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Truhlar SM  Agard DA 《Proteins》2005,61(1):105-114
Most secreted bacterial proteases, including alpha-lytic protease (alphaLP), are synthesized with covalently attached pro regions necessary for their folding. The alphaLP folding landscape revealed that its pro region, a potent folding catalyst, is required to circumvent an extremely large folding free energy of activation that appears to be a consequence of its unique unfolding transition. Remarkably, the alphaLP native state is thermodynamically unstable; a large unfolding free energy barrier is solely responsible for the persistence of its native state. Although alphaLP folding is well characterized, the structural origins of its remarkable folding mechanism remain unclear. A conserved beta-hairpin in the C-terminal domain was identified as a structural element whose formation and positioning may contribute to the large folding free energy barrier. In this article, we characterize the folding of an alphaLP variant with a more favorable beta-hairpin turn conformation (alphaLP(beta-turn)). Indeed, alphaLP(beta-turn) pro region-catalyzed folding is faster than that for alphaLP. However, instead of accelerating spontaneous folding, alphaLP(beta-turn) actually unfolds more slowly than alphaLP. Our data support a model where the beta-hairpin is formed early, but its packing with a loop in the N-terminal domain happens late in the folding reaction. This tight packing at the domain interface enhances the kinetic stability of alphaLP(beta-turn), to nearly the same degree as the change between alphaLP and a faster folding homolog. However, alphaLP(beta-turn) has impaired proteolytic activity that negates the beneficial folding properties of this variant. This study demonstrates the evolutionary limitations imposed by the simultaneous optimization of folding and functional properties.  相似文献   

Alpha-Lytic protease (alphaLP) is an extracellular bacterial pro-protease marked by extraordinary conformational rigidity and a highly cooperative barrier to unfolding. Although these properties successfully limit its proteolytic destruction, thereby extending the functional lifetime of the protease, they come at the expense of foldability (t(1/2) = 1800 yr) and thermodynamic stability (native alphaLP is less stable than the unfolded species). Efficient folding has required the coevolution of a large N-terminal pro region (Pro) that rapidly catalyzes alphaLP folding (t(1/2) = 23 sec) and shifts the thermodynamic equilibrium in favor of folded protease through tight native-state binding. Release of active alphaLP from this stabilizing, but strongly inhibitory, complex requires the proteolytic destruction of Pro. alphaLP is capable of initiating Pro degradation via cleavage of a flexible loop within the Pro C-terminal domain. This single cleavage event abolishes Pro catalysis while maintaining strong native-state binding. Thus, the loop acts as an Achilles' heel by which the Pro foldase machinery can be safely dismantled, preventing Pro-catalyzed unfolding, without compromising alphaLP native-state stability. Once the loop is cleaved, Pro is rapidly degraded, releasing active alphaLP.  相似文献   

Site-specific proteases are the most popular kind of enzymes for removing the fusion tags from fused target proteins. Nuclear inclusion protein a (NIa) proteases obtained from the family Potyviridae have become promising due to their high activities and stringencies of sequences recognition. NIa proteases from tobacco etch virus (TEV) and tomato vein mottling virus (TVMV) have been shown to process recombinant proteins successfully in vitro. In this report, recombinant PPV (plum pox virus) NIa protease was employed to process fusion proteins with artificial cleavage site in vitro. Characteristics such as catalytic ability and affecting factors (salt, temperature, protease inhibitors, detergents, and denaturing reagents) were investigated. Recombinant PPV NIa protease expressed and purified from Escherichia coli demonstrated efficient and specific processing of recombinant GFP and SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein, with site F (N V V V H Q black triangle down A) for PPV NIa protease artificially inserted between the fusion tags and the target proteins. Its catalytic capability is similar to those of TVMV and TEV NIa protease. Recombinant PPV NIa protease reached its maximal proteolytic activity at approximately 30 degrees C. Salt concentration and only one of the tested protease inhibitors had minor influences on the proteolytic activity of PPV NIa protease. Recombinant PPV NIa protease was resistant to self-lysis for at least five days.  相似文献   

