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Monoclonal antibodies that bind a large molecular weight plasma membrane protein of Acanthamoeba castellanii cause the cells to differentiate. A different monoclonal antibody that binds specifically to the major plasma membrane protein has no effect upon cell division or differentiation. The induction of differentiation by the monoclonal antibodies requires a bivalent attachment, more than a single binding cycle of the antibody to the plasma membrane protein, does not require cell-cell contact, and appears to be mediated by an inhibition of pinocytosis. These results suggest one of two alternatives: either this free living amoeba possesses a cell surface receptor that serves to initiate the differentiation process when stimulated, or the specific plasma membrane antigen for the differentiation-inducing monoclonal antibodies is an essential component of the pinocytotic mechanism. While it seems more likely on the basis of available evidence that we are observing the biological effects of a cell surface receptor, either of the two alternative circumstances open up investigative areas of large significance.  相似文献   

Specific antibody has been obtained against cytochrome b (pig heart mitochondria). It inhibits the electron transport of the respiratory chain in the intact mitochondria at the cytochrome b site of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It has no effect on the isolated submitochondrial particles which are inside-out inner membrane vescicles free of any outer membrane or outside-out inner membrane. These findings indicate a probably not transmembranous topologic localization of cytochrome b; this component of the respiratory chain seems located near the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

We developed a novel method to quantitatively measure GTP gamma S binding to specific G proteins in crude membranes using G-protein antibodies. The basic strategy was that the materials were initially incubated with [35S]GTP gamma S at 37 degrees C. After 4 degrees C incubation in the wells of an ELISA plate precoated with G-protein antibodies, the radioactivity of each well was counted. This method, using an anti-Gi antiserum and an anti-Gs antiserum, quantitatively and specifically detected the binding of GTP gamma S to purified Gi2 and Gs. In S49 cell membranes, GTP gamma S binding to immunoreactive Gs was observed in a time-dependent manner that obeyed first-order kinetics, and the rate constant was stimulated approximately twofold in response to isoproterenol. The effect of isoproterenol was not observed in unc mutant membranes. The present method thus makes it possible to quantitatively measure GTP gamma S binding to specific G proteins in cell membranes.  相似文献   

Some changes have been found in the rates of the desintegration by sodium dodecylsulfate of human erythrocite membranes (EM) after incubation with specific group antibodies (GA) from incompatible blood. GA have no effect on the disintegration rates of EM by sodium desoxycholate and Triton X-100. The data are considered as the evidence of the structural transition in EM induced by GA and resulting in modification of integrative coupling forces primarily in the protein components of the membrane. The stopflow technique has been used to investigate the dependence of the desintegration rates in the quick phase (10 to 100 ms) upon the GA concentrations in the incubation medium and upon the incubation time. The obtained curves are distinctly S-shaped that is peculiar of cooperative processes.  相似文献   

The binding sites for four monoclonal antibodies, rho 1D4, rho 3C2, rho 3A6, and rho 1C5, have been localized within the C-terminal region of bovine rhodopsin: Asp18'-Glu-Ala16'-Ser-Thr-Thr-Val12'-Ser-Lys-Thr-Gl u8'-Thr-Ser-Gln-Val4'-Ala-Pr o -Ala1'. Antibody binding sites were localized by using synthetic C-terminal peptides in conjunction with solid-phase competitive inhibition assays and limited proteolytic digestion of rhodopsin in conjunction with electrophoretic immunoblotting techniques. Binding of the rho 1D4 and rho 3C2 antibodies to immobilized rhodopsin was inhibited with peptides of length 1'-8' and longer. Antibody rho 1D4 binding was not inhibited by peptides 2'-13' or 3'-18', indicating that the C-terminal alanine residue of rhodopsin was required. Similar competitive inhibition studies indicated that the antibody rho 3A6 required peptides of length 1'-12' and longer whereas rho 1C5 required peptide 1'-18'. Peptide 3'-18' was as effective as 1'-18' in inhibiting rho 3A6 binding to rhodopsin, but replacement of glutamic acid in position 8' with glutamine abolished competition. This substitution had little effect on the binding of antibody rho 1C5. Thus, Glu8' was essential for rho 3A6 binding but not for the binding of the rho 1C5 antibody. Cleavage of the seven amino acid C-terminus from rhodopsin and further cleavage to F1 (Mr 25 000) and F2 (Mr 12 000) fragments with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease abolished binding of rho 1D4 antibody to the membrane-bound rhodopsin fragments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

