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An orang-utan mother-infant dyad was studied for effects of separation and reunion upon the infant's behavior and the mother-infant relationship. Data were obtained during two weeks each of pre-separation, separation and reunion. Typical reflections of protest and despair were observed in the infant during separation. Initial detachment and a subsequent intensification of the mother-infant relationship occurred following reunion. The results are consistent with the view that these reactions to separation and reunion are characteristics of the biological heritage of thePrimates. Failure to observe detachment in most monkeys that have been studied seems to reflect differences between the behavior of monkey mothers, on the one hand, and great ape and human mothers, on the other hand, in response to the conditions of testing.  相似文献   

The present report describes behavioral reactions of a 33-month-old female infant gorilla to maternal separation in a captive social group whose composition is similar to that of wild groups. The infant gorilla responded differently to two types of maternal separation. When she remained alone for a few hours, she cried repeatedly and moved restlessly, indicating protest. Upon reunion and also for a few days thereafter, an intensification of the mother-infant relationship occurred. On the other hand, when she was separated from her mother but remained with the other group members for nine days, she did not display any behaviors that could be characterized as protest, but rather showed clear behavioral depression. During the 9-day separation period, she hardly played with other group members but she developed affiliative relationships with the leading male. After the reunion from the 9-day separation, she spent as much time near her mother as before separation and played with other infants at a level similar to that before separation, while she sometimes displayed behavioral patterns demanding the maintenance of physical contact with her mother. The present findings are compared with other reports in great apes and human children.  相似文献   

The social environment affects both behavioral and physiological responses to separation from the mother. Less information is available on the impact of the social environment on the response to separation in peer-reared infant monkeys. This study reports the responses of peer-reared pigtail macaque infants to repeated separations, and the impact of social versus isolation housing during the separation. The responses of two pairs of monkeys were studied during four three-day separations. One of each pair was housed in isolation during the separation, and the other was with another pair of peers, with whom they had been living for one month prior to the separation. The isolation-housed peer responded to the separation with behavioral agitation, but no depression. The socially-housed peer's behavior did not differ from baseline during the separation. During successive reunions, all the separated monkeys, regardless of housing condition, exhibited declining levels of behaviors related to maintaining proximity to their attachment figure. Although the number of subjects is small, the results suggest that the presence of social support, in the form of a familiar peer, can ameliorate the response to separation, and that with repeated separations the responses of the monkeys changes significantly.  相似文献   

Ten chimpanzees (Pan troglogytes), aged 18–24 months, housed without mothers as two dyads and two triads, were subjected to social separation. Two issues were addressed: the effects of peer separation in chimpanzees; and differential responses by subjects living in dyads compared with those living in triads. Chimpanzees that were alone during separation reacted with high levels of “protest” alternating with “despair” throughout the separation period. The continued presence of one cagemate, during separation from a third, was a strong mitigating factor. Even when the primary attachment was formed with the absent cagemate, the remaining chimpanzees clung to each other and the levels of protest and despair, when present, were low. Upon reunion, neither “detachment” nor heightened levels of clinging were conspicuous, but there was increased social interaction. The data on separation of chimpanzees are intermediate between those of humans and monkeys separated from mothers or peers. The increased social interactions during reunion, including looking, are comparable to the visual vigilance reported for humans.  相似文献   

A bonnet monkey infant (M. radiata) was monitored both physiologically and behaviorally during a separation experiment in which both its mother and other conspecifiecs were removed from its social group leaving the bonnet infant with three adult pigtailed females. The separated infant exhibited the characteristic slouched posture of depression and physiological changes including decreases in the heart rate and body temperature, increases in cardiac arrhythmias, and alterations in sleep patterns, as has been previously described in separated pigtailed infants. Persistent decreases in heart rate and body temperature were noted following reunion with the mother, possibly reflecting a disturbance in the mother-infant relationship secondary to the mother's having come into estrus during the period of separation. This study indicates that the physiological correlates of maternal separation previously described in pigtailed infants are not species specific.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of social affiliation has been well established. It is unclear, however, what endogenous mechanisms may mediate affiliative behavior. The Australian zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) breeds colonially and adults maintain lifelong pair bonds that may be disrupted in the wild due to high mortality rates. Many of its natural, social behaviors are maintained in laboratory conditions, making this species well suited for studying the mechanisms of affiliation. This study examines the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to pair mate separation and reunion in zebra finches. We measured plasma corticosterone (CORT) and behavioral changes following separation from a pair bonded mate, and again upon reintroducing the mate or an opposite-sex cagemate. Plasma CORT concentrations were: (1). elevated during pair mate separation, even in the presence of other same-sex individuals, and (2). reduced to baseline upon reunion with the pair mate but not upon re-pairing with a new opposite-sex partner. These findings show that zebra finches exhibit hormonal responses to separation and reunion specifically with a bonded pair mate and not with other familiar conspecifics. In addition, alterations in behavior during separation and reunion are consistent with monogamous pair bond maintenance. This study presents evidence for adrenocortical involvement in avian pair bonding, and for hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activation in response to an ecologically relevant social stressor.  相似文献   

