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1. Critical periods of lipid energy transfer from phyto- to zooplankton were inferred by comparing seasonal patterns of particulate and dissolved lipid fractions in lake water with temporal changes in lipid energy reserves of the zooplankton in a hypereutrophic lake.
2. The midsummer phytoplankton community was dominated by the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. The collapse of the bloom was accompanied by a 2-week period of severe nitrogen deficiency after which there was a marked increase in the concentration of lipid energy reserves in the particulate (algal) fraction.
3. Areal lipid energy reserves of the dominant herbivorous zooplankton responded positively to changes in the tri-and diacylglycerol content of the particulate fraction of lake water in a species-specific manner.
4. Bacterial numbers also peaked in September concomitant with a large increase in free fatty acids in the dissolved lipid fraction probably produced by the decay of the
A. flos-aquae bloom.
5. The association between periods of nitrogen deficiency and increased energy reserve lipids in the particulate fraction supports observations made with laboratory algal cultures that periods of nutrient deficiency may intensify lipid synthesis in some algal species, thereby enhancing the rate of lipid energy transfer from phytoplankton to zooplankton.  相似文献   

The rates of growth, cell size, elemental and biochemical composition ofDunaliella primolecta were monitored during exponential growth after conditioning over three weeks in media containing different concentrations of nitrogen. The rate of growth, measured both as cell density and cell volume, was correlated positively with the N concentration of the medium (P<0.01). N-starved cells did not grow and died within three days. Cell volume and dry weight per cell were significantly higher (P<0.01) in the N-low (0.45 g-at 1–1 NO3-N) condition than in the N-high I condition (3.53 g-at 1–1 NO3-N). In the N-high II condition the addition of 1.87 g-at 1–1 NH4-N to 3.53 g-at 1–1 NO3-N did not significantly enhance growth.The composition was influenced by the availability of nitrogen. The amount of protein per cell decreased significantly from 20.1 to 9.7 pg with reduced nitrate availability between the N-high condition and the N-low condition (P<0.01). The associated carbohydrate content increased significantly from 10.6 to 26.74 pg per cell (P<0.001). These findings confirm the potential for significant variability in the composition ofD. primolecta, both in the natural environment and following experimental manipulation.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations in a fringing coral reef were measured for both carbon and nitrogen with the analytical technique of high-temperature catalytic oxidation. Because of high precision of the analytical system, not only the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen (DOC and DON, respectively) but the C:N ratio was also determined from the distribution of DOC and DON concentrations. The observed concentrations of DOC and DON ranged 57–76 and 3.8–5.6 μmol l−1, respectively. The C:N ratios of the DOM that was produced on the reef flat were very similar between seagrass- and coral-dominated areas; the C:N ratio was 10 on average. The C:N ratio of DOM was significantly higher than that of particulate organic matter (POM) that was produced on the reef flat. Production rates of DOC were measured on the reef flat during stagnant periods and accounted for 3–7% of the net primary production, depending on the sampling site. The production rate of DON was estimated to be 10–30% of the net uptake of dissolved inorganic N in the reef community. Considering that the DOM and POM concentrations were not correlated with each other, a major source of the reef-derived DOM may be the benthic community and not POM such as phytoplankton. It was concluded that a widely distributed benthic community in the coral reef released C-rich DOM to the overlying seawater, conserving N in the community.  相似文献   

Turner  R. Eugene  Lee  James M.  Milan  Charles S.  Swenson  Erick M. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(20):4787-4800

We measured water quality monthly for 22 years in water entering, within, and exiting a 65 km2 shallow polymictic and eutrophic freshwater lake in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fertilizer use in the watershed is the dominate source of phosphorous (P) going into the lake and controls the lake’s P concentrations, but nitrogen (N) fertilizer use was not related to total nitrogen concentration in the lake. Half of the particulate P entering the lake is trapped within it and there is a net accumulation of N that appears to be from the stimulation of nitrogen fixation. The lake’s concentration of Chlorophyll a (µg Chl a l?1) and increase in N in the lake was directly related to the concentration of P in water entering the lake. Variations in the Chl a concentration within a freshwater lake downstream are also directly related to the annual use of P fertilizer, but not to N fertilizer use. Reducing agriculture-sourced P runoff will lower (but not eliminate) both the frequency of algal blooms within Lac des Allemands and the amount of N delivered to the estuary.


