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The distribution of cells through the phases of the cell cycle by DNA flow cytofluorimetry was analysed to investigate the effects of UV irradiation on cell cycle progression in asynchronous Chinese hamster cells with different UV-sensitivity: cell line V79 (UV-resistant cells), and UV-sensitive clones: B6, CHS1, CHS2 and XII. The UV-irradiated cultures show a large accumulation of cells in S phase, the effect increasing with UV dose increase, which may point to an inhibition of the DNA chain elongation. UV-sensitive clones show a larger and more prolongated increase in the proportion of cells in S phase after irradiation with smaller dose than UV-resistant cells. Besides, the UV-sensitive clone XII shows an inhibition of movement of irradiated cells from G1 into S phase, that may testify to an inhibition of replicon initiation. These results suggest that there is a correlation in UV-irradiated Chinese hamster cells between alteration in cell cycle progression and UV-sensitivity of cells.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA probes complementary to Chinese hamster metallothionein (MT)-1 and MT-2 mRNAs were used to compare MT gene copy numbers, zinc-induced MT mRNA levels, and uninduced MT mRNA levels in cadmium-resistant (Cdr) Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Quantitative hybridization analyses determined that the MT-1 and MT-2 genes are each present at approximately single-copy levels in the genome of cell line Cdr2C10 and are coordinately amplified approximately 7, 3, and 12 times over the Cdr2C10 value in the genomes of cell lines Cdr20F4, Cdr30F9, and Cdr200T1, respectively. The maximum zinc-induced MT-1 mRNA concentrations in cell lines Cdr20F4, Cdr30F9, and Cdr200T1 were equal to 1, 3, and 15 times that measured in Cdr2C10, respectively. Similarly, the maximum zinc-induced MT-2 mRNA concentrations were equal to 1, 3, and 14 times that measured in Cdr2C10, respectively, and in each instance they were 90 to 150 times greater than their respective concentrations in uninduced cells. Thus, relative MT gene numbers are closely correlated with both zinc-induced and uninduced MT mRNA levels in Cdr2C10, Cdr30F9, and Cdr200T1, but not in Cdr20F4. Each of the latter two lines possesses structurally altered chromosomes whose breakpoints are near the MT locus. Nonetheless, the ratio of the levels of MT-1 to MT-2 mRNAs was constant in each of the four cell lines, including Cdr20F4. These results demonstrate that MT-1 and MT-2 mRNAs are induced coordinately in each Cdr cell line. Therefore, the coordination of the induction of MT-1 and MT-2 mRNA is independent of MT gene amplification, MT gene rearrangement, and the relative inducibilities of amplified MT genes. However, MT mRNA and protein levels each indicate that MT-1 and MT-2 expression is non-coordinate in uninduced cells. Thus, regulation of MT expression may involve two different mechanisms which are differentially operative in induced and uninduced cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of the induction curves for UV light-irradiated Haemophilus influenzae lysogens and the distribution of pyrimidine dimers in a repair-deficient lysogen suggests that one dimer per prophage-size segment of the host bacterial chromosome is necessary as a preinduction event. The close correlations obtained prompted a renewed consideration of the possibility that direct prophage induction occurs when one dimer is stabilized within the prophage genome. The host excision-repair system apparently functions to reduce the probability of "stabilizing" within the prophage those dimers that are necessary for induction and inactivation. The presence of the inducible defective prophage in strain Rd depresses the inducibility of prophage HP1c1.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes in the human hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2 exhibit a high degree of plasticity. Whereas in confluent cultures they appear as small (0.1-0.3 micrometer) spherical particles, they undergo dramatic changes, forming elongated tubules measuring up to 5 micrometer on separation of cells and cultivation at low density. We recently showed that several growth factors, including nerve growth factor (NGF), induce the formation of tubular peroxisomes and that this induction is sensitive to K 252b, a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suggesting the involvement of this signal transduction pathway. Because tyrosine kinase is also involved in signal transduction via the reactive oxygen species (ROS), we have analyzed in this study the effects of UV irradiation, H(2)O(2), and oxygen on tubulation of peroxisomes. UVC irradiation induced a significant increase in formation of tubular peroxisomes (40-50% of cells) and this effect was dose-dependently inhibited by pretreatment with N-acetyl cysteine, confirming the involvement of ROS in the UV effect. Furthermore, H(2)O(2) also directly induced the tubulation of peroxisomes, although to a lesser extent. Finally, cultivation under hypoxic conditions (1.5% O(2)) drastically reduced the inducing effect of fetal calf serum on tubulation of peroxisomes, suggesting the involvement of oxygen-mediated signaling. Taken together, our observations indicate that ROS induce the tubulation of peroxisomes in HepG2 cells. Because peroxisomes harbor most of the enzymes for catabolism of ROS, the tubulation and expansion of the peroxisome compartment could have a cell rescue function against the destructive effects of ROS.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to suggest that the advances being made in our understanding of the molecular events surrounding chromosome segregation in non-mammalian and somatic cell models be considered when designing experiments for studying aneuploidy in mammalian germ cells. Accurate chromosome segregation requires the temporal control and unique interactions among a vast array of proteins and cellular organelles. Abnormal function and temporal disarray among these, and others to be identified, biochemical reactions and cellular organelles have the potential for predisposing cells to aneuploidy. Although numerous studies have demonstrated that certain chemicals (mainly those that alter microtubule function) can induce aneuploidy in mammalian germ cells, it seems relevant to point out that such data can be influenced by gender, meiotic stage, and time of cell-fixation post-treatment. Additionally, a consensus has not been reached regarding which of several germ cell aneuploidy assays most accurately reflects the human condition. More recent studies have shown that certain kinase, phosphatase, proteasome, and topoisomerase inhibitors can also induce aneuploidy in rodent germ cells. We suggest that molecular approaches be prudently incorporated into mammalian germ cell aneuploidy research in order to eventually understand the causes and mechanisms of human aneuploidy. Such an enormous undertaking would benefit from collaboration among scientists representing several disciplines.  相似文献   

