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The purpose of these studies was to determine the reflex responses of the cardiovascular system and central inspiratory activity caused by pulmonary vascular congestion. We used a canine preparation in which the left lung was isolated in situ and could be exposed to a variety of stimuli, including distension of the pulmonary capillaries with blood, without direct mechanical or chemical alterations on the circulation. We found that lung expansion to 30 cmH2O and stimulation of nerve endings of the left lung with capsaicin caused pronounced transient reflex bradycardia (-30 to -50 beats/min) and hypotension (-25 to -40 mmHg) and caused reflex cessation of inspiratory activity. Pressurizing the left pulmonary vessels by injecting blood in volumes sufficient to raise pulmonary transcapillary pressures to 30 mmHg caused no changes in heart rate, systemic arterial pressure, or inspiratory muscle activity. These results lead us to conclude that pulmonary vascular congestion does not stimulate pulmonary C-fibers or any other nerve endings to such a degree as to cause detectable changes in blood pressure, heart rate, or central inspiratory activity. Morphometric analysis revealed distended capillaries engorged with blood, but the alveolar wall surface area was not increased which raises the possibility that expansion of the alveolar membrane may be needed to mechanically initiate the C-fiber reflex.  相似文献   

We have recorded the action potentials of muscle fibres of External Oblique in anaesthetized rabbits in supine and horizontal position. During head-up tilting the inspiratory activity is inhibited and the abdominal activity is excited. Both these two responses are reflexly mediated through vagal afferent fibres. The positive pressure was chosen as to determine a shift in end-expiratory volume similar to that induced by the head-up tilting. Also at positive pressure breathing (PPB) the abdominal activity increases but less than during head-up tilting. This result seems to indicate the importante of the proprioceptive afferents of the external oblique during the vertical posture. The blockade of vagal nervous conduction markedly reduces the abdominal activity both during tilting and P.P.B. and similar results are obtained either by "total" or "partial" vagal blockade. Therefore it seems possible to conclude that both these two reflexes (introduced by head-up tilting and PPB) be due to the activation of the same receptors (pulmonary stretch receptors).  相似文献   

Most research that demonstrates enhancement and stabilization of ecosystem functioning due to biodiversity is based on biodiversity manipulations within one trophic level and measuring changes in ecosystem functions provided by that same trophic level. However, it is less understood whether and how modifications of biodiversity at one trophic level propagate vertically to affect those functions supplied by connected trophic levels or by the whole ecosystem. Moreover, most experimental designs in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research assume random species loss, which may be of little relevance to non‐randomly assembled communities. Here, we used data from a published ecotoxicological experiment in which an insecticide gradient was applied as an environmental filter to shape consumer biodiversity. We tested how non‐random consumer diversity loss affected gross primary production (an ecosystem function provided by producers) and respiration (an ecosystem function provided by the ecosystem as whole) in species‐rich multitrophic freshwater communities (total of 128 macroinvertebrate and 59 zooplankton species across treatments). The insecticide decreased and destabilized macroinvertebrate and, to a lesser extent, zooplankton diversity. However, these effects on biodiversity neither affected nor destabilized any of the two studied ecosystem functions. The main reason for this result was that species susceptible to environmental filtering were different from those most strongly contributing to ecosystem functioning. The insecticide negatively affected the most abundant species, whereas much less abundant species had the strongest effects on ecosystem functioning. The latter finding may be explained by differences in body size and feeding guild membership. Our results indicate that biodiversity modifications within one trophic level induced by non‐random species loss do not necessarily translate into changes in ecosystem functioning supported by other trophic levels or by the whole community in the case of limited overlap between sensitivity and functionality.  相似文献   

Pregnant sheep were chronically instrumented with fetal and maternal catheters and an inflatable occluder and electromagnetic flow transducer were placed on the uterine artery. Uterine blood flow was reduced for approximately 15 minutes to 25 percent, 50 percent, or 75 percent of control uterine blood flow. Fetal blood gases, arterial blood pressure, heart rate and regional distribution of blood flow (by radioactive microspheres) were measured. With progressive reduction of uterine blood flow there was an increasing degree of fetal asphyxia, as measured by blood gases and acid base state. At moderate degrees of asphyxia the fetus responded by redistribution of blood flow to certain organs, namely heart, brain, and adrenal gland, thus preserving oxygenation of these organs. During the most severe degree of asphyxia induced by reduction of uterine blood flow to 25 percent of control there is a reduction of fetal blood flow due to generalized vasoconstriction of essentially all organs. We hypothesize that this is due to the inability of the vasodilator mechanisms to sufficiently oppose the vasoconstrictor mechanisms. Also, because the oxygen consumption of the "vital" organs would be decreased this can be described as the stage of decompensation.  相似文献   

