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Mallomonas robusta (Matvienko)Péterfi & Momeu (Mallomonopsis robusta) has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and is redescribed in detail. Its silica armour, consisting of scales and bristles, exhibits a very peculiar fine structural pattern. Differences and possible relationships with other species are discussed. The Romanian material is designated as the nomenclatural type (neotype).  相似文献   

Small subunit rDNA sequencing and transmission electron microscopy were performed to clarify the ordinal affinities of Audouinella macrospora (Wood) Sheath et Burkholder isolates 3394, 3395, and 3603, as well as Chantransia sp. isolate 3585. Culture 3603 is known to produce thalli of Batrachospermum  -like morphology under certain culture conditions. Sequence analyses unequivocally placed the three Audouinella macrospora isolates in a clade with Batrachospermum macrosporum Montagne of the Batrachospermales, and Chantransia sp. was found to have affinities with B. louisianae Skuja and B. virgato-decaisneanum Sirodot. The pit plugs of the Audouinella macrospora cultures 3394 and 3395 were nearly identical in size and structure, having thickened plug caps and no cap membranes. Both of these features agree with those of the Batrachospermaceae, with the latter feature showing batrachospermacean rather than acrochaetioid affinities. Pit plugs in the chantransia phase of 3603 were similar, but the plug caps were less well developed. The Batrachospermum phase generated from 3603 had pit plugs that were variable in diameter, according to location in the thallus, thus reflecting the more variable cell size in this phase. Dome-like outer caps, considered typical of Batrachospermum , were present between cells of the determinate lateral filaments. The pit plugs of Chantransia sp. had prominent, dome-like outer caps, but the plug cores were strikingly and consistently smaller in diameter than those of the A. macrospora chantransia cultures, suggesting that plug diameter may be of systematic value in some contexts.  相似文献   

Four unialgal strains of the freshwater coccoid red algaPorphyridium aerugineum Geitler were cultivated under laboratory conditions. Cell morphology was studied with the light microscope. The cell surface was examined by means of electron microscopy in order to contribute to the knowledge of polysaccharide sheaths and cytoplasmic membranes. Optimum growth conditions were determined. The range of cell sizes and the average dry masses of single cells were compared in all four strains cultivated at exactly defined temperatures and irradiances. Photosynthetic pigment maxima were measured in intact cells. The red-coloured phycobiliprotein phycoerythrin was not found in any of the examined strains.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

The new speciesMallomonas transsylvanica is described in detail. Its silica armour has been examined by light and electron microscopy. Differences and possible relationships with other species are discussed.  相似文献   

The developmental morphology ofIndotristicha ramosissima, a submerged rheophyte from South India, is described. Besides creeping organs (called roots) there are branched shoots with two kinds of short-lived photosynthetic appendages: scales and compound structures (called ramuli). These ramuli may be interpreted as leaf-stem intermediates because they combine typical leaf characters (extra-axillary position, determinate growth, subtending an axillary bud) and typical stem characters (nearly radial symmetry, acropetal development with apical meristem, arrangement of the scaly subunits helical or irregular). Floral shoots arise from axillary exogenous buds along the vegetative shoots, occasionally also from endogenous buds along the roots and vegetative shoots. The uppermost scales and ramuli of each floral shoot form a cup-like structure around the base of the terminal flower.Indotristicha is thought to be primitive within theTristichoideae (Podostemaceae). Some morphogenetic switches are postulated in order to deriveIndotristicha from a putative ancestor that still showed the classical root-shoot model typical of most angiosperms.  相似文献   

Karyomorphology ofCoriaria, the only genus of the family which is controversial with respect to its affinities and the number of constituting species, is investigated on the basis of ten species (including eight narrowly defined species) representing nearly all the variation of the genus. Features common to all the species investigated are: (1) interphase nucleus has a few small or large, condensed heterochromatic blocks; (2) chromosomes at metaphase are mostly small (0.4–0.7 μm long by our methods); (3)x=20. Resemblances in chromosome morphology suggest that Coriariaceae may have affinities with Rutales/Sapindales. Differences among species are found in (1) whether somatic chromosomes are diploid (2n=40) or tetraploid (2n=80); (2) the presence or absence of a few chromosomes with thick heterochromatic segments at metaphase; when such chromosomes are present, (3) their number and (4) morphology. Karyomorphology defines wellCoriaria myrtifolia, C. napalensis andC. japonica, and further provides evidence for distinguishing at least four species withinC. ruscifolia sensu Skog.  相似文献   