Data are presented on the particulate and dissolved organic carbon at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific and of particulate organic carbon at South Caicos in the Caribbean. Some data from other locales are included for comparison. Proportionate increases are greater for the particulate matter released from off reefs than for the dissolved; in fact, the net flux of dissolved matter is sometimes negative. Particulate matter, in this case of the size and kinds retained on micro-filters, is dominated by fragments and amorphous material of mixed origins. Phytoplankton is sparse in such environments.  相似文献   

Phosphate interacts with inorganic sediment particles through sorption reactions in streams. Collectively, this phosphorus (P) buffering mechanism can be an important determinant of soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations. If sorption reactions control SRP concentrations in a stream, then differences in sediment characteristics may cause spatial differences in SRP concentrations. This prediction was tested by examining sediment-buffering characteristics and spatial variation in SRP among reaches with distinct sediment composition (i.e., fine versus coarse particles) in two tributaries of Boulder Creek, a headwater stream in central Wisconsin. SRP concentrations were significantly lower and algal available P and P sorption capacity were significantly higher in the reach dominated by fine sediments. Although fine particles such as sand had the greatest P sorption capacity, no retention could be attributed to biotic processes, whereas over 50% of P retention in coarse particles such as gravel could be linked to biotic uptake. Equilibrium P concentration (EPC0) assays from different sediment fractions also indicate that biotic uptake is relatively unimportant in sand particles (EPClive 10 μg/L: EPCkilled 10 μg/L) but very important in gravel or larger particles (EPClive 10 μg/L: EPCkilled 80 μg/L). Thus, sediment influence on stream water P concentrations can shift predictably from abiotic sorption in reaches with fine particles to biotic retention in areas dominated by coarse sediments. Consequently, changes in sediment composition due to natural or anthropogenic disturbance have the potential to alter the type and strength of sediment-associated processes determining ambient stream P concentrations.  相似文献   

A kinetic study was carried out in a saline medium to assess the effect of O2 on the two-step nitrification process: for the first nitritation step, 2–26 mg dissolved O2 (DO) l–1 was used and for the second nitratation step, 0.5–24 mg DO l–1 was used. Nitritation rate was measured in the presence of sodium azide so as to inhibit nitratation. Ammonia-oxidizing (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing (NOB) bacterial in the mixed culture were determined by 16 S rRNA hybridization. The affinity constants for oxygen O2 of the AOB and the NOB were 1.66 mg O2 l–1 and 3 mg O2 l–1 respectively. The larger than the previously reported values of these constants might be due to the high salt content in the medium. High O2 concentrations did inhibit the nitrification rate.  相似文献   

Uptake rates for ananonium, nitrate, urea and dinitrogen byphytoplankton in Lake Okeechobee ranged from 0.58 to 1.52 µmol1–1 h–1 among four representative stations duringa short-term study period. Ammonium accounted for 53% of theuptake rates, followed by nitrate (19%), urea (16%) and dinitrogen(12%). Half-saturation constants for nitrogen (N) uptake rangedfrom 8.70 µmol 1–1 for ammonium, 2.07 iimol 1–1for urea and 2.21 µmol 1–1 for nitrate at Southstation. This study reveals spatially varying N uptake rates,particularly N fixation, within a large eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

Organic and inorganic carbon and nitrogen parameters were sampled simultaneously at 6 h intervals over a diurnal period at seven stations in a small hardwater stream in southern Michigan. Concentrations and budget values (kg/day) varied up to 10-fold at individual stations and between stations. The most constant parameters were total dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen. The most variable parameter was particulate organic carbon. Significant changes were noted in all parameters as the stream passed through different stream-side habitats. Budget values facilitated interpretation of these changes over time between stations. High variability in the concentration values was introduced by large allochthonous inputs of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and water alternately adding to or diluting parameters. Distance from upstream terrestrial DOM sources, DOM residence time, the pulsed nature of DOM inputs and biological utilization of DOM have important effects on the quality and quantity of DOM that enters recipient lakes and rivers. The importance of ground-water flux and DOM content is stressed. The DOM input and turnover within hardwater streams appears t o be in rapid, dynamic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Zooplankton contribution to particulate phosphorus and nitrogen in lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the recognition of rather constant species-specificelement to dry weight ratios in freshwater zooplankton, poolsof metazoan zooplankton P and N were calculated for 45 Norwegianlakes of varying trophy. On the average zooplankton constituted20.4±12.3% and 4.6±4.3% of particulate P and Nrespectively. The fraction was considerably higher in many oligotrophiclakes, at most >50 and 20% respectively, but declined to15% (P) and 5% (N) in meso- to eutrophic lakes. In general,phytoplankton contribution to particulate P was <50%, leavinga large share of particulate P to bacteria and microzooplankton.The zooplankton proportion of particulate P was only weaklyinfluenced by the predation pressure in terms of fish communitystructure. Zooplankton P is important in the overall lake metabolism,and knowledge of this pool may be used to estimate zooplankton-mediatedloss and regeneration of P and improve total nutrient elementbudgets in lakes.  相似文献   

