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We introduce the use of commercially available locked nucleic acids (LNAs) as a functional probe in RNA. LNA nucleotides contain a covalent linkage that restricts the pseudorotation phase of the ribose to C3'-endo (A-form). Introduction of an LNA at a single site thus allows the role of ribose structure and dynamics in RNA function to be assessed. We apply LNA probing at multiple sites to analyze self-cleavage in the lead-dependent ribozyme (leadzyme), thermodynamic stability in the UUCG tetraloop, and the kinetics of recognition of U1A protein by U1 snRNA hairpin II. In the leadzyme, locking a single guanosine residue into the C3'-endo pucker increases the catalytic rate by a factor of 20, despite the fact that X-ray crystallographic and NMR structures of the leadzyme ground state reported a C2'-endo conformation at this site. These results strongly suggest that a conformational change at this position is critical for catalytic function. Functional insights obtained in all three systems demonstrate the highly general applicability of LNA probing in analysis of the role of ribose orientation in RNA structure, dynamics, and function.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) was used to assess the stabilization/destabilization imposed by oxidative lesion 7,8‐dihydro‐8‐hydroxyadenosine (8‐oxoA) on strands of RNA with different structural motifs. RNA:RNA homoduplex destabilization was observed in a position dependent manner using 10‐mers as models that displayed differences between 12.7 and 15.1°C. We found that increasing the number of modifications resulted in depressed Tm values of about 12–15°C per lesion. The same effect was observed on RNA:DNA heteroduplex samples. We also tested the effects of this lesion in short hairpins containing the tetraloop UUCX (X = A, 8‐oxoA). We found that the stem was hypersensitive to substitution of A by 8‐oxoA and that it destabilized the structure by >23°C. Concomitant substitution at the stem and loop prevented formation of this secondary structure or lead to other less‐stable hairpins. Incorporation of this lesion at the first base of the loop had no effect on either structure. Overall, we found that the effects of 8‐oxoA on RNA structure are position dependent and that its stabilization may vary from sharp decreases to small increments, in some cases, leading to the formation of other more/less stable structures. These structural changes may have larger biological implications, particularly if the oxidatively modified RNA persists, thus leading to changes in RNA reactivity and function. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 167–174, 2015.  相似文献   

The COVID‐2019 pandemic is the most severe acute public health threat of the twenty‐first century. To properly address this crisis with both robust testing and novel treatments, we require a deep understanding of the life cycle of the causative agent, the SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. Here, we examine the architecture and self‐assembly properties of the SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleocapsid protein, which packages viral RNA into new virions. We determined a 1.4 Å resolution crystal structure of this protein's N2b domain, revealing a compact, intertwined dimer similar to that of related coronaviruses including SARS‐CoV. While the N2b domain forms a dimer in solution, addition of the C‐terminal spacer B/N3 domain mediates formation of a homotetramer. Using hydrogen‐deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, we find evidence that at least part of this putatively disordered domain is structured, potentially forming an α‐helix that self‐associates and cooperates with the N2b domain to mediate tetramer formation. Finally, we map the locations of amino acid substitutions in the N protein from over 38,000 SARS‐CoV‐2 genome sequences. We find that these substitutions are strongly clustered in the protein's N2a linker domain, and that substitutions within the N1b and N2b domains cluster away from their functional RNA binding and dimerization interfaces. Overall, this work reveals the architecture and self‐assembly properties of a key protein in the SARS‐CoV‐2 life cycle, with implications for both drug design and antibody‐based testing.  相似文献   

The synthetic peptide Z‐Gly‐Aib‐Gly‐Aib‐OtBu was dissolved in methanol and crystallized in a mixture of ethyl acetate and petroleum ether. The crystals belong to the centrosymmetric space group P4/n that is observed less than 0.3% in the Cambridge Structural Database. The first Gly residue assumes a semi‐extended conformation (φ ±62°, ψ ?131°). The right‐handed peptide folds in two consecutive β‐turns of type II' and type I or an incipient 310‐helix, and the left‐handed counterpart folds accordingly in the opposite configuration. In the crystal lattice, one molecule is linked to four neighbors in the ab‐plane via hydrogen bonds. These bonds form a continuous network of left‐ and right‐handed molecules. The successive ab‐planes stack via apolar contacts in the c‐direction. An ethyl acetate molecule is situated on and close to the fourfold axis. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

