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Akanda N  Elinder F 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(12):4405-4417
Ion channels in the plasma membrane play critical roles in apoptosis. In a recent study we found that a voltage-dependent anion channel in the plasma membrane (VDACpl) of neuronal hippocampal cell line (HT22) cells was activated during apoptosis and that channel block prevented apoptosis. Whether or not VDACpl is identical to the mitochondrial VDACmt has been debated. Here, we biophysically characterize the apoptosis-inducing VDACpl and compare it with other reports of VDACpls and VDACmt. Excised membrane patches of apoptotic HT22 cells were studied with the patch-clamp technique. VDACpl has a large main-conductance state (400 pS) and occasionally subconductance states of approximately 28 pS and 220 pS. The small subconductance state is associated with long-lived inactivated states, and the large subconductance state is associated with excision of the membrane patch and subsequent activation of the channel. The open-probability curve is bell shaped with its peak around 0 mV and is blocked by 30 microM Gd3+. The gating can be described by a symmetrical seven-state model with one open state and six closed or inactivated states. These channel properties are similar to those of VDACmt and other VDACpls and are discussed in relation to apoptosis.  相似文献   

Frog aortic tissue exhibits plasma membrane electron transport (PMET) owing to its ability to reduce ferricyanide even in the presence of mitochondrial poisons, such as cyanide and azide. Exposure to hypotonic solution (108 mOsmol/kg H2O) enhanced the reduction of ferricyanide in excised aortic tissue of frog. Increment in ferricyanide reductase activity was also brought about by the presence of homocysteine (100 microM dissolved in isotonic frog Ringer solution), a redox active compound and a potent modulator of PMET. Two plasma-membrane-bound channels, the volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC) and the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), are involved in the response to hypotonic stress. The presence of VRAC and VDAC antagonists-tamoxifen, glibenclamide, fluoxetine and verapamil, and 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS), respectively-inhibited this enhanced activity brought about by either hypotonic stress or homocysteine. The blockers do not affect the ferricyanide reductase activity under isotonic conditions. Taken together, these findings indicate a functional interaction of the three plasma membrane proteins, namely, ferricyanide reductase (PMET), VDAC and VRAC.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) are major constituents of the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). These primary transporters of nucleotides, ions and metabolites mediate a substantial portion of the OMM molecular traffic. To study the native supramolecular organization of the VDAC, we have isolated, characterized and imaged OMMs from potato tubers. SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry of OMMs revealed the presence of the VDAC isoforms POM34 and POM36, as well as the translocase of the OMM complex. Tubular two-dimensional crystals of the VDAC spontaneously formed after incubation of OMMs for two to three months at 4 degrees C. Transmission electron microscopy revealed an oblique lattice and unit cells housing six circular depressions arranged in a hexagon. Atomic force microscopy of freshly isolated OMMs demonstrated (i) the existence of monomers to tetramers, hexamers and higher oligomers of the VDAC and (ii) its spatial arrangement within the oligomers in the native membrane. We discuss the importance of the observed oligomerization for modulation of the VDAC function, for the binding of hexokinase and creatine kinase to the OMM and for mitochondria-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs), also known as mitochondrial porins, are a family of small pore-forming proteins of the mitochondrial outer membrane that are found in all eukaryotes. VDACs are thought to play important roles in the regulated flux of metabolites between the cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments, in overall energy metabolism via interactions with cytosolic kinases, and a debated role in programmed cell death (apoptosis). The mammalian genome contains three VDAC loci termed Vdac1, Vdac2, and Vdac3, raising the question as to what function each isoform may be performing. Based upon expression studies of the mouse VDACs in yeast, biophysical differences can be identified but the physiologic significance of these differences remains unclear. Creation of “knockout” cell lines and mice that lack one or more VDAC isoforms has led to the characterization of distinct phenotypes that provide a different set of insights into function which must be interpreted in the context of complex physiologic systems. Functions in male reproduction, the central nervous system and glucose homeostasis have been identified and require a deeper and more mechanistic examination. Annotation of the genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster has recently revealed three additional genes (CG17137, CG17139, CG17140) with homology to porin, the previously described gene that encodes the VDAC of D. melanogaster. Molecular analysis of these novel VDACs has revealed a complex pattern of gene organization and expression. Sequence comparisons with other insect VDAC homologs suggest that this gene family evolved through a mechanism of duplication and divergence from an ancestral VDAC gene during the radiation of the genus Drosophila. Striking similarities to mouse VDAC mutants can be found that emphasize the conservation of function over a long evolutionary time frame.  相似文献   

