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Pérez-Ruzafa  A.  Gilabert  J.  Gutiérrez  J.M.  Fernández  A.I.  Marcos  C.  Sabah  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):359-369
Nutrient input dynamics in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon has recently changed as a consequence of changes in agricultural practises. An interannual comparison of the environmental variables and the planktonic biomass size-spectra was performed between 1988 and 1997. While nitrate concentration was low in 1988, the values in 1997 increased considerably. Since 1995, two alloctonous jellyfish species (Rhyzostoma pulmo and Cotylorhiza tuberculata) occurred in large numbers in summer time and reached peak abundance in summer of 1997. The size-spectra analysis comparison revealed that, in spite of changes in nutrient input that stimulated the growth of larger phytoplankton cells, there were no significant differences in the spectra slope which followed a similar seasonal trend in both years. However, the plankton biovolume considered under the size range compared (between 2 and 1000 m diameter) was, paradoxically, always lower in 1997. Given that there were higher nutrient levels in 1997, this finding suggest a strong top-down control mechanism of size structure. Gut contents of jellyfishes showed their preference for large diatoms, tintinnids, veliger larvae and copepods, corroborating that size structure in these assemblages can be subject to top-down control. The implication of these results is that the feeding activities of large gelatinous zooplankton (jellyfishes) may play an important role controlling the consequences of eutrophication within the Mar Menor coastal lagoon.  相似文献   

The distribution of primary components of the microbial community (autotrophic pico- and nanoplankton, phototrophic bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, microscopic fungi, heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates and heliozoa) in the water column of Lake Shira, a steppe brackish-water, stratified lake in Khakasia, Siberia (Russia), were assessed in midsummer. Bacterioplankton was the main component of the planktonic microbial community, accounting for 65.3 to 75.7% of the total microbial biomass. The maximum concentration of heterotrophic bacteria were recorded in the monimolimnion of the lake. Autotrophic microorganisms contributed more significantly to the total microbial biomass in the pelagic zone (20.2–26.5%) than in the littoral zone of the lake (8.7–14.9%). First of all, it is caused by development of phototrophic sulphur bacteria at the oxic-anoxic boundary. The concentrations of most aerobic phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms were maximal in the upper mixolimnion. Heterotrophic flagellates dominated the protozoan populations. Ciliates were minor component of the planktonic microbial community of the lake. Heterotrophic flagellates were the most diverse group of planktonic eucaryotes in the lake, which represented by 36 species. Facultative and obligate anaerobic flagellates were revealed in the monimolimnion. There were four species of Heliozoa and only three of ciliates in the lake.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton populations were investigated weekly at a central station in the Fusaro lagoon (Mediterranean Sea) from 27 November 1989 to 18 June 1990 to assess species composition, temporal succession and standing stock of the different species. Chlorophyll concentrations varied from 1.2 to 73.2 µg 1–1 in surface waters, and from 1.3 to 53.5 µg 1–1 at the 4.5 m depth. Phytoplankton communities were dominated by Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg in December and January, and by small-sized diatoms in the rest of the sampling period. In surface waters, a maximum biomass of 9.5 mg C 1–1 was measured in January, in correspondence with high concentrations (8.1 × 106 cells 1–1) of P. micans, whereas an abundance peak of 159.9 × 106 cells 1–1 was registered on the last sampling date due to a massive bloom of a very small diatom, Minutocellus polymorphus (Hargraves & Guillard) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen. On the whole, phytoplankton populations of the Fusaro lagoon showed distinct characters as compared to those of southern Tyrrhenian coastal waters and of other lagoons.  相似文献   

