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In common with many other previously widespread British birds, Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava flavissima populations have declined substantially in the UK in recent decades. Recent national data suggest particular problems in grassland. We investigated how habitat management in a grassland area of East Anglia, England, influenced the habitat selection of this species. Breeding territories were associated with fields previously subject to prolonged winter floods and which contained shallow-edged ponds or wet ditches during summer. Territories were also associated with fields with short, sparse swards and high proportions of bare earth within the sward, and these features were themselves associated with previous winter flooding. However, nests were associated with taller swards than were random points within the same field, suggesting that Yellow Wagtails would benefit from within-field heterogeneity of sward height to provide both nesting and foraging habitat. We discuss how grazing, cutting and water-level management regimes could be used to promote optimal sward structure for Yellow Wagtails.  相似文献   

Capsule Yellow Wagtails successfully raised two consecutive broods in landscapes dominated by autumn-sown crops and did not require spring crops or fallow plots for later nesting.

Aims To assess whether arable landscapes dominated by winter cropping provide habitats that allow Yellow Wagtails to raise two successful broods. To assess the utility of spring cultivated agri-environment fallow plots as a nesting and foraging habitat for Yellow Wagtails.

Methods Nesting success and foraging behaviour of Yellow Wagtails was monitored on lowland arable farmland dominated by winter cropping during two successive breeding seasons.

Results Yellow Wagtails successfully raised first and second broods mainly in winter cereals, with later nests being more successful. Some nests were initiated in bean fields where egg-stage failure rates were high, probably as a consequence of depredation. Fallow plots were not used for nesting but, along with other areas of sparse vegetation, were regularly used for foraging.

Conclusions Yellow Wagtails breeding at relatively low densities achieved high rates of reproductive success in a landscape dominated by winter cereals and with few spring-sown crops. This study suggests that spring-sown crops may not be necessary for Yellow Wagtails to rear two successful broods each summer within arable landscapes.  相似文献   

Capsule Apparent survival rates of Yellow Wagtails breeding in abandoned fields in Russia are determined by previous breeding success.

Aims To examine apparent survival and its link to previous breeding success in Yellow Wagtails breeding in abandoned fields in the Vologda region, northern European Russia.

Methods We ringed and measured apparent survival of Yellow Wagtails at two abandoned agricultural sites over eight years (2005–2012). We modelled the impact of age, nest stage, and time of season on daily nest survival rates.

Results Predation was the main cause of nest failure. Nest daily survival rate was highest at the beginning of the breeding season. Overall nest survival probability was 0.40?±?0.02. Adult apparent survival after successful breeding was 0.42?±?0.06 and after unsuccessful breeding this was 0.13?±?0.06.

Conclusion Reproductive success can be regarded as the crucial demographic parameter of the local Yellow Wagtail population in northern European Russia. Apparent survival after successful breeding is significantly higher than after unsuccessful breeding, because unsuccessful breeders probably move to new breeding sites the following year. High adult survival may be particularly important to Yellow Wagtail population dynamics in the study region, because second breeding attempts are apparently unusual.  相似文献   

Abstract The theory of habitat selection predicts that organisms should use habitat that maximizes their fitness. The cooperatively breeding Rufous Treecreeper, Climacteris rufa, exhibits non‐random habitat use at a number of spatial scales. By assessing correlative relationships between nest‐site use and nest success, and territory use and reproductive success and survival, it was determined whether non‐random use of habitat yields fitness benefits. It was also determined whether breeding group size contributed significantly to fitness once differences in territory quality had been considered. Structural characteristics of nest sites that were positively correlated with the probability of a site being used had no relationship with nest success. This result probably reflects the relatively unrestricted access to an abundance of suitable nest sites in the study area. Habitat traits that predicted territory use by treecreepers were positively correlated with a number of fitness measures. They were also positively correlated with breeding group size and provisioning rate to nestlings, which in turn were correlated with fitness. However, group size was not significantly related to any measure of fitness, except primary male survival, once territory quality had been considered. The quality of territories occupied by Rufous Treecreepers appeared to be a significant factor for breeding group fitness.  相似文献   

Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are a species with declining populations that exhibit regional variation in habitat selection and demographic rates. The Ozark region of the south‐central United States likely provides important habitat for Cerulean Warblers, but little is known about their breeding biology in that region. We studied Cerulean Warblers in riparian forests of the Ozarks of Arkansas from 2018 to 2020. We assessed multi‐scale habitat selection for vegetative and topographic features, documented their breeding biology, estimated within‐season and annual apparent survival, and estimated territory sizes. We found that Cerulean Warblers selected riparian habitat characterized by large‐diameter trees across all spatial scales. Contrary to the results of previous studies, males appeared to avoid white oaks (Quercus spp., Section Quercus) at the territory scale, but this avoidance may reflect an underlying preference for riparian habitat. Our logistic‐exposure estimate of nest survival (0.32; 85% confidence interval: 0.21–0.46) was similar to the median of estimates reported in previous studies. Our results indicate that maintaining riparian forests with large trees is important to provide suitable habitat for Cerulean Warblers in the Ozark region. Because of similarities in habitat selection among regions, some management practices from other populations, including retaining large trees and promoting a heterogeneous canopy structure, may be useful for managing for Cerulean Warblers in riparian areas of the Ozarks. However, selection for topography and tree species by Cerulean Warblers in our study also suggests that region‐specific management strategies will be beneficial. Finally, our demographic rate estimates for this population should prove valuable in future full‐annual‐cycle population modeling efforts.  相似文献   

Habitat use and spawning substrata were surveyed to characterize the contribution of habitat divergence to reproductive isolation in greenling Hexagrammos species. The spawning substrata and microhabitat in breeding territories differed amongst the three Hexagrammos species studied: H. octogrammus, H. agrammus and H. otakii used small red algae, surfgrass and bryozoans, respectively, as spawning substrata, and breeding territories were established in areas where those substrata were abundant. In contrast, non-territorial individuals were observed in a comparatively wider range of habitats than conspecific territories. Consequently, the distributions of non-territorial individuals of the three species partially overlapped. Since hybrids have been frequently collected, the difference in spawning substrata and the subsequent microhabitat divergence in breeding territories do not prevent females from encountering males of other species. Thus, in addition to habitat divergence, other factors such as behavioural differentiation may be needed to complete premating reproductive isolation amongst these three Hexagrammos species.  相似文献   

运用面积转换矩阵和景观指数对双台河口自然保护区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的变化进行分析。结果表明 ,该地区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的面积不断减小 ,景观异质性和破碎化程度不断增强 ,生境质量不断下降。生境质量的变化将直接引起在该地区丹顶鹤繁殖数量的变化 ,从 1989~1998年 ,在双台河口自然保护区繁殖的丹顶鹤数量逐年下降 ,丹顶鹤的繁殖容量日益减小 ,原因是道路和油井开发强度的不断增大等人类活动的影响。  相似文献   

One possible hypothesis for the function of post-fledging dispersal is to locate a suitable future breeding area. This post-fledging period may be particularly important in migratory species because they have a limited period to gather information prior to autumn migration, and in protandrous species, males must quickly acquire a territory after returning from spring migration to maximize their fitness. Here we use color-ring resightings to investigate how the post-fledging dispersal movements of the Cyprus wheatear Oenanthe cypriaca, a small migratory passerine, relate to their first breeding territory the following year when they return from migration. We found that males established first breeding territories that were significantly closer to their post-fledging location than to their natal sites or to post-fledging locations of other conspecifics, but these patterns were not apparent in females. Our findings suggest that familiarity with potential breeding sites may be important for juveniles of migratory species, particularly for the sex that acquires and advertises breeding territories. Exploratory dispersal prior to a migrant’s first autumn migration may contribute toward its breeding success the following year, further highlighting the importance of early seasonal breeding on fitness and population dynamics more generally.  相似文献   