N‐acetylglucosamine 6‐phosphate deacetylase (NagA) catalyzes the conversion of N‐acetylglucosamine‐6‐phosphate to glucosamine‐6‐phosphate in amino sugar catabolism. This conversion is an essential step in the catabolism of sialic acid in several pathogenic bacteria, including Pasteurella multocida, and thus NagA is identified as a potential drug target. Here, we report the unique structural features of NagA from P. multocida (PmNagA) resolved to 1.95 Å. PmNagA displays an altered quaternary architecture with unique interface interactions compared to its close homolog, the Escherichia coli NagA (EcNagA). We confirmed that the altered quaternary structure is not a crystallographic artifact using single particle electron cryo‐microscopy. Analysis of the determined crystal structure reveals a set of hot‐spot residues involved in novel interactions at the dimer‐dimer interface. PmNagA binds to one Zn2+ ion in the active site and demonstrates kinetic parameters comparable to other bacterial homologs. Kinetic studies reveal that at high substrate concentrations (~10‐fold the KM), the tetrameric PmNagA displays hysteresis similar to its distant neighbor, the dimeric Staphylococcus aureus NagA (SaNagA). Our findings provide key information on structural and functional properties of NagA in P. multocida that could be utilized to design novel antibacterials.  相似文献   

The Mre11–Rad50 nuclease–ATPase is an evolutionarily conserved multifunctional DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair factor. Mre11–Rad50's mechanism in the processing, tethering, and signaling of DSBs is unclear, in part because we lack a structural framework for its interaction with DNA in different functional states. We determined the crystal structure of Thermotoga maritima Rad50NBD (nucleotide‐binding domain) in complex with Mre11HLH (helix‐loop‐helix domain), AMPPNP, and double‐stranded DNA. DNA binds between both coiled‐coil domains of the Rad50 dimer with main interactions to a strand‐loop‐helix motif on the NBD. Our analysis suggests that this motif on Rad50 does not directly recognize DNA ends and binds internal sites on DNA. Functional studies reveal that DNA binding to Rad50 is not critical for DNA double‐strand break repair but is important for telomere maintenance. In summary, we provide a structural framework for DNA binding to Rad50 in the ATP‐bound state.  相似文献   

To investigate the structural origin of decreased pressure and temperature stability, the crystal structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A variants V47A, V54A, V57A, I81A, I106A, and V108A was solved at 1.4–2.0 Å resolution and compared with the structure of wild‐type protein. The introduced mutations had only minor influence on the global structure of ribonuclease A. The structural changes had individual character that depends on the localization of mutated residue, however, they seemed to expand from mutation site to the rest of the structure. Several different parameters have been evaluated to find correlation with decrease of free energy of unfolding ΔΔGT, and the most significant correlation was found for main cavity volume change. Analysis of the difference distance matrices revealed that the ribonuclease A molecule is organized into five relatively rigid subdomains with individual response to mutation. This behavior consistent with results of unfolding experiments is an intrinsic feature of ribonuclease A that might be surviving remnants of folding intermediates and reflects the dynamic nature of the molecule. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Macrolactam antibiotics such as incednine and cremimycin possess an aliphatic β‐amino acid as a starter unit of their polyketide chain. In the biosynthesis of incednine and cremimycin, unique stand‐alone adenylation enzymes IdnL1 and CmiS6 select and activate the proper aliphatic β‐amino acid as a starter unit. In this study, we describe the enzymatic characterization and the structural basis of substrate specificity of IdnL1 and CmiS6. Functional analysis revealed that IdnL1 and CmiS6 recognize 3‐aminobutanoic acid and 3‐aminononanoic acid, respectively. We solved the X‐ray crystal structures of IdnL1 and CmiS6 to understand the recognition mechanism of these aliphatic β‐amino acids. These structures revealed that IdnL1 and CmiS6 share a common recognition motif that interacts with the β‐amino group of the substrates. However, the hydrophobic side‐chains of the substrates are accommodated differently in the two enzymes. IdnL1 has a bulky Leu220 located close to the terminal methyl group of 3‐aminobutanoate of the trapped acyl‐adenylate intermediate to construct a shallow substrate‐binding pocket. In contrast, CmiS6 possesses Gly220 at the corresponding position to accommodate 3‐aminononanoic acid. This structural observation was supported by a mutational study. Thus, the size of amino acid residue at the 220 position is critical for the selection of an aliphatic β‐amino acid substrate in these adenylation enzymes. Proteins 2017; 85:1238–1247. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