Distribution and composition of organic matter were investigated in Antarctic pack ice in early spring and summer. Accumulation of organic compounds was observed with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) reaching 717 and 470 μM C, respectively and transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) up to 3,071 μg Xanthan gum equivalent l−1. POC and TEP seemed to be influenced mainly by algae. Particulate saccharides accounted for 0.2–24.1% (mean, 7.8%) of POC. Dissolved total saccharides represented 0.4–29.6% (mean, 9.7%) of DOC, while dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) accounted for only 1% of DOC. Concentrations of TEP were positively correlated with those of saccharides. Monosaccharides (d-MCHO) dominated during winter–early spring, whereas dissolved polysaccharides did in spring–summer. DFAA were strongly correlated with d-MCHO, suggesting a similar pathway of production. The accumulation of monomers in winter is thought to result from limitation of bacterial activities rather than from the nature of the substrates.  相似文献   

It was previously known that polyethylene film is permeable to oxygen, and that water-filled polyethylene bags can be used for determination of dissolved oxygen in fresh-water habitats: analysis of oxygen concentrations in the bag water indicates the concentrations in the habitat where the bag has been resting for some time. Field experiments show that the bag method (with minor modifications) is reasonably accurate for ecological studies (a deviation of 0–0.20 ml O2/l as compared with samples collected with a Ruttner water sampler).The bag method is simple in use. Its main advantage is its usefulness in many microhabitats in fresh-water where other methods may fail. Oxygen deficit in a dense helophyte stand is demonstrated using the bag method.  相似文献   

We investigated the influences of forest or pasture land use and stream size on particulate and dissolved material concentrations in a network of second to third order streams in Rondônia, in the Brazilian Amazon. During the dry season, a second order stream originating in pasture had lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nitrate, higher concentrations of chlorophyll, total suspended solids, particulate organic carbon, particular organic nitrogen, ammonium, and phosphate than a second order stream originating in forest. Where the second order forest stream exited forest and entered pasture, concentrations of dissolved oxygen dropped from 6 mg/L to almost 0 mg/L and nitrate concentrations dropped from 12 M to 2 M over a reach of 2 km. These changes indicated a strong influence of land use. During the rainy season, differences among reaches of all particulate and dissolved materials were diminished. Concentrations of oxygen, chlorophyll, total suspended solids, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate in the third order pasture stream more closely resembled the second order forest stream than the second order pasture stream, suggesting that conditions in the channels of larger pasture streams more strongly control concentrations of these materials. If this pattern is widespread in stream networks of regions that consist of a mosaic of forest and pasture lands, it may have important consequences for understanding the effects of deforestation on larger rivers of the Amazon Basin. This would indicate that the effects of forest clearing on the concentrations of many suspended and dissolved materials will be most easily detected in very small streams but potentially difficult to detect in larger streams and rivers.  相似文献   

