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This study presents an integrated assessment approach for the sustainable development of agricultural landscapes. The approach evaluates single agricultural production practices by means of environmental, economic and social indicators. To implement the approach, a mixed method was employed that combines modelling techniques and survey methods. The economic and environmental indicators were implemented within the bio-economic modelling system MODAM (Multi-Objective Decision support system for Agro-ecosystem Management) in order to assess economic performance and the effects on the abiotic and biotic environments. The modelling approach was applied to a case study in a region of north-eastern Germany, within the state of Brandenburg. In addition, the acceptance by farmers of different production alternatives that are known to have environmental benefits was examined in the case study. To allow for a direct comparison between different indicators, the results of the assessment are dimensionless index values that indicate the suitability of certain agricultural production practices with respect to an indicator. The indicator-related indices are then aggregated into an overall index of sustainability differentiating between ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ sustainability. Results are presented for exemplarily chosen production practices for sugar beet, potato and winter rape production and set aside. Depending on the underlying concept of sustainability (‘weak’ vs. ‘strong’), different production practices were identified as the most suitable ones in a given situation. This integrated assessment enables determination of positive and negative correlations between indicators. The approach allows for the identification of production alternatives that are assessed to be economically and environmentally beneficial as well as socially accepted, although at different levels.  相似文献   

A horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) and a free water surface flow (FWSF) constructed wetlands (4 m2 of each) were set up on the campus of Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey. The main objective of the research was to compare the performance of two systems to decide the better one for future planning of wastewater treatment system on the campus. Both of the wetland systems were planted with Phragmites australis and Canna indica. During the observation period (10 months), environmental conditions such as pH, temperature and total chemical oxygen demand (COD), soluble COD, total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), soluble BOD, total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphate (TP), total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiencies of the systems were determined. According to the results, average yearly removal efficiencies for the HSSF and the FWSF, respectively, were as follows: total COD (75.7% and 69.9%), soluble COD (85.4% and 84.3%), total BOD (79.6% and 87.6%), soluble BOD (87.7% and 95.3%), TN (33.2% and 39.4%), and TP (31.5% and 6.5%). Soluble COD and BOD removal efficiencies of both systems increased gradually since the start-up. After nine months of operation, above 90% removal of organic matters were observed. The treatment performances of the HSSF were better than that of the FWSF with regard to the removal of suspended solids and total COD at especially high temperatures. In FWSF systems, COD concentrations extremely exceeded the discharge limit values due to high concentrations of algae in spring months.The performance of the two systems was modelled using an artificial neural network-back-propagation algorithm. The ANN model was competent at providing reasonable match between the measured and the predicted concentrations of total COD (R = 0.90 for HSSF and R = 0.96 for FWSF), soluble COD (R = 0.90 for HSSF and R = 0.74 for FWSF) and total BOD (R = 0.94 for HSSF and R = 0.84 for FWSF) in the effluents of constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

马康  史璇  尤晓光  刘静玲 《生态学报》2021,41(5):2001-2010
河流岸带湿地栖息地完整性对河流水环境、水生态和水文的安全与健康具有重要意义,为探究河流岸带湿地表层沉积物重金属分布特征及其对植被和底栖动物的影响,对滦河干流上中下游河段表层沉积物、植物群落和底栖动物调查分析,采用生物毒性效应系数法和综合潜在生态风险指数法评价沉积物重金属污染特征,采用植被物种多样性指数和底栖动物完整性指数评价滦河植物和底栖动物群落特征,探究岸带湿地沉积物重金属空间分布与植被及底栖动物群落特征之间关系。结果表明,滦河表层沉积物总体呈清洁水平,但不同河段重金属空间分布差异较大,下游重金属生态危害系数和潜在生态风险指数高于上中游。湿地物种调查共识别维管束植物219种,大型无脊椎底栖动物105种,综合评价结果表明下游植物群落物种多样性和底栖动物群落完整性低于上中游。滦河下游岸带湿地沉积物重金属对生物群落具有生物毒性和潜在的生态风险,降低了植被物种多样性和底栖动物群落完整性。大型底栖动物完整性指数能够综合反映底栖动物群落结构特征变化,对河岸带湿地生态健康评价和监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Cytokinin activity in sap collected under vacuum from field grown oaks (Quercus robur L.) was determined at monthly intervals throughout the year. A very low level in January was followed by an increase in February and March which reached its maximum 20–25 days before bud-break. Levels decreased through April and May during leaf expansion, rising once more in June, 10–15 days before a second shoot growth flush. The levels then progressively decreased to reach a minimum in November and December. Cytokinin activity in roots, 24 h and one week after root-tip removal did not differ significantly from that in intact control plants. Cytokinin activity in roots and shoots determined in relation to shoot growth flushes revealed no differences in the shoot while the activity in root extracts was lowered after a single flush of shoot growth. The effects of applying growth regulators at the time of transplanting were investigated by soaking entire transplants in hormone solution. Gibberellin promoted shoot growth at the expense of root growth, but root growth could be restored to normal levels by a simultaneous application of auxin. Cytokinin treatment increased leaf number, but resulted in small bushy plants. The seasonal changes in cytokinin activity are discussed with regard to successful transplanting.  相似文献   

