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At increasing ammonium chloride concentrations, 30 S subunits on one hand, and 50 S subunits, 16 S BNA and 23 S RNA on the other hand, show a different behaviour with respect to dihydrostreptomycin binding. Within a wide range (10 to 250 mm) binding to 30 S subunits is not affected by NH4Cl, whereas binding to 50 S and the RNAs decreases by increasing NH4Cl concentrations. 30 S subunits lose more than 90% of their binding capacity by washing with 1.15 m-LiCl (SP1.53).The split proteins SP1.15 were analysed by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and Sephadex G100 gel filtration. After reconstitution with the non-binding 2.0 core the proteins S3 and S5 can bind dihydrostreptomycin independently of each other; the S5-dependent binding is stimulated by S9 and S14 (S10). The Scatchard plot revealed 0.8 binding sites per 30 S subunit. We conclude that S3 and S5 are part of one binding site of dihydrostreptomycin.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the in vitro properties of ribosomes from several mutants resistant to erythromycin. Mutations in three different genes may confer resistance to erythromycin. Two of them are structural genes for proteins L4 and L22 of the large subunit. The third mutation (in eryC gene) seems to affect mainly the small subunit. The mechanism of action of the antibiotic may involve both subunits.  相似文献   

Magnesium binding by Escherichia coli ribosomes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Paromomycin binds specifically to a single type of binding site on the 70-S streptomycin-sensitive Escherichia coli ribosome. This site is different from that of dihydrostreptomycin since paromomycin binds to streptomycin-resistant ribosomes and sine dihydrostreptomycin does not compete for paromomycin binding. Paromomycin binding, unlike dihydrostreptomycin binding, is independent of changes in ribosome concentration but influenced by magnesium ion concentration. Moreover, paromomycin does not bind to the 30-S subunit of the streptomycin-sensitive ribosome, except in the presence of dihydrostreptomycin, which probably induces the conformational changes necessary for a paromomycin binding site. This induction does not occur with streptomycin-resistant ribosomes. Neither antibiotic binds to the 50-S subunit. In general, binding of the one antibiotic increases the number of sites available for binding of the other. Both antibiotics exhibit marked non-specific binding at high antibiotic/ribosome ratios. Competition studies have enabled the classification of other aminoglycosides according to their ability to compete for the paromomycin and dihydrostreptomycin binding sites. Derivatives structurally related to paromomycin compete for its binding, the degree of competition being related to antibacterial activity, but do not compete for dihydrostreptomycin binding; they, on the contrary, increase the number of dihydrostreptomycin binding sites. Neither gentamicin nor kanamycin derivatives, which induce a high level of misreading, nor kasugamycin and spectinomycin, which do not induce misreading, compete for paromomycin or dihydrostreptomycin binding sites. Other sites may be involved in the binding of these aminoglycosides and in inducing misreading.  相似文献   

30-S ribosomal subunits are inactivated by iodination for both enzymic fMet-tRNA and non-enzymic Phe-tRNA binding activities. This inactivation is due to modification of the protein moiety of the ribosome. Reconstitutions were performed with 16-S RNA and mixtures of total protein isolated from modified subunits and purified proteins isolated from unmodified subunits. This allowed identification of the individual proteins which restore tRNA binding activity. S3, S14 and S19 were identified as proteins involved in fMet-tRNA binding. S1, S2, S3, S14 and S19 were identified as proteins involved in Phe-tRNA binding. Modified particles shown normal sedimentation constants and complete protein compositions both before and after reconstitution. This suggests that the loss of activity is due to modification of one or more of the actual binding sites located on the 30-S subunit and that restoration of activity is due to structural correction at this site rather than to correction of an assembly defect.  相似文献   

tRNA binding sites of ribosomes from Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
70S tight-couple ribosomes from Escherichia coli were studied with respect to activity and number of tRNA binding sites. The nitrocellulose filtration and puromycin assays were used both in a direct manner and in the form of a competition binding assay, the latter allowing an unambiguous determination of the fraction of ribosomes being active in tRNA binding. It was found that, in the presence of poly(U), the active ribosomes bound two molecules of N-AcPhe-tRNAPhe, one in the P and the other in the A site, at Mg2+ concentrations between 6 and 20 mM. A third binding site in addition to P and A sites was observed for deacylated tRNAPhe. At Mg2+ concentrations of 10 mM and below, the occupancy of the additional site was very low. Dissociation of tRNA from this site was found to be rather fast, as compared to both P and A sites. These results suggest that the additional site during translocation functions as an exit site, to which deacylated tRNA is transiently bound before leaving the ribosome. Since tRNA binding to this site did not require the presence of poly(U), a function of exit site bound tRNA in the fixation of the mRNA appears unlikely. Both the affinity and stability of binding to the additional site were found lower for the heterologous tRNAPhe from yeast as compared to the homologous one. This difference possibly indicates some specificity of the E. coli ribosome for tRNAs from the same organism.  相似文献   

