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Anaerobic bacteria and anoxic sediments from soda lakes produced electricity in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). No electricity was generated in the absence of bacterial metabolism. Arsenate respiring bacteria isolated from moderately hypersaline Mono Lake (Bacillus selenitireducens), and salt-saturated Searles Lake, CA (strain SLAS-1) oxidized lactate using arsenate as the electron acceptor. However, these cultures grew equally well without added arsenate using the MFC anode as their electron acceptor, and in the process oxidized lactate more efficiently. The decrease in electricity generation by consumption of added alternative electron acceptors (i.e. arsenate) which competed with the anode for available electrons proved to be a useful indicator of microbial activity and hence life in the fuel cells. Shaken sediment slurries from these two lakes also generated electricity, with or without added lactate. Hydrogen added to sediment slurries was consumed but did not stimulate electricity production. Finally, electricity was generated in statically incubated “intact” sediment cores from these lakes. More power was produced in sediment from Mono Lake than from Searles Lake, however microbial fuel cells could detect low levels of metabolism operating under moderate and extreme conditions of salt stress.  相似文献   

The diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) inhabiting the extreme hypersaline sediment (270 g L(-1) NaCl) of the northern arm of Great Salt Lake was studied by integrating cultivation and genotypic identification approaches involving PCR-based retrieval of 16S rRNA and dsrAB genes, the latter encoding major subunits of dissimilatory (bi) sulfite reductase. The majority (85%) of dsrAB sequences retrieved directly from the sediment formed a lineage of high (micro) diversity affiliated with the genus Desulfohalobium, while others represented novel lineages within the families Desulfohalobiaceae and Desulfobacteraceae or among Gram-positive SRB. Using the same sediment, SRB enrichment cultures were established in parallel at 100 and at 190 g L(-1) NaCl using different electron donors. After 5-6 transfers, dsrAB and 16S rRNA gene-based profiling of these enrichment cultures recovered a SRB community composition congruent with the cultivation-independent profiling of the sediment. Pure culture representatives of the predominant Desulfohalobium-related lineage and of one of the Desulfobacteraceae-affilated lineages were successfully obtained. The growth performance of these isolates and of the enrichment cultures suggests that the sediment SRB community of the northern arm of Great Salt Lake consists of moderate halophiles, which are salt-stressed at the in situ salinity of 27%.  相似文献   

The existence of chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) capable of growth in an extremely alkaline and saline environment has not been recognized until recently. Extensive studies of saline, alkaline (soda) lakes located in Central Asia, Africa and North America have now revealed the presence, at relatively high numbers, of a new branch of obligately autotrophic SOB in these doubly extreme environments. Overall more than 100 strains were isolated in pure culture. All of them have the potential to grow optimally at around pH 10 in media strongly buffered with sodium carbonate/bicarbonate and cannot grow at pH<7.5 and Na(+) concentration <0.2 M. The majority of the isolates fell into two distinct groups with differing phylogeny and physiology, that have been described as two new genera in the Gammaproteobacteria; Thioalkalimicrobium and Thioalkalivibrio. The third genus, Thioalkalispira, contains a single obligate microaerophilic species T. microaerophila. The Thioalkalimicrobium group represents a typical opportunistic strategy, including highly specialized, relatively fast-growing and low salt-tolerant bacteria, dominating in hyposaline steppe soda lakes of Central Asia. The genus Thioalkalivibrio includes mostly slowly growing species better adapted to life in hypersaline conditions and with a more versatile metabolism. It includes denitrifying, thiocyanate-utilizing and facultatively alkaliphilic species.  相似文献   