Measurements of single channel currents were performed on isolated membrane patches from osmotically swollen thylakoids of the Charophyte alga Nitellopsis obtusa. A channel with a high selectivity for anions over cations and a conductance of 100 to 110 pS (114 mM Cl–) was revealed. The channel has a bells-haped voltage-dependence of the open probability, with a maximum at about 0 mV. This dependence was explained by two gating processes, one causing channel closure at positive and one at negative potentials. The steepness of the voltage-dependence corresponded to approximately 2 elementary charges to be transferred across the entire membrane in each of the two gating processes. The analysis of the anion channel kinetics in the millisecond time domain revealed an e-fold increase of mean open and decrease of mean closed times when the membrane voltage was made more positive by 20 and 36 mV, respectively. Concert transitions of two identical anion channels between open and long inactivated states were observed, while the millisecond closed-open transitions of the two channels within a burst of activity were kinetically independent.This work was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 176 TP B11) and by a research fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to I.I. Pottosin.  相似文献   

The methods for the purification of functionally active mitochondrial porin or voltage-dependent anion channel of the outer mitochondrial membrane are critically evaluated. Two rapid and efficient methods are now available. Both make use of a hydroxyapatite/celite column as a single chromatographic step. However, in one method with long polar head-group detergents, porin passes through the column, whereas in the other method, with shorter polar headgroup detergents, porin is first bound to the column and then eluted by the addition of salts. On the basis of these results, a model for the arrangement of porin in the detergent-protein micelles is proposed.  相似文献   

Guard cell anion channels (GCAC1) catalyze the release of anions across the plasma membrane during regulated volume decrease and also seem to be involved in the targeting of the plant growth hormones auxins. We have analyzed the modulation and inhibition of these voltage-dependent anion channels by different anion channel blockers. Ethacrynic acid, a structural correlate of an auxin, caused a shift in activation potential and simultaneously a transient increase in the peak current amplitude, whereas other blockers shifted and blocked the voltage-dependent activity of the channel. Comparison of dose-response curves for shift and block imposed by the inhibitor, indicate two different sites within the channel which interact with the ligand. The capability to inhibit GCAC1 increases in a dose-dependent manner in the sequence: probenecid less than A-9-C less than ethacrynic acid less than niflumic acid less than IAA-94 less than NPPB. All inhibitors reversibly blocked the anion channel from the extracellular side. Channel block on the level of single anion channels is characterized by a reduction of long open transitions into flickering bursts, indicating an interaction with the open mouth of the channel. IAA-23, a structural analog of IAA-94, was used to enrich ligand-binding polypeptides from the plasma membrane of guard cells by IAA-23 affinity chromatography. From this protein fraction a 60 kDa polypeptide crossreacted specifically with polyclonal antibodies raised against anion channels isolated from kidney membranes. In contrast to guard cells, mesophyll plasma membranes were deficient in voltage-dependent anion channels and lacked crossreactivity with the antibody.  相似文献   