Erythromycin and tylosin are 14- and 16-membered lactone ring macrolides, respectively. The current work shows by means of kinetic and chemical footprinting analysis that both antibiotics bind to Escherichia coli ribosomes in a two-step process. The first step established rapidly, involves a low-affinity binding site placed at the entrance of the exit tunnel in the large ribosomal subunit, where macrolides bind primarily through their hydrophobic portions. Subsequently, slow conformational changes mediated by the antibiotic hydrophilic portion push the drugs deeper into the tunnel, in a high-affinity site. Compared with erythromycin, tylosin shifts to the high-affinity site more rapidly, due to the interaction of the mycinose sugar of the drug with the loop of H35 in domain II of 23 S rRNA. Consistently, mutations of nucleosides U2609 and U754 implicated in the high-affinity site reduce the shift of tylosin to this site and destabilize, respectively, the final drug-ribosome complex. The weak interaction between tylosin and the ribosome is Mg2+ independent, unlike the tight binding. In contrast, both interactions between erythromycin and the ribosome are reduced by increasing concentrations of Mg2+ ions. Polyamines attenuate erythromycin affinity for the ribosome at both sequential steps of binding. In contrast, polyamines facilitate the initial binding of tylosin, but exert a detrimental, more pronounced, effect on the drug accommodation at its final position. Our results emphasize the role of the particular interactions that side chains of tylosin and erythromycin establish with 23 S rRNA, which govern the exact binding process of each drug and its response to the ionic environment.  相似文献   

Virginiamycin S is an inhibitor of protein synthesis in vivo. In this paper we show by equilibrium dialysis that it binds specifically to the 50-S subunit of Escherichia coli ribosomes, with one binding site per subunit. This binding is not altered by the presence of chloramphenicol, tetracycline or puromycin but is competed for by erythromycin. Using the splitting-reconstitution method, it could be demonstrated that protein L16 is absolutely required for the binding of virginiamycin S to the 50-S subunit.  相似文献   

tRNA binding sites on the subunits of Escherichia coli ribosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Programmed 30 S subunits expose only one binding site, to which the different classes of tRNA (deacylated tRNAPhe, Phe-tRNAPhe, and N-acetylphenylalanyl (AcPhe)-tRNAPhe) bind with about the same affinity. Elongation factor Tu within the ternary complex does not contribute to the binding of Phe-tRNA. Binding of acylated or deacylated tRNA to 30 S depends on the cognate codon; nonprogrammed 30 S subunits do not bind tRNA to any significant extent. The existence of only one binding site/30 S subunit (and not, for example, two sites in 50% of the subunits) could be shown with Phe-tRNAPhe as well as deacylated tRNAPhe pursuing different strategies. Upon 50 S association the 30 S-bound tRNA appears in the P site (except the ternary complex which is found at the A site). Inhibition experiments with tetracycline demonstrated that the 30 S inhibition pattern is identical to that of the P site but differs from that of the A site of 70 S ribosomes. In contrast to 30 S subunits the 50 S subunit exclusively binds up to 0.2 and 0.4 molecules of deacylated tRNAPhe/50 S subunit in the absence and presence of poly(U), respectively, but neither Phe-tRNA nor AcPhe-tRNA. Noncognate poly(A) did not stimulate the binding indicating codon-anticodon interaction at the 50 S site. The exclusive binding of deacylated tRNA and its dependence on the presence of cognate mRNA is reminiscent of the characteristics of the E site on 70 S ribosomes. 30 and 50 S subunits in one test tube expose one binding site more than the sum of binding capacities of the individual subunits. The results suggest that the small subunit contains the prospective P site and the large subunit the prospective E site, thus implying that the A site is generated upon 30 S-50 S association.  相似文献   

