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In Drosophila, the morphological diversity is generated by the activation of different sets of active developmental regulatory genes in the different body subdomains. Here, we have investigated the role of the homothorax/extradenticle (hth/exd) gene pair in the elaboration of the pattern of the anterior mesothorax (notum). These two genes are active in the same regions and behave as a single functional unit. We find that their original uniform expression in the notum is downregulated during development and becomes restricted to two distinct, alpha and betasubdomains. This modulation appears to be important for the formation of distinct patterns in the two subdomains. The regulation of hth/exd expression is achieved by the combined repressing functions of the Pax gene eyegone (eyg) and of the Dpp pathway. hth/exd is repressed in the body regions where eyg is active and that also contain high levels of Dpp activity. We also present evidence for a molecular interaction between the Hth and the Eyg proteins that may be important for the patterning of the alpha subdomain.  相似文献   

Salivary gland formation in the Drosophila embryo is dependent on the homeotic gene Sex combs reduced (Scr). When Scr function is missing, salivary glands do not form, and when SCR is expressed everywhere in the embryo, salivary glands form in new places. Scr is normally expressed in all the cells that form the salivary gland. However, as the salivary gland invaginates, Scr mRNA and protein disappear. Homeotic genes, such as Scr, specify tissue identity by regulating the expression of downstream target genes. For many homeotic proteins, target gene specificity is achieved by cooperatively binding DNA with cofactors. Therefore, it is likely that SCR also requires a cofactor(s) to specifically bind to DNA and regulate salivary gland target gene expression. Here, we show that two homeodomain-containing proteins encoded by the extradenticle (exd) and homothorax (hth) genes are also required for salivary gland formation. exd and hth function at two levels: (1) exd and hth are required to maintain the expression of Scr in the salivary gland primordia prior to invagination and (2) exd and hth are required in parallel with Scr to regulate the expression of downstream salivary gland genes. We also show that Scr regulates the nuclear localization of EXD in the salivary gland primordia through repression of homothorax (hth) expression, linking the regulation of Scr activity to the disappearance of Scr expression in invaginating salivary glands.  相似文献   

Notch signaling controls formation of joints at leg segment borders and growth of the developing Drosophila leg. Here, we identify the odd-skipped gene family as a key group of genes that function downstream of the Notch receptor to promote morphological changes associated with joint formation during leg development. odd, sob, drm, and bowl are expressed in a segmental pattern in the developing leg, and their expression is regulated by Notch signaling. Ectopic expression of odd, sob, or drm can induce invaginations in the leg disc epithelium and morphological changes in the adult leg that are characteristic of endogenous invaginating joint cells. These effects are not due to an alteration in the expression of other genes of the developing joint. While odd or drm mutant clones do not affect leg segmentation, and thus appear to act redundantly, bowl mutant clones do perturb leg development. Specifically, bowl mutant clones result in a failure of joint formation from the distal tibia to tarsal segment 5, while more proximal clones cause melanotic protrusions from the leg cuticle. Together, these results indicate that the odd-skipped family of genes mediates Notch function during leg development by promoting a specific aspect of joint formation, an epithelial invagination. As the odd-skipped family genes are involved in regulating cellular morphogenesis during both embryonic segmentation and hindgut development, we suggest that they may be required in multiple developmental contexts to induce epithelial cellular changes.  相似文献   

Antennapedia is one of the homeotic selector genes required for specification of segment identity in Drosophila. Dominant mutations that ectopically express Antennapedia cause transformation of antenna to leg. Loss-of-function mutations cause partial transformation of leg to antenna. Here we examine the role of Antennapedia in the establishment of leg identity in light of recent advances in our understanding of antennal development. In Antennapedia mutant clones in the leg disc, Homothorax and Distal-less are coexpressed and act via spineless to transform proximal femur to antenna. Antennapedia is negatively regulated during leg development by Distal-less, spineless, and dachshund and this reduced Antennapedia expression is needed for the proper development of distal leg elements. These findings suggest that the temporal and spatial regulation of the homeotic selector gene Antennapedia in the leg disc is necessary for normal leg development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Cellular interaction between the proximal and distal domains of the limb plays key roles in proximal-distal patterning. In Drosophila, these domains are established in the embryonic leg imaginal disc as a proximal domain expressing escargot, surrounding the Distal-less expressing distal domain in a circular pattern. The leg imaginal disc is derived from the limb primordium that also gives rise to the wing imaginal disc. We describe here essential roles of Wingless in patterning the leg imaginal disc. Firstly, Wingless signaling is essential for the recruitment of dorsal-proximal, distal, and ventral-proximal leg cells. Wingless requirement in the proximal leg domain appears to be unique to the embryo, since it was previously shown that Wingless signal transduction is not active in the proximal leg domain in larvae. Secondly, downregulation of Wingless signaling in wing disc is essential for its development, suggesting that Wg activity must be downregulated to separate wing and leg discs. In addition, we provide evidence that Dll restricts expression of a proximal leg-specific gene expression. We propose that those embryo-specific functions of Wingless signaling reflect its multiple roles in restricting competence of ectodermal cells to adopt the fate of thoracic appendages.  相似文献   