Summary The outer mitochondrial membranes of all organisms so far examined contain a protein which forms voltage-dependent anion selective channels (VDAC) when incorporated into planar phospholipid membranes. Previous reports have suggested that the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) outer mitochondrial membrane component responsible for channel formation is a protein of 29,000 daltons which is also the major component of this membrane. In this report, we describe the purification of this 29,000-dalton protein to virtual homogeneity from yeast outer mitochondrial membranes. The purified protein readily incorporates into planar phospholipid membranes to produce ionic channels. Electrophysiological characterization of these channels has demonstrated they have a size, selectivity and voltage dependence similar to VDAC from other organisms. Biochemically, the purified protein has been characterized by determining its amino acid composition and isoelectric point (pI). In addition, we have shown that the purified protein, when reconstituted into liposomes, can bind hexokinase in a glucose-6-phosphate dependent manner, as has been shown for VDAC purified from other sources. Since physiological characterization suggests that the functional parameters of this protein have been conserved, antibodies specific to yeast VDAC have been used to assess antigenic conservation among mitochondrial proteins from a wide number of species. These experiments have shown that yeast VDAC antibodies will recognize single mitochondrial proteins fromDrosophila, Dictyostelium andNeurospora of the appropriate molecular weight to be VDAC from these organisms. No reaction was seen to any mitochondrial protein from rat liver, rainbow trout,Paramecium, or mung bean. In addition, yeast VDAC antibodies will recognize a 50-kDa mol wt protein present in tobacco chloroplasts. These results suggest that there is some antigenic as well as functional conservation among different VDACs.  相似文献   

Summary This report details preliminary findings for ion channels in the plasma membrane of protoplasts derived from the cotyledons ofAmaranthus seedlings. The conductance properties of the membrane can be described almost entirely by the behavior of two types of ion channel observed as single channels in attached and detached patches. The first is a cation-selective outward rectifier, and the second a multistate anion-selective channel which, under physiological conditions, acts as an inward rectifier.The cation channel has unit conductance of approx. 30 pS (symmetrical 100 K+) and relative permeability sequence K+>Na+>Cl (10.160.03); whole-cell currents activate in a time-dependent manner, and both activation and deactivation kinetics are voltage dependent. The anion channel opens for hyperpolarized membrane potentials, has a full-level conductance of approx. 200 pS and multiple subconductance states. The number of sub-conductances does not appear to be fixed. When activated the channel is open for long periods, though shuts if the membrane potential (V m ) is depolarized; at millimolar levels of [Ca2+]cyt this voltage dependency disappears. Inward current attributable to the anion channel is not observed in whole-cell recordings when MgATP (2mm) is present in the intracellular solution. By contrast the channel is active in most detached patches, whether MgATP is present or not on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The anion channel has a significant permeability to cations, the sequence being NO 3 >Cl>K+>Aspartate (2.0410.18 to 0.090.04). The relative permeability for K+ decreased at progressively lower conductance states. In the absence of permeant anions this channel could be mistaken for a cation inward rectifier. The anion and cation channels could serve to clampV m at a preferred value in the face of events which would otherwise perturbV m .  相似文献   

The role of voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC/porins) of the mitochondrial outer membrane in the regulation of cell metabolism is assessed using an experimental model of ethanol toxicity in cultured hepatocytes. It is demonstrated that ethanol inhibits the phosphorylating and the uncoupled mitochondrial respiration, decreases the accessibility of mitochondrial adenylate kinase in the intermembrane space, and suppresses ureagenic respiration in the cells. Treatment with digitonin at high concentrations (>80 μM)—which creates pores in the mitochondrial outer membrane, allowing bypass of closed VDAC—restores all the processes suppressed with ethanol. It is concluded that the effect of ethanol in hepatocytes leads to global loss of mitochondrial function because of closure of VDAC, which limits the free diffusion of metabolites into the intermembrane space. Our studies also reveal the role of VDAC in the regulation of liver-specific intracellular processes such as ureagenesis. The data obtained can be used in development of pharmaceuticals that would prevent VDAC closure in mitochondria of ethanol-oxidizing liver, thus protecting liver tissue from the hepatotoxic action of alcohol.  相似文献   