Oligo(U) derivatives with [14C]-4-(N-2-chloroethyl-N-methylamino)benzaldehyde attached to 3'-end cis-diol group via acetal bond, p(Up)n-1UCHRCl as well as with [14C]-4-(N-2-chloroethyl-N-methylamino)benzylamine attached to 5'-phosphate via amide bond, ClRCH2NHpU(pU)6 were used to modify 70S E. coli ribosomes near mRNA binding centre. Within ternary complex with ribosome and tRNAPhe all reagents covalently bind to ribosome the extent of modification being 0.1-0.4 mole/mole 70S. p(Up)n-1UCHRCl alkylates either 30S (n=5,7) or both subunits (n=6,8). rRNA is preferentially modified within 30S subunit. ClRCH2NHpU(pU)6 alkylates both subunits the proteins being mainly modified. The distribution of the label among proteins differ for various reagents. S4, S5, S7, S9, S11, S13, S15, S18 and S21 are found to be alkylated within 30S subunit, proteins L1, L2, L6, L7/L12, L19, L31 and L32 are modified in the 50S subunit. Most proteins modified within 30S subunit are located at the "head" of this subunit and proteins modified within 50S subunit are located at the surface of the contact between this subunit and the "head" of 30S subunit at the model of Stoffler.  相似文献   

Applying kinetics and footprinting analysis, we show that telithromycin, a ketolide antibiotic, binds to Escherichia coli ribosomes in a two-step process. During the first, rapidly equilibrated step, telithromycin binds to a low-affinity site (K(T) = 500 nM), in which the lactone ring is positioned at the upper portion of the peptide exit tunnel, while the alkyl-aryl side chain of the drug inserts a groove formed by nucleotides A789 and U790 of 23S rRNA. During the second step, telithromycin shifts slowly to a high-affinity site (K(T)* = 8.33 nM), in which the lactone ring remains essentially at the same position, while the side chain interacts with the base pair U2609:A752 and the extended loop of protein L22. Consistently, mutations perturbing either the base pair U2609:A752 or the L22-loop hinder shifting of telithromycin to the final position, without affecting the initial step of binding. In contrast, mutation Lys63Glu in protein L4 placed on the opposite side of the tunnel, exerts only a minor effect on telithromycin binding. Polyamines disfavor both sequential steps of binding. Our data correlate well with recent crystallographic data and rationalize the changes in the accessibility of ribosomes to telithromycin in response to ribosomal mutations and ionic changes.  相似文献   

We have examined the structural specificity of the puromycin binding sites on the Escherichia coli ribosome that we have previously identified [Nicholson, A. W., Hall, C. C., Strycharz, W. A., & Cooperman, B. S. (1982) Biochemistry 19, 3809-3817, and references cited therein] by examining the interactions of a series of adenine-containing compounds with these sites. We have used as measures of such interactions the inhibition of [3H]puromycin photoincorporation into ribosomal proteins from these sites, the site-specific photoincorporation of the 3H-labeled compounds themselves, and the inhibition of peptidyl transferase activity. For the first two of these measures we have made extensive use of a recently developed high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for ribosomal protein separation [Kerlavage, A. R., Weitzmann, C., Hasan, T., & Cooperman, B.S. (1983) J. Chromatogr. 266, 225-237]. We find that puromycin aminonucleoside (PANS) contains all of the structural elements necessary for specific binding to the three major puromycin binding sites, those of higher affinity leading to photoincorporation into L23 and S14 and that of lower affinity leading to photoincorporation into S7. Although tight binding to the L23 and S7 sites requires both the N6,N6-dimethyl and 3'-amino groups within PANS, only the N6,N6-dimethyl group and not the 3'-amino group is required for binding to the S14 site. Our current results reinforce our previous conclusion that photoincorporation into L23 takes place from the A' site within the peptidyl transferase center and lead us to speculate that the S14 site might be specific for the binding of modified nucleosides. They also force the conclusion that puromycin photoincorporation proceeds through its adenosyl moiety.  相似文献   

Modification of 30 S ribosomal subunits by the protein-modifying reagent maleic anhydride was found to inactivate the particles for polyuridylic acid binding. Reconstitution of 30 S ribosomes using 16 S RNA, maleylated total 30 S protein, and purified, unmodified proteins demonstrated that S4, S11, S12, S13 and S18 are involved in poly(U) binding. Modified 30 S subunits contain all the ribosomal proteins and show normal sedimentation characteristics, indicating that the inactivation is not simply due to the gross alteration of the particles. Correlation of these results with those of other workers is discussed.  相似文献   

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