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K. R. THOMPSON  M. D. RIDDY 《Ibis》1995,137(2):198-206
Multinational fisheries operating in the vicinity of the Falkland Islands currently take c. 90,000 tonnes of true fish ("finfish" as opposed to squid) per annum, including hakes Merluccius spp., Southern Blue Whiting Micromesistius australis, Hoki Macruronus magel-lanicus and Red Cod Salilota australis, and generate substantial quantities of fisheries waste in the form of discards and offal. This paper examines the use made of this waste by scavenging Black-browed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris which breed in the Falklands. The various types of waste produced are described and their consumption by scavenging albatrosses is quantified. The results indicate that Black-browed Albatrosses obtain c. 8000 tonnes of food per annum from this source, of which two-thirds is offal and the remainder whole discards. The energy content of this waste is equivalent to 4.4% of the estimated total annual energy requirements of the Falklands Black-browed Albatross population. However, as the fishery is a greater predator of finfish stocks than are the albatrosses, its long-term impact may be detrimental to these birds.  相似文献   

P. A. PRINCE  S. RODWELL  M. JONES  P. ROTHERY 《Ibis》1993,135(2):121-131
We recorded the age of individual wing and tail feathers of Black-browed and Grey-headed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and D. chrysostoma of known age and breeding status at Bird Island, South Georgia. Breeders and non-breeders of both species moult their rectrices annually. Non-breeders moult primaries biennially. In the first year of a cycle, the outer three and some inner primaries are moulted descendantly; in the next year the inner primaries are moulted ascendantly, starting from primary seven. There is a general progression to moulting equal numbers of primaries in each half of the cycle by the time breeding starts at about 10 years of age. Grey-headed Albatrosses usually moult fewer primaries than Black-browed Albatrosses, particularly as 3-year-olds, when they undertake substantial plumage change in body moult. Most secondaries in Black-browed Albatrosses have been replaced once by age 4 years. Breeding Black-browed Albatrosses continue the moult pattern established as immatures whether they fail or not, as do failed Grey-headed Albatrosses. Successful Grey-headed Albatrosses, which breed again 16 months later, moult their three innermost primaries after breeding in the remainder of the current year and, after a period when moult is interrupted, renew the remaining primaries the following year. Comparisons between species and between failed and successful birds within species indicate that moult rate is not closely linked to the length of the interval between breeding attempts. Interspecies differences are better explained by breeding latitude, with tropical albatrosses moulting twice as fast as sub-Antarctic species, possibly reflecting food availability outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

Egg composition and factors influencing egg formation were studied in Black-browed and Grey-headed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and D. chrysostoma at Bird Island, South Georgia. At nests where eggs were laid, females arrived 6–7 days after males, stayed one day during which 96% of observed copulations occurred, then departed to sea for c. 16 days in D. chrysostoma, c. 10 days in D. melanophris , returning c. two days before laying. Yolk deposition, however, lasted 21 and 20 days, and started 32 and 29 days before laying, in D. chrysostoma and D. melanophris respectively. Therefore, it is probably initiated by environmental factors not by copulation. Egg, albumen and yolk mass are significantly greater in D. chrysostoma but the proportionate composition of the species' eggs is nearly identical. Reduced differences in chick mass at hatching may reflect the longer incubation period in D. chrysostoma or relate to subsequent differences in chick growth rate.  相似文献   

Black-browed albatrosses Thalassarche melanophris are currently classified as globally endangered. The most important populations of this species are believed to be declining due to, amongst other factors, unsustainable levels of incidental mortality in fishing gear. However, detailed demographic data are lacking for several critical populations, including the largest of all, nesting in the Falkland Islands. Here, we present data from the first Falkland Islands detailed demographic study (at New Island) and show that, from 2003 to 2009, the mean adult survival probability was 0.942 (95% CI: 0.930–0.952). Nesting frequency of adults is amongst the highest recorded for Thalassarche albatrosses and breeding success (0.564 chicks per egg) is within normal values. The nesting population in the intensively studied plots experienced an increase of 4% per year from 2004 to 2009. These results indicate that the Falklands population may not be as threatened as previously supposed, although studies from more sites and a longer time series are needed to confirm or refute this. The high survival rates may partly reflect recent efforts to mitigate bycatch made by the Falkland Islands and other fisheries in the region. The reinforcement of such initiatives may be critical to buffer the black-browed albatross population against ecosystem shifts and natural disasters (such as harmful algal blooms) that will likely become more frequent with ongoing global changes.  相似文献   

