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Sec15, a component of the exocyst, recognizes vesicle-associated Rab GTPases, helps target transport vesicles to the budding sites in yeast and is thought to recruit other exocyst proteins. Here we report the characterization of a 35-kDa fragment that comprises most of the C-terminal half of Drosophila melanogaster Sec15. This C-terminal domain was found to bind a subset of Rab GTPases, especially Rab11, in a GTP-dependent manner. We also provide evidence that in fly photoreceptors Sec15 colocalizes with Rab11 and that loss of Sec15 affects rhabdomere morphology. Determination of the 2.5-A crystal structure of the C-terminal domain revealed a novel fold consisting of ten alpha-helices equally distributed between two subdomains (N and C subdomains). We show that the C subdomain, mainly via a single helix, is sufficient for Rab binding.  相似文献   

Rab coupling protein (RCP), a novel Rab4 and Rab11 effector protein.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Rab4 and Rab11 are small GTPases belonging to the Ras superfamily. They both function as regulators along the receptor recycling pathway. We have identified a novel 80-kDa protein that interacts specifically with the GTP-bound conformation of Rab4, and subsequent work has shown that it also interacts strongly with Rab11. We name this protein Rab coupling protein (RCP). RCP is predominantly membrane-bound and is expressed in all cell lines and tissues tested. It colocalizes with early endosomal markers including Rab4 and Rab11 as well as with the transferrin receptor. Overexpression of the carboxyl-terminal region of RCP, which contains the Rab4- and Rab11-interacting domain, results in a dramatic tubulation of the transferrin compartment. Furthermore, expression of this mutant causes a significant reduction in endosomal recycling without affecting ligand uptake or degradation in quantitative assays. RCP is a homologue of Rip11 and therefore belongs to the recently described Rab11-FIP family.  相似文献   

A novel method to monitor the expression of microRNAs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

In fat and muscle cells, insulin stimulates the movement to and fusion of intracellular vesicles containing GLUT4 with the plasma membrane, a process referred to as GLUT4 translocation. Previous studies have indicated that Akt [also known as PKB (protein kinase B)] phosphorylation of AS160, a GAP (GTPase-activating protein) for Rabs, is required for GLUT4 translocation. The results suggest that this phosphorylation suppresses the GAP activity and leads to the elevation of the GTP form of one or more Rabs required for GLUT4 translocation. Based on their presence in GLUT4 vesicles and activity as AS160 GAP substrates, Rabs 8A, 8B, 10 and 14 are candidate Rabs. Here, we provide further evidence that Rab10 participates in GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Among Rabs 8A, 8B, 10 and 14, only the knockdown of Rab10 inhibited GLUT4 translocation. In addition, we describe the subcellular distribution of Rab10 and estimate the fraction of Rab10 in the active GTP form in vivo. Approx. 5% of the total Rab10 was present in GLUT4 vesicles isolated from the low-density microsomes. In both the basal and the insulin state, 90% of the total Rab10 was in the inactive GDP state. Thus, if insulin increases the GTP form of Rab10, the increase is limited to a small portion of the total Rab10. Finally, we report that the Rab10 mutant considered to be constitutively active (Rab10 Q68L) is a substrate for the AS160 GAP domain and, hence, cannot be used to deduce rigorously the function of Rab10 in its GTP form.  相似文献   

Co-ordination of Rab GTPase function has emerged as a crucial mechanism in the control of intracellular trafficking processes in eukaryotic cells. Here, we show that GRAB/Rab3IL1 [guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab3A; RAB3A interacting protein (rabin3)-like 1], a protein that has previously be shown to act as a GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) for Rab3a, Rab8a and Rab8b, is also a binding partner for Rab11a and Rab11b, but not the closely related Rab25 GTPase. We demonstrate that exogenous expression of Rab11a and Rab11b shift GRAB’s distribution from the cytoplasm onto membranes. We find that the Rab11a/Rab11b-binding region of GRAB lies within its carboxy-terminus, a region distinct from its GEF domain and Rab3a-binding region. Finally, we describe a GRAB deletion mutant (GRABΔ223–228) that is deficient in Rab11-binding ability. These data identify GRAB as a dual Rab-binding protein that could potentially link Rab3 and Rab11 and/or Rab8 and Rab11-mediated intracellular trafficking processes.  相似文献   