Two stigma forms occur inChamaecrista andSenna, but only one inCassia. In the common chambered form, a stigma pore is positioned on the reflexed style tip and is the entrance to a tapering chamber. The pore rim is fringed by hairs which vary in number, size, distribution and shape. In the alternative form the stigma is situated at the apex of the curved style and is crateriform. The crater rim is fringed by hairs of variable number and shape. The stigmatic hairs are predominantly unicellular and cutinized. Stigma and hair differences aid in the taxonomy of the genera. Their functions in pollination biology are discussed.  相似文献   

The distinctive spores produced byLophosoria, an extant monotypic fern, are examined ultrastructurally and correlated with the sporoderm of fossilCyatheacidites. The morphological and ultrastructural similarity of the two taxa provide additional information that can be used to trace the evolutionary history of this spore type.  相似文献   

Nine species ofNeochloris can be divided into three groups on the basis of comparative ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus, the cell wall and the pyrenoid of zoospores. In Group I,N. wimmeri andN. minuta, zoospores are thin-walled, pyrenoids are penetrated by stromal channels, and the basal bodies are in the clockwise absolute orientation and connected by the distal and two proximal fibers. In Group II,N. aquatica, N. vigenis, N. terrestris, N. pyenoidosa, andN. pseudostigmatica, zoospores are naked or covered by fuzzy material, pyrenoids are covered by a continuous starch sheath or invaginated by cytoplasmic channels, basal bodies are directly opposed, the distal fiber is differentiated into a ribbed structure at the central region, a striated microtubule-associated component (SMAC) is continuous between opposite two-membered rootlets and connected to the ribbed structure, proximal ends of basal bodies are covered by partial caps, each two-membered rootlet and a basal body are connected by a striated fiber to the X-membered rootlet associated with the opposite basal body, and the basal bodies, when oriented at wide angles, are joined at their proximal ends by core extensions. In Group III,N. pseudoalveolaris andN. cohaerens, zoospores are naked, pyrenoids are traversed by parallel thylakoids, basal bodies are in the counterclockwise absolute orientation and overlapped, and each X-membered rootlet is connected to the end of the opposite basal body by a terminal cap. It is suggested that the genusChlorococcopsis gen. nov. be erected for the Group I species. Group II, which includes the type species,N. aquatica, should be preserved asNeochloris. The group appears to be closely related to the coenobial generaPediastrum, Hydrodictyon, andSorastrum, and to have affinities with the coenocytic generaSphaeroplea andAtractomorpha as well. It is also suggested that the genusParietochloris gen. nov. be erected in thePleurastrophyceae for the species of Group III.  相似文献   

Pyrenoid ultrastructure has been investigated from cultures of all 26 species ofTrebouxia with the aim of establishing pyrenoids as a taxonomic character. Different arrangements and forms of thylakoid lamellae within the pyrenoid matrix allow eight pyrenoid types to be distinguished. Each type is characteristic of a group of species. Thegigantea- andimpressa-type are similar, differing only in the form of the tubules: short, branched tubules mark thegigantea-type; ± long and straight invaginations theimpressa-type. Thearboricola-type is characterized by meandering pyrenoid membranes developing from lamellae parallel with each other in young autospores. Pyrenoids of thegelatinosa-type are traversed by thin parallel-arranged tubules. Few thylakoids with a curved profile are typical of theirregularis-type. Thecorticola-type is different from all others in having a distinct starch sheath closely connected with the pyrenoid matrix and no pyrenoglobuli being associated with the pyrenoid membranes. No true pyrenoids have been found inT. magna andT. erici. Within the chloroplast, they have indistinct areas with pyrenoglobuli, but without differentiated thylakoids. Pyrenoid morphology is stable in culture on different media as well as in phycobionts within lichen thalli. Comparing the pyrenoid of a lichenizedTrebouxia with that from cultured species, the identification of the phycobiont within the lichen thallus is possible, without the need of culturing the algae. This has been shown in species ofParmelia andHypogymnia. New aspects for the taxonomy and systematics ofTrebouxia are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