Three endonucleases from murine plasmacytoma cells that specifically nick DNA which was heavily irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) light were resolved by Sephacryl S-200 column chromatography. Two of these, UV endonucleases I and II, were purified extensively. UV endonuclease I appears to be a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 43 kDa; UV endonuclease II has an S value of 2.9 S, with a corresponding molecular mass estimated at 28 kDa. Both enzymes act as a class I AP endonuclease, cleaving phosphodiester bonds via a beta-elimination mechanism, so as to form an unsaturated deoxyribose at the 3' terminus. Both have thymine glycol DNA glycosylase activity and their substrate specificities generally appear to be overlapping but not identical. UV endonuclease I acts on both supercoiled and relaxed DNAs, whereas II acts only on supercoiled DNA. Both enzymes are active in EDTA, but have different optima for salt, pH, and Triton X-100. Each enzyme is also present in cultured diploid human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The effects of UV radiation on the low temperature fluorescenceand primary photochemistry of PSII and PSI of spinach chloroplastswere studied. Fluorescence induction curves at –196°Cwere measured at 695 nm for PSII fluorescence and at 730 nmfor PSI fluorescence to determine both the initial Fo and finalFM levels. The primary photochemistry of PSII was measured asthe rate of photoreduction of C-550 at – 196°C, thatof PSI as the rate of photooxidation of P700 at –196°C.The results were analyzed in terms of a model for the photosyntheticapparatus which accounts for the yields of fluorescence andprimary photochemistry. According to this analysis UV radiationincreases nonradiative decay processes at the reaction centerchlorophyll of PSII. However, the effect of UV radiation isnot uniform throughout the sample during irradiation so thataccount must be taken of the fraction of PSII reaction centerswhich have been irradiated at any given time. UV radiation alsoinactivates P700 and causes a slight increase in nonradiativedecay in the antenna chlorophyll of PSI. All fluorescence ofvariable yield, FV = FM–Fo, at 730 nm is due to energytransfer from PSII to PSI so that the sensitivity of Fv to UVradiation is the same at 730 and 695 nm. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Toho University, Narashino, Chiba 275, Japan. 2Present address: Central Research Laboratories, Fuji PhotoFilm Co., Ltd., 105 Mizonuma, Asaka-Shi, Saitama 351, Japan. (Received September 10, 1975; )  相似文献   

