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The avian family Timaliidae is a species rich and morphologically diverse component of African and Asian tropical forests. The morphological diversity within the family has attracted interest from ecologists and evolutionary biologists, but systematists have long suspected that this diversity might also mislead taxonomy, and recent molecular phylogenetic work has supported this hypothesis. We produced and analyzed a data set of 6 genes and almost 300 individuals to assess the evolutionary history of the family. Although phylogenetic analysis required extensive adjustment of program settings, we ultimately produced a well-resolved phylogeny for the family. The resulting phylogeny provided strong support for major subclades within the family but extensive paraphyly of genera. Only 3 genera represented by more than 3 species were monophyletic. Biogeographic reconstruction indicated a mainland Asian origin for the family and most major clades. Colonization of Africa, Sundaland, and the Philippines occurred relatively late in the family's history and was mostly unidirectional. Several putative babbler genera, such as Robsonius, Malia, Leonardina, and Micromacronus are only distantly related to the Timaliidae.  相似文献   

Rasch EM 《Journal of morphology》2006,267(12):1429-1432
The DNA content of blood cell nuclei of 15 species of cranes was determined by Feulgen-DNA cytophotometry. Genome sizes agree with values reported elsewhere for several crane species analyzed by flow cytometry. Males have more DNA per cell than females in several species. A karyotype where 2n = 80 is reported for a male greater sandhill crane.  相似文献   

Central to our understanding of the timing of bird evolution is debate about an apparent conflict between fossil and molecular data. A deep age for higher level taxa within Neoaves is evident from molecular analyses but much remains to be learned about the age of diversification in modern bird families and their evolutionary ecology. In order to better understand the timing and pattern of diversification within the family Rallidae we used a relaxed molecular clock, fossil calibrations, and complete mitochondrial genomes from a range of rallid species analysed in a Bayesian framework. The estimated time of origin of Rallidae is Eocene, about 40.5 Mya, with evidence of intrafamiliar diversification from the Late Eocene to the Miocene. This timing is older than previously suggested for crown group Rallidae, but fossil calibrations, extent of taxon sampling and substantial sequence data give it credence. We note that fossils of Eocene age tentatively assigned to Rallidae are consistent with our findings. Compared to available studies of other bird lineages, the rail clade is old and supports an inference of deep ancestry of ground-dwelling habits among Neoaves.  相似文献   

Understanding oscine passerine dispersal patterns out of their Australian area of origin is hampered by a paucity of robust phylogenies. We constructed a molecular phylogeny of the oscine family, Oriolidae, which is distributed from Australia through to the Old World. We used the phylogeny to assess direction and timing of dispersal and whether dispersal can be linked with the well‐documented movements of geological terranes in the Indonesian Archipelago. We sampled 29 of 33 species of Oriolidae from fresh tissue and from toe pads from museum specimens, and examined two nuclear introns and two mitochondrial genes. Model‐based phylogenetic analyses yielded strong support for clades that generally mirrored classical systematics. Biogeographical analyses and divergence time estimates demonstrated that the family originated in the Australo‐Papuan region from where it dispersed first to Asia and then onwards to Africa and the Philippines before back‐colonising Asia and the Indonesian archipelago. Thus, contrary to several other avian families in the region, Oriolidae represents a sequential dispersal pattern from Australia to Africa via Asia. However, it is noteworthy that the Pacific islands and archipelagos remain uncolonised and that members inhabiting Wallacea are recent colonisers suggesting that Oriolidae are poorly adapted to island life.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Turnicidae (Aves) was unresolved. Historically, they were classified as members of the Struthioniformes, Galliformes, Charadriiformes, Columbiformes or the Gruiformes. In these classifications they had taxonomic rank of order 'Turniciformes' or family 'Turnicidae'. However, most of these studies followed phenetic methodology and used morphological similarity of taxa and plesiomorphic characters to classify Turnix . Recent phylogenetic studies on the basis of morphological character analyses or phenetic comparisons based on DNA-DNA hybridization experiments failed to clarify the phylogenetic realtionship of Turnix and suggested a position as 'incerte sedis', either among the Gruiformes or as the parvclass 'Turnicac'as a sistergroup to the 'Neoaves'.
We studied skeletal and myological material of Turnix to resolve its phylogenetic position. Further, we considered all characters that were previously discussed in literature to classify Turnix and tested them for their potential use in phylogenetic analysis. We added several yet unemployed morphological characters of phylogenetic significance to the analysis. The Struthioniformes, 'Galloanseres', and Columbiformes are each characterized by a clear set of autapomorpies. Only one autapomorphy in known for the Gruiformes but this character is of satisfying consistency and can be found in all families of the Gruiformes (Gruidae, Psophiidae, Aramidae. Rallidae) and Turnix. Turnix and the Rallidae share four complex morphological characters implying a close phylogenetic relationship. The data presented in this paper support the hypothesis that Turnix is a member of the Gruiformes with close relationships to the Rallidae. No evidence was found that would support a parvclass 'Turnicae'as sistergroup to the 'Neoaves'.  相似文献   

