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Cell counts of planctomycetes showed that there were high levels of these organisms in the summer and low levels in the winter in biofilms grown in situ in two polluted rivers, the Elbe River and the Spittelwasser River. In this study 16S rRNA-based methods were used to investigate if these changes were correlated with changes in the species composition. Planctomycete-specific clone libraries of the 16S rRNA genes found in both rivers showed that there were seven clusters, which were distantly related to the genera Pirellula, Planctomyces, and Gemmata. The majority of the sequences from the Spittelwasser River were affiliated with a cluster related to Pirellula, while the majority of the clones from the Elbe River fell into three clusters related to Planctomyces and one deeply branching cluster related to Pirellula. Some clusters also contained sequences derived from freshwater environments worldwide, and the similarities to our biofilm clones were as high as 99.8%, indicating the presence of globally distributed freshwater clusters of planctomycetes that have not been cultivated yet. Community fingerprints of planctomycete 16S rRNA genes were generated by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis from Elbe River biofilm samples collected monthly for 1 year. Sixteen bands were identified, and for the most part these bands represented organisms related to the genus Planctomyces. The fingerprints showed that there was strong seasonality of most bands and that there were clear differences in the summer and the winter. Thus, seasonal changes in the abundance of Planctomycetales in river biofilms were coupled to shifts in the community composition.  相似文献   

Biofilm communities cultivated in rotating annular bioreactors using water from the South Saskatchewan River were assessed for the effects of seasonal variations and nutrient (C, N, and P) additions. Confocal laser microscopy revealed that while control biofilms were consistently dominated by bacterial biomass, the addition of nutrients shifted biofilms of summer and fall water samples to phototrophic-dominated communities. In nutrient-amended biofilms, similar patterns of nitrification, denitrification, and hexadecane mineralization rates were observed for winter and spring biofilms; fall biofilms had the highest rates of nitrification and hexadecane mineralization, and summer biofilms had the highest rates of denitrification. Very low rates of all measured activities were detected in control biofilms (without nutrient addition) regardless of season. Nutrient addition caused large increases in hexadecane mineralization and denitrification rates but only modest increases, if any, in nitrification rates, depending upon the season. Generally, both alkB and nirK were more readily PCR amplified from nutrient-amended biofilms. Both genes were amplified from all samples except for nirK from the fall control biofilm. It appears that bacterial production in the South Saskatchewan River water is limited by the availability of nutrients and that biofilm activities and composition vary with nutrient availability and time of year.  相似文献   

The beta-subgroup of the Proteobacteria has been shown to be important in aquatic habitats and was investigated in depth here by molecular 16S rRNA techniques in biofilms of the Elbe River and its polluted tributary, the Spittelwasser River. The bacterial 16S rRNA genes were cloned from each site, screened for beta-proteobacterial clones and sequenced. River biofilm clones from both rivers grouped into 9 clusters (RBFs). RBFs 1, 2, and 3 fell into the recently described betaI cluster of cosmopolitan freshwater bacteria, where they represented new species related to Rhodoferax, Aquaspirillum, and Hydrogenophaga: RBFs 4 to 7 affiliated with Aquabacterium commune, Ideonella dechloratans, and Sphaerotilus natans, respectively. The two remaining RBFs were uncultivated clusters, one of them being distantly related to Gallionella ferruginea. Seasonal changes in the relative intensity of the beta-proteobacterial 16S rRNA genes of biofilms harvested monthly for 1 year were determined by specific amplification and separation by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). Bands were identified by comparison of clones to community fingerprints by TGGE. Eight of 13 identified bands were shared by both habitats but showed different relative abundance and seasonal variability in the two rivers, probably caused by differences in temperature and pollutants. The data indicate new not-yet-cultivated clusters of river biofilm organisms, some of them probably distributed globally. They confirm the importance of certain known freshwater genera in river biofilms. The high phylogenetic resolution obtained by clone library analysis combined with the high temporal resolution obtained by TGGE suggest that the observed microdiversity in the river biofilm clone libraries might be caused by phylogenetically closely related microbial populations which are adapted to ecological parameters.  相似文献   

The Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group is known to be abundant in aquatic ecosystems and to have a potentially unique role in the utilization of organic material. However, relatively little is known about the diversity and abundance of uncultured members of this bacterial group, in part because they are underrepresented in clone libraries of 16S rRNA genes. To circumvent a suspected bias in PCR, a primer set was designed to amplify 16S rRNA genes from the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group and was used to construct a library of these genes from the Delaware Estuary. This library had several novel Cytophaga-like 16S rRNA genes, of which about 40% could be grouped together into two clusters (DE clusters 1 and 2) defined by sequences initially observed only in the Delaware library; the other 16S rRNA genes were classified into an additional four clades containing sequences from other environments. An oligonucleotide probe was designed for the cluster with the most clones (DE cluster 2) and was used in fluorescence in situ hybridization assays. Bacteria in DE cluster 2 accounted for about 10% of the total prokaryotic abundance in the Delaware Estuary and in a depth profile of the Chukchi Sea (Arctic Ocean). The presence of DE cluster 2 in the Arctic Ocean was confirmed by results from 16S rRNA clone libraries. The contribution of this cluster to the total bacterial biomass is probably larger than is indicated by the abundance of its members, because the average cell volume of bacteria in DE cluster 2 was larger than those of other bacteria and prokaryotes in the Delaware Estuary and Chukchi Sea. DE cluster 2 may be one of the more abundant bacterial groups in the Delaware Estuary and possibly other marine environments.  相似文献   

In the present study, biomass development and changes in community composition of phototrophic biofilms grown under different controlled ambient conditions (light, temperature and flow) were examined. Source communities were taken from a wastewater treatment plant and used to inoculate growth surfaces in a semi-continuous-flow microcosm. We recorded biofilm growth curves in cultures over a period of 30 days across 12 experiments. Biovolume of phototrophs and community composition for taxonomic shifts were also obtained using light and electron microscopy. Species richness in the cultured biofilms was greatly reduced with respect to the natural samples, and diversity decreased even further during biofilm development. Diadesmis confervacea, Phormidium spp., Scenedesmus spp. and Synechocystis spp. were identified as key taxa in the microcosm. While a significant positive effect of irradiance on biofilm growth could be identified, impacts of temperature and flow rate on biofilm development and diversity were less evident. We discuss the hypothesis that biofilm development could have been subject to multistability, i.e. the existence of several possible stable biofilm configurations for the same set of environmental parameters; small variations in the species composition might have been sufficient to switch between these different configurations and thus have contributed to overwriting the original effects of temperature and flow velocity.  相似文献   