A picosecond UV laser was used to cross-link proteins to DNA in nuclei, whole cells and reconstituted nucleohistone. Irradiation of the nucleohistone resulted in crosslinking 15-20% of bound histones to DNA in a very short time (one or several picosecond pulses), the efficiency of crosslinking to single stranded DNA being higher than to double stranded DNA. All histones as well as high mobility group 1 proteins were identified in the covalently linked protein-DNA complexes upon irradiation of isolated nuclei and whole cells. A method is suggested for isolation of crosslinked material from cells and nuclei in amounts sufficient for further analysis. Experiments with reconstituted nucleohistones showed that upon irradiation at a constant dose the efficiency of crosslinking depended on the intensity of the light, thus suggesting a two-quantum process is involved in the reaction.  相似文献   

A stilbene synthase catalyzing the formation of resveratrol from 4-hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA was found in the leaves of several Vitaceae. This stilbene synthase and two other enzymes functioning on the route from phenylalanine to stilbenes were induced concurrently upon irradiation of the leaves with UV light. With leaves of Cissus antarctica, an increase of stilbene synthase activity, more than hundred-fold, was observed with a maximum appearing 15 h after the induction with UV light.Abbreviations EDTA Na2-ethylenediaminotetraacetate - Hepes 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - Mes morpholinoethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula were exposed to 50 mg/l Cd for 4 days for inducing metallothionein synthesis. Spleen, pancreas, kidney and gonads were dissected out and metallothionein presence was checked by means of gel filtration chromatography in Sephadex G-75 and sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide electrophoresis. In pancreas and kidney, a cadmium-binding protein with spectroscopical and electrophoretic properties similar to those of dogfish liver metallothionein was found. In the other organs, the existence of an analogue protein but at very low concentrations is feasible.  相似文献   

Late induction of human DNA ligase I after UV-C irradiation.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied the regulation of DNA ligase I gene expression in UV-C irradiated human primary fibroblasts. An increase of approximately 6-fold both in DNA ligase I messenger and activity levels was observed 24 h after UV treatment, when nucleotide excision repair (NER) is no longer operating. DNA ligase I induction is serum-independent and is controlled mainly by the steady-state level of its mRNA. The activation is a function of the UV dose and occurs at lower doses in cells showing UV hypersensitivity. No increase in replicative DNA polymerase alpha activity was found, indicating that UV induction of DNA ligase I occurs through a pathway that differs from the one causing activation of the replication machinery. These data suggest that DNA ligase I induction could be linked to the repair of DNA damage not removed by NER.  相似文献   

Purified scrapie prions resist inactivation by UV irradiation.   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The development of effective purification protocols has permitted evaluation of the resistance of isolated scrapie prions to inactivation by UV irradiation at 254 nm. Prions were irradiated on ice with doses of UV light ranging up to 120,000 J/m2. UV dosimetry experiments, performed with Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasmid DNA or eucaryotic cells, indicated that under these experimental conditions an incident UV dose of 10 J/m2 formed 2 thymine dimers per 5.1 X 10(6) daltons of eucaryotic cell DNA. The D37 values for scrapie prions ranged from 17,000 to 22,000 J/m2; D37 values were also determined for virus, viroid, and enzyme controls. The number of pyrimidine dimers formed was correlated with the D37 values obtained for irradiated prions and target nucleic acids. The D37 value for bacteriophage M13, 6.5 J/m2, occurred at a dose that would form 0.56 dimers per target genome; the D37 for potato spindle tuber viroid, 4,800 J/m2, occurred at a dose that would form about 24 dimers per target viroid. The D37 value for an EcoRI restriction site, a target of 12 bases, occurred at a dose that would correspond to the formation of 0.89 thymine dimers per target site. The D37 value for prions occurred at a dose that would form 1 dimer in every 4 bases of single-stranded target nucleic acid. If the putative scrapie nucleic acid were double-stranded and readily repairable after UV damage, then the prion D37 value could reflect a nucleic acid molecule of 30 to 45 base pairs. While the D37 value for prions fell within the range of pure protein targets, our experiments cannot eliminate the possibility that a prion contains a small, highly protected nucleic acid molecule.  相似文献   