A new chewing louse genus and species belonging to the Philopteridae, namely, Palmaellus inexpectatus n. gen., n. sp., is described. The new genus is distinguished from the other ischnoceran genera hitherto described by its peculiar characters of the dorsal anterior head plate with 2 postero-lateral projections, pterothorax and abdomen with scarce chaetotaxy, male genitalia with simple mesomere and paramere lacking inner digitiform projection, and the genital region of female with postero-vulvar plates bearing setae. It is a parasite of the trumpeters, an avian family endemic to South America's Amazon Basin.  相似文献   

The parrot genus Prioniturus occurs in the oceanic Philippines, Palawan and Wallacea, a geologically dynamic region with a complex history of land and sea. The described taxa of Prioniturus have been variously placed in different assemblages, and different numbers of species have been recognized. However, a phylogenetic framework is so far lacking. This would be the prerequisite to reconstructing dispersal and colonization patterns of Prioniturus across and within Wallacea and the Philippines. Following our robustly supported phylogenetic hypothesis based on two mitochondrial genes, we propose to treat Prioniturus mindorensis comb. nov. as well as Prioniturus montanus and Prioniturus waterstradti as separate species. In Prioniturus discurus discurus and Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi, further studies using additional data and specimens are necessary to clarify their taxonomic status. This result is congruent with other studies demonstrating that alpha diversity of the Philippine avifauna is strongly underestimated. According to our biogeographic reconstruction, Prioniturus has diversified by a complex combination of colonization of islands and subsequent divergence in allopatry among and within island groups. Dispersal between Sulawesi/Wallacea and the Philippines occurred twice and documents a rare case of faunal exchange between these two regions.  相似文献   

The African wattle-eyes (genera Platysteira and Dyaphorophyia) comprise 10 species endemic to Africa. We analyzed both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data to test the monophyly of this group and its two genera, provide a preliminary assessment of species limits, and gain insight into the phylogeographic history of the wattle-eye radiation. Analyses based on mitochondrial ND2 sequences failed to recover wattle-eye monophyly, but the alternatives were not well-supported. In contrast, analyses of two nuclear introns (myoglobin intron-2 and beta-fibrinogen intron-5) recovered wattle-eye monophyly, as did combined analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data. These analyses, however, did not support reciprocal monophyly of the two wattle-eye genera typically recognized, suggesting instead that Platysteira is nested within a paraphyletic Dyaphorophyia. The diversification of most wattle-eye species and many subspecies occurred through the divergence of allopatric populations well before the Pleistocene. Species and subspecies with disjunct distributions are typically characterized by deep genetic divergences, suggesting that many of these populations are evolutionary independent and could be recognized as additional phylogenetic species. In D. castanea and D. chalybea, for example, divergent haplotypes from geographically disjunct populations were paraphyletic with respect to those of D. tonsa and D. jamesoni, respectively. Similarly, Platysteira laticincta is highly divergent from its sister taxon P. peltata ( approximately 9.5% ND2 sequence divergence), consistent with species level recognition of this endangered species. In contrast, more broadly distributed taxa inhabiting a greater diversity of habitats (e.g., P. peltata and P. cyannea) show evidence of gene flow and connectivity among regions, suggesting that previously isolated populations expanded and fused into one another. Our study provides a framework for additional analyses of intraspecific phylogeography and species limits in these colorful birds.  相似文献   