The eudicot clade of angiosperms is characterised by simultaneous microsporogenesis and tricolpate pollen apertures. Successive microsporogenesis, where a distinct dyad stage occurs after the first meiotic division, is relatively rare in eudicots although it occurs in many early branching angiosperms including monocots. An extensive literature survey shows that successive microsporogenesis has arisen independently at least six times in eudicots, in five different orders, including Berberidaceae (Ranunculales). Microsporogenesis and pollen apertures were examined here using light and transmission electron microscopy in eleven species representing six genera of Berberidaceae. Successive microsporogenesis is a synapomorphy for the sister taxa Berberis and Mahonia (and possibly also Ranzania), the remaining genera are simultaneous. Callose wall formation in Berberis and Mahonia is achieved by centripetal furrowing, though centrifugal cell plates are more usual for this microsporogenesis type. This discrepancy could reflect the fact that the successive type in Berberidaceae is derived from the simultaneous type, and centripetal furrowing has been retained. Eudicots with successive microsporogenesis usually produce tetragonal or decussate tetrads, though occasional tetrahedral or irregular tetrads in Berberis and Mahonia indicate that the switch from simultaneous to successive division is incomplete or “leaky”. In contrast, linear tetrads produced by successive microsporogenesis in Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae s.l.) are the result of a highly specialised developmental pathway leading to the production of pollinia. Pollen in successive eudicots is dispersed as monads, dyads, tetrads, and as single grains in pollinia. Apertures are diverse, and patterns include spiraperturate, clypeate, irregular, monocolpate, diporate and inaperturate. It is possible that successive microsporogenesis, although rare, potentially occurs in other eudicots, for example, in species where pollen is inaperturate.  相似文献   

In 1906, Lönnberg identified a native subspecies of Red deer Cervus elaphus scoticus L., in Britain after examining a sample of stags' skulls from Glenquoich (Inverness-shire, Scotland). In north-west England, it is commonly believed that "Red deer of indigenous stock have persisted in this area (Furness Fells, Lancashire, England) from time immemorial…" (Chard, 1966). Arrangements were made to introduce animals into a park within this area in 1970, which, in view of this local opinion, would have been the only Red deer within the district not of native origin. Therefore, it was thought desirable to examine all the stocks of wild or feral Red deer in Britain and to determine which, if any, of them could be considered native and thus deserving of special measures to ensure their survival.
After examining samples of skulls, using multivariate analysis, it appeared that, within the limits of the material representing the various subspecies of the world, there was little support for the concept of subspeciation in Red deer. In Great Britain, however, there appeared to be two distinct forms of Red deer leading a free existence, one presumed to be native and the other to be of park derivation. Visually, the differences were indetectable and could be demonstrated only by discriminant analyses.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic survey of antenna cleaner morphology, mainly in non-aculcate Hymenoptera, is presented. Modified, scale- or paddle-shaped setae on the fore basitarsus were found to be widely distributed throughout the order, but were particularly well developed in the Xyeloidea. Megalodontoidea, Blasticotomidae, Siricoidca, Orussoidea, Cephoidea and Chalcidoidea. as well as in the aculeate family Formicidae. A comb of fine setae on the fore basitarsus was present in all Apocrita, with the exception of the Trigonalyoidea, Evaniidae, and some families of Chalcidoidea, but among the symphytan families was present only in the Orussidae. Members of the symphytan family, Anaxyelidae have a distinct line of discrete setae in the same position as the fine comb of the Orussidae and apocritans which we term a protocomb; members of the Cephidae also show an indication of a protocomb, in the form of a line of more widely spaced, erect setae, that could form part of the same transition series. Members of the Trigonalyoidea and of the Evaniidae have no comb of fine setae but do possess one or more rows of highly modified, plate-like structures on the fore basitarsi.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical and perceived stressors can all evoke non-specificresponses in fish, which are considered adaptive to enable thefish to cope with the disturbance and maintain its homeostaticstate. If the stressor is overly severe or long-lasting to thepoint that the fish is not capable of regaining homeostasis,then the responses themselves may become maladaptive and threatenthe fish's health and well-being. Physiological responses tostress are grouped as primary, which include endocrine changessuch as in measurable levels of circulating catecholamines andcorticosteroids, and secondary, which include changes in featuresrelated to metabolism, hydromineral balance, and cardiovascular,respiratory and immune functions. In some instances, the endocrineresponses are directly responsible for these secondary responsesresulting in changes in concentration of blood constituents,including metabolites and major ions, and, at the cellular level,the expression of heat-shock or stress proteins. Tertiary orwhole-animal changes in performance, such as in growth, diseaseresistance and behavior, can result from the primary and secondaryresponses and possibly affect survivorship. Fishes display a wide variation in their physiological responsesto stress, which is clearly evident in the plasma corticosteroidchanges, chiefly cortisol in actinopterygian fishes, that occurfollowing a stressful event. The characteristic elevation incirculating cortisol during the first hour after an acute disturbancecan vary by more than two orders of magnitude among speciesand genetic history appears to account for much of this interspecificvariation. An appreciation of the factors that affect the magnitude,duration and recovery of cortisol and other physiological changescaused by stress in fishes is important for proper interpretationof experimental data and design of effective biological monitoringprograms.  相似文献   