Gonadal size and the circulating concentrations of two pituitary hormones (luteinizing hormone and prolactin) and three gonadal steroids (testosterone, progesterone and oestradiol-17β) were measured in two closely related Diomedea albatrosses at South Georgia. The Grey-headed albatross D. chrysostoma , if successful in rearing a chick, usually breeds biennially, whilst the Black-browed albatross D. melanophris normally breeds annually. Direct examination (by laparoscopy) of the gonads showed that the testes of both species underwent annual cycles, whilst endocrine data confirmed that those male Grey-headed albatrosses at the colony in the pre-laying period but not breeding in that year (having bred successfully the previous year) were apparently in full reproductive condition with elevated testosterone levels typical of breeding birds. However, the females of the two species differed markedly. Grey-headed albatrosses, in a year following successful breeding, had undeveloped ovaries with low levels of circulating oestradiol but high levels of progesterone, whereas the Black-browed albatrosses showed a pattern consistent with annual ovarian development. The profiles of gonadal steroids through the breeding season were similar for the males of both species but differences existed between the females. In the female Grey-headed albatrosses, transient peaks of progesterone were present throughout chick rearing but these were absent from Black-browed albatrosses. Prolactin had a similar profile in both species, with uniformly high levels throughout incubation and a rapid fall near the end of the brood-guard period. It is suggested that Grey-headed, like Black-browed, albatrosses are intrinsically annual breeders. However, if a female Grey-headed albatross breeds successfully in one year, then nutritional factors operate to ensure that in the following year the female does not show ovarian development, although the ovary is active in terms of progesterone secretion.  相似文献   

Seabird colonies provide rare opportunities to study trophic segregation in an entire bird community. We here present data on nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios of eight species of seabirds from New Island, Falkland Islands, and compare trophic levels (TL) and foraging distributions. We included adult feathers representing the interbreeding season, as well as chick feathers or down representing the breeding season. The stable isotope ratios indicated differences in feeding areas and TLs between species, consistent with the data of previous conventional diet analyses and observations at sea. We further reviewed conventional and stable isotope seabird community studies calculating the means and ranges of TLs observed across these studies. The mean TL (3.7) of the seabird community on New Island was at the lower end of the mean value range (3.5–4.5), but not significantly different, from the reviewed seabird communities. Seabirds on New Island had a range of 1.3 TLs, which is on the upper end of ranges within a community (0.4–1.5), indicating strong trophic structuring.  相似文献   

The manefish Caristius groenlandicus , the spiny eel Notacanthus sexspinis , the cutthroat eel Diastobranchus capensis and the Giant Grenadier Albatrossia pectoralis are new records for the waters of the Falkland Islands, and the latter is a new record in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the onychoteuthid squid Moroteuthis ingens were assessed for the Patagonian Shelf in the Falkland Islands region. Catch records from the commercial fishery and a research cruise were recorded from 1988 to 1996. Sampling included benthic, pelagic and semi-pelagic trawls and jigging. Moroteuthis ingens was recorded from 1,414 stations out of a total of 9,060 stations with 79.9% of all positive stations being from benthic trawls. Catch size ranged up to approximately 3,000 kg. The length frequency analysis and maturity indices suggested a major recruitment onto the shelf in September with a movement off the shelf during winter. There appears to be a lack of mature females on the Patagonian Shelf, indicating that females migrate into deeper offshore water to spawn. Observations of predation on Moroteuthis ingens on the Patagonian Shelf, along with a literature review, revealed that at least 4 mammal, 17 bird and 13 fish species prey on this squid. Received: 30 October 1997 / Accepted: 11 April 1998  相似文献   