Regime shifts in the breeding of an Atlantic puffin population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Timing of breeding is a key factor determining the reproductive success in bird populations and known to be affected by climate fluctuations. We investigated the long‐term (1978–2002) relationship between climate and hatching date within a population of Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica at Røst in the Norwegian Sea. The timing of puffin breeding was found to be influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index (NAO). We isolated two temporal regimes, one where NAO had a significant effect on hatching date (1978–1986 and 1995–2002) and one where these variables were independent (1987–1994). Hatching date could be modelled using, in addition to NAO, hatching date and food abundance in the preceding breeding season (possibly proxies of parental effort). The models remained significant for regime 1 but not for regime 2. NAO differed between the two regimes suggesting that the shifts were induced by climate change, possibly via its effect on the availability of prey in the preceding year. The novelty of our study is the identification of temporal regimes in the effects of climate within one population.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(5-6):443-451
Background: Variable habitat conditions contribute to morphological variability that plays a substantial part in evolution of plants. Understanding the extent of phenotypic plasticity has important implication for assigning individuals to taxa.

Aims: I analysed morphological variability among populations within species of the Carex flava group and tested to what extent morphological variability was associated with habitat conditions.

Methods: A total of 571 specimens from 20 populations of four species from the C. flava complex were sampled in Poland and tested by Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA). The relationship between morphological characters and habitat factors was explored by means of the redundancy analysis (RDA).

Results: Variability of the generative and vegetative traits was fairly similar in Carex lepidocarpa, C. flava and Carex demissa, while it was somewhat higher in Carex viridula. The morphological traits were mostly related to soil organic matter content, calcium and carbonate, as well as to habitat fertility (C:N ratio), elevation and habitat disturbance. The results obtained do not support the separation of C. viridula var. pulchella from C. viridula var. viridula.

Conclusions: Phenotypic variability in the species of the C. flava complex is related to habitat conditions and this can lead to the differentiation of morphotypes within species.  相似文献   

Empirical data suggest that low levels of promiscuity have played a key role in the evolution of cooperative breeding and eusociality. However, from a theoretical perspective, low levels of promiscuity can favour dispersal away from the natal patch, and have been argued to select against cooperation in a way that cannot be explained by inclusive fitness theory. Here, we use an inclusive fitness approach to model selection to stay and help in a simple patch-structured population, with strict density dependence, where helping increases the survival of the breeder on the patch. Our model predicts that the level of promiscuity has either no influence or a slightly positive influence on selection for helping. This prediction is driven by the fact that, in our model, staying to help leads to increased competition between relatives for the breeding position-when promiscuity is low (and relatedness is high), the best way to aid relatives is by dispersing to avoid competing with them. Furthermore, we found the same results with an individual-based simulation, showing that this is not an area where inclusive fitness theory 'gets it wrong'. We suggest that our predicted influence of promiscuity is sensitive to biological assumptions, and that if a possibly more biologically relevant scenario were examined, where helping provided fecundity benefits and there was not strict density dependence, then low levels of promiscuity would favour helping, as has been observed empirically.  相似文献   

1. Colonization in a reintroduced population of European beavers in the Loire Valley was studied between 1974 and 1999. It followed a discontinuous remoteness model and a scattered distribution, beavers occupying only 25% of the river system over the 2800 km explored.
2. After 5 years, the colonization rate reached 104.2% year–1 of new sites occupied (SD 75% year–1), before dropping over the next 20 years. Nevertheless, the number of new colonies per km (0.125) remained stable throughout the years.
3.  Populus nigra , Salix alba and Fraxinus angustifolia were the dominant woody species in beaver sites, often associated with some herbaceous species.
4. The length of willow grove dominated by S. alba and P. nigra ( x ) was the best predictor of beaver home range ( y ), fitting the equation y =−0.742 x  + 5.9. Long-term maintenance of the population requires a minimum of 1.79-km of willows per colony.
5. In cutting tree trunks, beavers stimulate shoot development from the remaining stumps. They rejuvenate riparian forests, increase the number of tree stems and help stabilize the banks. Their effect on woody plant morphogenesis may have consequences for the helophyte communities used as food or habitat by other aquatic species.  相似文献   