T lymphocytes are activated to proliferate via a surface membrane receptor recognizing the antigen/major histocompatibility complex. This membrane component is comprised of at least five polypeptide subunits, collectively termed the Ti-T3 receptor complex. A transient increase in cytosolic free calcium occurs as an early event in the T-cell activation process and is necessary for induction of the endogenous IL-2 and certain other genes. Monoclonal antibodies specific to epitopes of either the Ti or the T3 components were shown to be effective agonists, also leading to such transient rises in cytosolic free calcium and activating the lymphocytes. Here we show, using micropipette-supported bilayers formed from membranes of the human T-cell line REX, that Ti- or T3-specific antibodies cause opening of ligand gated ion channels. Both types of specific antibodies yielded similar histograms of conductance amplitudes which show a channel with a conductance of 2-3 pS in symmetrical 100 mM CaCl2 solutions. These channels allow the passage of calcium and barium ions and are blocked by lanthanum ions, suggesting that they are specific for calcium. We propose that these channels, by allowing the entry of external calcium, may account for a large fraction of the rise in intracellular calcium observed upon triggering of the Ti-T3 receptor.  相似文献   

We have adapted the polymerase chain reaction to identify strains of Acanthamoeba. Using computer-assisted analysis, primers were designed from an anonymous repetitive sequence and from published sequences of 18S and 5S ribosomal RNA genes of A. castellanii. Amplification of a short ribosomal DNA target (272 base pairs) at restrictive annealing conditions (greater than 50 degrees C) resulted in a single band that was unique for the genus and distinguished Acanthamoeba from Naegleria. This assay functioned with fresh and formalin-fixed cells as starting material. Amplification of longer targets (400-700 base pairs) at less restrictive annealing conditions (less than 47 degrees C) led to more than one band. This multiple banding pattern could reproducibly classify Acanthamoeba at the strain level and was, in certain cases, diagnostic for known pathogenic strains. However, these assays need to be further refined to make them relevant for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

In nature, increased stability of enzymes has often been found to be associated with noncovalent protein-protein interactions. Specific antibodies should be suitable for this purpose. To test this hypothesis, we used a number of model enzymes, complexed them with their specific antibodies, and exposed them and the free enzymes to low and high temperature, lyophilization, oxidation, and alcohol. The retained activity of the antibody-complexed enzymes was substantially, and in some cases dramatically, higher. In general mechanistic terms, stabilization may have been accomplished either by noncovalent antibody crosslinking of discontinuous oligopeptide chains on the surface of the enzyme, thereby increasing resistance to unfolding of the enzyme, or by physical shielding by the antibodies of vulnerable sites on the surface of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization of the two major allergens, Lol p I and Lol p IX, in rye-grass anthers was examined using monoclonal antibodies FMCA1 (specific for Lol p I) and FMCA7 (specific for Lol p IX) with immunocytochemical techniques and quantitative analysis. A newly developed anhydrous fixation technique in a mixture of glutaraldehyde, paraformaldehyde and 2, 2-dimethoxypropane followed by embedding in LR Gold resin resulted in both improved infiltration of pollen grains compared with existing techniques and the localization of these water-soluble antigens in their original sites compared with diffusion artefacts following aqueous methods. After anhydrous fixation, Lol p I was predominantly located in the electron-opaque regions of the cytosol of the vegetative cell of the tricellular pollen grains (24 counts m-2), whereas Lol p IX was detected mainly within starch granules (16 counts m-2). For both Lol p I and Lol p IX, similar labelling was detected in the cells of the endothecium and middle layer (18 counts m-2), but none was found in the tapetal cells or orbicules.  相似文献   

This non-isotopic method for detection of nucleic acids is based on the in situ labelling of the nucleic acid by exposure to UV-irradiation. The different UV-induced photoproducts, mainly of the thymidine dimer type, are recognized by purified rabbit antibodies specific to the lesions introduced. The UV-labelled nucleic acids can then be visualized by conventional immunostaining procedures. A major advantage of the technique is the low cost and the ease by which the DNA is specifically labelled. The purified rabbit antibodies were shown to be specific for UV-irradiated DNA, and the method was applied for detection of specific DNA sequences hybridized to homologous target DNA on membrane support. We believe that the sensitivity of the method can be improved, and the significance of using different UV-doses, immunostaining methods and membrane types is discussed.  相似文献   