Knowledge of diet is critical in interpreting the ecological roles of marine top predators and provides information towards their conservation and management. The Falkland Islands hold the largest number of breeding gentoo penguins. Yet knowledge of gentoo penguin diet at the Falklands is limited to either broad taxonomic divisions of prey items or dietary samples collected only on a single day. This study is the first to investigate gentoo penguin diet at Cow Bay, Falklands, to the species level, over repeated sampling intervals during the breeding period. Through stomach content analysis, we determined diet over a large temporal scale (2002/2003/2004–2011/2012/2013) and between the guard and crèche periods of chick rearing. The principle prey item by reconstituted mass was rock cod fish Patagonotothen spp., for all periods (47–78 %) except that of the 2012/2013 crèche period (19 %) when Falkland herring Sprattus fugensis made up the bulk of the diet (52 %). Of the cephalopods recovered, Patagonian squid Doryteuthis gahi was prominent (1–24 %), while crustaceans contributed negligibly to gentoo penguin diet. Our findings revealed that gentoo penguins breeding at the Falkland Islands were primarily demersal foragers with an ability for pelagic feeding. Diet choice appears to reflect prey availability.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the diet of two abundant notothenioid fishes, rock cod Patagonotothen ramsayi (Nototheniidae) and frogmouth Cottoperca gobio (Bovichthidae) were studied on the Falkland Island shelf. The rock cod is a near-bottom browser, feeding mostly on gelatinous and crustacean plankton. The diet of juveniles [10–16 cm total length (TL)] includes mostly copepods in summer and comb jellies Mnemiopsis leydyi in winter. Adult rock cod (17–34 cm TL) in summer consumed mainly plankton, with comb jellies and salps being of primary importance. In winter they mainly took benthos, primarily ophiuroids and lobster krill ( Munida spp.), and the comb jelly. During the fishing season, rock cod also scavenge on fishing discards. The frogmouth is a benthic ambush predator; both small (11–30 cm) and large (31–80 cm) representatives feed on the rock cod throughout the year. During the seasonal offshore migration of the squid Loligo gahi (June–August), this prey predominated in the large frogmouth diet, with crab, Peltarion spinosulum , of secondary importance. The region is seasonally exploited by the squid trawl fishery. As the fishing season commences (August–September), discarded rock cod also becomes an important food item for the frogmouth. Seasonal offshore migrations of L. gahi into the common depth range of both notothenioids have a significant direct (change in the C. gobio diet) and indirect (scavenging on fishing discards and targeting bottom scavengers by P. ramsayi and C. gobio during the squid fishing) impact on their diets over the Falkland shelf. The niche breadth of rock cod varied from 2.63 to 3.21 and that of frogmouth varied from 2 to 6.29, depending on fish size and season.  相似文献   

The biological, serological, and genomic characterization of a paramyxovirus recently isolated from rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) suggested that this virus represented a new avian paramyxovirus (APMV) group, APMV10. This penguin virus resembled other APMVs by electron microscopy; however, its viral hemagglutination (HA) activity was not inhibited by antisera against any of the nine defined APMV serotypes. In addition, antiserum generated against this penguin virus did not inhibit the HA of representative viruses of the other APMV serotypes. Sequence data produced using random priming methods revealed a genomic structure typical of APMV. Phylogenetic evaluation of coding regions revealed that amino acid sequences of all six proteins were most closely related to APMV2 and APMV8. The calculation of evolutionary distances among proteins and distances at the nucleotide level confirmed that APMV2, APMV8, and the penguin virus all were sufficiently divergent from each other to be considered different serotypes. We propose that this isolate, named APMV10/penguin/Falkland Islands/324/2007, be the prototype virus for APMV10. Because of the known problems associated with serology, such as antiserum cross-reactivity and one-way immunogenicity, in addition to the reliance on the immune response to a single protein, the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase, as the sole base for viral classification, we suggest the need for new classification guidelines that incorporate genome sequence comparisons.Viruses from the Paramyxoviridae family have caused disease in humans and animals for centuries. Over the last 40 years, many paramyxoviruses isolated from animals and people have been newly described (16, 17, 22, 29, 31, 32, 36, 42, 44, 46, 49, 58, 59, 62-64). Viruses from this family are pleomorphic, enveloped, single-stranded, nonsegmented, negative-sense RNA viruses that demonstrate serological cross-reactivity with other paramyxoviruses related to them (30, 46). The subfamily Paramyxovirinae is divided into five genera: Respirovirus, Morbillivirus, Rubulavirus, Henipavirus, and Avulavirus (30). The Avulavirus genus contains nine distinct avian paramyxovirus (APMV) serotypes (Table (Table1),1), and information on the discovery of each has been reported elsewhere (4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 34, 41, 50, 51, 60, 68).


