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A phylogenetic approach to community assembly from a local species pool   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological theory provides two contrasting predictions about the characteristics of the species combining to form communities. Classical competition theory states that they will be less similar than expected by chance, whilst the environmental structuring hypothesis states that they will be more similar. We investigated these predictions by applying phylogenetic methods of analysis (PICs) to a grassland community, examining species on the basis of their traits. At the scale of investigation most useful in making predictions about the presence and abundance of species (the community level, the species forming the community were more similar than would be expected by chance. The use of PICs resulted in a more sensitive test than if phylogeny had been ignored, allowing the detection of effects that would otherwise have been overlooked or underestimated. Selected traits from the PICs analysis were used to develop a predictive model of community membership using discriminant analysis. This correctly identified species in the pool which were present in the community but failed to predict absences accurately, implying that dispersal limitation may operate in the community.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of freshwater gastrotrich fauna from Brazil is underestimated as only two studies are available. The present communication is a taxonomic account of the first-ever survey of freshwater Gastrotricha in Minas Gerais State. Samplings were carried out yielding six species of three Chaetonotidae genera: Aspidiophorus cf. pleustonicus, Ichthydium cf. chaetiferum, Chaetonotus acanthocephalus, Chaetonotus heideri, Chaetonotus cf. succinctus, Chaetonotus sp., and also an undescribed species belonging to the genus Redudasys (incertae sedis): this is the first finding of specimens of Redudasys outside of original type locality. These preliminary observations suggest that the knowledge of the biodiversity of Gastrotricha in the Minas Gerais State, as well as in the whole Brazil, will certainly increase as further investigations are undertaken, and that freshwater Macrodasyida may be more common than previously thought.  相似文献   

A new species of marine Gastrotricha from Brazil is described and discussed. Ptychostomella lamelliphora sp. n. is one of the several new taxa that were found during an extensive survey of the gastrotrich fauna carried out in 2002 and 2003 along the coastline of the State of São Paulo. The new species is unique in that it possesses cuticular ornamentations in the form of plate-like structures (scales) along the lateral borders of the body and two massive clusters of densely packed adhesive tubes on the ventral surface, near the ano-genital opening. Both these features appear to be adaptations to challenge the high energy waters that characterize the species’ microhabitat: the coarse sublittoral sand in the channel between the mainland and the largest island in the State, Ihlabela. Additionally, a key to the described Ptychostomella species of the world is provided.  相似文献   

DNA sequences are currently used to propose primary hypotheses of species delimitation, especially when morphological variability is difficult to assess. In an integrative taxonomy framework, these hypotheses are then compared with other characters, such as morphology or geography, to produce robust species delimitations. For this purpose, the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene has been sequenced for almost 50 specimens of the genus Benthomangelia , a deep-sea marine gastropod genus, collected in the South-West Pacific. Five genetic groups, displaying low and high genetic distances respectively within and between groups, were defined. COI hypotheses were compared with both the results obtained with the independent nuclear 28S gene and with an elliptic Fourier analysis of the shape of the last whorl of the shell. 28S gene analysis confirmed the same well-supported groups as COI, and elliptic Fourier analysis identified several morphological characters that vary similarly to genetic variability.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 696–708.  相似文献   

Morphological characters are used to discriminate the five Oregon species of the Pacific Coast irises ( Iris series Califomicae ). In nearly every case, fixed differences were found between species, revealing that they are good phylogenetic species. However, when the biological species concept is applied, the whole series is found to be one biological species. Sequence data were generated from the chloroplast DNA region between the atp β and rbc L genes. For this 700 bp region, the maximum divergence observed in the series was one percent. These sequences, together with three restriction site characters, were used to produce a cladogram for multiple individuals of all species in the group. On the resulting consensus cladogram, the different individuals from each species do not cluster together. This could result from either introgressive hybridization or the retention of ancestral polymorphism. When the genealogical species concept is applied, only one species can be identified: the whole Series Califomicae. There are therefore two natural levels at which taxa can be defined. It is recommended that the phylogenetic species be used as the taxonomic species in this group.  相似文献   

B. K. Sharma 《Hydrobiologia》1980,70(3):265-267
The present paper is a taxanomic account of seven species of gastrotrichs (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotidae) collected from Calcutta and its adjacent areas (Lower Bengal). All the reported species represent new records from the north-eastern region of this subcontinent and three of them are new records from India.  相似文献   

