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Spherical atrial myocytes obtained by enzymatic dispersion of hearts from adult guinea-pigs were loaded with the fluorescent Ca(2+)-indicator Indo-1 via patch-clamp pipettes. The dialysing solution additionally contained citrate (60 mM) as low-affinity ('linear') Ca(2+)-chelating compound in order to slow intracellular Ca(2+)-transients. Changes in Indo-1 fluorescence under voltage-clamp due to Ca(2+)-entry and/or release from the SR were calibrated using an in vivo procedure to determine the limiting fluorescence ratios. Sample recordings will be presented to demonstrate that components of a [Ca2+]i-transient due to entry via L-type Ca(2+)-channels and due to Ca(2+)-release from the SR can be directly visualized.  相似文献   

The effects of tyrosine protein kinases (TK) on the L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca)) were examined in whole cell patch-clamped human atrial myocytes. The TK inhibitors genistein (50 microM), lavendustin A (50 microM), and tyrphostin 23 (50 microM) stimulated I(Ca) by 132 +/- 18% (P < 0.001), 116 +/- 18% (P < 0.05), and 60 +/- 6% (P < 0.001), respectively. After I(Ca) stimulation by genistein, external application of isoproterenol (1 microM) caused an additional increase in I(Ca). Dialyzing the cells with a protein kinase A inhibitor suppressed the effect of isoproterenol on I(Ca) but not that of genistein. Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) by pretreatment of cells with 100 nM staurosporine or 100 nM calphostin C prevented the effects of genistein on I(Ca). The PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), after an initial stimulation (75 +/- 17%, P < 0.05), decreased I(Ca) (-36 +/- 5%, P < 0.001). Once the inhibitory effect of PMA on I(Ca) had stabilized, genistein strongly stimulated the current (323 +/- 25%, P < 0.05). Pretreating myocytes with genistein reduced the inhibitory effect of PMA on I(Ca). We conclude that, in human atrial myocytes, TK inhibit I(Ca) via a mechanism that involves PKC.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of voltage-independent alterations of L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca)) on the sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) Ca(2+) release in cardiac myocytes, we measured I(Ca) and cytosolic Ca(2+) transients (Ca(i)(2+); intracellular Ca(2+) concentration) in voltage-clamped rat ventricular myocytes during 1) an abrupt increase of extracellular [Ca(2+)] (Ca(o)(2+)) or 2) application of 1 microM FPL-64176, a Ca(2+) channel agonist, to selectively alter I(Ca) in the absence of changes in SR Ca(2+) loading. On the first depolarization in higher Ca(o)(2+), peak I(Ca) was increased by 46 +/- 6% (P < 0.001), but the increases in the maximal rate of rise of Ca(i)(2+) (dCa(i)(2+)/dt(max), where t is time; an index of SR Ca(2+) release flux) and the Ca(i)(2+) transient amplitude were not significant. Rapid exposure to FPL-64176 greatly slowed inactivation of I(Ca), increasing its time integral by 117 +/- 8% (P < 0.001) without significantly increasing peak I(Ca), dCa(i)(2+)/dt(max), or amplitude of the corresponding Ca(i)(2+) transient. Prolongation of exposure to higher Ca(o)(2+) or FPL-64176 did not further increase peak I(Ca) but greatly increased dCa(i)(2+)/dt(max), Ca(i)(2+) transient amplitude, and the gain of Ca(2+) release (dCa(i)(2+)/dt(max)/I(Ca)), evidently due to augmentation of the SR Ca(2+) loading. Also, the time to peak dCa(i)(2+)/dt(max) was significantly increased in the continuous presence of higher Ca(o)(2+) (by 37 +/- 5%, P < 0.001) or FPL-64176 (by 63 +/- 5%, P < 0.002). Our experiments provide the first evidence of a marked disparity between an increased peak I(Ca) and the corresponding SR Ca(2+) release. We attribute this to saturation of the SR Ca(2+) release flux as predicted by local control theory. Prolongation of the SR Ca(2+) release flux, caused by combined actions of a larger I(Ca) and maximally augmented SR Ca(2+) loading, might reflect additional Ca(2+) release from corbular SR.  相似文献   