Starch-hydrolyzing bacteria from Ethiopian soda lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Alkaliphilic bacteria were isolated from soil and water samples obtained from Ethiopian soda lakes in the Rift Valley area--Lake Shala, Lake Abijata, and Lake Arenguadi. Starch-hydrolyzing isolates were selected on the basis of their activity on starch agar plate assay. Sixteen isolates were chosen, characterized, and subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. All the isolates were gram positive and catalase- and beta-galactosidase positive. All isolates except one were motile endospore-forming rods and were found to be closely related to the Bacillus cluster, being grouped with Bacillus pseudofirmus, Bacillus cohnii, Bacillus vedderi, and Bacillus agaradhaerens. The one exception had nonmotile coccoid cells and was closely related to Nesterenkonia halobia. The majority of the isolates showed optimal growth at 37 degrees C and tolerated salinity up to 10% (w/v) NaCl. Both extracellular and cell-bound amylase activity was detected among the isolates. The amylase activity of two isolates, related to B. vedderi and B. cohnii, was stimulated by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and inhibited in the presence of calcium ions. Pullulanase activity was expressed by isolates grouped with B. vedderi and also most of the isolates clustered with B. cohnii; cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase was expressed by most of the B. agaradhaerens-related strains. Minor levels of alpha-glucosidase activity were detected in all the strains.  相似文献   

The adaptation of microorganisms to life in brines allows two strategies: the accumulation of organic osmoregulators in the cell (as in many moderate halophiles, halomonads in particular) or the accumulation of inorganic ions at extremely high intracellular concentrations (as, for example, in haloanaerobes). To reveal the regularities of osmoregulation in haloalkaliphiles developing in soda lakes, Halomonas campisalis Z-7398-2 and Halomonas sp. AIR-2 were chosen as representatives of halomonads, and Natroniella acetigena, as a representative of haloanaerobes. It was established that, in alkaliphilic halomonads, the intracellular concentrations of inorganic ions are insufficient for counterbalancing the environmental osmotic pressure and balance is attained due to the accumulation of organic osmoregulators, such as ectoine and betaine. On the contrary, the alkaliphilic haloanaerobe N. acetigena employs K+, Na+, and Cl- ions for osmoregulation. High intracellular salt concentrations increasing with the content of Na+ in the medium were revealed in this organism. At a concentration of 1.91 M Na+ in the medium, N. acetigena accumulated 0.83 M K+, 0.91 M Na+, and 0.29 M Cl- in cells, and, with an increase in the Na+ content in the medium to 2.59 M, it accumulated 0.94 M K+, 1.98 M Na+, and 0.89 M Cl-, which counterbalanced the external osmotic pressure and provided for cell turgor. Thus, it was shown that alkaliphilic microorganisms use osmoregulation strategies similar to those of halophiles and these mechanisms are independent of the mechanism of pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

The saline soda lakes of the Kulunda steppe (Altai krai) are small and shallow; they are characterized by a wide range of salinity and alkalinity, as well as by the extreme instability of their water and chemical regimes. Accumulations of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (APB) visible to the unaided eye were noted only in several lakes with high rates of sulfate reduction in their bottom sediments. However, enumeration of APB cells by inoculation revealed their presence in all 17 lakes. APB cell numbers varied from 103 to 109 CFU cm?3. In the APB communities of all lakes, purple sulfur bacteria of the family Ectothiorhodospi- raceae were predominant. In 14 out of the 17 lakes, purple nonsulfur bacteria of the family Rhodobacteraceae were also detected (103–107 CFU cm?3). Purple sulfur bacteria of the family Chromatiaceae were less abundant: Halochromatium sp. (104–107 CFU cm?3) were found in six lakes, while Thiocapsa sp. (104 CFU cm3) were detected in one lake. On the whole, the APB communities of the soda lakes of the Kulunda steppe were characterized by the low diversity and evenness of their species compositions, as well as by the pronounced dominance of the members of the family Ectothiorhodospiraceae. There was no correlation between the structures of the APB communities and alkalinity. However, the dependence of the species composition of APB (mainly ectothiorhodospiras) on water mineralization was revealed. High mineralization (above 200 g l?1) was a limiting factor that affected the APB communities on the whole, restricting the APB species diversity to extremely halophilic bacteria of the genus Halorhodospira.  相似文献   

