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Reliable identification of individual chromosomes in eukaryotic species is the foundation for comparative chromosome synteny and evolutionary studies. Unfortunately, chromosome identification has been a major challenge for plants with small chromosomes, such as the Citrus species. We developed oligonucleotide‐based chromosome painting probes for all nine chromosomes in Citrus maxima (Pummelo). We were able to identify all C. maxima chromosomes in the same metaphase cells using multiple rounds of sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization with the painting probes. We conducted comparative chromosome painting analysis in six different Citrus and related species. We found that each painting probe hybridized to only a single chromosome in all other five species, suggesting that the six species have maintained a complete chromosomal synteny after more than 9 million years of divergence. No interchromosomal rearrangement was identified in any species. These results support the hypothesis that karyotypes of woody species are more stable than herbaceous plants because woody plants need a longer period to fix chromosome structural variants in natural populations.  相似文献   

Restriction site variations in nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) spacers and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were examined in several populations of mole rats with variable numbers of chromosomes, which represented the two superspecies Spalax leucodon (2n = 38, 54, or 62) and Spalax ehrenbergi (2n = 52, 54, 58, or 60). Sequence divergence of rDNA spacers between the members of the superspecies was approximately 8%, while the variation within each superspecies was 4% on average. The intrasuperspecies differentiation of rDNA spacers was generally associated with changes in the diploid number of chromosomes. However, substantial divergence (approximately 1.5%) was also detected among populations with the same diploid number of chromosomes. The sequence divergence of mtDNA among haplotypes of S. ehrenbergi was 10% or higher and among haplotypes of S. leucodon it was approximately 12%. By contrast, the range of sequence divergence between superspecies was 7.4%-12%. The large divergence of mtDNAs within each superspecies of mole rats may be explained by the preservation of ancient mtDNA polymorphisms.   相似文献   

Summary More than 30 unrelated individuals were analysed by pulse field gel electrophoresis for the alphoid centromeric sequences of chromosomes 13 and 21. These individuals had DNA patterns all different from each other and were most probably heterozygous at both loci. When several nuclear families were analysed in this manner, segregation was shown to be Mendelian, and no recombination event was detected over the 150 meioses scored in this study. Alphoid DNA sequences, therefore, constitute highly polymorphic centromeric markers, which can be used in linkage analysis for loci close to the centromeres of chromosomes 13 and 21.  相似文献   

Evidence accumulated from studies based on physiological, biochemical, and molecular characteristics has pointed to the heterogeneity of the ubiquitous anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast species Cryptococcus albidus (Saito) Skinner, with its current varieties and synonyms. The taxonomic status of this species has not been reappraised because different studies, mostly involving limited numbers of strains, have not been integrated. To assess species diversity within the clade containing Cryptococcus albidus and other phylogenetically related Cryptococcus and Filobasidium species, we determined ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences of 69 strains from the 5' end of the 26S gene, D1/D2 region, and in some cases, the non-coding ITS2 region. Analysis of the sequence data together with available physiological, biochemical, and molecular characteristics, showed the segregation of C. albidus into at least 12 species, leading to the elevation of former varieties to the rank of species (C. aerius, C. diffluens), the reinstatement of synonyms (C. liquefaciens, C. terricola), and the proposal of new species (C. arrabidensis, C. chernovii, C. cylindricus, C. oeirensis, C. phenolicus, C. saitoi, C. uzbekistanensis, C. wieringae). The overall analyses of the results argue in favour of the use of rDNA sequence data to improve species delineation when integrated with other available physiological and molecular characteristics.  相似文献   