We have recently identified Rab11-FIP4 as the sixth member of the Rab11-FIP family of Rab11 interacting proteins. Here, we demonstrate that Rab11-FIP4 interacts with Rab11 in a GTP-dependent manner and that its C-terminal region allows the protein to self-interact and interact with pp75/Rip11, Rab11-FIP2, and Rab11-FIP3. However, Rab11-FIP4 does not appear to interact directly with Rab coupling protein (RCP). We investigated the subcellular localisation of Rab11-FIP4 in HeLa cells and show that it colocalises extensively with transferrin and with Rab11. Furthermore, when overexpressed, it causes a condensation of the Rab11 compartment in the perinuclear region. We demonstrate that the carboxy-terminal region of Rab11-FIP4 (Rab11-FIP4(C-ter)) is necessary and sufficient for its endosomal membrane association. Expression of Rab11-FIP4(C-ter) causes a dispersal of the Rab11 compartment towards the cell periphery and does not inhibit transferrin recycling in HeLa cells. It is likely that Rab11-FIP4 serves as a Rab11 effector in a Rab11 mediated function other than transferrin recycling.  相似文献   

The Rab11-family interacting protein 3 (Rab11-FIP3), also known as Arfophilin and Eferin, is a Rab11 and ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) binding protein of unknown function. Here, we sought to investigate the subcellular localisation and elucidate the function of Rab11-FIP3 in eukaryotic membrane trafficking. Utilising a polyclonal antibody specific for Rab11-FIP3, we have demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy that Rab11-FIP3 colocalises with Rab11 in a distinctive pericentrosomal location in A431 cells. Additionally, we found that Rab11-FIP3 localises to punctate vesicular structures dispersed throughout A431 cells. We have demonstrated that both Rab11 and Rab11-FIP3 localise to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis, and that Rab11-FIP3 localisation is dependent on both microtubule and actin filament integrity. We show that Rab11-FIP3 does not enter brefeldin A (BFA) induced membrane tubules that are positive for the transferrin receptor (TfnR). Furthermore, we show that expression of an amino-terminally truncated mutant of Rab11-FIP3 (Rab11-FIP3((244-756))) does not inhibit transferrin (Tfn) recycling in HeLa cells. It is likely that Rab11-FIP3 is involved in trafficking events other than Tfn trafficking; these may include the transport of endosomally derived membrane to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Polacek N  Swaney S  Shinabarger D  Mankin AS 《Biochemistry》2002,41(39):11602-11610
The key enzymatic activity of the ribosome is catalysis of peptide bond formation. This reaction is a target for many clinically important antibiotics. However, the molecular mechanisms of the peptidyl transfer reaction, the catalytic contribution of the ribosome, and the mechanisms of antibiotic action are still poorly understood. Here we describe a novel, simple, convenient, and sensitive method for monitoring peptidyl transferase activity (SPARK). In this method, the ribosomal peptidyl transferase forms a peptide bond between two ligands, one of which is tritiated whereas the other is biotin-tagged. Transpeptidation results in covalent attachment of the biotin moiety to a tritiated compound. The amount of the reaction product is then directly quantified using the scintillation proximity assay technology: binding of the tritiated radioligand to the commercially available streptavidin-coated beads causes excitation of the bead-embedded scintillant, resulting in detection of radioactivity. The reaction is readily inhibited by known antibiotics, inhibitors of peptide bond formation. The method we developed is amenable to simple automation which makes it useful for screening for new antibiotics. The method is useful for different types of ribosomal research. Using this method, we investigated the effect of mutations at a universally conserved nucleotide of the active site of 23S rRNA, A2602 (Escherichia coli numbering), on the peptidyl transferase activity of the ribosome. The activities of the in vitro reconstituted mutant subunits, though somewhat reduced, were comparable with those of the subunits assembled with the wild-type 23S rRNA, indicating that A2602 mutations do not abolish the ability of the ribosome to catalyze peptide bond formation. Similar results were obtained with double mutants carrying mutations at A2602 and another universally conserved nucleotide in the peptidyl transferase center, A2451. The obtained results agree with our previous conclusion that the ribosome accelerates peptide bond formation primarily through entropic rather than chemical catalysis.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases constitute the largest family of small monomeric GTPases, including over 60 members in humans. These GTPases share conserved residues related to nucleotide binding and hydrolysis, and main sequence divergences lie in the carboxyl termini. They cycle between inactive (GDP-bound) and active (GTP-bound) forms and the active site regions, termed Switch I and II, undergo the larger conformational changes between the two states. The Rab11 subfamily members, comprising Rab11a, Rab11b, and Rab25, act in recycling of proteins from the endosomes to the plasma membrane, in transport of molecules from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane and in phagocytosis. In this work, we describe Rab11b-GDP and Rab11b-GppNHp crystal structures solved to 1.55 and 1.95 angstroms resolution, respectively. Although Rab11b shares 90% amino acid identity to Rab11a, its crystal structure shows critical differences relative to previously reported Rab11a structures. Inactive Rab11a formed dimers with unusually ordered Switch regions and missing the magnesium ion at the nucleotide binding site. In this work, inactive Rab11b crystallized as a monomer showing a flexible Switch I and a magnesium ion which is coordinated by four water molecules, the phosphate beta of GDP (beta-P) and the invariant S25. S20 from the P-loop and S42 from the Switch I are associated to GTP hydrolysis rate. In the active structures, S20 interacts with the gamma-P oxygen in Rab11b-GppNHp but does not in Rab11a-GppNHp and the Q70 side chain is found in different positions. In the Rab11a-GTPgammaS structure, S40 is closer to S25 and S42 does not interact with the gamma-P oxygen. These differences indicate that the Rab11 isoforms may possess different GTP hydrolysis rates. In addition, the Switch II of inactive Rab11b presents a 3(10)-helix (residues 69-73) that disappears upon activation. This 3(10)-helix is not found in the Rab11a-GDP structure, which possesses a longer alpha2 helix, spanning from residue 73 to 82 alpha-helix 5.  相似文献   

Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in fat and muscle is mediated by the major facilitative glucose transporter Glut4. Insulin controls the trafficking of Glut4 to the plasma membrane via regulation of a series of small G proteins, including RalA and Rab10. We demonstrate here that Rab10 is a bona fide target of the GTPase-activating protein AS160, which is inhibited after phosphorylation by the protein kinase Akt. Once activated, Rab10 can increase the GTP binding of RalA by recruiting the Ral guanyl nucleotide exchange factor, Rlf/Rgl2. Rab10 and RalA reside in the same pool of Glut4-storage vesicles in untreated cells, and, together with Rlf, they ensure maximal glucose transport. Overexpression of membrane-tethered Rlf compensates for the loss of Rab10 in Glut4 translocation, suggesting that Rab10 recruits Rlf to membrane compartments for RalA activation and that RalA is downstream of Rab10. Together these studies identify a new G protein cascade in the regulation of insulin-stimulated Glut4 trafficking and glucose uptake.  相似文献   

The Rab11 family of small GTPases is composed of three members, Rab11a, Rab11b, and Rab25. While recent work on Rab11a and Rab25 has yielded some insights into their function, Rab11b has received little attention. Therefore, we sought to examine the distribution of endogenous Rab11b in epithelial cells. In rabbit gastric parietal cells, unlike Rab11a, Rab11b did not colocalize or coisolate with H(+)/K(+)-ATPase. In MDCK cells, endogenous Rab11b localized to an apical pericentrisomal region distinct from Rab11a. The microtubule agents nocodazole and taxol dramatically alter Rab11a's localization in the cell, while effects on Rab11b's distribution were less apparent. These results indicate that in contrast to Rab11a, the Rab11b compartment in the apical region is not as dependent upon microtubules. While Rab11a is known to regulate transferrin trafficking in nonpolarized cells and IgA trafficking in polarized cells, Rab11b exhibited little colocalization with either of these cargoes. Thus, while Rab11a and Rab11b share high sequence homology, they appear to reside within distinct vesicle compartments.  相似文献   

Rab11, a low molecular weight GTP-binding protein, has been shown to play a key role in a variety of cellular processes, including endosomal recycling, phagocytosis, and transport of secretory proteins from the trans-Golgi network. In this study we have described a novel Rab11 effector, EF-hands-containing Rab11-interacting protein (Eferin). In addition, we have identified a 20-amino acid domain that is present at the C terminus of Eferin and other Rab11/25-interacting proteins, such as Rip11 and nRip11. Using biochemical techniques we have demonstrated that this domain is necessary and sufficient for Rab11 binding in vitro and that it is required for localization of Rab11 effector proteins in vivo. The data suggest that various Rab effectors compete with each other for binding to Rab11/25 possibly accounting for the diversity of Rab11 functions.  相似文献   

