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SYNOPSIS. Cell-free preparations of Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites transfer glucose from UDP-[U-14C]glucose to a chloroform-soluble form. This radioactive material has been isolated by thin-layer chromatography; it contains an alkali-labile and an alkali-stable (unsaponifiable) component. Treatment of the enzymic product with 0.1 N KOH for 15 min at 0 C or 20 C releases radioactivity into the aqueous phase as glucose. During this treatment, 30–60% of the original glycolipid remains chloroform-soluble. It is considered to be an alkali-stable glycolipid because no further loss of radioactivity occurs during an additional 45-min of treatment with 0.1 N KOH. During incubation with 0.1 N HCI at 100 C glucose is released quantitatively from both the untreated glycolipid and the alkali-stable glycolipid with a half-time of 6 min. Glycolipid formation is inhibited by UDP and is reversible; extracts catalyze the formation of UDP-glucose from the alkali-stable glucolipid and UDP. The chemical and physical properties of the alkali-stable glycolipid are consistent with a glucosyl phosphoryl polyprenol structure. Extracts prepared from cysts catalyze the formation of glycolipids aiso, but the glucosyltransferase activity/cell decreases during the course of encystment. Radioactivity is incorporated into the fraction insoluble in chloroform-methanol-water (1:1:1:) during these incubations when UDP-[U-14C]glucose or [14C]glycolipid is the substrate.  相似文献   

The small soil ameba, Acanthamoeba castellanii strain HR, with a mean generation time of 18 hr in axenic culture, requires 24 min for nuclear mitosis. This is followed immediately by nuclear DNA synthesis that is initiated in late telophase and lasts for 20 min. Evidence is presented that amitosis can be induced in susceptible amebas only during a portion of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Acanthamoeba castellanii grows in a minimal medium (AMLIV) containing only arginine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine as sole nitrogen sources, other than vitamins, when glucose is the carbon source. With acetate as the carbon source, glycine must be added to AMLIV. Doubling time in AMLIV varies according to the ratio of amino acids concentrations. Several combinations yield Td values of ~ 70 hr.  相似文献   

The mature cyst of Acanthamoeba is highly resistant to various antibiotics and therapeutic agents. Cyst wall of Acanthamoeba are composed of cellulose, acid-resistant proteins, lipids, and unidentified materials. Because cellulose is one of the primary components of the inner cyst wall, cellulose synthesis is essential to the process of cyst formation in Acanthamoeba. In this study, we hypothesized the key and short-step process in synthesis of cellulose from glycogen in encysting Acanthamoeba castellanii, and confirmed it by comparing the expression pattern of enzymes involving glycogenolysis and cellulose synthesis. The genes of 3 enzymes, glycogen phosphorylase, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, and cellulose synthase, which are involved in the cellulose synthesis, were expressed high at the 1st and 2nd day of encystation. However, the phosphoglucomutase that facilitates the interconversion of glucose 1-phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate expressed low during encystation. This report identified the short-cut pathway of cellulose synthesis required for construction of the cyst wall during the encystation process in Acanthamoeba. This study provides important information to understand cyst wall formation in encysting Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The activity and sedimentation of acid phosphatase (APase), acid deoxyribonuclease (DNase), and acid ribonuclease (RNase) were investigated throughout growth and encystment in Acanthamoeba castellanii. The activities/mg protein of all 3 hydrolases are high in young cultures and decrease to constant levels in postlog cells. The RNase activity/ ameba decreases 50% during growth, whereas the activity/cell of both APase and DNase remains constant. The percent sedimentation at 20,000 g of all 3 enzymes gradually increases from about 40% in midlog to a plateau of 80% in postlog cells. During encystment, the sedimentation behavior of RNase differs from that of APase and DNase. Encystment is characterized by a differential decrease in the activity/cell of the 3 hydrolases, with RNase decreasing most rapidly and APase least rapidly. APase is unique in that a transient increase of its specific activity is noted during encystment, even though its activity/cell is decreasing.