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孙越  何怀江  李良  宋彩民  王峰洁  夏富才 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6523-6533
早夏草本植物作为阔叶红松林林下的一类优势物种,对整个生长季林下草本物种多样性和生物量具有重要影响,对其不同生长阶段生物量分配特征及生物量模型的研究有助于了解该类植物生存策略和碳汇储量。以吉林省蛟河地区阔叶红松林林下的白花碎米荠(Cardamine leucantha)、北重楼(Paris verticillata)、鹿药(Smilacina japonica)、美汉草(Meehania fargesii)、山茄子(Anisodus acutangulus)和紫花变豆菜(Sanicula rubriflora)6种早夏草本植物为研究对象,从4月初到8月底对其物候期进行观察记录,定期取样,从而对6种植物不同生长时期各组分生物量分配特征,地上与地下生物量相对生长关系进行分析研究,并以株高级为自变量建立5种形式(一元线性模型、一元二次模型、指数模型、幂函数模型、对数模型)的单种和混种生物量模型,选取最优模型进行验证。结果表明,6种早夏草本植物花期一般开始于4月底结束于6月中旬,果期开始于5月底结束于8月中旬,不同植物的花、果期持续时间差异较大。生长期内,随着植物生长,株高、生物量和根冠比(R/S)变化明显,但变化趋势不一致。不同物种各组分生物量分配存在差异,用于繁殖的生物量分配比例较小,通常不超过5%。所有物种AGB和BGB间均具有明显的相对生长关系(P0.0001),且均表现为异速生长(相关生长指数a≠1)。根据R~2和SEE选取最优生物量模型,其中幂函数模型形式最常用,其次是一元二次和指数模型。所有最优模型的R~2均较高且SEE较低,拟合效果较好,其中AGB和TB的最优模型要优于BGB,单种模型优于混种模型;通过验证,除混合模型BGB的RMA(30.679%)稍大于30%外,所有模型的RS、EE和RMA均小于30%,P值均大于80%,说明所建立的最优模型能够用来对该地区阔叶红松林林下早夏草本植物生物量进行估算。  相似文献   

随着社会和经济的发展,红树林重心以及群落内部空间结构可能发生变化与调整.利用重心模型方法可以构建转移距离及方向,探索红树林及群落的重心空间转移特征及分布格局.本研究通过采用近25年多源、多时相遥感数据,利用GIS和遥感技术,提取了中国红树林信息,以及典型保护区漳江口的白骨壤、秋茄、桐花树、卡开芦和短叶茳芏信息.利用重心模型方法,从全局到局部,分析了中国红树林和典型保护区漳江口红树林群落的重心迁移特征与共性关系.结果表明:(1)红树林重心在东北方向上存在明显偏离,这种偏离主要体现在经度上,东西方向上不均衡.红树林重心主要位于入海口,且指向河网密集、经济繁荣的地区.(2)红树林群落重心受东南方向的主导作用,并指向群落高聚集区.红树林群落逐渐向北部和东部蔓延,重心表现出向北集聚的趋势.(3)省级红树林与典型区红树林群落重心迁移共性特征具有一致性、折回性和层次性,主要特征如下:红树林及群落的重心转移方向与海岸潮间带走向基本一致,且两者的轨迹方向指向受到良好波浪掩护的港湾或河口湾内;省级红树林及典型区红树林群落的重心分别在2005年和2011年后发生了不同程度的折回现象;典型区群落重心迁移在一定程度上属于省级红树林重心迁移的放大形势,前者反映了局部的内部结构特征,后者反映了全局的整体特征.研究有助于相关部门提出保护措施和方案,使红树林均衡、稳定、持续生长.  相似文献   

Allometric equations for the estimation of tree volume and aboveground biomass in a tropical humid forest were developed based on direct measurements of 19 individuals of seven tree species in Northern Costa Rica. The volume and the biomass of the stems represented about two‐thirds of the total volume and total aboveground biomass, respectively. The average stem volume varied between 4 and 11 Mg/tree and the average total aboveground biomass ranged from 4 to 10 mg/tree. The mean specific gravity of the sampled trees was 0.62 ± 0.06 (g/cm3). The average biomass expansion factor was 1.6 ± 0.2. The best‐fit equations for stem and total volume were of logarithmic form, with diameter at breast height (R2= 0.66 ? 0.81) as an independent variable. The best‐fit equations for total aboveground biomass that were based on combinations of diameter at breast height, and total and commercial height as independent variables had R2 values between 0.77 and 0.87. Models recommended for estimating total aboveground biomass are based on diameter at breast height, because the simplicity of these models is advantageous. This variable is easy to measure accurately in the field and is the most common variable recorded in forest inventories. Two widely used models in literature tend to underestimate aboveground biomass in large trees. In contrast, the models developed in this study accurately estimate the total aboveground biomass in these trees.  相似文献   