Proliferation of Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff strain) in either a broth medium or a defined medium was arrested by alpha-monofluoromethyldehydroornithine (delta-MFMOme), alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), and (R,R')-delta-methyl-alpha-acetylenic putrescine (MAP), three specific inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase. Although all three inhibited the ameba enzyme, delta-MFMOme was the most effective inhibitor of multiplication. Growth inhibition was reversed by the addition of polyamines. The inhibitors did not induce differentiation by themselves although DFMO caused encystment when supplemented with CaCl2 or MgSO4.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission electron microscopic images of transfer RNAs reveal the molecular dimensions and compact morphology of these small macromolecules in unprecedented detail. Selective labeling of a sulfhydryl group on 2-thiocytidine enzymatically inserted at position 75 at the 3' end of yeast tRNA(Phe) with an undecagold cluster permits identification of this specific tRNA site by dark field STEM. Imaging of a single nucleotide at a defined location on the tRNA molecule should make it possible to localize in situ tRNAs at the A, P, and E sites of the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center, and in complexes of tRNA with enzymes and elongation factors. In addition, this approach may be used for the highly specific topographical mapping of other RNAs and/or biological macromolecular complexes.  相似文献   

We studied specific membrane-membrane interactions mediated by ligand-receptor binding in a model system, which consisted of (a) FG3P, the fluorescein hapten attached to a phospholipid by a peptidyl spacer as described previously (Petrossian, A., A.B. Kantor, and J.C. Owicki. 1985. J. Lipid Res. 26:767-773), (b) antifluorescein monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), and (c) phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) into which the FG3P was incorporated. The aggregation of the hapten-bearing liposomes by four MAbs was studied by differential centrifugation. The ability of the MAbs to induce vesicle aggregation varied considerably and correlated inversely with affinity. Aggregation by one of the MAbs was studied in more detail by turbidimetry and freeze-fracture electron microscopy of samples frozen throughout the course of the aggregation. Rapid freezing was achieved with a double propane-jet apparatus. The aggregate morphologies and the time evolution of the aggregate size distribution were obtained from the two-dimensional fracture views with a stereological correction. The aggregation kinetics were simulated by considering dynamical aggregation according to a mass-action model with two parameters, the rate constants for antibody-mediated vesicle aggregation and disaggregation. Both rate constants were orders of magnitude lower than the rate constants for the corresponding interactions of antibodies with haptens either in solution or on vesicles under nonaggregating conditions.  相似文献   

The monoclonal immunofluorescence technique described here is a sensitive method to detect very small P. falciparum antigens. It is specially usefull in very low parasitemias when the detection of infected R.B.C. is particularly difficult by conventional Giemsa's coloured smears on thick drops. This technique requires only 0.5 to 1 ml of blood to be performed. This method allows the microscopic examination of large number of blood samples in a relatively short time. It permits also a very precise localisation of parasite in R.B.C. In the same way, the chemotherapy can easily be followed up and chemo-resistance forms may be studied more precisely than when using the standard microscopic examination. Reactions are always negative in individuals who have never visited malaria endemic countries. The plasma polyclonal antibodies directed against P. falciparum do not interfere with the technique (carried out on fresh or thawed R.B.C.).  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence assays on acetone-fixed smears of a series of different parasites, we have shown that two monoclonal antibodies bind specifically to Trypanosoma congolense organisms. The antibodies bind to both bloodstream trypomastigotes and procyclic culture forms of the parasite and are thus not stage specific. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analysis showed that both monoclonal reagents bound a protein of approximately 31,000 m.w. This antigen appeared to be located on the plasma membrane of T. congolense, but the epitope was not exposed on the surface of living bloodstream or procyclic organisms. The antigen was detectable on acetone-fixed organisms or in trypanosome lysates in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and may therefore by useful as a species-specific marker in field assays for epidemiologic and clinical investigations.  相似文献   

We have adapted a non-radioactive technique to detect localized mRNAs in whole-mount Xenopus embryos. Synthetic antisense RNA transcribed in the presence of digoxygenin-UTP is used as a probe and is detected via an anti-digoxygenin antibody. We show that localized mRNAs can be detected from late gastrula to tadpole stages and that high as well as low abundance RNAs can be detected. The method was tested on muscle actin and alpha-globin RNAs, whose localization has previously been characterized. In addition, we used the method to determine the distribution of XA-1 RNA, an anterior ectoderm-specific RNA, which we show is expressed in the periphery of the cement gland as well as in the region of the hatching gland. The sequence of an XA-1 cDNA predicts a protein rich in proline and histidine.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the nuclear thyroid hormone receptors encoded by c-ERB A genes and against a purified nuclear receptor fraction. These antibodies recognize the c-ERB A protein in nuclear extracts from rat liver and are able to compete with thyroid hormone in Scatchard analyses. In sections of rat liver they react with all the hepatocyte nuclei as well as with the cells of the hepatic bile ducts. Comparison with another putative T3 receptor antibody, described previously, showed that distinct 57 kD proteins with a different cellular distribution were recognized.  相似文献   

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