Collections of algae, mainly planktonic, were made from 41 saline lakes in southern Saskatchewan ranging in salinity from 3.2 to 428 g l-1. Algae in 7 phyla, 8 classes, 42 families, 91 genera and 212 species and varieties were identified. Fourteen species were restricted to hypersaline (50 g l-1) waters and eleven of these were diatoms. In general, species diversity was inversely related to lake salinity. Algae that were important community constituents over a broad spectrum of salinities were the green algae Ctenocladus circinnatus, Dunaliella salina and Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum, the blue-green Lyngbya Birgei, Microcystis aeruginosa, Oscillatoria tenuis, O. Utermoehli and Nodularia spumigena and the diatoms Melosira granulata, Stephanodiscus niagarae and Chaetoceros Elmorei. In general green algae were dominant when lake salinity exceeded 100 g l-1 although diatoms played important roles in most of these highly saline lakes except for Patience Lake.  相似文献   

Ammonia oxidation plays a pivotal role in the cycling and removal of nitrogen in aquatic sediments. Certain bacterial groups and a novel group of archaea, which is affiliated with the novel phylum Thaumarchaeota, can perform this initial nitrification step. We examined the diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing β-Proteobacteria (β-AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in the sediments of Chongming eastern tidal flat using the ammonia monooxygenase-α subunit (amoA) gene as functional markers. Clone library analysis showed that AOA had a higher diversity of amoA gene than β-AOB. The β-Proteobacterial amoA community composition correlated significantly with water soluble salts in the sediments, whereas the archaeal amoA community composition was correlated more with nitrate concentrations. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) results indicated that the abundance of β-AOB amoA gene (9.11?×?104–6.47?×?105?copies?g?1 sediment) was always greater than that of AOA amoA gene (7.98?×?103–3.51?×?105?copies?g?1 sediment) in all the samples analyzed in this study. The β-Proteobacterial amoA gene abundance was closely related to organic carbon, while no significant correlations were observed between archaeal amoA gene abundance and the environmental factors. Potential nitrification rates were significantly greater in summer than in winter and correlated strongly with the abundance of amoA genes. Additionally, a greater contribution of single amoA gene to potential nitrification occurred in summer (1.03–5.39 pmol?N?copy?1?day?1) compared with winter (0.16–0.38 pmol?N?copy?1?day?1), suggesting a higher activity of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in warm seasons.  相似文献   

A radioisotope method was devised to study bacterial respiratory reduction of arsenate in sediments. The following two arsenic-rich soda lakes in California were chosen for comparison on the basis of their different salinities: Mono Lake (approximately 90 g/liter) and Searles Lake (approximately 340 g/liter). Profiles of arsenate reduction and sulfate reduction were constructed for both lakes. Reduction of [73As]arsenate occurred at all depth intervals in the cores from Mono Lake (rate constant [k] = 0.103 to 0.04 h(-1)) and Searles Lake (k = 0.012 to 0.002 h(-1)), and the highest activities occurred in the top sections of each core. In contrast, [35S]sulfate reduction was measurable in Mono Lake (k = 7.6 x10(4) to 3.2 x 10(-6) h(-1)) but not in Searles Lake. Sediment DNA was extracted, PCR amplified, and separated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to obtain phylogenetic markers (i.e., 16S rRNA genes) and a partial functional gene for dissimilatory arsenate reduction (arrA). The amplified arrA gene product showed a similar trend in both lakes; the signal was strongest in surface sediments and decreased to undetectable levels deeper in the sediments. More arrA gene signal was observed in Mono Lake and was detectable at a greater depth, despite the higher arsenate reduction activity observed in Searles Lake. A partial sequence (about 900 bp) was obtained for a clone (SLAS-3) that matched the dominant DGGE band found in deeper parts of the Searles Lake sample (below 3 cm), and this clone was found to be closely related to SLAS-1, a novel extremophilic arsenate respirer previously cultivated from Searles Lake.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe denitrification at extremely high salt and pH in sediments from hypersaline alkaline soda lakes and soda soils. Experiments with sediment slurries demonstrated the presence of acetate-utilizing denitrifying populations active at in situ conditions. Anaerobic enrichment cultures at pH 10 and 4 M total Na(+) with acetate as electron donor and nitrate, nitrite and N(2)O as electron acceptors resulted in the dominance of Gammaproteobacteria belonging to the genus Halomonas. Both mixed and pure culture studies identified nitrite and N(2)O reduction as rate-limiting steps in the denitrification process at extremely haloalkaline conditions.  相似文献   