Sperm surface changes occurring in the reptile Wolffian duct have been explored with particular references to the snake, Natrix fasciata. In the snake Wolffian duct there are several proteins not present in serum, the pattern of which changes in concert with the seasonal testicular cycle. Whereas testicular spermatozoa did not bind antibody to duct secretions, all Wolffian duct spermatozoa did so over both head and tail, according to immunofluorescence patterns. Thus, on entering the Wolffian duct, the entire surface of N. fasciata spermatozoa acquires one of more of the duct's secretory components. As indicated by immunofluorescence, immunoelectrophoresis, and immunodiffusion, epitopes on at least some molecules that bind to spermatozoa or that remain free in the duct fluid are shared with those in other Natrix species, but not in more distant reptiles (turtle, anole lizard), nor chicken, rat, or rabbit. In regard to glycoproteins, one prominent con A-reactive band was present in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of snake fluid and more were evident in fluid collected from the turtle duct. However, such lectin-reactive elements did not bind to spermatozoa as judged by an absence of any change in snake, turtle and lizard sperm lectin-binding patterns in passing from the testis into and through the Wolffian duct. In all, evidence from these and other species studied begins to suggest that the nature of the post-testicular sperm surface modification displayed in most vertebrates that fertilize internally may differ in sub-therian and therian groups, respectively. There appears to be a relative emphasis on glycosyl-rich surface elements in the latter. The possible significance of these changes for sperm function in the different groups is discussed briefly in terms of sperm survival/storage, as well as capacitation and sperm binding to the zona.  相似文献   

湿地农田渠系的生态环境影响研究综述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陆琦  马克明  倪红伟 《生态学报》2007,27(5):2118-2125
天然湿地开垦为农田,排水渠系扩张,随之带来两个方面的生态环境影响。作为廊道,排水渠系的隔离作用割裂了景观,造成湿地景观破碎化,甚至景观性质的改变;同时,其通道作用影响了湿地的水文过程,将局部湿地排干而转变为农田,并成为农田污染物向受纳河流水体运移的快速通道。因此,根据排水渠系的功能特点,在局域和区域两个层次上,对其生态环境影响开展综合研究,可以为湿地保护和恢复提供切实可行的对策措施。在回顾相关研究的基础上,提出了排水渠系生态环境影响研究的一个思路:即基于景观生态学和生态学模型等,开展排水渠系生态环境影响的机制研究;基于环境影响评价和生态系统健康评价等,开展排水渠系生态环境影响的效应研究;以及基于恢复生态学等,开展排水渠系的生态调控对策措施研究,从而为排水渠系的生态环境影响研究提供系统性途径。  相似文献   