The avian family Aegothelidae (Owlet-nightjars) comprises nine extant species and one extinct species, all of which are currently classified in a single genus, Aegotheles. Owlet-nightjars are secretive nocturnal birds of the South Pacific. They are relatively poorly studied and some species are known from only a few specimens. Furthermore, their confusing morphological variation has made it difficult to cluster existing specimens unambiguously into hierarchical taxonomic units. Here we sample all extant owlet-nightjar species and all but three currently recognized subspecies. We use DNA extracted primarily from museum specimens to obtain mitochondrial gene sequences and construct a molecular phylogeny. Our phylogeny suggests that most species are reciprocally monophyletic, however A. albertisi appears paraphyletic. Our data also suggest splitting A. bennettii into two species and splitting A. insignis and A. tatei as suggested in another recent paper.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the avian genus Emberiza and the monotypic genera Latoucheornis, Melophus and Miliaria (collectively the Old World Emberizini), as well as representatives for the New World Emberizini, the circumpolar genera Calcarius and Plectrophenax and the four other generally recognized tribes in the subfamily Emberizinae was estimated based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and introns 6-7 of the nuclear ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) gene. Our results support monophyly of the Old World Emberizini, but do not corroborate a sister relationship to the New World Emberizini. Calcarius and Plectrophenax form a clade separated from the other Emberizini. This agrees with previous studies, and we recommend the use of the name Calcariini. Latoucheornis, Melophus and Miliaria are nested within Emberiza, and we therefore propose they be synonymized with Emberiza. Emberiza is divided into four main clades, whose relative positions are uncertain, although a sister relation between a clade with six African species and one comprising the rest of the species (30, all Palearctic) is most likely. Most clades agree with traditional, morphology-based, classifications. However, four sister relationships within Emberiza, three of which involve the previously recognized Latoucheornis, Melophus and Miliaria, are unpredicted, and reveal cases of strong morphological divergence. In contrast, the plumage similarity between adult male Emberiza (formerly Latoucheornis) siemsseni and the nominate subspecies of the New World Junco hyemalis is shown to be the result of parallel evolution. A further case of parallel plumage evolution, between African and Eurasian taxa, is pointed out. Two cases of discordance between the mitochondrial and nuclear data with respect to branch lengths and genetic divergences are considered to be the result of introgressive hybridization.  相似文献   

Abstract — Gulls (Aves: Larinae) are among the best-studied of birds, yet prior attempts to reconstruct gull relationships have met with little success. In the present study I use 117 characters from the skeleton and 64 from the integument to test gull monophyly and estimate gull phylogeny. One shortest tree, requiring 9747 unweighted changes and having a CI of 0.267, wasLarusis polyphyletic. Although the tree is fully resolved, support for many of the inferred clades is poor. In a comparison of osteological and integumentary evidence, I found that incongruence between the osteological and integumentary character sets accounts for only a minority of the total incongruence observed, and suggest that low between-set incongruence may be a consequence of the low signal-to-noise ratio in each set of characters. I also found that osteological evidence is particularly important for determining higher-level structure, whereas integumentary evidence is important for resolving lower-level relationships within the gull group. Finally, I found that integumentary characters are not dramatically more homoplasious than osteological characters, and argue that casual dismissal of integumentary characters as “too labile” is unwarranted.  相似文献   

Coccyzus comprises nine species of New World cuckoos (Aves: Cuculidae) that breed from southern Canada to central South America. The phylogeny of this genus was reconstructed using 2490 base pairs of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase II and III, and cytochrome b. Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian inference approaches produced similar topologies in which Coccyzus, as currently classified, is polyphyletic. Topological‐constraint analyses demonstrated that trees resulting from this study were significantly better than those derived from conventional classifications. Furthermore, results support paraphyly of Piaya, another genus of New World cuckoos. These conclusions reflect some early classifications of these genera and support the resurrection of Micrococcyx to house the ash‐coloured (Coccyzus cinereus) and dwarf (C. pumilus) cuckoos, and Coccycua for the little cuckoo (Piaya minuta).  相似文献   

The phylogeny of swallows was reconstructed by comparing segments of three genes, nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 (betafib7), mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb), and mitochondrial ND2, in a variety of combinations using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. betafib7 was sequenced for 47 species, cytb for 74 species, and ND2 for 61 species to yield comparisons among 75 of the 84 currently recognized swallow species. The family Hirundinidae was confirmed to consist of two clades, Pseudochelidoninae (river martins) and Hirundininae (typical swallows). The Hirundininae is further divided into mud nesters (Hirundo sensu lato), core martins (Phedina, Riparia, and New World endemic genera), and basal relicts (Psalidoprocne, Cheramoeca, and Pseudhirundo). We did not resolve the hierarchy among these three hirundinine groups, but discovered many relationships within them. Mud-nesting genera have the following relationships: (Hirundo sensu stricto, Ptyonoprogne), (Delichon, (Petrochelidon, Cecropis)). Core martins have the following topology: (Phedina, Riparia cincta), (Riparia sensu stricto, Tachycineta, ((Stelgidopteryx, Progne), (Neotropical endemic genera))). Interspecific relationships among the Neotropical endemics were resolved completely; Atticora and Notiochelidon are paraphyletic, and all Neotropical endemics probably should be lumped into one or two genera. The final group of hirundinines, the basal relicts, consists of a sister pair, the Australian Cheramoeca and African Pseudhirundo. The African saw-wings (Psalidoprocne) are their likely sister group.  相似文献   