林龄和竞争对日本落叶松各组分生物量异速关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于7-、17-、30-和40年生日本落叶松生物量测定数据,应用方差分析和多重比较分析了林龄和林分内树木竞争类型(优势木、平均木和被压木)对各组分生物量分配比例和异速关系的影响,构建了含林龄和树木竞争类型作为哑变量的生物量异速方程,为准确估算日本落叶松人工林生物量和碳储量提供依据。结果表明:(1)林龄显著影响生物量分配比例的异速关系。随林龄增加干生物量比例增大,枝叶生物量比例减小,根生物量逐渐稳定。加入林龄的干、枝和叶生物量方程显著改善。年龄效应在幼龄林阶段作用最显著,需单独构建生物量模型。(2)树木竞争类型对生物量分配的影响小于林龄。立地条件一致下,虽然相同胸径的优势木比劣势木积累更多的枝叶生物量和少的干生物量,但它们分配生物量到不同器官的比例和方式是基本相同的,林内竞争不会导致生物量分配规律由"异速关系理论"向"环境优先理论"转化。因此,常规采用平均木法估算各组分生物量是可行的。(3)在近成熟林分中不同竞争类型树木的根生物量分配比例均较为稳定,采用根茎比比值来估算根生物量是可行的。  相似文献   

陈婵  王光军  赵月  周国新  李栎  高吉权 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7614-7623
生态化学计量特征能够反映植物器官的内稳性及其相互关系。以湖南会同25年生杉木人工林为研究对象,分析了叶、枝、根的C、N、P及其化学计量季节动态,探讨了养分元素的变异性特征、变异来源,以及元素间的异速生长关系。结果表明:C、N、P含量的年平均值均在叶中表现最大,分别为(527.60±15.07)、(10.55±1.89)、(2.13±0.31)g/kg;而C∶N、C∶P、N∶P的年平均值最大的则是根,分别为(78.12±12.54)、(619.46±48.23)、(7.13±3.57);不同器官的年均C∶N∶P排序为根枝叶。叶和根的C、N含量及N∶P、叶和枝的P含量变化趋势均为先升高后降低再升高,叶、根的C∶N值则表现为先降低后升高再降低的变化趋势。叶、枝、根的年平均N∶P比(均小于14)远低于我国年平均水平(16.3);不同器官的C含量变异系数较小,均低于9%,N、P含量及其化学计量比变异系数较大,均高于30%,其中枝叶的P含量和枝的N∶P变异系数分别高达65.04%和62.41%;根据变异来源分析,器官、月份和器官与月份的交互作用对C、N、P含量及其化学计量变异的影响均达到显著水平(P0.05)。叶、根的C与N具有显著的异速生长关系(N-C~(2.777),P=0.008;N-P~(2.574),P=0.002),叶、枝、根的N、P含量表现出正相关性,异速生长指数分别为0.539、0.617、0.721。研究表明25年生杉木的生长更多的受到N元素的限制,养分利用效率在根中最高;叶、枝、根C-P的异速生长关系证明不同器官对于各自的养分分配是具有相似性的。  相似文献   

常绿阔叶林为东亚亚热带地区的地带性植被, 对该地区的生物多样性维持和社会发展具有重要的意义。由于长期人类活动的影响, 目前我国分布的常绿阔叶林绝大部分为次生常绿阔叶林。探究次生与老龄常绿阔叶林群落特征的差异, 有利于了解人类干扰对亚热带常绿阔叶林的影响, 为其保护和恢复提供依据。本研究在古田山老龄与次生常绿阔叶林内共设置了29个0.04 ha样地, 比较两者在优势种组成、物种和功能多样性以及生物量等方面的差异。结果表明: (1)次生林与老龄林优势种组成相似, 二者均以甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、木荷(Schima superba)等典型常绿阔叶林优势种为主, 但这些树种在次生和老龄常绿阔叶林中的优势度次序不同。(2)整体而言, 次生林的Shannon-Wiener指数和功能离散度高于老龄林; 次生林与老龄林的物种Bray-Curtis指数和功能Sørensen指数均无显著差别。(3)就垂直层次而言, 次生林与老龄林在Shannon-Wiener指数和Bray-Curtis指数的差异主要体现在乔木层和灌木层。(4)就群落结构而言, 次生林的植株密度高于老龄林, 但群落水平和个体水平的生物量均显著小于老龄林。上述结果表明, 人类干扰改变了古田山常绿阔叶林群落的多个重要特征, 不同群落特征的恢复过程并不同步。因此, 对常绿阔叶林生物多样性和生态系统功能的保护和恢复需要从多个角度着手。  相似文献   