The activity and cellular localization of carboanhydrase (CA) in two alkaliphilic anaerobes growing in soda lakes at pH 9-10 was studied. CA activity in the cell extracts of the acetogenic bacterium Natroniella acetigena was comparable to that of the neutrophilic acetogens. Hydrogenotrophically grown cells of Desulfonatronum lacustre exhibited higher CA activity compared to the cells grown on media with formate. High CA activity in the cytoplasmic fraction and the absence of high activity in the extracellular fraction were demonstrated. We propose that the cytoplasmic CA in alkaliphilic sulfate-reducers participates in conversion of bicarbonate to CO2, which is reduced in the cell to acetate via the acetyl-CoA pathway.  相似文献   

The littoral benthos of 18 lakes in Alberta and Saskatchewan ranging in salinity from 3 to 126 (g1–1 TDS) were investigated twice, in the spring and in the summer of 1986. Multiple Ekman dredge samples were taken at water depths of about 0.5, 1.0 and 2 metres in each transect. Two to three transects were used in each lake according to its estimated limnological diversity for a total of 114 stations. A total of 76 species was present varying from 29–31 species in the three lakes of lowest salinity (means of 3.1–5.55) to only 2 species in lakes exceeding 100. Species richness decreased rapidly in salinities greater than 15.Biomass maximum mean of 10.91 g m–2 dry weight (maximum 63.0 g m–2) occurred in culturally eutrophic Humboldt Lake (3.1) but one third as great in other low salinity lakes. However, biomass again increased to about 4.5 gm–2 in two lakes of 15 As the salinity increased still further biomass declined steadily until a minimum of 0.0212 g m–2 was recorded in most saline Aroma Lake (mean 119). Summer biomass (11 lakes) was greater than spring biomass (4 lakes) because some groups such as amphipods, corixids and ostracods became more abundant in summer. Wet weight biomass averaged 15.8 of dry weight biomass.Seasonality (spring or summer), sediment texture and organic matter content, water depth, pH, salinity (TDS) and the presence of aquatic plants ( plant cover) were considered in the matrix involving species dry weight biomass at each of 117 stations. TWINSPAN classification of the samples yielded a dendrogram with 18 indicator species. Successive dichotomies divided these indicator species into four main lake groups based on salinity, i.e., Group I: 3–10 (Gammarus, Glyptotendipes I, Chironomus cf. plumosus), Group II: 10–38%. (Hyalella, Enallagma,Bezzia), Group III: 38–63 (Hygrotus salinarius, Cricotopus ornatus), Group IV: >63 (Dolichopodidae, Ephydra hians). Each of these main groups was subdivided into smaller groups of lakes based on factors such as pH, seasonality (spring or summer species dominance), organic matter and plant cover. Depth of samples played no apparent role.  相似文献   

