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Interest in the management of the environment and its resources on an ecosystem basis has been increasing in both terrestrial and marine contexts. The emergence of the concept of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) is one important example of this development. LMEs have been examined through five linked modules: (1) productivity of the ecosystem; (2) fish and fisheries; (3) pollution and ecosystem health; (4) socioeconomic conditions; and (5) governance. The first three focus on natural systems, while the last two concentrate on human interactions with those systems. To date the first three have received the greatest attention but as attention has turned to development and implementation of management strategies, greater consideration has being given to the human dimension of LMEs represented by the latter two modules. This article focuses on governance, a matter that is of fundamental importance because it shapes the pattern of human use of the natural environment. Efforts to promote ecosystem-based management occur within different governance frameworks; these frameworks and their associated dynamics must be understood in the same fashion that the structure and interplay of the elements of the natural ecosystem need to be comprehended. Just as natural science employs baseline studies to gauge change over time, this paper asserts the need for similar studies relevant to governance aspects of ecosystem use. After identifying and describing the roles of three major and generic governance institutions, we suggest the development in each LME of a governance profile that outlines and analyzes the existing governance framework. Moreover, we propose to consider governance change over time to assess whether such shifts represent movement in the direction of greater ecosystem focus.  相似文献   

The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held at Rio de Janeiro was a seminal event that addressed the interplay of economic development and human use of natural resources with the need for protection of the natural environment. The general principles embodied in the Rio Declaration and the provisions included in the comprehensive Agenda 21 expressed the expectations of the international community and set the stage for national and international policy and legal developments in a host of different areas, including the governance of the ocean's living resources. Chapter 17 of Agenda 21 focused on the world's oceans and seas and crystallized growing world community concern with problems such as unregulated fishing, fishing vessel reflagging, overcapitalization of the fishing industry, inadequate fisheries enforcement, and insufficient cooperation among states. Further, the documentation of UNCED evidenced interest in new governance frameworks and concepts such as ecosystem-based management and precaution. In retrospect, it is clear that the ideas discussed at Rio have been important and have been implemented by a variety of governments and international organizations as they exercise their responsibilities for fisheries management. This article examines the principles and approaches suggested by UNCED as they relate to world fisheries and considers how they have been reflected in global fishery agreements such as the FAO Compliance Agreement and the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, in the work of international fishery bodies such as the FAO Committee on Fisheries, and in the efforts of a number of regional fishery commissions. It also addresses the significance and ramifications of changes suggested by Agenda 21 for the future conduct and management of world marine fisheries.  相似文献   

When marine and terrestrial ecological systems are compared at the same time scales, there are very great differences in their relations with their physical environments. Similarities arise when comparisons are made at different time scales. There are significant consequences for management.  相似文献   

Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in marine ecosystems is moving from preliminary steps—dedicated to defining the optimal features for indicators and developing efficient indicator frameworks—towards an operational phase where multisector marine management decisions are executed using this information. Within this operational context, emergent ecosystem properties are becoming quite promising as they have been demonstrated to be globally widespread and repeatable, and to be quite effective in detecting significant state variations of complex systems. Biomass accumulation across TLs (CumB‐TL) combines two important emergent properties of an ecosystem (energy flow, in terms of transfer efficiency, and storage, expressed as biomass), both amenable to detecting rapid ecosystem change. However, for further application, it is crucial to understand which types of drivers an indicator is sensitive to and how robust it is in relation to modifications of the external conditions and/or the system state. Here we address some outstanding questions of these CumB‐TL curves related to their sensitivity to various drivers by carrying out a global scale assessment (using data from 62 LMEs) over six decades (1950–2010). We confirm the consistency of the S‐pattern across all the LMEs, independent from latitude, ecosystem, environmental conditions, and stress level. The dynamics of the curve shape showed a tendency to stretch (i.e. decrease of steepness), in the presence of external disturbance and conversely to increase in steepness and shift towards higher TL in the case of recovery from stressed conditions. Our results suggest the presence of three main types of ecosystem dynamics, those showing an almost continuous increase in ecological state over time, those showing a continuous decrease in ecological state over time, and finally those showing a mixed behaviour flipping between recovering and degrading phases. These robust patterns suggest that the CumB‐TL curve approach has some useful properties for use in further advancing the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach, allowing us to detect the state of a given marine ecosystem based on the dynamics of its curve shape, by using readily available time series data. The value of being able to identify conditions that might require management actions is quite high and, in many respects, represents the main objective in the context of an Ecosystem Approach, with large applications for detecting and responding to global changes in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study analyses the spatial distribution pattern of the Protected Areas (PA) of the Brazilian coastal and marine environments using Ripley's function. The PA are classified in accordance with the three Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) of the Brazilian coast, also incorporating the divisions provided in the National Coastal Management Plan. The similarity among management strategies in the three LME was analysed by the Morisita-Horn index. The assumptions are as follows: (i) the PA will be aggregated in the coastal environment for the three LME and (ii) differences exist with regard to the similarities within and between the LME. The analysed PA showed an aggregate pattern for shorter distances and a uniform pattern for longer distances. These patterns were significant for the East Coast and the South Platform. The management similarity was greater between the East Coast and the South Platform, suggesting that these two LME use similar strategies to manage natural resources. The coastal environment is more protected than the marine environment. Results indicate that the marine environment has a small number of protected environments. Both environments use more frequently the management model of Sustainable-Use Protected Area, with the participation of several social players in the management area. The country is still far from reaching the Targets of Aichi and of the Ministry of the Environment.  相似文献   

The designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Indonesia has been accelerated over the past two decades in line with international biodiversity conservation commitments and to secure a basis for decentralised fisheries resources management. The Berau MPA of northeast Kalimantan is one of them. This paper shows how the establishment of the park boundaries and zoning affects local fishers' livelihoods. Particular attention is paid to the position of outsider fishers or andon, who have a legal right to access the resource rich fishing grounds. Decentralised district government legitimises outsider fisheries activities because andon fishing permits bring in fees as a contribution to the regional income (PAD or pendapatan asli daerah), while international environmental organisations and local fishers regard the outsider fishers as illegitimately entering the MPA to access resources they regard as their own. Thus, MPA boundaries appear to be highly permeable, with both local fishers and environmental NGOs seeing the presence of andon as illegitimate and illicit, despite being legal.  相似文献   

The distribution of a group of fish and macroinvertebrates (n = 52) resident in the US Northeast Shelf large marine ecosystem were characterized with species distribution models (SDM), which in turn were used to estimate occurrence and biomass center of gravity (COG). The SDMs were fit using random forest machine learning and were informed with a range of physical and biological variables. The estimated probability of occurrence and biomass from the models provided the weightings to determine depth, distance to the coast, and along‐shelf distance COG. The COGs of occupancy and biomass habitat tended to be separated by distances averaging 50 km, which approximates half of the minor axis of the subject ecosystem. During the study period (1978–2018), the biomass COG has tended to shift to further offshore positions whereas occupancy habitat has stayed at a regular spacing from the coastline. Both habitat types have shifted their along‐shelf distances, indicating a general movement to higher latitude or to the Northeast for this ecosystem. However, biomass tended to occur at lower latitudes in the spring and higher latitude in the fall in a response to seasonal conditions. Distribution of habitat in relation to depth reveals a divergence in response with occupancy habitat shallowing over time and biomass habitat distributing in progressively deeper water. These results suggest that climate forced change in distribution will differentially affect occurrence and biomass of marine taxa, which will likely affect the organization of ecosystems and the manner in which human populations utilize marine resources.  相似文献   