Improving the welfare of captive nonhuman primates requires evaluating the stressors created by the captive environment and reducing their negative effects. Social separation, although sometimes necessary for managing the genetic diversity of captive populations of animals, causes both psychological and physiological stress in human and primate monkey infants. Few studies have examined the maternal response of great ape mothers to separation from their offspring. This article describes the behavioral changes of a mother orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelii) after separation from her juvenile daughter. We collected data on measures of proximity and social behavior before the separation of the mother-infant dyad and of locomotion, arboreality, abnormal behavior, solitary behavior, and vocalization both before and after separation. We observed no behavioral indications of protest but observed some indications of despair after separation: decreased locomotion, increased inactivity, and increased self-directed behavior. In addition, we observed increases in arboreality and object-oriented behavior during morning sessions. These findings suggest that mother-juvenile separation in orangutans might be less stressful for mothers than might be expected. Such research has implications for the welfare and management of captive animals.  相似文献   

Improving the welfare of captive nonhuman primates requires evaluating the stressors created by the captive environment and reducing their negative effects. Social separation, although sometimes necessary for managing the genetic diversity of captive populations of animals, causes both psychological and physiological stress in human and primate monkey infants. Few studies have examined the maternal response of great ape mothers to separation from their offspring. This article describes the behavioral changes of a mother orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelii) after separation from her juvenile daughter. We collected data on measures of proximity and social behavior before the separation of the mother-infant dyad and of locomotion, arboreality, abnormal behavior, solitary behavior, and vocalization both before and after separation. We observed no behavioral indications of protest but observed some indications of despair after separation: decreased locomotion, increased inactivity, and increased self-directed behavior. In addition, we observed increases in arboreality and object-oriented behavior during morning sessions. These findings suggest that mother-juvenile separation in orangutans might be less stressful for mothers than might be expected. Such research has implications for the welfare and management of captive animals.  相似文献   

Comparisons of activity toward mirrors and peers in infant macaques being reared with one of these stimuli as the primary rearing partner revealed markedly greater social responsiveness to a fully accessible cagemate than to one's own reflection. Measures of exploration, aggression, and especially play all revealed the cagemate to be the more potent social stimulus. Mirror-reared infants given additional experience of a live peer behind a transparent partition were less responsive to the mirror than were infants with no social stimulation other than a mirror. In contrast, cagemate-directed behavior of peer-reared infants was not seriously affected by additional exposure to a mirror. A fully accessible peer also elicited more social responding than a peer behind a transparent partition, and infants with experience of both a live cagemate and mirrors were generally more responsive toward the former. Greater agitation in peer-reared than in mirror-reared stumptailed monkeys during separations from their rearing partners suggests that exposure to the physically accessible partner led to stronger attachments. Infants reacted positively to a moderately unfamiliar environment but showed behavioral disruption when placed in a very unfamiliar environment. Disruption was especially evident in peer-reared infants, in which exposure to the unfamiliar environment was compounded with the absence of the attachment figure. Mirror-rearing appeared to reduce the tendency toward ‘isolation syndrome’ behaviors compared to alone-rearing, and these behaviors appear to be less common in stumptailed than in rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