We have used the whole cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique to measure sarcolemmal Ca(2+) transport by the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) and its contribution to the activation and relaxation of contraction in trout atrial myocytes. In contrast to mammals, cell shortening continued, increasing at membrane potentials above 0 mV in trout atrial myocytes. Furthermore, 5 microM nifedipine abolished L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca)) but only reduced cell shortening and the Ca(2+) carried by the tail current to 66 +/- 5 and 67 +/- 6% of the control value. Lowering of the pipette Na(+) concentration from 16 to 10 or 0 mM reduced Ca(2+) extrusion from the cell from 2.5 +/- 0.2 to 1.0 +/- 0.2 and 0.5 +/- 0.06 amol/pF. With 20 microM exchanger inhibitory peptide (XIP) in the patch pipette Ca(2+) extrusion 20 min after patch break was 39 +/- 8% of its initial value. With 16, 10, and 0 mM Na(+) in the pipette, the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) content was 47 +/- 4, 29 +/- 6, and 10 +/- 3 amol/pF, respectively. Removal of Na(+) from or inclusion of 20 microM XIP in the pipette gradually eliminated the SR Ca(2+) content. Whereas I(Ca) was the same at -10 or +10 mV, Ca(2+) extrusion from the cell and the SR Ca(2+) content at -10 mV were 65 +/- 7 and 80 +/- 4% of that at +10 mV. The relative amount of Ca(2+) extruded by the NCX (about 55%) and taken up by the SR (about 45%) was, however, similar with depolarizations to -10 and +10 mV. We conclude that modulation of the NCX activity critically determines Ca(2+) entry and cell shortening in trout atrial myocytes. This is due to both an alteration of the transsarcolemmal Ca(2+) transport and a modulation of the SR Ca(2+) content.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) concentration and voltage dependence of the relaxation kinetics of the Na-Ca exchanger after a Ca(2+) concentration jump was measured in excised giant membrane patches from guinea pig heart. Ca(2+) concentration jumps on the cytoplasmic side were achieved by laser flash-induced photolysis of DM-nitrophen. In the Ca-Ca exchange mode a transient inward current is generated. The amplitude and the decay rate of the current saturate at concentrations >10 microM. The integrated current signal, i.e., the charge moved is fairly independent of the amount of Ca(2+) released. The amount of charge translocated increases at negative membrane potentials, whereas the decay rate constant shows no voltage dependence. It is suggested that Ca(2+) translocation occurs in at least four steps: intra- and extracellular Ca(2+) binding and two intramolecular transport steps. Saturation of the amplitude and of the relaxation of the current can be explained if the charge translocating reaction step is preceded by two nonelectrogenic steps: Ca(2+) binding and one conformational transition. Charge translocation in this mode is assigned to one additional conformational change which determines the equilibrium distribution of states. In the Na-Ca exchange mode, the stationary inward current depends on the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration and voltage. The K(m) for Ca(2+) is 4 microM for guinea pig and 10 microM for rat myocytes. The amplitude of the pre-steady-state current and its relaxation saturate with increasing Ca(2+) concentrations. In this mode the relaxation is voltage dependent.  相似文献   