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were conducted on the structure, nutrition, protein composition, immunology, and effect on cell cultures of Acanthamoeba sp. (Lilly A-1 strain), A. castellanii (Singh and Neff strains), A. astronyxis, A. comandoni, A. polyphaga, A. terricola, Hartmannella vermiformis, and Naegleria gruberi. Lilly A-1 strain of Acanthamoeba received special attention owing to its pathogenicity for experimental animals. Distinct differences were noted in structure, nutrition, and antigenic composition of Acanthamoeba spp. and Hartmannella, and it was concluded that their recognition as separate genera is justified. With the exception of A. terricola, all species of Acanthamoeba could be differentiated by cyst structure. Cysts of A. terricola closely resembled those of A. castellanii Singh strain, and close antigenic relationships between these 2 species were demonstrated by gel diffusion and immunoelectrophoresis (IEP); it was concluded that the 2 amebae belong in the same species. The pathogenic Acanthamoeba sp. Lilly strain differed from the nonpathogenic A. castellanii Singh strain in (a) cyst structure; (b) protein distribution patterns (on disc electrophoresis); (c) soluble and particulate antigens (on gel diffusion, IEP, complement fixation, and immobilization tests); (d) capacity to induce cell-free plaques and other cytopathic effects (CPE) in mammalian monolayer cell cultures; (e) elimination of a phospholipase, responsible for some of the CPE, into the culture medium, Acanthamoeba sp. Lilly strain, which liberated more phospholipase, produced more CPE. Acanthamoeba sp. Lilly strain differed also from other species of this genus in cyst structure and antigenic composition. It was concluded, therefore, that, following the recommendation of Singh & Das, it ought to be placed in a separate species, Acanthamoeba culbertsoni.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies that bind a large molecular weight plasma membrane protein of Acanthamoeba castellanii cause the cells to differentiate. A different monoclonal antibody that binds specifically to the major plasma membrane protein has no effect upon cell division or differentiation. The induction of differentiation by the monoclonal antibodies requires a bivalent attachment, more than a single binding cycle of the antibody to the plasma membrane protein, does not require cell-cell contact, and appears to be mediated by an inhibition of pinocytosis. These results suggest one of two alternatives: either this free living amoeba possesses a cell surface receptor that serves to initiate the differentiation process when stimulated, or the specific plasma membrane antigen for the differentiation-inducing monoclonal antibodies is an essential component of the pinocytotic mechanism. While it seems more likely on the basis of available evidence that we are observing the biological effects of a cell surface receptor, either of the two alternative circumstances open up investigative areas of large significance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Eight isolates, identified as either Acanthamoeba castellanii or A. polyphaga from human eye infections, contact lens containers, and soil in Japan, were characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Mitochondrial DNA was digested with either Bgl II, Eco R I, Hind III, Hpa I, Sca I or Xba I, electrophoresed in agarose gels, and stained with ethidium bromide. Four distinct RFLP phenotypes that refer to the collection of six fragment size patterns obtained for a single strain with six enzymes, were discovered among the eight strains used in this study. Three strains morphologically classified as A. polyphaga share a single RFLP phenotype with the Ma strain of A. castellanii. The interspecific sequence differences of 7.06–12.74% in DNA nucleotide were estimated from the proportion of DNA fragments shared by each pair of mtDNA.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba cysts are resistant to unfavorable physiological conditions and various disinfectants. Acanthamoeba cysts have 2 walls containing various sugar moieties, and in particular, one third of the inner wall is composed of cellulose. In this study, it has been shown that down-regulation of cellulose synthase by small interfering RNA (siRNA) significantly inhibits the formation of mature Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts. Calcofluor white staining and transmission electron microscopy revealed that siRNA transfected amoeba failed to form an inner wall during encystation and thus are likely to be more vulnerable. In addition, the expression of xylose isomerase, which is involved in cyst wall formation, was not altered in cellulose synthase down-regulated amoeba, indicating that cellulose synthase is a crucial factor for inner wall formation by Acanthamoeba during encystation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Mitochondria isolated from the soil ameba Acanthamoeba castellanii growing exponentially on complex medium have rotenone-insensitive oxygen uptake and ADP:O ratios which indicate the presence of only 2 phosphorylation sites in the electron transport chain. Stationary phase amebae yield mitochondria which are sensitive to inhibition by rotenone when respiring NAD+-Minked substrates and have 3 sites of phosphorylation. The levels of cytochromes (a + a 3), b , and c are similar in mitochondria isolated from log or stationary phase amebae, and, with the exception of succinate, the respiratory rates obtained with different substrates do not change significantly from log to stationary growth phase.  相似文献   