We present free energy calculations using molecular dynamics on different substrates of alpha-lytic protease in the gas phase, in solution, while forming a noncovalent Michaelis complex with the enzyme, and in a tetrahedral structure representing a transition state/intermediate for acylation by the enzyme. Various P1 substrates were studied, with P1 = Gly, Ala, Val, and Leu. In qualitative agreement with experiment, the enzyme was calculated to bind and catalyze most effectively substrates with P1 = Ala over those with P1 = Gly, Val or Leu. Also, the calculated relative solvation free energies of Gly----Ala and Ala----Val were in qualitative agreement with experimental values in corresponding model systems. However, the level of quantitative agreement with experiment achieved in our earlier study of relative binding and catalysis of native subtilisin and an Asn-155----Ala mutant was not achieved. We surmise that this is due to the greater difficulty in quantitatively simulating effects that are predominantly van der Waals and hydrophobic compared to those that are hydrogen bonding/electrostatic.  相似文献   

Insight into the dynamic properties of alpha-lytic protease (alpha LP) has been obtained through the use of low-temperature X-ray crystallography and multiple-conformation refinement. Previous studies of alpha LP have shown that the residues around the active site are able to move significantly to accommodate substrates of different sizes. Here we show a link between the ability to accommodate ligands and the dynamics of the binding pocket. Although the structure of alpha LP at 120 K has B-factors with a uniformly low value of 4.8 A2 for the main chain, four regions stand out as having significantly higher B-factors. Because thermal motion should be suppressed at cryogenic temperatures, the high B-factors are interpreted as the result of trapped conformational substates. The active site residues that are perturbed during accommodation of different substrates are precisely those showing conformational substates, implying that substrate binding selects a subset of conformations from the ensemble of accessible states. To better characterize the precise nature of these substates, a protein model consisting of 16 structures has been refined and evaluated. The model reveals a number of features that could not be well-described by conventional B-factors: for example, 40% of the main-chain residue conformations are distributed asymmetrically or in discrete clusters. Furthermore, these data demonstrate an unexpected correlation between motions on either side of the binding pocket that we suggest is a consequence of "dynamic close packing." These results provide strong evidence for the role of protein dynamics in substrate binding and are consistent with the results of dynamic studies of ligand binding in myoglobin and ribonuclease A.  相似文献   

Panning of a substrate phage library with an -lytic protease mutant showed that substrate phage display can be used to isolate sequences with improved protease sensitivity even for proteases of relatively broad specificity. Two panning experiments were performed with an engineered -lytic protease mutant known to have a preference for cleavage after His or Met residues. Both experiments led to the isolation of protease-sensitive phage containing linker sequences in which His and Met residues were enriched compared with the initial library. Despite the relatively hydrophobic substrate binding site of the enzyme, the predominant protease-sensitive sequence isolated from the second library panning had the sequence Asp-Ser-Thr-Met. Kinetic studies showed that this sequence was cleaved up to 4.5-fold faster than rationally designed positive controls. Protease-resistant phage particles were also selected and characterized, with the finding that Gly and Pro appeared frequently at the putative P4 positions, whereas Asp dominated the putative P1 position.  相似文献   

Linkers that connect repeating secondary structures fall into conformational classes based on distance and main-chain torsion clustering. A data set of 300 unique protein chains with low pairwise sequence identity was clustered into only a few groups representing the preferred motifs. The linkers of two to eight residues for the nonredundant data set are designated H-Ln-H, H-Ln-E, E-Ln-H, E-Ln-E, where n is the length, H stands for alpha-helices, and E for beta-strands. Most of the clusters identified here corroborate earlier findings. However, 19 new clusters are identified in this paper, with many of them having seven and eight residue linkers. In our first analysis, the secondary structures flanking the linkers are both interacting and noninteracting and there is no precise angle of orientation between them. A second analysis was performed on a set of proteins with restricted orientations for the flanking elements, namely, mainly alpha class of proteins with orthogonal architecture. Two definite clusters are identified, one corresponding to linkers of orthogonal helices and the other to linkers of antiparallel helices. Loops forming binding sites or involved in catalytic activity are important determinants of the function of proteins. Although the structural conservation of the residues around the catalytic triad of serine proteases has been studied widely, there has not been a systematic analysis of the conformation of the loops that contain them. Residues of the catalytic triad reside in the linkers of beta-strands, with varying lengths of more than eight residues. Here, we analyze the structural conservation of such linkers by superposition, and observe a conserved structural feature of the linkers incorporating each of the three residues of the catalytic triad.  相似文献   