Decoloration of chitosan by UV irradiation, which was used to replace a bleaching step during chitosan preparation, was evaluated under four separate treatments (effect of irradiation time, chitosan/water ratio, stirring speed, and UV light source). The optimal decoloration condition was defined as that producing white chitosan with higher viscosity. Decoloration of chitosan could be achieved effectively using a UV-C light by stirring unbleached chitosan in water (1:8, w/v) for 5 min at 120 rpm. UV irradiation applied under the optimal conditions could be used to produce chitosan with desirable white color (L* = 76.95, a* = −0.37, and b* = 14.04) and high viscosity (1301.7 mPa s at 0.5% w/v in 1.0% v/v acetic acid).  相似文献   

S L Kelly  J M Parry 《Mutation research》1983,108(1-3):109-120
Irradiation of yeast cultures with ultraviolet light at discrete stages during meiosis produces cyclic variations in sensitivity, i.e. cells are more sensitive to the lethal effects of UV light prior to entry into the meiotic DNA synthesis, and this corresponds to a peak of induction of point mutation. Cells become more resistant to both induced point mutation and lethality as they enter meiotic DNA synthesis, but become more sensitive again during spore formation. The induced level of intragenic recombination rises during the period of commitment to recombination to a level indistinguishable from the full meiotic level of spontaneous intragenic recombination. Induced reciprocal recombination remains above the spontaneous level up to the point of commitment to sporulation.  相似文献   

L I Lebedeva 《Genetika》1982,18(9):1468-1475
The report is concerned with one of possible mechanisms of emergence of chromosome aberrations after UV-irradiation of mammalian cells. The process is initiated by DNA cross-links following thymine dimerization, and is completed during mitosis. A model to account for formation of chromosome aberrations has been offered. It is compatible with the modern concept of a scaffolding model for metaphase chromosome structure in which the scaffold organizes DNA into loops along its length. The model predicts the importance of a process of mitotic chromosome isolation during aberration formation (in addition to the processes of DNA replication, reparation and chromosome association). Another feature of the model is an attempt to describe formation of aberrations under conditions of true DNA reparation.  相似文献   

J L Cook  D L May  A M Lewis  Jr    T A Walker 《Journal of virology》1987,61(11):3510-3520
Rodent cells immortalized by the E1A gene of nononcogenic adenoviruses are susceptible to lysis by natural killer (NK) cells and activated macrophages. This cytolysis-susceptible phenotype may contribute to the rejection of adenovirus-transformed cells by immunocompetent animals. Such increased cytolytic susceptibility has also been observed with infected rodent cells. This infection model provided a means to study the role of E1A gene products in induction of cytolytic susceptibility without cell selection during transformation. Deletion mutations outside of the E1A gene had no effect on adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) or Ad5 induction of cytolytic susceptibility in infected hamster cells, while E1A-minus mutant viruses could not induce this phenotype. E1A mutant viruses that induced expression of either E1A 12S or 13S mRNA in infected cells were competent to induce cytolytic susceptibility. Furthermore, there was a correlation between the accumulation of E1A gene products in Ad5-infected cells and the level of susceptibility of such target cells to lysis by NK cells. The results of coinfection studies indicated that the E1A gene products of highly oncogenic Ad12 could not complement the lack of induction of cytolytic susceptibility by E1A-minus Ad5 virus in infected cells and also could not block induction of this infected-cell phenotype by Ad5. These data suggest that expression of the E1A gene of nononcogenic adenoviruses may cause the elimination of infected cells by the immunologically nonspecific host inflammatory cell response prior to cellular transformation. The lack of induction of this cytolysis-susceptible phenotype by Ad12 E1A may result in an increased persistence of Ad12-infected cells in vivo and may lead to an increased Ad12-transformed cell burden for the host.  相似文献   