Marine aggregates were evaluated for their potential role in the ecology of aquatic pathogens using underwater video surveys coupled with direct collection of aggregates in modified settling cones. Six locations, two each in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, were surveyed over 8 months to explore differences in the characteristics of aggregates found in habitats populated by clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Microaggregate (<500 μm) concentrations were always greater than macroaggregate (>500 μm) concentrations, but peak concentrations of macroaggregates and microaggregates, mean size of particles, and volume fraction of aggregated material varied among the six shallow-water habitats. Concentrations (colony-forming units per ml) of total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) and total mesophilic pathogenic bacteria (MPB) from samples of aggregates were significantly different among the four locations bordering Long Island Sound (LIS). The highest concentrations and enrichment factors in aggregates were observed in August for THB and in June for MPB. Significant correlations were detected for salinity and the concentrations and enrichment factors of THB in aggregates and for the concentrations and percentages of MPB in seawater samples. Significant correlations were also detected for temperature and the concentrations of MPB in aggregates and the enrichment factors for THB and MPB (marginal significance). Bacterial species identified in association with aggregates included: Vibrio cholerea, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. alginolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Mycobacteria sp. These results have important implications for the way in which aquatic pathogens are collected, quantified, and monitored for risk-based surveillance in shallow-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

The activation, growth and death of animal cells are accompanied by changes in the chemical composition of the surrounding environment. Cells and their microscopic environment constitute therefore a cellular ecosystem whose time-evolution determines processes of interest for either biology (e.g. animal development) and medicine (e.g. tumor spreading, immune response). In this paper, we consider a general stochastic model of the interplay between cells and environmental cellular niches. Niches may be either favourable or unfavourable in sustaining cell activation, growth and death, the state of the niches depending on the state of the cells. Under the hypothesis of random coupling between the state of the environmental niche and the state of the cell, the rescaled model reduces to a set of four non-linear differential equations. The biological meaning of the model is studied and illustrated by fitting experimental data on the growth of multicellular tumor spheroids. A detailed analysis of the stochastic model, of its deterministic limit, and of normal fluctuations is provided.  相似文献   

对分离自近海沼泽地大米草根际的一株供试海洋细菌MWYL1进行了形态观察、生理特性检测以及16SrDNA序列分析。实验结果表明:该菌株属于海洋单胞菌属(Marinomonas),革兰氏染色呈阴性,直杆状,好氧生长,适于28℃生长。基于16SrDNA序列的Blast分析表明,菌株MWYL1与Marinomonas pontica和Marinomonas dokdonensis的序列相似性分别为97%和95%。通过基因组fosmid文库的构建,直接分离到一个产生黑色素的克隆,进一步亚克隆和测序后获得与黑色素产生相关的功能新基因(簇),并且对其进行了生物信息学的初步分析。  相似文献   

The newly developed IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is part of a growing toolbox for assessing risks to biodiversity, which addresses ecosystems and their functioning. The Red List of Ecosystems standard allows systematic assessment of all freshwater, marine, terrestrial and subterranean ecosystem types in terms of their global risk of collapse. In addition, the Red List of Ecosystems categories and criteria provide a technical base for assessments of ecosystem status at the regional, national, or subnational level. While the Red List of Ecosystems criteria were designed to be widely applicable by scientists and practitioners, guidelines are needed to ensure they are implemented in a standardized manner to reduce epistemic uncertainties and allow robust comparisons among ecosystems and over time. We review the intended application of the Red List of Ecosystems assessment process, summarize ‘best-practice’ methods for ecosystem assessments and outline approaches to ensure operational rigour of assessments. The Red List of Ecosystems will inform priority setting for ecosystem types worldwide, and strengthen capacity to report on progress towards the Aichi Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity. When integrated with other IUCN knowledge products, such as the World Database of Protected Areas/Protected Planet, Key Biodiversity Areas and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the Red List of Ecosystems will contribute to providing the most complete global measure of the status of biodiversity yet achieved.  相似文献   