Characteristics of prototype viruses APMV1 to APMV9 and the penguin virus
StrainHostDiseaseDistributionFusion cleavagecGI accession no.
APMV1/Newcastle disease virus>250 speciesHigh mortalityWorldwideGRRQKRF45511218
APMV2/Chicken/CA/Yucaipa/1956Turkey, chickens, psittacines, rails, passerinesDecrease in egg production and respiratory diseaseWorldwideDKPASRF169144527
APMV3/Turkey/WI/1968TurkeyMild respiratory disease and moderate egg decreaseWorldwidePRPSGRLa209484147
APMV3/Parakeet/Netherlands/449/1975Psittacines, passerines, flamingosNeurological, enteric, and respiratory diseaseWorldwideARPRGRLa171472314
APMV4/Duck/Hong Kong/D3/1975Duck, geese, chickensNone knownWorldwideVDIQPRF210076708
APMV5/Budgerigar/Japan/Kunitachi/1974Budgerigars, lorikeetsHigh mortality, enteric diseaseJapan, United Kingdom, AustraliaGKRKKRFa290563909
APMV6/Duck/Hong Kong/199/1977Ducks, geese, turkeysMild respiratory disease and increased mortality in turkeysWorldwidePAPEPRLb15081567
APMV7/Dove/TN/4/1975Pigeons, doves, turkeysMild respiratory disease in turkeysUnited States, England, JapanTLPSSRF224979458
APMV8/Goose/DE/1053/1976Ducks, geeseNone knownUnited States, JapanTYPQTRLa226343050
APMV9/Duck/NY/22/1978DucksNone knownWorldwideRIREGRIa217068693
APMV10/Penguin/Falkland Islands/324/2007Rockhopper penguinsNone KnownFalkland IslandsDKPSQRIa300432141
Open in a separate windowaRequires the addition of an exogenous protease.bProtease requirement depends on the isolate examined.cPutative.Six of these serotypes were classified in the latter half of the 1970s, when the most reliable assay available to classify paramyxoviruses was the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay (61). However, there are multiple problems associated with the use of serology, including the inability to classify some APMVs by comparing them to the sera of the nine defined APMVs alone (2, 8). In addition, one-way antigenicity and cross-reactivity between different serotypes have been documented for many years (4, 5, 14, 25, 29, 33, 34, 41, 51, 52, 60). The ability of APMVs, like other viruses, to show antigenic drift as it evolves over time (37, 43, 54) and the wide use and availability of precise molecular methods, such as PCR and genome sequencing, demonstrate the need for a more practical classification system.The genetic diversity of APMVs is still largely unexplored, as hundreds of avian species have never been surveyed for the presence of viruses that do not cause significant signs of disease or are not economically important. The emergence of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus as the cause of the largest outbreak of a virulent virus in poultry in the past 100 years has spurred the development of surveillance programs to better understand the ecology of avian influenza (AI) viruses in aquatic birds around the globe, and in some instances it has provided opportunities for observing other viruses in wild bird populations (15, 53). In 2007, as part of a seabird health surveillance program in the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), oral and cloacal swabs and serum were collected from rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) and environmental/fecal swab pools were collected from other seabirds.While AI virus has not yet been isolated from penguins in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic areas, there have been two reports of serum antibodies positive to H7 and H10 from the Adélie species (11, 40). Rare isolations of APMV1, both virulent (45) and of low virulence (8), have been reported from Antarctic penguins. Sera positive for APMV1 and AMPV2 have also been reported (21, 24, 38, 40, 53). Since 1981, paramyxoviruses have been isolated from king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), royal penguins (Eudyptes schlegeli), and Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) from Antarctica and little blue penguins (Eudyptula minor) from Australia that cannot be identified as belonging to APMV1 to -9 and have not yet been classified (8, 11, 38-40). The morphology, biological and genomic characteristics, and antigenic relatedness of an APMV recently isolated from multiple penguin colonies on the Falkland Islands are reported here. Evidence that the virus belongs to a new serotype (APMV10) and a demonstration of the advantages of a whole genome system of analysis based on random sequencing followed by comparison of genetic distances are presented. Only after all APMVs are reported and classified will epidemiological information be known as to how the viruses are moving and spreading as the birds travel and interact with other avian species.  相似文献   