In the decade since the microbial loop was defined by Azam etat. (Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 59, 1–17, 1983), the importanceof the interaction between microbial organisms and the largerplanktonic animals has been a subject of controversy. Untilrecently, grazing was considered to be the major fate of bacterialproduction. Now, however, viruses are seen to have an importantrole in microbial processes. We describe how growth and recyclingparameters affect the transfer of bacterial production througha microbial loop model that includes viruses. The loop is veryinefficient for all reasonable conditions, but its relativeimportance as a source of mesozooplankton nutrition is variable.The model demonstrates that in mesotrophic coastal waters, themicrobial loop is unlikely to supply more than a minor componentof mesozooplankton nutrition, a proposition that is supportedby accumulating evidence. For oligotrophic pelagic waters, themodel indicates that in the absence of viruses the microbialloop, despite its low efficiency, may provide an important resourcefor mesozooplankton. Bacterial production, without viral mortality,is also relatively important in the case of direct exploitationby salps. Under these conditions, bacteria account for 10–30%of mesozooplankton nutrition. With high levels of bacteriophageactivity, zooplankton production is generally reduced by 5–15%.We thus conclude that bactenophages could significantly affectmesozooplanktonic and, hence, exploitable marine production. 1Present address: CSIRO Division of Fisheries, GPO Box 1538,Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia 2Present address: Resource Protection Division, Parks and WildlifeDepartment, 3000 1H 35 South, Suite 320, Austin, TX 78704, USA  相似文献   

We developed a mechanistic model of nutrient, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish interactions to test the effects of phytoplankton food quality for herbivorous zooplankton on planktonic food web processes. When phytoplankton food quality is high strong trophic cascades suppress phytoplankton biomass, the zooplankton can withstand intense zooplanktivory, and energy is efficiently transferred through the food web sustaining higher trophic level production. Low food quality results in trophic decoupling at the plant-animal interface, with phytoplankton biomass determined primarily by nutrient availability, zooplankton easily eliminated by fish predation, and poor energy transfer through the food web. At a given nutrient availability, food quality and zooplanktivory interact to determine zooplankton biomass which in turn determines algal biomass. High food quality resulted in intense zooplankton grazing which favored fast-growing phytoplankton taxa, whereas fish predation favored slow-growing phytoplankton. These results suggest algal food quality for herbivorous zooplankton can strongly influence the nature of aquatic food web dynamics, and can have profound effects on water quality and fisheries production. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

Determining statistical patterns irrespective of interacting agents (i.e. macroecology) is useful to explore the mechanisms driving population fluctuations and extinctions in natural food webs. Here, we tested four predictions of a neutral model on the distribution of community fluctuations (CF) and the distributions of persistence times (APT). Novel predictions for the food web were generated by combining (1) body size–density scaling, (2) Taylor's law and (3) low efficiency of trophic transference. Predictions were evaluated on an exceptional data set of plankton with 15 years of weekly samples encompassing c. 250 planktonic species from three trophic levels, sampled in the western English Channel. Highly symmetric non‐Gaussian distributions of CF support zero‐sum dynamics. Variability in CF decreased while a change from an exponential to a power law distribution of APT from basal to upper trophic positions was detected. Results suggest a predictable but profound effect of trophic position on fluctuations and extinction in natural communities.  相似文献   

The occurrence and abundance of the toxic, chain-forming dinoflagellateGymnodinium catenatum in a Tyrrhenian coastal lagoon, the Fusaro,during an annual sampling cycle are reported. Peak abundanceswere observed from late spring until early autumn Although veryhigh cell numbers were recorded, up to 1 5 x 106 cells l–1,no monospecific bloom of this species occurred. The first observationof G.catenatum in the Mediterranean occurred in the Fusaro andthe appearance of this species in a traditional shellfish farmingarea, where no shellfish intoxication has been reported to date,is discussed in relation to human interventions in the basin.In particular, intensive dredging in recent years with resuspensionof bottom sediments may have seeded the water body with cysts.A Gymnodinium n d species, illustrated using scanning electronmicroscopy, caused a monospecific bloom in concomitance withmaximum abundances of G.catenatum, apparently outcompeting thislatter species  相似文献   

Previous studies of communities implicate many potential mechanisms that can create alternate stable states. These include density-dependent foraging behavior, size refuges reached by early colonists, environmental feedback following disturbance, and different initial densities of intraguild predators. Previous work shows that alternate states of varying stability can occur in food webs containing the intraguild predators Blepharisma americanum and Tetrahymena vorax. Differences in colonization history could create the alternate states, consisting of dominance by either Blepharisma or Tetrahymena, but it was unclear whether results depended on effects of initial density or only on changes in the resource base. We manipulated initial densities of both species to determine if density effects alone could create alternate stable states. Convergence of these communities over time indicated that differences in initial density did not create alternate stable states. By default, other factors influenced by colonization history, such as resource availability, may produce alternate states. Models of alternate stable-state phenomena should incorporate differences in resource availability in addition to direct competitive and predatory interactions to provide a more complete depiction of the causes of differences in community composition in otherwise similar habitats.  相似文献   