This research assessed the significance of variation in dyadic neonatal interaction for subsequent infant development in pig-tailed macaques. Adult females were selected which differed in parity and reproductive risk. The 29 dyads were housed individually to reduce external environmental influences. Large variation was observed in maternal and neonatal behavior, but it was not significantly associated with maternal or infant risk variables and could not identify six unsuccessfully reared pairs. Among the 23 successfully reared dyads, variation in nutritional and behavioral measures hypothesized to be associated with infant growth were found to be independent of neonatal weight gain. These 23 infants were separated from their mothers after 30 days and their responses at reunion were observed. Some infants clung to the mother's ventrum (attached response) while others jumped away quickly (aloof response). Prior dyadic interactions were not significantly associated with this dichotomous response, nor were maternal and most infant variables. These results suggest that dyads at risk for neonate separation when living in captive groups are not necessarily at risk in individual housing conditions. Further, pig-tailed neonates appear unaffected by variations in mother-infant interactions that do not result in separation, but neonatal characteristics may show continuity across development.  相似文献   

The response of both human and nonhuman primate infants to separation from their mothers is characterized by agitation or protest behaviors followed by a behavioral depressive reaction. In monkeys, this behavioral syndrome has striking physiological correlates, including heart rate and sleep disturbances. There is, however, considerable individual variability in response to maternal separation. The authors hypothesized that the amount of contact with particular, familiar conspecifics might account for some of this variability. In support of this notion, data are presented that indicate that pigtailed monkey infants who have been separated from their mothers but who maintain relatively high levels of peer contact do not show as severe decreases in heart rate during maternal separation as do those that exhibit less peer contact.  相似文献   

Studies of infant rhesus macaques have generally reported sex differences in the frequency of expression of some behaviour patterns, such as rough-and-tumble play and socio-sexual mounting. In contrast, sex differences in other behaviour patterns, such as proximity to the mother, have been less consistantly reported. Using data on the behavioural development of infant rhesus macaques living in captive social groups, we have attempted to provide further evidence for, or against, sex differences in behaviour and to investigate the possible influence of maternal rank and parity on sex differences in infant behaviour and mother-infant interactions. The behaviour of 14 male and 20 female infants and their mothers was studied during the first six months of life, including measures of play behaviour socio-sexual mounting, and mother-infant interactions. Our data reveal that, on average, male infants exhibited more rough-and-tumble play and mounting than female infants, and also exhibited stationary play, chasing play, and initiated play more frequently than females. Such sex differences appear to be robust in macaques and have been reported in a variety of housing conditions. male and female infants did not differ in the amount of time spent at particular distances from their mothers, and mothers were not found to behave differently towards sons and daughters, using measures of restraint, rejection, and grooming. These results are in contrast to previous studies on singly-housed mother-infant pairs but similar to those on free-ranging populations. Mothers did behave differently towards their infants depending upon the mother's rank and previous number of offspring. These maternal characteristics may have significant consequences for the behavioural development of both male and female infant primates.  相似文献   

Behavioral changes during weaning of chimpanzee infants in captive social groups were compared with those of infants in the natural habitat. Results of the weaning process were the same for the mother-infant pairs in captivity and the natural habitat, i.e., an infant independent of suckling, regular maternal transport and sleeping with the mother. The captive infants, however, did not respond to weaning with depression or regression to infantile behaviors as did infants in the natural habitat. Quite probably the social and physical environmental differences between the two habitats faciliated a less stressful weaning period for the captive mother-infant pairs.  相似文献   

Twin rhesus monkeys, born in a laboratory cage, were reared alone with their mother for a year. Observations were made of mother-infant interactions. Differences between the infants which concerned the amount of time spent off the mother seem to have been due to differences in the behaviour of the mother towards the two twins, whereas differences between measures of behaviour while off the mother seem to have been due to differences between the twins. The twins also differed in activity and in responses to mildly frightening or strange situations. The behaviour of the twins was compared with that of two single infants reared under the same cage conditions and also alone with their mothers. Some differences were found between the twins and the singles in mother-infant interaction, and there were also some differences in activity and in responses to mildly frightening or strange situations.  相似文献   

Previous experience affects how young primates respond to challenging social situations. The present retrospective study looked at one aspect of early experience, the quality of the mother-infant relationship, to determine its relationship to young bonnet and pigtail macaques' responses to two social challenges: temporary maternal separation at 5-6 months and permanent transfer to an unfamiliar peer group at 16-17 months. Relationship quality was measured quantitatively on 30 macaque mother-infant pairs with the Relationship Quality Index (RQI), the ratio of relative affiliation to relative agonism as previously applied to capuchin monkeys. Infants with high RQI values had amicable mother-infant relationships and infants with low RQI values had agonistic mother-infant relationships. Young monkeys with amicable and agonistic relationships showed consistent differences in behavior before, during, and after each social challenge, supporting the hypothesis that juveniles from amicable mother-infant relationships based on the RQI coped more effectively with social challenges than did juveniles from agonistic mother-infant relationships. Results suggest 1) characteristic amicability or agonism in early mother-offspring macaque relationships has the potential to influence offspring behavior in tense social contexts and 2) the RQI is useful as one of a coordinated suite of methods for studying the development of social skills.  相似文献   