Haptophytes are a key phylum of marine protists, including ~300 described morphospecies and 80 morphogenera. We used 454 pyrosequencing on large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) fragments to assess the diversity from size‐fractioned plankton samples collected in the Bay of Naples. One group‐specific primer set targeting the LSU rDNA D1/D2 region was designed to amplify Haptophyte sequences from nucleic acid extracts (total DNA or RNA) of two size fractions (0.8–3 or 3–20 μm) and two sampling depths [subsurface, at 1 m, or deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) at 23 m]. 454 reads were identified using a database covering the entire Haptophyta diversity currently sequenced. Our data set revealed several hundreds of Haptophyte clusters. However, most of these clusters could not be linked to taxonomically known sequences: considering OTUs97% (clusters build at a sequence identity level of 97%) on our global data set, less than 1% of the reads clustered with sequences from cultures, and less than 12% clustered with reference sequences obtained previously from cloning and Sanger sequencing of environmental samples. Thus, we highlighted a large uncharacterized environmental genetic diversity, which clearly shows that currently cultivated species poorly reflect the actual diversity present in the natural environment. Haptophyte community appeared to be significantly structured according to the depth. The highest diversity and evenness were obtained in samples from the DCM, and samples from the large size fraction (3–20 μm) taken at the DCM shared a lower proportion of common OTUs97% with the other samples. Reads from the species Chrysoculter romboideus were notably found at the DCM, while they could be detected at the subsurface. The highest proportion of totally unknown OTUs97% was collected at the DCM in the smallest size fraction (0.8–3 μm). Overall, this study emphasized several technical and theoretical barriers inherent to the exploration of the large and largely unknown diversity of unicellular eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Electroactivity is a property of microorganisms assembled in biofilms that has been highlighted in a variety of environments. This characteristic was assessed for phototrophic river biofilms at the community scale and at the bacterial population scale. At the community scale, electroactivity was evaluated on stainless steel and copper alloy coupons used both as biofilm colonization supports and as working electrodes. At the population scale, the ability of environmental bacterial strains to catalyze oxygen reduction was assessed by cyclic voltammetry. Our data demonstrate that phototrophic river biofilm development on the electrodes, measured by dry mass and chlorophyll a content, resulted in significant increases of the recorded potentials, with potentials of up to +120 mV/saturated calomel electrode (SCE) on stainless steel electrodes and +60 mV/SCE on copper electrodes. Thirty-two bacterial strains isolated from natural phototrophic river biofilms were tested by cyclic voltammetry. Twenty-five were able to catalyze oxygen reduction, with shifts of potential ranging from 0.06 to 0.23 V, cathodic peak potentials ranging from -0.36 to -0.76 V/SCE, and peak amplitudes ranging from -9.5 to -19.4 μA. These isolates were diversified phylogenetically (Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria) and exhibited various phenotypic properties (Gram stain, oxidase, and catalase characteristics). These data suggest that phototrophic river biofilm communities and/or most of their constitutive bacterial populations present the ability to promote electronic exchange with a metallic electrode, supporting the following possibilities: (i) development of electrochemistry-based sensors allowing in situ phototrophic river biofilm detection and (ii) production of microbial fuel cell inocula under oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Flagellated heterotrophic microeukaryotes have key roles for the functioning of marine ecosystems as they channel large amounts of organic carbon to the upper trophic levels and control the population sizes of bacteria and archaea. Still, we know very little on the diversity patterns of most groups constituting this evolutionary heterogeneous assemblage. Here, we investigate 11 groups of uncultured flagellates known as MArine STramenopiles (MASTs). MASTs are ecologically very important and branch at the base of stramenopiles. We explored the diversity patterns of MASTs using pyrosequencing (18S rDNA) in coastal European waters. We found that MAST groups range from highly to lowly diversified. Pyrosequencing (hereafter ‘454'') allowed us to approach to the limits of taxonomic diversity for all MAST groups, which varied in one order of magnitude (tens to hundreds) in terms of operational taxonomic units (98% similarity). We did not evidence large differences in activity, as indicated by ratios of DNA:RNA-reads. Most groups were strictly planktonic, although we found some groups that were active in sediments and even in anoxic waters. The proportion of reads per size fraction indicated that most groups were composed of very small cells (∼2–5 μm). In addition, phylogenetically different assemblages appeared to be present in different size fractions, depths and geographic zones. Thus, MAST diversity seems to be highly partitioned in spatial scales. Altogether, our results shed light on these ecologically very important but poorly known groups of uncultured marine flagellates.  相似文献   


Identifying objectively measurable seasonal changes in 24-h activity patterns (rest-activity rhythms or RARs) that occur in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) could help guide research and practice towards new monitoring tools or prevention targets. We quantified RARs from actigraphy data using non-parametric and extended cosine based approaches, then compared RARs between people with SAD and healthy controls in the summer (n = 70) and winter seasons (n = 84). We also characterized the within-person seasonal RAR changes that occurred in the SAD (n = 19) and control (n = 26) participants who contributed repeated measures. Only controls had significant winter increases in RAR fragmentation (intra-daily variability; in controls mean winter-summer changes (log scale) = 0.05, 0.21 standard deviation, p = 0.03). In SAD participants only, estimated evening settling times (down-mesor) were an average of 30 min earlier in the winter compared with the summer (1-h standard deviation, p = 0.045). These RAR characteristics correlated with greater fatigue (Spearman r = 0.36) but not depression symptom severity. Additional research is needed to ascertain why healthy controls, but not people with SAD, appear to have increased RAR fragmentation in the winter. People with SAD lacked this increase in RAR fragmentation, and instead had earlier evening setting in the winter. Prospective and intervention studies with greater temporal resolution are warranted to ascertain how these seasonal behavioral differences relate to fatigue pathophysiology in SAD. Future research is needed to determine whether extending the winter active period, even in relatively fragmented bouts, could help reduce the fatigue symptoms common in SAD.  相似文献   