RNA and DNA helicases manipulate or translocate along single strands of nucleic acids by grasping them using a conserved structural motif. We have examined the available crystal structures of helicases of the two principal superfamilies, SF1 and SF2, and observed that the most conserved interactions with the nucleic acid occur between the phosphosugar backbone of a trinucleotide and the three strand‐helix loops within a (β‐strand/α‐helix)3 structural module. At the first and third loops is a conserved hydrogen‐bonded feature called a thr‐motif, often seen at α‐helical N‐termini, with the threonine as the N‐cap residue. These loops can be aligned with few insertions or deletions, and their main chain atoms are structurally congruent amongst the family members and between the two modules found as tandem pairs in all SF1 and SF2 proteins. The other highly conserved interactions with nucleic acid involve mainchain NH groups, often at the helical N‐termini, interacting with phosphate groups. We comment on how the sequence motifs that are commonly used to identify helicases map to locations on the module and discuss the implications of the conserved orientation of nucleic acid on the surface of the module for directional stepping along DNA or RNA. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Emergence of thousands of crystal structures of noncoding RNA molecules indicates its structural and functional diversity. RNA function is based upon a large variety of structural elements which are specifically assembled in the folded molecules. Along with the canonical Watson‐Crick base pairs, different orientations of the bases to form hydrogen‐bonded non‐canonical base pairs have also been observed in the available RNA structures. Frequencies of occurrences of different non‐canonical base pairs in RNA indicate their important role to maintain overall structure and functions of RNA. There are several reports on geometry and energetic stabilities of these non‐canonical base pairs. However, their stacking geometry and stacking stability with the neighboring base pairs are not well studied. Among the different non‐canonical base pairs, the G:U wobble base pair (G:U W:WC) is most frequently observed in the RNA double helices. Using quantum chemical method and available experimental data set we have studied the stacking geometry of G:U W:WC base pair containing dinucleotide sequences in roll‐slide parameters hyperspace for different values of twist. This study indicates that the G:U W:WC base pair can stack well with the canonical base pairs giving rise to large interaction energy. The overall preferred stacking geometry in terms of roll, twist and slide for the eleven possible dinucleotide sequences is seen to be quite dependent on their sequences. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 328–338, 2015.  相似文献   

The HERV‐W family of human endogenous retroviruses represents a group of numerous sequences that show close similarity in genetic composition. It has been documented that some members of HERV‐W–derived expression products are supposed to play significant role in humans' pathology, such as multiple sclerosis or schizophrenia. Other members of the family are necessary to orchestrate physiological processes (eg, ERVWE1 coding syncytin‐1 that is engaged in syncytiotrophoblast formation). Therefore, an assay that would allow the recognition of particular form of HERV‐W members is highly desirable. A peptide nucleic acid (PNA)–mediated technique for the discrimination between multiple sclerosis‐associated retrovirus and ERVWE1 sequence has been developed. The assay uses a PNA probe that, being fully complementary to the ERVWE1 but not to multiple sclerosis‐associated retrovirus (MSRV) template, shows high selective potential. Single‐stranded DNA binding protein facilitates the PNA‐mediated, sequence‐specific formation of strand invasion complex and, consequently, local DNA unwinding. The target DNA may be then excluded from further analysis in any downstream process such as single‐stranded DNA‐specific exonuclease action. Finally, the reaction conditions have been optimized, and several PNA probes that are targeted toward distinct loci along whole HERV‐W env sequences have been evaluated. We believe that PNA/single‐stranded DNA binding protein–based application has the potential to selectively discriminate particular HERV‐W molecules as they are at least suspected to play pathogenic role in a broad range of medical conditions, from psycho‐neurologic disorders (multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia) and cancers (breast cancer) to that of an auto‐immunologic background (psoriasis and lupus erythematosus).  相似文献   