Numerous biological assays and pharmacological studies have led to the suggestion that depolarization-activated plasma membrane Ca2+ channels play prominent roles in signal perception and transduction processes during growth and development of higher plants. The recent application of patch-clamp techniques to isolated carrot protoplasts has led to direct voltage-clamp evidence for the existence of Ca2+ channels activated by physiological depolarizations in the plasma membrane of higher plant cells. However, these voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels were not stable and their activities decreased following the establishment of whole-cell recordings. We show here that large pre-depolarizing pulses positive to 0 mV induced not only the recovery of Ca2+ channel activities, but also the activation of initially quiescent voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane (recruitment). This recruitment was dependent on the intensity and duration of membrane depolarizations, i.e. the higher and longer the pre-depolarization, the greater the recruitment. Pre-depolarizing pulses to +118 mV during 30 s increased the initial calcium currents 5- to 10-fold. The recruited channels were permeable to Ba2+ and Sr2+ ions. The data suggested that voltage-dependent Ca(2+)-permeable channels are regulated by biological mechanisms which might be induced by large pre-depolarizations of the plasma membrane. In addition, this study provides evidence for the existence in the plasma membrane of higher plant cells of a large number of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels of which a major part are inactive and quiescent. It is suggested that quiescent Ca2+ channels can be rapidly recruited for Ca(2+)-dependent signal transduction.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in rabbits against the outer membrane of Neurospora mitochondria. Antibodies were obtained that were specific for this membrane's major polypeptide (M, 31 000) and its slower-migrating derivatives on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. These antibodies inhibited the insertion into phospholipid bilayers of voltage-dependent ion channels from detergent extracts of the mitochondrial outer membranes. The same antibodies bound preferentially to membranes containing crystalline surface arrays in outer mitochondrial membrane fractions. These results indicate that the 31 kDa polypeptide is a component both of the ion channels and of the membrane arrays, suggesting identity between the functional and structural entities.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that anti-tubulin agents induce the release of cytochrome c from isolated mitochondria. In this study, we show that tubulin is present in mitochondria isolated from different human cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines. The absence of polymerized microtubules and cytosolic proteins was checked to ensure that this tubulin is an inherent component of the mitochondria. In addition, a salt wash did not release the tubulin from the mitochondria. By using electron microscopy, we then showed that tubulin is localized in the mitochondrial membranes. As compared with cellular tubulin, mitochondrial tubulin is enriched in acetylated and tyrosinated alpha-tubulin and is also enriched in the class III beta-tubulin isotype but contains very little of the class IV beta-tubulin isotype. The mitochondrial tubulin is likely to be organized in alpha/beta dimers and represents 2.2 +/- 0.5% of total cellular tubulin. Lastly, we showed by immunoprecipitation experiments that the mitochondrial tubulin is specifically associated with the voltage-dependent anion channel, the main component of the permeability transition pore. Thus, tubulin is an inherent component of mitochondrial membranes, and it could play a role in apoptosis via interaction with the permeability transition pore.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is a critical β-barrel membrane protein of the mitochondrial outer membrane, which regulates the transport of ions and ATP between mitochondria and the cytoplasm. In addition, VDAC plays a central role in the control of apoptosis and is therefore of great interest in both cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Although not fully understood, it is presumed that the gating mechanism of VDAC is governed by its N-terminal region which, in the open state of the channel, exhibits an α-helical structure positioned midway inside the pore and strongly interacting with the β-barrel wall. In the present work, we performed molecular simulations with a recently developed force field for disordered systems to shed new light on known experimental results, showing that the N-terminus of VDAC is an intrinsically disordered region (IDR). First, simulation of the N-terminal segment as a free peptide highlighted its disordered nature and the importance of using an IDR-specific force field to properly sample its conformational landscape. Secondly, accelerated dynamics simulation of a double cysteine VDAC mutant under applied voltage revealed metastable low conducting states of the channel representative of closed states observed experimentally. Related structures were characterized by partial unfolding and rearrangement of the N-terminal tail, that led to steric hindrance of the pore. Our results indicate that the disordered properties of the N-terminus are crucial to properly account for the gating mechanism of VDAC.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell death is an essential process in the development of the central nervous system and in the pathogenesis of its degenerative diseases. Efflux of K(+) and Cl(-) ions leads to the shrinkage of the apoptotic cell and facilitates the activation of caspases. Here, we present electrophysiological and immunocytochemical evidences for the activation of a voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) in the plasma membrane of neurons undergoing apoptosis. Anti-VDAC antibodies blocked the channel and inhibited the apoptotic process. In nonapoptotic cells, plasma membrane VDAC1 protein can function as a NADH (-ferricyanide) reductase. Opening of VDAC channels in apoptotic cells was associated with an increase in this activity, which was partly blocked by VDAC antibodies. Hence, it appears that there might be a dual role for this protein in the plasma membrane: (1) maintenance of redox homeostasis in normal cells and (2) promotion of anion efflux in apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Recent patch-clamp studies have shown that anti-porin antibodies, applied to the external side of excised plasma membrane patches of mammalian astrocytes, close chloride channels that are thought to be engaged in cell volume regulation. Frog oocytes are often used to study this basic cell function. Here we document the localisation of endogenous porin voltage-dependent anion-selective channels in Xenopus laevis oocyte plasma membranes. In confocal laser microscopy images a disjunctive pattern of fluorescing spots appear about 10 microm apart. Labelling was prevented by preabsorption of the antibodies with synthetic peptides comprising the epitope of the antigen. Immuno-gold marking of oocyte surfaces followed by silver enhancement of the gold particles lead to a plasma membrane labelling corresponding to that obtained by the confocal laser approach. The data suggests the presence of voltage-dependent, anion-selective channels in oocyte plasma membranes. This data should be borne in mind when frog oocytes are used to study the characteristics of endogenous or heterologously expressed ion channels or regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The diffusion of metabolites across the outer mitochondrial membrane is essential for coupled cellular respiration. The outer membrane of mitochondria isolated from growth factor-deprived cells is impaired in its ability to exchange metabolic anions. When added to mitochondria, recombinant Bcl-x(L) restores metabolite exchange across the outer membrane without inducing the loss of cytochrome c from the intermembrane space. Restoration of outer membrane permeability to anionic metabolites does not occur directly through Bcl-x(L) ion channels. Instead, recombinant Bcl-x(L) maintains the outer mitochondrial membrane channel, VDAC, in an open configuration. Consistent with these findings, when ADP-induced oxidative phosphorylation is limited by exogenous beta-NADH, recombinant Bcl-x(L) can sustain outer mitochondrial membrane permeability to ADP. beta-NADH limits respiration by promoting the closed configuration of VDAC. Together these results demonstrate that following an apoptotic signal, Bcl-x(L) can maintain metabolite exchange across the outer mitochondrial membrane by inhibiting VDAC closure.  相似文献   