Bartomeu Seguí 《Ibis》2002,144(3):411-422
A new genus and species of crane is described from Late Tertiary karstic deposits in Punta Nati-Cala's Pous, in the north-west of Menorca. The coracoid, the ends of the distal and proximal tibiotarsus, the proximal and distal ends of the tarsometatarsus (the latter is not well preserved) and the femur have been recovered, in what is one of the best osteological series of a crane pre-dating the Pleistocene. The morphology of the fossil is mainly coincident with the Gruinae, especially with recent Grus . However, its size and some symplesiomorphic features of the distal end of the tibiotarsus and of the coracoid are coincident with Balearica , and automorphic characters are also found mainly in the proximal end of the tibiotarsus. The combination of characters justifies the creation of a new genus that is considered basal in the Gruinae.  相似文献   

Passerida is a monophyletic group of oscine passerines that includes almost 3500 species (about 36%) of all bird species in the world. The current understanding of higher-level relationships within Passerida is based on DNA-DNA hybridizations [C.G. Sibley, J.E. Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds, 1990, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT]. Our results are based on analyses of 3130 aligned nucleotide sequence data obtained from 48 ingroup and 13 outgroup genera. Three nuclear genes were sequenced: c-myc (498-510 bp), RAG-1 (930 bp), and myoglobin (693-722 bp), as well one mitochondrial gene; cytochrome b (879 bp). The data were analysed by parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian inference. The African rockfowl and rockjumper are found to constitute the deepest branch within Passerida, but relationships among the other taxa are poorly resolved--only four major clades receive statistical support. One clade corresponds to Passeroidea of [C.G. Sibley, B.L. Monroe, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, 1990, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT] and includes, e.g., flowerpeckers, sunbirds, accentors, weavers, estrilds, wagtails, finches, and sparrows. Starlings, mockingbirds, thrushes, Old World flycatchers, and dippers also group together in a clade corresponding to Muscicapoidea of Sibley and Monroe [op. cit.]. Monophyly of their Sylvioidea could not be corroborated--these taxa falls either into a clade with wrens, gnatcatchers, and nuthatches, or one with, e.g., warblers, bulbuls, babblers, and white-eyes. The tits, penduline tits, and waxwings belong to Passerida but have no close relatives among the taxa studied herein.  相似文献   

