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Here we review the results that have emerged from our structural studies on the oestrogen receptor ligand-binding domain (ER-LBD). The effects of agonists and antagonists on the structure of ER- and ERβ-LBDs are examined. In addition, the findings from structural studies of ER-LBD in complex with peptide fragments corresponding to the NR-box II and III modules of the p160 coactivator TIF2 are discussed in the context of the assembly of ER:coactivator complexes. Together these studies have broadened our understanding of ER function by providing a unique insight into ER's ligand specificity, it's ability to interact with coactivators and the structural changes that underlie receptor agonism and antagonism.  相似文献   

Various estrogen analogs were synthesized and tested for binding to human ERα using a fluorescence polarization displacement assay. Binding affinity and orientation were also predicted using docking calculations. Docking was able to accurately predict relative binding affinity and orientation for estradiol, but only if a tightly bound water molecule bridging Arg394/Glu353 is present. Di-hydroxyl compounds sometimes bind in two orientations, which are flipped in terms of relative positioning of their hydroxyl groups. Di-hydroxyl compounds were predicted to bind with their aliphatic hydroxyl group interacting with His524 in ERα. One nonsteroid-based dihdroxyl compound was 1000-fold specific for ERβ over ERα, and was also 25-fold specific for agonist ERβ versus antagonist activity. Docking predictions suggest this specificity may be due to interaction of the aliphatic hydroxyl with His475 in the agonist form of ERβ, versus with Thr299 in the antagonist form. But, the presence of this aliphatic hydroxyl is not required in all compounds, since mono-hydroxyl (phenolic) compounds bind ERα with high affinity, via hydroxyl hydrogen bonding interactions with the ERα Arg394/Glu353/water triad, and van der Waals interactions with the rest of the molecule.  相似文献   

Core peptide (CP; GLRILLLKV) is a 9-amino acid peptide derived from the transmembrane sequence of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) alpha-subunit. CP inhibits T-cell activation both in vitro and in vivo by disruption of the TCR at the membrane level. To elucidate CP interactions with lipids, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and circular dichroism (CD) were used to examine CP binding and secondary structure in the presence of either the anionic dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidyl-DL-glycerol (DMPG), or the zwitterionic dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phoshatidyl choline (DMPC).Using lipid monolayers and bilayers, SPR experiments demonstrated that irreversible peptide-lipid binding required the hydrophobic interior provided by a membrane bilayer. The importance of electrostatic interactions between CP and phospholipids was highlighted on lipid monolayers as CP bound reversibly to anionic DMPG monolayers, with no detectable binding observed on neutral DMPC monolayers.CD revealed a dose-dependent conformational change of CP from a dominantly random coil structure to that of beta-structure as the concentration of lipid increased relative to CP. This occurred only in the presence of the anionic DMPG at a lipid : peptide molar ratio of 1.6:1 as no conformational change was observed when the zwitterionic DMPC was tested up to a lipid : peptide ratio of 8.4 : 1.  相似文献   

We have constructed a molecular model of the ligand-binding domain of the GABA(C) receptor, which is a member of the Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel family. The extracellular domains of these receptors share similar sequence homology (20%) with Limnaea acetylcholine-binding protein for which an X-ray crystal structure is available. We used this structure as a template for homology modeling of the GABA(C) receptor extracellular domain using FUGUE and MODELLER software. FlexX was then used to dock GABA into the receptor ligand-binding site, resulting in three alternative energetically favorable orientations. Residues located no more than 5 A from the docked GABA were identified for each model; of these, three were found to be common to all models with 14 others present only in certain models. Using data from experimental studies, we propose that the most likely orientation of GABA is with its amine close to Y198, and its carboxylate close to R104. These studies have therefore provided a model of the ligand-binding domain, which will be useful for both GABA(C) and GABA(A) receptor studies, and have also yielded an experimentally testable hypothesis of the location of GABA in the binding pocket. [Figure: see text].  相似文献   