土壤微生物作为土壤养分的生物驱动因素,氮沉降会改变其活性和生物量,从而打破土壤养分循环动态平衡。氮沉降对热带、亚热带森林以及温带原始林生态系统土壤微生物量影响的研究较多,但对温带天然次生林影响的研究鲜有报道。于2016年5月(春)、7月(夏)和9月(秋)分别对长白山模拟10年氮沉降的控制试验样地——白桦山杨次生林进行了野外调查。控制试验分为3个氮添加处理,对照(CK 0 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))、低氮(LN 25 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))和高氮(HN 50 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1)),按照土壤层(0—10 cm和10—20 cm)分别测试了不同处理的土壤微生物量碳(MBC)和氮(MBN)、土壤全碳(TC)、全氮(TN)和全磷(TP)、p H、土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和氮(DON)等指标。结果表明:1)土壤p H在氮沉降的作用下显著降低;上层土壤TC、TN在氮沉降下变化较小,下层土壤TC、TN的含量显著增加;氮沉降下春、夏两季土壤TP含量上升,LN处理在秋季对TP有抑制作用;氮沉降对DOC、DON的影响不显著。2)上层土壤MBC春季到秋季呈现递减的趋势,下层土壤呈现先升后降的趋势,HN对MBC有抑制作用,LN对下层土壤MBC有促进作用;土壤MBN由春季到秋季呈现递减的趋势,且上、下层土壤MBN差异显著;氮处理对春、秋两季MBN有促进作用,夏季有抑制作用;氮沉降使春、秋两季MBC/MBN降低,夏季土壤MBC/MBN升高。3)氮处理、季节变化和土层深度对MBC、MBN存在显著影响,其交互影响也显著。总之,长期氮沉降在生长季对土壤微生物量的影响具有季节性差异,且受到土层深度的影响。未来研究在重视年际变化的同时,也要注重时空动态对氮沉降作用表现出的差异性。  相似文献   

采用空间代替时间的样地调查方法,利用异速生长方程和一元材积表计算不同林龄桦木林的生物量、生产力与材积,结果表明,桦木林乔木层及平均单株地上生物量均随林龄增加而增加,在50 a时达到最大;生产力则先增加而后逐渐减少,乔木层30 a时生产力为7.88 t.hm-.2a-1,到40 a和50 a时,分别下降到5.17 t.hm-.2a-1和1.19.thm-.2a-1;单株平均生产力在30 a时达到最大值1.13 kg.a-1,40 a时下降为0.96 kg.a-1,50 a时略有上升。林分蓄积量随林龄增加而增加,平均生长量在50 a达到最大值3.78 m.3hm-2,连年生长量在30 a时达到最大值6.07 m.3hm-2。平均单株材积增长速度随林龄增加而增加,50 a时平均生长量和连年生长量达到最大值。  相似文献   

Adipose tissue is an easily accessible and abundant source of stem cells. Adipose stem cells (ASCs) are currently being researched as treatment options for repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. The standard culture conditions used for expansion of ASCs contain fetal bovine serum (FBS) which is undefined, could transmit known and unknown adventitious agents, and may cause adverse immune reactions. We have described a novel culture condition which excludes the use of FBS and characterised the resulting culture. Human ASCs were cultured in the novel culture medium, which included complement protein C3. These cultures, called C-ASCs, were compared with ASCs cultured in medium supplemented with FBS. Analysis of ASCs for surface marker profile, proliferation characteristics and differentiation potential indicated that the C-ASCs were similar to ASCs cultured in medium containing FBS. Using a specific inhibitor, we show that C3 is required for the survival of C-ASCs. This novel composition lends itself to being developed into a defined condition for the routine culture of ASCs for basic and clinical applications.  相似文献   