We previously reported that broad band UV radiation or narrow bands of UV (Hbw 3 nm) of wavelengths 250 to 320 nm cause a systemic suppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) in mice, observed when the contact sensitizer is applied to a nonirradiated site. To determine if this effect is associated with UV-induced alterations in epidermal Langerhans cell (LC) numbers and morphology, we performed the following study. LC were identified by ATPase staining of EDTA-separated epidermal sheets. Electron microscope studies confirmed that this method was a satisfactory indicator of the presence of LC; we found no evidence for LC which did not stain for ATPase in either irradiated or unirradiated epidermis. Mice were irradiated on the back with narrow band UV of peak wavelength 270, 290, or 320 nm. The irradiated skin was excised 24 hr later and was stained as described. The number of LC with ATPase staining dendrites and the number of nondendritic LC were enumerated. We found that UV radiation of 270 or 290 nm caused 1) an alteration in LC morphology (loss of dendrites) and 2) a decrease in the total number of epidermal LC. Both effects occurred in a dose-dependent fashion. Previously, these same wavelengths of narrow band UV, but at higher doses, had been shown to cause systemic suppression of CHS. In this study, the doses of 270 or 290 nm UV that resulted in the decreased LC numbers and alterations in LC morphology described above were insufficient to cause systemic suppression of CHS. The converse was found if the irradiating waveband of UV had a peak at 320 nm. A dose of 320 nm UV that caused 50% systemic suppression of CHS had no effect on either the number or the morphology of LC at the site of irradiation. In addition, the number and morphology of LC were unaffected in the ventral epidermis (site of contact sensitization) of mice that had been previously irradiated on the back with a systemically suppressive dose of UV. We conclude: (a) UV-induced alterations in the number and morphology of LC at the site of irradiation are not necessary for the generation of systemic suppression of CHS by UV radiation; this indicates that the initial UV-absorbing event triggering systemic suppression is neither a loss of, nor morphologic alterations to, LC at the irradiation site. (b) A systemic effect of UV radiation on the number and morphology of LC at the unirradiated site of contact sensitization does not occur, and thus is not responsible for the UV-induced systemic suppression of CHS by UV radiation.  相似文献   

Action spectra for the induction of intragenic mitotic recombination (gene conversion) at the trp5 locus by UV are presented for three cell stages (T0, T9 and T16) taken from synchronously growing cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The spectra over the range from 230 to 300 nm were taken mostly in 5-nm steps. The peak of action spectra was significantly shifted, regardless of the stage, toward the longer wavelengths as compared with that of the absorption spectrum of DNA (258 nm) or even that of thymine (265 nm). In one extreme case (T16), the peak was shifted 17 nm from the absorption peak of DNA. Further, the spectrum changed its shape at the cell stage advanced from non-dividing (unbudded) (T0) to a dividing phase (T16). Furthermore, the induction cross section decreased by a large factor (about 40), regardless of the wavelength, in going from T0 to T16. From observations of the high photoreversibility of induced conversions, the major primary damage was thought to be pyrimidine dimers in the DNA.One plausible explanation, though not quite satisfactory from the quantitative viewpoint for these findings was that the increasing RNA during growth would screen the incident UV differentially with respect to the stage. If this explanation is correct, thymine dimers may still be considered, in spite of the shifts and deformations in the action spectra, as the major primary damage that triggers the long series of processes leading to gene conversion. Conventional methods for obtaining action spectra are discussed in comparison with the present method, which was based on sensitivity parameter a in the proposed dose (t)-frequency (f) relation, f = (at)α (α is the multiplicity parameter).  相似文献   

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