified as koinobionts. There were no big differences in morphological characteristics and life histories between C. striatus and C. concinnata. However, for Exorista sp. and Pales sp., males took 3–5 days longer to emerge from their pupae and had remarkably longer body lengths than females.  相似文献   

1 The horse‐chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, was discovered during a mass outbreak on planted horse‐chestnut trees, Aesculus hippocastanum, near Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. However, several peculiarities in the leafminer's biology and ecology, such as its inefficient control through natural enemies, indicate that it may be of exotic origin. 2 In this study, the parasitism of C. ohridella was examined in natural and artificial horse‐chestnut stands in South‐eastern Europe. The size and composition of the parasitoid complex of natural stands was comparable with that known from artificial stands. No specialist parasitoid species were detected in any of the samples. The only parasitoid species found exclusively in natural stands during this investigation were the braconid Colastes braconius and the eulophid Chrysocharis phryne. Both are known to be polyphagous on many leafminers in Europe and C. braconius has been often recorded from C. ohridella in artificial stands in previous studies. Parasitism levels varied within the same range (3.6–21.0%) throughout the entire region, in both types of habitats. 3 These results suggest that the parasitoid complex of C. ohridella in natural and planted horse‐chestnut stands in Europe is typically that of an exotic, recently introduced leafminer. Consequently, C. ohridella is probably not indigenous in the Balkans, but has been introduced to the area of its discovery from another continent.  相似文献   

The parasitism capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley strain bonagota on Bonagota salubricola (Meyrick) eggs was studied under the temperatures of 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30 and 32 degrees C. The number of days with parasitism, accumulated parasitism, total number of eggs parasitized per female and parasitoid longevity was evaluated. In the first 24h, parasitism ranged from 1.6 (32 degrees C) to 8.8 (22 degrees C) eggs of B. salubricola. Accumulated egg parasitism of B. salubricola reached 80% in 1st to 4th day at 20 degrees C to 32 degrees C, respectively, and in the 7th day at 18 degrees C. Temperatures from 18 degrees C to 22 degrees C were the best suited for the total eggs parasitized for female, resulting in 35.4 and 24.6 eggs/male respectively. T. pretiosum female longevity ranged from 7.8 to 2.5 days, at 18 degrees C and 32 degrees C, respectively. The results showed that T. pretiosum strain bonagota is better adapted to temperatures from 18 degrees C to 22 degrees C.  相似文献   

The lycaenid butterfly genus Euphilotes , consisting of five species and several dozen subspecies, is confined to western North America. Each subspecies utilizes one or a few species of Eriogonum (Polygonaceae) as larval hosts; larvae feed entirely on pollen and developing seeds. Euphilotes populations are (with few exceptions) univoltine and fly in synchrony with the initial (c. 2 weeks) annual flowering periods of their hosts. Euphilotes evolution coincides with shifts to new hosts, frequently with different bloom periods. Often both inter- and intraspecific populations occur in sympatry. Although interspecific populations may fly in synchrony and utilize the same hosts, sympatric intraspecific populations use different hosts and generally fly allochronically. Analyses of Euphilotes populations using biochemical, morphological, and life history characters, do not support either coevolution or sequential evolution with Eriogonum but are more consistent with opportunistic adaptation to new hosts having different bloom periods.  相似文献   

The cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae is one of the most destructive pests in Cruciferaceae or Brassicaceae plant family around the world. According to this pest rapid resistance to insecticide, using the resistant cultivars should be evaluated. In the present study, the different canola cultivars resistance against the cabbage aphid and the population fluctuations in canola fields and also the natural parasitism are evaluated in Shahre-rey region. To evaluate the population fluctuations and its natural parasitism on the RGS003, SLMOO46, Karag2, Licord, Sarigol, Opera, Ocapi and Talaei canola cultivars were cultivated in four replications using the complete randomised block design. The population fluctuations studies showed that the pest is active during the canola growth period in studied region, but the peak of population and damage is found in 6 May month. The results showed that natural parasitism percentage of cabbage aphid on different canola cultivars has not significant difference, but the parasitism amount in different sampling dates was significantly different, so that the natural parasitism maximum observed in date 29 April. These results showed that the different canola cultivars have significant effects on cabbage aphid and parasitoids activity amount. Using the present results, the recognised cultivars in integrated pest management programmes can be used to grow the laboratory aphids as the parasitoids hosts.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration is critical to the conservation of rare species. However, restoration efforts often proceed without knowledge of their effects on these species. We investigated the reproductive response of federally endangered Fender’s blue butterfly (Plebejus icarioides fenderi) to prairie restoration in Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. In 2009 and 2010, we quantified availability of larval host plant, Kincaid’s lupine (Lupinus oreganus), and butterfly oviposition in three restored areas (1–10 years old) and adjacent intact habitat. Oviposition measures in restored areas reached or exceeded intact habitat (0.1 eggs/leaf of host plant and 12 % of time ovipositing) within five years post-restoration. However, none of the restorations provided an equivalent host plant density to intact areas (55 leaves/m2). The different response time of host plants and butterflies to restoration highlights the importance of monitoring both vegetation and oviposition over an ecologically relevant timescale (at least 10 years). For imperiled species, quantifying reproductive response to restoration is critical for adaptive management and successful conservation of the species which restoration efforts are intended to benefit.  相似文献   