AIMS: Investigation of the attachment and uptake of Legionella pneumophila by Acanthamoeba castellanii and Naegleria lovaniensis, as these are two critical steps in the subsequent bacterial survival in both amoeba hosts. METHODS AND RESULTS: Initially, the mode of Legionella uptake was examined using inhibitors of microfilament-dependent and receptor-mediated uptake phagocytosis. Secondly, the minimum saccharide structure to interfere with L. pneumophila uptake was determined by means of selected saccharides. Bacterial attachment and uptake by each of the amoeba species occurred through a receptor-mediated endocytosis, which required de novo synthesis of host proteins. Legionella pneumophila showed a high affinity to the alpha1-3D-mannobiose domain of the mannose-binding receptor located on A. castellanii. In contrast, L. pneumophila bacteria had a high affinity for the GalNAcbeta1-4Gal domain of the N-acetyl-D-galactosamine receptor of N. lovaniensis. CONCLUSIONS: Our data pointed to a remarkable adaptation of L. pneumophila to invade different amoeba hosts, as the uptake by both amoeba species is mediated by two different receptor families. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The fact that L. pneumophila is taken up by two different amoeba species using different receptor families adds further complexity to the host-parasite interaction process, as 14 amoeba species are known to be appropriate Legionella hosts.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop alternative approaches for medical and environmental control of pathogenic Acanthamoeba spp. by means of photodynamic treatment with a tetracationic Zn(II)-phthalocyanine (RLP068). METHODS AND RESULTS: Incubation of cyst cultures with RLP068 for 1 h caused an accumulation of readily detectable concentrations of the phthalocyanine, even at doses as low as 0.5 micromol l(-1). RLP068 exhibited no dark toxicity towards cysts up to 5 micromol l(-1) concentration. A decrease of c. 50% in cyst survival in comparison with controls was measured upon incubation of the cysts with 0.5 micromol l(-1) RLP068, followed by exposure to light (600-700 nm) for 20 min at a fluence rate of 50 mW cm(-2) (60 J cm(-2)). After incubation with 3 and 5 micromol l(-1) RLP068 and irradiation, the cysts lost their excystment ability as early as day 5 and up to day 10, and were clearly damaged when observed under an interference contrast microscope. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate the promising use of RLP068 in phototreatment of diseases caused by pathogenic amoebae and in initial disinfection of wastewaters. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Rapid and extensive photodamage may be induced in the highly resistant cystic stages by means of 600- to 700-nm light sources.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Theophylline inhibited the phagocytosis of latex beads by Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff). The cells recovered the ability to engulf beads after 1–2 hr of exposure to theophylline. Cells which have been exposed to 25 mM theophylline for a period of inhibition and recovery were not inhibited further by incubation with a fresh medium containing the same concentration of theophylline. However, the medium in which the cells recovered was as effective as a fresh medium in inhibiting phagocytosis in a fresh batch of cells, suggesting that the development of insensitivity to theophylline inhibition resides with the cells themselves. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP also inhibited bead uptake.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of Acanthamoeba was isolated from a culture of an established line of human choriocarcinoma cells. The identification of this strain, originally called the Oak Ridge strain, and the establishment of a new species for it were based on morphologic, serologic, and immunochemical studies. In general, the structure of the trophozoite did not differ significantly from that of other species of Acanthamoeba, except that a body which more closely resembled a centriole than material described previously as centriolar satellites was observed in trophozoites examined with the electron microscope. The dimensions of the trophozoite were the smallest among the species of Acanthamoeba. The cyst was typical of the genus, but differed from those of other species by its smaller size and the presence of numerous ostioles. Studies of the