Single-strand-conformation polymorphism (SSCP) of ribosomal DNA of 29 species (282 isolates) of Phytophthora was characterized in this study. Phytophthora boehmeriae, Phytophthora botryosa, Phytophthora cactorum, Phytophthora cambivora, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora cinnamomi, Phytophthora colocasiae, Phytophthora fragariae, Phytophthora heveae, Phytophthora hibernalis, Phytophthora ilicis, Phytophthora infestans, Phytophthora katsurae, Phytophthora lateralis, Phytophthora meadii, Phytophthora medicaginis, Phytophthora megakarya, Phytophthora nicotianae, Phytophthora palmivora, Phytophthora phaseoli, Phytophthora pseudotsugae, Phytophthora sojae, Phytophthora syringae, and Phytophthora tropicalis each showed a unique SSCP pattern. Phytophthora citricola, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora drechsleri, and Phytophthora megasperma each had more than one distinct pattern. A single-stranded DNA ladder also was developed, which facilitates comparison of SSCP patterns within and between gels. With a single DNA fingerprint, 277 isolates of Phytophthora recovered from irrigation water and plant tissues in Virginia were all correctly identified into eight species at substantially reduced time, labor, and cost. The SSCP analysis presented in this work will aid in studies on taxonomy, genetics, and ecology of the genus Phytophthora.  相似文献   

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to related Populus species (2n = 19) in order to detect rDNA loci. An interspecific variability in the number of hybridization sites was revealed using as probe an homologous 25S clone from Populus deltoides. The application of image analysis methods to measure fluorescence intensity of the hybridization signals has enabled us to characterize major and minor loci in the 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA. We identified one pair of such rDNA clusters in Populus alba; two pairs, one major and one minor, in both Populus nigra and P. deltoides; and three pairs in Populus balsamifera, (two major and one minor) and Populus euroamericana (one major and two minor). FISH results are in agreement with those based on RFLP analysis. The pBG13 probe containing 5S sequence from flax detected two separate clusters corresponding to the two size classes of units that coexist within 5S rDNA of most Populus species. Key words : Populus spp., fluorescent in situ hybridization, FISH, rDNA variability, image analysis.  相似文献   

M Mottes  S A Tsai Lai  J Montoya  G Attardi 《Gene》1984,27(1):109-113
Several clones of rDNA have been isolated from an adult human liver DNA Charon 4A library by using cDNA probes synthesized from human 18S and 28S rRNA. The insert of one recombinant Charon 4A clone contained, besides the already known 5.7-kb EcoRI fragment of rDNA, comprising the major portion of the 18S rRNA gene and all the external transcribed spacer (ETS), a previously unidentified EcoRI fragment of rDNA of 8.5 kb in size. DNA transfer hybridization experiments utilizing EcoRI digests of the human DNA used to construct the library and of another human DNA showed the presence of the 8.5-kb EcoRI fragment in a minority of the rDNA repeats on the 5'-end side of the 5.7-kb fragment, thus defining a hitherto unidentified type of EcoRI polymorphism of these repeats.  相似文献   

Highly repeated satellite DNA (stDNA) of citric plants was characterized by cloning and sequencing 10–14 repeats of each plant (Citrus limon, C. sinensis, C. ichangensis, Poncirus trifoliata). The monomers are mostly 181 bp in length with a GC-content between 60% and 68% (significantly higher than the average GC-content of the citrus group genomes). Similarity among the repeats indicates that they belong to a satellite family that underwent species-specific modifications, which are reflected in the phylogenetic relationships. Curvature provoked by dA-stretches of the repeats analyzed by gel shifts revealed structural conservation, even though the nucleotide sequences vary among species, thereby probably supporting the heterochromatic structure of stDNA. We show that the species-specific modification of the satellite consensus involves changes in the position and number of dA tracts. The molecule shapes of satellite oligomeres predicted by computer modelling indicate a superhelical structure of the tandem repeats which is in a good agreement with the satellite sequence dendrogram. The contribution of DNA bending elements to the evolution of plant satellite repeats is discussed. Received: 27 November 2000 / Accepted: 12 January 2001  相似文献   

Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was investigated for rapid differentiation of phenotypically similar yeast species. Sensitive tests indicated that some yeast strains with one, most strains with two, and all strains with three or more nucleotide differences in the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) or ITS2 region could be distinguished by PCR SSCP analysis. The discriminative power of SSCP in yeast species differentiation was demonstrated by comparative studies of representative groups of yeast species from ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, including Saccharomyces species, medically important Candida species, and phylloplane basidiomycetous yeast species. Though the species within each group selected are closely related and have relatively similar rDNA sequences, they were clearly differentiated by PCR-SSCP analysis of the ITS1 region, given the amplified fragments were less than 350 bp in sizes. By using SSCP analysis for rapid screening of yeast strains with different rDNA sequences, species diversity existing in a large collection of yeast strains from natural sources was effectively and thoroughly investigated with substantially reduced time and cost in subsequent DNA sequencing.  相似文献   

Alpha satellite DNA is composed of variants of a short consensus sequence that are repeated in tandem arrays in the centromeric heterochromatin of each human chromosome. To define centromeric markers for linkage studies, we screened human genomic DNA for restriction fragment length polymorphisms using a probe detecting alphoid sequences on chromosomes 13 and 21. We describe one such DNA polymorphism. Analysis of linkage of this DNA marker to other polymorphic markers in the CEPH pedigrees demonstrates linkage to markers on the proximal long arm of chromosome 13 and defines the centromeric end of the linkage map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) polymorphism was compared with electrophoretic enzyme polymorphism for the intra- and interspecies differentiation of Yersinia enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. intermedia, Y. aldovae, Y. frederiksenii and Y. kristensenii. DNA from 90 strains previously classified into six zymotypes (Y. enterocolitica and Y. frederiksenii) and into distinct enzyme electrophoretic patterns (the four other species) was digested with EcoRI or HindIII and analysed by Southern blotting. The six species were clearly differentiated from each other. In Y. enterocolitica, the subclassification of biotype 1 into zymotypes 1A and 1B was also reflected in the rDNA and the four other bio-zymotypes gave four different classes of restriction pattern. In Y. frederiksenii, both EcoRI and HindIII gave five distinct riboclasses which correlated with the zymotypes. In the four other species, the phenotype polymorphism appeared to be better correlated with the restriction fragment length polymorphism data in some enzymes than others. The data demonstrate that the inter- and intraspecies classification by rDNA polymorphism using two restriction enzymes is similar to that based on electrophoretic enzyme polymorphism. The analysis could be refined for taxonomic and epidemiological purposes by using other restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Rábová M  Ráb P  Ozouf-Costaz C 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):413-422
When surveying the karyotype diversity of European loaches of the genus Cobitis to identify species involved in hybrid polyploid complexes, an extensive polymorphism in number and location of NORs was discovered in C. vardarensis using Ag-staining, C-banding, CMA3-fluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This species had 2n=50, the karyotype contained 13 pairs of metacentric, 10 pairs of submetacentric and two pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes. The NOR-bearing chromosomes included one medium-sized metacentric pair with a large CMA3-positive heterochromatic pericentromeric block, one small metacentric as well as one large submetacentric pairs. Ribosomal sites were always located in telomeres of these chromosomes. Each of the pair of NOR-bearing chromosomes occurred in three variants – (1) presence and/or (2) absence of NORs on both homologues and (3) heterozygous combination where only one of the homologues bears NORs. Altogether, 10 different NOR cytotypes from 27 theoretically possible ones were discovered among 20 indviduals examined. The number of NORs ranged from two to five per specimen. The results regarding the number and locations of NORs as revealed by banding techniques were confirmed using FISH with rDNA probe. NOR sites were of CMA3-positive, suggesting that ribosomal sites are associated with GC-rich DNA. Very similar structural polymorphism with multiple NORs is expressed in the Danubian loach C. elongatoides indicating a close relationship between both species.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic cladogram for 23 species of genera Solanum and Lycopersicon was constructed based on restriction analysis of 10 amplified regions of chloroplast DNA. Three major clusters were detected. All Lycopersicon species and S. lycopersicoides formed the first group. Second cluster was occupied by S. verrucosum, polyploid species of series Longipedicellata, and all dyploid and polyploid species native to South America. Two diploid series Pinnatisecta and Bulbocastana were grouped together in the last claster. Previous morphological and molecular markers strongly support this type of phylogenetic analysis. Based on presented results it is evident that combination of chloroplast DNA region amplification and restriction could be a valuable alternative to a standard-RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of ribosomal DNA in the mouse   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
In situ hybridization of I125-labelled ribosomal RNA to mouse chromosomes was used to determine the location of the rDNA loci. The results demonstrate the presence of rDNA sites on chromosomes 15, 18 and 19.  相似文献   