We investigated phototrophic microorganisms dwelling on stone walls made of Piperno, a volcanic rock frequently used as construction material in historical buildings in Naples, Italy. Biofilms from three historical buildings in the center of the city and from a natural Piperno quarry located in a suburban area were examined. Light and electron microscopy, and molecular biology techniques allowed the identification of 17 species belonging to Cyanobacteria, Rhodophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Chlorophyta. Cyanobacteria were the dominant components in all the biofilms. No significant differences in microbial composition were observed for biofilms collected in autumn and spring, with minor exceptions for the quarry samples, where environmental conditions were relatively more stable than in the city. Results are discussed in comparison with information on microbial communities dwelling on other kinds of substrata commonly used in historical buildings in the Neapolitan area.  相似文献   

东海表层沉积物纯培养与非培养细菌多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2011年7月采集了浙江舟山沿岸海底沉积物样品(122°10′41″E,29°49′7″N),通过埋片原位观察、荧光显微计数、纯培养菌分离以及非培养细菌构建克隆文库的方法,分析和研究了东海表层沉积物细菌群落结构及其多样性.埋片原位观察和荧光显微计数法的结果表明:沉积物样品中细菌的细胞数量为(9.30±3.44)×107 cells/g;通过分离纯化共获得313株细菌,分属于20个属,4种培养基对细菌的分离效果依次为RO>M l>Zobell 2216>MR2A;常规形态学与生理生化鉴定结果显示芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和海球菌属(Marinococcus)从数量和种类上皆为优势菌属,分别占分离菌株总数的21.08%和17.25%;对73株典型海洋细菌进行16S rDNA分子鉴定发现,厚壁菌门(57.5%)、γ-变形杆菌纲(32.9%)、黄杆菌纲(4.1%)和放线菌纲(5.5%)等为主要类群.非培养细菌克隆文库序列分析发现:细菌克隆子主要属于厚壁菌门和变形杆菌门,而芽孢杆菌纲和γ-变形杆菌纲是上述两个门的优势类群.综合纯培养与非培养数据得出东海海域表层沉积物细菌多样性丰富,具有进一步开发研究的价值.  相似文献   

1. The effect of storm-flow on light- and dark-grown biofilms from a North Wales river was monitored using electron transport system (ETS) activity and epifluorescence cell counts. 2. Artificial substrata were colonized in the river, exposed to ambient-flow (60 cms?1) or storm-flow (235 cms?1 with suspended sediment addition) for 12h in a laboratory flow tank, and returned to the river to monitor the recovery period. 3. Total cell densities decreased in both the light- and dark-grown biofilms as a result of storm-flow. In addition, storm-flow ETS activity per cell increased significantly in the light-grown samples (2.7 times) but did not increase significantly in the dark-grown samples (1.6 times). 5. Within 48 h, storm-flow total cell densities and ETS activity levels had returned to ambient-flow levels in both light- and dark-grown biofilms. 6. Within each light regime, despite their different histories, both ambient and storm-flow samples responded the same to daily changes in the river environment, including a second disruption by natural causes, for the remainder of the 24-day experiment.  相似文献   

