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Abstract Habitat structure and complexity affect the diversity and composition of fauna in a number of systems. We investigated patterns in wasp species richness, abundance and composition and also their associations with habitat complexity in Sydney sandstone forests, Australia. Pitfall and flight‐intercept traps collected dissimilar wasp assemblages. High complexity habitats supported greater abundance and species richness and a dissimilar composition of pitfall‐trapped wasps to low complexity habitats. Soil moisture, tree canopy cover, ground herb cover and shrub canopy cover all had significant positive associations with the species richness of pitfall‐trapped wasps. Although the five most abundant families of wasps we trapped are endoparasitoids of other arthropods, they showed a variety of preferences for habitat variables. The mechanisms driving associations between habitat complexity and patterns in wasp communities may also provide a basis for understanding factors influencing the regulation of arthropod assemblages by wasps in agricultural and natural landscapes.  相似文献   

Ape  F.  Gristina  M.  Chemello  R.  Sarà  G.  Mirto  S. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2018,37(3):875-889
Coral Reefs - We present the first dataset of meiofauna associated with vermetid reefs (biogenic constructions of Mediterranean intertidal habitat) in two areas along the northern coast of Sicily,...  相似文献   

The effects of predation risk and habitat complexity on the efficiency of minnow traps to catch northern redbelly dace Chrosomus eos in laboratory experiments were investigated. Trap efficiency significantly decreased in the presence of vegetation and predators. These results suggest that the various antipredator behaviours used by prey fishes can affect trap efficiency.  相似文献   

Quantifying habitat complexity in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Many aquatic studies have attempted to relate biological features, such as species diversity, abundance, brain size and behaviour, to measures of habitat complexity. Previous measures of habitat complexity have ranged from simple, habitat‐specific variables, such as the number of twigs in a stream, to quantitative parameters of surface topography, such as rugosity. 2. We present a new video‐based technique, called optical intensity, for assaying habitat complexity in aquatic ecosystems. Optical intensity is a visual, quantitative technique modifiable for any scale or for a nested analysis. We field‐tested the technique in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, on 38 quadrats (5 × 5 m) to determine if three freshwater habitats (sand, rock and intermediate) were quantitatively different. 3. A comparison of the values obtained from optical intensity with a previous measure of surface topography (rugosity) showed that the two corresponded well and revealed clear differences among habitats. Both the new measure and rugosity were positively correlated with species diversity, species richness and abundance. Finally, whether used alone or in combination, both measures had predictive value for fish community parameters. 4. This new measure should prove useful to researchers exploring habitat complexity in both marine and freshwater systems.  相似文献   

Dense beds of mussels of the family Mytilidae occur worldwide on soft-bottoms in cold and warm temperate coastal waters and have usually been considered hot spots of biodiversity. We examined intertidal mussel beds at four distant locations around the globe with the same sampling method, to find out whether this “hot spot” designation holds universally. We studied species assemblages within the matrices of byssally interconnected mussels engineered by Mytilus edulis in the North Sea, by mixed Perumytilus purpuratus and Mytilus chilensis at the southern Chilean coast, by Musculista senhousia in the Yellow Sea and by Xenostrobus inconstans at the coast of southern Australia. In all cases, species assemblages inside mussel beds were significantly different from those outside with many species being restricted to one habitat type. However, species richness and diversity were not generally higher in mussel beds than in ambient sediments without mussels. In the North Sea (M. edulis) and at the Chilean coast (P. purpuratus, M. chilensis), mussel beds have markedly higher species numbers and diversities than surrounding sediments, but this was not the case for mussel beds in Australia (X. inconstans) and the Yellow Sea (M. senhousia) where numbers of associated species were only slightly higher and somewhat lower than in adjacent sediments, respectively. In conclusion, although soft bottom mytilid mussels generally enhance habitat heterogeneity and species diversity at the ecosystem level, mussel beds themselves are not universal centres of biodiversity, but the effects on associated species are site specific.  相似文献   