To critically examine the relationship between species recognized by phylogenetic and reproductive compatibility criteria, we applied phylogenetic species recognition (PSR) to the fungus in which biological species recognition (BSR) has been most comprehensively applied, the well-studied genus Neurospora. Four independent anonymous nuclear loci were characterized and sequenced from 147 individuals that were representative of all described outbreeding species of Neurospora. We developed a consensus-tree approach that identified monophyletic genealogical groups that were concordantly supported by the majority of the loci, or were well supported by at least one locus but not contradicted by any other locus. We recognized a total of eight phylogenetic species, five of which corresponded with the five traditional biological species, and three of which were newly discovered. Not only were phylogenetic criteria superior to traditional reproductive compatibility criteria in revealing the full species diversity of Neurospora, but also significant phylogenetic subdivisions were detected within some species. Despite previous suggestions of hybridization between N. crassa and N. intermedia in nature, and the fact that several putative hybrid individuals were included in this study, no molecular evidence in support of recent interspecific gene flow or the existence of true hybrids was observed. The sequence data from the four loci were combined and used to clarify how the species discovered by PSR were related. Although species-level clades were strongly supported, the phylogenetic relationships among species remained difficult to resolve, perhaps due to conflicting signals resulting from differential lineage sorting.  相似文献   

Lippia section Goniostachyum comprises plants distinguished by their numerous axillary florescences (three to six, sometimes up to nine) and tetrastichous floral bracts. Species of section Goniostachyum occur in the Neotropics, from Mexico to northern Argentina. Delimitation of the species grouped under Goniostachyum has remained unclear. Forty‐one names exist under this section, but only c. eight to ten names have been used frequently. To resolve the taxonomy of this group, a modified population aggregation analysis, based on the phylogenetic species concept, was employed. As a result, Goniostachyum is here circumscribed to only four species: L. grata, L. origanoides, L. sericea and L. stachyoides. These species are supported by different combinations of three characters of the 13 qualitative attributes analysed: canescent sericeous pubescence, frondose or frondose‐bracteose inflorescences and free or fused florescence apical bracts. Two varieties based on significant differences among quantitative characters are recognized: L. stachyoides var. stachyoides and L. stachyoides var. martiana comb. nov. Fifteen lectotypifications and four neotypifications are proposed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 197–219.  相似文献   

Species delimitation is the act of identifying species‐level biological diversity. In recent years, the field has witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of methods available for delimiting species. However, most recent investigations only utilize a handful (i.e. 2–3) of the available methods, often for unstated reasons. Because the parameter space that is potentially relevant to species delimitation far exceeds the parameterization of any existing method, a given method necessarily makes a number of simplifying assumptions, any one of which could be violated in a particular system. We suggest that researchers should apply a wide range of species delimitation analyses to their data and place their trust in delimitations that are congruent across methods. Incongruence across the results from different methods is evidence of either a difference in the power to detect cryptic lineages across one or more of the approaches used to delimit species and could indicate that assumptions of one or more of the methods have been violated. In either case, the inferences drawn from species delimitation studies should be conservative, for in most contexts it is better to fail to delimit species than it is to falsely delimit entities that do not represent actual evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

The Aloysia gratissima complex is a group of 22 accepted, specific and infraspecific taxa, the boundaries of which are controversial. Various different authors have chosen different characters as criteria for delimiting taxa in this complex, which has been reflected in the variable number of accepted species. To resolve the taxonomy of this group, a modified population aggregation analysis, based on the phylogenetic species concept, was employed. As a result, the Aloysia gratissima complex is here circumscribed as compromising only four species, A. decipiens, A. gratissima s.s., A. oblanceolata and A. schulziana. These species are sustained by a different combination of four characters, of the 16 qualitative attributes analysed. A new approach based on cluster analysis is proposed here delimiting varieties. As a consequence two varieties, supported by significant differences in quantitative characters, are recognized here: A. gratissima var. gratissima and A. gratissima var. sellowii. A complete taxonomic revision of the accepted taxa is presented and six new synonyms are proposed. A key, illustrations and geographical distribution maps are included. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 193–212.  相似文献   

Summary  Taxonomy of the genus Echinodorus is partially revisited in the light of current understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of the genus. As a result of new taxonomy, the species status of some previously synonymised taxa are restored, other names are synonymised, and some nomenclatural problems unnoticed by previous authors are resolved. Two new species, Echinodorus reptilis and E. emersus are described. The subgeneric divisions of the genus are not accepted, and all subspecific taxa are either rejected or established as species. As a result, 28 species based on a phylogenetic species concept are now recognised in Echinodorus and an identification key to these species is provided.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic approach to cultural evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been a rapid increase in the use of phylogenetic methods to study the evolution of languages and culture. Languages fit a tree model of evolution well, at least in their basic vocabulary, challenging the view that blending, or admixture among neighbouring groups, was predominant in cultural history. Here, we argue that we can use language trees to test hypotheses about not only cultural history and diversification, but also bio-cultural adaptation. Phylogenetic comparative methods take account of the non-independence of cultures (Galton's problem), which can cause spurious statistical associations in comparative analyses. Advances in phylogenetic methods offer new possibilities for the analysis of cultural evolution, including estimating the rate of evolution and the direction of coevolutionary change of traits on the tree. They also enable phylogenetic uncertainty to be incorporated into the analyses, so that one does not have to treat phylogenetic trees as if they were known without error.  相似文献   