Fast two-dimensional confocal microscopy and the Ca(2+) indicator fluo-4 were used to study excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in cat atrial myocytes which lack transverse tubules and contain both subsarcolemmal junctional (j-SR) and central nonjunctional (nj-SR) sarcoplasmic reticulum. Action potentials elicited by field stimulation induced transient increases of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) that were highly inhomogeneous. Increases started at distinct subsarcolemmal release sites spaced approximately 2 microm apart. The amplitude and the latency of Ca(2+) release from these sites varied from beat to beat. Subsarcolemmal release fused to build a peripheral ring of elevated [Ca(2+)](i), which actively propagated to the center of the cells via Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release. Resting myocytes exhibited spontaneous Ca(2+) release events, including Ca(2+) sparks and local (microscopic) or global (macroscopic) [Ca(2+)](i) waves. The microscopic [Ca(2+)](i) waves propagated in a saltatory fashion along the sarcolemma ("coupled" Ca(2+) sparks) revealing the sequential activation of Ca(2+) release sites of the j-SR. Moreover, during global [Ca(2+)](i) waves, Ca(2+) release was evident from individual nj-SR sites. Ca(2+) release sites were arranged in a regular three-dimensional grid as deduced from the functional data and shown by immunostaining of ryanodine receptor Ca(2+) release channels. The longitudinal and transverse distances between individual Ca(2+) release sites were both approximately 2 microm. Furthermore, electron microscopy revealed a continuous sarcotubular network and one peripheral coupling of j-SR with the sarcolemma per sarcomere. The results demonstrate directly that, in cat atrial myocytes, the action potential-induced whole-cell [Ca(2+)](i) transient is the spatio-temporal summation of Ca(2+) release from subsarcolemmal and central sites. First, j-SR sites are activated in a stochastic fashion by the opening of voltage-dependent sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. Subsequently, nj-SR sites are activated by Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release propagating from the periphery.  相似文献   

Kong LH  Ma JH  Zhang PH  Luo AT  Zhang S  Ren ZQ  Feng J  Chen JL 《生理学报》2012,64(4):433-443
The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of veratridine (VER) on persistent sodium current (I(Na.P)), Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange current (I(NCX)), calcium transients and the action potential (AP) in rabbit ventricular myocytes, and to explore the mechanism in intracellular calcium overload and myocardial contraction enhancement by using whole-cell patch clamp recording technique, visual motion edge detection system, intracellular calcium measurement system and multi-channel physiological signal acquisition and processing system. The results showed that I(Na.P) and reverse I(NCX) in ventricular myocytes were obviously increased after giving 10, 20 μmol/L VER, with the current density of I(Na.P) increasing from (-0.22 ± 0.12) to (-0.61 ± 0.13) and (-2.15 ± 0.14) pA/pF (P < 0.01, n = 10) at -20 mV, and that of reverse I(NCX) increasing from (1.62 ± 0.12) to (2.19 ± 0.09) and (2.58 ± 0.11) pA/pF (P < 0.05, n = 10) at +50 mV. After adding 4 μmol/L tetrodotoxin (TTX), current density of I(Na.P) and reverse I(NCX) returned to (-0.07 ± 0.14) and (1.69 ± 0.15) pA/pF (P < 0.05, n = 10). Another specific blocker of I(Na.P), ranolazine (RAN), could obviously inhibit VER-increased I(Na.P) and reverse I(NCX). After giving 2.5 μmol/L VER, the maximal contraction rate of ventricular myocytes increased from (-0.91 ± 0.29) to (-1.53 ± 0.29) μm/s (P < 0.01, n = 7), the amplitude of contraction increased from (0.10 ± 0.04) to (0.16 ± 0.04) μm (P < 0.05, n = 7), and the baseline of calcium transients (diastolic calcium concentration) increased from (1.21 ± 0.08) to (1.37 ± 0.12) (P < 0.05, n = 7). After adding 2 μmol/L TTX, the maximal contraction rate and amplitude of ventricular myocytes decreased to (-0.86 ± 0.24) μm/s and (0.09 ± 0.03) μm (P < 0.01, n = 7) respectively. And the baseline of calcium transients reduced to (1.17 ± 0.09) (P < 0.05, n = 7). VER (20 μmol/L) could extend action potential duration at 50% repolarization (APD(50)) and at 90% repolarization (APD(90)) in ventricular myocytes from (123.18 ± 23.70) to (271.90 ± 32.81) and from (146.94 ± 24.15) to (429.79 ± 32.04) ms (P < 0.01, n = 6) respectively. Early afterdepolarizations (EADs) appeared in 3 out of the 6 cases. After adding 4 μmol/L TTX, APD(50) and APD(90) were reduced to (99.07 ± 22.81) and (163.84 ± 26.06) ms (P < 0.01, n = 6) respectively, and EADs disappeared accordingly in 3 cases. It could be suggested that: (1) As a specific agonist of the I(Na.P), VER could result in I(Na.P) increase and intracellular Na(+) overload, and subsequently intracellular Ca(2+) overload with the increase of reverse I(NCX). (2) The VER-increased I(Na.P) could further extend the action potential duration (APD) and induce EADs. (3) TTX could restrain the abnormal VER-induced changes of the above-mentioned indexes, indicating that these abnormal changes were caused by the increase of I(Na.P). Based on this study, it is concluded that as the I(Na.P) agonist, VER can enhance reverse I(NCX) by increasing I(Na.P), leading to intracellular Ca(2+) overload and APD abnormal extension.  相似文献   

Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, we have studied the properties of alpha(1E) Ca(2+) channel transfected in cardiac myocytes. We have also investigated the effect of foreign gene expression on the intrinsic L-type current (I(Ca,L)). Expression of green fluorescent protein significantly decreased the I(Ca,L). By contrast, expression of alpha(1E) with beta(2b) and alpha(2)/delta significantly increased the total Ca(2+) current, and in these cells a Ca(2+) antagonist, PN-200-110 (PN), only partially blocked the current. The remaining PN-resistant current was abolished by the application of a low concentration of Ni(2+) and was little affected by changing the charge carrier from Ca(2+) to Ba(2+) or by beta-adrenergic stimulation. On the basis of its voltage range for activation, this channel was classified as a high-voltage activated channel. Thus the expression of alpha(1E) did not generate T-like current in cardiac myocytes. On the other hand, expression of alpha(1E) decreased I(Ca,L) and slowed the I(Ca,L) inactivation. This inactivation slowing was attenuated by the beta(2b) coexpression, suggesting that the alpha(1E) may slow the inactivation of I(Ca,L) by scrambling with alpha(1C) for intrinsic auxiliary beta.  相似文献   

Sarcolemmal sodium/calcium exchange activity was examined in individual chick embryonic myocardial cell aggregates that were loaded with quin 2. The baseline [Ca2+]i was 68 +/- 4 nM (n = 29). Abrupt superfusion with sodium-free lithium solution produced a fourfold increase in steady-state [Ca2+]i to 290 +/- 19 nM, which was reversible upon sodium restitution. Other methods of increasing [Ca2+]i such as KCl-depolarization or caffeine produced a dose-dependent increase in quin 2 fluorescence, accompanied by sustained contracture. The [Ca2+]i increase in zero sodium was linear, and its half-time (t1/2) of 15.1 +/- 0.1 s was similar to that of the sodium-free contracture (t1/2 = 14.4 +/- 0.5 s) under the same conditions. The sodium-dependent [Ca2+]i increase was not significantly greater when potassium served as the sodium substitute instead of lithium. This suggests that sodium/calcium exchange has little voltage dependence in this situation. However, in aggregates pretreated with ouabain (2.5 microM), the [Ca2+]i increase was almost threefold greater with potassium than with lithium (P less than 0.007). Ouabain therefore potentiated the effect of membrane potential on calcium influx. We propose that elevation of [Na2+]i is a prerequisite for voltage dependence of the sodium/calcium exchange under the conditions studied. Sodium loading will then drastically increase calcium influx during the action potential while inducing an outward membrane current that could accelerate repolarization.  相似文献   