A strategy for efficient cleavage of fusion proteins using an immobilised protease has been developed. Protease 3C from coxsackie virus was recombinantly produced in Escherichia coli and covalently immobilised onto a solid support. Thereafter, Z(basic) tagged fusion proteins, with a specific cleavage sequence between the domains, were flown through the proteolytic column and circulated until complete cleavage. Subsequently, the processed protein solution was applied on a cation exchanger. Thereby, removal of the released, positively charged fusion tag, Z(basic), was done by adsorption to the matrix while the target proteins were recovered in the flow through. Interestingly, the columns were shown to be reusable without any measurable decrease in activity. Moreover, after storage in 4 degrees C for two months the activity was almost unaffected.  相似文献   

Fusion of proteins to the Fc region of IgG is widely used to express cellular receptors and other extracellular proteins, but cleavage of the fusion partner is sometimes required for downstream applications. Immunoglobulin G-degrading enzyme of Streptococcus pyogenes (IdeS) is a protease with exquisite specificity for human IgG, and it can also cleave Fc-fusion proteins at a single site in the N-terminal region of the CH2 domain. However, the site of IdeS cleavage results in the disulfide-linked hinge region partitioning with the released protein, complicating downstream usage of the cleaved product. To tailor the Fc fragment for release of partner proteins by IdeS treatment, we investigated the effect of deleting regions of IgG-derived sequence that are upstream of the cleavage site. Elimination of the IgG-derived hinge sequence along with several residues of the CH2 domain had negligible effects on expression and purity of the fusion protein, while retaining efficient processing by IdeS. An optimal Fc fragment comprising residues 235–447 of the human IgG1 heavy chain sufficed for efficient production of fusion proteins and minimized the amount of residual Ig-derived sequence on the cleavage product following IdeS treatment. Pairing of this truncated Fc fragment with IdeS cleavage enables highly specific cleavage of Fc-fusion proteins, thus eliminating the need to engineer extraneous cleavage sequences. This system should be helpful for producing Fc-fusion proteins requiring downstream cleavage, particularly those that are sensitive to internal miscleavage if treated with alternative proteases.  相似文献   

Detection of protein-protein interaction can provide valuable information for investigating the biological function of proteins. The current methods that applied in protein-protein interaction, such as co-immunoprecipitation and pull down etc., often cause plenty of working time due to the burdensome cloning and purification procedures. Here we established a system that characterization of protein-protein interaction was accomplished by co-expression and simply purification of target proteins from one expression cassette within E. coli system. We modified pET vector into co-expression vector pInvivo which encoded PPV NIa protease, two cleavage site F and two multiple cloning sites that flanking cleavage sites. The target proteins (for example: protein A and protein B) were inserted at multiple cloning sites and translated into polyprotein in the order of MBP tag-protein A-site F-PPV NIa protease-site F-protein B-His6 tag. PPV NIa protease carried out intracellular cleavage along expression, then led to the separation of polyprotein components, therefore, the interaction between protein A-protein B can be detected through one-step purification and analysis. Negative control for protein B was brought into this system for monitoring interaction specificity. We successfully employed this system to prove two cases of reported protien- protein interaction: RHA2a/ANAC and FTA/FTB. In conclusion, a convenient and efficient system has been successfully developed for detecting protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