This paper examines the inorganic complexing capacity of seawater, where chloride and sulfate ions are present in high concentration, towards mono- di- and tri-organotin(IV) cations which show a different trend of acidity, depending on cation charges, and a corresponding tendency to hydrolysis. By considering hydrolytic species and chloride and sulphate complex formation, a basic inorganic speciation model of organotins in synthetic seawater (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, SO42?) has been built up. The model has been extended to also consider interactions of organotins with carbonate and fluoride ions, which are other important components of seawater. Because of the strength of hydrolysis processes, the main complexes formed are in general mixed hydroxo-species. No species are formed by organotin cations and/or their hydroxo-species with fluoride owing to their very low concentration in fluoride, in comparison to the other components of seawater. In order to simplify calculations and to establish a cumulative inorganic binding capacity for seawater, we applied a chemical complexation model, according to which the major inorganic components of seawater are considered as a single salt BA.  相似文献   

1. The diet of wild boar Sus scrofa in Western Europe is reviewed, paying particular attention to the consumption of agricultural crops and the implications of this from the point of view of crop damage. Data were taken mainly from 11 studies that provide quantitative information about the consumption of different food types, but we also list all the foods reported as being eaten by wild boar in a total of 21 studies. 2. Vegetable foods occurred more frequently in the diet than animal foods, and also constituted the bulk of the food ingested. Overall, there were four major vegetable food categories: mast, roots, green plant matter and agricultural crops. Depending on the study area, wild boar always consumed at least one energy‐rich plant food such as acorns, beechnuts, chestnuts, pine seeds, olives, cereal grains or other crops. The number and types of agricultural crops consumed varied between study areas but crops represent an important component of wild boar diet throughout its Western European range. Among animal foods, insects, earthworms, birds and mammals were eaten most consistently but the diet also included amphibians, reptiles, gastropods and myriapods. 3. Seasonal, interannual and regional differences in the diet, together with its striking overall breadth, indicate that wild boar are opportunistic omnivores whose diet, in any particular instance, is largely determined by the relative availability of different food types. Dependence on energy‐rich plant material as a major component of the diet, coupled with large body size and a propensity to trample crops as well as consume them, means that wild boar cause significant agricultural damage.  相似文献   

The incidence of polyovular types in the growing follicle population was estimated using quantitative cytology. Of 15 species studied, polyovular follicles were recorded in the following species and in ascending order of abundance: rabbits, rhesus monkeys, humans, cats, dogs. The incidence in bitches was 14% in animals aged 1-2 years but only 5% at 7-11 years old. The frequency of the various types of polyovular preantral follicle varied inversely with the numbers of oocytes per follicle and the probability of finding a follicle with more than 5 oocytes was remote. In young ovaries the frequency was constant in the early stages of growth but decreased in the largest preantral stage. The pattern in ageing ovaries was, by contrast, one of declining frequency such that few if any polyovular types completed development. The ovary of the ageing bitch was also characterized by a higher incidence of degenerating follicles and a much smaller pool of primordial stages. Polyovular follicles were larger than uniovular types at comparable stages which were defined by the number of granulosa cell layers. Their oocytes were smaller but the overall ooplasmic mass was increased with a corresponding increase in the mass of granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Connective tissue cells, particularly fibroblasts, of the fish Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépède respond to the invading microsporidian parasite Ichthyosporidium sp. [assumed to be identical with Ichthyosporidium giganteum (Thélohan)] by proliferating themselves, coalescing into a syncytium, synthesizing copious amounts of cytoplasm around the parasites, and walling off the parasitized islands of cytoplasm with fibrous capsules. The resulting cysts are xenoparasitic complexes of the syncytial xenoma type, clearly different from the cell hypertrophy tumor (xenoma sensu Weissenberg) exemplified by the Glugea cyst. These findings involve a new concept of the structure and host-parasite relations of Ichthyosporidium. Formerly, the parasitized masses of cytoplasm were interpreted as extracellular plasmodial stages of the parasite (stages uncharacteristic of the microsporidia), while the parasites themselves were interpreted as nuclei of the "plasmodia." Actually, the parasite undergoes merogony in parasitophorous vacuoles which coalesce before sporogony begins. The nuclei of the mermonts are very small chromatin granules, becoming transformed into large basophilic diplokarya of the sporonts. Sporulation is diplokaryotic throughout, the diplokarya becoming reduced in size through 2 steps during sporogony.  相似文献   

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