Maternal and alloparental care in a troop of free-ranging Japanese monkeys   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In four years of observation of a free-ranging Japanese monkeys, reproductive rate, physical development of infants, maternal care and alloparental care were studied. Primiparous mothers, orphanned mothers and old mothers showed different types of maternal care from typical multiparous mothers, and the reproductive success of each of these categories of mother also differed. Among nulliparae, 2-year-old females showed the most interest in infants. Adult females were generally indifferent to other females' infants and came to act aggressively toward them with increasing age and maternal experience.  相似文献   

T. E. Rowell    NasarA.  Din  Ali  Omar and 《Journal of Zoology》1968,155(4):461-483
The development of the mother-infant relationship is expressed in terms of the change in typical relative positions of the pair and in the pattern of contacting and leaving they showed.
Rainy periods increased the time the infant spent asleep with its mother, the effect being more than that produced by the infant's age on sleeping time in the first three months of life.
Rate of development of mother-infant relationships was compared with that of Rhesus monkeys in similar conditions, and found to be very closely comparable.
Interactions by infants with other baboons were found to be quantitatively and qualitatively different for each available demographic class (though some classes were only represented by a single individual). Results illustrated different rates of social maturing in the sexes, differential behaviour of the adult male towards the sexes of infants, and the existence of a special relationship between siblings.
Interactions of neoparturient mothers with other adults are characterized by high overall frequency, with a high frequency of avoiding of friendly approaches by the mother. Both these have returned to normal frequency levels in the third month.
Restriction of infants by mothers was seen only in the caged group. Its immediate effects on the behaviour of the infant and its association with other maternal social behaviour are described.  相似文献   

The behavioral development of infant twin Japanese monkeys in a free-ranging group during the first 12 months of life was reported and compared with that of single born infants. There were no clear differences in mother-infant interactions toward either twin or single infants, but the twins showed a clear nipple preference. The twins spent much time in contact with and proximity to each other and as their interactions were peaceful no dominance relations between them were assumed. Each twin interacted with other infants and juveniles less frequently than did the single infants.  相似文献   

T Yoshida  K Ohtoh  F Cho 《Jikken dobutsu》1992,41(4):499-504
The effects of nursing on maternal hematological and serum biochemical values were analyzed in cynomolgus monkeys reared in indoor cages at Tsukuba Primate Center. In our breeding system, infants are usually separated from their mothers at the age of 121 to 180 days. Mother monkeys of such infants were studied hematologically and biochemically (Group B), as were mother monkeys who happened to have nursed their infants past 181 days after parturition (Group A). During the period with their infants, mother monkeys in the latter group showed lower white blood cell counts (WBC) and higher red blood cell counts (RBC), hematocrit values (Ht) and blood urea nitrogen concentrations (BUN) than the mother monkeys who had been separated from their infants. Also, serum calcium concentrations (Ca) were decreased with prolonged nursing periods, indicating that lactation by the mother monkey probably continues even for a period from 181 days to about one year after parturition if she nurses her infant. Lactation during this period may accelerate hematogenesis and protein metabolism in the mother monkey.  相似文献   

Garnett's greater bushbaby infants vocalize in apparent response to their mother's contact calls. However, it remains unclear whether specific vocal or behavioral patterns by a mother elicit this vocal response. We video-recorded the behaviors and vocalizations of 4 individual mother-infant groups (mother with twins), analyzed vocalizations via spectrography and documented behaviors of mothers and infants. Initial analyses of all groups revealed that short growls and short growl bouts (or chains), but not long growls, emitted by mothers, were followed by infant clicks within 5 s. Further statistical examination of 1 mother-infant group revealed that an infant's vocal response is conditional on the sequencing of the mother's short growls and somewhat conditional on the mother's behavior before or after the short growls.  相似文献   

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