A secreted, soluble variant of the Kex-1 endopeptidase from Kluyveromyces lactis has been produced and studied as a novel cleavage enzyme exhibiting high specificity for the Lys-Arg peptide. This highly selective, efficient enzyme is particularly adapted for use in manufacturing when a recombinant therapeutic protein, possessing its native N-terminus, has to be released in vitro from a bacterially-expressed fusion protein. In this paper, we describe the preparation of a Kex-1 variant using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its application in the production of important therapeutic recombinant proteins such as human growth hormone, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and interferon-α-2b.  相似文献   

An important goal in the de novo design of enzymes is the control of molecular geometry. To this end, an analog of the protease from human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1 protease) was prepared by total chemical synthesis, containing a constrained, nonpeptidic type II' beta-turn mimic of predetermined three-dimensional structure. The mimic beta-turn replaced residues Gly16,17 in each subunit of the homodimeric molecule. These residues constitute the central amino acids of two symmetry-related type I' beta-turns in the native, unliganded enzyme. The beta-turn mimic-containing enzyme analog was fully active, possessed the same substrate specificity as the Gly16,17-containing enzyme, and showed enhanced resistance to thermal inactivation. These results indicate that the precise geometry of the beta-turn at residues 15-18 in each subunit is not critical for activity, and that replacement of the native sequence with a rigid beta-turn mimic can lead to enhanced protein stability. Finally, the successful incorporation of a fixed element of secondary structure illustrates the potential of a "molecular kit set" approach to protein design and synthesis.  相似文献   

Human parathyroid hormone, hPTH, an 84 amino acid polypeptide, was produced intracellularly inEscherichia coli as a fusion protein, linked to the C-terminus of a 15 kD IgG-binding protein. Approximately 100 mg fusion protein was obtained per liter fermentation medium. To test the efficiency of two alternative enzymatic cleavage methods, two fusion proteins differing only in the linker region were constructed. Cleavage of a Phe-Phe-Pro-Arg linker was obtained with bovine thrombin and cleavage of a Phe-Ala-His-Tyr linker with recombinant H64A subtilisin. Both enzmes yielded the correct N-terminus and cleaved their respective linkers quantitatively, although additional internal cleavage sites in hPTH were detected and characterized. The linker cleavage conditions were optimized and hPTH was purified to homogeneity. Thrombin cleavage resulted in a final yield of 5 mg hPTH/L, while H64A subtilisin cleavage was more specific and gave 8 mg/L. The purified recombinant product was identical to native hPTH and exhibited full biological activity in an adenylate cyclase assay.  相似文献   

P A Rice  A Goldman  T A Steitz 《Proteins》1990,8(4):334-340
By exhaustive structural comparisons, we have found that about one-third of the alpha-helix-turn-beta-strand polypeptides in alpha-beta barrel domains share a common structural motif. The chief characteristics of this motif are that first, the geometry of the turn between the alpha-helix and the beta-strand is somewhat constrained, and second, the beta-strand contains a hydrophobic patch that fits into a hydrophobic pocket on the alpha-helix. The geometry of the turn does not seem to be a major determinant of the alpha-beta unit, because the turns vary in length from four to six residues. However, the motif does not occur when there are few constraints on the geometry of the turn-for instance, when the turns between the alpha-helix and the beta-strands are very long. It also occurs much less frequently in flat-sheet alpha-beta proteins, where the topology is much less regular and the amount of twist on the sheet varies considerably more than in the barrel proteins. The motif may be one of the basic building blocks from which alpha-beta barrels are constructed.  相似文献   

A novel fusion protein designed to facilitate protein purification was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified separately by two different chromatography methods. L-Asparaginase from Erwinia chrysanthemi is fused to the N-terminus of a model peptide, alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha-hANP). L-Asparaginase was chosen because of its selective affinity for L-asparagine and because of its unusually high isoelectric point(8.6). A gene construction without the L-asparaginase native signal sequence caused expression at a level of 8% of total cell protein, while gene construction with the native signal sequence resulted in over five time less expression. The hybrid protein expressed without the signal sequence was purified from clarified cell lysate byeither L-asparagine affinity chromatography or cation exchange chromatography. After digestion of the fusion protein with factor Xa protease, a peptide with a molecular weight corresponding to the theoretical molecular weight of alpha-hANP was observed by coupled HPLC/mass spectrometry. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