Microbial disproportionation of elemental sulfur to sulfide and sulfate is a poorly characterized part of the anoxic sulfur cycle. So far, only a few bacterial strains have been described that can couple this reaction to cell growth. Continuous removal of the produced sulfide, for instance by oxidation and/or precipitation with metal ions such as iron, is essential to keep the reaction exergonic. Hitherto, the process has exclusively been reported for neutrophilic anaerobic bacteria. Here, we report for the first time disproportionation of elemental sulfur by three pure cultures of haloalkaliphilic bacteria isolated from soda lakes: the Deltaproteobacteria Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus and Desulfurivibrio sp. AMeS2, and a member of the Clostridia, Dethiobacter alkaliphilus. All cultures grew in saline media at pH 10 by sulfur disproportionation in the absence of metals as sulfide scavengers. Our data indicate that polysulfides are the dominant sulfur species under highly alkaline conditions and that they might be disproportionated. Furthermore, we report the first organism (Dt. alkaliphilus) from the class Clostridia that is able to grow by sulfur disproportionation.  相似文献   

Aerobic bacterial strains from the salt water of Lake Red (Sovata, Romania) were cultivated. More than half of the 80 strains were G and formed motile straight rods. Only a few strains produced acid from d-glucose and reduced nitrate to nitrite. Optimum NaCl concentration for growth varied between 5 and 15 % in the majority of the strains, so the isolates were regarded moderately halophilic. On the basis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity almost half of the strains were identified as members of genus Halomonas. Other strains belonged to genera Marinobacter, Psychrobacter, Serratia, Morganella (γ-Proteobacteria), Bacillus, Exiguobacterium, Planococcus (Firmicutes), and Arthrobacter, Micrococcus, Microbacterium, and Nesterenkonia (Actinobacteria).  相似文献   

【目的】海水养殖生境中的硫化物(H2S)严重损害养殖生物健康,控制该条件下硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)的代谢活性是有效抑制H2S产生的重要途径。【方法】本研究利用稀释涂布-叠皿夹法对海水养殖生境底泥中SRB进行富集筛选,获得SRB菌株,通过投加硝酸盐对菌株产H2S的活性进行抑制。【结果】获得的2株SRB Desulfovibrio sp.NY-1和Clostridium sp.NH-1,能够在35℃、pH为7.0及盐度为20–30 mg/L条件下,分别积累高达435和150 mg/L H2S。硝酸盐不能有效抑制NY-1产H2S的活性,基因调控作用以及缺乏将硝酸盐作为电子受体的酶体系是其不能被抑制的主要原因。硝酸盐对NH-1 H2S产生活性有可逆性抑制,其具有硝酸盐异化还原成铵(dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium,DNRA)的能力,优先利用硝酸盐作为电子受体。DNRA作用下的中间代谢产物亚硝酸盐是有效抑制菌株NH-1产H2S活性的主要原因,其抑制机理主要为抑制菌株的生长繁殖。【结论】硝酸盐对不同SRB菌株具有不同的抑制机制和效果,在进行硫化物污染控制前需要对产生硫化物的SRB菌群进行分析判别。  相似文献   

The activity and cellular localization of carbonic anhydrase (CA) in two alkaliphilic anaerobes growing in soda lakes at pH 9–10 were studied. CA activity in the cell extracts of the acetogenic bacterium Natroniella acetigena was comparable to that of neutrophilic acetogens. Hydrogenotrophically grown cells of Desulfonatronum lacustre exhibited higher CA activity compared to the cells grown on medium with formate. High CA activity in the cytoplasmic fraction and the absence of high activity in the extracellular fraction were demonstrated. We propose that the cytoplasmic CA in alkaliphilic sulfate-reducers participates in conversion of bicarbonate to CO2, which is reduced in the cell to acetate via the acetyl-CoA pathway.  相似文献   