囊素与杂交瘤细胞的结合及结合肽的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】囊素(BS)是禽类和哺乳动物中具有重要免疫调节功能的多肽,能有效促进杂交瘤细胞抗体的分泌,为探讨杂交瘤细胞是否有BS受体分子的表达。【方法和结果】本研究采用荧光显微镜、激光扫描共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪分析的方法,检测BS与杂交瘤细胞的结合特性。实验结果证实BS与杂交瘤细胞的结合具有特异性、趋饱和性和可逆性。为进一步分析BS与杂交瘤细胞的结合位点,实验中以BS分子作为靶标,对噬菌体随机12肽库进行了4轮亲和筛选,ELISA和竞争抑制试验显示2个噬菌体克隆能特异性与BS结合。对阳性噬菌体克隆进行序列测定分析表明,其插入的12肽分别为:ACTKHLCLLQPL、MSCNDTLCLLPN,保守序列为LCLL。体外实验表明,2个人工合成的12均都能在一定程度上抑制BS与杂交瘤细胞的特异性结合。【结论】本研究表明杂交瘤细胞具有BS结合的受体,这为进一步研究BS促杂交瘤细胞抗体分泌的信号传导通路奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Glycine receptor chloride channels are Cys-loop receptor proteins that isomerize between a low affinity closed state and a high affinity ion-conducting state. There is currently much interest in understanding the mechanisms that link affinity changes with conductance changes. This essentially involves an agonist binding in the glycine receptor ligand-binding site initiating local conformational changes that propagate in a wave towards the channel gate. However, it has proved difficult to convincingly distinguish those agonist-induced domain movements that are critical for triggering activation from those that are simply local deformations to accommodate ligands in the site. We employed voltage-clamp fluorometry to compare conformational changes in the ligand-binding site in response to activation by glycine, which binds locally, and ivermectin, which binds in the transmembrane domain. We reasoned that ivermectin-mediated activation should initiate a conformational wave that propagates from the pore-lining domain towards the ligand-binding domain, eliciting conformational changes in those extracellular domains that are allosterically linked to the gate. We found that ivermectin indeed elicited conformational changes in ligand-binding domain loops C, D and F. This implies that conformational changes in these domains are important for activation. This result also provides a mechanism to explain how ivermectin potentiates glycine-induced channel activation.  相似文献   

Novel peptides homing to angiogenic vessels were recently isolated from a phage-displayed random pentadecapeptide library. One of the isolated peptides, ASSSYPLIHWRPWAR, significantly suppressed the migration of VEGF-stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Dendoric ASSSYPLIHWRPWAR-peptide suppressed the formation of new blood vessels in dorsal air sac model mice. Furthermore, ASSSYPLIHWRPWAR-peptide and the fragment peptides containing WRP, which is revealed to be an epitope sequence, significantly suppressed the tumor growth, although 15-mer shuffled peptide derived from ASSSYPLIHWRPWAR and pentapeptides with alanine substitution of each residue of WRP did not. Taken together, ASSSYPLIHWRPWAR-peptide may cause tumor dormancy through inhibition of angiogenesis, and the WRP sequence may be the minimal and essential sequence for this activity.  相似文献   

A combinatorial peptide library contains an enormous combination of amino acid sequences and drug candidates, but an effective screening strategy to identify a variety of bioactive peptides has yet to be established. In this article, a random hexapeptide library was screened to identify novel peptide ligands for a 5-oxo-ETE receptor (OXER), which is a G-protein-coupled receptor for bioactive lipids, by using an OXER-Gi1alpha fusion protein. We successfully identified 2 hexapeptides-Ac-HMQLYF-NH2 and Ac-HMWLYF-NH(2)-that exhibited agonistic activity. Although the corresponding affinities were relatively low (EC50 values of 146 and 6.7 microM, respectively), the activities were confirmed by other independent cell-based assay methods, namely, intracellular calcium mobilization and cell chemotaxis. This study demonstrates that a combinatorial peptide library may be screened using a [35S]GTPgammaS binding assay with G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-Galpha fusion proteins, in general, and that of peptide ligands can be obtained even for nonpeptide receptors.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene‐related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM) are related peptides that are potent vasodilators. The CGRP and AM receptors are heteromeric protein complexes comprised of a shared calcitonin receptor‐like receptor (CLR) subunit and a variable receptor activity modifying protein (RAMP) subunit. RAMP1 enables CGRP binding whereas RAMP2 confers AM specificity. How RAMPs determine peptide selectivity is unclear and the receptor stoichiometries are a topic of debate with evidence for 1:1, 2:2, and 2:1 CLR:RAMP stoichiometries. Here, we describe bacterial production of recombinant tethered RAMP‐CLR extracellular domain (ECD) fusion proteins and biochemical characterization of their peptide binding properties. Tethering the two ECDs ensures complex stability and enforces defined stoichiometry. The RAMP1‐CLR ECD fusion purified as a monomer, whereas the RAMP2‐CLR ECD fusion purified as a dimer. Both proteins selectively bound their respective peptides with affinities in the low micromolar range. Truncated CGRP(27‐37) and AM(37‐52) fragments were identified as the minimal ECD complex binding regions. The CGRP C‐terminal amide group contributed to, but was not required for, ECD binding, whereas the AM C‐terminal amide group was essential for ECD binding. Alanine‐scan experiments identified CGRP residues T30, V32, and F37 and AM residues P43, K46, I47, and Y52 as critical for ECD binding. Our results identify CGRP and AM determinants for receptor ECD complex binding and suggest that the CGRP receptor functions as a 1:1 heterodimer. In contrast, the AM receptor may function as a 2:2 dimer of heterodimers, although our results cannot rule out 2:1 or 1:1 stoichiometries.  相似文献   