Four flattened Gracilaria species have been reported from Taiwan: G. spinulosa, G. vieillardii, G. textorii and G. punctata, identified based on branching pattern, the presence or absence of spines, and characters that often vary seasonally. Gracilaria spinulosa was originally described from the type locality, Tainan. Species with toothed margins are usually referred to G. “vieillardii”; those with smooth margins to G. “textorii”, and those with smooth margins and dark spots scattered over the blade to G. “punctata”. Molecular analyses show that specimens with marginal teeth cluster in three different groups: a G. “vieillardii” clade, a G. spinulosa clade, and a clade sister to G. spinulosa. An undescribed species comprises the third clade, which is distinguished by its relatively large gonimoblast cells and weakly developed tubular nutritive cells. The three clades can be separated by the character of the tubular nutritive cells, the size of gonimoblast cells and certain vegetative features. Plants with entire margins form a single clade characterized by cystocarps with basal tubular nutritive cells and their absence in the cystocarp cavity. They are nested in the Hydropuntia complex and are referred to as Gracilaria “punctata” here. The records of G. textorii and G. punctata from Taiwan require reinvestigation in comparison with the Japanese species.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the mid-gut cells of female Nasonia vitripennis is described. The mid-gut consists of a uniform, single-cell epithelium. The cells of different gut regions were analysed using morphometric techniques in order to determine any differences in the components. The structure of the cells is described in the unfed animal, and after varying periods of feeding on host body-fluids. Tissues were sampled after 12 h and 24 h of feeding on host body-fluids and after 24 h feeding/24 h starvation. The cells were found to be complex and contain an organelle component that allows solute-transport and extensive lipid synthesis. A limited cytochemical analysis involving the lysosomal marker enzyme-acid phosphatase — and the respiratory enzyme — cytochrome oxidase was carried out.We are indebted to Professor E.W. Knight-Jones, in whose Department this work was carried out, and to the Science Research Council for financial support to one of us (I.D.)  相似文献   

Summary The sinus gland of Gammarus oceanicus, like that of other crustaceans, is composed of three elements: neurosecretory axons, glial cells and stromal sheath. Five neurosecretory axon types are identified on the basis of granule diameter, shape, and electron density, and axon matrix density. Exocytosis appears to be the major release mechanism of neurosecretory material. The preterminal regions of neurosecretory axons contain axoplasmic reticulum and neurotubules. Their arrangement in the axon and relationship with one another suggest a transport function. Multilamellar bodies are found in the terminal regions of neurosecretory axons. They arise from mitochondria and may be involved in granulolysis.The technical assistance of G.A. Bance, statistical assistance of D. MacCharles and D.W. Hagen, and financial support provided by the University of New Brunswick Research Fund to K.H. are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

The ovipositor of striped bitterling Acheilognathus yamatsutae was subjected to ultrastructure and histochemical analysis during spawning season using light and electron microscopy. Although the ovipositor of A. yamatsutae is a long cylindrical tube with smooth external surface, it was possible to confirm the presence of well-developed fingerprint structure using scanning electron microscopy. Internal aspect analysis of ovipositor revealed formation of 5–8 longitudinal folds. Cross section analysis revealed that the ovipositor is composed of an outer epithelial layer, a mid connective tissue layer, and an inner epithelial layer. The outer epithelial layer contains 7–9 cell layers composed mainly of epithelial and mucous cells. Result of AB–PAS (pH 2.5) and AF–AB reaction showed that mucous cells contained mainly acidic carboxylated mucosubstances. The connective tissue layer was loose and made mainly of collagen fibers and some muscle fibers, along with blood vessels and a small number of chromatophores. The inner epithelial layer, which is a single layer, is composed of columnar epithelia. Observation under transmission electron microscope enabled distinction of the outer epithelial layer into superficial, intermediate and basal layers. Although the types of cells in the superficial tissue layer were diverse, they all shared the development of glycocalyx covered microridges. The majority of epithelial cells in the intermediate layer were cuboidal shaped, while those in the basal layer were columnar. Two types (A and B) of secretory cells were observed in the outer epithelial layer. The connective tissue layer had two types of chromatophores including xantophore and melanophore, in addition to a well-developed nerve fiber bundles. Columnar epithelial cells, mitochondria-rich cells and rodlet cells were observed in the inner epithelial layer. Microvilli were well developed on the free surface of columnar epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy was conducted on the digestive epithelium of the crustacean ectoparasite Dolops ranarum to elucidate its ultrastructure for the first time, both in a nourished and starved condition. Specimens were collected from the Limpopo Drainage System in South Africa, and the specimens were killed and dissected in Todd's fixative. The anterior midgut is composed mostly of absorptive cells or R cells, while the diverticula are composed of R cells and of F cells, which are moderately abundant in rough endoplasmic reticulum. They are probably responsible for producing digestive enzymes. The posterior midgut is composed of papilliform B cells with large apically located vesicles and R′ cells devoid of cell inclusions. Under starvation, specimens survive for a maximum of 12 days; R cells show the most conspicuous changes in ultrastructural characteristics. It is concluded that D. ranarum has adapted to short-term survival only without a host.  相似文献   