Experimental Approach to the Role of Protozoa in Aquatic Ecosystems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In enrichment batch experiments, samples from three water bodieswere alternatively supplemented by various amounts of organicmaterial and incubated at 20 C. Colpidium campylum reached itshighest total cell volumes in cultures with the highest initialtotal cell volumes in cultures with the highest initial concentrationsof organics; Cyclidium glaucoma preferred lower concentrations;and Glaucoma chattoni occupied the intermediate position. Noneof the species preferred any special type of organic material.In two-stage continuous-flow units, a mixed culture of bacteriawas kept in stage I and the clones of ciliates were maintainedin stage II. The interrelations between the total cell volumesof ciliates at various concentrations of bactopeptone were inaccordance with the results from the enrichment experiments.Since the growth of bacteria continued in the presence of ciliates,a four-stage apparatus was constructed in which a bacterialculture was raised and diluted in three stages before enteringthe culture ofColpidium. The bacterial growth in the presenceof Colpidium was not eliminated even by this arrangement, asdemonstrated by dosing antibiotics along with bacteria. An effectof ciliate metabolites on bacterial growth rate is suggested,completing a metabolic cycle in the bacteria-protozoa system.  相似文献   

Recurrent fires are integral to the function of many ecosystems worldwide. The management of fire‐frequented ecosystems requires the application of fire at the appropriate frequency and seasonality, but establishing the natural fire regime for an ecosystem can be problematic. Historical records of fires are often not available, and surrogates for past fires may not exist. We suggest that the relationship between climate and fire can provide an alternative means for inferring past fire regimes in some ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) adopted a conservation measure for establishing a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in 2011. Since then, a number of proposals have been submitted to the Commission, but their designation has been consistently opposed by some pro-fishing CCAMLR member countries. This article provides an analysis of CCAMLR institutional and decision-making processes in an attempt to explain the obstacles preventing the creation of a network of MPAs. The role of environmental nongovernmental organizations (ENGOs) is examined through their track record in Antarctic environmental governance as well as the extent of their participation within the CCAMLR MPA process.  相似文献   

海洋生态环境的持续恶化与生态学认知的提高使海洋生态红线区管理制度成为必然。总结了中国海洋保护区现状与存在问题;分析了发展海洋生态红线的必要性、区划原则、概念及组成体系;提出海洋保护区与海洋生态红线区可分别籍空间统一性、决策统一性、工作内容与管理要求的一致性相关联,海洋保护区的核心、关键和重要因素与海洋生态红线的范围划定、宏观应对策略制定、微观管理规定一一对应。对海洋保护区管理向海洋生态红线区划与管理的转变给出了若干建议,认为海洋生态红线区划指标体系可以参照海洋保护区绩效评估、保护区选划与评估指标;并从海洋生态红线的尺度,陆海统筹的生态系统格局-结构\过程-机理,复杂生态系统与海洋生态红线的结合,海洋生态红线基点观测等方面对海洋生态红线的研究和工作方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