Excess nutrients from fertilizer application, pollution discharge, and water regulations outflow through rivers from lands to oceans, seriously impacting coastal ecosystems. A reasonable representation of these processes in land surface models and River Transport Models (RTMs) is very important for understanding human–environment interactions. In this study, the schemes of riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) transport and human activities including nitrogen discharge and water regulation, were synchronously incorporated into a land surface model coupled with a RTM. The effects of anthropogenic nitrogen discharge on the DIN transport in rivers were studied based on simulations of the period 1991–2010 throughout the entire world, conducted using the developed model, which had a spatial resolution of about 1° for land processes and 0.5° for river transport, and data on fertilizer application, point source pollution, and water use. Our results showed that rivers in western Europe and eastern China were seriously polluted, on average, at a rate of 5,000–15,000 tons per year. In the Yangtze River Basin, the amount of point source pollution in 2010 was about four times more than that in 1991, while the amount of fertilizer used in 2010 doubled, which resulted in the increased riverine DIN levels. Further comparisons suggested that the riverine DIN in the USA was affected primarily by nitrogen fertilizer use, the changes in DIN flow rate in European rivers was dominated by point source pollution, and rivers in China were seriously polluted by both the two pollution sources. The total anthropogenic impact on the DIN exported to the Pacific Ocean has increased from 10% to 30%, more significantly than other oceans. In general, our results indicated that incorporating the schemes of nitrogen transport and human activities into land surface models could be an effective way to monitor global river water quality and diagnose the performance of the land surface modeling.  相似文献   

Sampling of the central region of the North Sea was carried out to study the spatial and seasonal changes of dissolved and particulate organic C (DOC and POC, respectively). The surface waters were collected during four cruises over a year (Autumn 2004–Summer 2005). DOC and POC concentrations were measured using high temperature catalytic oxidation methods. The surface water concentrations of DOC and POC were spatially and temporally variable. There were significantly different concentrations of DOC and POC between the inshore and offshore waters in winter and summer only, with no clear trend in autumn and spring. Highest mean concentrations of DOC were measured in spring with lower and similar mean concentrations for other seasons. POC showed a clear seasonal cycle throughout the year with highest surface mean concentrations found in autumn and spring, but lowest in winter and summer. The DOC distributions during autumn and spring were strongly correlated with chlorophyll suggesting extracellular release from phytoplankton was an important DOC source during these two seasons. The lower concentrations of DOC in summer were probably due to the heterotrophic uptake of labile DOC. The seasonal changes in the C:N molar ratios of surface DOM (dissolved organic matter) resulted in higher mean C:N molar ratios in spring and lower ratios in winter. These high ratios may indicate nutrient limitation of heterotrophic uptake immediately after the spring bloom. There is limited data available for DOC cycling in these productive shelf seas and these results show that DOC is a major component of the C cycle with partial decoupling of the DOC and DON cycling in the central North Sea during the spring bloom. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

陆地生态系统可溶性有机氮研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
可溶性有机氮(dissolved organic nitrogen DON)的流动是陆地生态系统氮循环的重要组成部分。本文就陆地生态系统DON的来源、组成、性质;森林生态系统DON的流动、季节动态以及DON在氮循环中的地位等方面作了概括和探讨。今后的陆地生态系统DON的研究应该集中在以下几个方面:确定陆地生态系统中DON的各分室DON的浓度、流量;DON的源与汇问题;量化不同生态系统中DON库的大小和组成;研究DON在氮的矿化、微生物的固持、以及植物吸收等氮循环过程中的地位;对比研究DON与DOC(dissolved organic carbon)的动态差别;探讨DON与植物营养和碳积累的关系等。  相似文献   

1. Although dissolved nutrients and the quality of particulate organic matter (POM) influence microbial processes in aquatic systems, these factors have rarely been considered simultaneously. We manipulated dissolved nutrient concentrations and POM type in three contiguous reaches (reference, nitrogen, nitrogen + phosphorus) of a low nutrient, third‐order stream at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (U.S.A). In each reach we placed species of leaves (mean C : N of 68 and C : P of 2284) and wood (mean C : N of 721 and C : P of 60 654) that differed in elemental composition. We measured the respiration and biomass of microbes associated with this POM before and after nutrient addition. 2. Before nutrient addition, microbial respiration rates and biomass were higher for leaves than for wood. Respiration rates of microbes associated with wood showed a larger response to increased dissolved nutrient concentrations than respiration rates of microbes associated with leaves, suggesting that the response of microbes to increased dissolved nutrients was influenced by the quality of their substrate. 3. Overall, dissolved nutrients had strong positive effects on microbial respiration and fungal, but not bacterial, biomass, indicating that microbial respiration and fungi were nutrient limited. The concentration of nitrate in the enriched reaches was within the range of natural variation in forest streams, suggesting that natural variation in nitrate among forest streams influences carbon mineralisation and fungal biomass.  相似文献   

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