Habitat complexity is one of the most important factors modulating species diversity. This feature comprises several interrelated attributes, such as number, size, and spatial arrangement of complexity‐forming elements. However, the separate and joint effects of these attributes on diversity and community structure are still not well understood. Here, we assess the relationships between several structural‐complexity attributes of the subantarctic kelp Lessonia flavicans and species richness, total abundance, and structure of kelp‐associated macrobenthic communities. We predicted that longer thalli and larger holdfasts favor greater species richness and total abundance of invertebrate organisms. To test the prediction, an observational sampling program was established in two sites of the Strait of Magellan. Uni‐ and multivariate analyses revealed both positive and negative effects of kelp structural‐complexity attributes on diversity. Holdfast diameter and maximum frond length, followed by thallus wet weight, had the strongest positive fits to species richness and total abundance; the number of stipes, on the other hand, was negatively associated with both response variables. Longer fronds were associated with greater abundances of spirorbid polychaetes. Larger holdfasts supported larger abundances of Nereididae and Terebelidae polychaetes and the limpet Nacella mytilina. Contrarily, kelps with longer fronds and more stipes supported fewer amphipods. In this way, we demonstrate that different dimensions of habitat complexity can have contrasting effects on diversity and community structure, highlighting the fundamental role of multiple dimensions of kelp habitat complexity for local biodiversity.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat complexity on ant assemblages   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We investigated responses of ant communities to habitat complexity, with the aim of assessing complexity as a useful surrogate for ant species diversity. We used pitfall traps to sample ants at twenty-eight sites, fourteen each of low and high habitat complexity, spread over ca 12 km in Sydney sandstone ridge-top woodland in Australia. Ant species richness was higher in low complexity areas, and negatively associated with ground herb cover, tree canopy cover, soil moisture and leaf litter. Ant community composition was affected by habitat complexity, with morphospecies from the genera Monomorium, Rhytidoponera and Meranoplus being the most significant contributors to compositional differences. Functional group responses to anthropogenic disturbance may be facilitated by local changes in habitat complexity. Habitat complexity, measured as a function of differences in multiple strata in forests, may be of great worth as a surrogate for the diversity of a range of arthropod groups including ants.  相似文献   

Song complexity is an important behavioural trait in songbirds, subject to sexual selection. Elucidation of intraspecific variation in song complexity can provide insights into its evolution. In this study, we investigated song complexity variation in tūī (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae), a vocally complex songbird endemic to New Zealand. At two separate nature reserves, we recorded male songs in two habitat types: forest remnants with high habitat complexity, and open habitats with lower habitat complexity. Analyses indicated strong evidence that song complexity was higher in forest habitats. Possible explanations for this divergence include: (i) competition between individuals results in higher quality, dominant males with more complex songs occupying forest habitats, and less competitive males occupying open habitat zones; (ii) forest habitats provide more abundant resources therefore higher tūī density, resulting in more complex songs; and (iii) a higher abundance of food in dense forest habitats may reduce nutritional stress during development resulting in full development of song nuclei. However, these hypotheses on the drivers of habitat effects on tūī song complexity remain to be tested.  相似文献   

Abstract. Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) prey on hooked mussels (Ischadium recurvum) growing epizoically on oyster clumps in estuaries along the Louisiana coast. In prey size‐selection experiments, blue crabs preferred small mussels (<30‐mm shell length) to larger mussels, possibly because handling time increased with mussel size. When crabs were given a choice of solitary mussels versus mussels in clumps on oysters in the laboratory, mortality was lower by 86% in clumped mussels. However, no size selection by crabs occurred with mussels in clumps, likely because smaller mussels escaped predation in crevices between larger mussels or oysters. When individuals of two size classes of mussels were exposed to water containing the scent of crabs and of mussels consumed by blue crabs, an increase in byssal thread production was induced in all mussels, but byssal thread production rate was higher for small mussels than for large mussels. We conclude that increased predation risk for small mussels has resulted in higher size‐specific production of byssal threads, and that predator‐induced production of byssal threads, which may increase clumping behavior, may reduce their risk of mortality to predatory blue crabs.  相似文献   

We investigated soil microarthropod communities in two physically dissimilar inorganic soil materials and in a mixture of these two materials to examine the effect of the structural complexity of a habitat on microarthropod abundance and communities, teasing it out from that of nutritional factors. Mesh boxes were filled with perlite (a highly porous material), similar size of granite gravels (no pores inside), or their mixture, and placed on a forest floor. The boxes were collected after 8 or 20 months, and the microarthropods were extracted and identified to the species level, with a focus on Collembola. We also evaluated fine-root biomass and the amount of organic matter in the boxes. It was found that the mixture of perlite and granite enhanced microarthropod abundance and root development. A partial redundancy analysis revealed that collembolan communities developed differently among the substrate materials. We also found that variation in the collembolan communities was related to fine-root development and the abundance of other microarthropods, implying that habitat structural complexity affects collembolan communities indirectly by affecting soil food webs.  相似文献   

Habitat complexity plays an important role in determining benthic community structure. A diverse range of methods for its measurement have been adopted but none are convenient for use underwater where access time is at a premium. We describe a novel, calibrated, tool for rapidly measuring scale-dependent habitat complexity developed, primarily, for use underwater. This tool is based on a distance-wheel with interchangeable wheels of different sizes to allow a scale-dependent measure of distance. This technique was calibrated against a profile of known complexity, at relevant scales, and then trialed on the Loch Linnhe Artificial Reef, a replicated artificial substratum offering two different scale-dependent habitat complexities. The distance-wheel was cost-effective, simple to fabricate and enabled the rapid and straightforward measurement of perceived distance over the step-length range of 133-1020 mm.  相似文献   