The order Gruiformes, for which even familial composition remains controversial, is perhaps the least well understood avian order from a phylogenetic perspective. The history of the systematics of the order is presented, and the ecological and biogeographic characteristics of its members are summarized. Using cladistic techniques, phylogenetic relationships among fossil and modern genera of the Gruiformes were estimated based on 381 primarily osteological characters; relationships among modern species of Grues (Psophiidae, Aramidae, Gruidae, Heliornithidae and Rallidae) were assessed based on these characters augmented by 189 characters of the definitive integument. A strict consensus tree for 20,000 shortest trees compiled for the matrix of gruiform genera (length = 967, CI = 0.517) revealed a number of nodes common to the solution set, many of which were robust to bootstrapping and had substantial support (Bremer) indices. Robust nodes included those supporting: a sister relationship between the Pedionomidae and Turnicidae; monophyly of the Gruiformes exclusive of the Pedionomidae and Turnicidae; a sister relationship between the Cariamidae and Phorusrhacoidea; a sister relationship between a clade comprising Eurypyga and Messelornis and one comprising Rhynochetos and Aptornis; monophyly of the Grues (Psophiidae, Aramidae, Gruidae, Heliornithidae and Rallidae); monophyly of a clade (Gruoidea) comprising (in order of increasingly close relationship) Psophia, Aramus, Balearica and other Gruidae, with monophyly of each member in this series confirmed; a sister relationship between the Heliornithidae and Rallidae; and monophyly of the Rallidae exclusive of Himantornis. Autapomorphic divergence was comparatively high for Pedionomus, Eurypyga, Psophia, Himantornis and Fulica; extreme autapomorphy, much of which is unique for the order, characterized the extinct, flightless Aptornis. In the species-level analysis of modern Grues, special efforts were made to limit the analytical impacts of homoplasy related to flightlessness in a number of rallid lineages. A strict consensus tree of 20,000 shortest trees compiled (length = 1232, CI = 0.463) confirmed the interfamilial relationships resolved in the ordinal analysis and established a number of other, variably supported groups within the Rallidae. Groupings within the Rallidae included: monophyly of Rallidae exclusive of Himantornis and a clade comprising Porphyrio (including Notornis) and Porphyrula; a poorly resolved, basal group of genera including Gymnocrex, Habroptila, Eulabeornis, Aramides, Canirallus and Mentocrex; an intermediate grade comprising Anurolimnas, Amaurolimnas, and Rougetius; monophyly of two major subdivisions of remaining rallids, one comprising Rallina (paraphyletic), Rallicula, and Sarothrura, and the other comprising the apparently paraphyletic ''long-billed'' rails (e.g. Pardirallus, Cyanolimnas, Rallus, Gallirallus and Cabalus and a variably resolved clade comprising ''crakes'' (e.g. Atlantisia, Laterallus and Porzana, waterhens (Amaurornis), moorhens (Gallinula and allied genera) and coots (Fulica). Relationships among ''crakes'' remain poorly resolved; Laterallus may be paraphyletic, and Porzana is evidently polyphyletic and poses substantial challenges for reconciliation with current taxonomy. Relationships among the species of waterhens, moorhens and coots, however, were comparatively well resolved, and exhaustive, fine-scale analyses of several genera (Grus, Porphyrio, Aramides, Rallus, Laterallus and Fulica) and species complexes (Porphyrio porphyrio -group,Gallirallus philippensis -group and Fulica americana -group) revealed additional topological likelihoods. Many nodes shared by a majority of the shortest trees under equal weighting were common to all shortest trees found following one or two iterations of successive weighting of characters. Provisional placements of selected subfossil rallids (e.g. Diaphorapteryx, Aphanapteryx and Capellirallus ) were based on separate heuristic searches using the strict consensus tree for modern rallids as a backbone constraint. These analyses were considered with respect to assessments of robustness, homoplasy related to flightlessness, challenges and importance of fossils in cladistic analysis, previously published studies and biogeography, and an annotated phylogenetic classification of the Gruiformes is proposed.  相似文献   

Babblers, family Timaliidae, have long been subject to debate on systematic position, family limits and internal taxonomy. In this study, we use five molecular regions to estimate the relationships among a large proportion of genera traditionally placed in Timaliidae. We find good support for five main clades within this radiation, and propose a new classification, dividing the babblers into the families Sylviidae and Timaliidae. Within the latter family, four subfamilies are recognized: Zosteropinae, Timaliinae, Pellorneinae and Leiothrichinae. Several taxa, previously not studied with molecular data, are phylogenetically placed within Sylviidae or Timaliidae. This is, however, not the case for the genus Pnoepyga , for which we propose the family name Pnoepygidae fam. n.  相似文献   

Cameron SL  O'Donoghue PJ 《Protist》2004,155(2):215-235
The phylogenetic relationships of members of the ciliate class Litostomatea were determined by a molecular phylogeny using the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA (ssu-rRNA) gene and a morphological phylogeny based on ultrastructural analyses of the group. Molecular analyses consistently supported the monophyly of Trichostomatia, Entodiniomorphida and the "Australian" trichostomes but provided limited support for a monophyletic Vestibuliferida and Haptoria. The results of the morphological analyses depended on the way in which the dataset was treated: "unordered" and "ordered" recovered a monophyletic Trichostomatia, Haptoria and the "Australian" trichostomes but challenged the monophyly of Entodinimorphida and Vestibuliferida; "dollo" recovered a monophyletic Trichostomatia and Entodiniomorphida but at the cost of a greatly longer tree than either "unordered" or "ordered" datasets. The monophyly of each "Australian" trichostome family was supported in all analyses and by both approaches. These results suggest that the trichostome ciliates may have become associated with mammals in Gondwana with the "Australian" trichostome ciliates entering Australia with primitive herbivorous marsupials. Subsequent diversification of the "Australian" families was probably a result of dietary specialization and oral and cortical synapomorphies define each family. We decline at this time to erect a formal taxon name for the "Australian" trichostomes due to the instability of other superfamilial taxa within the Litosomatea and concerns about the stability of tree topology until a better taxon sample of litostome ciliates is available.  相似文献   

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