Based on light and electron microscopical studies ofPyramimonas reticulata the genusPyramimonas is shown to contain a number of unrelated flagellates.P. reticulata andP. montana are transferred to the new genusHafniomonas, cells of which differ fromPyramimonas in shape, in the absence of scales and hairs on the body and flagellar surfaces, in details of the chloroplast, the position of the nucleus, the Golgi apparatus, the internal structure of the flagellar apparatus, and in cell division. The prasinophytePyramimonas contains a characteristic association of a large microbody and a rhizoplast, situated on the nuclear surface. A similar association is being found in an increasing number of prasinophycean flagellates, but is absent inHafniomonas, which is considered related to chlorophycean rather than prasinophycean flagellates. The phylogenetic position ofHafniomonas is discussed, based in particular on details of the unique flagellar apparatus.  相似文献   

Cyanoptyche gloeocystis f.dispersa (Geitler)Starmach is a palmelloid colonial alga that contains prokaryotic blue-green endocytobionts (cyanelles) instead of chloroplasts. The periphery of the host cell shows a peculiar lacunae system with underlying microtubules. Vegetative cells possess two rudimentary flagella. Zoospores are dorsiventrally shaped with two heterokont and heterodynamic flagella which originate from a subapical depression. This depression can also be seen in vegetative cells. Both flagella possess non-tubular mastigonemes. Main reserve product is starch lying freely in the cytoplasm. Cyanelles, enclosed singly in a host vesicle, are provided with a remnant cell wall. Thylakoids are arranged concentrically. The central part of each cyanelle harbours its DNA and one large polyhedral body, probably a carboxysome.Cyanoptyche gloeocystis f.dispersa shares all taxonomically essential characters with the monadoidCyanophora, the palmelloidGloeochaete, and the coccoidGlaucocystis. All of them are members of the cyanelle-bearing small algal classGlaucocystophyceae. Members of this class serve as model organisms for the evolution of chloroplasts from cyanophycean ancestors.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Bolton  J. J.  Joska  M. A. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):191-195
An intertidal population of Iridaea capensis in the south-western Cape Province of South Africa has been studied in detail for a year. The species is generally restricted to sand-inundated rocky shores, which appears not to be the case for Iridaea species in the Pacific. In early winter (June) biomass, plant density and plant size were at a minimum. A small increase in these parameters occurred in August, but there was a massive increase in plant numbers and biomass in October. The largest plants were recorded in summer (February). The population was over 70% sporophytes in April, but switched to almost 80% gametophytes following heavy recruitment between August and October, and remained significantly gametophyte-dominated through April of the following year. Carrageenan levels were high (ca 42% of dry weight) in late winter-spring, and lowest (ca 30–35%) in summer-autumn. Strong offshore wind conditions in early summer caused a reduction in biomass, and it is hypothesized that the associated upwelling of nutrient rich water may be implicated in the lower carrageenan levels at this time.  相似文献   

Rotmann  K. W. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):325-330
Since World War II the greater Saldanha Bay lagoon system, South Africa, has been an important Gracilaria producer. Two agar factories, built in the 1960's, used Gracilaria from Saldanha Bay as their raw material. In the early 1970's the industry was destroyed as a result of dredging and marine construction operations to establish a harbor in the bay for loading ore. These environmental changes destroyed stocks and prevented the previously significant beachings of the seaweed from occurring. After a few years of no or very low commercial production, the resource slowly started to recover. The size of Gracilaria drifts increased over the following eight years to approximately one-third of the original output. This trend seems to continue. Although the stocks and resultant drifts are unlikely to recover fully to their original quantity, current production is already sufficient to ensure re-establishment of a seaweed industry in Saldanha Bay. This could have considerable socio-economic impact on the area.  相似文献   

Impatiens L. is taxonomically a complicated genus that necessitates fresh characterization to resolve its taxonomy. This study therefore aimed at ascertaining micro-morphological characters in the foliar epidermis of Impatiens. For this purpose, we gathered twelve taxa (10 species and 2 subspecies) mostly from the northern regions of Pakistan and studied qualitative and quantitative characters depicting variation in epidermal cells, stomata, and trichomes on both surfaces. Multicellular, uniseriate trichomes were observed only in I. balsamina L., and raphides in I. balfourii Hook. f. and I. thomsonii Hook. f. while stomata were exclusively anomocytic in all species. Morphological variation in the foliar epidermal characters and their diagnostic value has been depicted by constructing a taxonomic key to all taxa. The study revealed that although foliar epidermal characters in Impatiens did not desirably assort taxa on the basis of structural topographies, yet demonstrated adequate variation distinguishing the Pakistani taxa.  相似文献   

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