Exchange of main classes of organic matter in hepatopancreas, gonads, gills of Black Sea rocky Mytilus in adaptative period to environmental changes and intoxication by diesel oil at concentration 15 mg/l was investigated. Hepatopancreas possesses the greatest sensitivity to environmental changes, gonads--the least. Gills have the greatest sensitivity to diesel oil influence. In spite of the fact that these changes were revealed in the exchange of practically all studies combinations, the most characteristic indices at oil hydrocarbons influence is the exchange of the nucleic acids, particularly the ration RNA:DNA.  相似文献   

Mimicry theory predicts that mimics in a Batesian mimicry complex evolve to resemble models closely, and that there is a limit on the numbers of mimics relative to models. For hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), supposed mimics of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, neither of these is true; many mimics are imperfect and in the UK and Europe they outnumber their models manifold. We hypothesized that the high abundance of mimics relative to models in the UK may be the result not just of mimic model dynamics, but of habitat changes caused by humans. Most of the larvae of poor mimics are aphidophagous, and changes from ancient forest to agricultural and/or urban habitats may have vastly augmented aphid numbers. Using new and literature data, we compared mimicry profiles of habitats differing in their degree of habitat disturbance. In both cases more highly disturbed habitats had proportionally more poor mimics and fewer high-fidelity mimics than less disturbed habitats. This supports the hypothesis that habitat change has an effect on model to mimic ratios.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat connectivity on food webs have been studied both empirically and theoretically, yet the question of whether empirical results support theoretical predictions for any food web metric other than species richness has received little attention. Our synthesis brings together theory and empirical evidence for how habitat connectivity affects both food web stability and complexity. Food web stability is often predicted to be greatest at intermediate levels of connectivity, representing a compromise between the stabilizing effects of dispersal via rescue effects and prey switching, and the destabilizing effects of dispersal via regional synchronization of population dynamics. Empirical studies of food web stability generally support both this pattern and underlying mechanisms. Food chain length has been predicted to have both increasing and unimodal relationships with connectivity as a result of predators being constrained by the patch occupancy of their prey. Although both patterns have been documented empirically, the underlying mechanisms may differ from those predicted by models. In terms of other measures of food web complexity, habitat connectivity has been empirically found to generally increase link density but either reduce or have no effect on connectance, whereas a unimodal relationship is expected. In general, there is growing concordance between empirical patterns and theoretical predictions for some effects of habitat connectivity on food webs, but many predictions remain to be tested over a full connectivity gradient, and empirical metrics of complexity are rarely modeled. Closing these gaps will allow a deeper understanding of how natural and anthropogenic changes in connectivity can affect real food webs.  相似文献   

Invasive bivalves often act as ecosystem engineers, generally causing physical alterations in the ecosystems in which they establish themselves. However, the effects of these physical alterations over benthic macroinvertebrate communities’ structure are less clear. The objective of this study was to characterize the ecological effects of the invasive bivalves Corbicula fluminea and Limnoperna fortunei on the structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in neo-tropical reservoirs. Three hypotheses were tested: (1) invasive bivalves act as facilitator species to other benthic macroinvertebrates, resulting in communities with higher number of species, abundance and diversity; (2) invasive bivalves change the taxonomic composition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities; (3) invasive bivalves increase the complexity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities. For that it was used data from 160 sampling sites from four reservoirs. We sampled sites once in each area, during the dry season from 2009 to 2012. The first hypothesis was rejected, as the presence of invasive bivalves significantly decreased the host benthic communities’ number of species and abundance. The second hypothesis was corroborated, as the composition of other benthic macroinvertebrates was shown to be significantly different between sites with and without invasive bivalves. We observed a shift from communities dominated by common soft substrate taxa, such as Chironomidae and Oligochaeta, to communities dominated by the invasive Gastropoda Melanoides tuberculata. The biomass data corroborated that, showing significantly higher biomass of M. tuberculata in sites with invasive bivalves, but significantly lower biomass of native species. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities presenting invasive bivalves showed significantly higher eco-exergy and specific eco-exergy, which corroborate the third hypothesis. These results suggest that while the presence of invasive bivalves limits the abundance of soft bottom taxa such as Chironomidae and Oligochaeta, it enhances benthic communities’ complexity and provide new energetic pathways to benthic communities in reservoirs. This study also suggests a scenario of invasion meltdown, as M. tuberculata was facilitated by the invasive bivalves.  相似文献   

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