Aim Tropical forests have been recognized as important global carbon sinks and sources. However, many uncertainties about the spatial distribution of live tree above‐ground biomass (AGB) remain, mostly due to limited availability of AGB field data. Recent studies in the Amazon have already shown the importance of large sample size for accurate AGB gradient analysis. Here we use a large stem density, basal area, community wood density and AGB dataset to study and explain their spatial patterns in an Asian tropical forest. Location Borneo, Southeast Asia. Methods We combined stem density, basal area, community wood density and AGB data from 83 locations in Borneo with an environmental database containing elevation, climate and soil variables. The Akaike information criterion was used to select models and environmental variables that best explained the observed values of stem density, basal area, community wood density and AGB. These models were used to extrapolate these parameters across Borneo. Results We found that wood density, stem density, basal area and AGB respond significantly, but differentially, to the environment. AGB was only correlated with basal area, but not with stem density and community wood specific gravity. Main conclusions Unlike results from Amazonian forests, soil fertility was an important positive correlate for AGB in Borneo while community wood density, which is a main driver of AGB in the Neotropics, did not correlate with AGB in Borneo. Also, Borneo's average AGB of 457.1 Mg ha?1 was c. 60% higher than the Amazonian average of 288.6 Mg ha?1. We find evidence that this difference might be partly explained by the high density of large wind‐dispersed Dipterocarpaceae in Borneo, which need to be tall and emergent to disperse their seeds. Our results emphasize the importance of Bornean forests as carbon sinks and sources due to their high carbon storage capacity.  相似文献   

Context: It is known that there are usually several biomarkers and/or medium combinations that can be applied to answer a specific exposure question. To help determine an appropriate combination for the specific question, we have developed a weight-of-evidence Framework that provides a relative appropriateness score for competing combinations.

Methods: The Framework is based on an expert assessor’s evaluation of the relevance and suitability of the biomarker and medium for the question based on a set of criteria. We provide a computer based modeling tool to guide the researcher through the process.

Results: We present an example with six biomarkers of benzene exposure in one matrix; the six are either the most commonly used biomarkers and/or have recent widespread usage. The example clearly demonstrates the usefulness of the Framework for scoring the choices, as well as the transparency of the method that provides the basis for discussion.

Conclusions: The Framework provides for the first time a method to transparently document the rationale behind selecting, from among a set of alternatives, the most scientifically supportable exposure biomarker to address a specific biomonitoring question, thus providing a reproducible account of expert opinions on the suitability of a biomarker.  相似文献   

无瓣海桑是广西从自治区外引进的外来红树林树种,采用定量化算法精确估算无瓣海桑地上生物量对红树林生态修复以及海洋蓝碳监测提供经验和方法。论文以广西茅尾海自然保护区无瓣海桑红树林为研究对象,以野外实测无瓣海桑红树林地上生物量数据和Sentinel-1/2卫星提取的后向散射数据、波段数据、植被指数数据和纹理指数数据为数据源,通过分析各遥感因子与实测红树林地上生物量之间的重要性关系,采用极端梯度提升(XGBoost)机器学习算法对比了不同的变量组合对模型精度的影响,最后基于优选的变量组合反演了无瓣海桑红树林的地上生物量。结果表明:(1)研究区无瓣海桑红树林实测树高范围为1.55—13.58m,平均值为8.37m,胸径范围为0.7—41cm,平均值为15.62cm;(2)通过XGBoost算法优选的21个特征变量组合模型拟合效果较好,其模型在测试阶段R2=0.7237,RMSE=21.70Mg/hm2。XGBoost算法反演研究区无瓣海桑地上生物量介于19.14—138.46Mg/hm2之间,平均值为51.92Mg/hm...  相似文献   

The theory of metabolic ecology predicts specific relationships among tree stem diameter, biomass, height, growth and mortality. As demographic rates are important to estimates of carbon fluxes in forests, this theory might offer important insights into the global carbon budget, and deserves careful assessment. We assembled data from 10 old-growth tropical forests encompassing censuses of 367 ha and > 1.7 million trees to test the theory's predictions. We also developed a set of alternative predictions that retained some assumptions of metabolic ecology while also considering how availability of a key limiting resource, light, changes with tree size. Our results show that there are no universal scaling relationships of growth or mortality with size among trees in tropical forests. Observed patterns were consistent with our alternative model in the one site where we had the data necessary to evaluate it, and were inconsistent with the predictions of metabolic ecology in all forests.  相似文献   