A novel fluorescence method to monitor the lysosomal disintegration of low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles in living cells has been developed. The method is based on the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (RET) between two fluorescent molecules incorporated into LDL particles. NBD-cholesterol linoleate (NBD-CL) and octadecyl rhodamine B (R18) were incorporated simultaneously into LDL, as a RET donor and a RET acceptor, respectively. In this preparation of LDL (RET-LDL), efficient RET was observed, and after the disruption of the LDL particle by a Triton X-100 treatment, the relief of the RET was observed. RET-LDL was endocytosed by CHO cells via LDL receptors, and the RET-LDL particles were disintegrated after the uptake. The resultant relief of the RET upon the disintegration of the LDL was monitored by flow cytometry, and the amount of intact LDL in cells was estimated by calculation. The disintegration occurred with an about 25 min lag, and was inhibited by several lysosomal inhibitors. These results indicate that the disintegration was not a nonspecific event, but took place at the level of lysosomes. Since living cells can be analyzed by the present method, when coupled to flow sorting, it would permit the isolation of cells having different properties in the endocytic pathway of LDL.  相似文献   

Vesicle trafficking between organelles occurs through fusion of donor and specific acceptor membranes. This process is highly regulated and ensures proper direction in sorting and packaging of a number of molecules in eukaryotic cells. Monomeric GTPases of the Rab family play a pivotal role in the control of membrane fusion and vesicle traffic. In this paper, we characterize a Trypanosoma cruzi Rab 11 homologue (TcRab11) that shares at, the amino acid level, 40% similarity with human rab11, Arabdopsis thaliana rab11 and yeast rab11 homologue genes. Western blot analysis, using a polyclonal rabbit antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide derived from the COOH-terminus of predicted the TcRab11 protein, reacted to a 26kDa protein. In immunofluorescence assays, TcRab 11, was shown to be expressed in epimastigote and amastigote forms, but it was absent in trypomastigotes. Interestingly, the TcRab11 product seems to be located at the reservosome complex, a site of active endocytosis and vesicle fusion present only in the epimastigote stage. Therefore, TcRab11 may represent the first molecular marker of this peculiar organelle.  相似文献   

GLUT4 trafficking to the plasma membrane of muscle and fat cells is regulated by insulin. An important component of insulin-regulated GLUT4 distribution is the Akt substrate AS160 rab GTPase-activating protein. Here we show that Rab10 functions as a downstream target of AS160 in the insulin-signaling pathway that regulates GLUT4 translocation in adipocytes. Overexpression of a mutant of Rab10 defective for GTP hydrolysis increased GLUT4 on the surface of basal adipocytes. Rab10 knockdown resulted in an attenuation of insulin-induced GLUT4 redistribution to the plasma membrane and a concomitant 2-fold decrease in GLUT4 exocytosis rate. Re-expression of a wild-type Rab10 restored normal GLUT4 translocation. The basal increase in plasma-membrane GLUT4 due to AS160 knockdown was partially blocked by knocking down Rab10 in the same cells, further indicating that Rab10 is a target of AS160 and a positive regulator of GLUT4 trafficking to the cell surface upon insulin stimulation.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases are crucial in the regulation of intracellular vesicular trafficking. A novel Rab GTPase gene, EoRab11a (GenBank accession no. EF061065 ), was isolated and identified from Euplotes octocarinatus cells in this study. It contains an ORF of 696-bp nucleotides, encoding 231 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 26.8 kDa. Alignment of EoRab11a with other Rab11 proteins from other eukaryotes demonstrated that these proteins shared 53–61% identity at the amino acid level. The recombinant EoRab11a was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by immobilized metal chelate affinity chromatography and iron chromatography. The GTPase activity of EoRab11a was 0.0024 min−1 detected by HPLC at 30 °C. Three mutations were generated at amino acids Ser21 and Gly22 positions in the G1 domain of EoRab11a. All three mutants, S21P, S21G and G22R, increased the GTPase activity in vitro . Immunofluorescence microscopy results indicated that EoRab11a was localized on the phagosomal membrane during phagocytosis of E. octocarinatus . These data show that EoRab11a possesses GTP hydrolysis activity and may participate in vesicle transport events during phagocytosis of E. octocarinatus .  相似文献   