Ion exchange mechanisms and the entrapment of nutrients by river biofilms   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Biofilms envelop all surfaces in aquatic ecosystems. They possess an extremely efficient nutrient entrapment mechanism which is widely believed to be mediated through ion exchange processes. During a field experiment, potassium and bromide were transported along a 105 m reach at different rates. The distance between the two solute pulses increased with increasing distance downstream. And, in a laboratory experiment, changing the ionic composition of waters overlying the biofilm influenced the retention of (phenolic) material by that biofilm. An analogy was drawn with ion chromatography (IC): In IC, different ions show different rates of progress through the column (retention times), and also show increasing separation between peaks with increasing distance from the point of injection (column length). Likewise, the affinity of a given ion for the column can be modified by manipulation of the ionic composition of overlying waters (eluent). The observed similarities between IC columns and the biofilm-coated stream channel may therefore represent a degree of experimental support for the putative involvement of ion exchange in the biofilm nutrient entrapment mechanism.  相似文献   



We spend most of our lives in indoor environments and are exposed to microbes present in these environments. Hence, knowledge about this exposure is important for understanding how it impacts on human health. However, the bacterial flora in indoor environments has been only fragmentarily explored and mostly using culture methods. The application of molecular methods previously utilised in other environments has resulted in a substantial increase in our awareness of microbial diversity.  相似文献   

For the many lakes world‐wide with short residence times, changes to the rate of water throughput may have important effects on lake ecology. We studied relationships between current and predicted residence times and phytoplankton biomass using a eutrophic lake in the north‐west of England with an annual residence time averaging about 20 days, as a test case. Using 32 years of recent hydrological flow data for Bassenthwaite Lake, multiple sets of scaled flow for each year, and the process‐based phytoplankton response model, PROTECH, we modelled the effects of changing river flow on phytoplankton biomass in the lake. The impact on biomass was shown to depend on seasonal changes in flow rather than annual changes. Furthermore, there was a qualitative difference in impact depending on whether the nutrient loading to the lake came principally from flow‐independent sources, or from flow‐dependent ones. Predictions for changes in river flow under future climate scenarios in the north‐west of England have suggested that, despite little change in the annual flow magnitude, there will be a shift to greater flow in the winter and lesser flow in the summer. Applying these flow predictions to our modelling of Bassenthwaite Lake revealed that, with flow‐independent nutrient loading, and no overall increase in nutrient load, phytoplankton abundance in the summer could increase by up to 70%, including an increased proportion of Cyanobacteria. Conversely, were the loading completely dependent on the flow, the biomass would fall. In many parts of the world, river flow is expected to decrease in the summer even more than in England, suggesting these areas may expect substantial changes to seasonal phytoplankton biomass as a result of climate‐driven changes to seasonal river flow. Such changes would be in addition to any other changes owing to warming effects or eutrophication.  相似文献   

河西走廊酒泉地区盐碱土未培养放线菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用免培养技术对河西走廊酒泉地区的原生盐碱土、次生盐碱土和农田土中的放线菌群落结构及其多样性进行分析.结果表明: 河西走廊酒泉地区原生盐碱土克隆文库分归于19个OTUs,分属于微球菌亚目、丙酸杆菌亚目、棒状杆菌亚目、弗兰克氏菌亚目、假诺卡氏菌亚目和放线菌目未知类群;次生盐碱土克隆文库分归于14个OTUs,分属于微球菌亚目、丙酸杆菌亚目和放线菌目未知类群;农田土克隆文库分归于7个OTUs,分属于微球菌亚目和棒状杆菌亚目;微球菌亚目是3种不同类型土壤中的共有种群,是原生盐碱土和农田土中的优势种群.多样性指数和稀释性曲线分析结果显示,3种不同类型土壤中放线菌种群丰富度为原生盐碱土>次生盐碱土>农田土;原生盐碱土、次生盐碱土的稀释性曲线均未趋于平稳,说明盐碱土中放线菌多样性比实际更加丰富.  相似文献   