Why sexually mature individuals stay in groups as nonreproductive subordinates is central to the evolution of sociality and cooperative breeding. To understand such delayed dispersal, its costs and benefits need to be compared with those of permanently leaving to float through the population. However, comprehensive comparisons, especially regarding differences in future breeding opportunities, are rare. Moreover, extraterritorial prospecting by philopatric individuals has generally been ignored, even though the factors underlying this route to independent breeding may differ from those of strict philopatry or floating. We use a comprehensive predictive framework to explore how various costs, benefits and intrinsic, environmental and social factors explain philopatry, prospecting, and floating in Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis). Not only floaters more likely obtained an independent breeding position before the next season than strictly philopatric individuals, but also suffered higher mortality. Prospecting yielded similar benefits to floating but lower mortality costs, suggesting that it is overall more beneficial than floating and strict philopatry. While prospecting is probably individual‐driven, although limited by resource availability, floating likely results from eviction by unrelated breeders. Such differences in proximate and ultimate factors underlying each route to independent breeding highlight the need for simultaneous consideration when studying the evolution of delayed dispersal.  相似文献   

Past tracking studies of marine animals have primarily targeted adults, biasing our understanding of at‐sea habitat use toward older life stages. Anthropogenic threats persist throughout the at‐sea ranges of all life stages and it is therefore of interest to population ecologists and managers alike to understand spatiotemporal distributions and possible niche differentiation between age‐classes. In albatrosses, particularly little is known about the juvenile life stage when fledglings depart the colonies and venture to sea with no prior experience or parental guidance. We compared the dispersal of 22 fledgling Black‐footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes between 2006 and 2008 using satellite telemetry and 16 adults between 2008 and 2009 using geolocaters from Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Hawaiian Islands. Following tag deployment, all fledglings spent several days within the calm atoll waters, then travelled northward until reaching 750–900 km from the colony. At this point, fledgling distributions approached the productive North Pacific Transition Zone (NPTZ). Rather than reaching the high chlorophyll a densities on the leading edge of this zone, however, fledglings remained in areas of low productivity in the subtropical gyre. In contrast, adult albatrosses from the same breeding colony did not utilize the NPTZ at this time of year but rather ranged throughout the highly productive northern periphery of the Pacific Ocean Basin among the shelf regions off Japan and the Aleutian Islands. The dichotomy in habitat use between fledglings and adults from Midway Atoll results in complete spatial segregation between age‐classes and suggests ontogenetic niche separation in this species. This research fills a large knowledge gap in at‐sea habitat use during a little known yet critical life stage of albatrosses, and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of differential mortality pressure between age‐classes and overall conservation status for the vulnerable Black‐footed Albatross.  相似文献   

The habitat associations of species are vital in determining an organism’s vulnerability to environmental and anthropogenic stress. In the marine environment, post-settlement processes such as ontogenetic shifts in habitat use can affect this vulnerability by subjecting a species to differing biological and environmental conditions at various life stages. This study documents the habitat associations of adult and juvenile butterflyfishes on an inshore reef of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to investigate if ontogenetic shifts in habitat use occur, and if such shifts relate to the trophic ecologies of species. Coral-feeding species displayed highly concordant distributions among adults and juveniles. In contrast, adults and juveniles of species with wider dietary selectivities (generalists) displayed significantly different distributions across reef zones. Juvenile generalist feeders were limited to the shallow, patchy areas of the reef flat whilst adult conspecifics displayed comparatively wide distributions. Butterflyfishes with a heavy reliance on corals for food appear to settle preferentially in areas with high abundances of adult conspecifics, which may partially explain why coral specialists are more vulnerable to localized depletion events. In contrast, generalist species utilize distinct habitats as adults and juveniles, suggesting that generalist butterflyfishes expand their ranges and are therefore subjected to changing environmental conditions as they reach adulthood.  相似文献   

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