An important step in understanding how a protein folds is to determine those regions of the sequence that are critical to both its stability and its folding pathway. We chose phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase from Escherichia coli, which is a monomeric representative of the (beta alpha)8 barrel family of proteins, to construct a variant that carries an internal tandem duplication of the fifth beta alpha module. This (beta alpha)9 variant was enzymically active and therefore must have a wild-type (beta alpha)8 core. It had a choice a priori to fold to three different folding frames, which are distinguished by carrying the duplicated segment as an insert into one out of three different loops. Steady-state kinetic constants, the fluorescence properties of a crucial tryptophan residue, and limited proteolysis showed that the stable (beta alpha)9 variant carries the insertion between beta-strand 5 and alpha-helix 5. This preference can be explained by the important role of loops between alpha helices and beta strands in stabilizing the structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Hydroxylamine was used to cleave the Asn-Gly peptide bond between the fusion partner and the antimicrobial peptide of interest, a magainin derivative (MSI-344). The efficiency of reaction depended on the hydroxylamine concentration, denaturant, pH, and the fused protein concentration. The optimal cleavage solution consisted of guanidine HCl as the denaturant, pH 8.1, and 6.7 mg ml–1 of fused MSI-344. This optimized cleavage solution resulted in a high yield (95% ) of MSI-344 from a cultivation of E. coli. This result suggests potential applications for using hydroxylamine to cleave basic peptides produced from fusion proteins.  相似文献   

The protein folding problem represents one of the most challenging problems in computational biology. Distance constraints and topology predictions can be highly useful for the folding problem in reducing the conformational space that must be searched by deterministic algorithms to find a protein structure of minimum conformational energy. We present a novel optimization framework for predicting topological contacts and generating interhelical distance restraints between hydrophobic residues in alpha-helical globular proteins. It should be emphasized that since the model does not make assumptions about the form of the helices, it is applicable to all alpha-helical proteins, including helices with kinks and irregular helices. This model aims at enhancing the ASTRO-FOLD protein folding approach of Klepeis and Floudas (Journal of Computational Chemistry 2003;24:191-208), which finds the structure of global minimum conformational energy via a constrained nonlinear optimization problem. The proposed topology prediction model was evaluated on 26 alpha-helical proteins ranging from 2 to 8 helices and 35 to 159 residues, and the best identified average interhelical distances corresponding to the predicted contacts fell below 11 A in all 26 of these systems. Given the positive results of applying the model to several protein systems, the importance of interhelical hydrophobic-to-hydrophobic contacts in determining the folding of alpha-helical globular proteins is highlighted.  相似文献   

Imamura H  Chen JZ 《Proteins》2007,67(2):459-468
We present a minimal model for proteins, which is able to capture the structural conversion between the alpha-helix and beta-hairpin. In most regimes of the parameter space, the model produces a stable structure at a low temperature; in a few limited regimes of the parameter space, the model displays an beta-hairpin transition as the physical conditions vary. These variations include a perturbation on hydrogen bonding propensity at the middle of the modeled chain, or the change of the hydrophobicity of a designated pair along the chain. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrate the structural conversion by means of state diagrams, heat capacity maps, and free energy maps.  相似文献   

Protogenin (PRTG) is a transmembrane protein of immunoglobulin superfamily, which has multiple roles in embryogenesis as a receptor or an adhesion molecule. In this study, we present sequential proteolytic cleavage of PRTG. The cleavage first occurs at the extracellular domain, then at the interface of the transmembrane and the intracellular domain by γ-secretase, which results in the release of the intracellular domain of PRTG (PRTG-ICD). PRTG-ICD contains putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) at its N-terminal, and translocates to the nucleus in cultured cells and in the neuroepithelial cells of chick embryos. We propose that the PRTG-ICD is cleaved by γ-secretase and translocates to the nucleus, which is potentially implicated in signaling for neural differentiation and in cell adhesion mediated by PRTG.  相似文献   

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