A whole-cell patch recording was used to determine the effects of staurosporine (ST), a potent protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, on L-type Ca(2+) channel (LTCC) activity in rabbit atrial myocytes. Bath application of ST (300 nM) caused a significant reduction in peak I-V relationship of LTCC (from -16.8+/-2.55 to -3.74+/-1.22pApF(-1) at 0 mV). The level of L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca,L)) inhibition produced by ST was independent of the voltage at which the effect was measured. ST inhibited the I(Ca,L) in a dose-dependent manner with a K(d) value of 61.98+/-6.802 nM. ST shifted the activation curve to more positive potentials, but did not have any significant effect on the voltage dependence of the inactivation curve. Other PKC inhibitors, GF 109203X (1 microM) and chelerythrine (3 microM), and PKA inhibitor, PKA-IP (5 microM), did not show any inhibitory effect on I(Ca,L). Additional application of ST in the presence of isoproterenol (1 microM), a selective beta-adrenoreceptor agonist, reduced peak I(Ca,L) (78.2%) approximately to the same level with single application of ST (77.8%). In conclusion, our results indicate that ST directly blocks the LTCC in a PKC or PKA-independent manner on LTCC and it should be taken into consideration when ST is used in functional studies of ion channel modulation by protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Yamashita M 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(16):4022-4032
Synchronous Ca(2+) oscillation occurs in various cell types to regulate cellular functions. However, the mechanism for synchronization of Ca(2+) increases between cells remains unclear. Recently, synchronous oscillatory changes in the membrane potential of internal Ca(2+) stores were recorded using an organelle-specific voltage-sensitive dye [Yamashita et al. (2006) FEBS J273, 3585-3597], and an electrical coupling model of the synchronization of store potentials and Ca(2+) releases has been proposed [Yamashita (2006) FEBS Lett580, 4979-4983]. This model is based on capacitative coupling, by which transient voltage changes can be synchronized, but oscillatory slow potentials cannot be communicated. Another candidate mechanism is synchronization of action potentials and ensuing Ca(2+) influx through voltage-dependent Ca channels. The present study addresses the question of whether Ca(2+) increases are synchronized by action potentials, and how oscillatory store potentials are synchronized across the cells. Electrophysiological and Ca(2+)-sensitive fluorescence measurements in early embryonic chick retina showed that synchronous Ca(2+) oscillation was caused by releases of Ca(2+) from Ca(2+) stores without any evidence of action potentials in retinal neuroepithelial cells or newborn neurons. High-speed fluorescence measurement of store membrane potential surprisingly revealed that the synchronous oscillatory changes in the store potential were periodic repeats of a burst of high-frequency voltage fluctuations. The burst coincided with a Ca(2+) increase. The present study suggests that synchronization of Ca(2+) release is mediated by the high-frequency fluctuation in the store potential. Close apposition of the store membrane and plasma membrane in an epithelial structure would allow capacitative coupling across the cells.  相似文献   

External divalent cations are known to play an important role in the function of voltage-gated ion channels. The purpose of this study was to examine the sensitivity of the voltage-gated K(+) currents of human atrial myocytes to external Ca(2+) ions. Myocytes were isolated by collagenase digestion of atrial appendages taken from patients undergoing coronary artery-bypass surgery. Currents were recorded from single isolated myocytes at 37 degrees C using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. With 0.5 mM external Ca(2+), voltage pulses positive to -20 mV (holding potential = -60 mV) activated outward currents which very rapidly reached a peak (I(peak)) and subsequently inactivated (tau = 7.5 +/- 0.7 msec at +60 mV) to a sustained level, demonstrating the contribution of both rapidly inactivating transient (I(to1)) and non-inactivating sustained (I(so)) outward currents. The I(to1) component of I(peak), but not I(so), showed voltage-dependent inactivation using 100 msec prepulses (V(1/2) = -35.2 +/- 0.5 mV). The K(+) channel blocker, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 2 mM), inhibited I(to1) by approximately 76% and reduced I(so) by approximately 33%. Removal of external Ca(2+) had several effects: (i) I(peak) was reduced in a manner consistent with an approximately 13 mV shift to negative voltages in the voltage-dependent inactivation of I(to1). (ii) I(so) was increased over the entire voltage range and this was associated with an increase in a non-inactivating 4-AP-sensitive current. (iii) In 79% cells (11/14), a slowly inactivating component was revealed such that the time-dependent inactivation was described by a double exponential time course (tau(1) = 7.0 +/- 0.7, tau(2) = 90 +/- 21 msec at +60 mV) with no effect on the fast time constant. Removal of external Ca(2+) was associated with an additional component to the voltage-dependent inactivation of I(peak) and I(so) (V(1/2) = -20.5 +/- 1.5 mV). The slowly inactivating component was seen only in the absence of external Ca(2+) ions and was insensitive to 4-AP (2 mM). Experiments with Cs(+)-rich pipette solutions suggested that the Ca(2+)-sensitive currents were carried predominantly by K(+) ions. External Ca(2+) ions are important to voltage-gated K(+) channel function in human atrial myocytes and removal of external Ca(2+) ions affects I(to1) and 4-AP-sensitive I(so) in distinct ways.  相似文献   