In this study, we addressed the presence and location of nucleotide-binding sites in the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). VDAC bound to reactive red 120-agarose, from which it was eluted by ATP, less effectively by ADP and AMP, but not by NADH. The photoreactive ATP analog, benzoyl-benzoyl-ATP (BzATP), was used to identify and characterize the ATP-binding sites in VDAC. [alpha-(32)P]BzATP bound to purified VDAC at two or more binding sites with apparent high and low binding affinities. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) analysis of BzATP-labeled VDAC confirmed the binding of at least two BzATP molecules to VDAC. The VDAC BzATP-binding sites showed higher specificity for purine than for pyrimidine nucleotides and higher affinity for negatively charged nucleotide species. VDAC treatment with the lysyl residue modifying reagent, fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate, markedly inhibited VDAC labeling with BzATP. The VDAC nucleotide-binding sites were localized using chemical and enzymatic cleavage. Digestion of [alpha-(32)P]BzATP-labeled VDAC with CNBr or V8 protease resulted in the appearance of approximately 17- and approximately 14-kDa labeled fragments. Further digestion, high performance liquid chromatography separation, and sequencing of the selected V8 peptides suggested that the labeled fragments originated from two different regions of the VDAC molecule. MALDI-TOF analysis of BzATP-labeled, tryptic VDAC fragments indicated and localized three nucleotide binding sites, two of which were at the N and C termini of VDAC. Thus, the presence of two or more nucleotide-binding sites in VDAC is suggested, and their possible function in the control of VDAC activity, and, thereby, of outer mitochondrial membrane permeability is discussed.  相似文献   

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