Ito  Yu  Tanaka  Norio  Barfod  Anders S.  Bogner  Josef  Li  Jie  Yano  Okihito  Gale  Stephan W. 《Journal of plant research》2019,132(3):335-344
Journal of Plant Research - Ottelia, a pantropical genus of aquatic plants belonging to the family Hydrocharitaceae, includes several narrowly distributed taxa in Asia. Although the Asian species...  相似文献   

Given the problems of species delimitation in algae using morphology or sexual compatibility, molecular data are becoming the standard for delimiting species and testing their traditional boundaries. The idea that species are separately evolving metapopulation lineages, along with theoretical progress in phylogenetic and population genetic analyses, has led to the development of new methods of species delimitation. We review these recent developments in DNA-based species delimitation methods, and discuss how they have changed and continue to change our understanding of algal species boundaries. Although single-locus approaches have proven effective for a first rapid and large-scale assessment of species diversity, species delimitation based on single gene trees falls short due to gene tree–species tree incongruence, caused by confounding processes like incomplete lineage sorting, trans-species polymorphism, hybridization and introgression. Data from unlinked loci and multi-species coalescent methods, which combine principles from phylogenetics and population genetics, may now be able to account for these complicating factors. Several of these methods also provide statistical support regarding species boundaries, which is important because speciation is a process and therefore uncertainty about precise species boundaries is inevitable in recently diverged lineages.  相似文献   

The genus Oxystele, a member of the highly diverse marine gastropod superfamily Trochoidea, is endemic to southern Africa. Members of the genus include some of the most abundant molluscs on southern African shores and are important components of littoral biodiversity in rocky intertidal habitats. Species delimitation within the genus is still controversial, especially regarding the complex O. impervia / O. variegata. Here, we assessed species boundaries within the genus using DNA barcoding and phylogenetic tree reconstruction. We analysed 56 specimens using the mitochondrial gene COI. Our analysis delimits five molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs), and distinguishes O. impervia from O. variegata. However, we reveal important discrepancies between MOTUs and morphology-based species identification and discuss alternative hypotheses that can account for this. Finally, we indicate the need for future study that includes additional genes, and the combination of both morphology and genetic techniques (e.g. AFLP or microsatellites) to get deeper insight into species delimitation within the genus.  相似文献   

Although resolving phylogenetic relationships and establishing species limits are primary goals of systematics, these tasks remain challenging at both conceptual and analytical levels. Here, we integrated genomic and phenotypic data and employed a comprehensive suite of coalescent‐based analyses to develop and evaluate competing phylogenetic and species delimitation hypotheses in a recent evolutionary radiation of grasshoppers (Chorthippus binotatus group) composed of two species and eight putative subspecies. To resolve the evolutionary relationships within this complex, we first evaluated alternative phylogenetic hypotheses arising from multiple schemes of genomic data processing and contrasted genetic‐based inferences with different sources of phenotypic information. Second, we examined the importance of number of loci, demographic priors, number and kind of phenotypic characters and sex‐based trait variation for developing alternative species delimitation hypotheses. The best‐supported topology was largely compatible with phenotypic data and showed the presence of two clades corresponding to the nominative species groups, one including three well‐resolved lineages and the other comprising a four‐lineage polytomy and a well‐differentiated sister taxon. Integrative species delimitation analyses indicated that the number of employed loci had little impact on the obtained inferences but revealed the higher power provided by an increasing number of phenotypic characters and the usefulness of assessing their phylogenetic information content and differences between sexes in among‐taxa trait variation. Overall, our study highlights the importance of integrating multiple sources of information to test competing phylogenetic hypotheses and elucidate the evolutionary history of species complexes representing early stages of divergence where conflicting inferences are more prone to appear.  相似文献   

Diatoms are one of the most abundant and arguably the most species‐rich group of protists. Diatom species delimitation has often been based exclusively on the recognition of morphological discontinuities without investigation of other lines of evidence. Even though DNA sequences and reproductive experiments have revealed several examples of (pseudo)cryptic diversity, our understanding of diatom species boundaries and diversity remains limited. The cosmopolitan pennate raphid diatom genus Pinnularia represents one of the most taxon‐rich diatom genera. In this study, we focused on the delimitation of species in one of the major clades of the genus, the Pinnularia subgibba group, based on 105 strains from a worldwide origin. We compared genetic distances between the sequences of seven molecular markers and selected the most variable pair, the mitochondrial cox1 and nuclear encoded LSU rDNA, to formulate a primary hypothesis on the species limits using three single‐locus automated species delimitation methods. We compared the DNA‐based primary hypotheses with morphology and with other available lines of evidence. The results indicate that our data set comprised 15 species of the P. subgibba group. The vast majority of these taxa have an uncertain taxonomic identity, suggesting that several may be unknown to science and/or members of (pseudo)cryptic species complexes within the P. subgibba group.  相似文献   

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