It is still debated whether inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate(IP(3))-induced Ca(2+) release is loading-dependent. We now report that stimulation of the IP(3) receptor by luminal Ca(2+) depends on the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] in permeabilized A7r5 cells. The EC(50) and maximal extent of Ca(2+) release were loading-dependent in the presence of 5 mM 1, 2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid: the EC(50) increased 1.9-fold and the maximal release decreased from 88 to 52% when the stores contained 73% less Ca(2+). In the presence of 0.3 microM free Ca(2+), the EC(50) for filled and less filled stores differed, however, only 1.2-fold and the maximal Ca(2+) release was respectively 96 and 87% of the total releasable Ca(2+). At 1 microM free Ca(2+), the difference in EC(50) between filled and less filled stores again became larger (2.2-fold) and the maximal Ca(2+) release decreased from 93 to 87% when the stores contained less Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Ca(2+) sparks are spatially localized intracellular Ca(2+) release events that were first described in 1993. Sparks have been ascribed to sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release channel (ryanodine receptor, RyR) opening induced by Ca(2+) influx via L-type Ca(2+) channels or by spontaneous RyR openings and have been thought to reflect Ca(2+) release from a cluster of RyR. Here we describe a pharmacological approach to study sparks by exposing ventricular myocytes to caffeine with a rapid solution-switcher device. Sparks under these conditions have properties similar to naturally occurring sparks in terms of size and intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) amplitude. However, after the diffusion of caffeine, sparks first appear close to the cell surface membrane before coalescing to produce a whole cell transient. Our results support the idea that a whole cell [Ca(2+)](i) transient consists of the summation of sparks and that Ca(2+) sparks consist of the opening of a cluster of RyR and confirm that characteristics of the cluster rather than the L-type Ca(2+) channel-RyR relation determine spark properties.  相似文献   

Localized Ca2+ transients inisolated murine colonic myocytes depend on Ca2+ releasefrom inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors.Localized Ca2+ transients couple to spontaneous transientoutward currents (STOCs) and mediate hyperpolarization responses inthese cells. We used confocal microscopy and whole cell patch-clamprecording to investigate how muscarinic stimulation, which causesformation of IP3, can suppress Ca2+ transientsand STOCs that might override the excitatory nature of cholinergicresponses. ACh (10 µM) reduced localized Ca2+ transientsand STOCs, and these effects were associated with a rise in basalcytosolic Ca2+. These effects of ACh were mimicked bygeneralized rises in basal Ca2+ caused by ionomycin(250-500 nM) or elevated external Ca2+ (6 mM).Atropine (10 µM) abolished the effects of ACh. Pretreatment of cellswith nicardipine (1 µM), or Cd2+ (200 µM) had no effecton responses to ACh. An inhibitor of phospholipase C, U-73122, blockedCa2+ transients and STOCs but did not affect the increasein basal Ca2+ after ACh stimulation. Xestospongin C (Xe-C;5 µM), a membrane-permeable antagonist of IP3 receptors,blocked spontaneous Ca2+ transients but did not prevent theincrease of basal Ca2+ in response to ACh. Gd3+(10 µM), a nonselective cation channel inhibitor, prevented the increase in basal Ca2+ after ACh and increased thefrequency and amplitude of Ca2+ transients and waves.Another inhibitor of receptor-mediated Ca2+ influxchannels, SKF-96365, also prevented the rise in basal Ca2+after ACh and increased Ca2+ transients and development ofCa2+ waves. FK-506, an inhibitor ofFKBP12/IP3 receptor interactions, had no effect onthe rise in basal Ca2+ but blocked the inhibitory effectsof increased basal Ca2+ and ACh on Ca2+transients. These results suggest that the rise in basalCa2+ that accompanies muscarinic stimulation of colonicmuscles inhibits localized Ca2+ transients that couldcouple to activation of Ca2+-activated K+channels and reduce the excitatory effects of ACh.


