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The chemical mechanisms underlying visible bioluminescence in the fungus Mycena chlorophos are not clear. A combination of dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and hispidin, which has been reported to increase the intensity of in vitro luminescence in crude cold‐water extracts prepared from the bioluminescent fruiting bodies of M. chlorophos, exhibited potential bioluminescence activation in the early bioluminescence stages, in which the bioluminescence was ultra‐weak, for living gills and luminescence activation for non‐bioluminescent gills, which was collapsed by freezing and subsequent thawing, at all bioluminescence stages. These abilities were not evident in considerably bioluminescent gills. These abilities were blocked by trans‐4‐hydroxycinnamic acid and trans‐3,4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid, which were identified as in vivo bioluminescence‐activating components. Original bioluminescence and bioluminescence produced from the addition of trans‐4‐hydroxycinnamic acid and trans‐3,4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid in living gills were almost completely inhibited by 10 mM NaN3, whereas the luminescence produced form the combination of NADPH and hispidin in thawed non‐bioluminescent and living gills at the early weak bioluminescence stages was not inhibited by 10 mM NaN3. Thus, the combination of NADPH and hispidin plays different roles in luminescence systems compared with essential bioluminescence systems, and the combination of NADPH and hispidin was not essential for visible bioluminescence in living gills.  相似文献   

Mycena chlorophos, which is primarily distributed in Southeast Asia, is a luminous fungus that emits a bright green light from its pileus for about 2 days at approximately 20°C and high relative humidity. The distribution of bioluminescent tissues in the whole pileus and its sections was heterogeneous. The light intensity in the cap and the upper region of the gill was greater than that in the lower region of the gill. At the microscopic level, the light was predominantly emitted from the membranes of hymenium and basidia cells on the gill. The emission was both cell and region specific. The luminescence system was localized in the cell membrane, and a part of the system was on the cell membrane surface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mycena chlorophos is an oxygen‐dependent bioluminescent fungus. The mechanisms underlying its light emission are unknown. A component that increased the bioluminescence intensity of the immature living gills of M. chlorophos was isolated from mature M. chlorophos gills and chemically characterized. The bioluminescence‐activating component was found to be trans‐3,4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid and its bioluminescence activation was highly structure‐specific. 13C‐ and 18O‐labelling studies using the immature living gills showed that trans‐3,4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid was synthesized from trans‐4‐hydroxycinnamic acid in the gills by hydroxylation with molecular oxygen as well as by the general metabolism, and trans‐3,4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid did not produce hispidin (detection‐limit concentration: 10 pmol/1 g wet gill). Addition of 0.01 mM hispidin to the immature living gills generated no bioluminescence activation. These results suggested that the prompt bioluminescence activation resulting from addition of trans‐3,4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid could not be attributed to the generation of hispidin. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cultural conditions on mycelial growth and fruit-body formation ofMycena chlorophos were studied. The optimum temperature of the mycelial growth was 27°C and the optimum initial pH of medium was 4.0. Peptone agar medium was suitable for the spawn culture. Compost medium containing rice bran at 10% (fw/fw) was appropriate for fruitbody formation in the Petri dish. Light was essential for initiation of primordia, and low-temperature treatment induced fruit-body formation effectively. The optimum conditions for fruit-body formation were found to be the cultivation at 27°C for 4 wk and continued cultivation for 3 wk under illumination at an intensity above 0.2 lx and at 21°C after casing with moist compost powder. In the fruit-bodies obtained, the maximum photosensitive wavelength of luminescence was 522 nm and the optimum temperature for emission was 27°C. The luminescence of a fruit-body was observed for about 3 d consecutively at 21°C.  相似文献   

Cultural conditions for fruit-body production ofMycena chlorophos were investigated with the aim of using the mushroom for study of bioluminescence, scientific exhibition, and ecological conservation. A small glass jar having a cap with a microfilter was used as a culture vessel. A compost powder mixed with rice bran in proportion of 20% (fw/fw) and adjusted to 70% (w/w) in moisture content was used as production medium. Casing with 2 g/jar of moistened compost powder was necessary for fruit-body formation. Mycelium was grown in a culture chamber at 27°C, relative humidity (RH) of 80% for 4 wk, then transfered to a culture chamberat 21°C, 90% RH and light intensity of 300–800 lx after casing its, and incubated for 3 wk to produce fruit-bodies. The mean yield was 31 fruitbodies, i.e., 150 mg dry weight per jar.  相似文献   