We have used an end-to-end ecosystem model to explore responses over 30 years to coastal no-take reserves covering up to 6% of the fifty thousand square kilometres of continental shelf and slope off the coast of New South Wales (Australia). The model is based on the Atlantis framework, which includes a deterministic, spatially resolved three-dimensional biophysical model that tracks nutrient flows through key biological groups, as well as extraction by a range of fisheries. The model results support previous empirical studies in finding clear benefits of reserves to top predators such as sharks and rays throughout the region, while also showing how many of their major prey groups (including commercial species) experienced significant declines. It was found that the net impact of marine reserves was dependent on the pre-existing levels of disturbance (i.e. fishing pressure), and to a lesser extent on the size of the marine reserves. The high fishing scenario resulted in a strongly perturbed system, where the introduction of marine reserves had clear and mostly direct effects on biomass and functional biodiversity. However, under the lower fishing pressure scenario, the introduction of marine reserves caused both direct positive effects, mainly on shark groups, and indirect negative effects through trophic cascades. Our study illustrates the need to carefully align the design and implementation of marine reserves with policy and management objectives. Trade-offs may exist not only between fisheries and conservation objectives, but also among conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Medicine employs an approach to diagnose, give a prognosis, and develop a treatment for human patients. Specific signs and symptoms determined from medical examinations, laboratory tests, and patient history are utilized to predict the outcome of a potential pathological disorder. Utilizing a strategy similar to the medical examination, the status of ecosystems can be examined. To demonstrate this concept a “patient” case study of the Gulf of Mexico is described. The diagnosis of potential abnormalities within the Gulf of Mexico was conducted by examining field indicators including sediment chemistry and tissue chemistry (field examinations), sediment toxicity (laboratory testing), and a benthic index (patient history and existing symptoms). Based on the diagnosis (ecological assessment), a prognosis for the Gulf of Mexico was determined and specific areas that are impacted by stressors were identified for more detailed assessments. Pensacola Bay was identified as such an area impacted by stressors. The case study example demonstrates that a medical approach of “diagnosis and prognosis” can be utilized as a strategy to help identify stressors, develop a successful treatment plan, and prevent future ecosystem degradation.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the relationship between marine fronts and (1) fish diversity patterns, (2) fish biomass distribution, and (3) fish assemblage structure. Location Patagonian Shelf, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Methods Three main frontal systems and eight nearby zones (frontal vs. non‐frontal areas) were compared. An extensive fishery database, obtained during an a priori sampling scheme (spatial resolution 1 × 1) from 1978 to 1979, was employed. Analyses of 248 trawling stations were performed using a combination of diversity measures (species richness, Shannon diversity and evenness), biomass analyses and multivariate analyses [nonparametric analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) and similarity percentages (SIMPER)] to evaluate the effect of fronts on fish communities. Results In total, 46 fish taxa were identified. Demersal fish diversity increased at the tidal front of Península Valdés but decreased in the frontal zones of the Southern Shelf‐Break and Magellan frontal systems. The richness and biomass of pelagic fish were higher at the Península Valdés Tidal Front, while the biomass of demersal fish was higher at its non‐frontal counterpart. Fish diversity did not differ consistently along the Northern Shelf‐Break Front. However, a higher fish biomass was registered at the non‐frontal zone. Demersal and pelagic fish assemblages differed between frontal and non‐frontal zones. Main conclusions The Patagonian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem has diverse frontal types that appear to have different effects on fish diversity and assemblage structure. Seasonal (tidal) or permanent fronts have different effects on the parameters analysed, which could be due to productivity–diversity relationships. The Península Valdés Tidal Front, a relatively short temporal scale system, demonstrates a stronger influence on fish diversity, biomass and assemblage structure than the other frontal areas studied. The seasonality of nutrient input owing to frontogenesis, which begins during the austral spring, may play an important role in determining local diversity. At permanent frontal features, diversity decreases when the nutrient availability is high. This is potentially because, when food resources increase, a few species become dominant.  相似文献   

Alternatives to species-level identification have been advocated as one solution to the problem of selecting marine reserves with limited information on the distribution of marine biodiversity.This study evaluated the effects on selection of candidate sites for marine reserves from using the higher-taxon approach as a surrogate for species-level identification of intertidal molluscs and rocky reef fishes. These effects were evaluated by determining the percentage of species included in candidate reserves identified from genus-, family- and order-level data by a complementarity-based reserve selection algorithm, and by testing for correlations between the irreplaceability values of locations. Candidate reserves identified from genus- and family-level data of intertidal molluscs included a similar percentage of all species as the reserves identified from species-level data. Candidate reserves selected from genus- and family-level data of rocky reef fishes included, respectively, 3–7% and 14–23% fewer species than reserves selected from species-level data. When the reserve identification process was constrained by a practical planning limit (a maximum of 20% locations able to be reserved) the reserves selected from genus- and family-level data of intertidal molluscs, and genus-level data of rocky reef fishes, included a similar percentage of species as the reserves identified from species-level data. Irreplaceability values of locations for species, genera and families of intertidal molluscs were highly correlated, and irreplaceability values of locations for species and genera of rocky reef fishes were highly correlated. This study suggests that genus- and family-level data for intertidal molluscs, and genus-level data for rocky reef fishes, are suitable surrogates for species in the identification of candidate sites for marine reserves.  相似文献   

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