The Ras-like GTPase Rab11 is implicated in multiple aspects of intracellular transport, including maintenance of plasma membrane composition and cytokinesis. In metazoans, these functions are mediated in part via coiled-coil Rab11-interacting proteins (FIPs) acting as Rab11 effectors. Additional interaction between Rab11 and the exocyst subunit Sec15 connects Rab11 with exocytosis. We find that FIPs are metazoan specific, suggesting that other factors mediate Rab11 functions in nonmetazoans. We examined Rab11 interactions in Trypanosoma brucei, where endocytosis is well studied and the role of Rab11 in recycling well documented. TbSec15 and TbRab11 interact, demonstrating evolutionary conservation. By yeast two-hybrid screening, we identified additional Rab11 interaction partners. Tb927.5.1640 (designated RBP74) interacted with both Rab11 and Rab5. RBP74 shares a coiled-coil architecture with metazoan FIPs but is unrelated by sequence and appears to play a role in coordinating endocytosis and recycling. A second coiled-coil protein, Tb09.211.4830 (TbAZI1), orthologous to AZI1 in Homo sapiens, interacts exclusively with Rab11. AZI1 is restricted to taxa with motile cilia/flagella. These data suggest that Rab11 functions are mediated by evolutionarily conserved (i.e., AZI1 and Sec15) and potentially lineage-specific (RBP74) interactions essential for the integration of the endomembrane system.  相似文献   

The potential application of transferrin receptors as delivery vehicles for transport of macromolecular drugs across intestinal epithelial cells is limited by several factors, including the low level of transferrin receptor-mediated transcytosis, particularly in the apical-to-basolateral direction. The GTPase inhibitor, AG10 (tyrphostin A8), has been shown previously to increase the apical-to-basolateral transcytosis of transferrin in Caco-2 cells. However, the mechanism of the increased transcytosis has not been established. In this report, the effect of AG10 on the trafficking of endocytosed transferrin among different endosomal compartments as well as the involvement of Rab11 in the intracellular trafficking of transferrin was investigated. Confocal microscopy studies showed a high level of colocalization of FITC-transferrin with Rab5 and Rab11 in Caco-2 cells pulsed at 16 degrees C and 37 degrees C, which indicated the presence of apically endocytosed FITC-transferrin in early endosomes and apical recycling endosomes at 16 degrees C and 37 degrees C, respectively. The effect of AG10 on the accumulation of transferrin within different endosomal compartment was studied, and an increase in the transcytosis and recycling of internalized (125)I-labeled transferrin, as well as a decrease in cell-associated (125)I-labeled transferrin, was observed in AG10-treated Caco-2 cells pulsed at 37 degrees C for 30 min and chased for 30 min. Moreover, confocal microscopy showed that FITC-transferrin exhibited an increased level of colocalization with Rab11, but not with Rab5, in the presence of AG10. These results suggest an effect of AG10 on the later steps of transferrin receptor trafficking, which are involved in subsequent recycling, and possibly transcytosis, of endocytosed transferrin in Caco-2 cells.  相似文献   

Several Rabs, including Rab11, regulate the traffic and sorting of proteins in the endosomal pathway. Recently, six novel Rab11 family interacting proteins (FIPs) were identified. Although they share little overall sequence homology, all FIPs contain a conserved Rab11-binding domain. Here we investigate the role of FIPs as Rab11-targeting proteins and show that the Rab11-binding domain assumes an alpha-helical structure, with the conserved residues forming a hydrophobic Rab11-binding patch. This hydrophobic patch mediates the formation of mutually exclusive complexes between Rab11 and various members of FIP protein family. Furthermore, the formation of Rab11/FIP complexes regulates Rab11 localization by recruiting it to distinct endocytic compartments. Thus, we propose that Rab11/FIP complexes serve as targeting patches, regulating Rab11 localization and recruitment of additional cellular factors to different endocytic compartments.  相似文献   

Polarized epithelial cells maintain the polarized distribution of basolateral and apical membrane proteins through a process of receptor-mediated endocytosis, sorting, and then recycling to the appropriate membrane domain. We have previously shown that the small GTP-binding proteins, Rab11a and Rab25, are associated with the apical recycling system of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Here we have utilized inducible expression of wild-type, dominant negative, and constitutively active mutants to directly compare the functions of Rab25 and Rab11a in postendocytic vesicular transport. We found that a Rab11a mutant deficient in GTP binding, Rab11aS25N, potently inhibited both transcytosis and apical recycling yet failed to inhibit transferrin recycling. Similarly, expression of either wild type Rab25 or the active mutant Rab25S21V inhibited both apical recycling and transcytosis of IgA by greater than 50% but had no effect on basolateral recycling of transferrin. Interestingly, the GTPase-deficient mutant Rab11aS20V inhibited basolateral to apical transcytosis of IgA, but had no effect on either apical or basolateral recycling. These results indicate that neither Rab11a nor Rab25 function in the basolateral recycling of transferrin in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells cells, consistent with recent morphological observations by others. Thus, transferrin receptors must be recycled to the plasma membrane prior to sorting of apically directed cargoes into Rab11a/Rab25-positive apical recycling endosomes.  相似文献   

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