Oak Ridge strain by immunofluorescence using antisera developed against the isolate and Acanthamoeba culbertsoni, A. castellanii, A. polyphaga, A. rhysodes, A. astronyxis, and A. palestinensis revealed the antigenic uniqueness of the Oak Ridge strain. It was demonstrated by immunoelectrophoretic analyses of the soluble proteins of the Oak Ridge strain that it shared ~ 1/2 of its antigenic structure with A. castellanii and A. culbertsoni. The antigenic differences of the isolate from other species of Acanthamoeba were deduced from comparison of the antigenic constitution of these species and the Oak Ridge strain with A. culbertsoni and A. castellanii. Although the strain was initially recognized by its cytopathogenicity for cultures, it did not produce acute infections in mice after intranasal inoculation of 1 × 104 amebae/mouse. The foregoing results constituted the basis for the establishment of the Oak Ridge strain as a new species, A. royreba sp. n., in the genus Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   

微晶和芦苇浆纳米纤维素的粒度分布分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一定工艺条件下,硫酸分别水解微晶纤维素和芦苇浆制备纳米纤维素,采用激光粒度分析法分别分析了微晶和芦苇浆纳米纤维素的粒度分布,结果表明以微晶纤维素为原料,在控制制备工艺条件下可以制备出三维尺度相差不大的纳米纤维素,Z均粒径为163.8 nm。芦苇浆纳米纤维素为非球形颗粒,且不同方向的尺寸相差较大,Z均粒径为942.0 nm。  相似文献   

Die Hemmung der mitochondrialen DNS-Snythese von Acanthamoeba castellanii der logarithmischen Wachstumsphase durch Äthidiumbromid induziert die stationäre Wachstumsphase, in deren Verlauf Cysten gebildet werden. Diese Cystenbildung ist, im Gegensatz zu der durch Sauerstoff oder Nahrungsmangel hervorgerufenen, nicht von einer in DNS-RNS-Hybridisierungen nachweisbaren Synthese qualitativ neuer RNS-Arten begleitet. Wahrend der durch Äthidiumbromid, Sauerstoff- und Nahrungsmangel induzierten stationären Wachstumsphase und Encystierung findet eine starke Reduktion des [3H]Uridin-Einbaus in die RNS statt; davon ist die ribosomale stärker als die niedermolekulare RNS betroffen. In der durch Äthidiumbromid induzierten stationären Wachstumsphase und in der späten 1WP sind in der RNS weniger DNS-ähnliche RNS-Arten vorhanden als in der frühen logarithmischen Wachstumsphase.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the impact of protozoan grazing on the population dynamics of a multispecies bacterial biofilm community. METHODS AND RESULTS: Grazing by Acanthamoeba castellanii and the ciliate Colpoda maupasi upon biofilm and planktonic communities, composed of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Staphylococcus epidermidis was investigated. Biofilms were formed using glass coverslips, held in a carousel device, as substrata for biofilm formation or in glass flow cells. The predatory effects of the amoeba were generally confined to the biofilm, where grazing rates corresponded to losses from the biofilm equivalent to ca 30,000 biofilm cells cm(-2) h(-1), with the amoeba becoming an integral part of the community. C. maupasi reduced the thickness of mature multispecies biofilms at steady-state from 500 to <200 microm. CONCLUSIONS: We report that the presence of the protozoa A. castellanii and C. maupasi markedly influence population dynamics within defined biofilm communities. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The current study dispels the popular opinion that biofilms are protected against predation by protozoa. A. castellanii clearly has the capacity to graze mixed biofilm communities and to become integrally associated with them, whereas the ciliate C. maupasi reduced biofilm thickness by up to 60%.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) between the mitochondrial large (23S rRNA; rnl ) and small (16S rRNA; rns ) subunit ribosomal RNA genes of Acanthamoeba castellanii strain Neff was sequenced previously and was uniquely interesting because it contained tRNA genes with acceptor stem mismatches that underwent RNA editing repair. Our interest in this ITS region was to determine its phylogenetic potential in differentiating between closely related isolates. We analyzed the mitochondrial ITS region for 17 Acanthamoeba isolates and observed extensive sequence and length variability, making this region difficult to align. Acanthamoeba griffini strain S-7 had the shortest ITS (i.e. 559 base pairs [bp]) compared with Acanthamoeba palestinensis strain Reich, which had the longest (i.e. 1,360 bp). The length disparity occurred predominantly between the spacer region of the aspartic acid ( trnD ) and methionine ( trnM ) tRNA genes. Unexpectedly, this region in A. palestinensis Reich was found to contain a duplication of the trnM gene. Additionally, like A. castellanii strain Neff, all isolates examined had tRNAs with mismatches in their acceptor stem. Also, the potential for an additional type of editing not described previously for Acanthamoeba , involving purine to pyrimidine transversions was observed.  相似文献   

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