Anamorsin is a recently identified molecule that inhibits apoptosis during hematopoiesis. It contains an N‐terminal methyltransferase‐like domain and a C‐terminal Fe‐S cluster motif. Not much is known about the function of the protein. To better understand the function of anamorsin, we have solved the crystal structure of the N‐terminal domain at 1.8 Å resolution. Although the overall structure resembles a typical S‐adenosylmethionine (SAM) dependent methyltransferase fold, it lacks one α‐helix and one β‐strand. As a result, the N‐terminal domain as well as the full‐length anamorsin did not show S‐adenosyl‐l ‐methionine (AdoMet) dependent methyltransferase activity. Structural comparisons with known AdoMet dependent methyltransferases reveals subtle differences in the SAM binding pocket that preclude the N‐terminal domain from binding to AdoMet. The N‐terminal methyltransferase‐like domain of anamorsin probably functions as a structural scaffold to inhibit methyl transfers by out‐competing other AdoMet dependant methyltransferases or acts as bait for protein–protein interactions.Proteins 2014; 82:1066–1071. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two complexes of Tb3+, Gd3+/Tb3+ and one heteronuclear crystal Gd3+/Tb3+ with phenoxyacetic acid (HPOA) and 2,4,6‐tris‐(2‐pyridyl)‐s–triazine (TPTZ) have been synthesized. Elemental analysis, rare earth coordination titration, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES) and thermogravimetric analysis‐differential scanning calorimetry (TG‐DSC) analysis show that the two complexes are Tb2(POA)6(TPTZ)2·6H2O and TbGd(POA)6(TPTZ)2·6H2O, respectively. The crystal structure of TbGd(POA)6(TPTZ)2·2CH3OH was determined using single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction. The monocrystal belongs to the triclinic system with the P‐1 space group. In particular, each metal ion is coordinately bonded to three nitrogen atoms of one TPTZ and seven oxygen atoms of three phenoxyacetic ions. Furthermore, there exist two coordinate forms between C6H5OCH2COO and the metal ions in the crystal. One is a chelating bidentate, the other is chelating and bridge coordinating. Fluorescence determination shows that the two complexes possess strong fluorescence emissions. Furthermore, the fluorescence intensity of the Gd3+/Tb3+ complex is much stronger than that of the undoped complex, which may result from a decrease in the concentration quench of Tb3+ ions, and intramolecular energy transfer from the ligands coordinated with Gd3+ ions to Tb3+ ions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following the computation of a lattice energy landscape which predicted that there should be more stable, denser forms of (R)‐1‐phenylethylammonium‐(S)‐2‐phenylbutyrate, crystallizations from a range of solvents were performed to search for other polymorphs and investigate the possibility that the known P41 structure could be a hydrate. Extensive crystallization experiments from a wide range of solvents gave fine needles or microcrystalline samples. A redetermination of the P41 structure by powder X‐ray diffraction located all protons, and in conjunction with other experimental and computational evidence showed that the structure was anhydrous. Evidence for two additional forms was found as mixtures with form I. These include an orthorhombic form, possibly a Z′ = 3 polymorph, and another as yet unidentified form obtained as a minor component from dichloromethane solution. However, both these forms appear to be metastable with respect to form I (P41), which is therefore probably the most thermodynamically stable form that can be crystallized from solution under ambient conditions. This determination of the solid state behavior of the less readily crystallized member of the diastereomeric salt system (R)‐1‐phenylethylammonium‐(R/S)‐2‐phenylbutyrate provides a challenge to the theoretical modeling to explain its ideal resolution behavior. Chirality 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Proteins of the nucleic acid‐binding proteins superfamily perform such functions as processing, transport, storage, stretching, translation, and degradation of RNA. It is one of the 16 superfamilies containing the OB‐fold in protein structures. Here, we have analyzed the superfamily of nucleic acid‐binding proteins (the number of sequences exceeds 200,000) and obtained that this superfamily prevalently consists of proteins containing the cold shock DNA‐binding domain (ca. 131,000 protein sequences). Proteins containing the S1 domain compose 57% from the cold shock DNA‐binding domain family. Furthermore, we have found that the S1 domain was identified mainly in the bacterial proteins (ca. 83%) compared to the eukaryotic and archaeal proteins, which are available in the UniProt database. We have found that the number of multiple repeats of S1 domain in the S1 domain‐containing proteins depends on the taxonomic affiliation. All archaeal proteins contain one copy of the S1 domain, while the number of repeats in the eukaryotic proteins varies between 1 and 15 and correlates with the protein size. In the bacterial proteins, the number of repeats is no more than 6, regardless of the protein size. The large variation of the repeat number of S1 domain as one of the structural variants of the OB‐fold is a distinctive feature of S1 domain‐containing proteins. Proteins from the other families and superfamilies have either one OB‐fold or change slightly the repeat numbers. On the whole, it can be supposed that the repeat number is a vital for multifunctional activity of the S1 domain‐containing proteins. Proteins 2017; 85:602–613. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The single‐crystal structure of the collagen‐like peptide (Pro‐Pro‐Gly)4‐Hyp‐Asp‐Gly‐(Pro‐Pro‐Gly)4, was analyzed at 1.02 Å resolution. The overall average helical twist (θ = 49.6°) suggests that this peptide adopts a 7/2 triple‐helical structure and that its conformation is very similar to that of (Gly‐Pro‐Hyp)9, which has the typical repeating sequence in collagen. High‐resolution studies on other collagen‐like peptides have shown that imino acid‐rich sequences preferentially adopt a 7/2 triple‐helical structure (θ = 51.4°), whereas imino acid‐lean sequences adopt relaxed conformations (θ < 51.4°). The guest Gly‐Hyp‐Asp sequence in the present peptide, however, has a large helical twist (θ = 61.1°), whereas that of the host Pro‐Pro‐Gly sequence is small (θ = 46.7°), indicating that the relationship between the helical conformation and the amino acid sequence of such peptides is complex. In the present structure, a strong intermolecular hydrogen bond between two Asp residues on the A and B strands might induce the large helical twist of the guest sequence; this is compensated by a reduced helical twist in the host, so that an overall 7/2‐helical symmetry is maintained. The Asp residue in the C strand might interact electrostatically with the N‐terminus of an adjacent molecule, causing axial displacement, reminiscent of the D‐staggered structure in fibrous collagens. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 99: 436–447, 2013.  相似文献   

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