The deadlock gene is required for a number of key developmental events in Drosophila oogenesis. Females homozygous for mutations in the deadlock gene lay few eggs and those exhibit severe patterning defects along both the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axis. In this study, we analyzed eggs and ovaries from deadlock mutants and determined that deadlock is required for germline maintenance, stability of mitotic spindles, localization of patterning determinants, oocyte growth and fusome biogenesis in males and females. Deadlock encodes a novel protein which colocalizes with the oocyte nucleus at midstages of oogenesis and with the centrosomes of early embryos. Our genetic and immunohistological experiments point to a role for Deadlock in microtubule function during oogenesis.  相似文献   

The genes Distal-less, dachshund, extradenticle, and homothorax have been shown in Drosophila to be among the earliest genes that define positional values along the proximal-distal (PD) axis of the developing legs. In order to study PD axis formation in the appendages of the pill millipede Glomeris marginata, we have isolated homologues of these four genes and have studied their expression patterns. In the trunk legs, there are several differences to Drosophila, but the patterns are nevertheless compatible with a conserved role in defining positional values along the PD axis. However, their role in the head appendages is apparently more complex. Distal-less in the mandible and maxilla is expressed in the forming sensory organs and, thus, does not seem to be involved in PD axis patterning. We could not identify in the mouthparts components that are homologous to the distal parts of the trunk legs and antennnae. Interestingly, there is also a transient premorphogenetic expression of Distal-less in the second antennal and second maxillary segment, although no appendages are eventually formed in these segments. The dachshund gene is apparently involved both in PD patterning as well as in sensory organ development in the antenna, maxilla, and mandible. Strong dachshund expression is specifically correlated with the tooth-like part of the mandible, a feature that is shared with other mandibulate arthropods. homothorax is expressed in the proximal and medial parts of the legs, while extradenticle RNA is only seen in the proximal region. This overlap of expression corresponds to the functional overlap between extradenticle and homothorax in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Pax6 homolog twin of eyeless (toy) is so far the first zygotically expressed gene involved in eye morphogenesis in Drosophila. The study of its expression during embryogenesis is therefore informative of the initial events of eye development in Drosophila. We have analyzed how the initial expression domain of toy at cellular blastoderm is regulated. We show that the three maternal patterning systems active in the cephalic region (the anterior, terminal and dorsal-ventral systems) cooperate with zygotically activated gap genes to shape the initial expression domain of toy. Whereas Bicoid, Dorsal and Torso signaling synergistically act as activators, Hunchback, Knirps and Decapentaplegic act as repressors.  相似文献   

The leg genes extradenticle, homothorax, dachshund, and Distal-less define three antagonistic developmental domains in the legs, but not in the antenna, of Drosophila. Here we report the expression patterns of these leg genes in the prosomal appendages of the spider Cupiennius salei. The prosoma of the spider bears six pairs of appendages: a pair of cheliceres, a pair of pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs. Three types of appendages thus can be distinguished in the spider. We show here that in the pedipalp, the leg-like second prosomal appendage, the patterns are very similar to those in the legs themselves, indicating the presence of three antagonistic developmental domains in both appendage types. In contrast, in the chelicera, the fang-like first prosomal appendage, the patterns are different and there is no evidence for antagonistic domains. Together with data from Drosophila this suggests that leg-shaped morphology of arthropod appendages requires an underlying set of antagonistic developmental domains, whereas other morphologies (e.g. antenna, chelicera) may result from the loss of such antagonistic domains.Edited by M. Akam  相似文献   

Pattern formation during animal development is often induced by extracellular signaling molecules, known as morphogens, which are secreted from localized sources. During wing development in Drosophila, Wingless (Wg) is activated by Notch signaling along the dorsal-ventral boundary of the wing imaginal disc and acts as a morphogen to organize gene expression and cell growth. Expression of wg is restricted to a narrow stripe by Wg itself, repressing its own expression in adjacent cells. This refinement of wg expression is essential for specification of the wing margin. Here, we show that a homeodomain protein, Defective proventriculus (Dve), mediates the refinement of wg expression in both the wing disc and embryonic proventriculus, where dve expression requires Wg signaling. Our results provide evidence for a feedback mechanism that establishes the wg-expressing domain through the action of a Wg-induced gene product.  相似文献   

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