Bioluminescent fungi are widely distributed on land and most belong to the class Basidomycetes. Light of about 530 nm wavelength maximum is emitted continuously. The molecular basis for the light‐emitting process remains unclear. We investigated the characteristics of the bioluminescence using cultivated fruiting bodies of M. chlorophos. Only fresh fruiting bodies exhibited long‐lasting light emission; rapid decay of light emission was observed with frozen and freeze‐dried samples. Freeze‐dried samples can be stored at room temperature under dry conditions and may be useful for the isolation of luciferin. The light emission of the fresh fruiting bodies was maintained in various buffers at varying pH; it could be stopped with pH 4 acetate buffer and could be recovered at pH 6. The isolation of luciferin from the fresh fruiting bodies might be possible by the control of buffer pH. The effect of temperature on the light emission of fruiting bodies indicated that bioluminescence in M. chlorophos may involve enzymatic reaction(s). The solubilization of bioluminescent components from the fruiting bodies could not be achieved with various surfactants. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王薇  图力古尔 《菌物学报》2015,34(3):499-503
长白山地区小菇属Mycena类群种类繁多,研究发现采自长白山地区的3个中国小菇属新记录种,即弯柄小菇M.mirata、胶盖小菇M.renati和淡红小菇M.roseocandida,三者的盖皮层菌丝均有不同程度的疣状突起。通过形态学研究,详尽描述了三者的宏观形态特征、显微结构以及与相近种类的区别,并提供线条图。研究标本存放在吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

The chemical structure of two luciferin precursors PS-A and PS-B, isolated from the luminous mushroom Panellus stipticus, were determined as 1-O-decanoylpanal (2) and 1-O-dodecanoylpanal (3), respectively. Both PS-A and PS-B were converted into chemiluminescent luciferins by treatment with 50 mmol/l methylamine in a pH 3.5 buffer solution containing an anionic surfactant Tergitol 4 at 25–35ºC. The luciferins emitted chemiluminescence in a pH 7–8 buffer solution containing a cationic surfactant in the presence of O2 and O.  相似文献   

刘祎  胡江春  王楠  王书锦 《生物学杂志》2011,28(5):47-49,29
通过对分离的一株海绵共附生真菌F28的形态特征、生理生化特性的测定及ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列分析,最终将其确定为米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)。该菌株具有生长快,易培养的特点。将该菌株进行发酵和杀虫活性物质提取分离后,通过杀卤虫(Brine Shrimp)活性测试,发现该真菌的代谢产物粗提物具有很强的杀虫活性。  相似文献   


In the oceanic midwater environment, most animals have evolved an extraordinary anti‐predation behavior using bioluminescent countershading (counterillumination) to help them remain cryptic to visual predators. For the midwater penaeid shrimp, Sergestes similis, the interaction of both hormonal and neural systems may be involved in the control of counterillumination. S. similis responds to downward‐directed illumination, detected by the eyes, with light emission from five hepatic light organs. Dark‐adapted specimens undergo a slow induction process prior to production of the conventional counterillumination response. The induction of bio‐luminescence may involve a hormonal pathway mediated by the light‐adapting retinal distal pigment dispersing hormone. Once induced, the rapid control of counterillumination may involve a neural pathway. Because counterilluminating animals directly respond to their optical environment, an understanding of the control of bioluminescence provides an insight into the poorly understood visual processing capabilities of deep‐sea animals.  相似文献   

Mycena subpiligera, a new taxon in sect. Fragilipedes that can strongly enhance the germination efficiency of Gastrodia elata seeds, was discovered in subtropical areas of China. As revealed by a morphological comparison with related Mycena species as well as maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the large subunit (LSU) regions of nuclear ribosomal RNA, the new taxon can be distinguished from phenotypically similar and phylogenetically related species. Optimal cultural conditions for M. subpiligera basidiomata are reported, and the germination rate of the new species is compared with that of M. citrinomarginata.  相似文献   