Halliwill, John R., Lori A. Lawler, Tamara J. Eickhoff,Michael J. Joyner, and Sharon L. Mulvagh. Reflex responses toregional venous pooling during lower body negative pressure in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 454-458, 1998.Lower body negative pressure is frequently used to simulateorthostasis. Prior data suggest that venous pooling in abdominal orpelvic regions may have major hemodynamic consequences. Therefore, we developed a simple paradigm for assessing regional contributions tovenous pooling during lower body negative pressure. Sixteen healthy menand women underwent graded lower body negative pressure protocols to 60 mmHg while wearing medical antishock trousers to prevent venous poolingunder three randomized conditions:1) no trouser inflation (control),2) only the trouser legs inflated, and 3) the trouser legs andabdominopelvic region inflated. Without trouser inflation, heart rateincreased 28 ± 4 beats/min, mean arterial pressure fell 3 ± 2 mmHg, and forearm vascular resistance increased 51 ± 9 units at 60 mmHg lower body negative pressure. With inflation of eitherthe trouser legs or the trouser legs and abdominopelvic region, heartrate and mean arterial pressure did not change during lower bodynegative pressure. By contrast, although the forearm vasoconstrictorresponse to lower body negative pressure was attenuated by inflation ofthe trouser legs (forearm vascular resistance 33 ± 10 units,P < 0.05 vs. control), attenuation was greater with the inflation of the trouser legs and abdominopelvic region (forearm vascular resistance 16 ± 5 units,P < 0.05 vs. control and trouserlegs-only inflation). Thus the hemodynamic consequences of pooling inthe abdominal and pelvic regions during lower body negative pressureappear to be less than in the legs in healthy individuals.


Intravenous capsaicin elicits the "pulmonary chemoreflex" (apnea, bradycardia, and hypotension) presumably through the stimulation of "pulmonary C-fibers." The present study was designed to ascertain whether tracheobronchial C-fibers play a role in the above reflex response. We compared the effects of capsaicin injected intravenously, administered as an aerosol, and administered topically into the intrathoracic trachea in anesthetized dogs (n = 17) and rats (n = 17). We measured esophageal, subglottic, and arterial pressures together with abdominal muscle electromyogram. Changes in expiratory duration [(TE), measured as the ratio TEtest to TEcontrol, mean +/- SD] due to capsaicin were similar with all three routes of administration in both dogs (intravenous, 7.9 +/- 4.6; aerosol, 5.5 +/- 3.1; topically into intrathoracic trachea, 7.1 +/- 4.8) and rats (intravenous, 22.6 +/- 10.3; aerosol, 11.1 +/- 8.2; topically into intrathoracic trachea, 21.6 +/- 4.6). An increase in laryngeal resistance was a constant finding in the rat, but it was less frequent in the dog. Cardiovascular responses consisting of bradycardia and hypotension occurred with all three routes of administration but had longer delays than the respiratory responses. Capsaicin instillation into the extrathoracic trachea in dogs (n = 7) also induced qualitatively similar cardiorespiratory responses. We conclude that 1) capsaicin-sensitive receptors are accessible from both the pulmonary circulation and the airway lumen and 2) afferents, even in the extrapulmonary portion of the tracheobronchial tree, can play a role in the reflex responses to intraluminal capsaicin.  相似文献   