1. We performed a mesocosm experiment to investigate the structuring and cascading effects of two predominant crustacean mesozooplankton groups on microbial food web components. The natural summer plankton community of a mesotrophic lake was exposed to density gradients of Daphnia and copepods. Regression analysis was used to reveal top–down impacts of mesozooplankton on protists and bacteria after days 9 and 15. 2. Selective grazing by copepods caused a clear trophic cascade via ciliates to nanoplankton. Medium‐sized (20–40 μm) ciliates (mainly Oligotrichida) were particularly negatively affected by copepods whereas nanociliates (mainly Prostomatida) became more abundant. Phototrophic and heterotrophic nanoflagellates increased significantly with increasing copepod biomass, which we interpret as an indirect response to reduced grazing pressure from the medium‐sized ciliates. 3. In Daphnia‐treatments, ciliates of all size classes as well as nanoflagellates were reduced directly but the overall predation effect became most strongly visible after 15 days at higher Daphnia biomass. 4. The response of bacterioplankton involved only modest changes in bacterial biomass and cell‐size distribution along the zooplankton gradients. Increasing zooplankton biomass resulted either in a reduction (with Daphnia) or in an increase (with copepods) of bacterial biovolume, activity and production. Patterns of bacterial diversity, as measured by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE), showed no distinct grouping after 9 days, whereas a clear treatment‐coupled similarity clustering occurred after 15 days. 5. The experiment demonstrated that zooplankton‐mediated predatory interactions cascade down to the bacterial level, but also revealed that changes occurred rather slowly in this summer plankton community and were most pronounced with respect to bacterial activity and composition.  相似文献   

Relationships among picoplankton, protozoa, phytoplankton, plantnutrients, lake type, drainage basin morphology and land coverwere studied in 45 water bodies in South Island, New Zealandthat ranged from large, deep, ultra-oligotrophic lakes to shallow,macrophyte-dominated ponds and swamps. The biomasses of mostheterotrophic components of the pelagic microbial food webswere positively related to phytoplankton and features of thedrainage basin that enhanced nutrient input, and imply strongresource-driven structuring of pelagic microbial food webs.Prokaryotic picophytoplankton biomass was negatively relatedto indices of eutrophication, and the picoautotroph contributionto total microbial food web biomass declined with increasingtotal phosphorus concentration from 16.5% in deep lakes to <0.02%in swamps and ponds. Biomass ratios of (picoplankton plus protozoa):phytoplanktonranged from 40:60 in swamps and ponds to >70:30 in deep lakes,and indicate the potential importance of microbial food websin carbon transfer to higher trophic levels in deep, less productivelakes. Strong relationships exist between land use in the catchmentand pelagic microbial food web structure and biomass acrossa wide range in size and trophic state of water bodies in heterogeneouslandscapes.  相似文献   