The expression of different types of Ca(2+)-channels was studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique in cultured rat aortic smooth-muscle myocytes. Ca(2+)-currents were identified as either low- or high voltage-activated (ICa,LVA or ICa,HVA, respectively) based on their distinct voltage-dependences of activation and inactivation, decay kinetics using Ba2+ as the charge carrier and sensitivity to dihydropyridines. The heterogeneity in the functional expression of the two types of Ca(2+)-channels in the cultured myocytes delineated four distinct phenotypes; (i), cells exhibiting only LVA currents; (ii), cells exhibiting only HVA currents; (iii), cells exhibiting both LVA and HVA currents and (iv), cells exhibiting no current. The myocytes exclusively expressed HVA currents both during the first five days in primary culture and after the cells had reached confluence (> 15 days). In contrast, LVA currents were expressed transiently between 5 and 15 days, during which time the cells were proliferating and had transient loss of contractility. Thus, both LVA and HVA Ca(2+)-current types contribute to Ca(2+)-signalling in cultured rat aortic myocytes. However, the differential expression of the two Ca2+ current types associated with differences in contractile and proliferative phenotypes suggest that they serve distinct cellular functions. Our results are consistent with the idea that LVA current expression is important for cell proliferation.  相似文献   

In cardiac muscle, excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling is determined by the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) to store and release Ca(2+). It has been hypothesized that the Ca(2+) sequestration and release mechanisms might be functionally linked to optimize the E-C coupling process. To explore the relationships between the loading status of the SR and functional state of the Ca(2+) release mechanism, we examined the effects of changes in SR Ca(2+) content on spontaneous Ca(2+) sparks in saponin-permeabilized and patch-clamped rat ventricular myocytes. SR Ca(2+) content was manipulated by pharmacologically altering the capacities of either Ca(2+) uptake or leak. Ca(2+) sparks were recorded using a confocal microscope and Fluo-3 and were quantified considering missed events. SR Ca(2+) content was assessed by application of caffeine. Exposure of permeabilized cells to anti-phospholamban antibodies elevated the SR Ca(2+) content and increased the frequency of sparks. Suppression of the SR Ca(2+) pump by thapsigargin lowered [Ca(2+)](SR) and reduced the frequency of sparks. The ryanodine receptor (RyR) blockers tetracaine and Mg(2+) transiently suppressed the frequency of sparks. Upon washout of the drugs, sparking activity transiently overshot control levels. Low doses of caffeine transiently potentiated sparking activity upon application and transiently depressed the sparks upon removal. In patch-clamped cardiac myocytes, exposure to caffeine produced only a transient increase in the probability of sparks induced by depolarization. We interpret these results in terms of a novel dynamic control scheme for SR Ca(2+) cycling. A central element of this scheme is a luminal Ca(2+) sensor that links the functional activity of RyRs to the loading state of the SR, allowing cells to auto-regulate the size and functional state of their SR Ca(2+) pool. These results are important for understanding the regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) release and contractility in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

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