Static exercise increases arterial pressure, heart rate, and ventilation, effects which are believed in part to arise reflexly from a metabolic stimulus in the working muscle. In anesthetized cats, we tested the hypothesis that intra-arterial injections of lactic and hydrochloric acid, which created levels of these substances in muscle similar to those seen during contraction, reflexly increased cardiovascular and ventilatory function. Hydrochloric acid (32 and 57 mM; 1 ml) injected into the arterial supply of the triceps surae decreased intramuscular pH from 7.26 +/- 0.05 to 7.17 +/- 0.05 (P less than 0.01) and reflexly increased arterial pressure (23 +/- 7 mmHg; P less than 0.01), heart rate (11 +/- 2 beats/min; P less than 0.001), and ventilation (187 +/- 72 ml/min; P less than 0.05). Static contraction of the triceps surae decreased intramuscular pH from 7.28 +/- 0.06 to 7.13 +/- 0.06 (P less than 0.01). Lactic acid was more potent in causing reflexes than was equimolar HCl. For example, lactic acid containing 4 mM lactate and 0.87 mM H+ reflexly increased arterial pressure, heart rate, and ventilation, whereas 0.87 mM HCl did not. Intra-arterial sodium lactate (13 and 33 mM) at a neutral pH had no effect on these variables. We conclude that contraction-induced accumulation of H+, especially that arising from lactic acid, might provide a metabolic stimulus to evoke reflex autonomic effects.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular responses induced by exercise are initiated by two primary mechanisms: central command and reflexes originating in exercising muscles. Although our understanding of cardiovascular responses to exercise in mice is progressing, a murine model of cardiovascular responses to muscle contraction has not been developed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to characterize the cardiovascular responses to muscular contraction in anesthetized mice. The results of this study indicate that mice demonstrate significant increases in blood pressure (13.8 +/- 1.9 mmHg) and heart rate (33.5 +/- 11.9 beats/min) to muscle contraction in a contraction-intensity-dependent manner. Mice also demonstrate 23.1 +/- 3.5, 20.9 +/- 4.0, 21.7 +/- 2.6, and 25.8 +/- 3.0 mmHg increases in blood pressure to direct stimulation of tibial, peroneal, sural, and sciatic hindlimb somatic nerves, respectively. Systemic hypoxia (10% O(2)-90% N(2)) elicits increases in blood pressure (11.7 +/- 2.6 mmHg) and heart rate (42.7 +/- 13.9 beats/min), while increasing arterial pressure with phenylephrine decreases heart rate in a dose-dependent manner. The results from this study demonstrate the feasibility of using mice to study neural regulation of cardiovascular function during a variety of autonomic stimuli, including exercise-related drives such as muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Eelgrass depth limits and water clarity in the Skive Fjord estuarine system have not improved despite nutrient input reductions of 30%. Long-term monitoring data (1989–2010) were used to investigate the underlying causes. Dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen concentrations decreased significantly over time, whereas particulate organic nitrogen concentration, assumed to consist primarily of phytoplankton and phytoplankton detritus and calculated as a proportional factor to chlorophyll a, did not change. Total organic carbon, mostly of autochthonous origin, remained constant despite reduced nitrogen concentrations, resulting in an increasing C:N ratio of the organic material in the water column. Phytoplankton primary production also remained constant suggesting that phytoplankton growth was only limited by nitrogen to a minor degree. Alleviated grazing pressure caused by a reduction in the blue mussel standing stock and a pelagic food web dominated by jellyfish may have contributed to the constantly high phytoplankton levels. Particulate inorganic matter, likely reflecting sediment resuspension, increased over time, most probably in response to removal of blue mussels and declining eelgrass cover. The Skive Fjord estuarine system is affected by multiple pressures—nutrient enrichment, mussel dredging and climate change that must be addressed together for water clarity to improve and eelgrass to recover.  相似文献   

We studied the changes in breathing pattern due to pressure and airflow stimuli applied to isolated upper airway in nine 1- to 14-day-old and six 29- to 35-day-old anesthetized puppies breathing through a tracheostomy. Negative-pressure and flow, both inspiratory and expiratory, altered the breathing pattern only in the 1- to 14-day-old puppies, whereas positive pressure was ineffective in both age groups. Negative pressure caused apnea in 12% of the trials, expiratory flow in 18%, and inspiratory flow in 21%. When apnea did not occur there was a significant prolongation of inspiratory and expiratory time and a decrease of tidal volume of the first breath following the application of negative pressures. Section of the superior laryngeal nerves abolished the responses to pressure and flow. In nine 1- to 14-day-old and four 29- to 35-day-old puppies we recorded the activity of single units of the superior laryngeal nerves. We identified specialized receptors responding to pressure (68.5%), flow (2.7%), and contraction of upper airway muscles (drive, 28.8%). All types of receptors had a prevalent inspiratory-related activity. In the younger age group the discharge rate of pressure receptors at comparable negative pressures was lower than in older puppies. The strong inhibitory influences originating from the upper airway in the early stages of development presumably reflect different integrative properties of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