Aim To address the biogeographical enigma of why guanacos (Lama guanicoe) are in the Falkland Islands we investigated the following questions: (1) What was the origin of the introduced guanacos? (2) What were the initial population sizes? (3) Why are they found only on one island? and (4) Who was John Hamilton and what role did he play? Location The Falkland Islands are located in the South Atlantic Ocean 600 km east of Patagonia at the southern end of South America. While dominated by East and West Falkland Islands, the archipelago is composed of some 750 islands. Sedge and Staats Islands, two small outlying islands of West Falkland, are the focus of this paper. Methods Historical information was collected from known relevant documents housed at the Falkland Islands Government Archives in Stanley, and personal interviews conducted with past and present residents of West Falklands. Research expeditions were made to Staats Island in 1999, 2002 and 2003 to assess the guanaco population size, distribution and social structure. Results Guanacos were unsuccessfully introduced in 1862 to East Falkland south of Mt Pleasant where Prince Alfred hunted them in 1871. John Hamilton, Scottish immigrant to the Falklands and Patagonia of southern Argentina and Chile, was the driving force in the introduction of guanacos from the region of Rio Gallegos, Argentina during the 1930s. The guanaco was one of several wildlife species he introduced, however, only the guanaco, Patagonia grey fox (Dusicyon griseus) and perhaps the sea otter (Lutra felina) survive. Hamilton's acting agent, Jimmy Miller, imported four shipments totalling 26 guanacos from 1934 to 1939. In 1934 the Falkland Government authorized Miller to introduce guanacos to Sedge Island, all 11 of which disappeared. Whether intentional or accidental, 15 guanacos were taken to Staats Island, an islet of 500 ha on the western edge of the archipelago. Historically, guanacos are unexpected on Staats Island because documentation authorizing their introduction is unknown. Guanaco numbers have fluctuated widely on Staats Island for 65 years primarily due to culling. In 1959 the population was dangerously close to extirpation, but today 400 thrive there. A severely reduced gene pool and genetic bottlenecking were suggested by recent field studies, revealing preliminary evidence of deleterious consequences of inbreeding. Main conclusions John Hamilton, spirited and visionary Scottish immigrant to the Falklands in the early 1880s, was responsible for the introduction of guanacos into the Falkland Islands. While there are some gaps in the historical events, the enigma of how and why guanacos were introduced to a single island in the South Atlantic Ocean is understood. Today, Staats Island, as a closed system, is a rare natural experiment in progress. It offers unique opportunities for addressing advanced questions in ungulate population, behavioural and genetic ecology. The population potentially also represents breeding stock for farming the guanaco's highly valuable wool on other islands. Thus, among his many efforts to practice land stewardship and promote economic diversity through the introduction of Patagonian wildlife, a remaining legacy of John Hamilton to the Falkland Islands is unmistakably the guanacos of Staats Island.  相似文献   

The diet change with size, season and area was investigated using the stomachs of 496 kingclip Genypterus blacodes collected around the Falkland Islands (south‐west Atlantic) between August 2001 and September 2002. The key prey species were rockcod Patagonotothen spp., benthic isopods and Patagonian grenadier Macruronus magellanicus . Kingclip <50 cm total length ( L T) fed mainly on crustaceans and small fishes. With size the diet shifted away from crustaceans towards Patagonotothen spp. in kingclip 50–100 cm L T, and finally towards larger fishes such as M. magellanicus and Micromesistius australis australis in kingclip >100 cm L T. The niche breadth was highest in fish >100 cm L T and the lowest in fish <50 cm L T. The larger kingclip generally selected larger individuals of the same prey species, with the exception of the Patagonian squid Loligo gahi , where all ingested squid were of similar size, regardless of the predator length. The importance of the main prey species varied substantially between five consequent seasons studied, and appeared to follow the seasonal abundance and availability of prey. The spatial variability in the diet was found in kingclip caught in regions occupied by transformed temperate and sub‐Antarctic waters. The rockcod, which is available throughout the year around the Falkland Islands, was the most important prey in the kingclip diet. Kingclip takes advantage of other seasonally abundant prey species during their seasonal migrations ( e.g . L. gahi ) and also scavenge on discards from fishing vessels when available.  相似文献   

Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems have poorly developed soils and currently experience one of the greatest rates of climate warming on the globe. We investigated the responsiveness of organic matter decomposition in Maritime Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems to climate change, using two study sites in the Antarctic Peninsula region (Anchorage Island, 67°S; Signy Island, 61°S), and contrasted the responses found with those at the cool temperate Falkland Islands (52°S). Our approach consisted of two complementary methods: (1) Laboratory measurements of decomposition at different temperatures (2, 6 and 10 °C) of plant material and soil organic matter from all three locations. (2) Field measurements at all three locations on the decomposition of soil organic matter, plant material and cellulose, both under natural conditions and under experimental warming (about 0.8 °C) achieved using open top chambers. Higher temperatures led to higher organic matter breakdown in the laboratory studies, indicating that decomposition in Maritime Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems is likely to increase with increasing soil temperatures. However, both laboratory and field studies showed that decomposition was more strongly influenced by local substratum characteristics (especially soil N availability) and plant functional type composition than by large-scale temperature differences. The very small responsiveness of organic matter decomposition in the field (experimental temperature increase < 1 °C) compared with the laboratory (experimental increases of 4 or 8 °C) shows that substantial warming is required before significant effects can be detected.  相似文献   

Michael B.  Usher 《Journal of Zoology》1983,200(4):549-560
Two new taxa, Falklandoglenes spinosa gen. nov. and sp. nov. and Beauchenia striata gen. nov. and sp. nov. , are described from Beauchêne Island, the most remote island in the Falkland Islands archipelago. Both species are in subfamily Mynogleninae, previously thought to be confined to Central Africa and to New Zealand and its neighbouring subantarctic islands. Both species show intermediate characters between the Mynogleninae and the remainder of the Linyphiidae, and hence they throw some light on the phylogeny of this large, complex, world–wide family of spiders.  相似文献   

Ronald W.  Summers 《Ibis》1983,125(4):524-544
Upland Geese Chloëphaga picta were studied between 1977 and 1980, primarily around Darwin, East Falkland, in order to describe their breeding biology, moulting and adult survival. The population of breeding birds in a valley reached a peak from mid-September to late November when nesting took place. The average territory length was 240 m in five valleys. Breeding adults generally returned to breed in the same territory each year and with the same mate. Nests were on the ground, usually amongst whitegrass Cortaderiapilosa. The mean clutch size was 6-1, brood size was 5-1 and fledged family 3–9. Incubation took 30 days and the fledgling period was about 70 days. Most broods were raised in the nesting territory. Growth of goslings is described. The breeding success between laying and fledging was 0–34 (in 1977) and 0–29(in 1978), giving an annual production of 21 and 1–8 young per breeding pair. Fledglings remained in family parties through the autumn and winter and were evicted by their parents in early spring. Some siblings stayed together for short periods and then joined other non-breeders. Females started pairing at ten months of age and most were paired at 17–18 months. Some bred for the first time at 23 months. Males started pairing at about 20 months of age. Flightless moult (shedding) took place at ponds or in sheltered inlets of the sea, in flocks of up to several hundred birds. Flightless birds were found between 14 November and 11 February, though 50% were flightless between 26 November and 2 January. Individuals were flightless for 36 days. First-year birds were more synchronized in shedding than adults. The percentage of first-year males (in the male component) varied from 16-5 to 45-9% in shedding flocks, and significantly more males were present in some flocks. The flocks were composed of first-year and second-year birds too young to breed and failed breeders. The percentage of a shedding population which returned to the same site in successive years was 25-3 and 15-1% at two localities. The moult of other feather tracts is described. The annual survival rate of breeding adults was 82%. A model of the population dynamics is presented. The current level of culling to control the goose population is less than the number which must die each year to maintain a stable population.  相似文献   

The Falklands’ rockcod Patagonotothen ramsayi was aged successfully using whole and sectioned otoliths. Marginal increment analysis showed that one opaque and one translucent zone were laid down each year. Counting daily rings in juvenile fish and back calculating to their assumed hatch dates validated the first annulus. Readings taken from scales and otoliths showed good agreement with no significant difference between them (P>0.05). Inter- and intra-reader comparisons also showed good agreement. The maximum estimated age was found to be 14 years and the calculated von Bertalanffy growth curve L T =33.77(1−e −0.25year(t+1.07)) showed that P. ramsayi is a relatively slow growing fish that attains 5–6 cm L T in its first year and after which grows approximately 3 cm per year until 4 years. Males seemed to have a slightly lower growth rate but attained a greater maximum size than females. The formation of annuli in the otoliths of P. ramsayi seems to coincide with periods of high reproductive activity with both peaks in GSI and the prevalence of translucent margins occurring in July.  相似文献   

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