Abundance and seasonal dynamics of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), in general, and of extreme halophilic SRB (belonging to Desulfocella halophila) in particular, were examined in highly saline industrial wastewater evaporation ponds over a forty one month period. Industrial wastewater was sampled and the presence of SRB was determined by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) with a set of primers designed to amplify the dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrA) gene. SRB displayed higher abundance during the summer (106–108 targets ml-1) and lower abundance from the autumn-spring (103–105 targets ml-1). However, addition of concentrated dissolved organic matter into the evaporation ponds during winter immediately resulted in a proliferation of SRB, despite the lower wastewater temperature (12–14°C). These results indicate that the qPCR approach can be used for rapid measurement of SRB to provide valuable information about the abundance of SRB in harsh environments, such as highly saline industrial wastewaters. Low level of H2S has been maintained over five years, which indicates a possible inhibition of SRB activity, following artificial salination (≈16% w/v of NaCl) of wastewater evaporation ponds, despite SRB reproduction being detected by qPCR.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the nifH genes, encoding the Fe protein of the nitrogenase enzymatic complex, was carried out for pure cultures of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria of diverse origin, as well as for heterotrophic alkaliphilic sulfate reducers isolated from saline and soda lakes. Topology of the nitrogenase tree correlated with that of the 16S rRNA gene tree to a considerable degree, which made it possible to use the nifH gene as a molecular marker for investigation of diazotrophic bacterial communities in sediments of hyper saline and soda lakes. Although diazotrophs were revealed in all environmental samples, their phylogenetic diversity was relatively low. Sulfate-reducing deltaproteobacteria and photo- and chemotrophic gammaproteobacteria were predominant in integrated samples. Analysis of the upper sediment layers revealed predominance of phototrophic diazotrophs of various phyla, including purple sulfur and nonsulfur proteobacteria, green nonsulfur bacteria, heliobacteria, and cyanobacteria. Some phylotypes could not be identified, probably indicating the presence of bacterial groups which have not yet been studied by conventional microbiological techniques.  相似文献   

Samples of stromatolites, microbial mats, and sediments from four saline lakes (approximate seasonal salinity ranges 20–220%o) in Western Australia were used to establish enrichments for elective cultures of aerobic and anaerobic denitrifying chemolithoautotrophs that could grow with thiosulfate as sole energy source. Organisms of these types were obtained from all sources tested. Twenty‐four pure cultures were isolated, all of which were gram‐negative, rod‐shaped bacteria exhibiting a considerable diversity of metabolic capability. Isolation of these obligate and facultative sulfur‐oxidizing chemolithotrophs from the stromatolite and mat habitats indicates the possibility that these rod‐shaped bacteria contribute to the oxidative phase of the sulfur cycle in these habitats, in addition to oxidation by phototrophs or Beggiatoa. Only four of the pure cultures could grow without salt, but all 24 showed significant halophily, some tolerating 3 M NaCl. Three novel isolates of NaCl‐dependent, thiosulfate‐oxidizing, aerobic and denitrifying obligate chemolithotrophs are described. In addition, a facultatively heterotrophic halophilic strain growing either methylotrophically on methylamine or chemolithotrophically on thiosulfate aerobically or with anaerobic denitrification was found.  相似文献   

Seawater toilet flushing, seawater intrusion in the sewerage, and discharge of sulfate-rich industrial effluents elevates sulfate content in wastewater. The application of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in wastewater treatment is very beneficial; as for example, it improves the pathogen removal and reduces the volume of waste sludge, energy requirement and costs. This paper evaluates the potential to apply biological sulfate reduction using acetate and propionate to saline sewage treatment in moderate climates. Long-term biological sulfate reduction experiments at 10 and 20 °C were conducted in a sequencing batch reactor with synthetic saline domestic wastewater. Subsequently, acetate and propionate (soluble organic carbon) conversion rate were determined in both reactors, in the presence of either or both fatty acids. Both acetate and propionate consumption rates by SRB were 1.9 times lower at 10 °C than at 20 °C. At 10 °C, propionate was incompletely oxidized to acetate. At 10 °C, complete removal of soluble organic carbon requires a significantly increased hydraulic retention time as compared to 20 °C. The results of the study showed that biological sulfate reduction can be a feasible and promising process for saline wastewater treatment in moderate climate.  相似文献   

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