Aims: Microbial biomass is an important biotechnological parameter. The traditional method for its determination involves an oven‐drying step and equilibration to room temperature before weighing, and it is tedious and time consuming. This work studied the utilisation of a moisture analyser consisting of an efficient infrared‐heating module and an analytical balance for the determination of microbial biomass by dry weight. Methods and Results: The method duration depended on the sample volume and was between 7 and 40 min for sample volumes of 1–10 ml. The method precision depended on the total dry weight analysed – 10 mg of total dry weight being sufficient to achieve coefficients of variation of 5% or less. Comparison with the conventional oven method provided a correlation coefficient r2 of 0·99. The recovery of an internal standard ranged between 94·2 and 106·4% with a precision of 1·39–4·53%CV. Conclusions: Validation revealed sufficient method accuracy, precision and robustness and was successfully applied to the study of yeast and bacterial growth kinetics. Techniques are discussed that allow for increased method precision at low biomass concentrations, and equations are provided to estimate required drying time and method precision based on sample volume and total sample dry weight, respectively. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work presents a rapid method for the determination of microbial biomass, allowing for the timely implementation of biomass‐based information in biotechnological and laboratory protocols.  相似文献   

引物设计前的序列的全面检索,未注释序列的归类,经多序列比对求带有模糊碱基代码标识(IUPAC ambiguity codes)的共有序列,对设计高质量的引物至关重要,是引物设计过程的难点。目前,综合性核酸序列分析软件,单功能应用软件,在解决上述问题时均显不足。应用互联网提供的在线生物应用程序实践了一种多程序组合使用设计大数量序列的保守引物的方法,探讨了实现大数量序列的保守引物设计的一般流程。  相似文献   

Weight‐of‐evidence is the process by which multiple measurement endpoints are related to an assessment endpoint to evaluate whether significant risk of harm is posed to the environment. In this paper, a methodology is offered for reconciling or balancing multiple lines of evidence pertaining to an assessment endpoint. Weight‐of‐evidence is reflected in three characteristics of measurement endpoints: (a) the weight assigned to each measurement endpoint; (b) the magnitude of response observed in the measurement endpoint; and (c) the concurrence among outcomes of multiple measurement endpoints. First, weights are assigned to measurement endpoints based on attributes related to: (a) strength of association between assessment and measurement endpoints; (b) data quality; and (c) study design and execution. Second, the magnitude of response in the measurement endpoint is evaluated with respect to whether the measurement endpoint indicates the presence or absence of harm; as well as the magnitude. Third, concurrence among measurement endpoints is evaluated by plotting the findings of the two preceding steps on a matrix for each measurement endpoint evaluated. The matrix allows easy visual examination of agreements or divergences among measurement endpoints, facilitating interpretation of the collection of measurement endpoints with respect to the assessment endpoint. A qualitative adaptation of the weight‐of‐evidence approach is also presented.  相似文献   

This work presents an analysis of heterogeneity of environmental variance for slaughter weight (175 days) in pigs. This heterogeneity is associated with systematic and additive genetic effects. The model also postulates the presence of additive genetic effects affecting the mean and environmental variance. The study reveals the presence of genetic variation at the level of the mean and the variance, but an absence of correlation, or a small negative correlation, between both types of additive genetic effects. In addition, we show that both, the additive genetic effects on the mean and those on environmental variance have an important influence upon the future economic performance of selected individuals.  相似文献   

For studying cellular processes three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models are of a high importance. For tissue engineering approaches osseous differentiation is performed on 3D scaffolds, but material depending influences promote cellular processes like adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. To investigate developmental processes of mesenchymal stem cells without cell-substrate interactions, self-contained in vitro models mimicking physiological condition are required. However, with respect to scientific investigations and pharmaceutical tests, it is essential that these tissue models are well characterised and are of a high reproducibility. In order to establish an appropriate in vitro model for bone formation, different protocols are compared and optimised regarding their aggregate formation efficiency, homogeneity of the aggregates, the viability and their ability to induce differentiation into the osteogenic lineage. The protocols for the generation of 3D cell models are based on rotation culture, hanging drop technique, and the cultivation in non adhesive culture vessels (single vessels as well as 96 well plates). To conclude, the cultivation of hMSCs in 96 well non adhesive plates facilitates an easy way to cultivate homogenous cellular aggregates with high performance efficiency in parallel. The size can be controlled by the initial cell density per well and within this spheroids, bone formation has been induced.  相似文献   

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