Summary Two systems of monomeric aconitase (ACO) isozymes, designated ACO-1 and ACO-2, were identified in Triticum aestivum and in five diploid Triticeae species. The gene loci Aco-A1, Aco-B1, and Aco-D1 were located in T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring chromosome arms 6Aq, 6Bq, and 6Dq, respectively, and the gene loci Aco-A2, Aco-B2, and Aco-D2 in 5 Aq, 5 Bq, and 5Dq, respectively. Aco-1 gene loci were also identified in 6E of Elytrigia elongata, 6HL of Hordeum vulgare cv. Betzes, 6RL of Secale cereale PI 252003, 6S1 of T. longissimum, and CSU-31 of T. umbellulatum. Other Aco-2 gene loci were identified in 5RL of S. cereale cv. King II and 4EL of E. elongata. Conservation of synteny relationships is indicated among the species studied for the genes identified, with the exception of Aco-E2; the presence of this gene in 4EL suggests that E. elongata differs from Chinese Spring and King II by a translocation involving 4E and 5E.Adapted from a thesis submitted to the Graduate College, Texas A&M University, by K.J.C. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree in Genetics  相似文献   

Bacterial DNA was incubated with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase plus excess iron as an oxygen-species-generating system, and DNA injury was measured by agarose gel electrophoresis and by the ability of the DNA to transform competent bacteria. After 5 to 10 min incubation, the covalently closed circular form of plasmid DNA was converted into the open circular form, and after 30 min, to some extent into the linear form. Biological activity, measured as the number of transformed bacteria, decreased rapidly after 10 min incubation. Incubation of chromosomal DNA with the enzymic oxygen-species-generating system resulted in the degradation of DNA to small fragments within about 1 h. Excess iron was essential for the damaging effect of xanthine plus xanthine oxidase. Damage to DNA could be prevented by oxygen scavengers such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, mannitol and thiourea. Our results suggest that hydroxyl radical is the injurious oxidant for bacterial DNA, and that it can mediate physicochemical as well as biological alterations in DNA.  相似文献   

Differences in demographic history, life-history traits, and breeding systems affect nucleotide variation patterns. It is expected that shade-intolerant pioneer tree species have different patterns of genetic polymorphism and population structure than climax species. We studied patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at four putative starch pathway loci (agpSA, agpSB, agpL, and GBSSI) in Zanthoxylum ailanthoides , a shade-intolerant pioneer tree species that occupies forest gaps in warm-temperate forests of East Asia. Genetic diversity was lower within each population than among populations, and differentiation among populations was high across the loci ( F ST = 0.32–0.64), as expected from the insect-pollinated breeding system and the metapopulation structure of this pioneer species. Numbers of haplotypes were smaller than those expected from the observed numbers of segregating sites. Single haplotypes accounted for more than 47% of all the sampled genes at the respective loci. These variation patterns were incompatible with neutral predictions for populations of a finite island model. Complex population dynamics, such as bottleneck and/or admixture, in the history of this pioneer tree species might have resulted in the observed patterns of genetic variation and population structure, which are different from those of climax wind-pollinated tree species, such as conifers. In contrast to the other loci investigated in this study, agpL showed nearly no variation in Z. ailanthoides (one singleton only), but there was some extent of variation in a closely related species, Zanthoxylum schinifolium . This suggests possibly a recent selective sweep at or near the locus in Z. ailanthoides .  相似文献   

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