In dogs tracheal secretion is enhanced reflexly and by locally acting mediators such as substance P (SP). To evaluate the role of these mechanisms on submucosal gland secretion in the larynx (L) and pharynx (Ph), we compared the effects of mechanical stimulation of intrapulmonary irritant receptors and stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors by capsaicin (20 micrograms/kg iv) with the response produced by intravenous SP. In six alpha-chloralose-anesthetized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated dogs, submucosal gland secretion was monitored by analyzing the areas covered by hillocks of liquid and calculating the volume of secreted liquid (microliter) in the L and Ph. Mechanical stimulation of the carina increased both the number of hillocks and the volume of secreted liquid in the L. Excitation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors also increased the number of hillocks, and total volume of secreted liquid was elevated from 1.9 +/- 0.5 to 8.3 +/- 1.4 microliters (P less than 0.01). These responses were significantly reduced by prior cervical vagotomy and intravenous administration of atropine. Neither stimulation of irritant receptors nor stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors caused discernible effects on Ph submucosal gland secretion. However, intravenous SP increased the number of Ph hillocks and elevated the volume of secreted Ph liquid from 1.0 +/- 0.6 to 10.2 +/- 1 microliters (P less than 0.01); similar responses to intravenous SP were observed in the L. Prior intravenous administration of atropine methylnitrate or bilateral vagotomy did not alter Ph or L secretory responses to intravenous SP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reducing the abundances of invasive species by removals aims to minimize their ecological impacts and enable ecosystem recovery. Removal methods are usually selective, modifying phenotypic traits in the managed populations. However, there is little empirical evidence of how removal‐driven changes in multiple phenotypic traits of surviving individuals of invasive species can affect ecosystem functioning and recovery. Overcoming this knowledge gap is highly relevant because individuals are the elemental units of ecological processes and so integrating individual‐level responses into the management of biological invasions could improve their efficiency. Here we provide novel demonstration that removals by trapping, angling and biocontrol from lakes of the globally invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii induced substantial changes in multiple phenotypic traits. A mesocosm experiment then revealed that these changes in phenotypic traits constrain recovery of basic ecosystem functions (decomposition of organic matter, benthic primary production) by acting in the opposite direction than the effects of reduced invader abundance. However, only minor ecological impacts of invader abundance and phenotypic traits variation remained a year after its complete eradication. Our study provides quantitative evidence to an original idea that removal‐driven trait changes can dampen recovery of invaded ecosystems even when the abundance of invasive species is substantially reduced. We suggest that the phenotypic responses of invaders to the removal programme have strong effects on ecosystem recovery and should be considered within the management of biological invasions, particularly when complete eradication is not achievable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of prostaglandins in the redistribution of renal cortical blood flow that occurs following reductions in renal perfusion pressure. The distribution of blood flow to the renal cortex was examined using radio-labeled microspheres (15 +/- 1 micron). It was found that in animals not treated with a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor a decrease in renal perfusion pressure to the limit of renal blood flow autoregulation was associated with a decrease in fractional flow to the outer cortex (Zone I) and an increase in fractional flow to the inner cortex (Zones III and IV). A further decrease in renal perfusion pressure below the limit of autoregulation produced a further decrease in the fractional flow to Zone I and a further increase in fractional flow to Zones III and IV. In contrast, in animals treated with the prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor meclofenamate (5 mg/kg, i.v. bolus) a reduction in renal perfusion pressure to the limit of renal blood flow autoregulation produced no change in fractional blood flow to any of the 4 cortical zones. A further decrease in renal perfusion pressure, however, did produce a fall in fractional blood flow to Zone I and an increase in fractional flow to Zones III and IV. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that within, but not below, the limit of renal blood flow autoregulation prostaglandin synthesis is an important factor in the regulation of renal cortical blood flow distribution.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the interaction between carotid sinus baroreceptors and cardiopulmonary receptors in the reflex control of renal nerve activity (RNA) during positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in anesthetized dogs. PEEP at two different levels (10 and 20 cmH2O) was applied to the following groups: animals with neuraxis intact (I group, n = 12); vagal and aortic nerve denervated animals with carotid sinus nerves intact (V group, n = 6); carotid sinus denervated animals with vagal and aortic nerves intact (SD group, n = 6); and carotid sinus denervated animals also having severed vagal and aortic nerves (SAV group, n = 12). Mean blood pressure (MBP), central venous pressure, and mean airway pressure were also simultaneously measured. In the I group, no significant alterations in RNA occurred during PEEP at both levels, even when MBP fell significantly. Although the drop in MBP in the SD group was similar to that in the I group, RNA decreased significantly 10 s after intervention at both PEEP levels, followed by a recovery of RNA toward the control level. In contrast, a significant increase in RNA, which continued until the end of PEEP, appeared in the V group immediately after each intervention. In the SAV group, RNA responses to PEEP, which were observed in the other groups, were abolished. These results provide evidence that during PEEP, renal nerve activity is modified by an interaction between carotid sinus baroreceptors and cardiopulmonary receptors; excitatory effects occur via carotid sinus nerves and inhibitory effects occur via vagal afferents.  相似文献   

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