The species composition and assemblage structure of the ichthyoplankton from the Mar Menor Lagoon in south‐east Spain are given. The fish larvae were sorted from zooplankton samples collected at 20 stations with a plankton net (50 cm mouth diameter and 500 μm mesh) during 36 surveys between February and December 1997. A total of 39 575 fish larvae representing 14 families, 22 genera and 36 species were identified. Gobiidae was the most dominant family (77·0%) followed by Blenniidae (19·4%) and Atherinidae (1·3%). The most abundant species were Gobius niger and Gobius paganellus , which accounted for 42·7 and 19·3% of the total respectively. These species were followed in order of relative abundance by Pomatoschistus marmoratus (13·9%), Parablennius pilicornis (9·4%), Lipophrys pavo (7·7%), Atherina boyeri (1·3%) and Parablennius tentacularis (1·3%). The high species diversity (2·0–2·8 bits individual−1 for the annual diversity spectra at each sampling station) reflected a diverse assemblage of species. The main commercial species in the lagoon (Sparidae and Mugilidae) were poorly represented among the ichthyoplankton and they probably enter the lagoon on the bottom as recruits. Chlorophyll a concentration in the water column was the main factor explaining the seasonal variation in larval abundance. Spatial distribution of larvae was related to hydrographical circulation patterns in the lagoon and the movement of marine‐spawned larvae through the channels connecting the lagoon with the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Southern Mediterranean lagoons are among the more vulnerable systems regarding human activities (e.g. agriculture, tourism, urbanization) leading to eutrophication. We analyse the relationship of waterbirds with locally measured or modelled environmental variables (nutrient load, fish production, jellyfish blooms) related with this process, in the Mar Menor lagoon (Murcia, SE Spain), and discuss the potential value of birds as indicators of the trophic status of the wetland. We use GLMs to relate the biomass of the five most abundant and representative waterbird species to these variables, accounting for the potential influence of external factors affecting their population at higher biogeographical scales. A significant effect of such factors was only found for Great Cormorant, which biased the positive response of the piscivore guild to nutrient load (NLD). Red-breasted Merganser appeared relatively insensitive to nutrient enrichment, although declined in the long term. The remaining species responded positively, NLD being a significant predictor of their biomass when a 2-year lag was allowed, although this variable alone had a low explanatory power except for the Coot. When homogeneous temporal phases were defined, grebes could be identified as early warners of eutrophication, and Coot as late-stage ones. The increase of piscivores along a period of declining fish catches could reflect a shift in fish community composition or structure that favours their feeding preferences. The interactive role of jellyfish, buffering temporally the loading of nutrients, may also be related to these changes.  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution of plankton in a Mediterranean hypersalinecoastal lagoon has been studied through a dataset, comprisingthe taxonomic composition and the size–abundance distributionof both phyto- and zooplankton, measured by image analysis techniquesduring a one-year time series of weekly samplings. The studiedorganisms ranged from small nanoplanktonic heterotrophic flagellates(2 µm diameter) to fish larvae (>2 µm). The phytoplanktonannual succession was characterized by a winter period dominatedby Rhodomonas spp. and Cryptomonas spp. with Cyclotella spp.as the main diatom represented, a spring phase where diatoms(mainly Cyclotella) were the dominant group with some monospecificblooms of other diatoms (mainly of Chaetoceros sp.), a summerphase characterized by diatoms with blooms of Niztschia closterium,and a post-summer phase where dinoflagellates increased withpeaks of Ceratium furca. High densities of the microbial foodweb elements, flagellates and ciliates, indicate the importanceof the microbial loop in the ecosystem. Meroplankton contributedwidely to the seasonal character of the zooplankton distribution.Copepods, represented by Oithona nana, Centropages ponticusand Acartia spp. (mainly latisetosa), remained relatively constantthroughout the year, exhibiting a lower density in the warmerwater period (July–September). At the end of the samplingperiod, a massive proliferation of copepods (>1000 ind l–1), mainly due to O. nana, took place. The autotrophsto heterotrophs biovolume ratio (A:H) remained lower than 1throughout the year except when, occasionally, large phytoplanktoncells bloomed. Persistent very low values of A:H suggest thatadditional sources of energy, such as the microbial loop ordetrital pathways, would be needed to sustain the high heterotrophicbiovolume found in the lagoon.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,81(2):157-173
The main photosynthesis and respiration parameters (dark respiration rate, light saturated production rate, saturation irradiance, photosynthetic efficiency) were measured on a total of 23 macrophytes of the Thau lagoon (2 Phanerogams, 5 Chlorophyceae, 10 Rhodophyceae and 6 Phaeophyceae). Those measurements were performed in vitro under controlled conditions, close to the natural ones, and at several seasons. Concomitantly, measurements of pigment concentrations, carbon, phosphorous and nitrogen contents in tissues were performed. Seasonal intra-specific variability of photosynthetic parameters was found very high, enlightening an important acclimatation capacity. The highest photosynthetic capacities were found for Chlorophyceae (e.g. Monostroma obscurum thalli at 17 °C, 982 μmol O2 g−1 dw h−1 and 9.1 μmol O2 g−1 dw h−1/μmol photons m−2 s−1, respectively for light saturated net production rate and photosynthetic efficiency) and Phanerogams (e.g. Nanozostera noltii leaves at 25 °C, 583 μmol O2 g−1 dw h−1 and 2.6 μmol O2 g−1 dw h−1/μmol photons m−2 s−1 respectively for light saturated net production rate and photosynthetic efficiency). As expected, species with a high surface/volume ratio were found to be more productive than coarsely branched thalli and thick blades shaped species. Contrary to Rd (ranging 6.7–794 μmol O2 g−1 dw h−1, respectively for Rytiphlaea tinctoria at 7 °C and for Dasya sessilis at 25 °C) for which a positive relationship with water temperature was found whatever the species studied, the evolution of P/I curves with temperature exhibited different responses amongst the species. The results allowed to show summer nitrogen limitation for some species (Gracilaria bursa-pastoris and Ulva spp.) and to propose temperature preferences based on the photosynthetic parameters for some others (N. noltii, Zostera marina, Chaetomorpha linum).  相似文献   