Frozen assay reagents have been used to reduce the rate of light emission from the rapid chemiluminescent acridinium ester and the bioluminescent firefly luciferase reactions. Melting of the assay reagent delays the initiation of the light emission, thus eliminating the need to initiate these rapid reactions by injection of the assay reagents in front of the photodetector.  相似文献   

Cloned luciferase-encoding operons were transferred by conjugation to a natural isolate of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterial strain Nitrosomonas sp. RST41–3, thereby establishing conjugation as a tool for gene transfer into Nitrosomonas strains. Luminescence was dependent on the pH of the medium and the concentration of the substrate ammonium chloride. Moreover, the luminescence of the transconjugants was reduced immediately by micromolar concentrations of nitrapyrin and allylthiourea, which are specific inhibitors of nitrification. Our results indicate that luminescent Nitrosomonas strains may be useful as a probe to detect nitrification conditions in the natural environment as well as in sewage plants.  相似文献   

Takahashi  Haruki 《Mycoscience》1999,40(1):73-80
Two lignicolous species ofMycena (Agaricales, Basidiomycetes) are described and illustrated from eastern, Japan:Mycena auricoma sp. nov., forming ephemeral coprinoid basidiomata and belonging to sectionRadiatae, was found on a dead fallen twig ofQuercus serrata. It appears to close to a Malaysian species,“Trogia” crinipelliformis. Mycena spinosissima in sectionSacchariferae, new to Japan, was collected from dead bark ofAphananthe aspera, a dead fallen inflorescence ofCryptomeria japonica, and a dead fallen twig ofQuercus serrata.  相似文献   

Mycena haushoferi, a new species of the section Intermediae collected in Bavaria, is described and compared with four other species of the sect. Intermediae known from the Northern Hemisphere and with M. cystidiosa and M. metuloidifera, two species of sect. Metuloidiferae. The five known species of Northern Hemisphere of section Intermediae are keyed out.  相似文献   

为丰富产紫杉醇植物内生真菌资源库,从曼地亚红豆杉Taxus media茎中分离得到一株产紫杉醇的内生真菌TMS-26。通过对TMS-26的发酵提取物进行高效液相色谱分析,发现其具有与紫杉醇标准品(4.545 min)相近的色谱特征峰。进一步通过液质联用仪检测发现,内生真菌TMS-26的发酵提取物中具有与紫杉醇标准品((M+Na)+=876)相近的质谱特征峰,表明内生真菌TMS-26能够产生紫杉醇。同时通过传统形态学分类鉴定方法和18S r DNA序列分析、Internal-transcribed spacer(ITS)序列分析等现代分子生物学分类鉴定方法,最终将内生真菌TMS-26鉴定为曲霉属烟曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus,并命名为"烟曲霉TMS-26"。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Bioluminescence in predacious larvae of the fungus gnat Orfelia filtoni attracts potential prey.
2. Transparent traps placed over larvae caught more arthropods than opaque traps put over neighbouring conspecifics.
3. Small Diptera are particularly vulnerable to light lures, while apterous soil arthropods are seemingly unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary InGlomus epigaeum Daniels and Trappe, a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, the mature spore has a complex multi-layered wall containing a regular pattern of wall subunits.The outer wall (2–4 m thick) consists of a simple layer of parallel microfibrils. The inner wall (5–6 m thick) is built from two layers possessing different organization. The innermost layer, near the plasmalemma has a texture of apparently dispersed fibrils, whereas the second layer is regularly organized with an arced texture. Ten to twelve bundles of fibrils connected by apparently bow-shaped fibrils are consistently observed. The appearance of this arced organization depends on the section plane and on the angle of observation in the electron microscope as confirmed by tilting experiments. Wall subunits are evident as straight electron transparent fibrils; particularly well-defined in negatively stained frozen sections: their diameter is about 3.5nm.The regular pattern of wall subunits in this fungal cell wall is compared with the textures shown by cellulose fibrils in algae or higher plants and by chitin fibrils in arthropod cuticle.Research work supported by CNR, Italy. Special grant I.P.R.A.—Sub-project 1. Paper No. 55.  相似文献   

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