Computer-based homology modeling techniques were used to construct a three-dimensional model of the Escherichia coli serine receptor ligand-binding domain based on the crystal structure of the Salmonella typhimurium aspartate receptor and the sequence homology between the two receptors. Residues that have been found in mutagenesis studies to be necessary for serine binding are located in a proposed serine-binding site. Several other mutations that affect swimming behavior require relatively small shifts in alpha-carbon positions in the model to give a minimized structure, suggesting that small changes in receptor conformation can affect the signaling state of the receptor.  相似文献   

通过易错PCR方法建立了一个鼠肺不同长度的nGLP-1R(从第21个氨基酸开始到第145个氨基酸)的噬菌体随机突变展示肽库,通过噬菌体表面展示技术检测胰高血糖素样肽1受体N端片段(nGLP-1R)在缺失一段或两段基因后是否还具有结合Exendin-4的活性.经ELISA分析发现了一株无结合活性的突变株,命名为EP16.经测序比对,发现EP16缺失了前20个和后10个氨基酸,且第52位色氨酸突变为精氨酸.为确定EP16与Exendin-4无结合活性的原因,重新构建了无前20个和后10个氨基酸的EP16野生型及第52位色氨酸变为精氨酸的全长nGLP-1Rw52R与EP16进行对比分析.结果表明,EP16的活性丧失是由保守的第52位色氨酸突变为精氨酸引起的,缺失的前20个和后10个氨基酸没有影响其生物学活性.关键位点单个氨基酸残基的突变可以改变胰高血糖素样肽1受体N端片段整个蛋白质的生物学活性.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) signaling pathway influences cell proliferation, immune responses, and extracellular matrix reorganization throughout the vertebrate life cycle. The signaling cascade is initiated by ligand-binding to its cognate type II receptor. Here, we present the structure of the chick type II TGFbeta receptor determined by solution NMR methods. Distance and angular constraints were derived from 15N and 13C edited NMR experiments. Torsion angle dynamics was used throughout the structure calculations and refinement. The 20 final structures were energy minimized using the generalized Born solvent model. For these 20 structures, the average backbone root-mean-square distance from the average structure is below 0.6A. The overall fold of this 109-residue domain is conserved within the superfamily of these receptors. Chick receptors fully recognize and respond to human TGFbeta ligands despite only 60% identity at the sequence level. Comparison with the human TGFbeta receptor determined by X-ray crystallography reveals different conformations in several regions. Sequence divergence and crystal packing interactions under low pH conditions are likely causes. This solution structure identifies regions were structural changes, however subtle, may occur upon ligand-binding. We also identified two very well conserved molecular surfaces. One was found to bind ligand in the crystallized human TGFbeta3:TGFbeta type II receptor complex. The other, newly identified area can be the interaction site with type I and/or type III receptors of the TGFbeta signaling complex.  相似文献   