Exploring the trophic pathway of organic matter within the Mauguio lagoon (southern France, western Mediterranean), we found spatial differences in the isotopic composition (both δ13C and δ15N values) of organic matter sources (primary producers, particulate and sedimentary organic matter), which were mirrored in the upper trophic levels (invertebrates and fish). On average, δ13C was heavier by about 1.5–2‰ in the location under marine influence than in the sites influenced by freshwater discharge. The opposite trend was found for δ15N, which attained maximum values in the north-central zone influenced by freshwater delivery. For both C and N stable isotope ratios, the highest spatial variability was found in organic matter sources (2–3‰), while invertebrates and fish exhibited less variability (\~1–2‰). The differences observed may be related to both anthropogenic (wastewater input) and natural (marine vs. terrestrial inputs) factors. Discharge of wastewater, which affects the innermost location, generally determines an increase in the relative abundance of 15N. In addition, terrestrially derived nutrients and organic matter, which also affect the innermost location, are known to determine a shift towards 13C-depleted values. Our results substantiate the finding that the analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes can help in elucidating origin and fate of organic matter in coastal lagoons, which are characterised by a great spatial variability and complexity.  相似文献   

A methane-driven microbial food web in a wetland rice soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Methane oxidation is a key process controlling methane emission from anoxic habitats into the atmosphere. Methanotrophs, responsible for aerobic methane oxidation, do not only oxidize but also assimilate methane. Once assimilated, methane carbon may be utilized by other organisms. Here we report on a microbial food web in a rice field soil driven by methane. A thin layer of water-saturated rice field soil was incubated under opposing gradients of oxygen and (13)C-labelled methane. Bacterial and eukaryotic communities incorporating methane carbon were analysed by RNA-stable isotope probing (SIP). Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning showed that methanotrophs were the most prominent group of bacteria incorporating methane carbon. In addition, a few Myxobacteria-related sequences were obtained from the 'heavy' rRNA fraction. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) targeting 18S rRNA detected various groups of protists in the 'heavy' rRNA fraction including naked amoeba (Lobosea and Heterolobosea), ciliates (Colpodea) and flagellates (Cercozoa). Incubation of soil under different methane concentrations in air resulted in the development of distinct protozoan communities. These results suggest that methane carbon is incorporated into non-methanotrophic pro- and microeukaryotes probably via grazing, and that methane oxidation is a shaping force of the microeukaryotic community depending on methane availability.  相似文献   

In this work we present the results of a one‐year study on the macroinvertebrate community in an intermittent stream in southern Spain. We have studied the taxonomic composition, diversity and food web monthly in order to consider temporal variability in these parameters. More than 60 macroinvertebrate taxa have been recorded in the stream, but they do not cohabit at the same time. Many of them join the community at the beginning of the wet period. Afterwards, some new taxa incorporate but some others disappear. This leads to huge fluctuations in the diversity of the community and in the food web of different sampling dates. These variations are linked to environmental disturbances, mainly to flow peaks and minimums. From a relatively well structured, but simple, food web at the beginning of the wet period, it can be seen how several trophic levels disappear with time, and how several organisms change or extend their trophic function within it. We relate these variations to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and discuss the resilience of the community of this intermittent stream (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Low level nutrient enrichment of four enclosed water columns showed an increased production with nutrients but a decrease in transfer efficiency between primary producers and ctenophore production. From an extrapolation of primary productivity levels in the enriched containers to one unenriched container it is found that the nitrogen flux was ~ 1.52 mg-at. N/m2/day which allows for an approximate doubling of the nitrogen supply as calculated from winter nitrate levels.A carbon budget for each container was calculated for primary, secondary, and tertiary producers; decrease in transfer efficiencies were accounted for at various points in the food web.  相似文献   

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