Between 1991 and 1993, samples were collected upstream and downstream of the industrial basin and urban centre of Liège. Rotifers and crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) were identified and counted. Their population dynamics were related to physical and chemical factors (temperature, oxygen, ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates) and to phytoplankton biomass. The zooplankton was dominated by rotifers; crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) were less abundant. There was a succession of groups and species, some thriving in the spring and others in summer or autumn. The dominant rotifer species were Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, Brachionus angularis Gosse, Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) and Synchaeta spp.; B. calyciflorus and B. angularis are spring species. K. cochlearis was present between May and November. Crustacean biomass was important in summer and autumn, but the faunal spectrum and biomass also varied with sampling location. Low spring and summer discharges allowed the phytoplankton to develop significantly. The zooplankton development followed a similar pattern. During low flow, when plankton populations become established, some declines in phytoplankton could only be explained by sedimentation and grazing pressure by zooplankton. Although these factors provided a good explanation of the longitudinal variation, some local conditions (e.g. oxygen deficit, high level of phosphate) also induced changes (e.g. industrial and municipal waste water discharge).  相似文献   

Based on the data collected from the Suichuan and Shushui Rivers, both tributaries of the Ganjiang River between April and July of 2015, the fish species identified were classified into 68 and 46 species, 14 and 12 families in the Suichuan River and Shushui River respectively. Cyprinidae is the most common family that accounts for 52.9% and 58.7% in the total number of fish species in the Suichuan River and Shushui River, respectively. The dominant species were Pseudohemiculter dispar, Squalidus argentatus, Silurus asotus and Leptobotia elongate for the Suichuan River and Squalidus argentatus, Acrossocheilus parallens, Pseudohemiculter dispar, Silurus asotus, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Acrossocheilus fasciatus and Zacco platypus for the Shushui River. The diversity of fish species showed more abundant and diverse for the Suichuan River. The composition of ecotype of fish indicated the rich diversities of ecotype in both the Suichuan and Shushui Rivers. The tributary (Suichuan River) and main stream of the Ganjiang River demonstrated a highly fauna similarity and the fish resources indicated its significance to maintain the fish diversity in the middle of the Ganjiang River and its benefits to the existence of the fish species in mountain streams. Dam construction, sand excavation and heavy metal pollution are the most significant threat to fish diversity and ecosystem functioning in Ganjiang River basin. In order to protect fish diversity and fisheries more effectively, relevant laws should be strengthened and conservation areas should be established for the survival of freshwater fish species.  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of Deltaproteobacteria in an intertidal mud flat of the German Wadden Sea was characterized by molecular biological techniques and cultivation. A 16S rRNA gene library generated with general primers (303 clones) suggested that sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) related to Desulfobulbaceae and Desulfosarcina were abundant. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes targeting these groups was used to characterize their vertical distribution. The combination of FISH with catalysed reporter deposition (CARD-FISH) significantly enhanced the detection of selected subgroups of Deltaproteobacteria, particularly in deeper sediment layers. Up to 11% of all cells were assigned to SRB. Organisms related to Desulfosarcina and Desulfobulbaceae were the dominant SRB in the surface sediments. Two abundant subpopulations of Desulfosarcina-related bacteria were identified by FISH. The SRB community differed between the sampling site and a sandy intertidal flat chosen as a reference. Enrichments and MPN cultures inoculated with surface sediment were monitored by FISH. Nine strains of Deltaproteobacteria were isolated. Four strains were related to Desulfobulbaceae, such as Desulfobacterium catecholicum and Desulfocapsa spp. A subgroup including clone sequences and strains related to D. catecholicum could be detected in situ by a specific FISH probe. The first physiological experiments suggested specific functional roles for the isolates. Two strains utilized environmentally relevant compounds in coastal areas such as catechol and nitrate. One strain related to Desulfocapsa spp. disproportionated thiosulfate and might thus contribute to the sulfur isotope fractionation at the study site. A Fe(III)-reducing strain was obtained that affiliated with the Pelobacter-Desulphuromonas group. This group accounted for up to 6% of total cell numbers and even exceeded SRB numbers in upper sediment layers. These bacteria might substantially contribute to carbon mineralization via dissimilatory reduction of, e.g. Fe(III).  相似文献   

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