Brassica self-incompatibility, a highly discriminating outbreeding mechanism, has become a paradigm for the study of plant cell-cell communications. When self-pollen lands on a stigma, the male ligand S cysteine-rich (SCR), which is present in the pollen coat, is transmitted to the female receptor, S-locus receptor kinase (SRK). SRK is a membrane-spanning serine/threonine receptor kinase present in the stigmatic papillar cell membrane. Haplotype-specific binding of SCR to SRK brings about pollen rejection. The extracellular receptor domain of SRK (eSRK) is responsible for binding SCR. Based on sequence homology, eSRK can be divided into three subdomains: B lectin-like, hypervariable, and PAN. Biochemical analysis of these subdomains showed that the hypervariable subdomain is responsible for most of the SCR binding capacity of eSRK, whereas the B lectin-like and PAN domains have little, if any, affinity for SCR. Fine mapping of the SCR binding region of SRK using a peptide array revealed a region of the hypervariable subdomain that plays a key role in binding the SCR molecule. We show that residues within the hypervariable subdomain define SRK binding and are likely to be involved in defining haplotype specificity.  相似文献   

The ligand-binding domains of AMPA receptor subunits carry two conserved N-glycosylation sites. In order to gain insight into the functional role of the corresponding N-glycans, we examined how the elimination of glycosylation at these sites (N407 and N414) affects the ligand-binding characteristics, structural stability, cell-surface expression, and channel properties of homomeric GluR-D (GluR4) receptor and its soluble ligand-binding domain (S1S2). GluR-D S1S2 protein expressed as a secreted protein in insect cells was found to be glycosylated at N407 and N414. No major differences in the ligand-binding properties were observed between the 'wild-type' S1S2 and non-glycosylated N407D/N414Q double mutant, or between S1S2 proteins expressed in the presence or absence of tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-glycosylation. Purified glycosylated and non-glycosylated S1S2 proteins also showed similar thermostabilities as determined by CD spectroscopy. Full-length homomeric GluR-D receptor with N407D/N414Q mutation was expressed on the surface of HEK293 cells like the wild-type GluR-D. In outside-out patches, GluR-D and the N407D/N414Q mutant produced similar rapidly desensitizing current responses to glutamate and AMPA. We therefore report that the two conserved ligand-binding domain glycans do not play any major role in receptor-ligand interactions, do not impart a stabilizing effect on the ligand-binding domain, and are not critical for the formation and surface localization of homomeric GluR-D AMPA receptors in HEK293 cells.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨低氧对大鼠心脏钠尿肽C受体 (NPR C)表达的调节作用 ,以及血管钠肽 (VNP)对这一过程的影响。方法 :将大鼠随机分为 3组 :对照组、低氧组 (3~ 2 8d)和VNP(2 5~ 75 μg/kgbw) 低氧组 ,采用放射免疫的方法测定大鼠血浆心房钠尿肽 (ANP)的浓度 ,并采用定量PCR的方法分析NPR C的mRNA水平。结果 :低氧 2 8d大鼠血浆ANP浓度显著高于正常大鼠 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而且每天注射 75 μg/kgbw的VNP使ANP浓度进一步升高 (P <0 .0 1)。低氧 3d对大鼠心脏NPR C的mRNA的量没有显著影响 ;低氧 7d使大鼠心脏NPR C的mRNA的拷贝数显著升高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;低氧 14d、2 8d使大鼠心脏NPR C的mRNA的拷贝数进一步升高 (P <0 .0 1)。每日注射 2 5μg/kgbw的VNP对低氧诱导的大鼠心脏NPR C表达没有显著影响 ;5 0 μg/kgbw的VNP显著降低低氧大鼠心脏NPR C的表达 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;75 μg/kgbw的VNP进一步降低低氧大鼠心脏NPR C的表达 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 :VNP可以升高低氧大鼠的血浆ANP水平 ;低氧可以使大鼠心脏NPR C表达增加 ,而且具有时间依赖性 ,而VNP对这一过程有抑制作用 ,并且呈剂量依赖性  相似文献   

In this study, we report that one of the antimicrobial peptides scolopendrasin VII, derived from Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans, stimulates actin polymerization and the subsequent chemotactic migration of macrophages through the activation of ERK and protein kinase B (Akt) activity. The scolopendrasin VII-induced chemotactic migration of macrophages is inhibited by the formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) antagonist cyclosporine H. We also found that scolopendrasin VII stimulate the chemotactic migration of FPR1-transfected RBL-2H3 cells, but not that of vector-transfected cells; moreover, scolopendrasin VII directly binds to FPR1. Our findings therefore suggest that the antimicrobial peptide scolopendrasin VII, derived from Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans, stimulates macrophages, resulting in chemotactic migration via FPR1 signaling, and the peptide can be useful in the study of FPR1-related biological responses. [BMB Reports 2015; 48(8): 479-484]  相似文献   

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