The Hymenopterans Glyptapanteles liparidis, Microplitis sp. and Diadegma sp. were found to be larval parasitoids and koinobionts of Acronicta rumicis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Mesochorus semirufus is believed to be a new unreported hyperparasitoid of G. liparidis, which, along with M. semirufus, is a gregarious parasitoid. In contrast, the parasitoids Microplitis sp. and Diadegma sp. are solitary. All of the hymenopteran parasitoids are multivoltine insects that emerge from A. rumicis more than once. Compcilura concinnata, Euexorista sp. and Exorista sp. of the Diptera were found to be larval–pupal parasitoids, solitary parasitoids and koinobionts. These three species are univoltine, and emerge only once from A. rumicis. Morphological and life cycle data were collected for G. liparidis, and for the parasitoids of that species found in this study. The major and minor axes of an egg of G. liparidis were 0.10 and 0.02 mm, respectively, while the mean clutch size of G. liparidis was 67.71 ± 39.36 individuals. The body length of female and male G. liparidis were 2.25 ± 0.06 and 2.21 ± 0.12 mm, respectively, and the longevity of an adult was 2.93 ± 0.96 days. Among the parasitoids, the mean body length of an adult Microplitis sp. was 3.5 mm and adults lived for an average of 8.13 ± 3.54 days. The adult Diadegma sp. was larger (mean body length 6.5 mm) but lived for a shorter interval (3.33 ± 1.32 days). The body lengths of female and male M. semirufus were 3.16 ± 0.11 and 3.10 ± 0.23 mm, respectively, greater than the body lengths of female and male G. liparidis. The body lengths of adult C. concinnata, Euexorista sp. and Exorista sp. were 9.5, 9.53 and 8.68 mm, respectively. All of their pupae were dark brown.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the development and survival of Shijimiaeoides divinus barine were examined in the laboratory in 2008. The eggs and larvae were reared at temperatures of 15, 17.5, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C with a long-day photoperiod of 16 h light : 8 h dark (16L : 8D). The highest hatchability of eggs was 88.0% at 20°C, but hatchability at high temperatures of 30 and 35°C was 30 and 0%, respectively. The lowest and highest survival rates from the first to third instar were 18.8% at 15°C and 76.9% at 20°C. Few deaths were observed after the fourth instar. The shortest developmental periods of the eggs and larvae were 4.0 and 15.8 days at 30°C, and the durations of the egg and larval stages increased significantly as the temperature decreased. The developmental zero and thermal constants were 9.6°C and 82.6 degree–days for the egg stage, and 10.7°C and 306.8 degree–days for the larval stage. The developmental period of the natural population of S. divinus barine in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture was calculated using the developmental zero, thermal constants and Azumino City temperature data.  相似文献   

The population biology of Maculinea rebeli Hirschke, 1904, on dry grassland biotypes in different successional stages was investigated in the summers of 1990 and 1991 in the district of Höxter (North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany). The population characteristics of M. rebeli were studied by mark-recapture and eggshell counts on the larval host plant Gentiana cruciata. Pitfall traps, ant baits, excavating and counting of ant nests were used to examine the Formicidae community and the nest density of Myrmica sabuleti. In 1990, the total population of M. rebeli was estimated as 528 individuals, with subpopulations varying from 2 to 273 individuals. Populations existed in areas differing in size and vegetation structure. However, the limiting factor for population size was the density of the host ant population. The differences in population size did not depend on the size of the habitat or the density of the larval food plant. The butterflies can switch their host. In the absence of M. schenki, the colonies of M. sabuleti can maintain M. rebeli populations. Adult males and females have a maximum life expectancy of 13 days. The females prefer to oviposit on G. cruciata plants of 10–30cm height. Only plants which stuck out of the surrounding vegetation were oviposited on. The average number of eggs deposited per female was 100–150. Low density populations are probably most threatened. Therefore, future protective measures should work towards further maintaining and optimizing the habitats of the small populations, as well as creating the prerequisites so that dense stable populations of M. rebeli can develop.  相似文献   

The number of spermatophores inseminated in the bursa copulatrix of females of 21 species of Theclini butterflies varied from 0 to 38, a maximum much larger than reported so far. The variation of spermatophore number observed was analyzed on a phylogenetic tree recently determined, together with variation of wing colors and male mating tactics. Monandrous species tended to be sexually dimorphic in wing color and associated with male territoriality.  相似文献   

In the Pedregal de San Angel reserve, in Mexico City, males of the butterfly Xamia xamiperch in and defend areas with well-defined topographic limits. These areas lack concentrations of receptive females and of larvae and adult resources. One individual defends the same territory an average of 5 h/day, up to a maximum of 23 days. The same areas are used as territories by different males during the year. These areas share some characteristic features which are described. Evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that the territories function as mating stations. A possible scenario for the evolution of this territorial mating system is advanced.  相似文献   

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